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How does possession work in basketball

Alternating Possession Rules for Basketball | Live Healthy

By Jeff Smith

A shot bounces off the rim and away from the basket. Players from opposing teams grab the ball and fight for possession. The referee blows his whistle and calls a jump ball. What happens next depends on which level of basketball you are watching. In the National Basketball Association, the two players would undergo a jump ball tossed by a referee. But at nearly every other level, the alternating possession rule determines which team gets the ball.

The Rule's Origin

Before 1981, from instructional leagues through the professional level, when two players from opposing teams held control of the ball at the same time, a referee would call a jump ball. The two players would then line up facing each other in the circle nearest the violation. Their teammates would spread out around the circle. A referee would toss the ball in the air between them, and the two players would jump up and try to tip the ball to a teammate.

But college basketball introduced the alternating possession rule in 1981, and most other playing levels except for the NBA soon followed.

Jump Ball

With the alternating possession rule, instead of a tip-off as described previously, one team is awarded the ball based on a possession arrow maintained at the scorer's table. Games still begin with an opening tip-off at half-court. But after the opening tip, the possession arrow is set to point toward the team that loses the tip-off. If a jump ball is later called, that team is awarded possession of the ball and in-bounds the ball. The possession arrow then switches to point toward the other team.

Confusion Over Out of Bounds

It happens rarely, but when a ball is knocked out of bounds and the referees can't determine which team touched the ball last, they can call a jump ball. In this case, the team to which the possession arrow is pointing receives the ball. The possession arrow then alternates to point to the other team.

Second-Half Possession

Since jump balls are only executed at the start of each game and the start of an overtime period, how is possession determined for the outset of each half, or each quarter in the case of high school, middle school and lower-level competition? The ball is in-bounded by the team to which the possession arrow is pointing at the end of the previous half or quarter. Note that college games consist of two halves; games at other levels are comprised of four quarters. After the ball is in-bounded, the arrow changes to point to the other team.


  • New York Times: Arrow Points to the Jump Ball's Demise
  • Sports Stack Exchange: Basketball Tip-off Possession and Subsequent Possession
  • OSAA Basketball: Alternating Possession Arrow

Writer Bio

Jeff Smith spent eight years as a reporter and sports editor before working for 15 years as a copywriter and editorial manager at Awana, one of the world's largest children's ministries. Today he operates Write for Your Cause, an editorial service, and writes sports articles for the "Daily Herald."

Who gets the ball at the start of each Quarter, Half, and Overtime in Basketball? – Basketball Word!

Ever wonder which team gets the basketball at the start of the quarter or half? Doesn’t it seem confusing as to why a team gets the basketball again when they won the tip? This actually confuses a lot of spectators and even basketball players. It really is simple who gets possession, let me explain.

The way the basketball possession is determined at the beginning of a quarter, half, or overtime will depend on the rules which govern the play. In the NBA the winner of the tip-off at the beginning of the game will also get the basketball at the start of the fourth quarter. While the team that lost the tip will get the basketball at the beginning of the 2nd and 3rd quarters.

So we know how the NBA works as far as possession goes at the beginning of each quarter, but what about other leagues such as high school, college, and FIBA are the rules the same for overtime also? Let’s take a look.

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NBA Possession

In the NBA there is a jump ball between the two teams at the start of the game. When the referee throws the basketball up in the air the tallest player from each team battles to tip it to their teammate.

The team that wins the tip will get the basketball at the start of the fourth quarter while the team that lost the tip will get the basketball at the start of the 2nd and 3rd quarter.

For example, if we use Team A and Team B, It would look like this; Team A won the tip, it then goes Team B at the start of quarter 2 and quarter 3, while Team A would get the ball at the beginning of the 4th quarter.

Team Possession
A Won Tip, 4th Quarter
B 3rd and 4th Quarter


If two teams are tied at the end of the regulation we know the game goes into overtime. But who gets the basketball to start? Well actually it’s simple, there is a jump ball to start the overtime at center court. For each additional overtime, there is a jump ball to start.

