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How to become a point guard in basketball
8 Keys to Becoming a Great Point Guard in Basketball
This article was written by Mike O’Donnell, the director of basketball operations at the University of Central Florida.
1. Mentally Tough
Ability to think positive and be constructive in every situation
Ability to self analyze/self diagnose
Makes free throws
As primary ball-handler, expect to be fouled in late-game situations
Play through pain (not referring to injuries)
Accept criticism from coaches and teammates
Be great in your conditioning all through the season… always ready to play the entire game
Stay focused and in tune with the flow of the game while on the bench
Hates losing
Relentless worker
First one in, the last one to leave
Challenge teammates
Challenge coaches (respectfully)
Watches film/studies opponent
2. High Basketball IQ
Great in the open floor
Navigate the ability to always know time, score, and possession
Coach on the floor
Ability to control the tempo
Recognize flow of the game
Don’t be perfect
Voice in the huddle. Doesn’t always matter what you say, just that you are saying something
Comprehension of scouting reports
3. Solid Defender
Great point guards find a way to affect the game in any way possible
Becoming a respected defender makes opposing coaches strategize for it
No player is a perfect defender. Perfect your craft… be a lockdown defender in the half-court, be pesky in the full court, have incredible awareness as a help-side defender, and focus on never getting beat off the dribble
4. Physically Tough
First to the floor
Put in the time in the weight room
Lead team in charges taken
5. Excellent Ball-Handler
Doesn’t have to be flashy.
Be efficient… don’t use four dribbles when you are quick enough to beat your opponent with one. Think about it; you are wasting energy.
Be a great ball-handler in the open court and in tight spaces (there is a difference)
Creating distance is the most important thing
For you shot, the offense, and tempo
6. Strategic Passer
Every pass MEANS something
On-time, on target
Recognize the hot hand
Don’t be afraid to enjoy the hockey assist (make the extra pass that leads to the assist)
Great passers practice passing
Become a great “post-feeder.”
7. Have a Go-To Move
This is key for the shot clock, end of regulation, or if the team is stagnant on offense
The step-back jump shot should be your best friend… just ask Chris Paul
8. Respected 3-Point Shooter
Consistent shooter
Stretches defense
Takes the pressure off your scorers
Opens up your penetration
Keeps the defense honest
So why do you not see “Leader” listed in the group of eight? Well, what does a leader even mean? All of the above-listed qualities equate to a great leader… but that does not define leadership. A player could have only three qualities listed above and still be considered a “leader” or having “leadership type qualities.”
I did not use leadership as a point guard essential for a reason. The term “Leadership” is the most overused, misunderstood, and misinterpreted word in sports. A basketball player could be stubborn, unapproachable, and un-coachable and still be a leader… if he starts negatively affecting his teammates, he is still a leader… just not the kind of leader you envision when you hear that word.
That negative player that was just described can create followers, and he/she may not even know it. A point guard can yell, scream, pound the floor on defense, and be perceived (to the fans) as a great leader. However, yelling and screaming does not mean that the player controls the locker room, huddle, or off the court scenarios.
Acting on your emotions is the complete opposite of what authentic leadership is all about. The ability to affect your teammates on and off the court positively to maintain the overall goal of winning (as a team) makes you a truly good leader.
You don’t have to be a leader to be a point guard… but it sure will set you apart… You don’t have to have all of the eight point guard essentials listed above… but it sure is coveted by basketball coaches… you don’t have to do half of that and be a good point guard. The choice is up to you to go from good to great. The margins are so small and yet so far apart. Focus on closing the margins, and you won’t have to worry about being good; rather, people will tell you that you are great.
Thank you to Brendan Suhr, Donnie Jones, Chris Mayberry, and Drew Speraw for their input and guidance in this basketball article. Email: [email protected]
Be the Best Point Guard You Can Be
Be the Best Point Guard You Can Be
Elite point guards in basketball are known for their skill, athleticism, and talent handling the ball. They are also responsible for controlling the floor, play calling, finding their teammates, and giving assists.
Being a point guard is a huge responsibility, but it can be very rewarding. If you want to become the best point guard you can be, these basketball tips can bring you success.
1. Practice your ball handling
You have to read the other team’s defense, avoid traps, and get to your half-court before the eight-second limit. The key, therefore, is to practice your dribbling skills. You need to be able to dribble effectively with both hands without even looking at the ball. A low dribble is better since it can prevent taller opponents from reaching in and stealing the ball. However, a high dribble is also needed during fast breaks. You need to be aware of your opponents’ positions on the floor. For instance, if your guard is bringing you to your left, there is a huge chance that he and another teammate are luring you into a corner trap. Thus, as you dribble you need to keep your head up and always be aware of the opponent’s defense. One tip is don’t pick up the ball if there is no clear pass or shot. Picking the ball up prematurely always leads to turnovers or bad plays.
