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How to paint outdoor basketball court

How to Paint a Concrete Basketball Court

Whether in your backyard or as part of a local community project, a basketball court can be a great place for staying active and having fun. If you have an outdoor basketball court already or are looking at making one, painting it correctly is essential. Our guide will give you a rundown of exactly why you should paint a concrete basketball court. Plus why using the right concrete basketball paint is important!

Do You Need Lines On A Basketball Court?

One of the first things to know is why painting lines on an outdoor basketball court is so important. Paint is used to mark the edges and lines within the court to tell players where to stand and shoot from. These lines need to be clear so players can follow the rules of basketball properly. The sidelines, midcourt line, and baselines must be clear for players and spectators so the game can be played correctly.

Paying attention to the lines and measurements during painting is especially needed if you’re painting a concrete court for a basketball team. However, it’s also good to have the lines right if you’re just painting a court for your children. This will help them learn the game of basketball properly!

Why You

Should Paint A Concrete Basketball Court

Beyond marking lines on your outdoor basketball court, paint should be used to cover the whole surface of the court. In professional basketball, the NBA uses hardwood basketball courts with different types of finish to protect them. This is because the courts endure a lot of wear and tear from players running around and jumping for balls. The finish of the wood also helps with absorbing shock and bounce, leading to better performance.

Similarly, on outdoor concrete basketball courts, paint can be used to improve the durability of the court, players’ traction, and ball bounce. Painting the whole surface of your court ensures the surface is protected and makes it better for playing on. Plus, giving it a coat of paint means it will look more authentic, just like a real NBA basketball court!

How To Paint A Concrete Basketball Court?

Painting a concrete basketball court is relatively easy. A few tips are helpful if you’ve never done it before, though!

First, you need to prepare your court properly. Make sure the concrete is clean using a pressure washer to get up any dirt, especially if it’s an older surface. Dirt will stop the paint sticking to the concrete properly. Second, fill any cracks or gaps that may have appeared over time. Home Depot and other DIY stores sell concrete patchers to do this. This will make sure the finish is clean and professional once painted.

Preparing The Surface

Priming concrete is also key. Clear concrete primers are available from many DIY shops. When applying you should always use the appropriate clothing, skin, and eye protection. If laying a new court or resurfacing one completely, make sure the concrete has had enough time to dry before prepping and painting.

After the preparation is done, you need to measure out your basketball court lines. This can be done using simple instructions available online, which tell you the exact measurements between basketball court lines on concrete.

Choosing Your Paint

Finally, pick your paint. You must use an outdoor concrete paint, as paint does not stick to concrete unless it’s a special type. Other paints may also be slippy, which could cause injury to players or children using the court. There are many different brands of concrete basketball court paint that you can pick from. Some of these are Duracourt, Dyco’s Instacourt, and Sherwin William’s concrete sealer paint. Most DIY stores have a range of ordinary outdoor concrete paints. There also specialist basketball court paints to choose from if you require the highest specifications.

Pick whichever color you like to paint your court. There are different colors to create logos if you’re painting for a specific team or group similar to professional NBA courts. NBA courts are normally built from hardwood floors that is better for the players to run on. Typically, a basketball court is painted blue with white lines.


Painting a concrete basketball court is quite simple when the correct preparations are taken. Taking the time to paint the basketball court and mark the basketball court lines onto the concrete will make your court much more professional and fun to play on. Putting in a little bit of work will help transform your basketball court into a great outdoor area for plenty of games!

How to Paint a Basketball Court

Most hoop lovers are content with a full court to play in, but most will agree that it’s a different feeling when you play in a good-looking court. Not only will it prolong your sneakers’ life span, paint and design on a basketball can inspire spirit and pride. What’s more, it also boosts teams’ morale, and for designs inherent to a community, it does give your place an identity. This article will provide you with tips and tricks on how to paint a basketball court and more.

What Materials are Used to Paint a Basketball Court?

Both indoor and outdoor basketball courts are subject to a lot of wear and tear. So at some point, you will have to replace or redesign how the floor looks. For wooden floors or wood tiles used in outdoor gyms, you won’t need to replace them as often. The same cannot be said, though, about outdoor courts.