What is the possession arrow?

Before we move forward and discuss the other leagues and levels of basketball, let’s take a look at what the possession arrow is and how it works in basketball.

This is important so that we understand who gets possession of the ball at the beginning of a quarter or half.

The possession arrow is located at the scorer’s table and is an arrow that points to a team.

The team that has the arrow pointing at their bench gets possession of a dead or jump ball. Referees are human and there are questionable calls that happen during a game that could be decided either way.

This is an easy way to determine who gets the ball without the need to slow down the game. This is why the possession arrow exists.

To make this easy to understand, the possession arrow works as follows; the team that wins the tip-off has the basketball therefore the arrow would point to the opposite team.

Any time there is a tie-up between two players fighting for the ball, a jump ball or the basketball went out of bounds but the referees are unsure who touched it last, it will go to the possession arrow. Whichever bench the arrow is pointing to is that team’s ball.

If a team is rewarded with the possession arrow then the arrow is switched to the opposing team now. This as called the alternating possession rule in basketball. The NBA does not use the possession arrow.

Possession arrow for High School, College, and FIBA

At all 3 levels of play each of which has different rules to govern their basketball games. The alternating possession is used with the arrow.

The way that the possession is determined at the beginning of the quarter is whichever team has the possession arrow pointed to their bench receives the ball at the start of the quarter.

The arrow immediately switches to the opposing team when the ball is inbounded.

The only difference between the rule books of these 3 levels of basketball is overtime and this is how it works.

High School and College Overtime Possession

For High School and College Basketball, overtime works as follows, two teams are tied at the end of regulation and the possession arrow is not used to determine who gets the basketball, it resets.

The possession of the basketball is determined at the beginning of overtime with a tip-off or jump ball just like the start of the game.

The winner of the tipoff gets rewarded with the ball while the team that lost the tipoff gets the arrow and will receive the basketball when there is an alternating possession due to a jump ball situation.

FIBA Overtime Possesion

In FIBA it is a little different than the NBA, College, and High School. The way overtime works for which team gets the basketball is not by a jump ball but by the alternating arrow.

So the team with the arrow gets the basketball at the start of overtime while the arrow is switched immediately to the opposing team, just as it’s done at the beginning of the quarter or half.


Basic Basketball Dribbling Rules: Brief and Clear

In modern basketball, dribbling and dribbling are the basic principles of moving around the field. The player cannot take the ball in his hands and run to the ring. This will be considered a violation. And what other nuances of dribbling and dribbling exist? It turns out that you can’t put your other hand forward and take more than two steps with the ball. But it was not always so.

In the early to mid-20th century, basketball was more like rugby with hanging hoops. Players often pushed, abused mass and strength, played for time. At 19In 1954, the rules were updated, and the game became much stricter about various physical contacts. Now the players had to learn to dribble and not to fight with the opponent. Basketball has become more beautiful and spectacular.


Dribbling is the way a basketball player moves around the court. Only with the help of this technique is it possible for the player to move independently. Otherwise, dribbling can be called dribbling. But this definition is more often used when it comes to beating opponents, outplaying them in a one-on-one fight. Now good dribbling has become an integral part of any basketball game.

Despite the high demands placed on players by coaches, almost no one succeeds in turning the ball into their forte. The fact is that basketball is a very fast game in which a big bet is placed on team play. If a player thinks that he will be able to pass 5 opponents using dribbling, then in just a few seconds he will be disappointed. In the NBA, goals in which only one athlete took part are a rarity.

Dribbling technique

To get out of pressure you need to learn good dribbling technique. It is worth saying that there are several ways of dribbling:

  • One hand. The most common way. There is a ball chasing on the ground with one hand, and the second can control the balance of the body. This is the most energy-saving and quiet way to drive.
  • Two hands alternately. Also a common technique. It should be mastered by all those who want to increase their level of play to professional players. By changing two hands, you can confuse the enemy, as well as find a more profitable option for an attack.
  • Translations. These are hard hits on the floor that lift the ball up to shoulder level with the dribbler. In this way, you can swing the enemy and pass into the open space.
  • Crossover. The essence of this technique is to chasing the ball between the legs. One blow in front of you, and the second - already behind your back. This helps protect the ball from the opponent and does not give him the initiative in the fight.
  • Behind the back. This method is rarely used in the real game. Most often it is used to warm up or tease an opponent.

