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How many players are on a basketball team including substitutes
How many players are on a basketball team including substitutes
Basketball rules simply explained
The Basics
A court, two teams, two baskets and a ball - that's all you need. Here, you will learn more about the requirements of a basketball game.
In basketball, there are a total of ten players on the field at the same time, five per team. In addition, a team can have up to seven substitute players with unlimited substitutions.
The starting line-up, also called Starting Five, usually consists of a center, two forwards and two guards. Variations are also possible.
The object of basketball is to throw the ball into the opposing team's basket, placed 10 feet (3.05m) above the court on opposite ends of the rectangular court. Free throws are worth 1 point, a field goal is worth 2 points. If the shot is taken from behind the three point line it is worth 3 points. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
The object of basketball is to throw the ball into the basket.
Game length
Under FIBA rules, a game is divided into four quarters, each lasting 10 minutes. In the NBA each quarter lasts 12 minutes. If the game is tied at the end of regulation, overtime periods of 5 minutes are played until a winner is determined.
The most important rules of basketball
Goaltending, dribbling, 8 second rule - lost yet? If you need a refresher on the rules of basketball - fret no more! In this article we will tell you everything you need to know about basketball.
By the way: The rules of basketball may differ slightly from league to league, such as FIBA, NBA or NCAA.
In basketball there are many rules, for example concerning player contact.
In basketball there are four types of fouls:
• Personal foul: irregular contact (defensive foul, offensive foul)
• Technical foul: technical violations and lack of discipline (e.g. disregard of referee decisions, provocation, too many players on the court)
• Unsportsmanlike foul: An unsporting foul is a noncontact technical foul which consists of unfair, unethical, dishonorable conduct or any behavior not in accordance with the spirit of fair play.
• Disqualifying foul: flagrant unsportsmanlike behaviour
Defensive Foul
A defender may only defend against an attacker in possession of the ball to a limited extent. Holding, blocking, kicking, jerking, tripping or obstruction with outstretched arms, elbows or legs are not permitted.
Offensive Foul
An attacker in possession of the ball commits a foul when there is contact with a defender who is either in a legal defensive position or moving backwards. Typical offensive fouls include pushing the defender away with the forearm or elbow contact.
Look but don't touch: When dealing with opponents, attackers and defenders need to observe several rules.
After one disqualifying foul or two unsportsmanlike fouls a player is ejected from the game and they have to immediately leave the arena or remain in the locker room until the game is over. A player is no longer allowed to participate in the game when they have accumulated five personal or technical fouls.
Time violations
Basketball is characterized by its fast pace. This is mainly due to the time rules, which specify how long certain actions may last.
24 second shot clock
As soon as the ball enters play, the shot clock starts counting down from 24, which is the maximum amount of time an offensive play is allowed to last. The 24 second shot clock is reset once the ball touches the rim of the basket. It is also reset for ball possession changes, fouls or when a player touches the ball with their foot.
8 second rule
When a team gains possession of the ball, they need to move the ball into the opposing team's half of the court within 8 seconds.
3 second rule
During an attack, the defending players may remain in the opponent's zone for a maximum of three seconds. It does not matter whether they are in possession of the ball or not.
Referees, however, are often generous with this rule and rarely penalise infringements, especially at a high level.
5 second rule
On an inbound pass, a player may only hold on the ball for a maximum of 5 seconds.
In the game, if a player is closely guarded, they must start dribbling, passing the ball or attempting a shot within five seconds.
Upon violation of this rule, an inbound pass is awarded to the oppossing team.
If the ball or the player with the ball touches the ground on or behind the sideline, the ball is out of bounds.
As soon as the player in possession of the ball stops dribbling, they can only take two more steps. They then need to either pass the ball or make a shot attempt. The player may lift their pivot leg for a shot attempt but they may no longer touch the ground with that leg unless the ball has left their hands.
Outside of time violations, players also need to be wary of many other rule violations.
Foot contact
Touching the playing ball with the foot, knee or leg is considered foot contact.
A distinction is made between defenders and attackers: br/>
• When a defender commits foot contact, the shot clock is reset to 14 seconds if more than ten seconds have passed
• When an attacker commits foot contact, the ball is turned over to the oppossing team and the shot clock is reset to 24 seconds.
