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How to play pool basketball

Water Basketball and Pool Games You Need to Try

It’s summer and it’s time to get out and enjoy the sunshine. If you have a pool, you’re in a select group of lucky individuals who don’t even have to leave their homes in order to have a blast.

Pools are a great way to get family and friends together for some fun in the sun. Even when it’s hot and humid, a pool offers the perfect way to be active without being overheated.

And it’s a good thing you’ve got a built-in source of entertainment right in your own backyard. In our world of hustle and bustle, there’s a growing trend to take a summer vacation at home.

Whimsically named “staycations,” this trend underscores that today’s families want simpler fun and leisure activities that don’t cost a lot of money and don’t require the hectic pace of airline and car travel.

So there are the staycationers, but what’s even more interesting is that more and more Americans seem to be opting for no vacations at all, with 43% of Americans claiming they won’t take vacation at all this summer.

But don’t worry. If you have a pool, “no vacation” doesn’t necessarily mean “no fun.”

Because you’re lucky enough to have a staple of summer fun, you’ll be able to fill your evenings and weekends with a whole slew of activities that are fun for the whole family.

And just to show you what we mean, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best activities for pool-time entertainment.

Water Basketball — A Great Way to Get Fun and Fit

Water basketball is one of the most exciting pool sports and one that can engage the whole family, from small to tall.

The game has a long history of providing a watery challenge for aficionados. Created to be a combination of basketball and water polo, water basketball is the ultimate family-friendly competitive water sport. In general, it involves five-player teams who each shoot a regulation pool basketball into a goal once their team has gained possession of the ball.

Variations of the game were developed in Slovenia, where a floating basket was introduced. While this adds some difficulty to the game, in the home pool a floating basket can be just right for smaller children. Finally, two players from Slovenia created a basket specifically for pool basketball that featured a pole that extends into the water with a basket that’s hung over the water level by one meter. This allows the game to played behind the basket, which added to the competitiveness and excitement.

Bringing Water Basketball to Your Pool This Summer

At Dunn-Rite, we manufacture high-quality pool basketball equipment that can bring this fun, dynamic sport to your very own backyard. You can choose from our AquaHoop floating basket to make it easier for small children or one of our many fine equipment sets.

Our products are made with strong, corrosion-resistant materials for protection against saltwater and chlorine environments as well as protection against UV rays.  This attention to quality means you’ll be able to enjoy your pool basketball equipment for years to come.

To play the game at home, you can any follow any variation of the standard rules, or even create your own game.

Generally, people tend to follow the same rules for violations, which include:

  • No pushing off of the side of the pool.
  • No submerging the ball to keep it from the other players.
  • No off-balancing other players.
  • Free throws and 3-point shots are disallowed.
  • Goal tending just means a point for the other team.
  • The pool edges serve as boundaries and the ball is “out” beyond them.
  • If a player forces a ball out, the other team gets the point.
  • Any of the above actions results in a foul.

Really, it’s your pool and your game. The sky’s the limit for creativity and fun!

Other Great Water Games to Entertain and Delight

There are more games than just pool basketball on the agenda this summer.

With just a few basic pieces of equipment, you can turn your pool area into a fun and fabulous destination for friends, family, and neighbors.

1. Water Volleyball (Pool Volleyball)

Another exciting game for home pools, pool volleyball offers a way to get the whole family in on the action.

With two teams of one to four people depending on the size of the pool, this fast-moving game can easily accommodate even the youngest players.

Smaller or shorter players can occupy the shallower section of the pool, while older or taller players can move into the deeper water.

The rules are simple — don’t let the ball touch the water or go out of the pool onto the decking or grass. Most people play to 11, 15, or 25 points and a team must have a two-point lead to win the game.

You don’t need much equipment to get a good game going,  Dunn-Rite provides everything you need in the same high-quality materials you’ve come to expect from them.

You can choose from a set where the net is mounted into poles in your pool deck or where the net extends from weighted bases that sit on top of your deck’s surface.

Like all Dunn-Rite pool equipment, their  volleyball sets are made from heavy-duty materials of the highest quality to stand up to rigorous play, pool conditions, and the harsh rays of the sun.

2. Covered or “Blind” Volleyball

Want to find another great game to play with your pool volleyball equipment?

Covered volleyball is a simple way to spice up your pool ball game without spending a lot of money or taking time out to set up extra equipment.

