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How to get in basketball shape at 40

Staying powerful over 40: Basketball and Tennis

Staying powerful over 40: Basketball and Tennis

Just because you’ve hit age 40 or older on life’s highway doesn’t mean you have to give up playing sports that take a lot of athleticism, like basketball and tennis. While you likely will have a tougher time showing the agility of players in their 20s or maybe even 30s, with training and smarts it’s possible to still keep up whit the youngsters. Or even show them a thing or two, old-school style. Here are three key components for over-40 athletes that can apply to basketball and tennis. I’ve grouped both sports together because they take similar conditioning and footwork to be successful.


Basketball and tennis players can both benefit from lifting weights. Pay particular attention to movements that will strengthen your knees, shoulders and calf muscles. For knees, do leg extensions and leg curls to build up the muscles around the knee. For shoulders, do front raises and side (lateral) raises with lighter dumbbells, and overhead presses with heavier weights. Do calf raises while holding dumbbells, on a machine or even standing on stairs while being careful to keep your balance. As we get older, we become more vulnerable to injuries. So always remember to stretch before and after any physical activity.


It’s going to take more effort than when you were younger to keep up your stamina on the court. To avoid being THAT GUY of THAT GAL who is bent over huffing and puffing after just a few fastbreaks on the hoops court, or long rallies on the tennis court, practice a regular cardio routine. Just playing sports will help endurance, but on the side you can do a lot more. Try to get 30 minutes or more of cardio several times a week. Running on a treadmill, using an elliptical or riding a bike are all good ways to get a good cardio workout.


When players are young they often want to do it all on the court. In basketball that might mean leading the fastbreak, driving the lane, shooting the 3-pointer and maybe even rising up for a dunk. After age 40, you have to earn respect all over again. It will be much harder to be the all-around Basketball Jones you were years ago, so concentrate on specializing more. Instead of trying to take the ball inside as much — where, let’s face it you’re more likely to get hacked anyway — work more on your 3-point shot. Learn a ball fake into a fadeaway mid-range jumper. Try to become the John Stockton of your league known for good passes, rather than emulating Air Jordan or LeBron James with drives to the hoop. In tennis, you might want to focus on more consistent strokes from the baseline rather than charging the net as much. Go for more accuracy on the serve instead of trying to hit it as hard as you can.


One of the biggest improvements to my game came last year when I visited a specialty shoe store. Turns out I had been wearing a shoe that was a 1-2 size too small for most of my adult life. The salesman put me in a 1-2 size bigger shoe, recommended a shoe insole and it’s just about gotten rid of problems I’d been having with my Achilles’ tendon. So if you have foot, Achilles or calf problems, you might want to reconsider what shoes you’re wearing. When we’re young we’re taught to make sure the toes come to the edge of the shoe, but you should actually have a little extra room for shock absorption.

Starting Up Basketball Again After a Long Break

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Getting back into basketball shape after a layoff requires different types of exercises and workouts, in sequence, to help create the physical attributes you’ll need to perform at your best. Although basketball is a quick, high-intensity sport, your training should start slowly and build to more game-like training over weeks or months.

Basketball Fitness

Basketball requires an aerobic base to sustain a high level of play for multiple hours, but your quick movements are created using your anaerobic energy system. You will need cardiorespiratory stamina, muscular endurance, explosive and reactive power, speed, quickness, agility, balance, vertical leaping ability and the ability to catch your breath after sprints. To build these attributes, you will need to use different training methods. Break your training into three phases that help you build muscle strength and aerobic stamina, then explosive power and muscular endurance, finishing with speed, agility and anaerobic fitness.

Phase 1

As you begin your basketball conditioning program, strength training should focus on muscle building. Use a 3 x 5 workout, which consists of performing five repetitions of an exercise per set, and three sets of each exercise per workout. Use 60 percent to 70 percent of the maximum weight you can lift, and take a short break between each set. Perform cardio exercises at the highest intensity you can sustain for 30 minutes or more. This might mean brisk walking on a treadmill, rather than jogging or running, if you can’t jog or run for 30 minutes. Your goal is work longer so you can improve your stamina, or ability to work longer. Start your workouts with strength training to use up stores of glycogen, which will result in better fat burning when you begin your aerobic exercise. Increase your weights and cardio speeds each week as you improve your conditioning. Include core exercises in each workout.

Phase 2

After several weeks or months of strength and aerobic training, depending on how much time you have before your season starts, decrease your loads and increase your volumes, or work in shorter, higher-intensity sets. This will help you build cardio capacity, muscular endurance and anaerobic conditioning. Use about 50 percent of the maximum weight you can lift for muscular endurance exercises, and perform reps for 30 to 90 seconds. You can also use calisthenics to build muscular endurance, including pushups, pullups, dips, chinups, burpees, mountain climbers and core exercises. Add explosive exercises that require a powerful move in one direction. Include box jumps, box squats, deadlifts and one-leg, split-squat jumps. Add intervals of high-speed sprints to cardio workouts, followed by slow recovery periods. Use a 1:3 work/recovery ratio. Begin working on your on-court shooting, dribbling and passing skills, focusing on technique and repetitions. Do not fatigue your muscles by shooting the same shot dozens or more times in a row, which never happens in a game.

