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How to memorize basketball plays
How to memorize basketball plays
The 3 Keys to Remembering Basketball Plays | by Tayler Walker
The best process…
Basketball plays can be very challenging to remember. In particular when one gets to advanced levels of basketball and the plays become more complex. There are many different kinds of plays and sets one has to remember. They include man offense, zone offense, press breaker offense, side line, baseline, jump ball, press defense, man defense, zone defense, and lastly how to cover on simple offense plays like screens or post defense. As you can see all of these different plays can get really confusing when your coach is calling them out on the side lines. Each play can have a variety of options out of it as well. This is why it is important to find a simple way to digest all the plays within a couple of seconds of hearing them called out when you are out on the floor playing a college game. Obviously being able to recall and utilize plays can be a great advantage for players and a teams success.
When the plays get to the level of college play or higher the learning process becomes much more advanced than previous levels played. There are various learning styles suggested and by looking at the research of them we can see the advantages and or disadvantages of them.
Hebb repetition works in a way when you see a basketball you will automatically think of a hoop and a court. This is due to the connection in the brain.
The Hebb repetition concept is finding that immediate serial recall which is improved over trials for memory lists that are surreptitiously repeated across trials, relative to new lists.
This could be valuable with learning plays in that if you learned them in order you might remember the order of the plays more fluently. For instance if you have a team run plays 1–5 and add a step to each play that follows then every time you are in the process of a called play they would each assist in the process by remembering previous plays to trigger memory with the current play called out.
Also as you increase plays then you can go back down to play 1, then 1 and 2, then 1, 2 and 3 and so on. This leads to the repetitive process to remember plays in a order. The advantage of this process is when they get in the game and if they cant remember number 4 they can think of moves in play number 3 to help trigger play number 4. The plays can be triggered by previous motions learned in the sequence.
There are some drawbacks with this system of learning plays. Research has shown that it is easy to confuse learning with this type of process by having errors. For example when leaning a play and you run the play wrong you will continue to repeat the wrong play. Due to repeating something over and over again and you have an error in it but have ran it over and over incorrectly that it becomes automatic with the wrong steps. You will remember the error when going over it in the future.
Overall if you add another learning process in with it that didn't allow for the errors to come into play this could then be one productive way to remember all the different plays.
When running for a punishment like baselines what they are doing in the photo. It will stop them from repeating the same mistake over again.
Many people might know about the operant conditioning effect. The most common study done with this is with a dog, bell, and meat. The trained dog was allowed to eat the meat when it heard the bell. So after awhile of operant conditioning the dogs would salivatate from just hearing the bell.
Most common study of Operant Conditioning
This could be useful in learning basketball plays. To get rid of there error that could come from Hebb repetition you could add in operant conditioning then this error could go away. The balance of the two together would be much more advantageous than by themselves.
With operant conditioning every time a player gets the play wrong they would have to do a down and back. However if they get the play correct they will get praised for it. This will help them realize they can just keep messing up the plays or they will have to run.
If you force someone to pay attention to what they are doing and then add the Hebb repetition in with this it will lead to less errors within the Hebb repetition process.
Research shows that this is a very productive way to teach someone new things. If they are positively rewarded after doing something right they will like that and want to continue doing it. If they are punished they don’t want to do that punishment again which also leads to them learning how to do something correctly. Either way they will receive feedback to the process of learning it.
This you wanted to use this in basketball you could mix all the different kinds of plays into different groups.
Interleaving is a process where students mix, or interleave, multiple subjects or topics while they study in order to improve their learning. Interleaving strategy promises improved results. This strategy of interleave learning is not very common but it is taken over the attention of cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists.
Over the past four decades, the research has found that interleaving is outperforming blocking strategy for many of the subjects including category learning and sports.
