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How to prepare for college basketball

15 tips for incoming freshmen - College Basketball Experts Blog

Where does Duke's Austin Rivers and UNC's James McAdoo rate as possible 2012 draft picks? Getty Images
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Sep 1, 2011

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Sixteen years ago I arrived on campus at Notre Dame. I was in awe, yet I thought I knew everything. Five years later I walked out of Oklahoma State a different person.

I'm wise enough to know I cannot, and would not, change that experience. But I do wish I had done so many things differently and enjoyed the best years of my life more.

The college years have their ups and downs, and there are lessons to be learned. But far and away the most difficult time in my life was the first year.

In my case, I essentially experienced my first year of college twice. I transferred from Notre Dame to Golden West College, and then to Oklahoma State. So, if there is anything I am an expert at, it is that first year on campus.

I asked some of my former teammates, colleagues and other former hoopers what would be the 15 things incoming freshmen should absolutely do when they reach campus. Our list is below, but players, know this: Every former player envies your opportunity to write your own history and the freedom you have to do so. Learn from our successes and mistakes and follow these rules. They will guide you to Year 2, when you will be far more comfortable and the college life will start to slow down for you.

1.Unpack for the long haul

While seemingly every player who enters college does so with the belief that their basketball skills will lead them to fortune and fame after college, the most important advice anyone can give a player is to mentally and physically unpack and expect to stay for four or five years. Forget the daunting odds of making the NBA: There are just 30 players drafted who will receive a guaranteed NBA contract, and you will be competing with the thousands of players in college basketball, not to mention overseas, for those spots. An even better perspective is this: College should be the greatest time in your life, enjoy the ride. Do not waste time thinking of where you maybe should have gone or what lies ahead. Focus on the here and now -- the friends, the guest speakers, the classes, the parties and the life lessons. Plant roots. Leave the "next level" as a motivator in the gym and weight room. If the "League" happens, great, but when college is over, it is over. And while you may want to come back, it is never the same.

2.Be cool, don't try to be cool

When you are a college freshman, you want to fit in, you want to be cool, liked and maybe even admired. To that end, athletes in particular will sometimes get ink, dress loud, talk loud, wear their lid differently or flaunt rims to match the size of their egos. Maybe that is who you are, or maybe that is simply your idea of how to be cool and seem above the fray -- truth is, you are already cool. The girls and the guys all gravitate toward athletes already, you do not need an introduction with your clothes, voice or ride. Fit in, buy in and set an example of how to handle yourself. The athletes most often remembered as the coolest are the ones who are the most approachable. Keep that in mind.

3. Get ahead in class

Nothing derails your playing time, your party time or your enjoyment of college like getting behind on your classwork. I remember being overwhelmed at Notre Dame from the reading and the overall academic acumen of my fellow students. If you need it, ask for help early, set aside reading time every day and get ahead. Meet with your professors and try your best not to get distracted. Some coaches will not invest minutes in you if they think you might not be eligible. Assistant coaches don't want to fight for you in meetings if they are constantly chasing you to class. Act like an adult and get your work done. Juniors and seniors do it because they have figured it out. And don't be too prideful to ask for help.

4. Tank up like a race car

I ask athletes all the time, "Are you a Maybach or a Camry?" They all think they are sports cars and they are right, so why not fuel up like one? Look at the gas cap for a high-end auto and you'll see it requires high-octane fuel. View your body like a Brabus Benz with a V-12, and feed it the best. Can you ring the Taco Bell at 1 a.m. after a party? Sure. But you are not a lineman trying to add 15 pounds of weight. Eat like a sports car. Eat like a pro. Stay off the fried food, throw in a salad, pound your protein drinks and follow your trainer's diet advice. Bad food is a vice as bad as any other. Remember, there have been plenty of players who have eaten themselves out of money, too.

