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How to organize a basketball tournament fundraiser
How to organize a basketball tournament fundraiser
How To... Organize a Basketball Tournament
The success of any tournament depends on the quality of planning that occurs before the event. The following information is provided to the host tournament committee to aid them with the different steps required to successfully organize a basketball tournament at any level. The following checklists and tips will act as a reference point to properly plan your event from start to finish!
6 Weeks Before…
- Build a Tournament Committee to assist with the planning and operation of the event. One person shouldn’t take all of the following tasks on themselves! A committee should be comprised of; Tournament Committee Chair – oversees all aspects of the event; Treasurer – prepares budgets, collects fees – registration and admission; Publicity - advertises an event, media contact, secures sponsors, etc.; Scheduling - prepares and circulates the tournament schedule and results; Facility Manager – secures gym, sets up facility including gate; Hospitality – coordinates a canteen and hospitality room for coaches and referees; Equipment Manager - manages different equipment needs including balls, score clocks, scoresheets, etc; Technical – communicates with referees and scorekeepers
- Reserve gymnasium space.
Get the permit booked in writing to avoid any miscommunications or problems. See School Division contact list. - Prepare a budget that will address all possible revenues and expenses. Prepare for some cost overruns.
- Make a list of the equipment required to stage such an event (basketballs, scoresheets, banners, signage, etc). You may need to add some items to your budget planning.
- Contact an appropriate Referee Assignor to ensure their availability and knowledge of the event (date, time, location, age level, etc).
- Design and print tournament flyer and registration form.
- Promote the even to the teams you are targeting. Ask the WMBA office for a list of coaches at that age level(s).
- Register the tournament with the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association if your tournament is at the High School level.
- If the tournament is NOT a school-based one, register it with Basketball Manitoba by completing our Online Tournament Sanction Form (coming soon).
All tournaments involving Basketball Manitoba teams require sanctioning prior to the event. You must use MABO-certified referees at the event for the sanctioning to be approved. - Plan the tournament format. Most tournaments run with 8 teams. You can run your tournament with as many teams as you wish, but we suggest going with at least 4. See our collection of Schedule Samples for assistance.
- Order awards for the tournament. You will need to account for this in the tournament budget. Ideas range from individual medals, trophies or certificates to team trophies and banners. Contact an area trophy store to view some samples. Ensure that you get your order in on time to avoid last-minute rushes!
- Develop a sponsorship request letter and circulate to area businesses and groups asking for support. Different levels of support can include financial or products. Focus on the items you need for the event to run and try to get them covered off by a sponsor such as awards or equipment.
This can also offset your tournament entry fee to make the event more attractive to join! - Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.
4 Weeks Before…
- Process registrations collected from teams. Use a basic spreadsheet program (Excel) to properly track and register teams. Provide a written confirmation of being accepted into the event (email will do).
- Design and print publicity posters and tickets for admission
- Contact qualified first aid personnel to be in attendance at the event. Ensure they have proper first aid equipment.
- If you are inviting teams from out of town, compile a list of accommodation options in your area. A good start can be the Manitoba Hotel Association.
- Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.
3 Weeks Before…
- Secure all the equipment required for the tournament and check their condition.
- Draw up final tournament schedule. Plan for possible last-minute cancellations. Create a waiting list of teams if you have an excess number of teams.
- Send information package to participating teams (include tournament draw, dates, times locations, and specific details on the event such as changing room facilities, warm-up balls provided, etc).
- Provide tournament schedule to the Referee Assignor you spoke with 2 weeks ago.
- Follow-up with any secured sponsors to ensure support is still there.
- Circulate posters and flyers to areas schools and merchants
- Consider developing a tournament program. Ask teams to submit rosters and produce copies for sell – can add to your revenue stream. Use program as an option for sponsors to advertise in.
- Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.
1 Week Before…
- Secure all awards
- Obtain a schedule of referee assignments
- Complete the program and get it printed.
- Obtain products from sponsors
- Ensure the referees are aware of any tournament rule modifications to be used at the tournament. It’s best to provide this in writing to the Referee's Assignor and have copies for the teams and on-site at the tournament.
- Prepare and circulate a media release announcing the tournament and arrange for game results to be included in their reports.
Prepare a first-aid kit to be on-site at the tournament. - Make final equipment check (including clocks, scoresheets, tables, chairs, team benches, etc)
- Print a number of large ‘master’ draws to be placed in the gym area. Update them throughout the event to ensure teams are aware of the schedule.
- If charging admission or running a canteen, ensure you are well stocked with food and drink and have change ready for sales.
- Consider hosting a ‘hospitality room’ for coaches, referees and volunteers. Stock it with food, drink. Most hospitality rooms are held in a classroom near the gym.
It allows for those involved in the event to take a break from their duties.
Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.
During the event...
- Plan on being there at least 1 hour prior to the first game starting.
- Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.
- Complete all payments of expenses such as referees, awards, gym rental and other administrative costs.
- Send thank-you letters to those who were instrumental in helping with the event (teams, volunteers, sponsors, referees, etc).
- Review your budget and make notes for your next event.
- Make a list of what went well and what needs improvement for your next event.
Other Information
Tournament Information Package to teams
The following items can be included in your Team Package.
- Introductory letter
- Accommodation price lists and locations (for out of town teams)
- Tournament schedule and sites
- Restaurant lists and locations (for out of town teams)
- Specific rule modifications
- City map
It is important to communicate with the head referee assignor as to the exact schedule of games and any specific game modifications pertaining to the tournament. It is also wise to tape down a copy of the rules to the score table for quick reference through the event.
- 2 game balls (ensure you have the correct size ball for the level of play)
- Scoresheets & pens
- Access to the school’s Scoreclock
- 1 score table with 2 chairs
- 2 team benches
How To Host A Basketball Tournament Fundraiser
Oct 24 2019
FlipGive is a free team funding app that makes raising money a breeze.
Teams earn cash back for buying the things they already need. Get paid whenever you shop, dine out, book hotels or activities.
Hosting a basketball tournament fundraiser is a really fun way to raise money for any team or cause. The beneficiary of your fundraiser doesn’t have to be athletic, funds can be raised for absolutely anything. However, tournaments are a time consuming type of fundraising to take on, so make sure you have a team of volunteers to help you reach your goals.
If your basketball fundraiser is in partnership with a school:
Have your fundraising event in the school gym, and encourage students to stay after school for the championship. Reach out to other schools and see if their basketball teams would want to participate, or make it a recreational basketball fundraising tournament where supporters pay a fee in order to participate.
If your basketball fundraiser is in partnership with a league:
Let all of the teams in your league know that you are hosting a tournament to raise money for your cause.
Hosting a basketball fundraising tournament with a league is a more simple option, because teams will be outfitted already, and members have already been established. League basketball tournaments can be much more informal, and teams simply have to raise a certain amount of money to participate. It’s a great way to raise money for your cause while at the same time helping your team elevate their skill level
If your basketball tournament is recreational:
Having a recreational basketball tournament fundraiser is the most challenging, because teams have to be established, and organizers need to be able to provide space and uniforms for participants. That being said, recreational basketball tournament fundraisers can be the most profitable kind, because participants expect to be raising a significant amount of money to participate. Make sure that your teams have an online resource to raise money with.
Bonus ways to raise money at a tournament:
Have sponsorship options for supporters who are not participating in the basketball tournament.
Perks for sponsors can involve being features on all of the publicity surrounding the tournament, and a logo on the t-shirts for the tournament. That being said, you should work with individual sponsors to see what they can give for your fundraising event, and make sure to thank every sponsor at some point during the fundraising tournament.
Bonus cash back
Earn 10% cash back when you outfit your team with Allied shirts, and help your team reach their goals by suggesting they use FlipGive for their entry fees.
Miri Elmaleh
If you need help getting started or are looking for tips to improve your success with FlipGive, book a coaching call to help you get the most out of FlipGive.
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Sports Are Expensive.
We Can Help.
Earn cash on the things your team is already buying. Get paid whenever you shop, dine, book hotels or activities. Learn more with our free fundraising guide.
Krasnodar will host a charity basketball tournament
The tournament will raise funds for the treatment of a two-year-old boy with severe cancer.
Charity and volunteering 11/17/2017
Charitable basketball tournament "Game for Life" will be held November 23 at the Sports Palace "Olimp". Residents of Krasnodar, athletes of the professional basketball club Lokomotiv Kuban and famous Kuban basketball players will take part in the tournament. Start at 19.00 Free admission.
“Our city has been and remains one of the most sporting cities in Russia,” organizers say. — Basketball players of the Lokomotiv Kuban club adequately represent the region and Russia at the most prestigious competitions. The charity basketball tournament, which will be attended by representatives of many enterprises of the city, fans of this spectacular game and legendary basketball players, will become a real celebration of sports that will not only promote basketball, but also unite people for a good cause.
The Game for Life Charity Basketball Tournament is organized by the administration of Krasnodar, the professional basketball club Lokomotiv-Kuban and the Anastasia Children's Charitable Foundation for Helping Children.
“We have been running a campaign in support of Ilya Pokhilko for several months. The boy needs expensive treatment abroad,” says the president of the Anastasia Foundation Marina Shamara . — The charity match is an important step towards the victory of the child over the disease. We can unite the people of the city and help the boy together.”
Four teams are expected to compete: the team of the Krasnodar administration, the team of employees of oil and gas enterprises, a team of employees of a banking institution and a team of a well-known IT company. Each team will include veterans and legendary Kuban basketball players.