Covered volleyball involves hanging sheets or towels over the volleyball net so that you can’t see the positions and movements of the opposing team.

This means you’ll never know where the ball is coming from, so you’ll have to be on your toes. Any number of players can play, making this ideal for large group settings.

Like any volleyball game, the points are scored when the ball hits the surface of the water or the pool deck. Follow the usual volleyball scoring rules and game play.

3. Night Ball

It seems like the simplest of switch-ups but playing pool basketball or volleyball with a bit of glow-in-the-dark equipment can add interest and entertainment to your game play.

You can suit your team up with glow-in-the-dark T-shirts to wear over their bathing suits, get a glow-in-the-dark ball, or even substitute a glow-in-the-dark basketball net for the one that came with your hoop.

Most of these glow-in-the-dark items are not chlorine, UV ray, or saltwater-resistant, so you’ll need to remove them at the end of game-play and replace them with your original, pool-quality equipment.

4. Bucket Ball

If you’re lucky enough to have a Dunn-Rite AquaHoop floating basketball hoop, you have all you need to play a game of bucket ball.

It’s best to have multiple floating hoops for more challenging game play, but even one will do. First, get a hold of some floating bean bags or floating hacky sacks.

Your aim is for your team to get as many bean bags or hacky sacks into the floating hoop as possible, taking turns from one team to the next.

If you have more than one hoop, both teams can play at the same time or you can position the hoops at different places in the pool.

If you have hoops at different places, team members can score more points for making the more challenging shot.

This game lends itself to all kinds of iterations. You can use different floating items to score baskets, have a team member move the basket while someone takes a shot, or have everyone jump around to cause the motion of the water to move the baskets.

There’s no end to the number of games your friends and family can invent using these simple pieces of equipment.

Dunn-Rite Pool Products and Inflatable Paddle Boards

3rd Generation Family Owned Company with a long history of developing innovative products of the highest quality.

Inflatable Paddle Boards - Combo Units - Pool Volleyball - Pool Basketball

Pool Basketball Rules - Dunn-Rite Products

Posted by Dunn-Rite Products on Mar 10th 2019

There are so many great reasons to love summer. The weather is great, school is out, and most people do not mind getting outside and enjoying it. The only draw back to most summer activities is that it can get so hot you are just miserable and want to head back inside where the AC will protect you from the heat or take a dunk in the pool. If you hate choosing between fun sports activities and staying cool, then pool sports such as basketball is the solution.

What is Pool Basketball?

Pool basketball is literally the best of both worlds for summer fun. With a quality pool basketball hoop, your backyard pool can become a fun family battle ground for endless days of summer fun. The pool basketball hoops from Dunn-Rite products are strong, durable and able to withstand even the most serious basketball showdowns.

Pool basketball hoops come in a few different varieties. Floating Aqua Hoops are simple pool toys which you can easily add to your pool. These toys allow players to move around the pool with the hoop and make shots from anywhere. This is great for low key playtime, especially for smaller kids.

If you want to take your pool basketball to a more serious level, there are heavy duty hoops which can be placed at the deep end of your pool. These can come in both mounted or unmounted styles. Mounted styles offer the best in durability, while unmounted allow the flexibility of moving the hoop when you wish.

How to Play Pool Basketball

Obviously, you can have a ton of fun just shooting hoops and making up your own rules as you go, but if you are interested in hosting some serious games with a bigger group, there are official rules to pool basketball, in fact this sport has been added to many collegiate line ups at colleges across America. The following water basketball rules were taken from the student recreation information of the University of Arkansas.

There should be 5 players per team, with only 4 in the water. This is a great number for most neighborhood games, or even large family get togethers.

Players are required, in official pool basketball, to remain inside an inner tube flotation device at all times. If you don’t want to follow the official rules, obviously you don’t have to, but the flotation devices make the game a bit more challenging, not to mention it really intensifies the work out you are getting.

Each team is only allowed 3 fouls. If your team exceeds the fouls, then the other team begins accumulating points for each foul. The rules of play are very similar to that of court basketball except that free throws and 3-point shots are not allowed.

Out of bounds is considered the edge of the pool. If the ball goes beyond the edge of the pool it will be considered out of bounds.

