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How to bounce a basketball under your legs

50 Basketball Dribbling Drills (Develop an Amazing Handle)

If you’re a basketball coach or parent I bet you have heard these comments from your players…

“Coach, I can’t train at home. I don’t have a basketball ring” or “Coach, there’s not enough space to train at home”.

These are excuses I hear all too often and it’s not necessarily the player’s fault. As coaches and parents, we need to teach our players that they can work on their game no matter where they are.

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of exactly 50 stationary basketball dribbling drills that your players can use to work on their game anywhere as long as they have a small area to use and a basketball.


Stationary 1 Basketball Dribbling Drills

1. Ball Slaps
Continuously slap the basketball from one hand to the other. This is a great drill to start with to get your hands ready for the workout.

2. Straight Arm Finger Taps
While making sure to keep your elbows locked, tap the basketball quickly back and forth straight out in front of you. When you become good at this drill start moving the ball up and down.

3. Wraps – Around Ankle
Wrap the ball around your lower leg/ankles without letting the basketball touch the ground.

4. Wraps – Around Waist
Wrap the ball in a circle motion around your waist.

5. Wraps – Around Head
Wrap the ball in a circle motion around your head.

6. Wraps – Around the world
Involves combining the wraps around the ankles, waist, and head into one drill. Start by wrapping the ball around your head, then bringing it down and around your waist, and finally around your ankles. Then back up to your waist, then head, then waist again, etc.

7. Wraps – Figure 8 Around Legs
Wrap the ball in a figure 8 motion around your legs.

8. Wraps – Around Right Leg
Starting with your right leg in front and your left leg back, wrap the ball around only your right leg.

9. Wraps – Around Left Leg
Starting with your left leg in front and your right leg back, wrap the ball around only your left leg.

10. Wraps – Double Leg, Single Leg
Start with your legs together. Step your right leg forward and circle your right leg with the basketball. Then immediately step back with your right leg so that your feet are together and circle both legs. Then step out with your left leg and circle it before stepping back together and wrapping the ball around them both. Continue this process.

11. Drops
Start in a squat position with both hands and the basketball in front of you. The aim is to drop the ball between your legs (only a few inches off the ground), let it bounce once, then take both hands behind your legs before catching it. Then dropping the ball again from behind and taking both hands back to the front and catch it. Repeat.

12. Straddle Flip
Similar to drops but instead start with one hand in front and one hand behind while holding the ball between your legs. The aim is to quickly flip the ball up and inch or two, swap hand positions from front to back, and catch the ball before it hits the ground.

13. Machine Gun
Kneel down onto the ground and alternate both hands to keep the ball as low as possible to the ground. The ball should stay in the same spot.

14. Spider Dribble
Start with your knees shoulder width apart and bent. The ball should stay underneath you the entire time of the drill. Dribble the ball with your right hand, then your left hand, then reach your right hand around behind your knee for a dribble, and then your left hand behind your knee for a dribble, and then back to your right hand in front. Continue this.

15. Pound Dribble – Ankle Height – Right Hand
Dribbling the basketball a couple of inches off the ground with your right hand.

16. Pound Dribble – Ankle Height – Left Hand
Dribbling the basketball a couple of inches off the ground with your left hand.

17. Pound Dribble – Waist High – Right Hand
Making sure to be in stance, pound the ball as hard as you can into the ground at around waist hight with only your right hand.

18. Pound Dribble – Waist High – Left Hand
Making sure to be in stance, pound the ball as hard as you can into the ground at around waist hight with only your left hand.

19. Pound Dribble – Shoulder Height – Right Hand
This is used to get the player out of their comfort zone. Pound the ball as hard as you can while dribbling at around shoulder height with only your right hand.

20. Pound Dribble – Shoulder Height – Left Hand
This is used to get the player out of their comfort zone. Pound the ball as hard as you can while dribbling at around shoulder height with only your left hand.

21. Dribble around Right Leg – Right Hand
Start in a wide stance. Keeping the ball low to the ground, dribble the ball in a circle around your right leg with only your right hand.

22. Dribble around Left Leg – Left Hand
Start in a wide stance. Keeping the ball low to the ground, dribble the ball in a circle around your left leg with only your left hand.

23. Dribble Figure Eight
Again starting in a wide stance. Dribble the ball in a figure 8 motion around both legs using both hands.

24. Kills – Right Hand
This drill involves dribbling from ankle to shoulder height. Start by dribbling the ball at your ankles and gradually dribbling the ball higher on each bounce. When you get to as high as you can ‘kill’ the basketball by stopping it a few inches off the ground and dribbling back up to your shoulder.

25. Kills – Left Hand
This drill involves dribbling from ankle to shoulder height. Start by dribbling the ball at your ankles and gradually dribbling the ball higher on each bounce. When you get to as high as you can ‘kill’ the basketball by stopping it a few inches off the ground and dribbling back up to your shoulder.

26. Crossover Dribble
Cross the ball continuously in front of your body. Make sure you’re crossing over wide.

27. Behind the Back Dribble
Cross the ball continuously in behind your body. Make sure you’re crossing over wide.

28. Scissors – Alternating Between the Legs
Start with your right foot forward and left foot back. Cross the ball between your legs and jump to switch the positioning of your feet so you can immediately cross the ball back to the other side. Every time you go through the legs you should be switching feet.

