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How to make basketball game on scratch

How to Make a Basketball Game on Scratch

Today we're going to reveal how to make a basketball game on Scratch! In this tutorial, we will show you how to animate a simple basketball game by utilizing commonly used blocks such as the ones from motion and looks category. The key to this short game is coordination and timing. Every sprite has at least one task and the sequence of when and how these tasks are performed is important.

For the most part, our “wait () seconds” block will take care of the timing part for custom switching and ball passing. The “go to x and y” block should take care of the ball’s whereabouts, and different “switch custom to” block will take care of the overall appearance, gesture, and body language of our humans sprites. And just like in a real basketball game, strategizing the next move is crucial. Hence “broadcast message” and “when I receive message” blocks will help determine whose turn it is to perform.

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See how to make a basketball game on Scratch in simple steps

Scratch for kids is great for making games. Here we'll walk you through 16 steps to making your own fun game.

Step 1: Select sprites and resize

Select the three sprites (Andie, Jamal, and Dorian) plus the ball sprite and manually set their size to 70% for the three players and 40% for the ball.

Step 2: Choose a backdrop

In the Backdrops library under Sports choose the Basketball 2 backdrop.

Step 3: Customize the sprites – delete ball

In the custom tab for each player sprite, remove the ball from their customs. We will use our ball sprite instead. To remove the ball simply click on it and press the backspace key or click on the trash bin icon to delete it.

Step 4: Customize sprites – duplicate and edit

Duplicate Dorian’s custom by selecting dorian-c by right clicking and selecting “duplicate” from the options. Then move his arms up so that we can later use that particular custom to animate his excitement once the team scores. To rotate the arm, click on it, and look for the curved double arrow.

Step 5: Ball sprite’s initial location

We are ready to code. We will start with the ball sprite but first, click on dorian-a custom, and manually position the ball in Dorian’s hands. Then set the ball’s position (x and y points) to always be there when the green flag is clicked. We will also need the ball to stay there for about a second and a half before Dorian passes it to Andie.

Step 6: Ball’s next location

Switch Andie’s custom to andie-a, and manually position the ball to be in his right hand. Only then are we ready to program the ball to be passed (glide) from Dorian to Andie. We do this by changing the x and y points.

Step 7: Make sprite Andie switch hands

The next step is to have Andie show off his skill by switching the ball from one hand to another. We will use the broadcast message block.

Step 8: Broadcast 1st message

Now we need to program Andie’s sprite to do two things: 1. switch the ball to his left hand and 2. Pass the ball to Jamal. This can be done as soon as Andie receives “message1” from the previous step. Furthermore, we will broadcast yet another message (Call it message2), which will trigger the ball to also go from being in Andie’s right hand to being in his left hand.

Step 9: Broadcast 2nd message

Go ahead and test your game. You will notice that Andie now has his left arm raised. This is what we wanted. Manually move the ball to his hand and change the x and y points to reflect that. All there is left to do after at this point is have Andie pass the ball to Jamal.

Step 10: Message2 – What to do

It is time for Jamal to catch the ball. Under Jamal’s customs, select jamal-a so that we can go ahead and position the ball to where his hands are. We will add a .5 second wait time as well as the glide block so that the ball can glide into Jamal’s hands. We also need to prep Jamal for the message2 – he will get into the catching position which is jamal-a custom.

Step 11: Message2, few more steps

Use jamal-c custom for ball throwing, however, edit his arms first. Make his arms appear closer to one another. We did this for Dorian in Step 4. Also, we need Jamal to switch to this custom at the right time, so we’ll add a wait block in between.

Step 12: Prep to score

We are once more going to add on to where we left off with the ball. In this step, we need to position the ball between Jamal’s hands and add another pause, and another “go to” block.

Step 13: The scoring steps

We are not done with the ball just yet but we are to the final steps of ball’s whereabouts. We need to make it look as Jamal is going for the hoop. Position the ball to the top of the basketball hoop, add the glide block, and then position the ball to the bottom of the hoop, and add another glide block. At that point, we need to broadcast another message which will trigger all three player sprites to celebrate by throwing their arms in the air and jumping up and down.

Step 14: Prep to animate excitement

Jamal, Dorian, and Andie will all switch customs when they receive message 3 but Jamal and Dorian will appear if they are jumping up and down. For this, we will use the same concept as we did for the ball – we will manually move the sprites up and down to get the x and y positions in our glide block.

The only thing that should be different is the amount of time the customs will glide for. One second is too long and we want to make the jumping appeal a little more realistic. We will repeat this process for 10 times for both Jamal and Dorian.

Step 15: Keeping customs in line

Test your game. What do we notice? It seems as the last steps of the custom switch stayed there doesn’t it? Which sort of throws off how our sprites behave when we want to see them pass the ball etc. It just does not seem right. This is an easy fix. For each sprite we will use the “when the green flag is clicked” to assign their appropriate customs for a smoother transition.

Step 16: Broadcast 3rd and final message

We need to adjust the customs as each sprite receive the broadcast message. Do this for all sprites under each broadcasted message.