2. Strengthen your mental tenacity
the point guard is the most pressured player on the court. He is entrusted with handling the ball and calling the plays, and is still expected to make defensive stops. If you are easily distracted or have the tendency to panic when in a tight situation, you need to improve your mental toughness. This is possible by learning to be patient with everything you do. This will help develop your mental character that will come out naturally when in tight situations in a game.
3. Know your teammates’ game
Your teammates rely on you when you call a play. There are times when the play cannot be set up because of the opposing team’s defense. In such situations, you need to know your teammates’ game so that you can improvise a play and make that critical pass.
4. Avoid being a showoff
Being that the ball is almost always in their hand, point guards have the tendency to be showoffs, by overdribbling, doing exhibition dribbles, or making fancy passes. These may be spectacular and wow the crowd, but don’t necessarily help win the game.
5. Listen to your basketball
Finally, you need to develop the ability to pay attention to your coach. The coach is your team’s assigned leader and think-tank. They see the floor better since they aren’t distracted by the physicality of the game. Follow the plays they designed, and you and your team will have a big chance of winning. Your coach may be forced to bench you if you fail to listen and follow instructions.
Again, the point guard is a tough position to handle, but if you commit to these five simple steps, you can be the best point guard you can be. Also, if you commit to private coaching you will improve much faster as a point guard.
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Comprehensive characteristics of the qualities and abilities of back-line players in basketball — NovaInfo 64
Altai State Pedagogical University
Novainfo 64 , p.240-245 , download PDF Published April 18, 2017 Language: Russian Views per month: 19 CC BY -NC
The article discusses the necessary qualities and abilities of a point guard and an attacking defender in terms of the specifics of their functions.
POINT GUARD, POSITIONAL ATTACK, BASKETBALL, ATTACKING DEFENDER, QUICK BREAK, RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEFENDERS front row players), centers. At the same time, differentiation of functions within the game roles is observed. So, among the defenders, a point guard (first number) and an attacking or throwing [3] defender are singled out.
The main duties of the point guard - based on the ability to play the ball in combination, organize team actions, perform dispatching functions, manage the actions of partners in the attack, "assist" passes to create an opportunity for an aimed throw by the attackers, possess the ability to effectively perform throws from medium and long distances, organize counterattacks, be able to aggravate the game near the basket after a pass, in combination with deceitful movements, insure the rear, individually press the opponent if necessary, interact with partners in defense .
It is necessary to note the following requirements for the above role: the "point guard" player must be as active as possible in attack, be able to take over the game, i.e. be the business attack leader.
The main duty of the point guard is the clear guidance of the partners during the actions in the attack, besides this, the ability to complete the attack with a throw after passing to the basket. In defense, the main duties of the point guard are as follows: in the event of the loss of the ball by his team, preventing a quick counterattack; actions on the front approaches to your basket. At the same time, in addition to performing their traditional duties by the point guard, the following functions are distinguished in connection with the universalization of players of various roles: the ability to attack through tall players with a throw from under the ring after a high-speed pass, and besides this, activity in the fight for the rebound and finishing off the ball at the shield rivals .
In addition to the organization of the attack, the distribution of roles, the point guard must control the pace of the game. Based on the position that the point guard is the team’s dispatcher, therefore, the point guard on the court must implement all the coach’s ideas and correct the team members if their actions fall out of the tactical scheme. In view of this, the coach must select a point guard who shares his concept of the game.
First of all, the point guard is evaluated by the ability to create a situation that allows his team to score the ball into the opponents' basket, i.e. create an opportunity for teammates to shoot accurately. In addition, the main qualities for the point guard are coordination of movements and quick wits.
In addition, the point guard is characterized by an instant assessment of the situation for a modern transfer to partners. In other words, the effectiveness of attack actions (which include assists), and partly of defense (the effectiveness of interceptions) depends on the accuracy of anticipatory reactions. Among the set of qualities necessary for a point guard, control over the situation and maintaining composure are singled out [5].
One of the following requirements for the point guard's qualities is the obligation to know which of the members of the team will “play” by the time of the game and which will not, since depending on this, it is possible to make a more optimal choice when passing the ball in the final stages of the forwards the actions of your team.
The main factor of successful gaming communication between partners is the communicative nature of activities inherent in the players - "dispatchers" [1]. In this regard, the point guard must have organizational skills, a desire to cooperate with partners, a focus on interaction and creative initiative.
The point guard must be the most technical player on the team and be proficient in long-range shooting. At the same time, its functions are mainly related to maintaining a protective balance.