Outdoor basketball courts are subjected to heat, rain, snow, and everything in between. In extreme conditions, paint should be reapplied every couple of months or so. Most experts recommend acrylic paint to finish an outdoor basketball court. What are some of the reasons acrylic is the best type of paint to use for basketball courts?

Perhaps the most important reason is that acrylic is made with specially-graded silica sand that prevents slippage. A slippery basketball court because of poor choices in the type of paint can be perilous and may cause injuries. Applying acrylic paint court surfaces make them aesthetically very pleasing while being easy to construct and maintain. Additionally, acrylic paint is resistant to common chemicals.

For other materials to paint a basketball court, you will need rollers (4 inches and 9 inches), pads, and trays. You may also need assorted art brushes, paint can opener, latex gloves, paint cups, duct tape, painter’s tape, and caution tape. During the project, you may need a water hose, pencil or chalk, and measuring tape.

What Kind of Paint Do You Use on a Basketball Court?

As pointed out earlier, the most recommended type of paint for outdoor basketball courts is acrylic. Acrylic has some properties that make it best for traction while adding to the basketball floor’s aesthetic value. What’s more, acrylic is essentially fade-resistant, easy to repair, waterproof, and highly durable.

Now, there are other kinds of paint that you may use on a basketball court. Some may suggest rubberized paint for concrete basketball courts or perhaps epoxy paint. Generally, both rubberized and epoxy paint are considerably more expensive than acrylic paint, so the latter is more popular as paint used in a basketball court.

How Do You Paint a Three-point Line on a Basketball Court?

Marking and painting the three-point line is one of the more difficult paint jobs you can do on the basketball court. The three-point line is long and shaped like an arc, so it’s easy to mess up if you don’t know how to go about with it.

The first thing that you need to do is look up the dimensions of the three-point line. It would be up to you to adopt the regulation distance of the three-point line, whether the high-school, college, or pro dimensions. 

After determining the dimensions, the next thing you need to do is to create a makeshift compass. One method of doing it, and perhaps the easiest, is grabbing a string. One end should be at the bottom of the basket and have someone hold the other end with chalk. Drag the chalk with the string across to mark the three-point line. You can paint the line with acrylic paint by merely following the chalk lines.

In the NBA, the three-point line does not have the same distance all around. If you want to simulate an NBA three-point line’s appearance, it will be a little bit more complicated than just tracing an arc from one corner to the other.

What is the Best Surface for Outdoor Basketball Court?

If we are talking about outdoor basketball courts, two surfaces are preferred– concrete and asphalt. Other options for the base material for an outdoor basketball court are crushed stone and modular bases. With that being said, most outdoor basketball courts are either concrete and asphalt.

Honestly, it would boil down to personal preference in choosing between the two. In most cases, concrete is the better choice if you consider the cost of maintenance and repair. When done right, a concrete base material for a basketball court is basically maintenance-free. On the other hand, asphalt will deteriorate over time considering the freeze/that cycles, but unlike concrete, it is less likely to sustain cracks.

Now, how do you decide whether to go for concrete or asphalt? It depends on several factors. Relatively, both concrete and asphalt are incredibly strong surfaces, with the former potentially lasting 40 years with proper care and the latter for around 15-20 years. Other factors that contribute to the durability are proper application, thickness, and supporting materials.

As for appearance and functionality, asphalt provides an even surface than concrete. It would also be easier for the joints since it is not as hard as concrete. On the other hand, concrete is essentially non-slip. As we have pointed out, deciding which one is better comes down to personal preference.

As it stands, whether you choose to have a concrete or asphalt base material or surface, both will require upkeep to lengthen its service years. Resurfacing the material at least once a year may help prevent holes and cracks from developing, thereby lessening the risk for injuries. Sealcoating will also help the weather or rough play from ruining the surface, and applying sealant provide moisture resistance, reducing the need for repairs in the long run.

Here is a rundown of the differences between a concrete and an asphalt surface basketball court:

  • Asphalt is the cheaper option than concrete.
  • Concrete is more challenging to install than asphalt. 
  • Asphalt does not last as long as concrete, more so if it’s not correctly built and installed.
  • An asphalt surface is more even and softer than concrete, which makes it easier for the joints.
  • Post-tension concrete basketball courts are a type of concrete that adjusts to tension to prevent cracks. While that is way more expensive, it may be one of the smartest choices as an outdoor basketball court surface.