Step 17: Add score variable

All there is missing is the score. Click on Variables, and then click on Make a Variable. Name it Score and leave the radio button checked off for all sprites.

Step 18: Program score using condition and operators

Add two points when the ball lands on the floor. That is the last “glide” block we used for the ball. In our case, that was x=-81 and y=-144. Use the if/then conditional block as well as operation blocks ‘=’ and ‘and’.

Step 19: Reset score

As you test your game, you may have noticed that we keep adding to the score regardless of how many times we start the game over. This is an easy fix. All we need to do is set the score back to zero at the beginning of the game which would be when the green flag is clicked. You can do this under any sprite but we should stick with the ball since the score is added once the ball is on the ground. At this point, you are all set!

The link to this game can be found here!

Make a basketball game on Scratch today

When it comes to animating your game on Scratch, the goal is to make everything look as “real” or as “alive” as possible. In this tutorial, we gave you an idea of how to do just that.

From editing and switching Sprite customs, to broadcasting and receiving messages, and even selecting precise x and y points for the ball to flock to, we have plenty of tools to make even a simple game seem sophisticated and catchy. All that’s needed is an idea and creativity.

Up next, see how to make a clicker game on Scratch or enjoy a free intro to Scratch coding class.

Written by Sandra Dizdarevic, a Create & Learn instructor with 6 years of experience teaching STEM to children in the 3rd through 11th grade. She has an Undergraduate as well as a Masters Degree in Management Information Systems from UNO.

Scratch Programming Playground

Many platformer games, such as Super Mario Bros. and Donkey Kong Country, show a side view of the action, where the bottom of the screen is the ground and the character is shown from the side. These games have gravity: characters can jump up and then fall until they land on the ground. In this chapter, we’ll write a basketball game that has gravity. The player will jump and throw a basketball, and the basketball player and ball will fall downward.

Before you start coding, look at the final program at


First, let’s sketch out what we want the game to do. The player controls the cat, which can move left and right and jump. The goal is to have the cat shoot baskets into a moving basketball hoop, which will glide around the Stage randomly.

If you want to save time, you can start from the skeleton project file, named basketball-skeleton.sb2, in the resources ZIP file. Go to https://www.nostarch. com/scratchplayground/ and download the ZIP file to your computer by right-clicking the link and selecting Save link as or Save target as. Extract all the files from the ZIP file. The skeleton project file has all the sprites already loaded, so you’ll only need to drag the code blocks into each sprite.


Let’s start by adding gravity to make the cat jump up and fall down.

1. Add the Gravity Code to the Cat Sprite

Click the i button for the Sprite1 sprite to open its Info Area. Rename the sprite Cat, and then close the Info Area. Then rename the program from Untitled to Basketball in the text field at the top of the Scratch editor.

Click the Choose backdrop from library button under New backdrop to open the Backdrop Library window. Select brick wall1 and click OK to change the backdrop. The Stage will look like this:

Programming gravity requires variables. You can think of a variable as a box for storing numbers or text that you can use later in your program. We’ll create a variable that contains a number representing how fast the cat is falling.

First, make sure the Cat sprite is selected in the Sprite List and then click the Scripts tab. In the orange Data category, click the Make a Variable button to bring up the New Variable window. Enter y velocity as the variable name. (Velocity means how fast something is going and in what direction. When y velocity is a positive number, the cat moves up. When y velocity is a negative number, the cat moves down.) Make sure For this sprite only is selected. (If you see only For all sprites, the Stage is selected, not the Cat sprite.) Then click OK.

Several new blocks will appear in the Data category, and one of those is the round y velocity variable block, shown here:

As with any variable block, you can place the y velocity block anywhere you would normally enter a number or some text. The code block will use the number or text set in the variable. When you use variables, your program can change the variable’s number or text while the program is running.

To put a value in your variable, you use the orange set to block. For example, if you created a variable greeting, you could use set to to put the value Hello! in it. Then, you could use greeting in a say block, which would be the same as entering Hello!. (Don’t add these blocks or create a greeting variable in your Basketball program; this is just an example.)

If you want to change the greeting text while the program is running, you can add another set to block to your program. If the variable contains a number, you can add to or subtract from this number by using the change by block.

Gravity makes objects accelerate downward. In the game, the Cat sprite has to move down, and the speed at which it moves down must change while the program is running. Add the following code to the Cat sprite to add gravity to your Scratch program. This is the minimal amount of code you need to make a sprite fall under gravity. You could add this code to any sprite to make it fall.

When you click the green flag, the y velocity variable is set to 0, and then the script enters a forever loop. The y position (vertical position) of the Cat sprite is changed by y velocity, and y velocity is changed by -2. As the program goes through the loop, the y position will change faster and faster, making the cat fall faster and faster.

2. Add the Ground Level Code

Right now, the cat falls. But we want the cat to stop when it hits the ground. Let’s keep adding to the Cat sprite’s code so it looks this:

In this code, we set the y position of the ground level to -130. If the Cat sprite’s y position is greater than (above) the ground level, then y velocity is changed by -2 and the Cat sprite will fall. Eventually, the Cat sprite will fall past -130, and its y position will be less than (below) the -130 ground level. When that happens, the Cat sprite will be reset at the ground level of -130, and y velocity will go back to 0 to stop the sprite from falling.