Backcourt violation
When on offense, no player of the team currently in possession of the ball may pass the ball from the oppossing teams half, the frontcourt, to their own half, the backcourt.
Double dribble
If an attacker picks up the ball after dribbling, he must not start dribbling again. Otherwise, the opponent is awarded an inbound pass from the side line.
If a defensive player interferes with a shot while it's on the way down toward the basket, while it's on the way up toward the basket after having touched the backboard, or while it's in the cylinder above the rim, it's goaltending and the shot counts.
If committed by an offensive player, it's a violation and the ball is awarded to the opposing team for a throw-in.
Ready to drain some shots?
Now that you are familiar with the basic rules of basketball you are ready to (pick &) roll - regardless of whether you want to dribble across the court yourself or just watch from the bleachers.
If you want to look good as a player or as a fan, our basketball products are just what the doctor ordered.
Want to read more about basketball? In this article we present basketball dribbling exercises. Or read about dunking in basketball.
Have fun playing or cheering on your favorite players!
Photo credits: Pictures 1-3; 5: © iStock / Dmytro Aksonov; Picture 4: © iStock /Geber86; Picture 6: © iStock /skynesher.
RULE NO 3: Players, Substitutes and Coaches
Rulebook Home > RULE NO 3: Players, Substitutes and Coaches
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Section I—Team
- Each team shall consist of five players.
A player is disqualified from the game when he receives his sixth personal foul. No team may be reduced to less than five players. If a player in the game receives his sixth personal foul and all substitutes have already been dis-qualified, said player shall remain in the game and shall be charged with a personal and team foul. A technical foul also shall be assessed against his team. All subsequent personal fouls, including offensive fouls, shall be treated similarly. All players who have six or more personal fouls and remain in the game shall be treated similarly. - In the event that there are only five eligible players remaining and one of these players is injured and must leave the game or is ejected, he must be replaced by the last player who was disqualified by reason of receiving six personal fouls. Each subsequent requirement to replace an injured or ejected player will be treated in this inverse order. Any such re- entry into a game by a disqualified player shall be penalized by a technical foul.
- In the event that a player leaves the playing court while the ball is in play, play will continue until the next stoppage of play and the player will be replaced if he is not ready to return. No technical foul will be assessed, but the incident will be reviewed by the league office for a possible fine and/or suspension.
- EXCEPTION: Rule 10—Section XV
Section II—Starting Line-Ups
At least 30 minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, the scorers shall be supplied with the name and number of each player who will start the game. Failure to comply with this provision shall be reported to the League Office.
Section III—The Captain
- A team may have a captain and a co-captain numbering a maximum of two. The designated captain may be anyone on the active list who is in uniform, except a player-coach.
- The designated captain is the only player who may ask an official about a rule interpretation during a timeout charged to his team.
He may not discuss a judgment decision. - If the designated captain continues to sit on the bench, he remains the captain for the entire game.
- In the event that the captain is absent from the court and bench, his coach shall immediately designate a new captain.
Section IV—The Coach and Others
- The coach’s position may be on or off the bench from the substitution box line (closest to the coach’s bench) to the baseline. A coach is not permitted to cross the midcourt line and violators will be assessed an unsportsmanlike technical foul immediately. All assistants and trainers must remain on the bench. Coaches and trainers are not permitted to go to the scorer’s table, for any reason, except during a dead ball.
- A player-coach, if permitted under NBA regulations, will have no special privileges. He is to conduct himself in the same manner as any other player.
- Any club personnel not seated on the bench must conduct themselves in a manner that would reflect favorably on the dignity of the game and the officials.
Violations by any of the personnel indicated shall require a written report to the League Office for subsequent action. - The bench shall be occupied only by a league-approved head coach, a maximum of three assistant coaches, players and trainer. During an altercation, the head and assistant coaches are permitted on the court as ‘peacemakers.
- If a player, coach or assistant coach is suspended from a game or games, he shall not at any time before, during or after such game or games appear in any part of the arena or stands where his team is playing. A player, coach or assistant coach who is ejected may only remain in the dressing room of his team during the remainder of the game, or leave the building. A violation of this rule shall call for an automatic fine of $2000.