Additionally, there is a considerable difference in using premium acrylic paint and its standard counterparts. The standard acrylic paint typically has a 1-year warranty while the premium has up to five years. However, the most significant difference is that the premium acrylic paint has a life expectancy of up to 30 years compared to the standard’s five years.

What’s the Average Cost to Paint a Basketball Court?

Like any construction project, the cost of painting a basketball court depends on several factors. Naturally, the bigger the court is, the more expensive the project. How much does it cost to paint a basketball court? A generous estimate, which means at the low end of the spectrum, may cost around $16,000, including the installation of the hoop.

However, not many of us can afford to hire a contractor to do the work. That is why when you consider how much it costs to paint a basketball court, it would be better off to do it yourself than hire someone to do it for you. 

If you or the community already have a basketball court in place, you will save a lot of money doing the project yourselves. At most, you will only need to buy $100 worth of top-notch acrylic paint, or even as low as $50 for acrylic paints with lesser quality. There will be other expenses thrown here or there (like tapes and markers), but that still dwarfs the cost of hiring a contractor to do the job.

5 Tips on How to Paint a Basketball Court

1. To ensure that the entire project goes smoothly, pay attention to smaller details such as the materials and how you want the court to look. Sort the materials, piling them by how similar the items are. If you can, make a diagram to follow the pattern that you’d like as to the appearance of the basketball court.

2. Before applying the primer, make sure you wash the whole basketball court clean with a power washer and a broom. If you don’t have access to a power washer, a hose with a powered nozzle will do. Broom the court afterward to make sure it is clean and let the surface dry completely. Drying time may vary depending on the temperature and humidity. This is not the time to be impatient.

3. After the area dries completely, apply a clear primer to the surface. Use rollers to do this.

4. If you want to take it to the next level and paint some center court logo design, we recommend making a stencil out of poster board. Trace the outline over the poster board and cut out certain sections. Another method uses the grid system where you use the grid or squares as a guide for sketching the image. This is not for everyone, but if you have an artist in your midst, it’s worth a try.

5. Paint the lane in a different color than the lines to add that authentic look and feel. And remember, basketball lines are approximately two inches wide, so don’t vary the sideline, baseline, and centerline width.

Wrapping Things Up: How to Paint a Basketball Court

Basketball courts, whether indoor or outdoor, need retouching and a repaint every once in a while. For outdoor basketball courts, repainting may come more often than the elections since these courts are subject to harsh weather.

The most recommended type of paint for outdoor basketball courts is acrylic. Acrylic paint is made with specially-graded silica that essentially makes it slippage-free. It is also excellent to look at and is available in dozens of colors. Moreover, acrylic paint is resistant to common chemicals.

Acrylic paint is available in standard and premium variants. Standard acrylic paints cost less, but the premium alternative may be the smarter choice in the long run. It has a more extended warranty (five years compared to one) and typically outlasts its standard counterpart in terms of life expectancy (30 yrs to five yrs).

Now, when you’re given a choice between asphalt and concrete as base material or surface in an outdoor basketball court, which should you choose? Most experts would recommend concrete and rightly so. 

Concrete is generally more durable and virtually a non-slip surface. Asphalt has a more bouncy feel and typically costs less to install. However, concrete trumps asphalt when it comes to years of service because some well-built concrete surfaces may last as long as 30 years. Post-tension concrete is an even better, albeit expensive choice. This type of concrete surface “adjusts” to any tension to prevent cracks. It is definitely a smart choice, considering the amount of money you would save in the long haul.

Well, if you had no idea how to paint a basketball court, we hope that this article pointed you in the right direction. Sometimes, these kinds of projects are not to be taken too seriously. If done with friends and the people in your community that care and love basketball, it is definitely an excellent way to build camaraderie while having fun doing manual work.

If you found this post helpful, you’re definitely going to like our other basketball FAQ articles here.

More interesting basketball FAQ posts here:

> How Many Laps Around a Basketball Court is a Mile?

> How Many Yards is a Basketball Court?

> How to Install a Ground Basketball Hoop?

> How Many Square Feet is a Basketball Court?

Basketball flooring

Outdoor basketball court flooring is the best solution for outdoor basketball games. The game of basketball is fast-paced and full of accelerations in the story of the game. Covering for outdoor basketball courts, which will ensure the grip of the sole of the athlete and the optimal rebound of the ball for playing on the street, this is a seamless coating of rubber crumb.