29. 3-Dribble Crossover.
Pound the ball 3 times before crossing it over in front of your body. Then pound the ball 3 times before crossing it back. Repeat this process making sure that you’re pounding the ball hard.

30. 3-Dribble Through the Legs.
Pound the ball 3 times before crossing it over through your legs. Then pound the ball 3 times before crossing it back. Repeat this process making sure that you’re pounding the ball hard.

31. 3-Dribble Behind the Back
Pound the ball 3 times before crossing it behind your back. Then pound the ball 3 times before crossing it back. Repeat this process making sure that you’re pounding the ball hard.

32. Triples – Crossover, Through the Legs, Behind the Back
The drill must be performed in this sequence: crossover, between the legs, behind the back, through the legs. Continue this sequence.

33. Front V-Dribble – Right Hand
Using only your right hand, dribble the ball from side to side in the shape of a ‘v’ in front of your body.

34. Front V-Dribble – Left Hand
Using only your left hand, dribble the ball from side to side in the shape of a ‘v’ in front of your body.

35. Side V-Dribble – Right Hand
Using only your right hand, dribble the ball backwards and forwards beside your body in the shape of a ‘v’.

36. Side V-Dribble – Left Hand
Using only your left hand, dribble the ball backwards and forwards beside your body in the shape of a ‘v’.

37. Freestyle
Using all the moves in your arsenal, while staying in a stationary position, combine as many moves together as you can. Be creative and work on your handle!


Photo Credit: lorenkerns via Compfight cc


Stationary 2 Basketball Dribbling Drills

38. Double Pound at Ankle Height
Dribble both basketballs as hard as you can at ankle height.

39. Double Pound at Waist Height
Dribble both basketballs as hard as you can at waist height.

40. Double Pound at Shoulders Height
Dribble both basketballs as hard as you can at shoulder height.

41. Double Pound Alternating
With the balls at a comfortable height, alternate the dribbling of each basketball.

42. One High/ One Low
Dribble one of the the basketballs at ankle height and one of them at shoulder height.

43. Double Wall Dribbling
Dribble both basketballs against the wall simultaneously at shoulder height.

44. 3 Dribble Double Crossover
Pound dribble both basketballs 3 times and then cross the balls over at the same time. Then perform another 3 dribbles before crossing over again.

45. 3 Dribble Through the Legs/Crossover
Pound dribble both basketballs 3 times and then cross one ball over in front of you and one ball through your legs at the same time.

46. 3 Dribble Behind the Back/Crossover
Pound dribble both basketballs 3 times and then cross one ball over in front of you and one ball behind your back at the same time.

47. Two Ball Figure Eight.
Keeping the ball close to the ground, use your right hand to dribble one ball around your right leg and use your left hand to dribble the other ball around your left leg.

48. Double V-Dribble in Front
Dribble both basketballs side to side in front of you simultaneously.

49. Double V-Dribble on Side
Dribble both basketballs from back to front beside you simultaneously.

50. Kills
Pound both basketballs higher and higher starting from ankle height. When you reach the shoulders ‘kill’ both balls stopping them a few inches from the ground before dribbling both balls back up.

5 Quick Basketball Dribbling Tips
  • Keep your eyes up when dribbling the basketball.
  • Dribble the ball as hard as you can.
  • Don’t be discouraged if you mess up. It means you’re pushing yourself!
  • Make sure you change which way you’re wrapping the ball.
  • Perform every drill as fast as you can.

Looking for Team Basketball Drills?

Check out my complete collection on this link.


These are all fantastic basketball dribbling drills to develop your ball-handling skills.

Print these drills off or share these with your players. Depending on the age of players I’m coaching, I like to pick out a few of these drills and set them as their ‘basketball homework’. They’re great because any player can do them as long as they own a basketball.

If you don’t understand what any of the drills are, make sure you YouTube the name or ask in the comments. I’m more than happy to answer any questions on any of the drills.

How to Dribble a Basketball (3 Killer Drills for Beginners)

Dribbling the ball well in basketball is the one true skill that can separate you from the rest of the competition. The ability to handle the ball in a way that renders the defense helpless can affect the flow of a game and put you in control.

Those new to the game may need a brief definition of what exactly dribbling is in the game of basketball. It is the act of bouncing the basketball up and down as you move down the court in order to avoid traveling. Even though some players on basketball teams may handle the ball more than others, dribbling is a skill that will be used by every basketball player to some degree.

Let’s take a look at some drills and techniques to help you learn how to dribble a basketball. Once you have these down, you just need to put forth the effort to become a great dribbler.

Quick Navigation

Dribbling Technique

If you watch someone dribbling the ball really well, it doesn’t look too hard to master. The secret is that dribbling really isn’t a hard skill to learn, with the proper technique and hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of practice anyone can learn to dribble.

So what are those proper techniques?

1. Stay Low

Having a low center of gravity helps with dribbling in many ways. You are in a stable position to run while dribbling and are able to endure physical defenders and keep the ball. It also helps with our second step on technique, which is to make sure to keep the ball as low as you are.