On the court, it is the point guard who implements the coach's tactical plan. As a leader, he must have authority over other players, have perfect technique, coordination, dribbling at high speed, be able to quickly and accurately make hidden passes of the ball. All this requires high efficiency, speed, endurance. As a point guard, he must react quickly and make the right decision, lead the team and at the same time not allow the opponent to use a fast break [6].
Among the individual skills of a point guard, the first place is the ability to choose the right solutions in a difficult situation and the ability to foresee a crisis situation.
In addition, a point guard in basketball must have a unique individual psychological profile:
be a team player, obey the interests of the team;
be able to concentrate;
be able to emotionally - positively influence the team;
to be collected and productive in extreme situations.
Of the point guard's technical and tactical skills, first of all, perfect possession of the ball (driving with a change of direction, possession of a pass, dribbling and throwing) should be noted. The main technical characteristics of the point guard are dribbling, passing the ball, throwing. In addition, the point guard must be able to:
in attack: pass the ball in a timely and accurate manner; use high-tech dribbling;
in defense: be able to play against the leader of the opposing team; be able to play hard against the ball carrier.
Less significant for the point guard are such qualities as the ability to imagine and aggressiveness in the game.
A point guard should have fast, strong hands and high functionality, be cool and in control, be a highly technical player, and see his teammates. The playmaker is the conductor of the team, setting the pace of the game and determining its pattern. The point guard must first of all create a situation on the court that will allow his team to score the ball into the opponents' basket. He organizes the attack, distributes roles among his partners, making the transfer to the one who has the best opportunity to make an accurate throw.
The second back row player in basketball is the shooting guard (number two). His main duties are characteristic of the general duties of defenders: leading partners in attack, the ability to complete the attack with a positional throw or pass to the basket; when playing defensively, he must prevent a quick counter-attack and operate in the front line of defense at his basket.
In addition to the traditional duties of an attacking defender, they also distinguish the ability to attack through tall players after high-speed passes, as well as participation in the fight for the rebound and finishing the ball at the opponents' backboard.
The role of the attacking defender, in contrast to the point guard, who exercises the main control over the actions of the partners in the attack, is mainly according to D.I. Nesterovsky, in the delivery of three-point hits [4].
The role of an attacking defender requires the ability to get rid of guardians and consistently score points, the ability to fight under the shield for the rebounded ball. But at the same time, it should be noted that in addition to the need for highly specialized skills, an attacking player, including a defender, must be a generalist [4].
An attacking defender needs to be tall, be able to fight for a bounced ball, master shots from medium and long distances, be able to pass to the center, and interact with the wingers of the attack. The main responsibilities of the defenders are: inclusion in the fast break and its completion, leadership of partners in a positional attack, hitting the basket from a long distance and after the pass, picking up the ball that bounced off the backboard, and readiness for enemy counterattacks.
In a positional attack, the defenders primarily operate on the area of the court adjacent to the arc of the free-throw area.
During defensive actions, the defenders have the following duties: to be the first to enter the fight when the enemy counterattacks, to neutralize opponents, to secure the center.
Defenders in basketball are distinguished by the following set of qualities: mobility, endurance, prudence, attention, propensity for positional play, orientation in a game environment. At the same time, in order to successfully fulfill their duties in the attack, it is necessary: to have tactical knowledge, leadership skills, the ability to put the ball into play, and excellent possession of the ball. To perform functions in defense, the back line players must master the technique of movement, possession of the ball, the ability to patronize the enemy and fight with a numerical superiority.
Defenders must quickly navigate in game situations, have initiative, endurance, and calmness. They are distinguished by high rates in terms of speed and speed endurance, attention parameters, visual field volume.
A modern back row player can bring his team no less points than attackers.
Among the factors influencing the effectiveness of the playing activity of defenders-basketball players, communicativeness, calmness, psychological and game factors are singled out [1].
M.S. Bril notes that in frequent cases, defenders-basketball players are the leaders of attacks, but at the same time, he still believes that their main role is organizational. In this regard, the most significant for the defenders will be speed and rationality in actions and interactions. In addition, it is important to note that the growth factor plays an important role [2].
The attacking defender must be as fast as possible, mobile and enduring, reasonable and attentive. The effectiveness of his playing actions is closely related to the indicators of sensorimotor response. The most integrative sensorimotor indicator is the "sense of time", which can be considered as a component of the special abilities of basketball players. The development of the “sense of time” is based on the activity of a complex of analyzers, since the perception of time is associated with spatial perception. Basketball players of different roles need to have a specialized perception of time intervals. The back row players should be well oriented in the intervals of 5-10 seconds, which is related to the organization of the game. In addition, the defender of the attacking plan must be distinguished by a fast jump, speed, endurance, and a well-developed shoulder girdle.
