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How to get mental toughness in basketball
How to get mental toughness in basketball
5 Ways to become more MENTALLY TOUGH
Basketball Tip
"Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes." Chinese Proverb
Mental toughness means backbone, daring, determination, fortitude, guts, mettle, moxie, nerve, perseverance, resolution, spirit, tenacity, toughness. It is is the ability to persevere in pursuit of a goal; no matter how long it takes.
Here are five ways to become more mentally tough on and off the court.
1. Do the hard things first. Pick your weakest spot and work on it first every practice. Choose the weight lifting exercise you like least and do it right away. Pick the subject you need the most work in and always start with it. If you wait, chances are you won’t want to work on your weakness or you will not give it your best effort. When we choose the hard things in life we develop mental toughness and life becomes easier.
When we always choose the easiest we get weaker.
2. Be specific. If you want to work on upper body strength, write down the specific number of push-ups you will do. Counting backwards can help motivate you to finish. When working on math, pick a time limit and the number of problems you want to get finished in that time limit. For shooting, decide how many shots you will make in a row from different spots on the court, if you miss more than two shots in a row, sprint dribble down and back with the off-hand. Write down your goals and put them somewhere you can see them everyday.
Be accountable. Whether you are working on your game, your attitude, or your grades have someone hold you accountable in areas you are likely to give up and not work on. Choose someone you can work together with or someone who is a mentor who can help teach you how to develop mental toughness. For example, in ball handling, compete against a good player for the highest score, then whoever loses does one push-up.
Make a goal to encourage each other and pick someone who will motivate you to keep going.
4. Deal with problems. When life is hard we want comfort not change, but those who have learned the secret of being mentally tough have learned comfort now can mean pain later, whereas a little pain now can yield a big reward in the future. We know we are not choosing the right way to handle our problems when we look for comfort in ignoring the problem, becoming bitter, using gossip, or simply by trying to escape. We need to learn to open up with a trusted parent or adult. We need to learn to talk to people not about them. We need to address problems with courage and kindness before becoming bitter and resentful. Every time we run away from our problems, more problems follow. The minute we decide to deal with problems we become more mentally tough and better able to handle problems in the future.
5. Guard your thoughts. The reason why it's called mental toughness is because what you think determines how you act.
If you want to become more mentally tough, you have to become tough about what you think. Certain thoughts should never be in your head. Replace weak thoughts like, “I can’t, I’m tired, I’m bored, “ with strong thoughts. An athlete training for basketball season didn't like to run. The first time around the track for a conditioning run left her feeling exhausted. Her mentor asked what she was thinking as she ran around the track. "I hate running. This is awful. I want to stop." She admitted. The next time around the track, her mentor asked her to change what she said in her head to, “I love to run, my body is strong, I feel great.” The second time around she ended with a huge smile. She said, “I had no idea how big a difference what I thought made on what I do and how I feel. Even though I didn't think it would work, it did. I felt great .”
For more tips on basketball and to find a basketball camp visit www.nbccamps.com. NBC Basketball Camps is the largest overnight basketball camp program in the world and is a division of USSC Sports Camp Network.
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USA Basketball - How to Develop Mental Toughness on the Court
A couple of years ago I was fortunate enough to meet Graham Betchart, a brilliant performance coach who specializes in mental skills training for athletes.
After numerous phone conversations and email exchanges we finally connected in person at a Big East college basketball game.
I have always been fascinated by the role the mind plays in achieving success on the basketball court, and have spent a ton of time studying (and improving) that aspect of my own coaching arsenal.
Depending on who you ask, most agree that basketball is around 75 percent mental (Bob Knight was even quoted as saying the "mental is to the physical as 4 is to 1"). Yet most players readily admit they don't spend time working on mental training. So at best, they spend 100 percent of their time and effort focused on the remaining 25 percent.
If you want an edge, you have to train your mind and body.
Mental Toughness
People define "mental toughness" in a variety of ways, and there is usually some truth to most of those definitions.
Part of mental toughness is learning how to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
Another part of mental toughness is the ability to focus on what you can control and stay in the moment (also known as "Playing Present").
One of the biggest roadblocks to maximum performance for both players and coaches is falling in the trap of focusing on (and worrying about) things that are out of their control.
