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How to identify basketball shoes

Tips for Buying Basketball Shoes

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Whether you’re a team player or a collector, these Pro Tips will help guide your decision.

Basketball shoes are designed with performance, comfort and fashion in mind. Knowing what features best fit your game can help take you from the bench to the paint in no time.

Before you make any decision on a shoe, you need to understand your playing style and capabilities. Do you shoot from long range or are you more comfortable in the key? Does your game showcase agility and speed, or power and aggression? Are you going to crash the boards for every rebound, or hang back and capitalize in transition?

Being over or underequipped in footwear is a problem no athlete wants. Once you understand your playing prowess, you can search for your desired features more easily.

Your typical basketball shoes get separated into three main sections: the upper, the midsole and the outsole. Each section of your shoe has qualities that will affect durability and performance. So, identifying which features fit your needs and playing style is vital to copping the right gear.





When discussing the upper portion of basketball shoes, the first decision you have to make is which height you want. Basketball shoes are available in high, mid or low heights; each of these appealing to a different style of player.

  • High: The upper wraps around your ankle to provide an extra layer of support and stability. With this extra coverage often comes extra weight.
  • Mid: As the name suggests, mid-top basketball shoes provide a happy medium for players in terms of ankle support. The upper material sits right at the ankle to provide some coverage without an all-enclosing design. Mid-tops allow for increased flexibility.
  • Low: Built for speed and agility, low basketball shoes have little ankle support due to their lower profile.


There are a number of closure techniques available, laces being the most popular.

You might also find basketball shoes with zippers, straps or hook-and-loop closures. These pieces can add more support to your ankle, especially in high-top models, as well as provide another layer of coverage over your standard laces. Keep in mind added coverage means added weight.


A basketball shoe’s midsole is where the footwear’s cushioning will be found. This makes this section one of the most essential parts of a shoe’s performance. Most midsoles are comprised of various foams, EVA and compressed EVA foam being the lighter options, compared to polyurethane midsoles, which are dense and more durable.

Brand-specific cushioning technologies are also found in the midsole; namely in the heel and forefoot. This technology is added to give extra cushioning in pressure points that will endure a lot of stress during the course of a game.


A shoe’s outsole is made of a rubber or synthetic material and is the point of traction for your footwear. When deciding on basketball shoes, look for a relatively flat and wide outsole to provide you with maximum balance. For added grip, search for outsoles that feature a herringbone or hexagonal pattern, since these are designed to help secure your feet and prevent you from sliding up and down the court.

Nearly all basketball shoes are designed with indoor play in mind. Outdoor courts are less forgiving than indoor hardwood ones. So, if you know that you’ll be playing exclusively on outdoor surfaces, look for a shoe with a thicker, more durable outsole. Also, keep in mind that asphalt can eat up your shoe’s tread.


What are the best shoes for shooting guards? Are there specific basketball shoes for centers? Here’s a breakdown of some common shoes worn by position.

  • Guards: This position requires quick movements on the court. Low-top basketball shoes offer little ankle support, but can help with fluid movement.
  • Forwards: Forwards need to command the paint. High-top basketball shoes come with extra weight, which can be popular among these larger, more aggressive players. High-top shoes have additional coverage and support.
  • All-Around Players: If you’re an all-around basketball player on the court, you’ll need to find a nice middle ground. Mid-top basketball shoes provide ankle support, but still give you some room to move around. There is more flexibility in this shoe, which is great for hybrid, multi-position basketball players.


Athletes have a wide variety of shoes to choose from. But before you lace up your new pair, you need to determine your shoe size. Don’t know where to start? Consult this Pro Tips guide on how to measure your shoe size.

Once you have your size, it’s time to pick the perfect shoe. There are plenty of unisex shoes to choose from, too. For this reason, basketball shoes on our site are displayed in unisex sizes noted within an “M/W.”

Normally, there is a 1-1.5 size difference between male and female shoes. However, this can vary based on brand, so be sure to check sizes before purchasing or trying on a new shoe.