There are violations in pool basketball just as there are in court ball, however the violations are quite different. Players are not allowed to exit their inner tubes. Any action which takes place outside of the inner tube is obsolete. Players are not allowed to push off the sides of the pool to give themselves momentum or advantage. The ball cannot be submerged in an effort to keep it away from another player. Players cannot jostle other players by grabbing their inner tube. Players may not push, shove or hold anyone under water. Any of these actions result in a personal foul.

Water basketball is just one of the many fun pool sports you can incorporate into your family’s pool time this summer. Having a pool is great but having a pool that doubles as a family rec center, is even better. Dunn-Rite Pool Products has everything you need to turn your pool into the go to spot for family fun and exercise.

Dunn-Rite Pool Products and Inflatable Paddle Boards

3rd Generation Family Owned Company with a long history of developing innovative products of the highest quality.

Inflatable Paddle Boards - Combo Units - Pool Volleyball - Pool Basketball

Basketball on the water. Rules and features. Pros and History

Water Basketball is a two-team sport that combines traditional basketball and water polo. Its rules are similar to the classic game: athletes need to throw balls to the enemy and not allow themselves to be thrown. But there are also differences, the main of which is that basketball players are in the water.

Water basketball developed in several countries. So, in the Netherlands in the 70s. 20th century he entered the rehabilitation program for the disabled. The game gained such popularity that it became massive, and at 19In 1982, a national championship was organized between 22 teams. Since then and until now, the competitions have been held regularly, since 2011 they have been supervised by the Royal Netherlands Swimming Federation (KNZB).

Slovenia has also made its contribution to the formation of sports. It was here in 1997 that uniform rules were formulated. This was preceded by several experiments regarding the location of the basket. First, they tried to fix a basket for ordinary basketball over the edge of the pool, and then they came up with a special floating one. But both of them did not justify themselves in practice. Therefore, it was decided to leave only one basket, instead of two, and install it on a rack at a height of 1 m above the water. Partially Slovenian water basketball rules were adopted by Hungary.

In Tasmania, Australia, a new variant of the world-famous game has also gained recognition. In 2003, the first match took place with the participation of two teams. The teams included athletes who previously played classic basketball, water polo, football and cricket. The game was a success, and therefore it was developed at the Hobart Aquatic Center, thanks to which it gained great entertainment. According to the rules, each team had to have 6 athletes (including 3 women) plus 4 substitutes. Since 2003, water basketball competitions in Tasmania have been held on an ongoing basis.

At the beginning of the 21st century. The Italians were addicted to the game. And in 2005, the Italian Basketball Federation granted the discipline the official status of a sport - a kind of basketball.

Rules of the game

The main feature that distinguishes water basketball from the classic one is the presence of only one basket. In addition, athletes must not only be professional with the ball, but also be excellent swimmers. Each team has 4 to 5 players. Initially, one of the teams takes the offensive position, trying to score the ball into the basket, and the other takes the defensive position. After 10 min. the parties change positions. The total duration of the game is 30 minutes. This interval does not include the break time during which the teams rest and make the necessary substitutions. There are 3 periods in the game, at the end of which the winner is determined (according to the number of goals scored).

The game begins with the referee blowing his whistle and throwing the ball into the middle of the pool. Players on both teams are trying to get hold of him. The team that does this becomes the attacking team and attacks the opponent's basket. A goal scored from any distance is worth 1 point. Possessing the ball, members of the same team can intercept it from each other. In addition, players are allowed to delay opponents, take the ball from them, and get in the way.

Basketball on the water prohibits the following actions towards opponents:
  • Holding a player with hands.
  • Blows to the limbs.
  • Pushing.
  • Attempting to sink a player or ball.
  • Projectile guidance under water.

Violations of the rules, rudeness and unsportsmanlike behavior are punishable by a free throw. As a rule, it is performed by the player affected by the infringement, but sometimes by his teammate. The distance from the basket provided for a free throw is 2 m (for children) or 5 m (for adults). A successful throw is worth 1 point. After the free kick, both teams line up opposite the ring, and at the command of the referee, the game continues.

The victory is won by the side with the most points after three periods. If a tie is found, an extra period is played.

Benefits of Water Basketball

Mixture of water floor and basketball has been found to engage over 80% of the muscles. In this case, most of the player's body is under water. Thanks to this, posture improves, physical indicators develop, including an increase in lung capacity. Performing various movements in the water trains coordination, and also contributes to the burning of energy and, as a result, weight loss, finding the right proportions.

