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How to bounce a basketball through your legs

How to Dribble a Basketball (3 Killer Drills for Beginners)

Dribbling the ball well in basketball is the one true skill that can separate you from the rest of the competition. The ability to handle the ball in a way that renders the defense helpless can affect the flow of a game and put you in control.

Those new to the game may need a brief definition of what exactly dribbling is in the game of basketball. It is the act of bouncing the basketball up and down as you move down the court in order to avoid traveling. Even though some players on basketball teams may handle the ball more than others, dribbling is a skill that will be used by every basketball player to some degree.

Let’s take a look at some drills and techniques to help you learn how to dribble a basketball. Once you have these down, you just need to put forth the effort to become a great dribbler.

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Dribbling Technique

If you watch someone dribbling the ball really well, it doesn’t look too hard to master. The secret is that dribbling really isn’t a hard skill to learn, with the proper technique and hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of practice anyone can learn to dribble.

So what are those proper techniques?

1. Stay Low

Having a low center of gravity helps with dribbling in many ways. You are in a stable position to run while dribbling and are able to endure physical defenders and keep the ball. It also helps with our second step on technique, which is to make sure to keep the ball as low as you are.

2. Dribble Ball Low

A general rule of thumb while dribbling the ball is to keep the height of the bounce between your knee and waist and never dribble it higher than your belt line. The lower the ball, combined with your body also being low, the more difficult for the defender to steal the ball from you.

3. Keep Your Head Up

This step will take some time to master. Dribbling with your eyes up and not on the ball is hard initially, especially during a game. But once you are able to both dribble and survey the court, you are in a much better position offensively. Maybe a teammate is open for a basket, or maybe you are open for a jump shot if your defender is not guarding you closely. There are a number of situations that you may not be aware of on the basketball court if you don’t have your head up while dribbling.

4. Fingertips, Not Palm

The ball should rarely ever touch the palm or heel of your hand while dribbling. Using your fingertips, instead of your palm, can give you more control over the ball. If you were to use your palm your technique would look more like you are slapping at the ball instead of bouncing it and receiving it with your fingers and a softer touch.

5. Bounce The Ball Hard

Once you have mastered how to dribble the ball you are going to want to make sure you bounce the ball hard to the ground. In your dribbling motion, your arm will extend and your wrist should snap forward while your fingertips push the ball to the ground. Bouncing the ball hard ensures the most efficient motion and gives you a better chance of the ball bouncing with enough speed to return to your fingers each time.

3 Killer Dribbling Drills for Beginners

1. Stationary Dribble

While this drill may seem too easy, it is used in practice and drills at all levels of play, including in the NBA. While they use the drill as more of a warmup, it is highly effective at the beginner level due to the repetitive nature of the drill.

For the Stationary Dribble (also called “Pounding”) drill, you will bend down in a low athletic stance and quite literally pound the ball to the ground as hard as you can. Remember to keep the ball between your knees and waist when you are dribbling. This drill is great for your muscle memory and also gets you very acquainted with the act of dribbling at a basic level. You can switch hands for this drill and “POund” with both your left and right hand to practice with both.

2. Stationary Crossover Dribble

The crossover is one of the most effective moves in basketball if done right. It is a change of direction move, like the between the legs or behind the back move, where you dribble hard in one direction and then plant your foot, dribble the ball across your body to your other hand, and quickly change the direction of your move.

A great starter drill for the crossover is a stationary move where you get into an athletic stance and continuously cross the ball over for a period of time. Once you get the hang of it, compete with yourself: count how many crossovers you can do in one minute and try setting a new high score every day.

3. Zig Zag Dribble

Now that you have gotten the hang of dribbling in a stationary position, let’s add some moving with our dribbles. This drill will involve approximately 100 feet of straightaway distance, preferably the length of a basketball court.

You will start in one corner of the basketball court and begin to dribble diagonally up the court until a certain point, usually marked with a cone or chair, and then make a change of direction move back towards the sideline of the court. You can start with crossovers at the cone or chair and work your way up to changing direction between your legs or behind your back in the drill. The video linked in the title does a great job of showing the full scope of the drill.

Best Dribblers in the NBA Today

There are so many talented ball-handlers playing in the NBA, which makes it tough to pick out only a few. However, the two I chose are on another planet in terms of their ball-handling and may all go down in history as some of the most talented dribbers ever.