The competition surface familiar to eight-panel basketball players is sports parquet. For the implementation of outdoor games, the best alternative is a self-leveling coating.

Basketball surface specifications

- Wear resistance of a covering.
-Smooth coverage.
-Better grip of the coating and soles of the athlete.
- Fall safety.
- Frost resistance.
-Environmental friendliness of the material.
- The coating surface is not dazzling.
- Aesthetic appeal.

Types of basketball court rubber

Basketball courts can be used with different types of flooring. They will differ in technology and thickness of the rubber layer or polymer layer.

To enjoy outdoor basketball, you need a surface that meets the criteria for optimal softness, rebound resilience and grip on the athlete's shoes.

- the first version of the cover for the basketball court

Seamless coating of tire crumb rubber 10mm thick. Such a thickness of the rubber flooring will provide a high-quality ball rebound, safety and aesthetic appeal. Thicknesses over 10mm will contribute more to drop safety and durability criteria. a higher layer of rubber coating lasts much longer. You can paint such a platform in a different color based on the preferences of the customer. The disadvantage of such a coating during high use is the erasure of the colored layer of the rubber coating in places of intense play. Thus, when choosing this type of coating, it will be optimal to choose a darker color.

- 2nd variant basketball court cover

A two-layer coating consisting of a substrate of 10 mm thick tire crumb and a top layer of 10 mm EPDM crumb. Such a solution will correspond to a good rebound, aesthetic appeal expressed in a variety of colors and safety in the event of a player falling. The disadvantage of this coating option is the higher price and conditional quality of EPDM granules.

Rubber crumb TPV is not recommended. the characteristics of the pellets are high in elasticity, except in cases where the basketball court is made for children and safety is a priority at the expense of ball rebound.

Premier Coating is a professional basketball court flooring company. We believe that the key to success lies in the knowledge of theory and practice.

You can trust us, we know everything about the rubber coating. Covering for a basketball court, the price of which is affordable for almost every owner of a private territory, you can buy by calling our company's phone number.

Basketball field dimensions.

The maximum size of a basketball court is 30m x 18m. This size allows multifunctional use of the sports ground. For basketball court, mini football field, volleyball court, tennis and badminton. The academic size of the basketball court is 28m x15m. It is important to provide embedded bushings in the center of the field for volleyball and tennis net posts when covering.

The streetball court has dimensions equal to half the field - 15m-9m. There is no face-off circle in the streetbasket marking scheme, and the game goes in one ring.

Basketball markings are made with wear-resistant two-component paint in white and acceptable yellow. The thickness of the line corresponds to the thickness of 50mm.

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Basketball court turnkey construction|SportObject

Sportobject offers its services in turnkey basketball court construction. Trusting the construction of our company, you get a whole range of turnkey services, including design, ground work, laying the base and coating, marking and other construction work. We strictly adhere to the agreed deadlines and provide our clients with a work schedule that indicates the start and completion dates for construction.

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Calculation of the cost of the object

To find out the estimated cost of your object, select the options below or use the detailed calculator available by clicking the "Make a detailed calculation" button.

1. Coating:

Choose the type of coating for your object.

Not selectedAcrylicRubber crumbModular plasticPolyurethane

2. Destination:

Specify where your object will be used.

Not selectedFor suburban developmentsFor educational institutionsFor competitionsFor sports organizationsFor private business

3. Your object:

Specify whether your object is located: indoors, outdoors or it needs a hangar.

Not selectedOutdoor (outdoor)Indoor (indoor)To be built (prefabricated hangar)

4. Field sizes:

Select the appropriate field size from the provided list.

Not selectedCustomStandard30x18 - (playing dimensions 28x15) 34x19 - for competitions (playing dimensions 28x15)

Specify the parameters of your object in a detailed calculator and get an approximate cost of the service.

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421 590* 421590 RUB

* The price is indicated for the basic package with a coating without a base. You can also use the detailed calculator.

Implementation example

Private sector basketball court


Rubber slabs for outdoor sports grounds are perhaps the most reliable and rational option of all. The coating is made of high-strength crumb rubber and a binding polymer (polyurethane adhesive).