You are 100 percent in control of:
- Focus
- Attitude
- Body Language
- Effort
- Thoughts
- Communication
You have zero control of the refs, the fans, or your opponent. And contrary to most people's understanding, you don't have full control over making a shot or winning a game! You can do a series of things that strongly increase your chances of making a shot or winning the game, but you don't have complete control of it.
If you did, every shot would go in and you would win every game!
The key to effectively playing present is to focus on the 'next play.' Not the one that just happened--it's over. Not the one that may happen later, but the play right in front of you. You must learn how to focus on the task at hand and execute that to the best of your ability. Then do that for the next play. And the next play. And the play after that. One play at a time.
When you get back on defense, that stop is the most important stop of the entire game. Why?
Because it is the ONLY one you can directly affect. It's kind of like the old coaching mantra "the next game on our schedule is the most important game of the year." There is a ton of wisdom behind that quote.
Same holds true for shooting. The next shot is the only one that matters because it is the only shot you can affect. That is what makes Michael Jordan so phenomenal. Although it rarely happens, if MJ misses his first 10 shots... he doesn't let it affect his 11th shot.
The 'next shot is going in' mentality is why he was such a potent offensive player. He always thinks, "My next shot is good."
Focus on the Process
A key component of playing present is being able to focus on the process, not the result. For instance, don't worry about whether or not you make the shot. Instead, focus on the steps needed to greatly increase your chances of making the shot:
- Being on balance
- Having good footwork
- Staying square to the rim
- Keeping your eyes on the rim
- Executing your shot technique
- Holding your follow through
Focus on these things because they are things you have complete control over. You control whether or not you are on balance, have good footwork, are square to the rim, etc. If you focus on these things, more times than not, you'll make the shot. But if you only worry with the outcome (making the shot) instead of the process (the steps above), you will not be a very good shooter.
You need to be so into the moment ('Play Present')... that on an offensive possession you are thinking something to the effect of, 'cut hard to an open space, catch the ball, square up, survey my options, and make the right play.' Now of course all of this needs to happen quickly, in real time. You can't be out on the court in La-La-Land day dreaming! In fact, it is the opposite. When you 'Play Present', you are so dialed in you have razor-sharp focus.
Creating this awareness is what separates an NBA superstar from other talented players. He always gets back to the process and doesn't worry with the outcome. Don't be a sucker for the results! Focus on perfecting the process and the results will follow.
John Wooden was famous for NEVER talking about winning. All he talked about was the characteristics needed to be successful. In his case, the winning (obviously) took care of itself.
Just remember, the next step is always the most important step... focus on each and every possession.
Play present. Coach Betchart also calls this concept W.I.N. -- 'What's Important Now?' The only thing that should be important now is the play that is right in front of you; the next play.
Have you ever taken a toy away from a 1-year old? They cry. Then you give it right back to them. They stop. They don't dwell on the fact that you took it, they are dialed into the fact they have it back.
Now as a parent, and as a coach, it is my job to keep them 'Playing Present.' Keep them focused on what they can control. Keep them focused on the process.
Psychological preparation of female basketball players | Article in the journal "Young scientist"
Basketball is a team sport that reflects modern reality in the best possible way thanks to the competitive spirit and the high spectacular effect of a game competition, rhythm, speed and emotions, willpower and mind. Modern basketball is distinguished from other team sports by the simplicity of the rules of the game and dynamism, combined with high physical exertion.
Basketball is the most important means of physical education of student youth, requiring constant full return from each athlete. And the training process itself is a complex specialized process that directly has a multifaceted effect on the trainees, contributing to the formation of mental stability of the players. Basketball is a variety of movements - walking, running, stopping, turning, jumping, catching, throwing and dribbling, carried out in combat with opponents in the process of active actions of players in attack and defense. Systematic technical and tactical exercises, targeted training, develop the eye, speed, endurance, coordination of movements, flexibility, mobility and jumping ability of players [1]. Taking into account the requirements facing the women's basketball team of the university, the training sessions of the sports improvement group should be aimed at improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational and training process, taking into account the characteristics of the female body.