When choosing a new pair of basketball shoes, you not only should consider how they’re made, but also how they look. You’ll want basketball shoes that not only function well but make a statement, too.

Show your personality by choosing color schemes and designs that appeal to your tastes. If you’re looking to stand out, choose a style with more bold colors and design elements. If you’re looking to rep your school colors on the court, some of your favorite signature models are also available in team colors to match your uniform.

Basketball shoes can also be worn as a lifestyle option. Looking good and feeling good doesn’t just apply to the court. It can also carry over to the classroom and everyday life. Want to look fresh heading into school? A pair of kicks with signature details from your favorite athlete can help you stand out.  Of course, you’ll want to keep them looking brand new. For advice on how to keep your shoes clean, make sure to brush up on these Pro Tips.

Searching for the right size? Look for the True Fit icon on apparel and footwear product pages when shopping online at DICK’S Sporting Goods. Get personalized size and fit recommendations with just a few clicks. Learn more about True Fit.

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    All we need to do to achieve this is look at three basic categories: The ankle collar, cushion, and traction. By following this guide don’t be surprised to find yourself ruling the court and winning the game!

    1. The Ankle Collar

    The ankle collar length is one of the most differentiating aspects of a shoe that makes it suitable for certain types of players and play styles. By finding the right fit, you can greater use the full potential of your skills and abilities!

    The three types of ankle collars include:

    • High Ankle Shoes 

    The key feature of high ankle shoes is the reinforced high ankle collar that covers the ankle completely.

    Although this makes the shoe heavier, its extra support and cushioning is perfect for the game style of centers and forwards by providing impact protection and ankle protection to support their constant jumping associated with rebounding and blocking shots. This also helps protect against injuries so that you can play longer and harder without worrying about getting hurt!

    • Mid Ankle Shoes

    The mid-ankle collar of these shoes just covers the ankle and provides an all-rounded performance that has a balance of features perfect for small forwards and shooting guards.

    These types of shoes incorporate the ankle protection of high ankle shoes with the responsiveness of low ankle shoes, therefore supporting both the jump and agility of athletic players and allowing them to use their explosiveness to score!

    • Low Ankle Shoes

    Low ankle shoes are best for fast and shifty players who need responsiveness to meet their agility.

    The ankle mobility and lightweight factors of these shoes help point guards and shooting guards to run up and down the court, supporting the offence and running back for transition defence. With these shoes being the least strenuous, you can expect to have a comfortable ride in them!

    2. Cushion

    The cushion is the backbone of a pair of shoes that help achieve a comfortable fit and usage of the shoes.

    There are various types of cushioning with each cushion varying for use. However, there are a few things to look at in a shoe’s cushion to determine that you find the right fit for you.‍

    • Height Of The Cushion

    The height of the cushion is a deciding factor as it also determines how high your foot is from the ground. There is no fixed level or height but rather based on preference. However, there are drawbacks for the extremes. If the cushion setup is too high, you will be further away from the ground and this can cause instability and possible injuries as there less court feel, which is the responsiveness of a shoe based on how close it is to the ground. If a cushion setup is too low, the court feel will be good but the impact protection and effect of the cushion will be close to non-existent. We recommend a height in between that provides court feel and impact protection as seen in the picture.

    • Bounce Of The Cushion

    The bounce of the cushion refers to the level of impact protection a cushion setup can offer. This varies with the type of foam used and new technologies that companies use to find the balance between a cushion setup being too soft or too stiff. The reason that a balance is trying to be found is that a cushion being too soft will not be responsive, therefore not meeting the requirements for quick players like guards. On the other hand, a cushion too stiff will not offer enough impact protection and cannot support jumping players like the forwards.By finding a balance, a shoe will receive good responsiveness and impact protection. This can be checked by leaning on your heel as shown.