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Stages of construction on the example of a football stadium

The thickness of the foundation pit and the amount of materials that are needed for your foundation, we select depending on the size of the field. We select drainage and other systems based on the regional location (how much precipitation is in your region, what kind of drainage is needed). Additionally, we equip drainage wells, or divert them to the drainage system. Field slopes of several different types depending on site operating conditions.

Preparation of excavation, sand bed, drainage system

The quality of a football field is more than half dependent on the quality of the base! Our base is a monolithic solid single layer, which over the years does not form any fractures, the soil does not go anywhere and remains flat throughout the entire period of operation. Relatively speaking, even if a tractor passes over the base, there will be no tire marks, because everything is solid and dense!

Sequential compaction of base layers

We carry out all types of additional improvement works: we can install a fence for you, pave an asphalt path to something, level the territory, paint walls, borders, etc. We will perform all the required related work!

Installation of the curbstone

The laying of the artificial grass itself is as important as the preparation of the base. When laying the field, an important aspect is gluing the rolls and cutting the markings. Gluing must be done securely. The material in the work requires getting used to, because the two-component glue rolls down after a while and they need to work quickly.

Laying the grass on the prepared base, gluing it and cutting the markings

Be sure to remember: the gate is installed with a safety requirement so that it does not turn over. Therefore, this aspect is given special importance. In this regard, the gate is either concreted or attached to an accompanying fence.

Installation of the goal

The backfill of a football field determines a large part of the performance of the game. Backfilling is a responsible job, because the presence or absence of drops and bumps, which will eventually be felt during the game, depends on the uniform distribution of sand and crumb rubber on sports grounds. That is, there should be both a flat base and a high-quality pile with an even distribution of backfill under it.

Raising grass, distributing sand and crumb rubber across the field

We cooperate with the largest manufacturers of stands, fences and other sports equipment in the Russian Federation. Therefore, if necessary, we can supply everything you need to the object at a wholesale price. We install all this equipment, advise in which cases which is better, etc. We can supply many things both in a finished version and make them ourselves on the spot.

Installation of additional equipment (treadmills, jumping pits, safety fences, grandstands)

You can also be sure that we will carry out all the necessary arrangements for their improvement on the site and the adjacent territory.


The thickness of the foundation pit and the amount of materials that are needed for your foundation, we select depending on the size of the field. We select drainage and other systems based on the regional location (how much precipitation is in your region, what kind of drainage is needed). Additionally, we equip drainage wells, or divert them to the drainage system. Field slopes of several different types depending on site operating conditions.

Preparation of excavation, sand bed, drainage system

The quality of a football field is more than half dependent on the quality of the base! Our base is a monolithic solid single layer, which over the years does not form any fractures, the soil does not go anywhere and remains flat throughout the entire period of operation. Relatively speaking, even if a tractor passes over the base, there will be no tire marks, because everything is solid and dense!

Sequential compaction of base layers

We carry out all types of additional improvement works: we can install a fence for you, pave an asphalt path to something, level the territory, paint walls, borders, etc. We will perform all the required related work!

Installation of the curbstone

The laying of the artificial grass itself is as important as the preparation of the base. When laying the field, an important aspect is gluing the rolls and cutting the markings. Gluing must be done securely. The material in the work requires getting used to, because the two-component glue rolls down after a while and they need to work quickly.

Laying the grass on the prepared base, gluing it and cutting the markings

Be sure to remember: the gate is installed with a safety requirement so that it does not turn over. Therefore, this aspect is given special importance. In this regard, the gate is either concreted or attached to an accompanying fence.

Installation of the goal

The backfill of a football field determines a large part of the performance of the game. Backfilling is a responsible job, because the presence or absence of drops and bumps, which will eventually be felt during the game, depends on the uniform distribution of sand and crumb rubber on sports grounds. That is, there should be both a flat base and a high-quality pile with an even distribution of backfill under it.

Raising grass, distributing sand and crumb rubber across the field

We cooperate with the largest manufacturers of stands, fences and other sports equipment in the Russian Federation. Therefore, if necessary, we can supply everything you need to the object at a wholesale price. We install all this equipment, advise in which cases which is better, etc. We can supply many things both in a finished version and make them ourselves on the spot.

Installation of additional equipment (treadmills, jumping pits, safety fences, grandstands)

You can also be sure that we will carry out all the necessary arrangements for their improvement on the site and the adjacent territory.



