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How to get strong for basketball

USA Basketball - 5 Intermediate Strength-Training Lifts for Basketball Players

I recently wrote an article about basketball strength training for newbies. Many loyal readers liked it, but some of you asked me for something a little more advanced than a bunch of body weight exercises.

My response to these youngsters went something like this: "I know you want to do heavy bench presses and squats, but honestly, at this point in your 'training career,' push-ups, body weight lunges/split squats, and some core exercises are all you need to get off to a great start in the weight room." (Yes, there are a few exceptions to this rule.) Well, hopefully you took this advice and mastered the form on the exercises that I outlined in this article.

After putting in 6-plus consistent months at the beginner ("newbie") stage of weight training, you will start to approach the intermediate level. Once entering this new level of manhood (or womanhood), it's time to start packing some weight onto the bar. After all, body weight exercises can only take you so far. With that said, I will highlight five great exercises for you to include to help you take your strength to the next level.

Trap Bar Deadlift

Deadlifts (and their variations) are one of the best exercises to include for improving strength throughout the entire body. It hammers the "posterior chain" (hamstrings, glutes, back), which are the muscles most responsible for speed and strength. It also works your gripping muscles, your core, and your quads. Talk about big-bang-for-your-buck!

You can also do conventional deadlifts and sumo deadlifts. However, the trap bar deadlift is the easiest to learn and master. So I suggest starting with the trap bar before moving onto a straight barbell.

Push Presses

The push press is basically an overhead press with a bit of a leg drive. Push presses work your shoulders, triceps, and core. This is a great exercise for improving upper body strength and power.

Bench Press

Now, I must say, I think the bench press is an overrated exercise. Not that I never have my athletes bench. It's just that too much emphasis is often put on the bench press.

C'mon, admit it, this is the first question you ask your friends: How much do you bench? Meanwhile, squats, deadlifts, chin-ups, and other great exercises often get tossed to the wayside. Because I know you are going to make the bench press a big part of your lifting program no matter what I say, we might as well go over proper technique...


Squats are an absolutely great exercise! They strengthen the quads, and if you get deep enough (with proper form), your hamstrings and glutes will get worked as well. It will also help strengthen your core. Before you graduate to some of the big-boy squat options (i.e. back squats, front squats), I suggest you start off with the goblet squat.

When the weight is held in front of your body, it automatically makes your core fire. This will make you more stable which will help you get deeper with your squat and help grove the proper squat pattern.


Rows are one of the best upper-body exercises. They strengthen your back, biceps, and gripping muscles. To improve your physique, strength, prevent injuries, and to improve performance, proper posture is very important. And rows are perfect to help getting you standing upright.

With as much time as we spend these days slouched over in front of the computer and in front of the TV, rows become all the more beneficial. And for those of you that have earned the nickname, "Mr. Bench Press Guy," rows will help balance you out.

There are many row variations available: seated cable rows, dumbbell rows, TRX rows, and barbell rows are among the most common options. Use them all and be sure to keep your shoulders blade retracted (together) throughout the movement.

In the offseason, I suggest three full body workouts per week. For a basketball player, it would be tough to get more than three lifting sessions in per week. After all, you are going to need to spend some of your time working on your handles, your pull-up jumper, and your distance shooting, right?

One more thing to remember, while the above exercises are great, they are not the end-all-be-all. Don't forget to include single leg exercises (lunge variations) and direct core work (ab wheel rollouts, reverse crunches, etc.).

As an individual that is entering the intermediate level of your lifting career, I suggest that you rotate your set/rep scheme. Something like this:

Day 1

Four sets of 4-6 repetitions for each exercise on that given day.

Day 2

Three sets of 8-10 repetitions for each exercise on that given day.

Day 3

Four sets of 6-8 repetitions for each exercise on that given day.

The in-season program would be just maintenance. If you can get into the weight room two times per week, that would be great.

But for the offseason, if you can get in the weight room three times per week while getting stronger in all of the above lifts (with picture-perfect form), you'll be headed towards the next level on the court.