When you’re done testing your program, make the y velocity variable invisible on the Stage by unchecking the checkbox next to it in the orange Data category.

3. Add the Jumping Code to the Cat Sprite

After adding the gravity code to the Cat sprite, making the cat jump is easy. Add this code to the Cat sprite:

Now when you press the up arrow key, y velocity is set to the positive number 20, making the Cat sprite jump up. But the y velocity variable will still be changed by -2 each time the loop runs. So although the cat jumps by 20 at first, the next time through the loop it will be at 18, then 16, and so on. Notice that the if then block checks that the Cat sprite is on the ground. You shouldn’t be able to make the cat jump if it’s already in midair!

When y velocity is set to 0, the Cat sprite is at the peak of the jump. Then y velocity changes by -2 each time through the loop, and the Cat sprite continues falling until it hits the ground. Try experimenting with different numbers for the set y velocity to and change y velocity by blocks. Figure out how to make the cat jump higher or lower (but always above the ground) or make gravity stronger or weaker.


Let’s add the Cat sprite’s walking code next so that the player can control the cat with the keyboard.

4. Add the Walking Code to the Cat Sprite

Add the following code to the bottom of the Cat sprite’s code:

Inside the forever loop, the program checks if the left arrow or right arrow key is being pressed. If it is, the Cat sprite switches to the next costume and changes its x position by -10 (moves to the left) or 10 (moves to the right). The Cat sprite comes with two costumes that you can view by clicking the Costumes tab above the Blocks Area. By switching between the two costumes using the next costume block, you can make it look like the cat is walking.


Now that the Cat sprite is complete, let’s move on to the next sprite in the game: the basketball hoop.

5. Create the Hoop Sprite

Click the Paint new sprite button next to New sprite. Before you start drawing, click the Convert to vector button in the lower-right corner. The drawing tool buttons will appear on the right side of the Paint Editor. (Vector mode lets you draw using shapes, rather than drawing the individual pixels of an image. ) Click the yellow color and use the Ellipse tool to draw a hoop. You can also slide the Line width slider in the lower-left corner to make the ellipse’s line thicker. Make sure the Paint Editor’s crosshairs are in the center of the hoop.

Rename the sprite Hoop in its Info Area. We want the Hoop sprite to play a cheer sound when the player makes a basket, so let’s load the cheer sound next. Click the Sounds tab at the top of the Blocks Area, and then click the Choose sound from library button under New sound. When the Sound Library window opens, select cheer and click OK.

The cheer sound will now appear as an option for the play sound block you’ll add to the Hoop sprite.

Add the following code to the Hoop sprite to make it glide randomly around the top half of the Stage. You’ll need to create a broadcast message by clicking the when I receive block’s black triangle and selecting new message. Name the new broadcast message swoosh.

Script ➊ makes the hoop slide to a new position every second. A moving hoop will make the game more challenging to play! Script ➋ plays the cheer sound and displays “Swoosh!” when the swoosh broadcast is received. Later, we’ll make the Basketball sprite broadcast this message when a basket is made.

6. Create the Hitbox Sprite

Now let’s think about how to create code that determines whether or not the player makes a basket. We could write a program that checks whether the basketball is simply touching the hoop. But because the hoop is so wide, just the edges of the basketball touching the hoop would count as a basket. We want the basket to count only if the basketball goes through the middle of the hoop. We’ll have to think of a better fix.

Instead, you can create a hitbox. A hitbox is a game-design term for a rectangular area that determines whether two game objects have collided with each other. We’ll make a hitbox sprite. Create a new sprite by clicking the Paint new sprite button next to New sprite. Draw a small black square in the middle of the crosshairs by using the Rectangle tool and selecting the solid fill option. Rename this sprite Hitbox. The Hitbox sprite will look like this:

Add the following code to the Hitbox sprite:

The Hitbox sprite will now follow the Hoop sprite, no matter where it glides.

In Step 9, we’ll write a program that makes sure a basket counts only if the basketball is touching the Hitbox sprite, not the Hoop sprite. The basketball will have to be much closer to the middle of the hoop to count as a basket!

It looks odd to see a black square in the middle of the Hoop sprite, so let’s make the Hitbox sprite invisible. Add the set ghost effect block to the Hitbox sprite and set it to 100.

There’s a difference between the hide block and the set ghost effect to 100 block. If you used the hide block to make the Hitbox sprite invisible, the touching blocks would never detect that the ball was touching the Hitbox sprite, and the player would never be able to score. The set ghost effect to 100 block makes the sprite invisible, but this block still allows the touching blocks to detect the Hitbox sprite’s presence.


Next, you’ll add a basketball for the cat to throw. Like the cat, the basketball will have gravity code and fall to the ground.

7. Create the Basketball Sprite

Click the Choose sprite from library button next to New sprite to open the Sprite Library window. Select the Basketball and click OK.

