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How to install goaliath basketball system

Basketball Hoop Installation – Goalrilla


Never installed a basketball goal before and not sure where to start? Not a problem. Regardless of where you purchased your hoop, you’ll have the option of installing it yourself or paying a professional to do it for you. The following article will walk you through the steps.

The following videos will walk you step-by-step through the process of installing an in-ground basketball goal.

Installing the anchor kit

Part 2

Goal Installation

The secret to a long-lasting basketball hoop is in foundation. Achieving the correct mixture of dry concrete and water can give your goal additional years of life!

A mixture that is too thin lacks the strength needed to properly hold the steel pole in place. A mixture that is too thick will leave you struggling to fill voids that can’t be seen below, again compromising strength. So how do you achieve the perfect balance? Let’s find out!

Compressive Strength

Concrete is rated by its compressive strength, which means: how much pressure per square inch can a standard cylinder of concrete withstand before breaking. These ratings are derived from standardized machines which can evenly apply pressure across the surface of a concrete cylinder.

Compressive strength is largely determined by the composition of the mix. Walk into any home improvement store and you’ll see a variety of mixes that advertise ‘fast setting,’ ‘high-strength,’ ‘crack resistant,’ etc. The main difference between each of these is some mixes may contain additional ingredients, such as fiberglass, to provide even greater bond strength.

If you have a specific mix you’re looking for, then great, you already know what to get. However, if you’re simply trying to follow the instructions for your hoop, your standard ‘High-Strength’ mix will do just fine.

What Does Goalrilla Recommend?

Goalrilla recommends purchasing 12-13 bags of Quikrete concrete mix. This concrete meets the ASTM C387 Standard Specifications for concrete.

While directions state you only need 11 bags, it’s not a bad idea to have an extra bag or two on hand in the event the installation gets a little messy. As you’ll find out, concrete mix can be difficult to move and it’s very easy to accidentally tear a bag open.

Mixing the Concrete

Once you have all the appropriate materials, start by opening 1-2 bags and pouring them into a large container. Add water according to what the instructions dictate.

For an 80 lb. bag, you’ll want to use 6 pints or 2.8 L of water, or for a 60 lb. bag, you’ll want to use 4 pints or 1. 9 L per bag of concrete. If you don’t have measuring bucket around, a 2 L soda pop bottle will work to get a close enough estimation.

Create a depression in the center of the dry mix and add your water here. Work the mix with a hoe or other tool and ensure consistency across the batch. Properly mixed concrete should be wet, but firm enough to hold its shape and in an oatmeal-like consistency. You can test its consistency by picking up a handful while wearing gloves.

Do not let the mix sit for extended periods of time or you run the risk of letting it dry out. Move the mix to the freshly dug hole as soon as possible and agitate as you pour to help alleviate any voids. A trench shovel and extra set of hands will be helpful here.

On especially hot days you may need to add more water to the mix as water will evaporate. Always keep the mix moving and ensure the mix maintains its consistency.

Repeat these steps as necessary until you have the appropriate amount of concrete.

Pouring Concrete in Cold Weather

Installing your basketball hoop in winter is possible but has a few caveats. If the outside temperature is below 40° F (4.44° C) for an extended period of time, you will want to reconsider your install date. Temperatures below this threshold can cause all sorts of problems your average DIY installer is most likely not equipped to handle, nor would want to.

If you choose to pour concrete during the winter months, there are few things you or your installer will want to remember.

  1. If the ground is frozen, you will need to wait until it thaws before you can even consider starting. You should NEVER place concrete in frozen ground, since it poses a number of problems from cracking, crusting, and settling unevenly.
  2. Use a fast-setting mix with hot water. As the name implies, a fast-setting mix will usually set in under an hour. While it may set in under an hour, it will still take several days to cure. When mixing concrete in these temperatures, regardless of type, use hot water.
  3. Use an accelerator. If you don’t have access to fast-setting concrete or have already purchased regular concrete, you can purchase an accelerator that helps increase the concrete hydration rate. This helps to shorten the setting time and gets the concrete to a higher strength earlier. Avoid any accelerators or additives containing calcium chloride as this will cause the rebar to rust and could potentially cause the concrete to crack. Do not mix fast-setting concrete and an accelerator.
  4. Use curing blankets. Specifically, for cold-weather applications, concrete curing blankets help to trap in the heat and moisture, so the concrete can reach its proper strength. Additionally, these “blankets” protect the concrete from freezing. Blankets can be purchased from your local home improvement store for around $50-$60 depending on your area. Keep in mind they do not look like the blankets you would use in your home. These blankets look more tarp-like and usually come in rolls.