How to Get Stronger for Basketball

Basketball takes speed, agility, quickness and jumping power. When it comes to training, you need to think of overall strength to improve your game-day performance. Weight training is part of this game plan, but there's more to it than that. The demands of the game need to be mimicked with training to create a sport-specific environment. Your body will adapt to the more strenuous conditions and you will excel on the court.

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Develop leg power by doing the right weight-training exercises. The glutes, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves get activated when you run up and down the court and jump in the air. Perform compound exercises like squats, lunges, stepups and leg presses to work these muscles. Compound exercises work more than one muscle at a time, which leads to maximal gains in size and strength. Use heavy enough weights that you can only perform eight to 12 reps with each exercise and do four or five sets.

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Work on your upper body muscular endurance. Muscular endurance is the ability to do repetitive contractions for an extended time. You need upper-body muscular endurance during a game when you shoot, grab rebounds and jostle for position with defenders in the paint. Do exercises like pushups, dips, pullups, back rows and biceps curls. Aim for 15 or more reps with each exercise and do four or five sets.

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Develop core strength to further improve your abilities. The core muscles, which include the abs, obliques and erector spinae, sit in the center of your body. Strengthening this area will improve your body stability and help you move with more efficiency. Perform exercises like situps, plank raises, Russian twists, bicycle maneuvers and supermans. Aim for 15 to 20 reps and do three or four sets.

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Add plyometrics to your training regimen. Plyometrics involve the stretching of a muscle followed by a fast contraction. According to the American Council on Exercise, this type of exercise helps improve explosiveness, muscular power and vertical jumping ability. Perform exercises like squat jumps, lunge jumps, box jumps and knee tucks. Aim for 10 to 12 reps and do four or five sets.

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Strengthen your lungs by doing sprint intervals. Running back and forth on the court during a game takes a lot of aerobic strength. Simulate this action by doing interval training. Begin with a light warmup jog, then sprint for 20 seconds. Jog lightly for 40 seconds, then sprint again. Follow this pattern for 20 to 30 minutes and finish with a light cooldown jog.


Do your lower and upper body exercises in one workout and do your plyometrics and cardio routines in separate workouts. Work your abs after your plyometric exercises or cardio sessions.


Rest is another important part of gaining strength for basketball. If you overtrain, your muscles will not have time to recover. Take one day off in between each routine to allow for recovery.

Shooting exercises

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Basketball is a great team game, the team consists of players whose skill is achieved with great effort. The only person who can understand that you are working hard is yourself. Remember, you only get out of the game what you put into it. Give yourself to her without a trace.

Jump shot

In basketball, an outstanding sniper is a piece item. If you want to be a great sniper, all you need to do is just want to be one.

First, you must improve your skills.

This includes having a good coach and years of training. Secondly, you must improve in game mode.

This means that you must perform throwing drills at the same intensity as in the game. It's far better to hit 100 shots in play than 500 sloppy shots that a good defender would never let you make in a game. Finally, you must understand that working on a roll is like investing in a bank. If you don't deposit anything into your account, you won't receive dividends when you need them.

The sniper must have "throw school". When throwing after a dribble, one of the main features is the last hit of the ball on the court, which must be fast and strong so that it bounces higher, right into your hands - this will help you not waste time handling the ball.

Individual Shooting Exercises

Exercise 1 Attention Concentration

  1. Start from a distance close to the ring.
  2. Throw with one hand. Follow correct technique.
  3. Make five from each position. Take a step back and repeat (Fig. 1).

Exercise 2 7 throwing positions and rebound (4 meters)

  1. Jump shot from position 1.
  2. Pick up the ball, dribble quickly to position 7, shoot.
  3. Pick-up, fast with guiding back to position 1.
  4. Make 10 rolls.
  5. Repeat the same steps using positions 6 and 2, 5 and 3, 4 (Fig. 2).