One of the main sports it has been investigated in is basketball. The way they have been testing this is having athletes do a couple of minutes of shooting short shots, then ball handling, followed by deep shoots, and then repeat the process. Then they will be comparing how they improve over the standard blocking strategy. Standard is having them do a single activity like ball handling until they do it prefect before they move on to the next skill.f
This would be interesting to see what happens with plays. I believe we would see the same results as the different skills. Although there really hasn’t been any research done specifically on remembering plays. The building process definately could be utilized in the learning process of plays for basketball.
How you would do interval theory for plays, I would have them do some man offensive plays, then move to defense plays, and lastly out of bounds plays.
Once you they get through all of the plays have them repeat them.
Man OffenseZone DefenseMan Out of Bounds
I personally believe if you tie all three of these strategies together it would be very productive way of learning plays and being able to recall them more quickly. First if you put in the interleaved practice. The athletes wouldn’t get bored of doing the same thing over and over again. It will freshen things up and then on top of that they can go back and practice what they can remember. Add that in with the Hebb repetition where you start with play number one then increase like 1–5 for man plays and rainbow order for defenses. It will be easier for them to remember what is next if they think of the order sequence things were in. Lastly to get rid of the error within Hebb repetition use operant conditioning. This would work nicely into this system because it will show the players when they are doing something wrong or something right with either punishment or praise. Overall I think all three strategies combined in the teaching of them would help fill all the gaps that could appear.
Along with that it could help out a great number of players because everyone learns differently. Having three different strategies it will help suit more players and better incorporate for learning styles. The process of learning plays will vary player to player and team to team, however if we can reach out with a variety of learning styles it will be better suited to reach more players while assisting in the learning process.
Teaching and Getting Players to Remember Set Plays
I did a Zoom conference with Fontbonne Academy head coach Clare Murphy recently. Two seasons ago, my team played against Coach Murphy’s team in a game on New Year’s Eve. I remember the date because it was part of my disappointed address to the team afterwards. “I think we are all checked out right now.” After the game I watched the film and at the next practice I apologized to our team. Our effort was not that bad. Fontbonne simply out-executed our team and rarely made mistakes on the offensive end.
I asked Coach Murphy about her thoughts on set plays.
Plays are a Necessary Evil
Quick off the top of your head name a team that you have coached against that does not run a set out of bounds play. Chances are if you did, the team is not very good. Coach Murphy told me that any team is going to have press breakers and inbounds plays as a starting point. And in addition to those prerequisites, offensive sets that get executed are a competitive advantage. Your team knows where to go in full speed and the other team does not.
I asked Coach Murphy about the players lack of understanding on plays. If only one out of five fails to execute their role, the play fails. Coach Murphy quickly agreed. As a coach at Fontbonne for three decades and the head coach for 22 years, these players are common to pretty much all teams.
Helping Players Learn Sets
Coach Murphy cites three ways that her players remember the plays. First, on bus rides to road games the players ask coaches for a marker board.
In the back of the bus, they teach each other. As an eighth grade math teacher, the science behind this learning method is effective. Players might make eye contact and passively listen to a coach giving the instructions. When they are the one forced to explain and diagram every detail, there is no hiding. Getting the play wrong is healthy in this environment. And it often elicits great questions and ideas that the coach never initially considered.
Second, in practice they spend a considerable amount of time working on the play in five on five. Coach Paul Tanglis also touched on the importance of working on sets in five on five in practice. One of Coach Murphy’s greatest frustrations is when the players force an action that is not available. In practice, she gives very little direction to the players on how to defend their sets. She wants defenders to cheat to see if the offense can recognize the counter move. It also helps the offense to learn what to do about teams that switch on screens versus teams that fight through screens.
The third step she takes to help players learn sets is create a playbook for them. For any coaches that have not heard of FastDraw, I recommend checking it out. I use the $109 product (there are cheaper and more expensive versions). Coach Murphy puts all the plays into the playbook for the players. Especially for people that are new to the team, receiving a playbook is an effective way to say “you’ve made it.” It also is an effective way to communicate that the plays matter.