Next, click the Sounds tab at the top of the Blocks Area, and then click the Choose sound from library button next to New sound to open the Sound Library window. Select the pop sound and click OK. Click the Scripts tab at the top of the Blocks Area to bring back the Scripts Area.

Now go to the orange Data category. You’ll make two variables. Click the Make a Variable button. Name the variable y velocity, and make sure For this sprite only is selected before you click OK. Because they are For this sprite only variables, the Basketball sprite’s y velocity variable is separate from the Cat sprite’s y velocity variable. Even though they have the same name, they are two different variables.

Click the Make a Variable button again to make another variable named Player 1 Score, but this time select For all sprites. (We capitalize Player 1 Score because we’ll make it visible on the Stage. Uncheck the box next to y velocity to hide it on the Stage.) The new variable blocks should appear in the orange Data category.

8. Add the Code for the Basketball Sprite

After you’ve added the pop sound and two variables, add this code to the Basketball sprite:

Script ➊ makes sure the player starts with 0 points and hides the Basketball sprite to start.

Script ➋ uses code similar to the Cat sprite code. When the player presses the spacebar, the basketball appears in front of the cat and starts moving forward. The code sets the Basketball sprite’s y velocity variable to a positive number, just like how the Cat sprite’s y velocity variable is set to a positive number when the cat jumps; this is how the cat throws the ball.

The repeat until y position < -130 block will keep the Basketball sprite falling until it reaches the ground. When it reaches the ground, the basketball will be hidden until the next time the player presses the spacebar.

9. Detect Whether a Basket Is Made

Next, you’ll add the code that checks whether the Basketball sprite is touching the Hitbox sprite. This is how you know whether a basket has been made, and if it has, the Player 1 Score variable should increase. However, there is one snag: the basket shouldn’t count if the basketball goes up through the hoop.

Keep in mind that if the y velocity variable is positive, the change y by y velocity block will move the Basketball sprite up. If y velocity is 0, then the Basketball sprite is not moving up or down. But if y velocity is a negative number, then the Basketball sprite will be falling down.

So you’ll add another if then condition to the Basketball sprite’s code. You’ll increase the score only if the basketball is touching the hitbox (using the touching Hitbox? block) and falling downward (y velocity < 0).

The and block combines two conditions. For Scratch to run the code blocks inside the if then block, both of these conditions must be true. It isn’t enough for the sprite to be touching the Hitbox sprite or for the y velocity variable to be less than 0. Both touching Hitbox? and y velocity < 0 must be true for the player to score. If these conditions are true, the Player 1 Score variable is increased by 1 and the swoosh message is broadcasted.

10. Fix the Scoring Bug

Did you notice that Player 1 Score increases by several points for a single basket? This is a bug, which is a problem that makes the program behave in an unexpected way. We’ll need to take another careful look at the code to figure out why this happens.

The repeat until loop block keeps looping until the ball hits the ground, so all of this code is for a single throw. The repeat until loop block checks several times whether or not the Basketball sprite is touching the Hitbox sprite and falling down. The Player 1 Score should increase only the first time.

You fix this bug by creating a new variable that keeps track of the first time the basketball touches the hoop for a single throw. Then you can make sure the player scores a point only once per throw.

Click the orange Data category at the top of the Blocks Area, and then click Make a Variable. Name the variable made basket and select For this sprite only. Then modify the Basketball sprite code.

The made basket variable is set to no when the player first presses the spacebar. This makes sense because the player has not made a basket when the ball is initially thrown. We’ll also use an and block to add another condition to the code that checks whether a basket has been made. A basket is now detected and the code in the if then block is run when three conditions are true:

  1. The Basketball sprite is touching the Hitbox sprite.

  2. The y velocity variable is negative (the basketball is falling down).

  3. The made basket variable is set to no.

The first time the Basketball sprite detects it has made a basket, it increases Player 1 Score by 1 point and sets made basket to yes. In future checks for that shot, made basket will not be equal to no, so the basket is no longer detected. The made basket variable resets to no the next time the player presses the spacebar to throw the basketball.


Here is the final code. If your program isn’t working correctly, check your code against this code.


Let’s upgrade the Basketball game by adding a second player. This will be easy since the second player’s code will be almost identical to the first player’s code.

Duplicate the Cat and Basketball Sprites

Duplicate the Cat sprite and the Basketball sprite by right-clicking them in the Sprite List and selecting duplicate. Select the new Cat2 sprite and click the Costumes tab at the top of the Blocks Area. Use the Fill tool to make the cat blue. Then click the Flip left-right button at the top-right corner of the Paint Editor to make the second player shoot for the hoop from the other side.

Modify the Code for the Cat2 Sprite

Change the code in the new Cat2 sprite to match this:

Now two different players will be able to play the game using the same keyboard. Each cat will be controlled by its own unique keys.

Modify the Code for the Basketball2 Sprite

The second player will need their own variable for keeping score. From the orange Data category, click the Make a Variable button, name the variable Player 2 Score, and select For all sprites. Change the code in the new Basketball2 sprite to match the code shown here.

This code makes the basketball thrown by the second player go to the left and assigns the Player 2 Score variable to the second player. You can rename a variable by going to the orange Data category, right-clicking the variable, and selecting Rename variable.