Section V—Substitutes
- A substitute shall report to the scorer and position himself in the vicinity of the 8’ Substitution Box located in front of the scorer’s table. For purposes of this rule, the vicinity of the 8’ Substitution Box means the area from between the 28’ hash mark closest to the bench of the player’s team and the midcourt line.
He shall inform the scorer whom he is going to replace. The scorer shall sound the horn to indicate a substitution. The horn does not have to be sounded if the substitution occurs between periods or during timeouts. - The substitute shall remain in the vicinity of the 8’ Substitution Box until he is beckoned onto the court by an official. If the ball is about to become live, the beckoning signal shall be withheld.
- A substitute must be ready to enter the game when beckoned. No delays for removal of warm-up clothing will be permitted.
- The substitute shall not replace a free throw shooter or a player involved in a jump ball unless dictated to do so by an injury or ejection. (EXCEPTION: Rule 6 -Section VI – b and Rule 9 -Section II – a – (2)) . At no time may he be allowed to attempt a free throw awarded as a result of a technical foul.
- A substitute shall be considered as being in the game when he is beckoned onto the court or recognized as being in the game by an official.
Once a player is in the game, he can- not be removed until the ball is legally touched by a player on the court unless: (1) a personal or technical foul is called, (2) there is a change of possession, (3) a timeout is granted or (4) administration of infection control rule. - A substitute may be recalled from the scorer’s table prior to being beckoned onto the court by an official.
- A player may be replaced and allowed to re-enter the game as a substitute during the same dead ball.
- A player must be in the vicinity of the 8’ Substitution box at the time a violation occurs if the throw-in is to be administered in the backcourt. If a substitute fails to meet this requirement, he may not enter the game until the next legal opportunity.
- EXCEPTION: In the last two minutes of each period or overtime, a reasonable amount of time will be allowed for a substitution.
- If a free throw(s) is awarded, substitutes are only permitted to enter the game prior to the final free throw attempt if the ball will remain in play or following the final free throw attempt if it will not remain in play unless necessitated by disqualification, injury, ejection or any other atypical situation.
- No substitutes may enter the game after a successful field goal by either team, unless the ball is dead due to a personal foul, technical foul, timeout, infection control or violation.
- No substitutes are allowed to enter the game during an official’s suspension-of-play for (1) a delay-of-game warning, (2) retrieving an errant ball, (3) an inadvertent whistle, (4) instant replay review or (5) any other unusual circumstance.
- Suspension of play for a player bleeding. See Comments on the Rules—N.
- Seriously-injured player. Player must be removed and opponent is permitted one substitution.
- A substitute shall not be allowed to re-enter the game after being disqualified. EXCEPTION: Rule 3—Section I—b.
- Notification of all above infractions and ensuing procedures shall be in accordance with Rule 2—Section VII.
Section VI—Uniforms (Players Jerseys)
- Each player shall be numbered on the front and back of his jersey with a number contrasting with the color of the
- Each number must be no less than ¾” in height on the front and 6” on the Each player shall have his surname affixed to the back of his game jersey in letters at least 2½” in height.
Some exceptions to the front number height and surname may exist from time to time. - The home team shall wear light color jerseys, and the visitors dark jerseys unless otherwise For neutral court games and doubleheaders, the second team named in the official schedule shall be regarded as the home team and shall wear the light colored jerseys.
How many players are there in basketball? Positions of players and their meanings
Home / All sports / How many players are there in basketball? Player positions and their meanings
03/23/2020 All sports Leave a comment 42,672 Views
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Basketball is a popular indoor team game played by 2 teams of 5 players each. The essence of the game is to throw the ball into the opponent's ring from different positions, score more points than the opponent. The official basketball rules indicate the following number of players:
- How many in one team on the field - 5
- How many on the site at the same time - 10
- Total number of substitutions in each team - 12
- How many sit on the bench - 7 for each team
It should be clarified that in the past this sport was played 9v9, then they came to the 7v7 version, and today they play 5v5 in all tournaments.
Each basketball match consists of 4 periods: 10 minutes each in competitions under the auspices of FIBA and 12 minutes each. in the National Basketball League (NBA). The number of substitutions in basketball is not limited.