This is due to the fact that the effectiveness of the educational process is mainly influenced by correctly performed technical and tactical techniques and the necessary psychological preparation of the players. Thus, the most important professional duty of a coach is to study the psychology of female athletes with a systematic psychological impact on her. In preparation for the sports season, the coach of a basketball team has a difficult task of forming the composition and preparing the team for participation in various tournaments and university competitions. In the process of training sessions, it is necessary to work out the best combinations of interacting units of five players, train athletes in the correct and effective implementation of various techniques, and improve the functional indicators of the physical and mental state of the players. The training and friendly games planned by the coach in the preparatory period should be aimed at establishing the interaction of basketball players on the court, developing the players' ability to understand the intentions and tactics of other team members, the ability to instantly make decisions, taking into account the game situation.
The high efficiency of the educational process is directly related to the use of science-based principles and methods of training in the process of preparing players and observing their sequence. The professional functions of a coach include the following duties:
Explain and correctly show the players techniques;
To analyze the effectiveness of the execution of technical methods;
- Correct incorrectly performed techniques. [2]
The coach must be aware of the control exercises and research that are used in basketball; use teaching aids and visual aids in the training process, which are aimed at optimizing the training process. He needs to be aware of the use of the latest techniques, developments and research in the field of basketball; constantly improve and grow professionally. For the formation and development of physical and psycho-physiological qualities of players, a coach needs in-depth knowledge of the theory and methods of physical education, which are directly related to a whole range of specialized scientific disciplines that are directly related to the education of female athletes.
These are psychology, pedagogy, physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, hygiene and a number of other sciences that study a deeply defined aspect of human physical development. According to the basketball program, the educational and training process of the sports improvement group should be aimed at:
acquiring necessary theoretical knowledge by female athletes;
mastering the basic techniques and tactics of playing basketball by those involved;
- instilling in female basketball players courage, will, perseverance, discipline, collectivism, a sense of friendship and responsibility.
The success of a coach in professional activities largely depends on the ability to correctly combine the principles of training, depending on the individual abilities of the players to assimilate the training material. Particular importance in the training process is given to increasing the mental stability of the players - team members who are obliged to subordinate their own interests to the interests of the team.
The optimal state of the psychological preparation of basketball players is especially clearly manifested on the eve of the competition, since the official basketball match is a test of the result of the coach's achievements in the psychophysical preparation of his team. Basketball competitions are an excellent means of educating the psychological qualities of players, because in responsible games with extreme stress, basketball players fully demonstrate their volitional qualities (courage, determination), emotional stability in difficult situations and psycho-physiological qualities (attention, memory, sensorimotor skills) [3 ]. Achieving optimal results in various competitions; control, calendar, and educational games, very quickly forms the necessary psychological qualities of the players, self-control, self-control, willpower are brought up. Friendly games held with stronger opponents contribute to the development of moral and volitional qualities of female basketball players, improve the interaction of players, improve the technical and tactical actions of the team, and form motivation for the final positive result.
To improve the technical, tactical, physical and mental qualities of players in training games, complicated conditions are specially created. For example, it is not allowed for a player to hold the ball for more than 3 seconds or dribble the ball in their own half of the court, etc. In order to avoid nervous overstrain of athletes, it is rational to play a match with an average and weaker opponent after two or three games with a strong opponent. In order to form the mental stability of players to stress, it is important to create conditions for extreme physical and mental stress, i.e., individual matches or part of the game time should be played at a fast pace with rapid movements of players without the ball and quick transfer of the ball to a partner. It is also necessary to combine the improvement of the exact time parameters of techniques with loads of varying intensity:
Arrange a variety of games for the speed and ingenuity of the players;
challenge players to combine a variety of defense and attack options in one game;
organize competitions for the best performance of a technical or tactical technique in a control or training game;
- hold games with a handicap, with unequal teams, etc.
The use of effective methods of sports training in the training process is impossible without studying; on the one hand, the characteristic features and patterns of basketball, and on the other hand, the personality of the athlete as the subject of this activity. Here, along with other sciences, the psychology of basketball can provide an analysis of the significant aspects of sports activity and thereby help in the expedient solution of many practical issues related to it. The term "psychological preparation" in sports is most often used to refer to a wide range of actions of athletes, coaches and team leaders aimed at the formation and development of the mental qualities of a person in the process of training for further successful performance in competitions. Mental readiness is the state of a basketball player, which she acquires as a result of preparation (including psychological), which allows her to achieve high results in competitive activities. Psychological training in basketball is entirely aimed at developing, shaping and improving the mental qualities of an athlete's personality, which are necessary for the successful operation of a women's basketball team.