    3. Traction

    The traction is the bottom of the shoe that grips the floor and allows it you to be shifty and agile. Due to this, it is important to have the traction that not only grips the floor but is also durable and will last a long time.

    To achieve this, it is important to look at two criteria.

    • Indoor Or Outdoor

    The tractions of shoes can be classified as made for indoor courts or outdoor courts. Indoor court tractions are relatively soft and tacky to grip onto dusty floors. Outdoor shoes have hard soles that are meant to be durable against the rough courts. Choosing the wrong type for the wrong court can either lead to lots of slippages or no durability. Therefore to choose the right type of traction, it is first important to decide which court you will play at. After this, you can determine which type your shoe is by researching the shoe or using your nail to move the rubber. If the rubber is stiff, it is an outdoor shoe, and if not then an indoor shoe.

    • Traction Pattern

    The traction pattern is the pattern of the rubber that determines how grippy a shoe is. For a shoe to have more grip, the traction pattern should be multi-directional. Being multidimensional refers to the pattern reaching in all directions as shown in the picture to the left. Such patterns allow players to use their agility.

    By following these three categories and trying different pairs of shoes, you will be able to find your ideal pair of shoes in no time! Have you used this guide to buy shoes? Share a picture of your shoe that you bought using this guide with us on Instagram or Facebook!

    How to distinguish original sneakers from fakes

    Here are 10 practical tips.

    Here are 10 practical tips.

    What is important in the game, besides the ability of the athlete himself? Good equipment. Which at the right time can be very cool to help the player. In basketball, it's sneakers. High-quality and comfortable shoes are an additional weapon for victory. Therefore, if you decide to invest in yourself and buy branded shoes, then our tips on how to distinguish the original from the fake will come in handy. Now you are armed and not in vain spend your hard-earned money.


    Please note. If you are offered a price much lower than the official one, then think about it. We understand. You want to save. This is a normal desire. But this savings can backfire on you. As they say, we are not rich enough to buy cheap things. It is better to buy 1 expensive but good shoes so that they serve you for many years. Than a cheap one that you throw away in a couple of months or, at best, you wear in the garden.


    If an online store offers you delivery over 2 weeks, then most likely the package will come from China. Do not believe the seller's complaints about the difficulties of processing, the poor performance of our mail, etc. On average, in Russia the shipment takes 10-14 days.


    Especially for “old” or rare models. If you are assured that there are all sizes, then you are definitely a scammer. And trying to sell you a fake. Be careful!


    Before buying, do not be too lazy to look on the Internet which box the original of these sneakers has. What color, what is shown, what inscriptions? It is not uncommon for a box from one model to sell a completely different one. This is also a sign that you have a fake. The stickers on the box must be even. It shows the size, name and article number. Check that there are no spelling mistakes. It happens! The article is the main identifier. It's easy to check with Google. Type in the number and see what the search engine gives you. If the image and information about this model, then everything is OK. The box should also have an importer's sticker with the name and address of the company. As a rule, it is not on fakes.

    Pungent odor

    Then you open the box and ... sniff. In the case of a fake, this will not have to be done. The strong smell of rubber and glue will knock you off your feet. Perhaps this is the most noticeable difference from the original.


    Not everyone knows, but when buying sneakers from the manufacturer, all the laces are tied. If you see in a box with laces untied or even lying separately, this is a reason to be wary.


    Very often fakes have colors in which the brand line is not produced. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to check on the official website of the company. Pay attention not only to the color of the case, but also to the details: the color of the stripes, laces, sole elements. Shades may also differ.


    You will see a sticker on the inside of the tongue. Already by its appearance, you can determine what you are holding in your hands: an original or a fake. In the original model, it is not just slightly glued, but as if soldered. You can't just delete it. The inscriptions are made in an even readable font. But the main secret: the batch number on this label must match what is indicated on the box. Another nuance is the year of issue. See which one is listed here and compare with the manufacturer's official data. There are funny cases when, for example, the year 2008 is indicated on the sticker, but officially the sneakers began to be produced in 2010.