There is approximately one technique for all these methods. Basketball players learn the rules of dribbling for a reason. This is necessary in order to better control the ball and not get injured during an incorrect reception. There are the following rules and tips for dribbling:

  • The ball must bounce off the field and bounce off the fingers. No need to grab it with a full palm or try to hit the floor as hard as possible. The main thing is that a little effort is spent on dribbling, and the player’s hands do not get tired.
  • Get close to the ground and dribble the ball without letting it go too far. In this position, the opponent will have less time to snatch the ball. It is better to change the style of dribbling, sometimes rising to his full height, and sometimes crouching to the ground.
  • Need to unlearn looking at the ball while dribbling. It is advisable to dribble the ball without looking at all. In this way, it will be possible to follow the movements of the opponent, concentrating on the situation in the match.
  • It is worth learning how to cover the ball with the body, preventing a player from the enemy team from reaching it. This is quite difficult to achieve, as blind dribbling means that the athlete will blindly control the ball without hitting it against other parts of the body.
  • Take into account the angle of the ball rebound is also worth with active dribbling. If you stand and mint at an angle of 90 degrees, then there will be no progress. If the angle is too large, then the ball may not be in time, and if it is too small, then the progress will be too slow. Dribbling is very important to professional basketball players as it is the second most important aspect of moving around the field (passing is the first).

Double dribble

This is the term used to describe a violation when a player starts dribbling again after picking up the ball. This is prohibited by the rules. If an athlete receives the ball from a partner, then he can take the ball with both hands and start dribbling, but only once. Let's say the player stopped dribbling. He takes the ball in his hands and begins to look around the court. Now he has only two options:

  1. Pass to a teammate.
  2. Throw into the ring.

All this can be done after two steps with the ball. It will not count as a run. It is worth saying that jumping with the ball in this situation is prohibited. In case of violation of the rules, the player will be declared out of bounds, and possession will be transferred to the other team.

Common Mistakes

Leading is a difficult technique that takes a lot of time and effort to master. But to increase the value for the team, you can study the most common mistakes:

  • Individualist. If you get carried away with dribbling, it will be difficult to achieve a result. Basketball is a team game where passing is more important than dribbling. You need to look at partners more often and see good moments: both for driving and for assists.
  • Flirting. Of course, all professional players have excellent ball possession, so they can afford some tricks and tricks right next to the opponent. Ordinary players will not benefit from such “tricks”. It is better to always control the ball, because underestimating the opponent is the main mistake of basketball.
  • Pushing the opponent away. When dribbling, don't pay too much attention to the opposing team. If a player starts to make close contact, then there is a high probability of earning a foul or losing the ball. It is better to go around the opponent or look for an opportunity to pass.
  • Do not exercise. Some players think that possession will develop during the game, but this is a strong misconception. Like any other technique, dribbling requires attention and diligence. You need to devote a lot of time to this in order to progress and feel more comfortable during the match.
  • Prefer dribbling over throwing. Let's say the player is near the paint line, but decides to get close to the ring and dunk. This decision may result in a loss of the ball or a foul in the 3-second zone. If there is an opportunity to shoot from close range, then it is always worth doing it, and not switching to dribbling.

Practice Drills

To learn how to dribble well, you need to practice more. The following exercises will help with this:0003

  • Hold the ball in your hand, drop it down in a smooth motion and hit the ground. Only one hand works. This will help develop wrist strength.
  • One player picks up the ball, and the second grabs it in a way that suits him. Now task number two is to try to get the projectile out. The first player must tense all the muscles to prevent the ball from popping out. Develops strong hands.
  • Long dribbling. Everything is clear here. You need to go into dribbling and mint the ball for 3, 5, 10 minutes. After the noticeable wobble disappears, and the athlete has a better feel for the car, control over the ball will begin to feel better.
  • Dribbling the ball between the legs with a crossover will also help you better feel the speed and angle of the ball. This exercise can improve not only control, but also dribbling skills close to the opponent.
  • Alternately dribbling the ball first with one hand and then with the other will also help you feel the game better. A player who knows how to control with both hands will always feel confident on the court.