2. Dribble Ball Low

A general rule of thumb while dribbling the ball is to keep the height of the bounce between your knee and waist and never dribble it higher than your belt line. The lower the ball, combined with your body also being low, the more difficult for the defender to steal the ball from you.

3. Keep Your Head Up

This step will take some time to master. Dribbling with your eyes up and not on the ball is hard initially, especially during a game. But once you are able to both dribble and survey the court, you are in a much better position offensively. Maybe a teammate is open for a basket, or maybe you are open for a jump shot if your defender is not guarding you closely. There are a number of situations that you may not be aware of on the basketball court if you don’t have your head up while dribbling.

4. Fingertips, Not Palm

The ball should rarely ever touch the palm or heel of your hand while dribbling. Using your fingertips, instead of your palm, can give you more control over the ball. If you were to use your palm your technique would look more like you are slapping at the ball instead of bouncing it and receiving it with your fingers and a softer touch.

5. Bounce The Ball Hard

Once you have mastered how to dribble the ball you are going to want to make sure you bounce the ball hard to the ground. In your dribbling motion, your arm will extend and your wrist should snap forward while your fingertips push the ball to the ground. Bouncing the ball hard ensures the most efficient motion and gives you a better chance of the ball bouncing with enough speed to return to your fingers each time.

3 Killer Dribbling Drills for Beginners

1. Stationary Dribble

While this drill may seem too easy, it is used in practice and drills at all levels of play, including in the NBA. While they use the drill as more of a warmup, it is highly effective at the beginner level due to the repetitive nature of the drill.

For the Stationary Dribble (also called “Pounding”) drill, you will bend down in a low athletic stance and quite literally pound the ball to the ground as hard as you can. Remember to keep the ball between your knees and waist when you are dribbling. This drill is great for your muscle memory and also gets you very acquainted with the act of dribbling at a basic level. You can switch hands for this drill and “POund” with both your left and right hand to practice with both.

2. Stationary Crossover Dribble

The crossover is one of the most effective moves in basketball if done right. It is a change of direction move, like the between the legs or behind the back move, where you dribble hard in one direction and then plant your foot, dribble the ball across your body to your other hand, and quickly change the direction of your move.

A great starter drill for the crossover is a stationary move where you get into an athletic stance and continuously cross the ball over for a period of time. Once you get the hang of it, compete with yourself: count how many crossovers you can do in one minute and try setting a new high score every day.

3. Zig Zag Dribble

Now that you have gotten the hang of dribbling in a stationary position, let’s add some moving with our dribbles. This drill will involve approximately 100 feet of straightaway distance, preferably the length of a basketball court.

You will start in one corner of the basketball court and begin to dribble diagonally up the court until a certain point, usually marked with a cone or chair, and then make a change of direction move back towards the sideline of the court. You can start with crossovers at the cone or chair and work your way up to changing direction between your legs or behind your back in the drill. The video linked in the title does a great job of showing the full scope of the drill.

Best Dribblers in the NBA Today

There are so many talented ball-handlers playing in the NBA, which makes it tough to pick out only a few. However, the two I chose are on another planet in terms of their ball-handling and may all go down in history as some of the most talented dribbers ever.

James Harden

Harden is one of the top scorers in the league each year and the main reason is because of how talented a dribbler he is. His moves are all very complex and he uses several moves in a row during most of his attempts to get to the basket. He is a deadly outside shooter too making defenders have to guard his jumper which helps his chances of blowing by them for a layup.

Kyrie Irving

Irving can get by his defender and to the basket literally almost every time he touches the ball. He is known around the NBA as one of the best finishers meaning he can get to the rim, and once he does he usually always finds a way to put the ball in the hoop.

Irving looks like he has the basketball on a string on the court and has put together an impressive highlight reel of his dribble moves that should be studied by any player wanting to become great at dribbling the basketball.


Learning to dribble well can be tedious and involves doing the same task over and over again for hours before you can become great. However, the best players understand the importance of dribbling and work on it relentlessly.

Who are some of your favorite ball-handlers in the NBA today? Drop us some names in the comments section!

The initial period of learning to play basketball at physical education lessons at school

Exercises for teaching techniques basketball games

Individual exercises with the ball.

  1. Transferring the ball from hand to hand around the neck; legs; bodies in place and in motion.
  2. "Eight" - transfers the ball around and between the legs in a parallel stance, standing still.
  3. After tossing the ball over you, turn 360 degrees and catching the ball.
  4. The same, but sit down, touch the floor with your hands and get up.
  5. Standing in parallel stance, ball in front of you held with two hands. Hands to send the ball to the floor underfoot, catch it with both hands from behind and return to the original position in the same way.
  6. Holding the ball in front of you toss it over head back and catch from behind behind the back with two hands. Throw up and return with a wrist movement to the starting position.
  7. Ball on the floor in front of you. One leg lunge forward and roll the ball with your hand under your foot to the other hand, etc. Performed on the move.
  8. Passing the ball from hand to hand under the foot with a lunge forward in motion.
  9. Juggling two hands two balls alternately.