It is one of the aspects of using the scientific achievements of psychology, the implementation of its means and methods in improving the quality of sports training of basketball team players. In general, the psychological preparation of players, as one of the types of team sports training, is the interaction of all types of training of female athletes (technical, psychological, physical, theoretical, special). It is a special function of each of these types of training, aimed at creating motivation to achieve the maximum sports result in competitions.
Mental preparation is a system of psychological and pedagogical influences used to form athletes' personalities and psychological qualities necessary for the successful completion of training activities, preparation for competitions and reliable performance in them.
Mental preparation helps to create such a mental state that contributes, on the one hand, to the greatest use of physical and technical preparedness, and on the other hand, allows you to resist pre-competitive and competitive knocking factors (uncertainty in your abilities, fear of a possible defeat, stiffness, overexcitation, etc.
). d.). [27]
It has long been proven that successful performance in competitions depends not only on the level of high physical, technical and tactical preparedness of an athlete, but also on his psychological readiness.
Indeed, in order to realize their physical, technical and tactical abilities, skills, abilities, and in addition, to reveal reserve opportunities as an obligatory element of competition, an athlete needs to prepare psychologically for certain conditions of sports activity. The psychological features of competitions, patterns, causes and dynamics of pre-competitive states determine high requirements for the athlete's psyche. Everything that has been worked out and accumulated in the process of training and training for months or years can be lost in a matter of minutes, and sometimes even seconds before the start or during the wrestling. Therefore, it should be remembered that the psychological preparation of an athlete for competition is an important and mandatory element of education and training.
The psyche, consciousness and personal qualities of a person are not only manifested, but also formed in activity. Competitive activity is a special type of human activity that can be carried out only under certain conditions: competitions must be competitions.
Naturally, the best school of psychological preparation is the participation of an athlete in competitions. Competitive experience in sports is the most important element in the preparation of an athlete. But each competition is both a discharge of the accumulated neuropsychological potential and not infrequently the cause of significant physical and spiritual injuries. In addition, participation in competitions is obtaining certain results, summing up the results of a specific stage of training, and acquiring sportsmanship of an athlete. [eight]
The psychological preparation of athletes is divided into two parts: general psychological preparation and psychological preparation directly for the competition and the match.
General psychological preparation is closely related to educational and ideological work with athletes. This is especially true for the formation of ideological conviction, the upbringing of personality traits. The psychological training program should include activities aimed at the formation of a sports character. Sports character is an important element of successful performance in competitions, where it is truly manifested and consolidated, but it is formed in the training process. [12]
The psychological readiness of an athlete for competition is determined by:
calmness (compassion) of an athlete in extreme situations, which is a characteristic feature of his attitude to the environment;
The athlete's confidence in himself, in his abilities as one of the sides of his attitude to himself, which ensures activity, preparedness of actions, noise immunity;
The fighting spirit of an athlete, as well as the attitude to the process and result of activity, the fighting spirit ensures the desire to win, that is, to achieve a competitive goal, which contributes to the disclosure of reserve opportunities.
The unity of these traits of a sporting character creates a state of calm combat confidence.
The psychological preparedness of young basketball players is especially pronounced in competitions. The official match is the touchstone of the coach's achievements in the psychological preparation of the team. In the calendar game, athletes experience extreme stress and fully reveal both their strong-willed strengths and weaknesses. In a tense match, the valuable psychological qualities of a basketball player are quickly formed. Given these features of competitive games, it is necessary to educate strong-willed players in training, control, and calendar games.
It is especially necessary to take care of the psychological readiness of the players for the match when telling them how to play. Never focus the attention of basketball players on the strengths of the opponent's game. Just talk about the features of the opponents' game and offer a plan to neutralize their actions.
The most important and difficult struggle of an athlete is his struggle with himself, for overcoming his psychological shortcomings. One of the slogans that stimulates psychological preparation says: “The only fight of paramount importance is the fight with yourself!”. By defeating his own weakness, the basketball player will win more in the competition than even if he defeats a weak opponent. And losing to the strongest can turn into a psychological victory. [5]
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The organization of psychological preparation for competitions should be aimed at the formation of the means and qualities of the individual and psychological states, which always determine the success and stability of competitive activity.