Basketball on the water develops the cardiovascular system, increases the body's endurance, and is an excellent strength training for almost all muscle groups. It also helps to adapt to the aquatic environment, improve eye sight, increase strength, gain agility, become more attentive and learn how to work in a team. Therefore, sports are especially indicated for children.

Children from 6 years of age are allowed to participate in water basketball clubs. Sometimes 4-year-olds are also accepted, but in this case they are first taught to swim, move in the water, dive, and pick up objects from the bottom of the pool. And only then (from about 7 years old) children are taught the skills of working with the ball and teamwork.

Interesting Facts

The term "basketball on the water" does not always mean a game during which the athletes are in the water. In particular, history knows the idea to transfer the game to the water by installing racks with rings on a naval aircraft carrier. It belonged to the cunning Americans. The "host" was the aircraft carrier "Carl Vinson".

The Cambodians did not lose their heads either: they placed all the equipment necessary for the game on a raft. This first floating basketball court on the planet exists today, accepting everyone.

In general, in order to play basketball on the water, there is no need to visit such unusual places. Moreover, you do not even need to travel outside your city. The game can be organized in any pool or open water. Sporting goods manufacturers offer a wide range of equipment, including floating baskets, which are quite suitable for amateur play. But this is not necessary either: to play with a company, you will need a basket and an ordinary inflatable ring. A basket is fixed on the circle with wire, and for the stability of the structure in the center of the place chosen for the game, they come up with a kind of anchor. And that's all - positive emotions and healing of the body are provided.

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Games in the pool for children and adults


  1. game "Vodvorot"
  2. Games in the basin with ball
  3. bouncers
  4. bombing
  5. Crocodal battle
  6. breath-holding pool
  7. Classic competition
  8. Treasure hunt
  9. Bottle
  10. Handstand competition
  11. Dolphin relay
  12. Rainbow
  13. Race of boats on an air engine
  14. Race on rafts
  15. Frozen
  16. Battle on the raft
  17. Relay with watermelon
  18. fish
  19. Basketball in the basin
  20. mockery swimming pool for children and adults: to make the summer even more interesting, eventful, positive and active!

    Whirlpool Game

    What you need:

    2+ players (the more the merrier)

    How to play:

    A simple but very addictive pool game. The goal is to create a whirlpool solely with the help of human power. Players walk/run clockwise along the inside edges of the pool (or the designated "whirlpool circle").

    After a few minutes, a whirlpool begins to form. Players can experiment with physics by throwing the ball or even themselves into the whirlpool.

    Ball pool games


    If the size of the pool allows, bouncers can be arranged. The leader does not have to be in the water. To avoid getting hit by the ball (it is better to use a light beach ball), the player needs to have time to dive.

    To make things easier, you can be inside the swim ring, then you don't need to dive as deep.

    Bouncers at the border

    You will need a rope longer than the diameter or width of the pool and beach balls according to the number of players.

    First, designate a small area in the pool as the "arena". Divide the arena with a rope. The players then enter the arena, each holding a beach ball.

    The object of the game is to push the other players onto the rope using only the beach ball. If the player touches the rope, he is out.

    The last remaining player wins the round. Play for fun or participate in a full-fledged tournament.

    If the pool is small , the same game can be played on the entire area of ​​the pool without a rope. Then the goal of the players will be to push the opponent onto the side of the pool.


    Bombshell is the most famous and fun pool game for kids and adults too. Players take turns diving into the pool. Whoever has the most spray wins!

    In the age of new technologies, entering the water can be recorded using video so that there is no dispute about victory.

    Chicken Fight

    The game requires at least 4 participants, in any case an even number of players.

    The players are divided into teams of two and together form a "chicken" - one player stands directly in the water, and the other sits on his shoulders.

    The real fun begins when the opposing teams go into battle. The goal of the game is to grab the opponent's "chicken" by knocking it off the shoulders of a member of the opposing team.

    The last team standing wins.

    Crocodile Fight

    The rules of this game are very similar to Chicken Fight, but in this case you can use fewer participants - from two and use a shallow pool.

    You will need 2 or more players and an inflatable crocodile for each player. Instead of a crocodile, another inflatable toy can be used, like a small air mattress, which can be "saddled".