James Harden

Harden is one of the top scorers in the league each year and the main reason is because of how talented a dribbler he is. His moves are all very complex and he uses several moves in a row during most of his attempts to get to the basket. He is a deadly outside shooter too making defenders have to guard his jumper which helps his chances of blowing by them for a layup.

Kyrie Irving

Irving can get by his defender and to the basket literally almost every time he touches the ball. He is known around the NBA as one of the best finishers meaning he can get to the rim, and once he does he usually always finds a way to put the ball in the hoop.

Irving looks like he has the basketball on a string on the court and has put together an impressive highlight reel of his dribble moves that should be studied by any player wanting to become great at dribbling the basketball.


Learning to dribble well can be tedious and involves doing the same task over and over again for hours before you can become great. However, the best players understand the importance of dribbling and work on it relentlessly.

Who are some of your favorite ball-handlers in the NBA today? Drop us some names in the comments section!

11+ Effective Techniques and Drills


  • 1 How to dribble a basketball for beginners
    • 1.1 Top rules for excellent basketball dribbling:
  • 2 How to dribble a basketball faster
  • 3 How to dribble a basketball while running
  • 4 How to dribble a basketball under your legs
  • 5 Learn how to dribble a basketball behind your back
  • 6 How to make a crossover dribble
  • 7 How to dribble past defenders in basketball
  • 8 How to shoot a basketball off the dribble
  • 9 Basketball drills to improve your dribbling skills
  • 10 FAQs
    • 10. 1 What is the proper way to dribble a basketball?
    • 10.2 How do you protect the ball when dribbling?
    • 10.3 Can you take multiple steps between dribbles?
    • 10.4 How do you dribble a basketball without looking down?
    • 10.5 What is a reverse dribble?
    • 10.6 Is double dribble allowed in basketball?
    • 10.7 Can you dribble after a spin move?
    • 10.8 Can you pump fake then dribble?
    • 10.9 What position is the main dribbler in basketball?
    • 10.10 How much energy does it take to bounce a basketball?
    • 10.11 How to teach a child how to dribble a basketball?
    • 10.12 How to dribble a basketball in NBA 2k22?

In order to dribble a basketball like a pro, you need to achieve excellent control and ball handling. Excellent dribbling, apart from providing you with expert ball handling, will also allow you to be more effective to score with drives.

In this blog post, we will explain the most effective techniques and dribbling drills that you can use to improve your ball handling skills.

We’ll start by discussing how to maintain control of the ball while dribbling. Then, we’ll present some dribbling drills that you can use to improve your dribbling speed and accuracy. Let’s get started and become a better ball handler!

How to dribble a basketball for beginners

The first thing everyone needs to know to play basketball is how to grip the ball. You want to use your fingers, not your palm, to control the ball. Place your hand on the side of the ball and then wrap your fingers around it.

Your middle finger and index finger should be doing most of the work. Make sure you keep your hand relaxed and don’t grip the ball too tightly.

Now that you know how to grip the ball, it’s time to start dribbling! Start by bouncing the ball off the ground and then catching it with your opposite non dribbling arm.

As you become more comfortable, try bouncing the ball higher off the ground. Remember to keep your head up and look ahead as you dribble.

Now that you know the basics of how to dribble a basketball, let’s move on to some drills that will help you improve your dribbling technique.

Top rules for excellent basketball dribbling:

  1. Keep your head up and your attention focused on the game. Don’t keep your eyes at the ball. Learn how to dribble without looking at it
  2. Use your arm and your wrists to apply power to send the ball bouncing to the court. Do not use your fingers for power
  3. On the contrary, to control the ball, use yout fingertips rather than your palm.
  4. Lower your body and keep your knees bent in order to mimimize the bounce height. This way you will achieve: a) to be able to change direction faster b) mimimize the chance of oppontents stealing the ball
  5. To protect the ball from opponents, try putting your body between the ball and the defender and protect it with the non-dribbling hand as often as possible

How to dribble a basketball faster

One way to improve your dribbling speed is to practice bouncing the ball off the ground as quickly as possible. Start by standing in one spot and then rapidly bounce the ball off the ground, using both hands.