Determining What Plays Work for Your Team
Coach Murphy told me that every summer she reevaluates what plays will be effective for the upcoming season. Knowing the strengths of personnel is the most important part of the process. Slashers, posts, and shooters need to be placed in situations in which their strengths are on full display. Coaches mistakenly spend tremendous energy on weaknesses.
Speaking of focusing on weaknesses, I read this quote from Peter Drucker’s book The Effective Executive and immediately wrote it down.
“Effective executives lead from strength in their own work. They make productive what they can do. Most executives I know in government, in the hospital, in a business, know all the things they cannot do. They are only too conscious of what the boss won’t let them do, of what company policy won’t let them do, of what the government won’t let them do. As a result, they waste their time and their strengths complaining about the things they cannot do anything about.”
Show the Same Look with Different Actions
One final idea that Coach Murphy employs is developing different actions from the same initial look. For instance, the team did multiple actions out of horns set this year. Especially early in the season, they were tough to scout. As the season progresses and teams become familiar with the calls, change the calls.
Offense Clare Murphy, FastDraw, Fontbonne Academy, horns, Paul Tanglis, Peter Drucker, posts, set plays, sets, slashers, The Effective Executive
In order to remember something, you need to understand it - Basketball- learn and experience - Blogs
Basketball is a complex sport that requires endurance, good coordination, mastery of the game technique and the ability to think analytically.
In the process of playing basketball, there is a continuous alternation between the game of defense and the game of attack. Thus, the success of the team depends on the quality of the game and the choice of tactics in attack and defense. Basketball tactics should be understood as the organization of individual and collective actions of players aimed at achieving victory over the opponent. Depending on the position of the game and the constantly changing environment, the team must apply the most appropriate tactics. The more diverse the tactics of the team, the more chances it has for successful performances. To conduct the fight, players use tactical combinations and individual tactical actions. A basketball player needs to know a lot, be able to accept and process new information and understand how to use this data. Basketball is unique in that it develops them not only physically, but also mentally. Along with endurance, excellent coordination and dexterity, the player improves logical thinking, and also learns to solve non-standard problems.
During my internship at the University of Louisville USA, I got to know how they work with players and was amazed at the amount of information that university team athletes receive!! Also, they should study well! Indeed, without this, the student does not have the right to play for his university. The information that we usually prepare for our players (and we are often dissatisfied with the quality of knowledge!!) looks very modest. So what needs to be done so that the players can quickly memorize and remember what the coaches are preparing for them? The player must know the system of the game of his team in defense and attack, combinations and methods of defense against a possible opponent. Options for moving from defense to attack and vice versa, types of pressing, combinations when throwing the ball in, what kind of pressing is used throughout the court, special combinations, etc. etc. They are working on this in preparation for the season.
Before each game, the coaching staff prepares scouting (collected information) on the opponent, a video cut of his attack and defense tactics. Individual analysis of players: physical condition, including strengths and weaknesses, statistics of each player, features of individual actions: defense, attack and rebounding. Possible game plan: possible options for defense and attack, nuances of the opponent's game that can be effectively used.
And this should not only be remembered, but also used correctly. Everyone can memorize, but in order to memorize well, you need to know about some rules of memorization. The mere knowledge of these laws, even without mastering the special techniques for effective memorization, will significantly improve your results. Here are a few of them.
- Our memory first of all reacts to vivid impressions. Something that is bright, unusual, stands out in some way, is remembered by itself, without much effort on the part of a person.
- Information to be remembered must be presented to our memory in an extremely comfortable form for it. It is on this property of memory that many effective memorization techniques are based.
- The next most important information is information related to one's personality: everything related to the profession, emotions and feelings, self-affirmation, personal success
- . The ability to use the law of motivation is to create an additional, even if artificial, motivation, you need to try to establish the relationship of the material with future activities.
- In order to remember any information better and faster, you need to try to perform some action on it: calculate, compare, highlight, swap something in it (what exactly depends on the type of information).
