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How to be aggressive in basketball offense

Basketball on the Edge - 10 Tips for Playing More Aggressive Basketball

Coaches in every sport say it, “Be aggressive out there!”  What does that mean exactly?   You know your coach wants you to “be more aggressive” but what specifically can you do to play more aggressively?  Here are some suggestions of what you can do right now to play more aggressively and some suggestions that can help over the long term.

Play more aggressively today.

1.  Go after loose balls.

Every coach loves a player who will get on the floor for a loose ball.  Possessions are valuable, they give your team another opportunity to score.  Be the player that gets after (AND GETS) every loose ball.

2.  Develop an “Every rebound is mine.” mentality.

What stops you from going after every rebound?  Unless it is your responsibility to get back on defense why not go hard after the rebound?  I watch players in every game just stand and watch as the shot goes up.  If you think “Every rebound is mine. ”  You’ll play more aggressively.

3.  Don’t hesitate.  Make a decision and go.

Catch the ball and make a quick basketball.  Are you open?  Take a shot.  Defender rushing at you?  Head fake and drive.  Teammate open?  Make a quick pass.  As your skill level improves (See #1 in the long term section) you’ll get better at eliminating hesitation from your game

4.  Set physical screens.

Make contact with defenders when you screen.  Too many players set phantom screens with little or no contact.  It doesn’t take great talent to set a hard screen.  Make setting physical screens part of your identity as a player.

5.  Play with high energy.

Run the floor harder than your opponent.  Don’t rest while you are playing help-side defense.  Make hard cuts to the basket on offense.  Think of all the little ways you can bring more energy to the game.

6.  Communicate

If you want to play more aggressively become a better communicator.  Talk more out on the floor.   Remind teammates where to go, what to do, or about specific game situations.  Your coach will perceive you as a more aggressive player when you are out there communicating and talking the game.

Ways to improve your aggressiveness for the long term.

7.  Develop your basketball skills.

The better your basketball skill set the more likely you are to be aggressive.  If you can’t dribble well with your weak hand, you probably won’t be very aggressive driving that direction in a game.  As you develop your skills you’ll become more aggressive because you know you can do certain out on the court.  You know you’ve put the time to become a better player that can “be more aggressive”.

8.  Be confident.

Skill building is confidence building.  When you are confident you feel you can do almost anything out on the court.  You’ll be more relaxed, knowing you’ve put the time in working on your game.  How much more confident and aggressive would you be shooting a game winning jump shot in a tie game with 2 seconds left if you had practiced 100 of those shots every day in the off-season?  Confident players are aggressive players.

9.  Get your body right.

Work on your strength, agility, cardio, and athleticism.  Eat right, Get enough sleep.  You can’t be aggressive if you’re worn down, injured, or tired.

10.  Don’t fear failure.

When you play scared you often play trying to avoid mistakes.  That is a sure way to avoid playing aggressively.  Fear often grips players who are bench players.  They check in the game feeling that one mistake will have them on the bench.  Try to remember that fear really only exists in your mind.  Play the way you are capable of playing and good things will happen.

Follow these ten tips and you can start being a more aggressive player today.  Show your coach that you know how to “Be more aggressive!”

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7 Basketball Toughness Drills To Develop Aggressiveness, Confidence & Swagger

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If your youth basketball coaching sessions have seen your coach imploring you to be more aggressive out there on the court, there are a great number of drills you can do to gain more toughness and therefore more aggressive in your basketball.

Teaching the Aggressive Defensive Basketball Position Drill

Aggressive play starts with defense.

Put your energy into stopping that opposing player from scoring like your life depends on it. Get every rebound and never give up on it. This is a way to play aggressively when playing the fundamentals of basketball.

Your teammates will take notice and consider you a valuable asset on the court – someone who will always have their back.

Your teammates will feed off this energy and you will be considered a huge presence on the court. This, in turn, will give you the confidence you need for aggressive offensive play.

Own the Ball

When the ball is in your hands and you’re on the offense – own it! Cultivate the idea that the ball belongs to you – not the defender!