As you become more comfortable with this speed dribble drill, try moving around while you do it. You can also vary the height of your bounces.

Another way to improve your dribbling speed is to practice dribbling with one hand while you move around. This will help you develop the coordination and control you need to dribble with the dominant hand. It will build up muscle memory and soon you will be able to do this fast enough without event thinking about it.

Expert Hint 1 : if you maintain a low center of weight stance, eg by keeping your knees bent while you are practicing, this will also foce you to bounce the ball low and thus reduce the ball journey, forcing you to dribbling faster! After you get adjusted to this speed dribble stance, try dribbling below your feet and also behind you back to improve the speed of all your dribble moves.

Note: Remember to always keep your head up and look ahead as you dribble.

Expert Hint2: Fast basketball dribbling requires more energy and strength from your upper body and more specifically your arm bar. There is a very effective exercise that basketball players can practice to help them with dribbling a basketball fast and this is the Cobra pushup.

This is really simple, take the Cobra stance and then lie down by applying strength to your arms. Repeat. This emulates the movement your arms are making when applying force for the fast dribbling motion.

How to dribble a basketball while running

If you want to be able to dribble a basketball while running, it’s important to practice using both hands. This will help you develop the coordination and control you need to dribble with both hands.

Remember to keep your head up and look ahead as you run and dribble. It does not make sense to improve a skill in different conditions that the ones tha exist in a game. In real games you are trying not to lose control of the ball from opponents but you also need to look at the court to identify scoring or passing opportunities. Hence you need to run with the basketball properly without losing control while looking ahead.

Expert Hint 1 : try to keep the ball as long as possible on your dominant hand when running and dribbling, but not too long to get fouled with a travelling violation.

Expert Hint 2 : try not to bounce the ball too long ahead from you when running because this will make it easier for the opposing team to steal it from you. Dribbling the ball far ahead is only advisable if you are having open basketball court in front of you like in a fast break, in which situation you can try running faster by minimizing contacts with the ball

Expert Hint 3 : when running with the ball, handle it by putting your palm behind it and not on top of the basketball. Dribbling this way, ensures better chance of moving it forward appropriately. Just make sure to put your hand on the top half of the basketball to mimize the danger of getting a carrying foul.

when running and dribbling put your hand behind the ball and not on top of it

How to dribble a basketball under your legs

The first step is to get in a low stance, and then bring the ball up from between your legs. Next, you will want to extend your arm and snap your wrists to send the ball out in front of you. As the ball comes back down, make sure to keep your hand on top of the ball so that you can control it. Finally, as the ball reaches your other hand, you will want to snap your wrists again and send the ball back through your legs.

There are various things beginner players need to get used to to effectively practice under the leg basketball drills:

  • bounce the ball hard at the spot right underneath you and between your feet and not infront of them (the ball will hit on you after the bounce) or behind them (the ball will go away and you will loose control)
  • always keep your head up (can’t stress this enough times)
  • bend your knees
  • put more force on your pivot foot, as this usually help you maintain better balance
  • train your opposite hand as well, as dribbling below your legs involves both hands (same hand below the leg dribbling is also possible but more rare)
  • practice dribbling below your legs on the opposite direction as well, ie moving the ball from your behind to in front of you starting the crossover dribble with your opposite hand
  • after you have achieved dribbling a basketball below your legs with confidence when standing at the same spot, try making this when walking ahead as well

Learn how to dribble a basketball behind your back

Few things are more impressive in basketball than being able to dribble the ball behind your back. Not only does it look great, but it can also be a very effective way to get around your defender. It put an obstacle (your body) between you and your opponent, while allowing you to keep your head straight up and be able to spot your teammates easier.

If you’re looking to add this move to your repertoire, here’s how to do it:

-Start with the ball in your right hand (or the left hand of you are left handed).

-Extend your right arm out behind you and snap your wrists to send the ball behind your back.

-As the ball comes around, catch it with your left hand and bring it back in front of you

-Repeat this move as quickly as you can while maintaining control of the ball.

Expert Hint 1 : most players find dribbling a basketball behing their back easier, when they accompany it with a small hop. Bend your knees and bounce the ball hard just behind you while at the same time taking this small hop. You should focus to sync the 2 motions, ie when the ball hits the court the same should happen with your feet after the hop at the exact same time.