- The more knowledge a person has on a certain topic, the better and faster all new information on it is remembered. Therefore, getting acquainted with the material for memorization, try to activate all the knowledge that you already have.
This is necessary in order to establish as many connections as possible with the information already learned.
- BUT!! If immediately after memorizing any information you start memorizing another, then subsequent memorization will negatively affect the first. This will happen because your memory, which is busy processing information already perceived, will face the task of fixing new information, and information processing will suffer. Scientists call this phenomenon the law of retroactive inhibition.
- Events, facts, impressions are recorded together with their environment, create an inseparable group, enter into an associative connection. It is enough to animate one of the components of this group, and the entire group can become playable. Therefore, in order to remember the lost information, one must first of all try to revive the time layer, look for facts that are accessible to remembering and at the same time linked to those lost in the time layer.
When information is difficult to remember, difficult to organize, when you are limited in time, special quick memorization techniques come to the rescue. By mastering these principles, you will be able to remember any information you need in the most effective way for you. What is the basis of any effective memorization?
Desire . In order to remember information, you need to want to do it: to have a clear and conscious intention, to set the task of remembering.
Awareness . What you need to remember information for, how and when you will use it.
Establishing connections . In order to remember information, you need to establish a connection with the knowledge or experience you already have. In other words, each new piece of information must be associated with something. If no connection is established, then it will be very difficult to find it in the depths of your memory.
The more connections you make between two thoughts or facts, the more likely you are to remember one information with the help of the other.
Bright impressions . If you want memorization to happen faster and traces to be kept as long as possible, you should try to make any information so that it looks like a vivid impression.
Good attention . Without attention, there is no memory. 80% of memory failures have to do with not paying attention well enough. Therefore, it is necessary, firstly, to develop the skills of concentration, and secondly, do not forget to turn it on in time.
Do not forget about the temperament of the players and their features. It has been established that people of choleric temperament are capable of quick and unstable memorization. At the same time, they are not characterized by flexibility in the use of what they have learned. Sanguine people remember quickly, but not very strongly.
Phlegmatic people are characterized by slow, but strong memorization. Melancholics are similar to phlegmatic people in the dynamic aspects of memory, while differing in increased vulnerability. This also leaves its mark on the memorization process in the group (some get bored, while others need more time to master the material). It is necessary to find an approach for each player and the best way for the team. The correct presentation of information helps to prepare for the championship, games, become better, stronger and WIN!!
Basketball for children - what is useful, from what age to play
Basketball is one of the most popular sports games. Basketball for children is considered one of the early sports, because kids can be enrolled in the first lessons from the age of 3. But the most important advantage of basketball is its accessibility.
Sections for children are available in schools and neighborhood clubs, and classes are often free.
And if you are not ready to give the child to the section, just buy him a ring and a ball and hang it on your site and the kid will already be busy in sports, which means he will get the maximum benefit for development.
Benefits of basketball for children, what qualities it develops
Before sending a child to a section, parents should know how basketball is useful for children and what qualities it develops.
First of all, like any team sport, basketball develops social skills. Working in a team, children learn to help each other, care about common interests and work for the good of the team.
Moreover, this basketball is an excellent emotional release. It helps the guys throw out negative energy and get positive emotions. Along with this, character is tempered during classes, and the child learns to go towards the goal, sacrificing his own desires and needs.
Basketball also helps to get rid of complexes. This is especially true for tall girls who are noticeably taller than their peers.
In a team where all players are taller than average, the girls no longer feel like a black sheep, but gain self-confidence and begin to be proud of their height.
The influence of playing basketball on the physical development of a child
The influence of playing basketball on the physical development of a child is also strong. First of all, the guys involved in this sport develop endurance, and all muscle groups are strengthened. Basketball practice - these are jumping, running, swinging arms, tilts and squats, which allow you to develop all muscle groups and strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
In addition to the general health benefits, basketball will also help prevent the development of certain diseases that result from an inactive lifestyle.
