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How to become a quicker basketball player

USA Basketball - How to Improve Your Court Speed

All athletes need speed -- particularly in a sport like basketball where the first player up and down the court can mean the difference in winning or losing a game.

In the world of sports, the fastest, quickest athletes are usually the most successful. But exactly what kind of speed and quickness is best for basketball?

Many coaches may place too much emphasis on "straight-ahead" speed by, for example, focusing too much of their attention on getting their athletes to run a faster 40-yard dash. In a sport like basketball, this isn't necessarily going to be the kind of speed that's going to make for a more effective player. Seldom, if ever, does a player run baseline to baseline in a straight line, and even if they did, a fast 40-yard dash might not equate to an effectively fast basketball player.

Having fast top-end speed measured at 40 yards wouldn't necessarily make you as effective as perhaps being a bit slower in the 40, but having the quickness and explosiveness to be faster down the court (which is a shorter distance).

Most sprinting in basketball starts from moving or "rolling" positions, not a stationary one. So, some of your training should be spent with that in mind. Performing your speed training from different starting positions such as turning and sprinting from a backpedal, accelerating from a side-shuffle, or running after getting up from the floor (simulating being knocked down and having to get up and hustle down the court) translates into more "real world" training for basketball players than simply lining up at one baseline and sprinting to the other.

This doesn't mean there is no room in your training for that kind of sprinting. It may have a place in your conditioning program--to build, for example, speed endurance. But, don't confuse this type of training with working on your game speed.

Here are three tips that can help athletes plan a program designed to improve their basketball speed:

Build Strength

Before any speed work is done, an athlete must have adequate strength. Without it, you might as well be trying to get a car to go 100 miles per hour with a go-cart's engine. Studies have shown that weight training to build strength can improve running speed. We're not talking about building big muscles here. We're talking about building strong muscles that can help us produce speed.

A basic strength-building program for speed includes strengthening the legs (calves, hamstrings, and quads) with exercises such as calf raises, squats, leg curls and extensions; strengthening the upper body with exercises such as dumbbell (bench) press, seated row, shoulder raises, bicep curls, and triceps extensions; and the core muscles (abdominals and back) by using regular crunches from the floor, stability ball crunches, oblique rotations, and back extensions. These basic exercises and more can help the basketball athlete begin to develop the strength necessary to build speed.

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Work on Acceleration and Quickness

Acceleration is the ability to increase velocity. The key here is how quickly you can increase your speed. This is perhaps more important in basketball than raw speed, because unlike a sport like track where all the athletes take off at the same time, basketball players must be quick to recognize when they must start a sprint--such as a rebound leading to a fast break -- and then be able to accelerate quickly. In basketball, having the ability to accelerate from a stationary position or from a moving position is equally important.

Drills such as learning the proper 45-degree body position to begin acceleration, or using the proper arm action in the sprint can be helpful in this type of training. Each of these seemingly simple, but often overlooked aspects to becoming faster can help athletes improve their acceleration.

Don't Forget Deceleration

Training for speed without including deceleration training is like learning to drive a car very fast without brakes. Athletes need effective speed, and effective speed means being fast, but under control.

When a basketball player dribbles fast down the court for a breakaway lay-up, she'd better be able to effectively slow down as she approaches the basket. Otherwise, she's out of control, and will probably miss the lay-up and perhaps even get injured.

Braking or decelerating is extremely important to speed training -- perhaps the most important skill in basketball speed training. This may seem counter intuitive to some, but in order to have effective speed on the basketball court, the athlete must be able to run fast, decelerate or slow down, and reaccelerate into a sprint, cut, or jump. Slowing down properly actually aids in the athlete's ability to reaccelerate. A fast, out-of-control player is not very effective in a game. So make sure that learning proper deceleration techniques are an integral part of your speed workouts.

An extensive discussion about proper deceleration technique is complex and beyond the scope of this article. However, many experts suggest that two key components to good deceleration is in keeping nice flexed or bent knees, and in lowering the athlete's hips during deceleration--whether from a sprint or from a landing.

Always check with your physician before undertaking any exercise program such as those covered in this article.

5 Best Basketball Speed Drills and Exercises

Home > Player > Athletic Development > 5 Best Basketball Speed Drills

Speed Kills

You've heard your coaches tell you over the years. Speed kills! A player who is FASTER simply can make something out of nothing.

It is not fun having opponents consistently fly by you down the court for an easy bucket or struggling to close out to shooters before they fire 3's over you. Players with more speed are simply able to make more plays... so maybe it is time to do something about that!