In addition to these tips, some professional installers may have other methods or tricks they use to set concrete in colder weather. In this case, it may be better to hire a professional to do the job as they will often have the necessary supplies, like curing blankets, already on hand.

As the cost of additional materials begins to add up, combined with the inconvenience of working in the cold, you may find it’s better to have someone else do it.

The recommended hole size is 16 inches in diameter and 48 inches deep. You will need eleven 80-lb bags of concrete for the installation.

IMPORTANT SAFETY PRECAUTION: Before you dig, call your local utilities to rule out the presence of buried cables including power, water, gas and phone lines. Failure to do so could result in serious or fatal injury.

For safety purposes, we recommend you have at least three capable persons to assist you.

For best results with less vibration, your Goalrilla Anchor System should be independent of your court. If pouring concrete for both at the same time, add an expansion joint in between.

The anchor system is set in concrete on Day 1 and requires at least 72 hours to cure. We recommend erecting your system on Day 5 to ensure the superior rock-solid performance for which Goalrilla is famous.

Too much overhang can reduce the amount of court space and cause excessive shaking due to the weight of the backboard being suspended too far from the main pole. Look for approximately 2 feet to 4 feet of overhang for the best balance of safety and performance. A basketball hoop with an overhang of 5 feet or more can compromise performance because the weight of the glass backboard will increase shake in the system. A basketball hoop with an overhang of 5 feet will actually encroach on the play surface by more than 7 feet once you add the 25 inches of rim that come out from the backboard surface.

 Overhang changes as the basketball goal is adjusted. Goalrilla basketball hoops are adjustable from the safety-approved height of 7. 5 feet to the NBA and NCAA regulation height of 10 feet. Use the Goalrilla basketball goal overhang chart here to find your model and learn the distance in overhang at each height.

Not feeling up to the job? You can always hire a professional to install your basketball hoop for you. While you might be tempted to call a local construction company or handyman, and although some of these businesses might offer basketball goal installation, we recommend contacting a Goalrilla installation specialist. Installing a goal requires exact precision and specialized processes to ensure your goal is level and operating at peak performance. No one knows how to do this better than a Goalrilla specialist!


Step one should always be to see if there is an authorized dealer in your area, particularly a Goalrilla Platinum Dealer. Goalrillas are sold through a network of full service dealers throughout the country, and these Goalrilla specialists can not only help you find the best goal to purchase, but they can install it too. These dealers are installing hundreds of Goalrillas every year, and know our exact specifications, so you can trust that they will get it done right!


For some people living in more remote areas of the country, you may not have a Goalrilla dealer nearby. In that case, you might opt to purchase your Goalrilla online. Luckily, you can still find an installer by performing a Google search of “National installation and assembly service.” That will give you a good place to start.

If you don’t have a local Goalrilla dealer or installer in your area, then you may consider contacting a general contractor. A simple Google search for “basketball goal installers + [YOUR CITY],” should turn up some places to start. In this case, you may want to direct this service provider to our installation guide to make sure they have the correct information for a successful installation.


Managing the installation yourself has its own merit, but if you’re paying somebody to do it, you should expect professional quality. Professional installations should generally range anywhere from $400 to $600 from beginning to end. Especially if you are working with an installation company or local contractor, be sure to get a couple different quotes before committing to a purchase.

If you are considering a service provider that is not a Goalrilla authorized dealer for the installation of your basketball goal, you may want to consider asking the following questions…

This is by far the most important question to ask when evaluating an installer. It’s a no-brainer that if someone hasn’t done many other installations, you probably don’t want to be their first guinea pig. Most professional installers will have a gallery on their website showcasing their work. If they do not, it may be a good idea to see if they have a Facebook or other social media page where these photos are posted.