    The quality of the material in sneakers comes first. It affects the appearance and performance of the shoe. Therefore, if the manufacturer stated that the model is covered on top, say, with suede, then it cannot be otherwise. Counterfeits are always made from cheap materials. Remember this.

    Quality of workmanship

    Don't be afraid to look ridiculous and inspect your sneakers meticulously. The lines must be even. No traces of glue. All details are neatly sewn or placed in the shoe body. The logo is also important. Does it match the original? Is it in the right place. Feel the crosses, weigh them on your hand. Typically fakes are very heavy, oaky and unpleasant to the touch.

    What makes basketball shoes different from others?

    11:45, January 7, 2020


    Experienced basketball players know that to achieve victory it is not enough to be a goal-oriented and persistent player. Undoubtedly, long-term training always gives its positive results. But one of the most important components of victory is the right sports shoes. This helps not only to achieve maximum efficiency and comfort in the game, but also to avoid injuries that often accompany basketball players. After all, this game consists mainly of sudden movements, running, jumping. The player must be able not only to move well and quickly, but also to brake quickly in shoes. With constant stress on the feet, basketball players need sneakers that are somewhat different from everyone else and have some important qualities.

    Choosing the Right Basketball Shoes

    Basketball shoes need to have perfect ankle support in the first place, which is why most professional players prefer to play in high shoes. These shoes help keep the player stable during lateral movements. In addition, in high-top sneakers, the ankle is reliably protected when jumping. A large selection of both men's and women's sneakers is presented in the online store

    For each sport, shoes must have certain qualities. For basketball shoes, three main criteria are important - the quality of the sole, the material from which they are made and the degree of fixation of the ankle.


    One of the best basketball shoes is the Nike Air Jordan. Their presence in the player is already the first step to victory.

    Basketball shoe sole is divided into two types. The first is intended for playing indoors, on a smooth surface. It is soft and designed for playing on the artificial turf of the stadium. For street play, it is better to choose sneakers with a stiffer sole. When buying sneakers, pay attention to the area of ​​​​the sole. The quality of the game depends on this. Good braking and traction with the coating is provided by sneakers with large soles.

    An important element is the protector on the sole. It affects the stability of the player and the ability to easily brake on turns and stops. The most popular and in demand are sneakers with a Herringbone tread.


    Basketball pros say it's best to play in a combination shoe that's made from leather and has mesh inserts. Leather material has long established itself as the most stable and reliable. And thanks to the mesh, the player's foot is provided with flexibility and ventilation. Recently, basketball shoes made of modern synthetic materials have become popular. They are not only light and durable, but also comfortable.

    Ankle protection and support

    There are three types of basketball shoes, depending on the design of the shoe. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages:

    1. High-top sneakers are most often used by players because they provide reliable ankle protection. In addition, in such sneakers, the player is as stable as possible. Air Jordans is exactly the model of high sneakers that appealed not only to professionals, but also to beginners. It is best to buy Air Jordan sneakers in a specialized store. This guarantees the purchase of truly original shoes.
    2. Mid-height shoes are preferred by players who care about speed in basketball and at the same time they are worried about avoiding ankle injuries. In such sneakers, the player feels less movement restriction than in high-tops. The manufacturer warns that this type of shoe is not recommended for players with little experience. Such negligence can lead to traumatic situations. Medium height sneakers are suitable for speed basketball lovers.
    3. Low sneakers are used in the game less often than those listed above. Their top is just at the level of the ankle, which cannot protect it during the game. Undoubtedly, due to their lightness and convenience, such sneakers give a basketball player a chance to reveal all their hidden talents. But, if you choose between security and quality of the game, then many tend to ensure security. Low running shoes are the choice of fast and agile athletes.

    In ordinary running shoes, the manufacturer pays little attention to the fixation of the foot. Sports shoes for basketball should securely fix the foot. This helps the lower leg to remain stationary while playing, braking, accelerating or changing direction quickly.

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