Game Of Inches

People always say how basketball is a game of inches, and it truly is a game of inches. As you continue to play basketball at higher and higher levels, it becomes more evident that most plays either fail or succeed based on a matter of INCHES. So how does this relate to speed? Let's examine the following situations:

  • If you are faster coming off a screen, you are more likely to hit that 3 over the outstretched hands of a defender.
  • If you are faster running the floor, you are more likely to get that transition layup or dunk.
  • If you are faster bringing the ball down the court, you are more likely to turn a secondary break into a primary break and create offense for your team. Or better yet, you create a scoring opportunity for yourself.
  • If you are faster on defense, you are able to closeout on a skip pass and take away an opponent's jump shot.
  • If you are faster in transition defense, you can get back in time to block a game winning shot attempt.

What is the difference between failing or succeeding in each of these scenarios? We are not talking about a matter of seconds in these scenarios, rather we are talking about being faster by a few milliseconds.

Seeing The Court

Being one step faster could also be the difference between seeing more playing time on the court. This won't necessarily be because a coach puts a stop watch on you and notices that your 40 yard dash time is faster, but coaches will notice when you begin making more plays on the court. And in the end this is why players work to get faster- it helps you make plays while on the court.

Have A Plan

Cody Roberts Athletic Development Program has specific exercises in it designed to help you become a better athlete. If you want to have the most success at becoming a better athlete, you need to follow a well laid out plan by a professional, this is the first step in guaranteeing success.

Remember, successful athletes have a plan.

Great basketball players don't go into the gym without a shooting routine and they don't go into the weightroom without having a program designed to make them a better athlete.

5 Drills and Exercises To Increase Your Speed

1) Wall Drive

One key to great speed is your body position. The drill teaches proper body positions of acceleration. It also helps develop proper mechanics of driving the feet into the ground, keeping head up, and chest out.

2) A-Skip

Great exercise for helping you develop dynamic control of your body and your posture. It also helps with proper positioning of the torso, hip, knee, and foot when sprinting. Start slow with this exercise and add speed as you get more comfortable with the drill. Maintaining good posture throughout is a key to the A-Skip.

3) Straight Leg Bounds

Straight leg bounds will help you develop an aggressive hip drive and ground contacts. This helps improve your prime movers, which are muscles used to power the body forward. Focus on quick contact with the ground and hangtime in the air while performing Straight Leg Bounds.

4) 5-15 Yard Sprint Starts (Falling and Half Kneeling)

Great drills to work on straight ahead acceleration. There are several variations of sprint starts. Begin by focusing on the falling and half kneeling sprint starts.

5) Flying 10's

This exercise is one of the highest and most intense training stimulus for an athlete. Being able to run at and experience full speed sprinting is awesome for developing a complete athlete. Focus here should be on sprinting tall and upright, while remaining relaxed.

Beyond The Dunk

Take a look at this next video clip. While the announcers and most fans will focus on the dunks these players finish with, please look beyond the dunk. I want you to focus on something else. How did they get open or how did they get to the rim?

The answer to that question is SPEED!

Each player that scores in the video simply outruns their opponents at some point. You probably won't turn Sportscenter on anytime soon and have the hosts talk about how fast a player was on the court. I challenge you though to notice what puts these players in position to make spectacular defensive or highlight reel offensive plays. I think you'll find that speed is a definite factor in their success.

Showcase Your Skills

You have worked very hard on your basketball skills. Better speed will allow you a chance to showcase these skills.

  • Offensively-speed will create space between you and your opponent.
  • Defensively- speed will take away space between you and your opponent.

Without that space, showing what you can do on the court is that much more difficult. Give yourself an edge on the court, and increasing your speed will help you do so.

If you'd like a step-by-step program to help you take your athleticism to the next level...

Take a look at Cody Roberts' 12-week Athletic Development Program. This improves your speed, vertical jump, quickness, and much more.

Exercises for developing the speed of movements

Hello, dear visitors of the site " "! In today's article we will talk about such an important aspect of basketball training as speed development . Basketball is a very dynamic game, and basketball players (especially those playing in positions 1-3) have to move a lot, and often at a jerky pace. Jerks, stops, sharp and sudden changes in direction - all this requires good physical fitness and explosive speed.

The exercises that you will learn in this material will improve the speed of movement around the site, the speed and coordination of movements, and most importantly, will allow you to change direction with minimal delays. Let's start a story about the means and methods of developing speed in basketball players.

Training and development of speed

Let's start with the fact that during the game of basketball, the player has to perform jerks and accelerations over short distances (5,10,20 meters), because the court itself will not allow it anymore. So great results in the 100m do not always lead to the same success when trying to run into a fast break. Much more important will be the ability to quickly "switch" between running forward and backward, left and right.