It is your ball…you are holding it.

It is not theirs…and never will be.

All you have to do is hold on to the ball, keep it from them, and the rest will come to you.

Have a Basketball Match with Unknown Players

If you find your aggression changes based on who you are playing, this can be a guide for taming your passiveness problem. It is common for players to play aggressively with their friends and people they know well as they are comfortable and in their element.

Players know that if they make a mistake with their friends they probably won’t punish them too badly for it. Players also know that if they push aggressively by using their elbows and arms more vigorously, accidentally hurting someone they know will be more quickly forgiven.

When we play against unknown players we are out of our groove and we don’t know exactly how they will react to aggressive play.

This can make us tense, nervous, and timid.

The key to getting out of this psychological rut is to play more with people you do not know – play more games with the people that make you nervous or in settings that push your boundaries. Each time you play with unknown players you are building your mental strength.

You will be gaining the experience and learning the skills needed to deal with any kind of teammate or opponent, as well as proving to yourself that there is nothing to fear.

Develop Your Skills in Basketball

It’s easy to look at the best players on the team that seem to effortlessly scoring basket after basket and think: “Well, I would be confident if I could play that well.

The fact is they have practiced those shots hundreds or thousands of times.

If you practice the same way you will feel the same confidence – even when there are three seconds left on the clock and the ball is in your hands.

If you’ve got a weak dribble with the ball in your left hand, for example, work on it every day.

Work on your strength, your athleticism, agility, and playing skills. Eat the right food, and get enough sleep every day so you’re always playing at your best and developing your skills as quickly as possible.

Teaching the “Build the Habit Drill”

Consciously start hand-checking and boxing out more often. Much like any habit: aggressive, confident basketball playing comes from forcing yourself to do it time and again…until it becomes second nature.

This builds your toughness!

If you find yourself standing around the perimeter then it’s time to remind yourself to get in there and work – even it if appears your immediate efforts are unimportant. It’s all about building up those aggressive habits until they become second nature as you become a naturally aggressive player.

Try Cross-Training

One suggestion is to cross-train in a different sport…perhaps football?

Football is a highly aggressive contact youth sport…much more so than basketball.

You will be learning how to play aggressively every day and becoming used to the rough and tumble of competitive sports!

Never Fear to Fail

If you’re often benched, you might build a mental block where you fear that any on-court failure will have you back on the bench. You prefer to play it safe – a dangerous thing to do in basketball. Try to remember that fear is just a state of mind.

You have the power to tell yourself “No, I’m not afraid!”

Taking more risks will make you a better player. Your coach will ultimately not want to bench the player that’s always ready to go in for that loose ball.

Aggressiveness and mental toughness comes from confidence. The less confident we are, the more fearful we are of making mistakes. The more fearful we are of making mistakes, the more we fear failure. The more we fear failure, the more we fear our coaches. Ultimately, this is can result in a loss of passion for the game, which again feeds into a lack of aggression on the court.

Love the game first, and you’ll want to get in there and win it all for your cherished teammates.

The Mental Toughness Academy has a program designed specifically to improve your ability on the court. Our Basketball Mental Toughness program can teach you how to overcome negativity and doubt by instilling confidence and mental fortitude.

A mentally tough athlete is an unstoppable athlete!

Welcome to the Winner’s Circle!

Craig Sigl, The Mental Toughness Trainer and Youth Sports Specialist

Craig Sigl2021-04-14T02:59:37+08:00

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Daniil Kasatkin: “Progress is important not only in statistics

The 22-year-old MBA defender now tops the list of the best snipers Parimatch of the Russian Men's Superleague Championship 1.

On average, he scores 18.6 points per game. And in the last two meetings he scored 51: 25 - in the victorious match with CSKA (80:76), 26 - in Samara against the current champion (78:93). Plus, Daniil Kasatkin is among the championship leaders in long-range shooting accuracy: he made almost half of his three-point attempts - 30 out of 62 (48.4 percent).

- You have been in the public eye since early childhood. Repeatedly won the Championship of Russia. Played for the reserve teams of countries of different ages. What role did the SShOR "CSKA" and personally your coach Ivan Kucherov play in this?