Exercise 3 7 shooting positions and a rebound (from behind the three-point line)

1. Repeat the same steps as in exercise 2 (fig. 3).

Exercise 4 Throw after stop

  1. Start from position 1, toss the ball to position
  2. Pick it up, while you have to run around the ball so that you are facing the ring.
  3. Make 10 rolls, then advance to the next position.

Ex.5 Shooting from five positions after a fake move (from four meters or from behind the three-point line)

  1. Start from any position.
  2. On bent knees and with your head up, you do a throw feint, hit the ball one or two with your right hand, stop and jump.
  3. Return to position, throw feint, one or two hits with the ball with the left hand, stop, throw.
  4. At each position, 5 attempts (Fig. 5).

Exercise 6 Jump shots after dribbling

  1. Start the exercise from the center of the field, move towards the hoop with dribbling at game speed, after stopping quickly shoot.
  2. The shot must be taken from a middle distance or from behind a three-point arc. Perform the exercise, both on the right and on the left and in the middle of the site.
  3. Use different types of dribbles: fast dribbles, broken tempos, pivots, etc.
  4. Make 5 attempts in each direction (Fig. 6).

Exercise 7 Playing with a virtual opponent

  1. Perform a free throw. If you have implemented it, you get one point. If not, then your "opponent" is three.
  2. You make subsequent throws from any position except the three-second zone, imitating the rhythm of the game. Work on different moves and throws. Each of your successful attempts is estimated at the bottom of the point, unsuccessful at two for the "opponent". The game goes to 11 points.
  3. This is a very good exercise to consolidate what you have learned. Try! Improve! (Fig. 7).

Double shots

Dr. 8 2 players, shot and rebound (4 meters or from behind the three-point line)

  1. The drill starts with a good, clear pass. The player who made the pass from under the basket goes to the place of the thrower.
  2. The player in position 1 catches the ball and shoots.
  3. After the shot, the player runs to the rebound and then passes the ball 1 position and so on.
  4. Each player must make five throws. The exercise is performed at a fast pace, but the throws should not be sloppy.
  5. Then move to another position and everything is the same (Fig. 8).

Exercise 9 Two players, throw and rebound (per result)

  1. The exercise is performed as described above.
  2. The player who made the pass tries to interfere with the shot, but does not block.
  3. Game up to 5 hits.
  4. Then we move to another position, and so on. (Fig. 9).

Exercise 10 Two players, throw and rebound, throw feint

  1. The exercise is performed in the same way as the previous one.
  2. The defender who made the pass tries to interfere with the player in position 1, but does not block the shot.
  3. The attacker makes a throw feint and beats the defender.
  4. Performs a short dribble, stops and throws.
  5. Do 5 times each and change position (Fig. 10).

Ex. 11 2 players, shot after a stoppage (from four meters or from behind the three-point line)

  1. The attacker is in position 1, ready to receive the pass.
  2. The player under the basket passes.
  3. After the throw, the attacker waits for the rebound to be made.
  4. The player receives a pass by making a stop, but already in position 2. Then back.
  5. Make 7 throws, two free throws and switch (fig. 11).

Ex. 12 Shooting with movement (from four meters or from behind a three-point arc)

  1. The attacker moves around the perimeter at game speed.
  2. A player passes to the hand farthest from the ring.
  3. The attacker must stop, catch the ball and throw.
  4. Make seven throws, two free throws and change (fig. 12).

Note: The previous exercise has three options.

A) Receive the ball and throw it.

B) After receiving, throwing feint, dribbling in the same direction, throwing.

B) Receives a pass, throw feint, dribbling to the ring in the other direction, stop, throw.

Ex.13 Various dribbling options and a jump shot

  1. The attacker starts from the center of the field and, dribbling at game speed, moves towards the ring, stops and takes a jump shot.
  2. The player under the basket picks up the ball, the attacker runs to the center of the field, and receives the ball on the opposite flank. Moves with dribbling to the ring, stop, jump shot.
  3. On the right side, dribble with the right hand, on the left - with the left (Fig. 13)

Note: Use speed dribbling, change of pace, transitions, pivots.