Repetition will help you improve this essential skill, so that you are able to use it in your game. Of course the direction that you will use inside a game will depend on your positioning in the court, the way you want to move forward and the positioning of your defender(s). This will determine if you will start your behind the back dribble with your right or your left hand.

How to make a crossover dribble

The crossover dribble is one of the most effective and impressive ways to get past your defender. It is also known as the “ankle-breaker”, because sometimes the opponent finds it diffucult to maintain their balance and falls to the basketball court with hilarious effects.

James Harden crossover dribble

The purpose of the crossover dribble is to make your defender lose their balance, by faking that you are going into the opposite direction from the one that you really want to move towards. After your pretend to move into an initial direction, hesitate and turn to the desired one. Then dribble the ball (between your legs, behind your back or even in front of you) and dash forward.

To perform a crossover, you will need to dribble the ball from one hand to the other while moving your body past your defender. This can be done by using a quick movement of your wrists and arms.

crossover dribble

Your whole body movement also plays a crucial role as you whole body has to contribute to the crossover dribble. For this dribbling technique to be effective, you also need to have fast legs, so working on your leds speed and agility is really important.

How to dribble past defenders in basketball

There are different ways that you can dribble past your defender, but the most important thing is to be able to change directions quickly. This way you will make it diffucult for your defending opponent to anticipate your next move and they will eventually end up out of position, giving you an opportunity to score or pass the ball.

Some of the most effective basketball dribbling drills to get past your opponent are analyzed in this article:

  • crossover dribble
  • behind the back dribble
  • between your legs dribble
  • running fast when dribbling

How to shoot a basketball off the dribble

When you’re playing basketball, one of the most important skills you can have is being able to shoot off the dribble. This means that you can score even when there’s an opponent trying to stop you. If you can master this skill, it’ll make scoring a lot easier and give you a big advantage on the court.

Here are some tips on how to shoot off the dribble:

  • Focus on the court and not on the ball when dribbling. Keep your head up
  • Use your fingers, not your palm, to control the ball. This will give you more control and accuracy.
  • Get in a low stance when you’re shooting. This will help you stay balanced and prevent the defender from knocking you off balance.
  • When you’re shooting, snap your wrists to create spin on the ball. This will help it go in the basket more often.
  • Follow through with your shot. This means that you should extend your arm all the way and point your fingers towards the hoop after you release the ball

Basketball drills to improve your dribbling skills

In this section we will present you some of the most effective basketball dribbling drills available to improve your skills.

  1. Practice using your fingertips when dribbling: many players handle the ball with their palms only. For optimum handling, it is crucial to engage your fingertips and get them stronger
  2. Practice dribbling low: as we have mentioned above, this is the way to reduce bounce height, improve basketball handling and dribbling speed
  3. Practice running when dribbling: while everything might look great when you are static, dribbling towards the opponent basket is a totally different situation. Get yourself game ready by training for real life defense scenarios and running while dribbling is the most frequent case of dribbling a basketball.
  4. Practice protecting the ball: same as above. This will be a game changer if you want to become a real threat as an offensive player. Put your body between you and the opponent, use non-dominant hand and excel on your behind the back and between your leg drills.


What is the proper way to dribble a basketball?

The first thing to keep in mind when dribbling is to keep your head up. You’ll need to be able to see the court in order to make the best decisions and find the open man. Keeping your head up also allows you to see how the defense is playing and what opportunities are available.

Second, always use your fingers, not your palm, to control the ball. This will give you more control and allow you to change directions quickly.

Third, make sure to bounce the ball off the ground, using your wrist to snap it back up. Bouncing the ball higher gives you more time to react but makes it easier for defenders to steal the ball. So, you need to lower you body and dribble the ball as low as it is possible so that you can also be effective in passing and scoring it.

Fourth, when you’re dribbling in traffic, use your body to shield the ball from defenders. This will give you more time and space to make a decision.

Finally, practice your dribbling skills regularly. The best way to improve is to get out there and play as much as possible. Pick-up games are a great way to work on your handles and learn how to react in different situations.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a pro at dribbling the basketball. And with some practice, you’ll be able to take your game to the next level. So get out there and start working on your handles today!

How do you protect the ball when dribbling?