Installing a full in-ground system is a multi-step, multi-day process. The first day involves digging the hole and installing the concrete, followed by 3 days for the concrete to cure, and then final assembly of the goal. Make sure the quote you receive covers the concrete installation AND the assembly of the goal, as well as the materials to do the job.

Most installers have multiple projects running simultaneously, and this is especially true during the spring and summer months. You will likely not be the only project on the schedule.

Before committing to the installation, be sure to find out when they will start and when it will be completed. The installation for any Goalrilla will take at least 4 days, and a particularly busy installation schedule may delay your install date even further. Make sure your selected installer can get your goal installed in a timeline that works for you, so you can start playing as soon as possible!

Disregarding an installer’s other jobs, an installation may take more than 4 days depending on the weather. The concrete takes 3 days to cure in warm temperatures, so when the mercury begins to drop, the curing process can take significantly longer. Additionally, if the ground is frozen, it’ll be almost impossible to dig a hole.

More on cold-weather installations can be learned here. Be sure to discuss these conditions and other alternative options with the installer.

A botched installation can cause you and your family a lot of frustration and money. Check with the installer to see what their warranty policy is in the event of an error in installation. Be sure to make a note on the specifics of the warranty and get a copy if possible. If after the installation something seems wrong, immediately take notes and pictures to have as documentation when calling.

<>Accidents do happen and when there’s a several hundred-pound steel pole or backboard involved, the severity of some accidents can escalate quickly. If an independent contractor (aka the installer) ends up getting injured while doing an installation on your property, you could be responsible.

This is one of the major reasons hiring a professional from a reputable company is a must for this type of project. A reputable company will carry insurance for these types of accidents and injuries, so you don’t have to worry about a lawsuit. Always be sure to ask before agreeing to any installation and see the certificate of insurance for general liability.

For some people, there may be additional steps you need to take before an installer can begin work. The major task that needs to be completed is having the utility lines marked. Since there is a 4-foot deep hole that must be dug at the installation site, you and the installer need to be aware of any buried cables. Call 811 at least a few days ahead of the dig date to have the cables marked.

Additionally, most installers will need to have the area around the installation mowed, the driveway free of any cars, toys, or other debris, and the boxed goal easily accessible at the installation site (If you purchase your goal from a Goalrilla authorized dealer, they will likely deliver the goal themselves for installation).

Also, be sure to ask the installer if you need to be present for the installation. Even if you don’t have to be, being on-site during installation can help to resolve any questions that may arise.

Once the goal installed, there are a few final clean-up notes to consider. Be sure to ask how any excess dirt will be handled or disposed of. If you would like to reuse the dirt, agree upon where the excess dirt will be placed. A request to have the dirt placed on the side of the house or in a designated corner in the backyard shouldn’t be a problem.

Also, if you purchased your Goalrilla goal online, it will be delivered on a pallet via a freight shipment. Ask if your installer can take care of disposing of this pallet as well.

Find A Local Installer

Not feeling up to the job yourself? No problem. View our list below of Goalrilla basketball goal installers to get the help you need.

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In the following blog post, we will share basketball court ideas, basketball court dimensions, and basketball court size so you could start playing. ..

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After purchasing a Goalrilla basketball goal online from our website, here are the steps to expect.

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It’s important to know how to store your basketball goal and its accessories in the winter. Read our tips here!

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How to Install a Basketball Hoop


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The following videos will walk you step-by-step through the process of installing an in-ground basketball goal.

Installing the anchor kit

Part 2

Goal Installation

The secret to a long-lasting basketball hoop is in foundation. Achieving the correct mixture of dry concrete and water can give your goal additional years of life!

A mixture that is too thin lacks the strength needed to properly hold the steel pole in place. A mixture that is too thick will leave you struggling to fill voids that can’t be seen below, again compromising strength. So how do you achieve the perfect balance? Let’s find out!