In conditions of equal sports competition, the best psychological preparedness of the players is a decisive factor, as it makes it possible to most effectively show the physical, technical, tactical and theoretical preparedness of the players.
Mental preparation is carried out throughout the long-term preparation at training sessions, training camps, competitions.
- Basketball / Under the general. ed. Yu. N. Portnykh. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1988. - 228 p.
- Losin, B.E. Evaluation of the competitive activity of basketball players: Educational and methodological guide / B.E. Losin. - St. Petersburg: GAFC im. P. F. Lesgaft, 2003. - 32 p.
- Nesterovsky, D.I. Basketball: Theory and teaching methods: Proc. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / D.I. Nesterovsky. - 4th ed., erased. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2008. - 336 p.
Psychological preparation of basketball players | Article in the journal "Young scientist"
Bibliographic description: Egorov, A. V. Psychological training of basketball players / A.
V. Egorov. - Text: direct // Young scientist. - 2015. - No. 8 (88). — S. 428-430. — URL: https://moluch.ru/archive/88/17429/ (date of access: 11/11/2022).
Basketball is the most important means of physical education of students, aimed at increasing the working capacity and improving the psychophysical qualities of those involved. This is an exciting athletic game that contributes to the development and improvement of the physical, mental and intellectual qualities of a person; mastery of professional motor skills and abilities by players. Basketball classes instill in athletes willpower, endurance, perseverance, courage, determination, self-confidence, a sense of duty and responsibility, patriotism and collectivism.
The effectiveness of the education of these qualities depends, first of all, on how purposefully the relationship between the physical, psychological and moral education of athletes is carried out in the training process. The educational and training process in basketball is built on increasing the complexity and intensity of training sessions, acquiring special knowledge by players about the psychophysiological properties of the individual, the structure of the body and the biomechanics of human movements.
In the process of detailed preparation for a long season full of various competitions and, directly, in the lessons on the technique and tactics of the game conducted by the coach, athletes acquire the necessary professional knowledge, skills and abilities to increase the variety of individual and team technical and tactical actions of basketball players. This suggests that the key to the successful performance of a basketball team in competitions is the high sports training of players (implemented mainly in sports training), which includes all aspects of preparing athletes for a long sports season (theoretical, technical, tactical, moral-volitional and psychological). Thus, sports training is a complex specialized process aimed at the formation, development and improvement of the necessary physical, psychophysical and psychophysiological qualities of players, which has a versatile effect on athletes [1].
Basketball is a team sport that requires full dedication from each player in changing game episodes on the court; it allows you to develop endurance, good coordination of movements, flexibility, mobility and jumping ability in the game.
It is an excellent school for teaching the interaction of players in a team, because success in the game depends not only on the developed eye of athletes, but also on their ability to understand the intentions and tactics of other team members. An important factor is the ability of the players to make instant decisions, taking into account the game situation on the court, since the specifics of the game involve sudden changes in the direction of movement and pace, which alternate with forced jumps during shots, fighting for a top ball and attempts to cover the throw.
The main task of the coach-educator in preparation for the sports season is to gradually lead the players to optimal physical, technical, tactical and mental readiness. At this stage, psychological preparation consists in the formation of a set for competitive activity and the creation of conditions for the adaptation of players to the extreme conditions of this activity. This is due to certain features and conditions of the competition, as well as the individual mental characteristics of the personality of each athlete.
Psychological preparation ensures the formation of a mental state that contributes, on the one hand, to the optimal use of the physical and technical preparedness of the players, and on the other hand, the ability to withstand pre-competitive and competitive knocking factors (uncertainty in one's abilities, fear of a possible defeat, stiffness, overexcitation, etc. .). Intensive training sessions, a tight calendar of competitions, are characterized by such high physical and mental stress that bring neuro-emotional stress to the limits of the athlete's individual capabilities. The most effective in sports activities are the means of mental rehabilitation to restore the expended nervous energy. Here it is important to reduce the level of neuropsychic tension, remove the state of mental depression, which significantly affects the acceleration of recovery processes in various organs and systems of the body.
The effectiveness of the use of psychological means of recovery is reflected in an objective assessment of the results of psychological influences on athletes in the process of psychological rehabilitation.
