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How to make a mini basketball hoop for your room

STEAM@Home: Make Your Own Basketball Hoop!

No application or registration needed.


  • Only virtual (online or over the phone).

Find an area where you can lay out materials and do some hands-on construction.

Additional information


  • A wire hanger. It cannot be a partially metal hanger made substantially of wood or plastic.
  • A large, flat piece of cardboard.
  • The tape of your choosing. Masking tape may be the easiest to work with; duct tape would certainly make the hoop durable.
  • Markers or paint.
  • Scissors.
  • String (optional).


  1. Bend the wire hanger into a circle. You do not even have to dismantle the hanger, but just reshape it into a hoop.
  2. Bend the hook of the hanger so that it is at a 90 degree angle with the hoop. Do not cut away the hook, as it still can be of some use.
  3. Cut the cardboard to the size and shape of your liking. Standard high school, college, and NBA backboards are rectangular, if you are looking to replicate that appearance. Try to make sure the relative scale of the hoop and backboard seem reasonable. For comparative purposes, an NBA backboard is 6 feet wide, while the basket opening is 18 inches (1.5 feet). That means the basket width is 1/4 (or 25%) as wide.
  4. Decorate the hoop and backboard to your liking. Traditional hoops are painted red, but you can certainly customize it to fit whatever you desire. The backboard of most high schools, colleges, and all NBA franchises are now made of transparent glass; as there is no transparent cardboard, you can really be as creative as you want.
  5. Tape the hoop to the backboard. You can attach the hook (which you bent up earlier) to lower back side of the backboard. Make sure the rim is as close to the backboard as possible.
  6. Attach a net to the basketball rim (optional). You can make make a net out of string, or even out of twisted tape.
  7. Hang the completed basket to a wall or door. Masking tape will work well for this purpose, as it will not leave a sticky mess behind like duct tape would. There are two different taping methods you can employ.

This activity supports the practice of these STEAM Habits of Mind: Develop craft, engage & persist, observe, reflect, stretch & explore.

Tips for Supporting Your Children's Learning

Get your child actively involved in their own learning and having their questions drive the learning. Let them observe and figure out, and try to hold back from answering questions for them. Instead, try to ask: What do we know? What else can we find out? How might we figure that out? Don't be afraid to ask your child questions.  Also, don't be afraid to say "I don't know--let's find out together!" as a way to respond to their questions.   Here's an article to help you support this kind of learning:  Of the Value of Saying I Don’t Know


Want to learn more about making your own sports equipment?

  • Science Club for Girls at Home - Make you own sports equipment challenge
  • Instructables - MYO Basketball hoops

More hands on activities and learning opportunities:

  • Homecourt - basketball skill building app
  • Cambridge Public Schools Virtual Enrichment Recommendations 

    • Exploratorium - Sports Science

    • Design Squad - Sports design challenges

  • Parkour Generations - Classes

  • Department of Human Services Sports Leagues 

More STEAM@Home suggestions! 

  • MIT Full STEAM Ahead 

STEAM Habits of Mind - observe, reflect, engage & persist, stretch & explore, imagine, develop craft

DIY Basketball Hoop for my boys bedroom ⋆ Tamaras Joy

Build your own Basketball hoop:

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Slowly I am putting together a sports themed room for my eldest son. Of course a Mini Basketball Hoop would make a great addition to his decor.

My Basketball Hoop Inspiration:

I looked for Basketball hoops to hang on the wall and almost bought one but decided I could probably build a basketball hoop for the wall that would have the benefit of looking cute too!

Lets face it, although my boys enjoy my decorating they are not too interested in a pretty looking basketball hoop. All they want is function! But I just couldn’t resist.

I had to at least TRY to build a Basketball hoop.

DIY Basketball hoop for my boys room:

I did look for a metal hoop to add to a nice wooden backboard but couldn’t find any in my price range so I decided to build this out of wood as well.

My son is only 7 and so he isn’t exactly attempting slam dunks at the moment so a wooden circle ended up working out great! A year later and this thing is still intact!

Tools needed:

  • Jig Saw OR Scroll Saw
  • Drill with Pilot Point Twist Drill Bit
  • Staple Gun
Estimated Cost:
  • The hoop costs less then $10
  • I used scraps and pallet boards but to buy the wood perhaps another $10

DIY Basketball hoop STEP ONE:

Take two buckets or two sized bowls to use as a template.