Compressive Strength

Concrete is rated by its compressive strength, which means: how much pressure per square inch can a standard cylinder of concrete withstand before breaking. These ratings are derived from standardized machines which can evenly apply pressure across the surface of a concrete cylinder.

Compressive strength is largely determined by the composition of the mix. Walk into any home improvement store and you’ll see a variety of mixes that advertise ‘fast setting,’ ‘high-strength,’ ‘crack resistant,’ etc. The main difference between each of these is some mixes may contain additional ingredients, such as fiberglass, to provide even greater bond strength.

If you have a specific mix you’re looking for, then great, you already know what to get. However, if you’re simply trying to follow the instructions for your hoop, your standard ‘High-Strength’ mix will do just fine.

What Does Goalrilla Recommend?

Goalrilla recommends purchasing 12-13 bags of Quikrete concrete mix. This concrete meets the ASTM C387 Standard Specifications for concrete.

While directions state you only need 11 bags, it’s not a bad idea to have an extra bag or two on hand in the event the installation gets a little messy. As you’ll find out, concrete mix can be difficult to move and it’s very easy to accidentally tear a bag open.

Mixing the Concrete

Once you have all the appropriate materials, start by opening 1-2 bags and pouring them into a large container. Add water according to what the instructions dictate.

For an 80 lb. bag, you’ll want to use 6 pints or 2.8 L of water, or for a 60 lb. bag, you’ll want to use 4 pints or 1.9 L per bag of concrete. If you don’t have measuring bucket around, a 2 L soda pop bottle will work to get a close enough estimation.

Create a depression in the center of the dry mix and add your water here. Work the mix with a hoe or other tool and ensure consistency across the batch. Properly mixed concrete should be wet, but firm enough to hold its shape and in an oatmeal-like consistency. You can test its consistency by picking up a handful while wearing gloves.

Do not let the mix sit for extended periods of time or you run the risk of letting it dry out. Move the mix to the freshly dug hole as soon as possible and agitate as you pour to help alleviate any voids. A trench shovel and extra set of hands will be helpful here.

On especially hot days you may need to add more water to the mix as water will evaporate. Always keep the mix moving and ensure the mix maintains its consistency.

Repeat these steps as necessary until you have the appropriate amount of concrete.

Pouring Concrete in Cold Weather

Installing your basketball hoop in winter is possible but has a few caveats. If the outside temperature is below 40° F (4.44° C) for an extended period of time, you will want to reconsider your install date. Temperatures below this threshold can cause all sorts of problems your average DIY installer is most likely not equipped to handle, nor would want to.

If you choose to pour concrete during the winter months, there are few things you or your installer will want to remember.

  1. If the ground is frozen, you will need to wait until it thaws before you can even consider starting. You should NEVER place concrete in frozen ground, since it poses a number of problems from cracking, crusting, and settling unevenly.
  2. Use a fast-setting mix with hot water. As the name implies, a fast-setting mix will usually set in under an hour. While it may set in under an hour, it will still take several days to cure. When mixing concrete in these temperatures, regardless of type, use hot water.
  3. Use an accelerator. If you don’t have access to fast-setting concrete or have already purchased regular concrete, you can purchase an accelerator that helps increase the concrete hydration rate. This helps to shorten the setting time and gets the concrete to a higher strength earlier. Avoid any accelerators or additives containing calcium chloride as this will cause the rebar to rust and could potentially cause the concrete to crack. Do not mix fast-setting concrete and an accelerator.
  4. Use curing blankets. Specifically, for cold-weather applications, concrete curing blankets help to trap in the heat and moisture, so the concrete can reach its proper strength. Additionally, these “blankets” protect the concrete from freezing. Blankets can be purchased from your local home improvement store for around $50-$60 depending on your area. Keep in mind they do not look like the blankets you would use in your home. These blankets look more tarp-like and usually come in rolls.

In addition to these tips, some professional installers may have other methods or tricks they use to set concrete in colder weather. In this case, it may be better to hire a professional to do the job as they will often have the necessary supplies, like curing blankets, already on hand.

As the cost of additional materials begins to add up, combined with the inconvenience of working in the cold, you may find it’s better to have someone else do it.