  1. Dribbling in place with the right, left hand alternately.
  2. Dribble left and right. With one hand (rinse) in a parallel rack.
  3. The same, back and forth in the right and left stance.
  4. Dribbling with the transfer of the ball between the legs with the right hands to the left.
  5. Dribbling with the transfer of the ball between the legs along eight in a parallel rack.
  6. Dribbling with different heights.
  7. While dribbling, kneel, sit, lie down and get up.
  8. Dribbling with the ball behind the back (around myself).
  9. Dribbling with the right hand. After the rebound shift the ball from right to left behind the back and on turnover.
  10. Right dribble with transfer under the foot to the left, shift the ball to the right behind your back and vice versa.
  11. Dribbling two balls simultaneously and alternately.
  12. Dribbling while walking, running, sideways, added basketball step.
  13. Dribbling in motion with variation directions, rebound heights, with accelerations.
  14. Dribbling and transfer from right to left hand with turn and turn.
  15. Dribbling, jumping on the left, right and two legs, with different hands one at a time and alternately.
  16. Ball dribbling with long range obstacles hand.
  17. Guidance with reduced rebound when traversing a stoic.
  18. Dribbling in opposite columns with a pass ball from hand to hand partner.
  19. Dribbling in opposite parallel columns (4 columns) eight with ball passing by different ways. Performed first with one ball, then go up to 4 balls.
  20. Salki with dribbling. Everyone is leading ball. "Salka" - the leading player, dribbling, must hit any player with his ball without releasing it from his hands. When picking up when salting you can take no more than two steps. New presenter after tagging, lifts his ball up over head and the teacher's whistle sounds. After this he becomes a "salka" (others are possible options, see the section on outdoor games).
  21. In pairs, both players dribble on limited area. Should be knocked out or touch the ball to your partner.
  22. Same, but with one ball. After touching the ball free partner, he becomes a dribbler.


  1. Free throws with two hands from the chest, one arm from the shoulder.
  2. Throws from the side and at an angle to the backboard from a place with short and medium distance.
  3. Throws from five or more points located with different sides from the shield (the distance is set teacher) for speed.
  4. Throws from one point from the shield for time (the number of hits is estimated).
  5. Throws after taking two steps. Players in position on the side of the shield. The first player runs to shield. Under the right leg, he takes the ball from the partner’s hand and takes 2 steps and throws. When throwing the left hand the ball is taken under the left leg.
  6. Throws after dribbling in two steps.

Passing the ball

  1. Passing the ball in pairs with two hands from the chest, one - from the shoulder.
  2. Passing the ball in pairs: direct, hinged, with rebound off the floor.
  3. Transfers in pairs from below, from below - from the side, behind the back. Standing still.
  4. Passing the ball against the wall with a catch after the bounce (on number of times).
  5. Passing in pairs with two balls (one - with a rebound, the other is straight; one is straight, the other is hinged).
  6. Passing the ball between 4 players standing on place in eight (first with one, then with two balls).
  7. Passing in a circle through one, standing still. The intensity increases with the introduction into the game two or three balls.
  8. Counter passes in columns. Option 1: After transfer the player goes to the end of his column. 2 option: after the transfer, the player goes to the end opposite column.
  9. Passing the ball in a circle.
  10. Passing the ball around the center. 2 - 3 players stand with their backs to each other in the center of the circle. Pass the balls to those running in a circle, and they return them back. Each player must visit the middle of the circle.
  11. Passing in pairs with forward movement.
  12. Triangle pass (quadrilateral). The player passing the ball runs to the end of the column to which he passed ball. When mastering the exercise, introduce the second ball.
  13. Passing in threes with two balls. First Player is on the spot receiving and returning balls partners.

Outdoor games with elements of basketball

Relay. Two or three teams play line up in columns one by one at the front lines. 4 - 5 are placed in front of each column stoic at a distance of 1.5 - 2m. On the teacher's signal students standing first start dribbling ball, running around the racks with a snake. Run around the last stand, come back, pass the ball, and themselves stand at the end of the column. The team whose players the first to complete the exercise, wins.

Passed - sit down! Playing line up in two or three columns. In front of them at a distance of 2-4 m, captains stand with balls in hands. On a signal, the captains pass the ball with two hands from the chest (or one hand from the shoulder) first players in the column who catch it are returned in the same way back and take the position crouching stop. Then follows the transfer of the second players, etc. When the last one in the column passes the ball to the captain, he raises it up - and all the team gets up quickly. The team that made it before, wins.

Quick transfer. Playing in pairs. The distance between the students is 4 - 5 m. On a signal, they begin to pass the ball in a given way. Pair, who made 10 (15.20) passes the fastest, wins.

Drop - run. Players stand in two ranks open for 3 - 4 steps. One the line is calculated for the first or second, and the other to the second-first. First numbers - one team, the second - another, At the edge of each line balls are lying. At the signal, the outer players take the ball, pass it diagonally to the player of their team, standing opposite, and they themselves run after the ball. The player who received passes it diagonally player standing opposite, and he runs to him place, etc. When the ball reaches the end players, they dribble around the opposite column, on the seat of the player who started the pass first, and pass the ball diagonally opposite, i.e. the game starts over. The game ends when players who started the transfer first return to their places. The team that did it first wins.