Important nuances in the game

Keep in mind that successful dribbling requires strong and powerful hands. Basketball players practice a lot off the court as well. It is advisable to visit the gym, where you can increase the grip strength and leg power. High jumps and strong arms are the hallmarks of any professional basketball player. It is also worth developing endurance, because dribble is the same run, but with increased concentration.

A strong corps will help in clashes with even the biggest opponents. Of course, now players with good stamina and fast running are more valued, but this does not mean that opponents will always be slower or weaker than the team.

Basketball techniques


  • Historical development

  • Rules

  • Material support

  • Judging

  • Technique

  • Tactics

  • Teaching and training

  • Choosing a basketball

Basketball technique includes serving (passing the ball, receiving a pass), dribbling, shooting to the basket, body control and feints. The correct use of technique in basketball largely depends on the observance of the rules of the game. A small area for the game, the foul rule, the rules for moving around the area - all this causes a constant and quick change of direction, movement and effort, a high pace of play.

Basketball: handling the ball.

The ball is held with fingers spread freely. When passing and dribbling the ball, throwing it into the basket, the arms are bent at the elbows.

It is important to hold the ball correctly with your hands. The throwing hand must be positioned so that the fingers are perpendicular to the seam lines of the ball and the other hand must hold the ball and correct it. The fingers of the throwing hand should be wide apart.

As a rule, a basketball player has to catch and hold the ball in any position and action, standing still, jumping, moving, at different heights. To prevent the opponent from intercepting the ball, the player must open - i. e. run out into the open or towards the ball.

Basketball: passing the ball.

In most cases, the ball is passed with both hands in order to pass more accurately, confidently and quickly. You can pass the ball from a place, in motion (on the run), in a jump, directly to a teammate or after hitting the floor. The fast pace of the game determines the transfer of the ball in the shortest time and from any position.

Pass with two hands from the chest.

Such a pass makes it possible to direct the ball sharply and accurately at close range. The player holds the ball with both hands in front of the chest, the thumbs are pointing back and slightly up, as if pointing at each other, the remaining fingers are widely spaced. The elbows are almost pressed to the body, which is tilted forward. The ball is thrown with an explosive movement of the hands, fingers and elbows to give it spin. As a rule, with the transfer, the player takes a step forward or to the side.

Overhead (overhead) two-hand pass.

This pass is used from anywhere in a positional attack. Back row players very often resort to just such a pass, giving the ball to the post player. Tall players also use it. Having received a high pass, they immediately return the ball or give it to a teammate who is leaving at speed. The hands hold the ball to the side, slightly behind, fingers up, and the thumbs should be pointing back towards each other. The ball is lifted up, without turning back, behind the head, with elbows slightly bent, quickly and sharply thrown using the movements of the hands, taking a small step forward.

Shoulder pass with one hand.

This is the most common way to pass the ball in basketball to pass it to any distance with good ball control and minimal swing time. The hand with the ball is taken to the shoulder and thrown sharply in the right direction. In this case, an overflowing movement of the hand and a turn of the body occur. The player can additionally correct the trajectory of the ball at the last moment with a movement of the brush.

One-hand overhand transmission.

Using this passing method, a basketball player can send the ball even over the opponent's high arms. To perform such a pass, the athlete turns sideways in the direction of the pass, moving the hand with the ball a little to the side and turning it back, sends it up in an arc with a sharp swing. At the moment when the ball is over his head, he releases it.

Rebound transmission.