Three players, two balls

Exercise 14 Warm-up exercise

  1. One player throws, another passes, a third rebounds.
  2. Thrower becomes rebounder after seven tries.
  3. Passer - thrower. Picking up - passing (Fig. 14).

Note: different options are possible

1) From seven positions (four meters)

2) From seven positions (from behind the three-point arc)

3) From five points with feints to shoot

4) Throw after stoppage

5) Throw and rebound (constant rotation around the circle)

Double shots: using screens

To use the screen effectively, you must read the defender correctly. You must always see the player with the ball and how the defender defends against you. A player who moves well off the ball and knows how to use screens correctly is very useful offensively. When you watch a match that has good players, notice how well they move off the ball. The hardest thing to defend against is a well-moving attacker.

Exercise 15 Back screen and snatch

  1. The player imitates opening and screening behind his back, makes a dash to the corner of the court.
  2. Throw to the nearest hand.
  3. Attacker catches the ball and shoots.
  4. The attacker picks up his shot, passes to a partner and returns to his original position.
  5. Make seven attempts and change (Fig. 15)

Note: do not back away when dashing, turn around and run, but do not lose sight of the ball.

Exercise 16 Screening behind the back, "false" screening

  1. 1. Attacker starts on the base of the trapezoid and moves up to imitate the screening.
  2. 2. After the imaginary breakout runs, the screening attacker rises to the ball and prepares to receive the pass.
  3. 3. Having caught the pass, he immediately makes a throw.
  4. 4. Make seven attempts and change (Fig. 16).


  1. An attacker imitates a defender aiming for a screen and rises sharply towards the ball.
  2. The player must be ready to receive the ball.
  3. The attacker catches the ball and makes a quick throw.
  4. Make seven attempts and change (Fig. 17)

Exercise 18 Screening the ball carrier, moving away from the ring

  1. The attacker screens the ball carrier.
  2. The ball carrier passes through the screen aggressively.
  3. Instead of pulling back to the basket (deuce), the screening attacker moves away from the basket and prepares to receive the pass.
  4. Having caught the ball, he immediately makes a throw.
  5. Make seven attempts, then change.

Exercise 19 Barrier at the base of the trapezoid - opening to the flank

  1. The attacker takes the player under the ring, breaks shoulder to shoulder through the barrier and makes a dash to the flank.
  2. When catching the ball, the player must turn to the ring.
  3. Use different throw options: just throw, and dribbling to the right or left after a throw feint. Change after five attempts (Fig. 19).

Exercise 20 Screening at the base of the trapezoid - opening into the corner of the court

  1. The attacker takes the player into the three-second zone, pretends that he will break through to the flank through the screen, the defender starts running around the screener through the three-second zone.
  2. The attacker makes a dash to the corner of the court, and the defender hits the screen.
  3. Further, the same as in the previous exercise (Fig. 20).

Ex. 21 Screen at the base of the trapezoid - dash inward

  1. The defender is chasing you, not falling behind until the very screen.
  2. Then you run through the screen as close to the screener as possible and break into the three-second zone or foul line area.
  3. Receive the ball by turning towards the hoop and throw it.
  4. Also work out various options for continuing after receiving the ball. After five attempts, change (Fig. 21).

Throws in pairs: pass and discount

Exercise 22 Pass and discount - starting from the center of the field flank.

  • The receiving player is opened for transmission.
  • Player receives a pass and shoots.
  • The player who made the pass picks up the ball and gives it to the thrower.
  • Players switch roles.
  • Everyone makes ten throws (Fig. 22).
  • Exercise 23 Pass and discount - start from the flank

    Variation of exercise 22 (Fig. 23)

    Exercise 24 Pass and discount - start from the corner of the site one more

    exercise 2

    more variation 3 . 24).

    Updated on 03/18/2014 00:40

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