Ball average. The players are divided into two teams that form two circles. In the center each lap becomes a player with a basketball ball. On a signal, the players in the center take turns throw the ball to their players and get it back. Having received the ball from the latter, the player in the center lifts it up . Can be entered additional drill: the player who received the ball from the post, must first hit the ball on the floor and only then pass the ball back.

Dribble relay. Playing in two - three columns line up parallel to each other friend at the front line. At the signal, the first lead ball to the marked place, stop, throw the ball at the wall and catch (spin it around myself; transfer with dribbling the ball under the foot; etc.) C dribble back to the end of the column and roll the ball to the first under the feet of all participants. The following are all repeated. Team, the one who finishes first wins.

Fight for the ball. Two teams are playing basketball court. teacher in the center tosses the ball between the captains, who trying to beat it off to one of their players. Having mastered the ball, the players pass the ball to each other (possible with dribbling), and the players of the opposite teams are trying to get the ball. Team, who made 10 passes in a row gets a point. After This game starts from the center. The team that scored more points, wins.

Wheel. The players stand in columns of three, spaced by rays around the circumference facing away from center. The first players have the ball. By whistle the first players run with the ball dribbling in a circle, running around the columns (in one given direction). Running to their column, they pass the ball from hand to hands to the first, and they themselves stand at the end of the column. So until the first becomes again beginning. The team that completes the task wins first.

Ball race in ranks. two teams line up in ranks. The first players ball. On a signal, the ball is passed to the person standing nearby, the next one and so on until the last one, which is in that sends it back in the same order. Transfers follow conditioned way. Number of players in ranks are the same. The team wins finished transmission first.

Call numbers. Two equal teams stand behind front line on both sides of the shield. Calculated in order of numbers, which remain with the players for the duration of the game. Before Each team is given a ball. Coach calls player number, for example, three. Both third numbers run forward, take the ball and lead it to the racks, circling them, and return back, putting the ball on former place. Then other numbers are called. Per each player who came first, the team gets a point. In five minutes you need to dial more points.

Relay with dribbling and throwing to the basket. Two teams behind the line in columns. Signal - first players dribble the ball to the backboard, throw it into the basket, in case of a miss, they pick up the ball and throw it again until hits, then with dribbling they return to column back. Passing the ball to the next one, stand in end of the column. During the relay race the second once the teams switch places.

Ball to your own. Two teams of 6-7 players. One of the players becomes a circle (diameter 2 m) - catching. Another player (defender) gets around circle of rivals. The rest are located arbitrarily. After the draw in the center in possession of the ball, passing the ball to each other, trying to bring him to the circle and pass on to their catching. The team that catches wins caught the ball more times in a given time (5 - 10 minutes). Basketball game.

Basketball tags. One team, possession of the ball, driving it and passing it to each other, tries to hit the players of the other team with the ball. Salting is possible only without releasing the ball from your hands. Jogging and tagging by throwing the ball are not allowed. The salted ones sit on the bench. Then the teams switch roles. are playing the agreed time, the team that knocked down wins more competitors; if they play before salting all the players of the fleeing team, then the winning team wins faster.

Tally with passing the ball to the driver. Everyone has playing basketball. They are move around the site, running away from the drivers, and dribble the ball. Drivers at the beginning of the game two, they have one basketball. On signal driving teachers, passing the ball to each other, move around the site and try to pinch playing. Salting can only be done by touching the ball, which holds in the hands of any of the drivers. The tagged player puts his ball on the court and joins the drivers, thus, during games, the number of drivers is increasing all the time, and the number of fugitives is decreasing.

Basketball. A set of exercises.

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Lenkovskaya Main School

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“A set of exercises aimed at developing coordinating abilities in basketball lessons”



Physical Culture

Lisovsky Lisovsky teacher.

Basketball is a sports game, one of the most popular sports. While playing basketball, students become strong, fast, dexterous and courageous, cultivating accuracy, developing coordination, the ability to quickly navigate in a difficult environment. Basketball at physical education lessons contributes to versatile preparation. A variety of movements in basketball (walking, running, stopping, jumping, turning, catching, throwing and dribbling) helps to strengthen the nervous system, motor apparatus, improve metabolism and the activity of all systems of the body involved. The development of coordination abilities also contributes to the improvement of skills in any sport, including basketball. Coordination abilities help the student to master the technique of movements, quickly and accurately use motor skills and abilities in a suddenly changing game environment, rationally reorganize their actions. The most important role belongs to dexterity in the study and improvement of sports equipment. However, taking into account the specifics of the manifestation of coordination abilities in basketball, it is advisable to select such exercises that would approach the specifics of the game in their content and nature. Motor-coordinating abilities are understood as the ability to quickly, accurately, expediently, economically and resourcefully, i.e. most perfectly, to solve motor problems.

  1. I.p. - legs apart, the ball in the hands below (movement to perform with straight arms, look at the ball):

1-2 - ball up, rise on toes, stretch - inhale;

3-4 - sp. - exhale. Repeat 6-8 times.