- Very large indeed. Ivan Evgenievich took me at the age of 7. Believed in me. I was quite tall, but he put me in the defensive position. Therefore, since childhood, he played a lot with the ball. Largely thanks to this, I now have a basketball career.

Ivan Evgenievich was very worried about each of us, he spent a lot of time with us. In high school, we moved to a special school - we started studying at 11 o’clock so that we had time to do morning workouts. So Kucherov was with us even then more than with children, with his next team. He invested a lot in terms of individual and physical training. In those conditions, he squeezed the maximum out of us, trusted a lot. At the same time, it gave the opportunity to develop in all directions. For example, the big ones were throwing three-pointers, and the back players were flirting in the post. He preached modern basketball at the children's level and this gave a lot to each of us.

- In 2016 you went to America to study at Penn State University. Why did they make such a decision?

- Did it right after graduation. I had a choice: I could enter any youth basketball program in Russia or go there. Then it seemed to me that in Russia, players of a transitional age of 17-19 years old are, as it were, in an intermediate position - they do not play in strong teams and do not get much playing time. Therefore, I decided to try myself where the capital of basketball is located.

I don't regret it. It was a great experience. Not all decisions were correct. There were times when I didn't get playing time. But I think that if I spent these three years in Russia, they did not give me much. In the end, I still decided that I needed to win a name for myself in our championship. I could transfer, but the university offered me an online course. On the condition that I sign a professional contract in Russia, then they will fully pay for my education.

- You spent three years in America. Feel the difference quickly?

- She was immediately noticeable. I actually left DUBL. I arrived, and the first game was with one of the strongest teams - Oak Hill Academy, through which many future NBA stars went. In particular, Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony. I got on the court and made 5 turnovers. On the dribble and because of the pressure. Not accustomed to such speeds, pressure, energy. Over time, of course, he adapted. Moreover, not every time I had to play against the best. There were also successful matches. But the big difference in athleticism was always felt.

- What worked and what didn't?

- I managed to work on my body. There was always access to the gym - both at school and at the university. When I left, I was not ready for any basketball. But in America, he swayed, added individually, became stronger and faster. In any case, it was a very cool experience, which now helps me a lot. In training, he constantly played with those who later ended up in the NBA. For example, Josh Reeves. True, he was in Dallas for only one season, but he managed to play with Luka Doncic. It will not be easy for him to return to the league - now he plays for the Turkish Besiktas. Or Lamar Stevens, who is in his second season with Cleveland.

But I overestimated myself a little. He caught fire, had ambitions and decided to go to the strongest university, for which he was not able to play at that time. It would be right to choose a lower level team, where I would be trusted and where I could play more.

- You returned to Russia in 2019 but continued your studies. How much more to study?

- The system is designed so that I don't take more than two courses per semester. Study for three more years. It was better to finish early, but with training and constant traveling, this does not work.

- How does it feel to play here and study there?

- Very difficult. You come back from a game or after training, everyone has business, fun, and I have a deadline - something needs to be done. In addition, I'm not the most organized guy, I can put everything off until later. So, after the last match with Samara, I had to finish the assignments.

- You returned to Russia in Khimki-Podmoskovye. Why go there?

- At that time I didn't have much choice. I wanted to stay in Moscow, closer to friends and parents, but get enough playing time. Before that, I went with the Russian team to the European Championship, where we did not perform very well. So there were no serious proposals. And in Khimki they gave me what I needed.

- Were you invited to the main Khimki?

- Called in the last year when many legionnaires left. Starting from winter, I trained with the main team all spring, traveled with them to St. Petersburg and Perm, and was in the application for the games. But the matches turned out to be tight, and my debut in the VTB United League did not take place.

- Is there a big difference?

- Colossal! The level of performers is completely different - Swede, Mickey, McCollum.

- Is training with Alexei Shved an invaluable experience?

- He is a very individual strong player in isolation. Of course, he tried to repeat something after him. But I try to take something useful from all the famous basketball players with whom I crossed paths on the court.