Rashit DAVYDOV: From the first training session with Vasilevsky, it was clear that there was a block in the goal. Both in size and content

July 17

Sports weekend

What is the phenomenon of the Russian goalkeeping school, why did so many superstars suddenly appear on the territory of one country? We tried to reveal these secrets with the help of the former coach of the Russian national team and SKA, who now works at Lokomotiv Yaroslavl.

Photo: Sports weekendSports weekend

Video of the day

The starting point of the report is Tretyak's law

- Rashit, I'll start right away with the main question, why did the Russian goalkeeping school make the whole world talk about itself? Is this a coincidence or a pattern? - First of all, we should probably rejoice at the fact that now more and more people are talking about Russian goalkeepers. They gradually take a leading position in the NHL. Until recently, even in such a hockey city as New York, both clubs had two full-fledged pairs of goalkeepers from Russia. In the "Rangers" and "Islanders" Russian goalkeepers competed with each other ... We can say that now there is already a third wave of Russian goalkeepers in the NHL. - It all started with Khabibullin? - Yes, Khabibullin, Nabokov, Bryzgalov, Shtalenkov. Then we saw Varlamov, Khudobin, Bobrovsky, Vasilevsky. Andrei, at his young age, has been playing in the NHL for five years already, and managed to set a certain standard for goalkeeping there. And now our younger goalkeepers, who are gradually gaining their places - Shesterkin, Georgiev, Sorokin, Samsonov ... Everyone has a different career: someone adapted faster, someone needs time. But the guys are declaring themselves more and more, and this is already a fact. - Which is impossible to shut up. - Of course, on the face of a certain breakthrough. A certain Russian product has appeared, although it is not yet a conveyor belt. What are the reasons for such a rise? The starting point of reference is the adoption by Tretyak of a law obliging all teams to guarantee a certain amount of playing time for Russian goalkeepers. If I'm not mistaken, this happened before the founding of the KHL. - Yes. - It is this law that has moved a lot off the ground. Then almost all the clubs focused on foreigners. There were also our Russian goalkeepers in the teams, but they had almost no playing time. And then I immediately had to change my attitude towards local goalkeepers, to their training. Coaches for players of this role began to appear in the teams on a permanent basis - before there were only a few of them. - And at first, too, mostly foreigners? - Yes. And now there are more and more Russian goalkeeper coaches who work quite successfully in the KHL. These are Zvyagin, Naumov, Vlasov, Klyuchnikov, Abramov. In the upcoming season, Orlov, Klimkovich, Gelashvili, Khabibullin will make their debut in the KHL. I am sure that the same Khabibullin will bring something new and interesting to our profession.

We don't aspire to make robots

- Yes, a good moment for young people. - The other day I was reminded that in 2014, when I just started working in the national team, in one of the interviews I said the following phrase: “I want to believe that Russian goalkeeping style will someday appear.” Then he said blindly, dreaming more. Then it was perceived by everyone with a smile. But less than ten years have passed, and the dream has become a reality. Our school is beginning to study, adopt some things. The Russian model of the goalkeeper is in some ways even ahead of competitors from the leading hockey powers. - And how is it different? - In my opinion, our goalkeepers have a good balance of consistency in the game and individuality. It is this combination, perhaps, that distinguishes the Russian guys. Foreign goalkeepers basically follow the pattern, as they were taught. I'm not saying it's wrong. Not at all! But goalkeepers from Russia also bring an element of individuality. They are all gamers. - I remember that the same Finnish goalkeepers who dominated the NHL 15 years ago looked alike like a blueprint. - The training system can be the same. And the way a person does everything, reads and understands the game, will be his difference from the rest. - This is clear. - Each goalkeeper does the same things a little differently. Someone is so comfortable, someone is so ... We do not strive to make robots! If everything was perfect, it would not be interesting. That's the beauty of the sport. - Therefore, the result is not always predictable. - If we still talk about the difference in styles, then Finnish and Swedish goalkeepers were very different until recently. And now there is a kind of symbiosis, a mixture of styles. I think that in the near future there will not be much difference between Russian goalkeepers, Europeans and North Americans.