  1. I.p. - legs apart wider, arms to the sides, ball in the right hand:

  1. - turn the torso to the right, take the ball to the left;

  2. - turn to the left, take the ball in the right hand;

3-4 - the same. Repeat 6-8 times.

  1. I.p. - legs together, ball in hands below (do not bend legs at the knees):

  1. - ball up;

  2. - step with the left foot back on the toe, bend over;

  3. - sp.;

  4. - the same with the right foot. Repeat 8-10 times.

  1. I. p. - sitting legs apart, the ball at the chest on bent arms: tilt to the toe of the right (left) leg, straightening the arms; straighten up, the ball to the chest. Repeat 10-12 times.

  2. I. p. - lying on the back, the ball behind the head: roll onto the stomach and back with the ball in the hands (alternate roll to the right and left side).

  3. I. p. - lying on his stomach, arms straight on the ball on the floor, head down: raising his head and shoulders, alternately raise his legs. Repeat 6-8 times.

  4. I. p. - kneeling, ball in hand; sit to the right with the ball in your hands, straighten up; sit to the left, straighten up. Repeat 6-8 times.

  5. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, the ball between the legs, arms to the sides; tilt left - right, touch the floor with your knees. Repeat 10-12 times.

  1. I. p. - legs apart, ball in front in lowered hands. 1. - Raise your hands up, bend over. 2. - Bending your arms, touch the ball to the neck.3. - Straighten your arms up, sit down. 4. - I. p. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  2. I. p. - legs apart, arms to the sides, the ball in the left hand, turned palm down. 1 - 2. - Release the ball from the hand and after the rebound, turning the torso to the left, catch the ball with the right hand. The same on the other side. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  3. I. p. - lying on the stomach, the ball is in both hands at the top. 1 - 2. - Bend over, hands with the ball behind the head. 3 - 4. - I. p. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  4. I. p. - main stance, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. 1. - Raise your left leg forward. 2. - Hit the ball on the floor under the foot so that the ball bounces slightly to the right. 3. - Lowering the leg, catch the ball with the right hand. The same under the other leg. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  5. I. p. - sitting, legs straight, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand. 1. - Raise straight legs and, lowering your arms, shift the ball under your knees from your left hand to your right.2. - Lower your legs, arms to the sides (ball in your right hand). 3 - 4. - The same, shifting the ball from the right hand to the left. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  6. I. p. - legs wider than shoulders, arms forward, ball in the left hand. 1. - Unclench your fingers, release the ball from your left hand and, quickly crouching, catch it with both hands near the floor. 2. - Straighten up. The same with the right hand; the same, catching the ball with one hand. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  7. I. p. - lying down, the ball on the floor between the hands. 1. - Take the ball with your left hand and, turning your torso to the left, point-blank lying sideways, raise your left hand with the ball up. 2. - The same with the right hand. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  8. I. p. - main stance, ball in both hands below. 1. - Raise the left leg forward, right hand forward, the ball in the palm of the left, set aside.

  1. - Squat on the right leg, holding the ball in the palm of your hand. 3. - Stand up, holding the ball in the palm of your hand. 4. - I. p. The same with the other hand. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  1. I. p. - standing, hold the ball between the feet. 1. - Jump, tossing the ball with your feet up - forward, and catch with both hands. 2. - I. p. The same, alternately catching the ball with each hand. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

  1. I. p. - main stance, ball at the chest in both hands. 1. - Hands up, rise on toes, bend over.2. - Hands on chest. 3. - Lean forward, arms down, touch the floor with the ball. 4. – I. p. Rotation of the ball around itself to the right and left sides.

  2. Standing with feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hands at waist level. Spin the ball around you and under your elevated leg in place and moving forward and backward.

  3. Standing in line. Passing the ball from hand to hand (right, left) in front of the chest, behind the back.

  4. Standing in a column. Passing the ball from hand to hand back over the head, between the legs.

  5. In pairs, students stand facing each other. Rolling the ball with two hands and one. The same, sitting on the floor with legs apart at a distance of 3-4 m.

  1. Standing in lines facing each other, legs apart. The first players roll their balls with both hands to the partners standing opposite. Those, leaning forward, catch the balls with both hands and lift them over their heads. After that, they lean forward and roll the balls across the floor to the first numbers.

  1. Ball in the right (left) hand. 1 - toss the ball up; 2 - catch it with the left hand with the same hand; 3- hit the ball on the floor; 4 - catch the ball.

  2. Ball in front in right hand. 1 - toss the ball up - to the left; 2 - catch with the left hand; 3 - toss left up - right; 4 - catch with the right hand. The same, but in time with throws and catching the ball, gently bend and unbend the legs.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Race of balls in a circle"

The players, having formed a circle, are counted on 1-2 numbers. 1st numbers - one team, the second - another. Two adjacent players are appointed captains. Each of them has a ball of a different color. At the signal of the teacher, the captains pass the balls in a circle in different directions, through one, to the nearest players of their team. The first team to return the ball to their captain wins.

  1. Standing, feet on shi shoulder line, ball down in hands. Throwing and catching the ball, tossing it up with a turn of 180 *.