We also note that there are no differences in the number of people on the court in the NBA and FIBA: 5 vs 5 are played here and there. -and years. True, here each team can have 10 people in the application (5 on the field, 5 on the substitution).
There is another common version of basketball called "streetball". Here they play 3 on 3 plus, and in total there can be 6 people in the squad with spares. Read more about the rules of the streetball game here.
Positions of players in basketball and their meanings
There are 3 positions in basketball (defender, forward and center), but if you divide the players by ampoule, then 5 categories are distinguished:
- Point guard (first number) - Point Guard (PG )
- Shooting guard (second number) -Shooting Guard (SG)
- Small Forward (SF)
- Power Forward (PF)
- Center (fifth number) - Center (C)
Point guard
Point guard is a player who must have good ball handling, dribbling and leadership skills.
Traditionally, the point guard enters the field at number 1: they are short, very fast and agile. As a rule, basketball players of this role play away from their own and other people's baskets and in the other half of the court they are a playmaker who performs a large number of attacking actions.
Attacking defender
Such a player is responsible for long-range 3-point shots on the field, he must have good accuracy and hit the basket from different distances. The attacking defender must also be excellent with the ball and assist the point guard in creating combinations. Perhaps the most striking example of the best shooting guard in basketball history is Michael Jordan.
Small forward
The small forward is the most versatile player on the basketball team. Its functions include scoring, rebounding, blocking. The combination of height, agility and speed allows the small forward to play well in a number of positions and score a lot of points.
Power Forward
The power forward must be tall and strong in order to be proficient under the basket. Many basketball players in this position do not score many points, but they bring a lot of value on rebounds. Such forwards are also good at blocking other people's shots.
As a rule, these are the most powerful and tallest members of the team with a height of more than 2 meters and a weight of more than 100 kg. The center can be an excellent scorer, as well as an excellent ball interceptor and blocker. For most teams, the center is the last line of defense. Especially in the 20th century in the NBA, the presence of a center on the field was considered a fundamental factor in winning matches and the tournament as a whole. The most striking example of a center is Shaquille O'Neal.
Basketball rules do not establish a strictly regulated position of players on the court - it's all purely formal. Any player during the match can be anywhere on the court.
Particularly appreciated in this sport are universal basketball players who can play equally well in any position. A player with a huge arsenal of skills will certainly be taken to one of the best teams in the world. In modern realities, it is very important to develop yourself in different positions - universality is a valuable indicator, as well as in many other sports.
See also: Basketball size 7,6,5,3 (weight, diameter, pressure)
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How many players are there in basketball and what position do they occupy on the field?
To find out how many players there are in basketball, you just need to watch any match. Five people on each side, it's easy to count. But the team consists of a larger number of persons, since substitute players are needed.
If a basketball player from the main team for some reason cannot enter the court, then he will be replaced by a substitute from the same team. This is not all the features, each player has his own role and functions. It doesn’t hurt to deal with the T-shirts, why don’t the numbers on them go in order? From this article, you will find out how many people are on the basketball team, what duties they have, as the strange numbering on the uniform explains.
Basketball is not just competition for the ball and accuracy of hits, it is primarily a tactic. Any coach reflects on tactics, starting from the characteristics of his wards. To play a good game, he needs specialists of various profiles, placed in suitable places. Let's start with the size of the composition.
How many people are on the basketball team?
Distribution of roles is carried out according to available skills. If the teams are in full force and no one has been removed, then 10 people will play, 5 from each side.
There are also spares, for each - no more than 7 in stock.
Let's count the number of players in the basketball team. It turns out that up to 12, that's how much you can enter the tournament. Substitutions are not limited in this sport, but they are infrequently required. If the referee calls from the bench with the characteristic gesture of crossing his arms, then he ceases to be a substitute.
Distribution and tactics
Knowing how many basketball players are on the court, you can proceed to the study of functions. In amateur teams they are divided into two lines, in teams of a higher level there are five positions. There are dozens of functions in professional games.
The back row are those who defend their basket and start attacking the opponent's side. Positions on the lines can change, but at the very beginning of the position on the back are occupied by two defenders, who plays and throws.
point guard
First and foremost, and he sets the tone for the whole team, is its think tank.