The moving basketball hoop is a hard target to hit. Let’s add a cheat that will freeze it in place for a few seconds when a player presses the 7 key.

Select the Hoop sprite, and click the Make a Variable button to create a new For this sprite only variable named freeze. Then modify the code for the Hoop sprite to match the following code.


In this chapter, you built a game that

Implements gravity and realistic falling

Has a side-view perspective instead of a top-down view

Uses variables to keep track of scores, falling speeds, and the first time a basket is made

Has a hitbox to detect when a basket is made

The use of gravity in this program was pretty simple. By the time you reach Chapter 9, you’ll be able to make an advanced platformer game with more complex jumping and falling. But there are plenty of Scratch programming techniques to practice first. In Chapter 5, you’ll make a side-view game that uses cloning to duplicate a sprite dozens of times.

Numbers "0" and "00" are iconic in the NBA, and now even teammates can take them. But earlier only freaks and dudes played under zeros - Blogg on the floor - Blogs

There are many numbers in the basketball world tied to specific players, positions, eras, stories. You look at them without context and immediately a form with these numbers on the back pops up before your eyes.

For example, number 33 is synonymous with the great center, Kareem Abdul-Jabar and Patrick Ewing played under him, he wanted to take Shaquille O’Neal in the NBA, but he was constantly busy with someone because of mass popularity at 90th.

Or Kobe Bryant's career, which is clearly divided into two halves, their symbols are precisely the numbers on the yellow-purple jersey - 8 and 24. Magic Johnson, Karl Malone and Julius Irving.

#99 is George Mikan. No. 3 - Allen Iverson. No. 11 - Sabas. No. 41 - Dirk. No. 50 - Admiral. No. 47 - Kirilenko. No. 13 - Wilt. No. 30 - Steph. No. 91 - multi-colored Dennis Rodman in "Chicago".

And number 23 doesn't even need to be announced by name, it's part of basketball culture.

And yet, such numbers, although symbolic for basketball, are not unique to this sport. They appear everywhere - in football, in hockey, in Formula 1.

But there are two exclusively basketball numbers that either have not gained popularity in other sports, or are generally prohibited there. This is #0 and #00.

And no, it's not because basketball players can only count from zero to zero.

Where did the zero numbers come from?

Game numbers on uniforms appeared in sports at the very beginning of the 20th century. Rugby, Australian football and other pastimes from this branch of the sports genealogy, including American football, became the first sports where players began to be marked.

It was a necessity - the rules still restrict players of certain positions in receiving the ball or being able to pass, but then they were even stricter. And the referees had to have time to sort out in a bunch of small, who is a fullback, who is the center, and who is the lost fan.

In rugby, instead of permanent numbers for players, there are numbers for positions - the right column always plays under the 3rd number, the inside center - under the 12th, the pulling (aka simply "eighth") - under the 8th (what a surprise , of course), and everything is numbered from 1 to 15.

choose only from a limited number of available. Now in the NFL, quarterbacks (as well as kickers and panthers) wear uniforms numbered 1 through 19., offensive players eligible to receive a pass - from 1 to 49 and 80-89, not eligible - 50-79, the defensive linemen have the same numbers, and so on.

Almost immediately, "football numbers" spread to hockey and baseball, but there is no longer a link to the position, because the rules practically did not differentiate the players according to their capabilities. And if they singled out a separate category (for example, hockey goalkeepers, who received a special No. 1 for their use), then the judges could recognize them even without numbers.

But it was more difficult for the fans in the stands. And so that the athletes on the hockey ice / baseball field at least somehow differ from each other, managers introduced game numbers following the example of football.

(for the longest of all team sports, of course, European football denied uniform numbers, where only in 1939 it became mandatory in England and only in the mid-1950s in the rest of Europe)

Game numbers in all types were immediately limited to double-digit numbers - there were more than 10 people in the teams, but very far from 100, and two numbers are much easier to read than three. This system has come in handy in basketball, where game numbers are rooted in 1930s.

And along with the whole system, the wonderful number 0 came in handy.

Unlike rugby or amfut, players are interchangeable in positions. Unlike baseball, there are only 5 players on the court. Unlike hockey, they play without helmets and are easily recognizable. One is long, the other is bald, the third is with hairy shoulders, the fourth and fifth are twins, but they still play equally badly, and all five are white, because blacks are not yet allowed to compete. Numbers are not required for identification.

Therefore, the numbers on basketball jerseys ended up being used for a different, but also functional purpose - uses them to count the number of personal remarks and determine which of the twins or the hairy-shouldered chose the foul limit for the match. The arbitrators quickly signal to the referee's table which number has received the personal foul.

In obscenely formalized student basketball, there is a fixed system of signals - the referee shows the basketball player's game number with the fingers of both hands: one hand signals the first digit of the number, the other - the second. Fist - 0, number of fingers - 1-5. Number 5 broke the rules? One hand is shown. Violated the 22nd - two fingers on both hands. 10th - finger and fist. 76th - stop, there can’t be such a number here, who let the mascot on the floor?