Phase 3

One to two months before your season starts, depending on how long you have for pre-season training, end your aerobic work and focus on sprint training, creating 15-minute interval workouts. For example, sprint the length of a basketball court, then walk back. Repeat this six to eight times, depending on your conditioning, before moving to a different interval exercise. Add footwork and agility drills that make you move in many directions, similar to a basketball game. Use a rope ladder, cones and short hurdles. Add plyometric drills that emphasize jumping. Perform depth jumps, 1-2-3 jumps, standing broad jumps, jump squats and reactive squats. Continue working on your on-court shooting, dribbling and passing skills in game-like situations.


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Writer Bio

Sam Ashe-Edmunds has been writing and lecturing for decades. He has worked in the corporate and nonprofit arenas as a C-Suite executive, serving on several nonprofit boards. He is an internationally traveled sport science writer and lecturer. He has been published in print publications such as Entrepreneur, Tennis, SI for Kids, Chicago Tribune, Sacramento Bee, and on websites such, SmartyCents and Youthletic. Edmunds has a bachelor's degree in journalism.

Image Credit

Hemera Technologies/ Images


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How to choose a basketball uniform? - Formas

In any sport, the form plays an important role. The right equipment is especially important in basketball. It should look good, be comfortable enough, not hinder the player's movements. And the basketball player will be able to fully concentrate on the match. The choice of a basketball uniform must be taken seriously. There are several important aspects that affect the purchase.

It should be understood that the basketball uniform is distinguished by features that make it unlike the equipment of athletes in other sports:

  • Wide fit - basketball players move a lot;
  • The shorts are securely fixed on the body thanks to wide elastic bands.

Sports T-shirts additionally decorated with prints. The player's number and his last name are printed. The team name is often added. To make it easier to follow the game. Most manufacturers offer a whole set of shorts and T-shirts. These things fit together perfectly. Many athletes are interested in the question: what to do if any part of the kit breaks during the game. There is nothing to worry about here. In any online store you can buy a replacement item that will differ in the same style and color scheme.

The color of the basketball uniform depends on the club. And the colors can be combined arbitrarily. In order for a basketball player to train successfully, it is necessary to purchase the following pieces of equipment:

  • T-shirt itself;
  • Sports briefs;
  • Essential accessories for a better game;
  • Special running shoes.

Essential Requirements for the Perfect Basketball Gear

Please note the following product features before purchasing:

  • Quality;
  • Elasticity;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Softness.

These parameters need to be discussed in more detail.

High quality

One of the most important characteristics on which the whole game of an athlete depends. T-shirt and shorts should be made of beautiful and durable fabric with good wear resistance. If the material is too flimsy, the clothes will quickly lose their appearance.


The fabric that is used in production must stretch well, but not be damaged. Training and matches make you move a lot, so this parameter is very important. If the material is too strong, the basketball player will not be able to jump or run fast. The athlete will only lose from this. In order not to restrict body movements, you need to check it before buying. If it stretches enough, then everything is in order.


This parameter is especially important when buying a uniform for a child, since children's skin is too sensitive. Causing constant irritation, the fabric will make the game impossible. In order for the athlete to avoid unpleasant pain, it is worth thinking about the right material.


Quality products should be soft and pleasant. Only in this case the player will be comfortable wearing them. In addition, in such things any training will be more successful.

What fabric is used to sew a basketball uniform

When creating this type of sportswear, a number of special fabrics are used that you should study before buying a finished product: among materials for basketball equipment. Quickly absorbs moisture and dries just as quickly, without causing unnecessary inconvenience. Things from it are distinguished by increased comfort, high wear resistance. Even with prolonged use, they do not deform;

  • Microfiber is a type of knitted fabric that has good elasticity and durability. Such products are hypoallergenic, they are soft, therefore they do not bring irritation to the skin. In addition, microfiber dries very quickly and copes well with excess moisture;
  • Ribana is one of the popular cotton-looking fabrics, which is often used in the manufacture of such products. There are knitted inserts. Its main characteristics can be called good elasticity, durability, the ability to maintain the required body temperature for a long period of time. This type of fabric is often used in the production of necklines, T-shirts and cuffs.
  • Basketball products are made from single-sided or double-sided material. For official matches, the second option is used. For example, one side of a form is created in red and the other in blue.

    What you need to know about the size of the uniform for basketball

    It is very important to choose the right size equipment. Especially if you are buying it for a child. Before buying, you need to determine the dimensions of the athlete. To do this:

    • Determine the volume of the chest;
    • Find out what length of shirt you need;
    • Measure your hips;
    • Don't forget about comfortable leg length.