When you’re dribbling in traffic, use your body to shield the ball from defenders. This will give you more time and space to make a decision. You can also use your non-dominant hand to protect the ball if necessary. And finally, practice your dribbling skills regularly by following our suggested drills in this article, so that you can react quickly in game situations.

Can you take multiple steps between dribbles?

The answer is yes! As long as you keep your hand on top of the ball, you can take as many steps as you want in between dribbles. This is a great way to create space between you and your defender or to make a move to get around them. Be carefull not to be fouled for travelling or carrying.

How do you dribble a basketball without looking down?

The best way to dribble without looking down is to practice dribbling with your eyes up. This means that you need to be able to see the court in order to make the best decisions and find the open man close to the hoop. Keeping your head up also allows you to see how the defense is playing and what opportunities are available. You can also use your peripheral vision to keep track of the ball while you’re dribbling. With enough practice, you’ll be able to dribble without looking down at the ball.

What is a reverse dribble?

A reverse dribble is when you make a spin move dribbling the ball. This can be effective when you are trying to lose your defender or create space.

Is double dribble allowed in basketball?

No, double dribble is not allowed in basketball. This is when you stop dribbling and then start again. This results in a turnover.

Can you dribble after a spin move?

Yes, you can dribble after a spin move. This is how you maintain control of the ball after performing a spin move. The key is to keep your hand on top of the ball and not let it get too far away from your body.

Can you pump fake then dribble?

Yes, you can pump fake then dribble, as long as you had not dribbled before the pump fake. If this is the case, performing a pump fake is a great way to get rid of your defender, since they will be moving towards you or even jumping to block your shot and wou will be able to dribble past them as soon as they lose their balance.

What position is the main dribbler in basketball?

The point guard is typically the main dribbler in basketball. This is because they are responsible for bringing the ball up the court and running the offense. However, any player on the court will eventually dribble the ball, regardless of their position.

The position that should be dribbling the ball less on the other hand, is the center, since those guys are taller and most of the times not very agile, hence are easier targets to steal the ball from.

How much energy does it take to bounce a basketball?

Bouncing a basketball takes very little energy. You only need to use your fingers to keep the ball in control and let gravity do the rest. Of course if you are playing at a position that dribbles the ball a lot, like a point guard, the numerous dribbles that you perform in a game sum up. Eventually, this means that dribbling might be responsible for draining a big portion of your available game energy.

How to teach a child how to dribble a basketball?

There are many ways to teach young kids how to dribble a basketball. One way is to have them bounce the ball off of the ground and catch it with two hands. Another way is to have them bounce the ball off of a wall and catch it with one hand.

You can also have them dribble the ball in different directions and at different speeds. The important thing is to make sure that they are using their fingers and not their palm to control the ball.

How to dribble a basketball in NBA 2k22?

In NBA 22k22, you can dribble a basketball by using the left analog stick to control the direction of your player and the right analog stick to control the ball. You can also use the shoulder buttons to perform different dribble moves. Experiment with different combinations to find what works best for you. For a full list of options check this excellent guide on IGN

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I am a passionate basketball player and coach who has played at the semi-pro level overseas. I'm also a huge fan of the game and love to watch it.

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Why dream 😴 Ball in a dream - according to 90 dream books! If you see a ball in a dream, what does it mean?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Ball” symbol from 26 online dream books. If you did not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all the dream books of our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of sleep by an expert.

ABC of dream interpretation

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The ball represents the game of life.

Playing ball is an unstable situation. A win will be replaced by a loss.

See the ball - hope for success.

Oriental dream book

Why does the Ball dream in a dream book?

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If you see a ball rolling at you, expect news of some unexpected event.

For a young woman, a dream in which she lost the ball from her hands, which quickly rolled away from her, means that jealousy gnaws at her. However, you should not kindle this feeling in yourself, this will not make anyone feel better.

If you dreamed that an inflatable ball descended in your hands, you run the risk of committing an act that you will bitterly regret in the future, but it will be too late to change anything.

Women's dream book

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If you dreamed that you accidentally dropped the ball, which instantly rolled away, you cannot avoid jealousy. And yet it is not recommended to go in cycles in this feeling, because it will not become easier for anyone.

A dream in which an inflatable ball in your hands suddenly descended - portends that you will commit an act that you will regret all your life, but nothing will ever be able to be corrected.