If the post player is heavily marked, this is the most effective way to pass the ball. When breaking fast and outplaying the opponent, this is the best time to use this pass. This pass resembles a pass with both hands from the chest. In this case, the ball hits the floor at a distance of 2/3 from the passing basketball player to the receiving one. With this method of passing, the ball should not bounce high. Ideally, to the level of the belt, for the convenience of its reception. When passing the ball in this way over long distances, usually more than 5 meters, it is given rotation, which increases the speed of the ball.

Hook transfer.

This is a long gear. It is used to pass the ball to a player going into a fast break under the opponent's shield. It is performed with a swing movement of the other bent at the elbow. In this case, the ball is released up and forward with finger and hand movements. With the second hand, the elbow, the player defends himself from the attacking enemy. The execution of such a jump pass is very difficult. It is necessary to have time to pass the ball to the receiving player before the sender falls to the floor. This transmission must be used both with the left and right hand.

Passing behind the back.

This transmission is performed by the game masters in motion. It is difficult to accept such a pass, here you can easily lose the ball. This pass is very effective when playing against two opposing defenders.

Basketball: receiving a pass.

Handle the ball with two hands if possible. By the time the ball is touched, the arms should be extended towards it, and then quickly bent (already with the ball) at the elbows in order to weaken the impact force. When catching the ball on the run, a 2-pin rhythm (two-step technique) must be observed.

Receiving the ball while touching the floor counts as 1 step (first contact). As soon as the athlete has caught the ball, he makes an easy jump. After a step, he must stop or pass the ball further before the 3rd step is taken.

Live reception.

While in the free zone, the basketball player takes a step forward in the direction of the player passing the ball, while slightly extending his arms, bent at the elbows, with palms facing each other, fingers wide apart at chest level. When receiving the ball, the arms naturally bend closer to the chest. The ball itself is well caught with spread fingers. Having received a direct pass, it is important to cut off the defender from the ball. When catching the ball, it is desirable to use both hands, although it is possible to receive a direct pass with one hand.

One-handed transmission.

Usually, the reception of the pass with this hand occurs at full speed at the moment of the pursuit of the player by the opponent's defenders. Such reception and transmission require a great deal of coordination. It is necessary not to stray from the step while receiving the ball and immediately throw it without touching the floor with the ball. Otherwise, the opponent's defender will be able to take possession of the ball.

The fingers of the receiving hand are slightly bent and wide apart, while the receiving hand is slightly bent at the elbow. Having received the ball, she bends slightly, compensating for the force of the transfer. When receiving the ball, the body turns somewhat towards the receiving hand with the catching hand, and the second hand is sharply extended upwards to control and hold the ball with the fingers of both hands.

Reception of a pass in the position of the post player.

The center player must control the location of the opponent's defenders. The player raises the arm farthest from the defender up as a target for the player passing the ball. Catching the ball is the same as in the free zone with one hand. The transfer of the ball to the center can be both direct and hinged or with a rebound from the floor and rotation of the ball. The center player must be able to receive different passes from any of the hands. With a fast reverse pass, the opponent's basket is often taken.

Hand-to-hand reception.

When moving at full speed, it is important to be able to receive the ball from hand to hand. As a rule, such a pass precedes the execution of a feint that overcomes the opponent's defense. Such a transfer is usually carried out without additional rotation and is received at waist level with both hands. After receiving such a pass, the player who received it immediately throws or dribbles the ball.

Basketball: pass interception.

The actions of defensive players aimed at taking possession of the ball in basketball are called interceptions. The interception is performed, as a rule, when the attacking players of the opponent make a throw or pass the ball. If the interception is successfully completed by the defenders, a record of the loss of the ball by the attacking side is made in the report on the progress of the game. After performing a successful interception, the team in possession of the ball goes into a rapid attack, which ends with a throw into the opponent's basket.

Interception of the ball during the pass.

If an attacking player is waiting for a pass while standing still, it is relatively easy to intercept the pass. Such a ball is caught in a jump, making a jerk and intercepting the ball with one or both hands.