Stupid blocking doesn't work anymore

- Do they all complement each other? - Yes, and the overall level will really grow in the near future. Relatively recently, some 20 years ago, there was an unwritten rule: the goalkeeper is responsible for the first throw, for the second - the defenders! But in modern hockey, the goalkeeper is responsible for everything: for the near corner, for the far one, for the throw on the move, finishing, cross, substitution. In each episode, he participates a huge number of times. - Do not relax. - Modern goalkeepers are a different product, even if compared with goalkeepers 20 years ago. In my opinion, this level will rise even more in the coming years. I am glad that the Russians are in the lead at this stage of the goalkeeping evolution. Vasilevsky has long been called the best goalkeeper in the world. This season, they started talking about Shesterkin, although he is just starting his career in the NHL. Sorokin is also ready to issue super seasons. - It immediately becomes scary for the attackers. And so modern performance is not very high, and if goalkeepers add more .... - You probably remember that quite recently goalkeepers had much larger uniforms. She's been cut twice already. The performance has increased, but the game of goalkeepers has become different. Now successful goalkeepers are aggressive goalkeepers. Previously, with the same ammunition, blocking flourished. It was enough to put a tall guy in the goal and teach him to substitute for the puck. But for ten years, if not more, such goalkeepers have been squeezed out of the NHL. Stupid blocking has not worked for a long time. - Who replaced them? - It is the “gamers”, active guys, who become successful and in demand. With smaller ammunition, you need to move more, you need more accurate work on the puck, a different understanding and reading of the game ... And I would not feel sorry for the attackers. Imagine how fast the puck flies out from under the plastic stick - like from a catapult. And, of course, the goalkeeper's game is greatly influenced by how the team operates in defense. If the attacker was allowed to crawl and was allowed to throw without interference, then this is almost a goal.

The main thing for a goalkeeper is brains

- Is it possible to immediately determine that some goalkeeper only for internal use, for the KHL or in the NHL can become a star? - There were many such examples when in the KHL a person manages to play great, almost a record on a record, but in the Eurotour - problems. It is important to draw the necessary conclusions here. As a rule, having noticed some shortcomings, the goalkeeper begins to change and develop the elements of the game that failed. Although, it happens, it is immediately clear that the young goalkeeper is ahead of more experienced competitors. As in the case of Vasilevsky. In 2014, before the World Cup in Minsk, there was a long preparation for the national team, many goalkeepers went through the team - both older and more experienced. But then the young Vasilevsky arrived, who spent the first playoffs in Salavat. - He just turned 18. - Yes, it seems. And from the very first training it was clear that a block stood in the gate. Not only in size, but also in content. Mobile, technically equipped. In a word, a goalkeeper of a different quality level. As a result, Andrei played two of his matches in Minsk, went to the NHL, and already there his further development and formation continued, he got to Vezina and to his two Stanley Cups. But there are only a few people like Andrei. - To what extent does your coaching experience allow you to determine the potential of the goalkeeper with whom you start working? - It is clear that the first time is spent on grinding, you just look at what and how the goalkeeper does at the gate. And only then do you start to communicate more closely. Well, the main thing for me is how a person perceives information, analyzes, passes through himself. That is, how good the goalkeeper's brains are. There are guys who find it difficult to grab everything at once. This does not mean that he is stupid, just that everyone is arranged differently. Some need a moment, some a day, some a week. This is a normal process. - That is, brains - the main thing? - Still elementary discipline matters. As far as the athlete is collected and ready to subordinate himself to work, to hockey. There are many distractions, but if you are fully focused on work, then there are fewer risks that development will go wrong. If we are talking about an experienced goalkeeper, then it is important whether he is ready to hear something new and unusual. Everyone has their own comfort zone, their own habits, often not entirely relevant. The ability to get out of the comfort zone is the path to development. Igor GURFINKEL. (Read the continuation of the interview in one of the next issues).