Combining agility training with classic speed training will have a huge impact on your playing ability. As a result, you will not only be able to cover the distance from one ring to another much faster, but will also be able to direct the rest of your energy to perform other specific basketball elements, such as jump , feint or throw . But let's get straight to the exercises.

Speed ​​Exercise #1: Super Shuttle

  • Starting position - on the end line under the ring
  • Start moving to point "A" in a protective stance
  • U-turn and fast dash from A to B, focusing on minimizing turnaround time
  • From point "B" with an added step in a protective stance we move to the starting position
  • We jump up and touch the shield (well, or the ring).
  • Back in defensive stance move to "C"
  • Turn and dash from "C" to "D"
  • With an added step in a protective stance, we return to the starting position
  • Jump out and touch the shield or ring
Super Shuttle

The exercise is performed 6-8 times with a 60-90 second break in between. If you are a coach, or just do this exercise with friends, then I suggest a little increase in motivation to do it. As soon as the first player reaches point "A", the second one starts moving. A large number of players can be divided into 2 groups, placed on 2 rings and have a small competition.

Speed ​​Exercise #2: Zigzag

  • Place 4 markers (they can be absolutely anything: chips, balls, stones, etc.) on the same line at a distance of about 3 meters from each other
  • Now stand in the middle between the first and second cone, measure 3 meters to the side and put another marker (total you will need to put 3 more markers).
  • Dash to the first marker - then in defensive stance move to the left - when you get to the marker - side step in defensive stance to the right
  • After the last marker, perform a short dash (3-5 meters)
Zigzag (wave)

Exercise is performed 6-8 times , a break is the time until you reach the start.

Speed ​​Drill #3: Shuttle with Ball Pass

  • So, we start the movement from the front line (START). The ring is on your left.
  • Dash to point "A" and receive a pass from the coach (partner)
  • Immediately return the pass, turn around and dash to the end line "B"
  • At point "B" jump out and touch the shield, net or ring
  • After landing, we run out to the perimeter again, get a pass and return it back
  • Again dash to the ring, jump, return to the coach, get a pass and now do not give it back
  • Turn around and do a quick dribble to the basket and finish with a lay-up or dunk.
Shuttle and pass

The exercise is repeated 4-6 times, with a short break (60-90 seconds), or almost without a break - if you are a very tough player! It is better to give the pass from the three-point line, and, as can be seen from the figure, you need to receive it in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe line for the free throw.

Speed ​​Exercise #4: Square

  • To begin your workout, mark out a 6 x 6 meter square (original suggested 6 x 6 yards, which is approximately 5.5 meters). Put some kind of marker in the middle of the square - this will be the starting position
  • Each of the vertices of the square needs to come up with a name (1,2,3,4 or A, B, C, D). Coach or your partner names the top of the square at random
  • As soon as the vertex is named, the player makes a dash to it, and the same dash to the starting position, i.e. to the center of square
  • As soon as the player reaches the center, the coach (partner) names the next peak

Exercise performed for 60-90 seconds . Then you can switch roles. For starters, 2-3 sets will be enough, and then move on to 4-6 sets with a 1-2 minute break. If you are training a group of players, then change them every 60 seconds. This exercise coolly combines the training of both the physical and psychological state. It is interesting to see how often a tired player is unable to remember the number of the vertex to which he should run.

Combine these basketball speed exercises with other speed workouts. Together they will help to significantly increase the speed and quality of movement around the site.

And that's it, the article about what kind of training exercises will help you most effectively develop leg speed is over. I am sure that it will be useful for both players and coaches. I wish you successful training, great matches and see you soon on the pages of this site.

How to become a basketball player? | Article in the journal "Young scientist"

Author : Postrelkin Mikhail Artemovich

Academic Supervisor : Burova Natalya Viktorovna

Category : Special issue

Posted by in young scientist №3 (23) March 2019

Publication date of : 03/29/2019 2019-03-29

Article viewed: 8943 times

Download electronic version

Bibliographic description:

Postrelkin, M. A. How to grow up to be a basketball player? / M. A. Postrelkin, N. V. Burova. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2019. - No. 3.1 (23.1). — S. 81-83. — URL: (date of access: 10/13/2022).

This article tells about how you can increase the height of a person, what you need to do to become a basketball player. Studying the issue of children's growth, the authors highlight the factors that influence it. Particular attention is focused on the game of basketball, which has a positive effect on the child's growth.

Keywords: growth, health, diet, stretching, basketball.

I have been playing basketball for almost a year now. Basketball helped me love physical activity. Constant training helps to become stronger, more resilient, develop, achieve results. You have to run a lot, jump, do push-ups to be in good shape and improve your results. In the summer, a recruitment to the team of my dreams was announced. However, they did not take me, because I was not tall enough. I was very upset, but after a while I decided to study the questions: “How can I increase my height? What needs to be done for this?