Performs the following functions:
- fast response, rapid decision-making in a changing situation;
- basket protection, belaying your comrades to enhance protection;
- synchronization of actions of all players;
- creating optimal conditions for front line players to perform an accurate throw;
- fighting for the rebound;
- active actions at the opponent's ring.
He is also entrusted with the function of monitoring compliance with the tactics outlined by the coach. He can aggravate or, on the contrary, slow down the game when the situation requires it. If the concept changes, it is he who lets everyone know about it.
Of the total number of players in basketball, it is the point guard who is distinguished by outstanding sports and analytical features, moreover, he enjoys authority in his team. He creates the conditions for good attacks, leads the team behind him and closely monitors every action of the opponents, meets them harshly on his part of the field and leads the game to intercept.
Attacking defender
Assists the first player. The difference is that he aims to mark the biggest opponents, he meets opponents and enters the fray for rebounding the ball under the basket. The most important skill for this basketball player is the accuracy of long-range hits, so that their percentage is high, he must be able to get out of custody and choose advantageous positions.
Main responsibilities:
- repelling an attack, taking the ball away;
- three-point hits;
- distraction of the opponent, release of zones for comrades.
If there is a Comboguard on the field, then this is a player with the same qualities as the first two, but in some way inferior to them. For example, he may not be tall enough to compete for the ball under the basket with taller players, or unable to make quick decisions. At the same time, a very necessary figure, he is usually mobile and capable of effective attacks.
Often such a basketball player is released on the field as a replacement for another representative of the team.
Front line
Now let's see how many people play basketball on the attack line. They are responsible for performance, the best ways to deliver the ball into the ring. If necessary, they will help the defenders.
Small Forward
Can replace the attacking defender, performing his functions, he can also be aimed at long-range shots. The difference lies in the position, in the standard formation the shooting guard is located under his basket to counter the opponents' attacks, and the small forward is under the opponent's basket. He picks up the balls, bringing the team points. Also, this figure moves from one basket to another when there are useful skills. For this player, height is not the most significant of the indicators, muscle is much more important. There should be enough of them to fight for the ball, clear the way for themselves and their comrades.
Power forward
This basketball player can be compared to a ram, he is physically developed and strong, energetic and hardy, which allows him to complete attacks. He completes the attack himself or passes the ball to the post. During each of the attacks, he is always under the shield, as he is the best at fighting for the rebound. The success of the attack depends on how the center and power forward interact, together they control every rebound and shot, bypass block shots and screens.
Such athletes are equally good with both hands, they clearly and accurately give passes to the nearest millimeter. The main indicator for them is the quality of close shots after the rebound. It will not hurt them to master the “hook” throw, it is for this role that the technique will be as effective as possible. Heavy forwards can play both front and back, and are generally bold and aggressive, often opposing on the verge of fouling.
If the point guard is the brain of the team, then the center is the heart.
The highest players go to this role, and the set of points depends on them. Most of the goals he scores will come from close range. A significant part of the violations of the rules occur precisely at the center, the opponent does not allow him to hit from an advantageous position, knowing that it will be more difficult for him to hit from the free throw zone.
Coaches build tactics based on the strong qualities of the center, since it is he who will get most of the rebounds under the shields, however, as well as block shots.
The center constantly predicts the situation, he fights for the continuation of the attack, which is beneficial for his team, but he does it carefully, since he does not need violations. He has a whole range of deception moves, high-level specialists can deceive the enemy with just their eyes. As a rule, this role is assigned to guys whose height exceeds 210 cm.
Center forward
Combines center and power forward, plays well in the three second zone.
He wins rebounds and rebounds for his own, carries out attacks with his face and back to the basket. He is taller than the power forward, and the center is superior in maneuverability.
Combo forward
Combines the functions of two forwards, as he can hit from any distance. He can be called a jack of all trades, as he moves quickly and just as quickly makes the right decisions, misleads opponents and insures in the fight under the basket.
Point Forward
Another basketball genius, he can be a point guard and forward, as he has defensive skills, but he is also a great shooter. The point forward makes accurate shots from any distance.
A unique compromise between offense and defense. Outperforms opponents by being superior in height, athletic build, and skill level.
Features of numbering on jerseys
We figured out how many people there are in basketball and what functions are assigned to each of them.