  2. I. p. main stance, ball in hands. Dribbling the ball in place alternately changing hands.

  3. Standing on one leg, the other is taken by the toe by hand. Rotation of the head to the right and left sides.

  4. Standing in pairs, legs apart facing each other, distance between partners 2-4 m. Passing and catching the ball with two hands from below.

  5. Standing in pairs. Passing and catching the ball with both hands from the chest.

  6. Standing in pairs. Passing the ball with two hands over the head and catching with both hands.

  7. Throwing the ball with the right (left) hand and catching the ball with both hands.

  8. Hitting the ball on the floor with the right hand and catching with the left (and vice versa).

  9. I.p. - sit legs apart. Hitting the ball on the floor with both hands and one in front, right, left and catching it with both hands.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Ball in the tunnel"

- Feet shoulder width apart. At the signal of the teacher, the guide, leaning forward, sends the ball between the legs of the players with both hands, when the ball reaches the end of the column, the whole team turns to the right and passes the ball back to the guide, then when the ball reaches the guide again, the whole team turns to the left and passes the ball to the trailer, then the whole team, performs a turn to the right into a leg stand apart and pass the ball to the guide. The winner is the team that finishes the game first. Errors: Do not throw the ball, but pass it strictly from hand to hand, if the ball fell out of your hands, continue from the place where it fell.

Complex No. 3

  1. Standing, legs apart, ball in the right hand, body tilted forward. Passing the ball with an eight between the legs.

  2. Standing feet on shi shoulder line, arms to the sides, ball in one hand. With maximum speed, throwing the ball from hand to hand in front of you.

  3. Standing feet shoulder-width apart, ball in both hands. Throwing the ball up, sit down, touch the floor with your hands, stand up with a 180 * turn and catch the ball.

  4. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands.

  5. Throwing the ball down and catching it with both hands and then with one hand (right, left).

  6. Throwing the ball into the wall with both hands from the chest and catching it.

  7. Dribbling with the right (left) hand while walking.

  8. Dribbling in place, standing on one knee.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Movement with the ball"

Players line up one by one. Ball guides. On a signal, the participants alternately perform different tasks, running the specified distance forward and backward with the ball. Ways to move with the ball: holding the ball in the palm of your hand; hitting the ball on the floor with a catch with two hands; dribbling with the right hand, then with the left hand.

Complex No. 4

  1. While walking, pass the ball from one hand to the other in front of you, arms straight.

  2. Throw the ball up, clap in front, catch the ball.

  3. Throw the ball up, clap behind the back, catch the ball.

  4. Throw the ball up, clap behind the back, in front of the chest, catch the ball.

  5. Throw the ball up, clap under the foot, catch the ball.

  6. The ball behind the back, throw it forward and upward over the head, catch the ball.

  7. Throw the ball up, sit down, touch the floor with your hands, catch the ball.

  8. Ball in left hand, take a wide step with right foot and pass ball under foot to right hand; step left, pass the ball from the right hand to the left, etc. Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Carrying balls"

Teams stand in columns one at a time, 2-3 balls in front of each. At 5-7 m from the start stand. On a signal, player 1, having picked up the balls from the floor, runs to the rack and leaves them there, after which he runs back to the horses of his column. Then player number 2 runs to the counter and, having picked up the balls from the floor, returns with them, puts them in front of the team and stands at the end of the column. Etc. The team that finishes carrying the ball first wins.

  1. Dribbling around the body.

  2. Standing in basic stance, ball in one hand. Throw the ball up from under the left or right foot with one hand and catch it with the other.

  3. Standing in basic stance, ball in one hand. Throw the ball from behind with one hand and catch it in front with the other.

  4. Throwing the ball alternately with the right and left hand from the shoulder into the wall and catching the ball with both hands.

  5. Throwing the ball over a net stretched at a height of 1.5-2.0m.

  6. Throwing the ball (from below, above, behind the head) into a hoop lying on the floor at a distance of 2-3 m.

  7. Throwing the ball at a target (target on the wall).

  8. The same, throws through a stretched rope.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "School of the ball"

Teams line up in columns one at a time, in the hands of the ball guides. In front of each column, a circle with a diameter of 60-70 cm is marked on the floor. At the signal of the teacher, the guide, hitting the ball into the circle with both hands, goes to the horses of the column. After the bounce, the ball is caught by the next player, who repeats the task. Etc. The team that finishes the relay first and makes the fewest mistakes wins.

Complex No. 6

  1. Dribbling on the spot with the right, left hand, with turns to the left, right.

  2. Lead with change of direction (stand stroke) left, right hand.

  3. Dribbling with side steps.

  4. Dribbling with turns.

  5. Dribbling in a squat.

  6. Lying on the stomach, the ball in both hands in front. Throw and catch the ball with both hands.

  7. Lying on stomach, ball in one hand. Throwing the ball on horseback from the hand to

ru to c.u.

  1. Lying on the stomach, the ball is in front in both hands. Throw the ball up and then slam the palms on the floor.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Play but don't lose the ball"

Each student independently dribbles the ball in different ways in any free area of ​​the site. At the signal of the teacher, everyone must raise the ball up as quickly as possible. Latecomers receive a penalty point. Then the game continues. The winner is the students who did not receive penalty points during the game. The teacher stipulates in advance the movements with the ball that the students can perform.