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    At 20, we are in great physical shape and can show our best results in sports. At 30 and 40 years old, we will not be able to achieve such results, but we can remain active throughout our lives.

    Everyone knows that exercise in reasonable amounts has a positive effect on health. However, the impact can be very different.

    Physical activity reduces the risk of heart disease, protects against certain types of cancer and prevents type 2 diabetes.

    In addition, sports support our mental health: the body produces more endorphins, which positively affects our mood and self-esteem.

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    But it's also clear that sport for a 20 year old is not the same sport as a sport for a 40 year old. It would be logical to assume that there are sports that are more suitable for a certain age.

    If you do not take into account the age factor when choosing physical activity, in some cases you can cause serious harm to health.

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    Staying active in adulthood keeps us feeling good and feeling good

    The Conversation magazine published a discussion of scientists on the question of what physical activity at what age will contribute to maintaining health.

    Professor of Physical Therapy Julie Broderick of Trinity College Dublin talks about scientists' general recommendations for people of all ages.

    In childhood

    Exercise helps children develop, strengthen their muscles, develop self-confidence and self-confidence, and promote healthy sleep and wake patterns.

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    It is important that children always have time for "free" physical activity, such as playing in the park or on the playground

    It is important to try different sports as a child develop different abilities of the child. Everything is suitable - from swimming to ball games and wrestling. It is also important that the child has time for "free" physical activity - to play in the park or on the playground.


    Children's interest in sports tends to fade as they get older, especially for girls, says Broderick.

    However, sports at this age will not only help you stay in good physical shape, but also reduce stress and get rid of the fears that are typical for teenagers.

    Team sports are preferable at this age. This will help keep you motivated to play sports, expand your teen's social circle, and teach them discipline.

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    In adolescence, the main thing is to help your child not lose interest in sports

    If you choose from non-team sports, it can be swimming, gymnastics and athletics.

    At 20

    In this decade of our lives, we can show our best results in sports, experts say.

    The reaction rate at this age is at its peak, the time for recovery is minimal, oxygen enters the bloodstream much faster than when you are younger or older.

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    At 20, we can show our best results in sports. Pictured: Swiss snowboarder Patrick Burgener

    If you're 20 or so, try to be your best at that age. Try a wide variety of sports: rugby, rowing, weightlifting and athletics.

    Try to keep your training varied: alternate aerobic exercise with anaerobic and strength exercises.

    At 30

    At this age, it is important to keep the muscles strong and the cardiovascular system healthy. As a rule, at this age, we have a sedentary job and a lot of family concerns, so it is difficult for us to find time for sports.

    Therefore, one must act wisely. Don't stop exercising due to lack of time, but do short but very intense workouts known as High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) workouts. These are cycling, running, skiing and swimming.

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    At 30, it's time to get smart

    Women at this age, especially after having a baby, are encouraged to do Kegel exercises aimed at strengthening and developing the muscles of the pelvic floor.

    It is also very important to make your workouts varied and enjoyable. If this is not done, then interest in sports will quickly fade away.

    At age 40

    At this age, we usually begin to gain weight. And, according to experts, strength training at this age is exactly what you need.

    Strength training will help us not only not to gain weight, but to slow down the loss of muscle mass. Losses of muscle mass on average range from 3 to 8% over 10 years.

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    If you've never played a strength sport before, it's best not to try lifting the bar right away. Start with dumbbells

    If you've never done strength training before, it's best to start with dumbbells and move on to weight machines later.

    If you haven't started running yet, now is the time. Running can help keep your cardiovascular system healthy, says Broderick.

    And if you add Pilates to this, you can also perfectly strengthen your back muscles.

    At the age of 50

    Our physical abilities are especially noticeably reduced at this age. We are increasingly faced with pain, discomfort, various chronic diseases make themselves felt. Including at this age, type 2 diabetes is often detected.

    Women are particularly susceptible to cardiovascular disease due to changes in hormonal levels - mainly due to a decrease in estrogen levels.

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    50-year-olds should focus on cardio

    The solution - at least two workouts a week should be strength training so you can maintain muscle mass.

    Also, at least two workouts per week should be devoted to cardio exercises - this can be brisk walking or easy running. Also, these workouts can be combined with a completely different activity - like yoga or tai chi gymnastics, which will help develop a sense of balance and balance.

    At age 60

    After age 60, the risk of developing or exacerbating chronic diseases increases. According to experts, physical activity will help reduce these risks.

    The most useful physical activity at this age, from the point of view of specialists, is ballroom dancing. They also advise two workouts a week to devote to simple exercises to develop strength and flexibility.

    Water aerobics is an ideal choice, because during training in water you can strengthen your muscles well, while the load on the joints will be minimal.

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    At 60, the ideal workout is ballroom dancing

    And don't forget about cardio.

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