Italian dream book

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Football, billiard ball - means life or "in se".

Losing or gaining, losing or winning with their help means the relationship of our "ego" with our potentialities, expectations, desires and reality, in other words - "zgo" and its relationship with inner and outer life.

Small Velesov dream book

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The ball is a happy meeting with friends, a love date / obstacles.

The newest dream book

What does the Ball dream about in a dream?

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Ball - walk around bureaucratic offices.

Dream interpreter

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Playing with a ball means increasing wealth; rolling the ball back and forth marks the chores in an empty way.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream of the Ball?

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To see a children's ball in a dream - to the successful elimination of obstacles that will arise in your way.

If you dreamed of a sports ball, then you will compete in some business. Whether you win this competition is up to you.

If you dreamed that you were playing ball with a child - in the near future your children will cause you considerable problems.

To see a deflated ball in a dream means that you have to experience grief and joy at the same time.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century

What did the Ball dream about in a dream?

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Playing ball in a dream means getting an opportunity that cannot be missed.

If the ball rolls under your feet, it means that you will receive a belated inheritance or a dear friend will return.

Playing with a small ball in a dream means a happy meeting with a childhood friend.

If you dreamed of a ball - do not make cardinal decisions at work, do minor things, reschedule trips to a later date and pay attention to your health. Dream Interpretation Longo with his or your departure, you stopped seeing each other. Quite a few years have passed, you almost forgot that this person once meant a lot to you. However, the dream you saw says that the forgotten feelings will come to life again in order to manifest themselves with greater force. This time you will be able to enjoy each other's company, nothing will stop you, and your friend or acquaintance will move to your city forever. What if there is no one in your memory who could fit this explanation?

It's very simple: it means that the dream symbolizes an early acquaintance with someone who will be connected with your life for a long time. A ball lying motionless speaks of your calm, tranquility, which will finally come to you after a meeting with a kind person predicted by your dream. Everyday chores, fuss, troubles of various kinds - all this will leave your life, and you will enjoy peace and serenity for a long time.

Dream interpretation horoscope

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Ball - a long fruitful trip is ahead. Drop all doubts and go.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

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Ball - can symbolize the game.

Playing the ball means enjoying and enjoying life.

“The ball in your goal” means that it is your turn to take a step back. There is also a sexual connotation here. Do you have "balls" to do everything right?

Dream book for a bitch

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The ball is an unexpected joyful meeting with a friend of childhood and youth.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

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A ball in a dream - symbolizes uncertainty in business and relationships with partners.

If in reality you start some kind of game with your companions, get ready for the fact that it will turn out to be more difficult than it seems to you.

Dream interpretation of birthdays in January, February, March, April

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Throwing the ball - to a lightning-fast decision and action against you.

Dream interpretation of birthdays in May, June, July, August

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Throwing the ball into the basket is a good deal.

Dream interpretation of birthdays in September, October, November, December

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Throw the ball into the basket (basketball) - to the accuracy of your calculation.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see the Ball in a dream?

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Seeing a ball in a dream is a favorable combination of circumstances in which you will be incredibly lucky in the realization of an old dream.

Throwing the ball into the air means that you risk losing your share of income or inheritance.

A ball that has fallen into the water portends an unsuccessful deal and financial difficulties.

A ball jumping or rolling in a dream - promises to soon receive good news from a distant friend.

Volleyball - predicts that, having given himself to business with his head, leave children and husband unattended and run the house.

Kicking a soccer ball in a dream - you will become a leader in your team thanks to energy, perseverance and perseverance in achieving the goal.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

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The ball is a meeting with a childhood friend.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Interpretation of sleep: The ball according to the dream book?

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Ball - pride, ambition; chores; resentment, a kind of scapegoat, a "boy" for whipping. Everyone kicks him and “sends” him in different directions (idiom: “puffed up like a ball”).

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

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If you dreamed that you were throwing a ball, a close friend would soon offend you.

If you dreamed that you were tearing open a ball, you will soon challenge one of your friends, but the challenge will be accepted, and you will be the winner.

If you dreamed that you were looking for a ball, you will challenge one of your friends.

If you dreamed that you were looking for and found a ball, a duel awaits you (perhaps a verbal duel) with one of your friends.