How do we work?0003

We carry out construction and installation works

We hand over the finished object and provide a guarantee


I am a private client

We work in all regions of the Russian Federation

We cooperate with contractors who are ready to travel to any city in Russia. We take measurements, bring materials or buy them in your city, install coatings and equipment.

We offer standard solutions

We are engaged in the construction of both standard and unique projects. We work individually with each client: we take into account your wishes, fit into the budget and comply with the agreed deadlines.

We take care of your budget

We help clients in the selection of materials, places for construction, provide detailed advice and suggest how to get a fully functional sports facility at a lower cost.

We create 3D visualization

We offer the development of a 3D model that will convey a complete vision of the concept of the future object. Also, this service will help both us and the client to eliminate the possibility of error at the design stage.

We make reconstruction and repair

We carry out all types of reconstruction works: we repair the foundation, lay the foundation, replace the coatings, install fences, roof structures, make glazing and ennoble the areas.

I am a frequent customer


I am a corporate client

We offer additional services

We are engaged in maintenance of the facility after commissioning: we take care of the condition of sports surfaces, ennoble areas, do glazing and other general construction work.

We take on complex projects

We have enough experience and capabilities to solve the most non-standard and complex tasks. Many of our specialists took part in the preparation of sports grounds for the Olympic Games in Athens and the 2018 World Cup.

We cooperate with global companies

We maintain strong partnerships with well-known manufacturers from Europe and Asia. At the request of the customer, we supply the goods you like from abroad in the shortest possible time.

We provide detailed advice

We answer in detail all the client's questions about the project and our services. Also, we are ready to provide professional legal advice on construction issues.

We build turnkey facilities

We provide a whole range of services: designing an object, drawing up design estimates, building a foundation and base, selecting and laying coatings, erecting roofed structures, installing appropriate equipment and necessary communications.

Our clients

I am a corporate client

Acknowledgments and certificates of conformity

Company "SportObject" offers its services in the field of sports construction. We are engaged in the construction of turnkey basketball courts: we design, draw up design estimates, coordinate the construction, mount the foundation and roof structures, lay bases and coverings, perform finishing work, provide communications and deliver sports equipment. Each of the stages of work is implemented strictly according to the schedule agreed with the client, which allows us to deliver a fully finished project on time.

We value the trust of each customer and guarantee comfortable cooperation
  • We travel to any part of Russia;
  • We provide detailed advice on construction issues;
  • We select high-quality solutions for the client's budget;
  • We help with the choice of an advantageous place for construction;
  • We work with complex and non-standard ideas;
  • We offer creative solutions within a reasonable budget;
  • We provide additional facility maintenance in other regions of Russia.

We supply basketball surfaces from world manufacturers.

The dynamics of basketball matches means high speed, sharp movements and heavy loads on the joints. It is very important that the flooring of the basketball court is both wear-resistant and injury-proof at the same time. For basketball courts we offer: tennis, hard or soft-hard, modular plastic, polyurethane coating and crumb rubber coating.

Our company only works with proven materials that have passed the strictest quality control, so we offer a wide selection of outdoor basketball surfaces from domestic and foreign manufacturers, such as: ERFOLG , BERGO , PLASTFACTO , Conica , Novol , Aropa , CRUMB , GUMBIT , MASTER FIBER and many more.

In addition to the construction of basketball courts, we take care of the complete set of the object and provide it with all the necessary equipment until it is ready for operation. In accordance with the requirements of the customer, any sports equipment can be installed: backboards, rings, stands of a certain capacity, running tracks, a sector for standing long jumps and, of course, various types of fences.

We offer metal fences or safety nets for the customer's choice
  • Metal 2D and 3D fences are sectional structures of increased strength with rod diameters from 4 to 6 mm, protected by a polymer and zinc coating. Unlike other fences, mesh panel fencing is maintenance-free - it does not get dusty, does not fade in the sun and does not deform under wind loads, and also does not need periodic painting
  • Protective mesh made of kapron or nylon threads can have different mesh sizes: 100x100, 40x40 or 20x20. Such a fence is ideal for zoning the playing space and protecting spectators from sports equipment. The mesh does not need maintenance and is easily restored

While building new basketball courts, we also work on existing facilities that need major repairs or minor restoration.

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