Another thing is if the attacking player goes to pass the ball. In this case, the defender needs to intercept the ball, ahead of the opponent on the way to the ball at a short distance, which is quite difficult. The defender must cut off the attacker's path to the ball with his hands and shoulder. Having practically come close to the opponent, bowing a little to the side, in order to avoid a collision, to intercept him. After a successful interception, in order to avoid a run, you must immediately switch to dribbling the ball or passing it to a teammate to carry out a counterattack.

Interception of the ball while dribbling.

When the attacker is not technically dribbling the ball, when the ball is dribbling too high without covering it with the body, it is quite easy to intercept the ball. It is necessary to make a jerk and knock the ball from the opponent with two or one hand.

In order to intercept the ball effectively and efficiently, the player must be in position in the possible path of the opponent's passing the ball. As a rule, interceptions are carried out by the back line of the team, and these are small forwards, defenders and point guards, as well as players of larger size.

Only with an understanding of the game and a sense of the right position can a successful interception of the ball be made.

Basketball: dribbling

Dribbling (ball dribbling) is one of the ways to move the ball on the court, apart from passing. Excessive attention to dribbling is not welcomed by the coach, because. reduces the speed of the game and reduces the possibility of different combinations, in contrast to the passing of the ball. However, dribbling is and remains an essential element of basketball.

Technique of dribbling.

When dribbling the ball on the run, the athlete at every second step hits the ball (with one hand) on the floor and smoothly catches it. It is advisable not to look at the ball. Athletes must be able to dribble equally well with both their right and left hands. It is not difficult to drive the ball around the court in this way, but at any moment the player can lose the ball, which is quite simply taken by the opponent with such dribbling. Dribbling is usually used to enable teammates to take the right positions in order to receive the ball.

Basketball: basket shots.

Throws into the basket - near or far - are made with one or two hands directly into the basket or after hitting the ball against the backboard.

A close throw into the basket is usually carried out in a jump after hitting the ball against the backboard (sometimes on the run or from a stop) and with great force so that the opponent's defenders could not interfere with this throw.

A long-range shot with a high flight trajectory is made directly into the basket from the spot (experienced basketball players perform this shot in a jump). In all cases, the direction and force of the throw are decisive. Throws into the basket from close range athletes must perform equally well with both right and left hands.

Taking into account the containment of the onslaught of the opposing team, the observance of the most important rules, the rapid movement around the court, the large expenditure of energy, it can be said that throwing the ball into the basket is the most difficult technical element of the game of basketball, moreover, it requires good orientation from the athlete, quick reaction and combination-motor skills.

Basketball: body control technique.

The technique of body control usually includes all movements without the ball: turning, all kinds of runs, stops and jumps. They are a prerequisite for mastering the technique of working with the ball and the basis of defensive technique.

Basic stance characteristic of basketball players – legs slightly bent at the knees, correct distribution of the body's main center of gravity helps to quickly respond to changing situations on the court.

There are different types of runs. They are characterized by frequent and sudden changes in speed, direction and technique of jogging (normal walking and running, side step). They alternate with jumps. Athletes often use one-foot pivots (other foot out to the side) to hold the ball.

Basketball: tricks.

Feints (feints) are related to body control techniques and are used mainly by attackers. First of all, there are feints with the ball - false passes, shots to the basket, dribbling and feints without the ball - a false change in speed and direction. We need a quick transition from feints to the game itself.

Without knowing how and not using feints in basketball, it is practically impossible to beat the opponent. It is practically impossible to break through to the ring without changing the trajectory. It is necessary to go to the distance of the effective throw. Therefore, the key to victory for each team is the ability of the players to make deceptive movements (feints). It is desirable to have at least a dozen such movements in the player's piggy bank.

Basketball tricks consist of four steps:

  • 1. Finding a detour to the basket when the direct path is blocked by the opponent.
  • 2. Performing a false movement or side step to deceive an opponent? who will attempt to block the intended path.
  • 3. At the moment the opponent starts moving to block, make a dash in the other direction, thereby catching the opponent by surprise.
  • 4. Leave the opponent behind with a couple of steps, avoiding pushing him away with the hand in order to avoid a foul.