Uniforms in the NCAA are still tuned to this system - no numbers 6, 9 or 69. No 17 or 99.

But 0 (fist) and 00 (two fists) are legal.

Number 00 - what is it anyway? It's not even a number!

True, but if we consider two-digit numbers as a combination of numbers, and not a natural number, then 00 is a completely legal symbolism. In the early days of the NBA, even numbers like "03" or "09" were allowed before they were finally retired.

And this is the only limitation of number rules in the NBA *, but there is no student ban on 6, 7, 8 and 9 here and never was - and it was not introduced into the NCAA immediately, only in the late 1950s. And before that, George Mikan played in college at number 99, Bill Russell - at number 6, moved with these numbers to the NBA. When students switched to numbers made up of 0-5, the NBA continued to use 6-9.

* - yes, yes, we all know the story that the league did not allow Rodman to take # 69 to the Lakers, and then he chose # 70, and the 69th has never been used by anyone, unlike NFL, MLB and even NHL. But this unspoken "rule" is not fixed anywhere.

And still, 0 and 00 were not used in the NCAA, NBA, or high school competitions under 1970s. In those years, many did not attach importance to the game number, it was simply assigned, the supply manager simply brought some T-shirts from the warehouse, and so they were distributed to schoolchildren / students / even early NBA players. Number 0 or 00 would have to be requested by special order. What kind of strange person are you who wants to be zero? Definitely a communist.

The first NBA #0 is probably a phantom

The earliest recorded use of #0 in basketball is Johnny Jorgensen in 19470080 from the Chicago Stags.

There are doubts that Johnny really ran with the number 0 on his form. It was the first match of the season, and it could have been originally planned as a pre-season, and later re-qualified as a full-fledged one. The NBA (more precisely, BAA) of the 1940s was a very dubious organization, where one of the coaches made the calendar on the knee.

The Stags had 13 players in that game instead of the allowed 10. Johnny entered the court last and never played for the Stags again (and later played for the Lakers at No. 16) - so he might simply not have been assigned any number, he could wear someone else's uniform or just a jersey without a number, and later in historical reference books, the empty column turned into zero.

After phantom Johnny, zeros disappeared from basketball for many years. No one even guessed that you can take 0 or 00. Equipment managers simply did not sew such numbers on jerseys.

Two zeros instantly became noticeable

Discovered this number - and soon made a cult one - center Robert Parish , who started playing under it at school in the early 1970s. He says that he started playing basketball only in the 7th grade, and when the coaches handed out jerseys with numbers, he, as the worst basketball player in the school, was the last in line - so he got "00". It sounds like a joke, because why would a school have such a T-shirt in the first place?

Whatever the reason, the Zeros went with Parish through high school, college, four modest years at the Golden State—and shone with the Boston Celtics. After Byrd's #33 and Russell's #6, Chief's #00 is perhaps the most recognizable number on the banners under the arches of the Boston arena due to its originality.

Extravagant point guard tried to keep the trend at 00 Donald "Slick" Watts - skinny, long-armed, shaved bald (extremely unusual for the 70s), with a disproportionately large head topped with a bandage worn on one side (even more unusual for the 70s) . But even he only wore 00 for a year and a half.

The next 00 used Johnny Moore full-time, and that San Antonio quarterback's number has also been retired. In Moore's case, the choice of two roundnesses is easy to explain: they occur both in the player's last name (Moore) and in the name of the player's hometown (Altoona).

Yet it was Parish, not Moore or Watts, who set the fashion. And 00 has established itself in the NCAA and NBA as a center number. Followers of Parish:

• his countryman Benoit (not Benoist) Benjamin of the 1980s Clippers;

• Two-time NBA finalist and two-time All-Star from Portland Kevin Duckworth ;

• also a two-time finalist, but not an all-star at all Greg Ostertag aka Utah Big O;

• and Eric Montross from the University of North Carolina, who was drafted by Boston in 1994 ... just in time to replace Parish. Of course, Robert's 00 was already in line for memorialization, and Montross had to cut his number in half with the Celtics. He played number 0, because in the NBA 00 and 0 are technically different numbers.

Or, as it were, different.

0 and 00 interfered with each other for a long time

Even after the official removal of the number of Parish in the Celtics in 1997, the club continued to issue uniforms with number 0 - Walter McCarthy, NBA champion Leon Powe, Avery Bradley, now under it played by Tatum.

But before 2013, 00 and 0 could not be used in the NBA at the same time. And in student basketball it is still impossible.

And this created conflicts - for example, veteran Alden Polinis (No. 0 after the first letter of his name) moved to Utah, and Ostertag had to not only admit that the almost 40-year-old Alden ousted him from the start, but temporarily remove No. 00 and put on #39... in honor of his 39 millionth contract.

But we are not talking about #39 today.

Such conflicts were still rare - 00 and 0 fell into the trend at different times. When 0 became popular, 00 was already out of fashion.