Moreover, basketball develops:
- Review of vision. Due to the fact that the player must constantly keep an eye on the ball and other players, the field of view is improved.
Children learn to manage peripheral vision and train their eyes; - Reaction speed. Often during a match, an athlete must make lightning-fast decisions on which the outcome of the game depends. This helps children learn to respond quickly to emergency situations;
- Mindfulness. Through intense play, attention and memory develop, which not only has a beneficial effect on the playground, but also in studies and everyday life.
Given these facts, the question of what basketball gives a child can be answered that classes will strengthen physical, mental and mental health. That is why basketball is often recommended to children suffering from reduced attention and weak immunity. But not all children can benefit from basketball, you can find out what kind of sport is suitable for a child here.
Does playing basketball make children grow
We often hear that basketball makes children grow, but is it really so? Recent studies have shown that yes, indeed, he can help the baby grow up, but is not able to grow a giant out of him.
The increase in height is due to the straightening of the spine, which is stretched during jumps. Also, a slight increase in growth contributes to the strengthening of the muscles of the back and legs.
But to say that basketball can significantly affect the growth of an athlete is wrong, there is no scientific justification for this.
The fact that in the sections all children are really tall is explained simply - short children simply leave this sport, because they cannot compete with tall athletes, as a result they move on to other sports, for example, volleyball, where they need both tall and undersized athletes.
At what age can a child play basketball
For preschool children, basketball is available from 3 years of age. Often this game is played in physical education classes in kindergarten. Of course, such a crumb will not be taken to the section, but at this age the child can already be introduced to the ball and the net.
Professional basketball training for children starts at the age of 5-6 years.
At this age, you can enroll in a section at the sports palace, both boys and girls are accepted. The first 4-5 years the guys work out together, and only at the age of 10 the coach forms the men's and women's teams.
Basketball for beginners is more about general physical training and familiarity with the ball. In the first years of training, the coach pays special attention to the development of endurance, so most of the training takes place in the fresh air.
In the gym, the guys learn different techniques and combinations, and also learn how to hit the basket. According to statistics, it is in their youth that children are more likely to encounter injuries in basketball. This is due to not yet developed coordination and lack of skills in programming movements.
That is why sports insurance for basketball at this age is a necessity, because it will reimburse the costs of treatment and provide the young athlete with high-quality rehabilitation, which will prevent the occurrence of fatigue injuries and chronic injuries in the future.
Age characteristics of children in basketball
Age characteristics of children in basketball are a fundamental factor in drawing up a schedule and training plan.
Consider how the load of basketball players changes with age:
- 3-5 years. At this age, kids still do not know how to memorize the rules of the game and listen to the coach. All classes are held in a playful way and are aimed at developing coordination of movements and mindfulness;
- 5-7 years old. During this period, special attention is paid to the physical development and increasing the flexibility of the child. The goal of the trainer is to maximize endurance and strengthen all muscle groups. Also at this stage, children begin to learn the rules of basketball and learn various tactical and dynamic techniques;
- 7-9 years old. This is the age at which real training starts. At the age of 8, children can already participate in competitions. Now all their work is aimed at the result of the whole team.
During these years, the main task of the coach is to teach the guys to interact with each other; - 10-12 years old. At this age, men's and women's teams are formed. Now the team is becoming a real family with common goals and objectives. Most often, it is at this age that the first victories occur;
- 12-14 years old. At this age, children learn to program their movements. This is a very important stage for every basketball player, because the final result of the maneuver depends on it. At this time, the main task of the coach is to hone the movements of each player to the ideal;
- 14-16 years old. This is the time to master tactical thinking. The brain of a teenager is already ready to solve tactical problems and make quick decisions. At this moment, the coach already sees which of the guys can become a real champion;
- 16-18 years old. This is the age when a teenager must show all the acquired skills. Strong players are formed into teams to participate in important competitions.