Hockey, Rashit Davydov, RUSSIA TEAM, SKA,

Personnel will decide

Summer is a time for migration in many sports. And also - a show of young talents. While they are not busy studying at schools and universities, there is time to prove themselves in stadiums.

Spartakiad level

A colorful and symbolic event took place in Ufa — the opening of the XI Summer Spartakiad of Russian students. Colorful, because it was held at the Ufa-Arena, where both athletes and cultural stars, led by the famous showman Dmitry Guberniev, could turn around. And as for the symbolism, Oleg Matytsin, Minister of Sports of the country, who arrived in the capital of Bashkiria, spoke very clearly:

— We feel the energy of Ufa and Bashkortostan as a team. And together we rejoice at the holiday of children's and youth sports. The main thing for each of you is the value of friendship and patriotism. I am sure that in the future you will become champions.

The 11th Summer Spartakiad will be held throughout the summer in 47 sports. Bashkiria will be represented in 43 sports, with more than 450 athletes and coaches in the republican team. Opening and competitions in freestyle wrestling were held in Ufa, young athletes competed for 22 sets of medals.

The team of Moscow became the winner in the team standings. In the individual competition, the unconditional championship in the amount of gold among schoolchildren from Dagestan, among girls, athletes from the Krasnodar Territory most often climbed to the top of the podium.

By the way, along with Oleg Matytsin, Stanislav Pozdnyakov, President of the Russian Olympic Committee, Dmitry Svishchev, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture and Sports, Irina Rodnina, a well-known figure skater, President of the All-Russian School Sports Federation, and Mikhail Mamiashvili, President of the Russian Wrestling Federation, came to Ufa.

Together with the head of the republic, Radiy Khabirov, they opened the Artistic Gymnastics Center of the Republic of Belarus in Ufa. So there are more modern sports facilities in the region.

Radiy Khabirov noted that “infrastructure is the most important thing for children and youth sports. We clearly understand that this issue is solved in one simple way - to build. The head of the republic also spoke about the expansion of the republican program "Rural Coach" to small towns and settlements from 50 thousand inhabitants. In this regard, he called the preservation of the coaching corps the most important task.


Basketball players also introduce children to sports. Popular Urambairam 3x3 competitions were held throughout the republic. The final stage took place in Sibay and brought together about 90 teams. There was also a presentation of sets of basketballs to 15 schools participating in the championship of the School Basketball League "IES-BASKET" from Sibay.

The very same team "Ufimets" is now on vacation. The regular season did not work out for her, the club finished in penultimate place and landed in the play-out. Moreover, in a noticeably weakened composition - a number of leading players left Ufa. As a result, sometimes a "clip" of only seven people fought with rivals on the site. But every cloud has a silver lining: a few pupils of the local basketball school have a chance to prove themselves in business.

In the play-out, Ufimets lost to Barnaul (78:101), defeated Dome-Rodniki (95:88), but then suffered several more defeats - from MBA (72:85), Vladivostok " Dynamo (83:92), Khimki near Moscow (74:78) and Lokomotiv-Kuban (84:91). According to the results of the tournament, the Ufa team finished the 2021/22 Superleague-1 championship in the previous 14th position. Nothing has been reported about any changes in the club, its financial condition and readiness for the next season.

All lines

But rotation is in full swing in Salavat Yulaev. For example, the coaching staff of the club includes Konstantin Koltsov, who previously became the national champion in 2008 as part of the Yulaev team and won the Gagarin Cup in 2011. Left Ufa one of the assistant coach Mikhail Vasiliev.

Following the goalkeeper Ilya Yezhov, several strikers signed contracts with Salavat Yulaev. One of them is 32-year-old Evgeny Timkin. He is one of the most famous power forwards in the league. The last club of the hockey player is SKA from St. Petersburg, the contract with the player was concluded for two seasons. Another recruit was 31-year-old Stanislav Bocharov, who previously played for Avtomobilist. A little later, Belarusian striker Ivan Drozdov, who previously played for Spartak Moscow, joined SU for three seasons.

New contracts with the Ufa team were signed by forwards of the club's main team. Sergei Shmelev and Vladislav Kartaev extended the contract with SU for one season, Stepan Sannikov for two. Two defenders will continue to play for the Ufa team in the coming season: Evgeny Biryukov and Viktor Antipin.