The first rare #0s appeared in the 80s and almost always marked the player's initials. First it was forward Orlando Woolridge (yes, the one who did not want to share fame with the young Jordan in Chicago and left the team), then already designated Alden Polinis - Apocryphal says that he wanted to play at least half as well as Parish. In fact, at the start of his career, Alden played under a different number, but then he met and became friends with Woolridge - and adopted the chip with the initial number from him. Neither Woolridge, nor Polinis, nor the next NBA No. 0 cameos even used a zero in college.

The number remained rare, and more often there were battles between teammates with 00 and with 0 for whose zero is stronger than the competition for 0 in one team. Woolridge and Polinis just got into this situation when they clashed in Detroit-1992. Won as a veteran Orlando, although Alden even gave him a bribe if he gave up the symbol number. But Woolridge would never have given up the “suffered” number - a year before he was prevented from taking a zero in the Pistons by two-zero William Bedford!

Wave #0 was launched, of course, by the one and only Gilbert Arenas.

How Agent Zero made zero super trendy

"I got paid 62 million for 17 matches - that's why I'm the greatest player in history." Gilbert Arenas was too cool for NBA

He actually wore #25 at school. It was a small school in Los Angeles, and when its leader was invited to the powerful University of Arizona (NCAA-1997 champion), experts doubted the talent of the little-known defender. How can he replace Mike Bibby and Jason Terry, the top players in the conference over the last two seasons?

No. 25 in Arizona was unavailable: retired in honor of Steve Kerr. Evil tongues believed that Arenas could not follow in the footsteps of Kerr, Bibby, Terry, Damon Stoudemire, that rookie will fail and play for the university for 0 minutes.

Arenas used this as motivation, put on a uniform with an estimated number of minutes, and two years later sported it in the finals of March Madness. And then he put forward his candidacy for the NBA draft.

But doubts continued in the NBA. The best player on the NCAA finalist team wasn't just drafted below fellow student Richard Jefferson - Arenas actually fell in the second round.

Number 0 remained, Arenas got the nickname “Agent Zero” and continued to preach the cult of zero already in the NBA: “Zero is a strong statement. It's for those who feel undervalued or hear from others that it's worthless."

Prior to Gilbert, only ones wore zero (pardon the binary pun), and they were role players. After Arenas became the Most Improved Player in the NBA and was named to the All-Star Game three times?

A sharp jump at the very end (symbolically) of the 2000s.

For example, two of the top 75 players in history are zeros: Russell Westbrook and Damian Lillard.

Both came to the Arenas number at different stages of their careers and were guided by different motives.

Westbrook at UCLA wanted his favorite "four", but it was busy, and he took 0, following the example of countryman Arenas. “That's right, you take 0 when you've been through something and need a fresh start. It helps you move on, helps you get back cool."

Lillard played #1 in college and might even have kept it with Portland - a banner with the number in honor of founding owner Larry Weinberg is posted in the arena, but the number continues to be issued. But Lillard chose 0, or rather, the letter "O". “I was born in Oakland, studied in Ogden, I will play in Oregon” , the defender shared the symbolism in 2012. And since then he has not removed 0 and has not left Oregon - I wonder if he will change his number if he moves to a team from the city /state not starting with "O" (only Orlando, Oklahoma, and Cleveland from Ohio work)?

Lillard and Westbrook aren't the only notable NBA players with a steering wheel on their backs. Nulls like Kevin Love, Jason Tatum, Andre Drummond, Jeff Teague went to the All-Star Game and DeMarcus Cousins ​​ (played under No. 0 in New Orleans).

Also picked by 2010 NBA Most Improved Player ( Aaron Brooks ), two-time defensive team member ( Avery Bradley ), and a bunch of young and rising: Miles Bridges from Charlotte , Jaylen Green from Houston and both Tyrees - Halliburton from Indy and Maxi from Phila.

9 had zero numbers in the NCAA0079 by Jaylen Brown, De'Aaron Fox, Terry Rozier , and by Jared Sallinger and Glen Davis, which emphasized their very rounded shapes. But on their first NBA teams, #0 was already occupied by someone (note how many Celtic rookies are here - the problem with the availability of numbers in Boston is not only that almost three dozen have already been retired).

And Nick Young to the Lakers, Where would Nick Young be to the Lakers.

0 and 00 can now be worn by two players on the same team

When Arenas enthralled the entire league in his early seasons and was stolen from Golden State by the Washingtons in 2003 (leading to the Gilbert Arenas Amendment to NBA contract rules), he took No. 0 to the US capital, but to the Wizards "already played by a man at number 00 - Brendan Haywood. Haywood had to change his number - now there would be no such problem.

In 2013, the NBA lifted the restriction - the first teammates with zero numbers were Spencer Howes (No. 00) and Jeremy Pargo (No. 0) from Philadelphia - the league simply did not seem to notice this in the middle of the season when Pargo signed for ten-day contract with the Sixers. And since this did not cause problems, the ban was lifted.

The first teammates who from the very start of the season were under 0 and 00 in the application were Emmanuel Mudiay and Darrell Arthur in Denver 2015-2017, and the first ones who were really noticed were Damian Lillard and Enes Kanter, and later - Lillard and Carmelo Anthony, who saw in 00 not zeros, but an infinity symbol.