The relevance of this study lies in the fact that in modern basketball, the growth of an athlete plays one of the most important roles.

The purpose of study is to find out if it is possible to increase the height of a person and what needs to be done to achieve this.

Study objectives:

− to study the history of the emergence of the game of basketball;

- find factors that affect human growth;

- Find out if playing basketball affects the growth of the child;

− Draw conclusions.

Object research is a 2nd grade student.

Subject of research 2nd grade student's height.

Research methods:

− study of literature;

- access to the Internet, computer;

− survey of basketball coaches;

− observation;

- experiment.

Hypothesis - With the help of special exercises and diet, you can increase your height.

In this article, I will describe in detail the results of my research.

First, I want to turn to the history of basketball.

Basketball was invented by American college teacher James Naismith in 1891. Working as a physical education teacher, he decided to diversify the students' physical exercises and came up with the following game: he tied two peach baskets to the railing of the balcony of the gym and, dividing the students into two teams, offered them a game, the meaning of which was to throw more balls into the basket of opponents. This is how basketball was born.

The date of the birth of basketball in Russia is considered to be 1906. Place of birth - St. Petersburg, sports society "Mayak".

Basketball entered the Olympic Games in 1936. in Berlin.

Currently, the average height of basketball players is 190-195 cm. But there are also record holders - the tallest basketball players in the world are Soviet basketball player Alexander Sizonenko and Libyan basketball player Suleiman Ali Nashnush. Each has a height of 2 m 45 cm.

Studying the issue of children's growth, I identified 5 factors that affect it.

Factor No. 1 Heredity, i.e. a child whose parents are tall is more likely to grow up than a child whose parents are medium or short.

Factor No. 2 Quantity and baby's sleep quality. The child grows most intensively during sleep, especially in the morning. Hence the conclusion: if a child is chronically sleep deprived or forced to wake up early and get up, this can negatively affect his growth.

Factor No. 3 Psychological state of the child. Scientists have proven that growth slows down in the absence of love. A child grows well in an atmosphere of happiness and joy, when he feels protected and safe.

Factor No. 4 Power. In order for a child to grow well, his diet must be correct and balanced. Here are 10 main products that significantly affect the growth process: o syanka, bananas, legumes, chicken eggs, beef, seafood, walnuts, cottage cheese, honey and apples.

But SUGAR is not good for growth and even slows it down. Therefore, you need to limit the use of all kinds of sweets !!!

Factor No. 5 Physical development. Scientific evidence shows that playing sports has a positive effect on the physical development of the child and contributes to his growth. Among these sports are: swimming, morning exercises, athletics, throwing, long and high jumps, exercise on the horizontal bar, football, hockey, basketball, volleyball, tennis, badminton. These sports make it possible to stretch the arms and legs, straighten the spine, which contributes to the proper growth of bones. To achieve a positive effect, you need to do at least 45 minutes a day. Especially good outdoors.

Also stretching is useful for the growth of the child.

POWER SPORTS can negatively affect the growth of the child, because in the process of training, the growth of joints, muscles and ligaments is inhibited.

Having studied the information about a person’s height on my own, I turned to the coach with the question: “Why is basketball good for growth?” Here's what my coach said.

Basketball really, positively affects growth. There are several reasons for this.

The first reason. When performing sudden movements and jumps, which are filled with basketball training and matches, the hormonal background increases, growth hormone is more actively produced.

The second reason. Constant jumping during the game creates micro fractures (micro cracks) of the leg bones. These microcracks promote cell division within bones, making bones stronger, thicker, and longer.

The third reason. Constantly jumping after the ball or towards the ring, you are programming your psyche that you need a higher growth.

Having studied all the information about the possibilities of increasing growth, I got down to business. First of all, I began to eat right: every day I always ate oatmeal, cottage cheese, eggs, bananas, nuts, a lot of berries. Almost all summer I lived in the country, where I swam a lot in the river. Every day I did stretching, practiced exercises with a ball, jumped rope. Slept at least 9hours.

As a result, my height increased by 3 cm during the summer months, and by another 2 cm during the autumn months. You can see my height data in the diagram.

Based on the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. In basketball, player height plays an important role.
  2. With the help of special exercises and diet, you can increase your height.
  3. Playing basketball has a positive effect on growth.

Basic terms (automatically generated) : basketball, human height, height, tall, my height, sport, children's height, child's height, Game, child.


health, growth, basketball, diet, stretch

growth, health, diet, stretching, basketball

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