Then trace these circles onto the board you will be cutting.

Make sure there is enough thickness between the two circles to give this hoop the strength to withstand being played with!

DIY Basketball hoop STEP TWO:

Drill holes along the inner circle to make cutting this DIY Basketball hoop a whole lot easier.

DIY Basketball hoop STEP THREE:

It’s time to cut this DIY Basketball hoop out!

DIY Basketball hoop STEP FOUR:

Sand it down, stain & let dry.

DIY Basketball hoop STEP FIVE:

To put the backboard together I used wood sourced from a pallet. Putting two pieces vertical and nailed the horizontal boards to the vertical back boards. I didn’t take pictures of this step. oops.

DIY Basketball hoop STEP SIX:

Stain the backboard then add a painted white square on it.

DIY Basketball hoop STEP SEVEN:

It’s time to put these two pieces together. I pre-drilled small starter holes into the hoop so when I drilled the two screws through the backboard into the hoop it would make it easier not to split the hoop!

DIY Basketball hoop STEP EIGHT:

Add the netting with a staple gun and you are done! I found my netting at walmart, or you can check this one out: Basketball Net (White).

FINISHED! Its time to hang this beauty!

I used wire but you could always use picture framing hooks instead.

If you make this I would love to hear about it! Leave me a note in the comments 🙂

Please share this post by pinning these pictures. Thanks!

Location of the basketball hoop in the children's room

As a rule, the choice of sports equipment for installation in the children's room depends on the age and safety parameters of this or that equipment, and the size of the child's room and the apartment in general is no less significant factor when choosing.


  • 1 Varieties
  • 2 The relevance of installing a basketball hoop in the nursery
  • 3 Selection rules
  • 4 Installation
  • 5 Read more:


Everyone knows what basketball is and how it is played, but children's equipment is different from ordinary game rings. Among children's equipment for the game, cushioning and non-cushioning rings are distinguished.

The first ones provide for the presence in their design of special springs that return the projectile to its place when it is lowered down, these springs are located between the shield and the ring.

The second type of children's rings does not imply any additional mechanisms, it is an ordinary ring with a mesh, which is fastened to the game board with fixing bolts, this design is monolithic and does not imply any additional functions.

There are also children's toys of this type, which have special mechanisms for producing sound, their activation makes sounds, for example, the sound of a cheering crowd. This feature gives additional excitement and interest in the game on the part of the baby.

The relevance of installing a basketball hoop in a nursery

A basketball hoop in the interior of a children's room is an excellent alternative to a sports slide. You can, of course, install a full-fledged slide, however, due to the fact that it is rather bulky and due to the complexity of its installation, it is almost impossible to implement such an idea in a nursery with a small area, while the projectile in question takes up little space and its installation does not become what or a problem. In addition to all these advantages, playing basketball for active children will be very interesting.

Selection rules

When choosing a ring, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • material of manufacture: it must be of high quality, some manufacturers make beautiful products, but their performance properties leave much to be desired, it is metal rings that serve best;
  • rim thickness: a standard quality ring has a thickness of 8 mm;
  • if the projectile is shock-absorbing, pay attention to the spring as well, it should be quite rigid.


Installing a basketball hoop in a nursery is quite simple, but it all depends on which projectile you choose, but it should not be difficult. The ring can be installed in two ways:

  • using fixing bolts or dowels;
  • by surprise, with the help of a special provided mechanism;
  • to the floor if the ring design has a special foot.

So, fastening with special bolts is probably the most difficult way, because here you need to take into account how evenly the projectile is hung, as well as the strength of the material that is the basis for mounting.

Installation is easier and more practical. The first advantage is that you do not need to drill the base for installation, this is especially true if you live in a rented apartment, and the lease agreement does not provide that you have the right to perform such work. The second advantage is that after the projectile is removed, there is no trace left that it was there at all. The third advantage, if you want to make cosmetic repairs, it will take a little time to dismantle.

Installing the ring in the floor is also one of the easiest ways. If the design of the projectile provides for such installation, then there is a possibility that its fastening will not be required at all, fastening in this case is necessary only in order to achieve additional security, that is, by fixing the projectile to the floor, you will be sure that the entire structure will not lose stability and will not fall on the child.


Read more:

Nursery - All about the children's room

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