- In December 2019, Khimki-Podmoskovye played a tough match against Runa. We won, but only in the third overtime - 112:106. And then you got seriously injured. What happened?

- I got injured just in this match - I injured my knee. However, I played to the end, I did not think that it was something serious. But the next morning everything became clear. But I was lucky - the pandemic soon began, and I missed only 5-6 games. During the lockdown, I was recovering from the operation - it’s good that my rehabilitation specialist lived nearby. When everyone was at home, I did a lot of work on my knee. And he returned much earlier than expected - after 6 months.

- Was it difficult to return to the site after the pandemic?

- Physically, I was well prepared - I did a lot of work on my own. Somewhere even added. But in terms of game rhythm it was not easy. True, it was not easy for everyone. Plus, at the beginning of the championship, he fell ill with the coronavirus. This, of course, affected the start.

- After two seasons at Khimki, you ended up in the MBA. Why?

- In Khimki they said they were counting on me. But the situation was not clear. Players began to sign contracts with other clubs. My agent and I decided it was time to look for new options. At the MBA, they provided me with everything that could be asked for at that time - trust, organization, ideas for the development of the club. He was on good terms with the head coach Alexander Igorevich Afanasyev. The choice was not easy, but everything is clear here. Plus, I stayed in Moscow - this was an additional bonus. Even though he was ready to leave.

- Your first season at the MBA is going great for you. You are the best scorer in Superleague 1, having scored 51 points in the last two matches. Overall, are you satisfied with your game?

- In principle, with the confidence of the coaching staff and with the freedom given, with that faith from my partners, it would be difficult not to gain so much. I do what I must. Of course, it's great to score a lot, but there are enough components of the game in which to improve. In order for everything to work out well, it is necessary not to lose concentration in defense. But given the heavy workload on offense and 30 minutes on the court, it's hard to be consistently aggressive on defense. We need to work more on the organization of the game, to involve partners more often. Satisfied with individual performance. But there is a lot of work to be done to become the player I want to be.

- You were a point guard for many years, but now you play as a shooting guard. Was the role change easy?

- In fact, these are quite close positions. Plus, we have Makar Konovalov, who does an excellent job with the role of a creator. It was obvious that if he played, then I would become the second "number". So I won't say it's difficult. I am not particularly required to do anything that I have not done before. Unless he used to transfer the ball over the center line, but in modern basketball it doesn’t matter who does it. I have experience of the game and the third or fourth "numbers". This is also useful - you need to be able to close other positions.

- MBA fought on equal terms with Samara for three and a half quarters. What was missing in the end?

- Definitely strong. To defeat the reigning champion, you need to show quality basketball for the entire 40 minutes. But we had failures, loss of concentration in defense, we missed the opponent's snipers, which is my great "merit". We have shown that we can fight on equal terms with serious teams. However, we want to win them.

- Now IBA is in 6th place. How big is the difference with the top five?

- More like a big three. For me, Samara, Uralmash and Runa stand out in terms of squad selection. They brought together all the best players in Superleague 1. Of course, there is a difference in class. But at the same time, at the beginning of the season, we confidently beat Surgut, which is in the top five, now we have given battle to Samara, which CSKA-2 beat away. There are a lot of unpredictable results in the championship. You can go out and hit, play defensively outside the box, stumping your opponent. On a certain day, you can beat anyone.

- What are your personal and team goals for this season?

- For me - to develop as a player. However, such a task is always worth it. The most important thing is to enjoy basketball. Now I get it in every game - thanks to freedom and trust. But I understand that I am responsible for the result, for the team's performance. I would like to progress not only in terms of personal statistics, but also as a player who helps the team win.

With the MBA, of course, you need to go to the playoffs. This is the minimum task. To do this, you need to try to beat everyone. The championship is short - only 28 games. Every match is worth its weight in gold. As a result, one game can backfire at the finish line. If we reach the quarterfinals, we will fight in every match. And not to recognize any authorities, not to be afraid to play with any opponent.