Complex No. 7

  1. Passing the ball to a partner, bending forward.

  2. Passing the ball to a partner, tilting to the side.

  3. Passing the ball to a partner, tilting back.

  4. Passing the ball to a partner, squatting.

  5. Passing the ball to a partner, crouching emphasis, lying emphasis, crouching emphasis, sp.

  6. Passing the ball to a partner, jumping up.

  7. Passing the ball to a partner, jumping up with a 360° turn.

  8. Pass the ball to a partner, touch the wall (behind the back or behind the partner) and return to and. p.

  9. Throw the ball over you, catch it in the jump and immediately return it to your partner.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Mobile game "25 passes"

All players are divided into pairs and lined up at least 10 m apart. A line is drawn in front of each line; you can line up on the sidelines of the basketball court. Each pair must complete 25 passes in any way without stepping over the line. If the ball hits the floor before it, then the player must take the ball out of the line, and then make a pass. The couple with the fastest 25 passes wins.

Complex №8

  1. High tossing of the ball followed by a catch.

  2. The same, but with a clap in the palm in front of the chest, behind the back.

  3. The same, but with a squat, squat and hand clap, turning right, left, circle.

  4. Passing the ball in different ways, alternating with hitting the floor.

  5. Standing in a circle. Passing the ball to partners clockwise and against it sequentially to each and through one (to the right - with the right hand, to the left - with the left hand).

  6. Standing in threes, fives. Passing and catching the ball.

  7. Standing in columns. Passing the ball with the transition of players to the end of their own or opposite column.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Mobile game "Attention - the ball"

Players of the team are arranged in a circle, in the center - water boxes with the ball.

He passes the ball to any partner and, following the ball, takes the place of the catcher. The latter, having become the leader, continues the game. And so on until all participants are driving. The team that finishes the game first wins.

A group can be divided not into two, but into several teams, depending on the number of players. You can set a certain time interval and when summing up, take into account the number of transfers and shifts driving during this interval

Complex No. 9

1. Main rack. In walking, symmetrical movements of the arms for each step: forward, sideways, up, down, back.

  1. Standing in fours at the corners of the square. Passing the ball to each other with the subsequent transition diagonally, in a straight line.

  2. Standing in pairs. Dribbling the ball in place with the right (left) hand, followed by passing it (in an arbitrary way) to a partner.

  3. Same, but throwing the ball against the wall and catching it.

  4. Walking while dribbling, gradually changing the height of the bounce off the floor.

  5. In pairs, triplets. Rolling tennis, volleyball, basketball balls on the floor

  6. The same, but rolling the ball with the right (left) hand on the gymnastic bench. Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Trace and roll outdoor game

Teams line up one by one. Ahead, four players are at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. The first player in the column is at the start.

At the teacher's signal, he dribbles the ball along the open column, bypassing each player. At the end, he turns to face the column, rolls the ball to the next player, and he himself stands behind everyone. When the ball is lost, the player must continue to dribble from the place where the loss occurred. The team that completes the task first wins.

Dribbling can be done with the right or left hand, covering the ball with the body from a passively or actively standing student.

Complex №10

  1. I. p. main rack. While walking, clap your hands in front and behind with each step.

  2. Rolling the ball for accuracy between the cones.

  3. Dribbling with the right (left) hand with a change in direction.

  4. The same, but with a change in movement speed.

  5. Dribbling combined with stopping, passing, throwing the ball.

  6. Throwing the ball at a target set at a height of 1.5-2.0 m in different ways: after catching, after dribbling with stop fixation.

  7. The same, but throwing into a horizontal target - a hoop lying at a distance of 2-3 m.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Outdoor game "Ball in the Basket"

Teams stand in front of their shields. Each captain has a ball. They pass the balls with a rebound from the floor so that they fall into the hands of the first numbers, who always throw the balls with a rebound from the square on the shield. Ball throw options:

a) from the spot;

b) after two jump steps;

c) after dribbling and two jumping steps.

The team that scores the most balls in the basket is the winner.

The execution time of the task is also taken into account. When the game is repeated, the teams must change places. If there is only one shield, then the teams throw the ball in turn.

  1. Main stance, performed from the right hand for 16 counts, alternately moving the hands to the belt, shoulders, up, two claps, followed by returning back with two claps on the hips.

  2. In pairs. While walking, passing the ball when approaching and removing partners.

  3. Two against one. Passing the ball in pairs against the opposition of one defender.

  4. In pairs 2m apart. At the signal of the teacher, the partners begin to pass the ball to each other in a given way. The winner is the couple who made 10 passes before the others without dropping the ball.

  5. In pairs, rolling the ball at a moving target. Partners in turn must hit a moving target located at a distance of 3-5 m.

  6. Standing in ranks on the end lines of the volleyball court. Rolling the ball to the accuracy of the stop in the stipulated place. Players in the first line tend to send the ball with such a calculation. So that he stops at the middle line. Then the second rank players do the same.

Repeat each exercise 10-12 times.

Mobile game "Moving target"

Two circles with a diameter of 6-7 m are drawn on the site.

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