Play ball with someone - to a quarrel with someone you know.

In a dream you lost the ball - get ready for a big loss.

If you dreamed that you bought a ball, you will soon make yourself a new friend.

You were given a ball - soon you will renew your acquaintance with one of your distant relatives.

Ukrainian dream book

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A ball in a dream is a happy meeting with friends or a love date, sometimes obstacles.

Universal dream book

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It's amazing that such a simple item is such an important part of our vacation! It is difficult to name a sport in which a ball or a ball would not be used.

Who plays ball in your dream - do you think this person is smart, does he do a great job and does everything right? Or does this person mishandle the ball and drop it?

You associate the ball with joy and happiness: you have a good time - perhaps you associate the ball with the release of energy. Are you in a tense and emotional state?

What shape is the ball? Is it round or oval? Hard or soft? He jumps evenly or falls hard - relate yourself to the ball.

What he does in your dream will tell you how you behave in the game called Life.

Gypsy dream book

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Ball - to some difficulties.

If the ball rolls away from you, you must work hard to get promoted.

If the ball rolls towards you, expect a reward.

Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep: The ball according to the dream book?

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If you take part in any games or disputes, you will win them, even if at first it will be difficult for you to do so.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: The ball according to the dream book?

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If you saw a ball in a dream, in the near future you will fight for what is dear to you.

More interpretations

If you played ball, it means that you will solve the problems of children.

I dreamed that he was blown away - you will worry, but sadness will be replaced by joy very quickly.

They threw the ball up - be careful, someone is claiming your property.

They saw that he fell into the water - your hopes in business will not be justified.

A ball that rolled or jumped in a dream - an old friend will please you with the news.

The dream book interprets the ball you are playing as a warning that fate will soon fly you a unique chance, and you simply must notice it.

To see that he rolled over to you - get what you have been counting on for a long time and already without much effort.

If the ball is small, you will accidentally meet with the one with whom you joyfully shared your childhood.

Reception of the ball in volleyball - Your volleyball

In this article we will analyze the reception of the ball - the most important element necessary for receiving the opponent's serve.

Tables Table:

1. Lower supply of supply

2. Reception of the striker strike

3. Topped errors

4. Upper reception

5. Expressed errors of the upper reception

6. Video

V. modern volleyball cannot do without the ability to receive the ball: from below and from above.

Bottom pickup used for:

  • Feeder
  • Protective actions in the field
  • Forced pass - a pass to a teammate.
  • Forced direction of the ball to the side of the opponent - the last, third, blow.
  • Beach volleyball pass

Low serve

The hold is the first step to attack. With the help of a competent reception, you need to give a high, clear pass to the third number at a distance of 1 meter from the net. Then the third number gives a pass to the attacking player.

Reception elements:

When the ball speed in professional volleyball is more than 30 m/sec. and the time of the flight itself is less than 0. 5 seconds, the receiver simply does not have time to move. In this case, you have to take it by turning the body and the receiving platform.

Receiving an attacking blow

Elements of the reception:

  • Readiness . As soon as the attacker jumps to the kick, the libero prepares to receive the ball in the intended place. The legs are parallel to each other and bent at the knees. The head is raised, the back is straight. We follow the attacker's hand, and after the strike - the ball.
  • Handling the ball . Keep eye contact with the ball. We do not make an oncoming movement - we simply substitute our hands for reception. The force of the impact is absorbed by moving the arms slightly back when receiving the ball.
  • Ball contact point is low from the floor and away from the body.

If the ball does not fly into the hands, then the reception is carried out by turning the platform.

Platform Turn

Common Mistakes

A good low move is tricky, no matter how simple it looks from the outside. Common mistakes are:

  • Receive the ball not on the lower part of the forearms, but on the hands and knuckles.
  • Opposite movement on the ball, which makes the flight of the ball unpredictable.
  • Lack of footwork - when receiving, they should be half-bent, and when in contact with the ball, straighten slightly, setting the direction of the ball.
  • Loosely adjacent hands.


Rarely do professionals use the high serve and attacking hit, because. the ball flies with such force and speed that it is possible to receive and control it only with a lower reception.

But amateurs very often receive the ball from above. Elements of such a technique:

The main nuance here is to try to completely clasp the ball with your fingers. Then we will be able to fully control its trajectory.

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