In the current NBA season, 22 players used #0 (one of the most popular in the league, second only to #3 and #7), and only eight used #00. Five teams now have both numbers: is Phoenix (Craig and McGee), Golden State (Payton and Cuminga), Cleveland (Love and Goodwin), Utah (Pascall and Clarkson) and Denver (Jamichael Greene and Marcus Howard), and in the middle of the season there was Philadelphia (Maxi and Cowley-Stein, who had already left the club).

Technically, we can assume that 0 and 00 are also in Portland - the expiring contract of the injured Joe Ingles was traded from Utah at the deadline, the Australian will not play a second for the new club, but he was still assigned No. 00.

This is the "Johnny Jorgensen case" where the player was simply assigned a number on the score sheet. You can't be naked on the record.

What about other sports?

In the NFL, numbers 0 and 00 were once the norm, but began to disappear in the 1950s, and with the regulation of numbers by position in 1973, they became illegal altogether. Prior to that, several players managed to play under zeros, the most famous being Hall of Famer center Jim Otto (00 symbolized the name of the Raiders legend, because 0 in English is not necessarily pronounced like zero or nil, but also like “aught” or “oh ", here you have "from-o").

There is no ban in Major League Baseball, but 0 and especially 00 are rare guests. 0, however, is sometimes chosen by baseball players with a first or last name starting with “o” (Oscar, Omar, Oliver, Ortiz, Ottavino).

The NHL has had only one player with the number 0 and two with the number 00. The first was Rangers goaltender John Davidson in 1977. NHL veteran Phil Esposito himself wore the then-extravagant #77 and encouraged the young goaltender to wear #00. But Davidson returned to the classic #30 after just one season.

The last case lasted only three matches - Buffalo goalie Marten Biron in 1995 put on a sweater with two zeros, but it turned out that the NHL's digital statistics system was not adapted to zero in the "number" column, and even more so to double. Since then, 0 and 00 have been banned from hockey, although there are no technical barriers anymore.

In European football, with all its conservatism and formalism, there was only one case at all - Hisham Zeruali, nicknamed "Zero", played one season at number 0 for Aberdeen under the special permission of the Scottish Football Federation. And then it was banned again.

The NBA won't ban the 0 - at the current rate of use, it's more likely to disappear for another reason: because it will be retired from all clubs. While most of the "nulls" are still active players, so only the "double" Parish and Moore are still immortalized.

“When I wore that zero, I always knew that I would definitely overcome it. No zeros, I can't have zero points or zero rebounds,” recalls Alden Polinis. Zero symbolizes the beginning. There is a beginning, there is no end. From here, just go forward."

Photo: REUTERS/Cary Edmondson-USA TODAY Sports; Parr, Otto Greule Jr / Stringer, Streeter Lecka, Bruce Bennett, Stacy Revere, Kevin C. Cox


3 min.

Ball in the basket - victory is yours


This is a material about the basic rules of playing basketball. We also have a text about the risks of injury in sports.

Basketball is a team game with a ball. The goal of each team is to attack the opponent's ring and score the most points during the match. We tell you how not to break the rules in a tough fight for the ball and become a winner.


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Each basketball team consists of 12 players who substitute for each other during the match. At the same time, five people from each team are on the site.

According to the rules of basketball, the entire team must have the same uniform and even socks of the same color. Jerseys of team members must be numbered.

For safety, remove jewelry and any accessories that could injure other players.

The game consists of four periods of 10 minutes. Breaks between the first and second quarters, as well as between the third and fourth, are 2 minutes. The longest break is 15 minutes, it is taken in the middle of the game, after the second quarter. At this moment, the teams change rings.

If the score is tied by the end of the match, the referee adds 5 minutes of overtime. Overtime is appointed as many times as necessary until the winner is revealed.

During the game, the team coach may take a time-out. This break lasts for a minute. Most often, a time-out is taken to adjust tactics.

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Basketball court measures 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Each site should have markings. It is applied around the perimeter and zones are designated:

  • center circle
  • free throw line
  • three-point area
  • face-off lines
  • restricted area
  • semi-circle without fouls and collisions
Mandatory element It is suspended at a height of 3.05 m.

In basketball, the ball is played only with the hands, it can be dribbled, passed, thrown and hit. You can’t run without a lead or kick the ball with him.

With the ball in hand, you can take two steps, but only to stop, pass or shoot into the ring.

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  • 1 point - counts for the penalty throw
  • 2 points - for a ball abandoned from the zone of biases
  • 3 points - for a ball abandoned from the three -point hits

of the violations in the basketball. basic.

A run is the movement of a player with the ball in his hands without dribbling. For this, the referee appoints a throw-in by the opposing team.

Three Second Rule - A player of the attacking team cannot stay in the highlighted area under the hoop for more than three seconds. For such a violation, the ball is transferred to the opponent.

Foul is a touch on the opponent that limits his freedom of movement. In some cases, a free throw is awarded for a foul - this is decided by the referee. A throw from the penalty line is performed by a member of the opposing team, for a professional this is an almost guaranteed hit.

You can also get a no-contact foul - technical. It is given for unsportsmanlike behavior, disrespect for the referee or other participants in the game.

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