- Is there a goal to get on the note of the head coach of the national team Zoran Lukic?

- Of course. Probably, everyone has a dream since childhood - to play for the Russian national team. And this is one of the goals. But in order to achieve it, you need not only to show good numbers, but also a mature game - both in attack and in defense. If I ever get into the national team, something completely different may be required of me - protection or organization of the game. If I can show that I can not only create a shot for myself, but also lead the team to victory, then there will be a chance.

- Has anyone from the national team contacted you yet?

- No. There were conversations, but there were no contacts.

- Do you still have a dream to get into the NBA?

- If you take me at the age of 16, then I would answer: yes, by all means! And be the best there. But now it is difficult to say whether this is possible. There are many different examples. It happens that players play in Europe for 10 years, and then go overseas. Basically, never say never. I adequately evaluate my game. You just need to maximize your value in all components. Obviously, it should be better than it is. And then everything will depend not on me. And what will be the ceiling - the best clubs in Europe or the NBA - is impossible to predict.

BC Khimki player Koponen is no stranger to winning shots

Khimki Moscow region basketball player Petteri Koponen, whose long-range shot two seconds before the end of the last round of the VTB United League regular season match brought his team victory over Krasnye Krylia Samara, told the R-Sport agency that such success was not the first in his career.

On Monday, Khimki, thanks to a hit by Koponen, scored a home victory over Krasnye Krylia with a score of 82:81 and directly advanced to the quarterfinals of the VTB United League, and Samara now have to play a series of up to three victories with Triumph near Moscow in the framework of 1/ 8 finals. Previously, the Finn played for the Italian “Virtus” for four years.
“In the first half I played well, I tried to be aggressive, and in the second half I came out only at the end of the third quarter, but in general I rate my game as good, I had shots today,” Koponen said. “All the guys played well, especially (Sergey) Monya, (Kreshimir) Loncar. Basketball is a team game, so the whole team wins. Today I managed to excel, but tomorrow I can already miss. But I am happy that my throw brought victory. In Italy, I had the same situations where my shots in the last seconds brought success, also in the Finnish national team. The guys congratulated me in the locker room, saying “good shot, Cop. But you can’t get hung up on this, someone else will do it next time.”

The defender of the Finnish national team said that such meetings as with Fenerbahce and Krasnye Krylia give additional strength and confidence. “Of course, such games add confidence, because during the season I spent very little time on the floor, missed and immediately sat on the bench, and confidence was lost. After all, a lot depends on it in basketball,” Koponen added.

Croatian legionnaire "Khimki" Zoran Planinic is Koponen's main rival for a place in the squad, but the agency's interlocutor noted that their joint actions with the Croatian benefit the team.
"Zoran is a great player, a team leader. Substituting him, I try to bring energy into the team's actions. Today we played together on the court, in my opinion, it is much easier to play when two point guards are on the court," Koponen said.

Regarding the meeting with the Krasnye Krylia, the Khimki defender said that the Yellow-Blues were lucky and that one should not relax during the whole playing time.
"This game was very important for us, now we are the winners of our group, and thanks to this we will miss the first stage of the playoffs, which will save us strength. Today we are very tired, in the first half we scored 51 points, but against a team like "Krasnye Krylia", which runs well in attack, can never relax. But we were a little lucky that we won today," Koponen stated. "In the future, we need to remove all questions about the winner much earlier."

"Today, of course, we missed Paul Davis. In my opinion, we controlled the game today, but we made mistakes in defense, allowing them to shoot freely, and they scored. I can say that the problem is in our heads, we need be focused throughout the entire 40 minutes. I'm sure we can play better, we just need to be more focused, "continued the Finnish basketball player.
“Khimki” March 29 to meet with “Kakhi Laboral” in the Top 16 Euroleague. Two rounds before the end of the round, the Moscow Region club is in second place in Group F, but has not yet guaranteed a place in the playoffs.
"Tomorrow everyone will rest, and from Wednesday we will start preparing - we will look at their model of defense and attack, because this game will be the most important of the season, and everyone knows that," Koponen concluded.

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