The tournament will be held in the “final four” format - the teams will play in two semi-finals, in the match for third place and in the final game.
The guests of the tournament will be the players of the main team of PBC Lokomotiv-Kuban. They will take part in a charity photo and autograph session.
Interactive and sports grounds will be organized at the Olimp Sports Palace during the Game for Life tournament.
This material was sent to the editorial office of the ASI by our readers - employees of NGOs and civil activists. In the NGO Life section, we publish news from non-profit organizations from all over Russia, while doing only minimal literary editing. The authors of the texts are responsible for the accuracy of the information, the accuracy of the names and dates.
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The Art in Medicine project aims to use cultural institutions as a platform to promote the comprehensive rehabilitation of people with serious illnesses.
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How It Was – News – HSE for Its Own – National Research University Higher School of Economics
On April 22–23, the HSE POKROVKA CUP, a 3x3 basketball tournament organized by the HSE 3x3 streetball league and VseVyshka media agency, took place in the building on Pokrovsky Boulevard and the Directorate for Student Potential Development.
HSE 3x3 is the only university streetball league in Russia. The championship was held in accordance with the requirements of FIBA, 8 teams took part in it - two from each campus.
In addition to the championship, on April 22, an open tournament was held in which national teams competed. There were more than 60 participants in total. And on April 23, a closed tournament was held, in which the top 8 teams of the HSE 3x3 league took part.
Artem Savosin
Captain of the winning team "Moscow-2"
For me, the story of Pokrovka started a little earlier than for other intercampus participants. I have known one of the organizers (Pavel Ivanov) since childhood, so two years ago we sat and imagined what the tournament could look like. Then the crazy thought at that moment slipped through: “What if we organize this on Pokrovka?” At that time, it seemed like an idea on the verge of fantasy, since we had only seen such an event on TV.
Even now, when the tournament has passed, it seems incredible to me that it all happened in reality. And all this is thanks to the gigantic efforts of a large number of people, to whom I am very grateful for the organization. Therefore, the motivation of my team was at a high level, we wanted to win.
When we got to the tournament, our expectations were not only justified - we were shocked by how everything was at the highest level. Our team played with all the cities, but the guys from Perm became the main opponent. In fact, almost all the games were spectacular: for two days we enjoyed high-quality and beautiful basketball. There was a very friendly atmosphere on the site, although many teams saw each other for the first time.
Pavel Ivanov
Head HSE 3x3
The idea to hold an intercampus tournament came to me in my first year, when I first came to Pokrovka, went into the atrium and thought that this is where the competition should be held.
But back then I did not have enough experience in implementing such events, and in my second year I created the HSE 3x3 project, which is directly involved in organizing a 3x3 basketball league. And now, three years after the birth of the idea, we organized a tournament.
When planning such events, one must be mentally prepared for the fact that there is a risk of encountering many organizational problems. But saves energy and a positive attitude. The team is also very important, because it is almost impossible to implement any serious project without a reliable team.
Artem Voronin
member of the Fallen Angels team
I play in 5x5 and 3x3 leagues, I regularly participate in HSE matches, but this is the first such large-scale sporting event that takes place on Pokrovka. In fact, everything is done very cool, very similar to what can be seen in American films.
April 22 we played an open tournament. We were supported not only by our classmates, but also by the guests of the tournament.
This is certainly an interesting experience, since such competitions are usually held in a closed format. Here everything was much more spectacular and interesting.
I liked playing in the atrium on Pokrovka. There's plenty of space here. You can fit a bunch of interesting areas. For example, the same "CyberVyshka", where the guys are cut in the NBA! I think that we have set a new trend - to hold such large events right at the university.
Alexander Galkin
Captain of the Peter-1 team
The tournament was remembered first of all by the high level of organization, for which thanks to Pasha Ivanov and his team. We were very pleased with the fact that there was a separate sponsored product for the players. It was very interesting to feel like the professionals playing in the FIBA tournament. The court, stands and court lighting helped create that feeling. As far as the game was concerned, my team did not succeed: we did not advance from the group, but this did not spoil the overall impression of the tournament.
There was an atmosphere of mutual respect among the players. It was cool to be part of the basketball community.
Daniil Morozov
Member of the Moscow-2 team
What happened at Pokrovka on April 22 and 23 will forever remain in the history of HSE basketball and HSE as a whole. And I'm glad to be a part of this great event.
It was a real basketball celebration! Lots of games, competitions, contests - and all this in the atrium on Pokrovka. Story! I managed to get acquainted with a large number of guys from other campuses, talk with them about the development of basketball in their cities. But most of all I remember the friendly atmosphere of the event: both on and off the site, everyone supports you and wishes you victory. It was a pleasure to play!
Kirill Emelyanov
Tournament organizer
We organized a real two-day basketball festival. From the point of view of organization, it was very difficult to arrange such a level of sports competitions on Pokrovka.