28-year-old goalkeeper Andrei Kareev also returned to Salavat Yulaev. The contract with him was concluded for one season. Kareev played in the Finnish Championship for the last two seasons for TPS, together with this team he won silver medals in the SM League twice.

If we talk about losses, then among the left players are defenders Dinar Khafizullin (moved to Ak Bars), Andrey Zubarev, goalkeeper Alexander Sharychenkov (CSKA), forward Petr Khokhryakov (Tractor).

It became known that the forward of the Neftekamsk "Toros" Alexander Pashin will go overseas. The 19-year-old forward signed a three-year contract with the Carolinas, who drafted him two years ago in the seventh round.

Other juicy news came from across the ocean: US President Joe Biden received in the White House hockey players from the NHL club, the owner of the Stanley Cup "Tampa Bay". Among the participants of the meeting was the goalkeeper of the club, who previously played in the composition of Salavat Yulaev, Andrey Vasilevsky from Ufa.

Do not forget about the youth in Ufa. A new bilateral contract for three seasons was signed by one of the most talented strikers of the club's system - Aimurzin. The agreement with goalkeeper Shmakov has been extended for one year. Another 12 hockey players extended the contract with the club for two seasons, these are Asylaev, Braginsky, Valeev, Varlov, Vypritsky, Dubrovsky, Kibo, Kozlov, Komarov, Khaidarov, Vladimir and Sergey Shapovalenko. Trial contracts were signed with the pupils of the SU sports school, defenders Nikitin and Ustyuzhanin and forwards Sidorov, Sokolov, Fakhretdinov, Khafizov, Sharabarin, Shaikhutdinov.

Salavat Yulaev and Metallurg also made an exchange of young players. A 20-year-old defender Tatarnikov, who has played in the MHL for the Steel Foxes, has joined the system of our club. In return, Magnitogorsk received Gimaev, who played for the team of young Yulaev in the YHL championship. At the same time, the first professional contracts with the Ufa club were signed by the pupils of the SU sports school, forwards Babenko, Filippov and Sharifyanov.

Meanwhile, the top eight defense players of the 2021/2022 season were presented by the official website of the Women's Hockey League. Shibanova and Batalova from the Ufa hockey team "Agidel" were noted in the top list of the best defense players. By the way, several leading Agidel players signed new contracts with the club, including Luchnikova, Markova, Pechnikova, Batalov and Mitrofanova.

The leadership of the KHL is also on the alert. It became known that the number of foreign players in the application of teams for the match of the Continental Hockey League will be reduced from five to three, starting from the 2023/24 season. This was announced by the Chairman of the Board of the Russian Ice Hockey Federation, a member of the Board of Directors of the KHL Arkady Rotenberg. Thus, the new championship will be the last time when five foreign athletes can go on the ice in the Russian teams.

No medals, no performers

The national handball championship in Superleagues for men and women has ended. Representatives of the republic performed in both tournaments.

The men's club "Akbuzat" from Ufa took the 8th place in the regular season. In the playoff draw, the Ufa team lost in the 1/8 finals to the Chekhov Bears (29:38, 30:45), in the tournament for 5-8th places to the Don Cossacks-SFedU team (28:36, 21:32 ) and in the matches for 7th place against Dynamo Astrakhan (24:32, 30:32). Thus, after the second stage "Akbuzat" took the 8th place. This is the best result in the history of a handball club from Bashkiria. However, at the end of the season, due to financial problems, the club, according to the press service, was left without almost all the main players, a total of 14 handball players left Akbuzat.

Ufa Women's Handball Club "Ufa-Alisa" played in the Superleague in group "B", where at the first stage it took the last, 6th, place. In the playoff matches in the 1/8 finals, Ufimka lost to Zvezda (27:42, 25:43), in the tournament for 9th - 12th places they lost to Stavropol in the sum of two meetings (28:25, 26:31 ) and in the decisive matches for the 11th place they were weaker than the Moscow Luch (27:28, 28:32).

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