In addition to being tall, an attacking defender must be agile and flexible, be able to get away from guardians, and score points consistently. Ideally, the two defenders in the team five should differ in the way they play [5].
So, based on the specifics of the playing role, back-line players in basketball should have the following set of abilities: dexterity, speed, jumping ability, endurance, starting speed, spatial accuracy of actions, dispatching functions, organization of the game, team management, propensity for combination play, game intelligence, assists, rear insurance, ability to extrapolate, various parameters of attention, field of view, choice reaction, calmness, communication skills, prudence, balance.
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Wutten M. How to succeed in training basketball players. M.: TVT Division, 2008. - 400 p.
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Hucinski Tadeusz. Socio-psychological characteristics of a point guard in basketball / Hucinski Tadeusz // Theory and practice of physical culture. - 2002. - No. 7. - p.21.
Kalita, M.V. Comprehensive characteristics of the qualities and abilities of players in the back line in basketball / M.V. Kalita. - Text: electronic // NovaInfo, 2017. - No. 64. - P. 240-245. — URL: https://novainfo.ru/article/12656 (date of access: 11/13/2022).
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What techniques exist and how they differ
Let's first deal with the definition: playing techniques are skills that a professional player must possess. Sounds simple, but what exactly are the skills in basketball? What should an amateur who wants to improve the performance of his game pay attention to? Let's figure it out.
The main goal in basketball is to hit the basket successfully, and everything that happens on the court only leads the players to this moment. There are skills that basketball players work out in training to bypass rivals and make a successful shot.
Before we list them, let us remind you that basketball is a team sport, and even the most successful players do not master all the tricks perfectly. With a serious approach to training, you should decide on your position on the site and especially carefully work out the necessary techniques.
So the post must deftly pick up the ball under the basket and throw it right into the basket. Back row players are highly regarded for their ability to pass and make accurate shots from medium to long distances. And for an attacking basketball player, it is extremely important to be able to make lightning-fast breakthroughs to the ring. All these techniques and skills are practiced in training.
What are the basic skills?
Holding the throw. Performed with two hands. Widely spaced fingers hold the ball from both sides. One of the basic skills for any player.
Catching the ball. Another basic skill that no basketball player can do without. But are you sure you know how to do it right?!
The easiest way to catch the ball is at chin level. To do this, you need to take a small step forward and stretch your arms towards the ball with widely spread fingers - a “funnel”. In this case, the thumbs should be directed towards each other and brought together up to 3-5 centimeters. This will save you from slipping and hitting the ball in the face if you catch it at high speed. At the moment the ball touches the fingers, you need to make a shock-absorbing movement and transfer it to the chest. When catching the ball above the head, the actions are similar, but you need to extinguish the speed of its flight from the top-front, and then transfer it to the chest in an arc.
One of the most difficult tricks is catching the ball flying behind. Such a pass is often used to quickly break through to the opponent's ring. For him, without slowing down, make a slight turn of the shoulder and head towards the ball, and then catch it with the far hand and move it to the chest with a raking movement.
Basic passing techniques:
There are several technically correct ways to pass the ball. One of the most basic is a transfer with two hands from the chest. In this position, the ball is most protected from the attacks of opponents, and besides, the transfer from the chest is the most accurate and reliable, regardless of whether it is carried out on the spot or while the player is moving.
Two-handed downshift is more commonly used after stops and turns. During the swing, the ball is taken to the thigh, after which it is sent to another player with a sharp movement of both hands. Such a transfer is effective for beating especially tall opponents.
One-handed passes are less accurate and more often used when speed is important. Their development should be given special attention in training in order to achieve maximum strength and accuracy.
The shoulder pass is used when the ball needs to be passed as far and as fast as possible, and the hook pass, performed in an arcing motion, is good for passing the opponent.
A rebound pass is also good for getting around a nimble and agile opponent. It can be done with one or two hands. In this case, the push of the ball must be strong, and the rebound point must be closer to the receiving player.
What about dribbling?
Dribbling is the most basic thing in basketball. What makes this sport different from the rest. Simply put, dribbling is dribbling. It allows the player in possession of the ball, without violating strict basketball rules, to enter a position convenient for attacking, approach the ring and score the ball. The dribbling is carried out by elastic pushes of the ball with the fingers. It is dribbling that should be given special attention in training beginners.
A well-developed dribbling technique will teach you not only how to move on the court, but also skillfully take the ball away from your opponents, which will bring you closer to the coveted ring.
But we already wrote about how to properly throw the ball into the ring in our other article;)
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