For the formation of psychophysical resistance to various environmental conditions, it is required to form the psychological preparation of athletes by improving the motivation for sports training, creating optimal conditions for the training process. The use of psychological means of recovery in sports training makes it possible to reduce the level of neuropsychic stress, remove the state of mental depression, restore the expended nervous energy more quickly and thereby influence the acceleration of recovery processes in various systems of the player's body [4].
Psychological training includes general (year-round) preparation of players, mental preparation for competitions and management of the neuropsychic recovery of athletes. At the training sessions regularly conducted by the coach-teacher, in the process of sports training, the physical, psychophysical and moral qualities of the individual are developed and improved, contributing to the formation of mental stability of the players.
The use of modern methods of training during sports training, the effective use of pedagogical and psychological means of recovery allows us to determine the professional level of the psychological and pedagogical skills of the coach-teacher, the presence of a system of knowledge and skills that allow him to successfully organize the educational and training process [2].
The effectiveness of the activity of a coach-teacher, his professionalism, lies in the correct organization of the educational and training process, which includes all aspects of the team's sports training, including educational and cultural work. His responsibilities include:
- jointly with the administration of the university and the chairman of the sports club, creating conditions for year-round training sessions, instilling in those involved in love for the chosen sport, interest in regular practice in the chosen sport and striving for the growth of sportsmanship;
- ensuring general and special physical training of those involved in the sports improvement group, passing control standards and tests for physical fitness and physical fitness;
- organization in a rationally constructed training process of systematic educational work to form such important qualities as diligence and discipline, honesty and decency, goodwill and integrity, camaraderie and mutual assistance, the ability to rationally organize one's work and introduce elements of creativity into it, a sense of responsibility for the results of their work and collectivism;
- instilling in players the skills to comply with sports ethics, principles of morality, love and devotion to their team;
- strengthening the health of those involved, their observance of the rules of personal hygiene, which includes a rational sustainable regime of an athlete, body care, hygiene of clothes and shoes, as well as control of public hygiene, training hygiene and a clear organization of medical control;
- systematic participation and holding of control and friendly games, as well as participation in calendar competitions;
- propaganda and popularization of basketball among students and teaching staff;
Basketball training sessions at the university are held in accordance with the plan of sports work for the academic year approved by the chairman of the sports club of the university.
The program of the annual training cycle contains educational material, on the basis of which the planning of training sessions is based, which provides for the theoretical and practical training of players, as well as the passing of control standards. The periodization of the training process, necessary in the annual cycle, is carried out taking into account the calendar plan of the competition, which allows you to fundamentally prepare for the games and most fully solve the problems of each period of training of basketball players.
The main task of the coach-teacher in the preparatory period of the annual cycle is to prepare the basketball team for a successful performance in the upcoming competitions. The basis for the development and improvement of the physical and psychophysical qualities of those involved is the optimal physical preparation of the players, which is divided into general and special training. Therefore, the preparatory period is a basic training cycle, in which training sessions are aimed at providing general and special physical training of players and improving their sports performance.
Special physical training (SPT) of basketball players is provided only on the basis of general physical training (GP). Its task is to improve the special qualities of players aimed at developing skills and consolidating the skills of playing basketball. The mastered motor actions when using special physical exercises in training sessions are an effective means of strengthening the health and restoring the mental, mental and physical strength of an athlete and can be further used in independent forms of physical exercises.
With the optimization of sports training, which consists in a gradual increase in physical and psychophysical load, the role of the coach in the psychological preparation of the players increases. During the training sessions, players are recruited into the team and their volitional qualities are developed, which ensure overcoming difficulties in the fight against fatigue in accordance with increasing physical and psycho-emotional stress. To this end, in order to improve the quality of the psychological preparation of players, the coach-teacher during training uses individual means of training aimed at developing courage and determination in combat with an opponent [3].
At the stage of pre-competitive training, further improvement of special physical and technical training takes place, mastering the tactics of playing individual players, units and the team as a whole, improving the moral-volitional, technical-tactical and psychological training of players, determining the main and reserve composition of the team. The competitive period consists of several cycles, starting with the participation of the team in competitions for the city championship, held in various tournaments, and at the end of the period, in competitions for the championship of universities held in offset of the regional sports day. In this period, special attention should be paid to creating a cohesive and well-played team, improving the technical and tactical skills of the players, maintaining and improving sports form and eliminating existing shortcomings in the team’s game, as well as further improving the strong-willed and psychological preparation of the team.
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