    Instead of sitting on the shoulders of a team member as in Chicken Fight, players sit on an inflatable crocodile. The goal of the game is to knock the opponent off the crocodile.

    Breath-hold pool games

    Classic competition

    You will need at least two players and a stopwatch.

    WARNING! Be sure to exercise responsibility and caution when playing this pool game. Holding your breath too long can lead to dizziness and hyperventilation.

    On the count of THREE, the players take a deep breath and dive underwater. The player who is underwater the longest wins.

    For fun, players can compete individually for the best time. Ask the lead referee to use a stopwatch to keep track of each player's record.

    Treasure Hunt

    For this pool game you will need at least 2 players (although one is also possible) and various coins. How to play?

    As the name suggests, players must dive into the pool in search of a "sunken treasure". The treasure, of course, is a set of coins scattered across the bottom of the pool.

    Throw a handful of coins into the pool. Players dive in and collect as many coins as they can within a set amount of time, such as a minute.

    The winner is the player who has collected the largest amount, if the age of the players allows taking into account the denomination of coins. Otherwise, the winner is the one who collected the most coins.


    Again, not what you think! The concept of this game is "Find the needle in the haystack".

    This pool game requires at least two players and a large enough pool.

    Players line up with their backs to the pool while an assistant fills a water bottle to the top with water, screw the cap on and throws it into the pool.

    On the count of three, the players turn and jump into the pool to find the water bottle. While this game is simple in theory, it is actually extremely complex. The bottle will be masked by the water from the pool to the point where it is almost invisible.

    Handstand Competition

    One of the most famous classic pool games. The rules for the handstand competition are very simple.

    Players compete to see who can hold a handstand underwater the longest. The player who rises for air, falls, or whose feet touch the surface of the water first, loses.

    Dolphin Relay

    This game can be played one on one or relay style, depending on the number of players.

    Each team receives a beach ball. The goal is to bring the ball to the opposite edge of the pool without touching it with your hands and other limbs of the body, except for the nose! Player using arm, shoulder, etc. must return to the starting line.


    This pool game requires at least 4 players.

    All players line up against one wall. One player - the leader stands on the opposite edge of the pool with his back to the other players. Each player in the pool chooses a color, naming it to the other players, but not to the leader.

    The host calls the color. If the player hears "his" color, he must inaudibly get close (or swim) to the leader and touch him. If the leader heard and managed to turn around, the participant returns to his place.

    If the facilitator has turned, but all players are still standing at the rail, this is a penalty point. The last "surviving" player becomes the new leader.

    Air Boat Race

    Raft Race

    The cool thing is that anything can be used as a raft!


    This is not what you think. Frozen is not about Frozen at all, but about frozen T-shirts!

    PREREQUISITE: Soak T-shirts in water, tie each into a ball with twine and freeze for 2-3 days.

    At the beginning of the game, the players are divided into two groups. Each team is given a frozen T-shirt.

    The object of the game is to defrost the T-shirt as quickly as possible and put it on by any means (hose, pool, pavement, brute force, etc.). The players must work together to defrost the jersey as quickly as possible.

    The team that unfreezes the T-shirt and puts it on first wins.

    Raft Battle

    Players sit on a raft in the center of the pool. Each can be armed with a flexible stick for swimming. Players try to knock the opponent into the water.

    The winner is the last player left on the raft.

    Watermelon Relay Race

    Despite the simplicity of the concept, getting a watermelon across a pool is much more interesting and difficult than you think.

    The players must push the watermelon from one end of the pool to the other and back without touching the bottom of the pool.

    You can play one on one or in a relay format.

    Want to make the game harder? Lubricate watermelons with Vaseline!

    Fish, dolphins and submarines

    One player - the leader - calls the words "dolphins", "fish" or "submarines". "Dolphins" swim on the surface of the water, "fish" - under water, "submarines" - along the bottom of the pool.

    The rest of the players rush through the pool in the indicated way, trying not to fall into the hands of the leader. When a player crosses over to the other side, they must shout "Survived!"

    The facilitator is blindfolded trying to prevent the players from swimming across the pool.

    Basketball in the pool

    Players are divided into equal teams and play according to the rules of basketball. The ultimate goal, of course, is to score as many points as possible.

    To keep the game interesting, set a time limit on shots or a limit on how long players can hold the ball before passing or shooting.

    Just one basketball hoop is enough if the pool size does not allow for two.

    Learn more