5. Be nice to the team managers

Managers are usually students who want to be coaches eventually and they are incredibly important. First, managers are guardians of the gear. When midseason comes around and your shorts shrink to the John Stockton category, managers can get that fixed. Don't big dog them at parties or around campus, because they are the most likely ones to feed you when your jumper is broken in November. One more thing, as a frosh that same manager may even be on staff by your junior or senior year. If you have his back, he will have yours.

6. Keep working on your game

Between school, lifting weights, pickup ball, individual workouts and a social life, it is very normal to begin skipping your independent work in the gym. Don't do it. If there is one thing every former baller will tell you, it is that they wish they spent more time in the basketball practice facilities. The more reps you take, likely the better you will shoot in practice. The better you shoot in practice the more shots your coach will allow you to take and, frankly, miss in games. Sunday may be an off day, but 1,000 shots should leave your hand that day.

7. Get to bed

College can be like New York, a city that never sleeps. There is always something to do, even at 4 a.m. Playing Madden, jumping on Twitter, Facebook, Skype, texting friends/girls, watching games on TV, studying, whatever. Bottom line: You need to get eight hours of sleep. From a basketball perspective alone, you look better when you are rested and coaches notice. You will play better, you are less likely to get hurt and you will be able to study and read longer. No one is saying you cannot go out on a Saturday night, heck, maybe even a Thursday night here or there, but as a practice, get your rest. Your game will thank you.

8. Take it easy on the ladies

Most basketball players do quite well for themselves in the girlfriend category. "Pump your brakes" is my best advice. Have fun, be safe and avoid toxic relationships. Drama from relationships with coeds, or more serious problems such as unplanned pregnancy, will do nothing but infuriate coaches and leave them with the overall sense that you are immature and not dependable.

9. They are watching you

We used to have an expression at Oklahoma State: "If you [break wind] on the Strip [the bar-filled Washington Street in Stillwater] they smell it in the office."
You may think your off-court activities are private. They are not. And that's especially true with all the NCAA investigations and bold headlines stemming from athlete arrests or violations. The program will know if you are up late playing pool. They will know if you sneak into a club. They will know if you are playing beer pong at the Fiji house after "Monday Night Football" with practice the next day. They will know. They always seem to. Act as if your coach is with you, because they likely are, especially in small college towns.

10. Be a good host

There will be several weekends early in your college life in which high school recruits will come to campus on official visits. At least one of them is likely to play your position and may be competition for your role. Don't sweat it. You have an entire year to show coaches how good you are and why they signed you and this kid may not even come to your school. Be a gracious host, sell your school, become a recruiting assistant and show coaches and teammates your confidence and maturity.

11. Take game shots

Find out what shots you need to make to play within your school's system and work diligently at them. Save the rest for summer ball. No matter how well regarded you are, as a freshman, your team is likely to already have an offensive identity. Bo Ryan, Tom Izzo, Jim Boeheim, Jim Calhoun, Roy Williams, Coach K, Sean Miller, Ben Howland, Tubby Smith, Bill Self and many more have been coaching since before you were born, and it takes a lot for them to change what they do. Want to get shots in their offense? Work on the shots you would get in that offense.

12. Learn to play hard all the time

The No. 1 adjustment players make in their transition to college is learning how to play hard all the time. While guys are bigger, stronger and faster, college teams focus on getting the optimum intensity out of players in practices and games. Try to take plays off in college like you did in high school or AAU ball and you will either get lit up by a pick or a jump shot. And then you will be sitting on the bench. Get used to practicing, working out and playing at the most intense level possible, as often as possible. You are likely to get abused in practice early on -- stay the course and pick up the intensity.

13. Invest in your body

I know, Kevin Durant led the NBA in scoring and he couldn't even bench 185 one time coming out of college, so why should you? Because there is exactly one 6-foot-10, 215-pound freak of nature named KD.

In the weight room you usually have a strength coach whose sole purpose is to change your body for the better. Ask Russell Westbrook about the change in his body at UCLA. Jimmer Fredette changed his body at BYU. You will be faster, jump higher and get hurt less the harder you go and the more you buy in. You are investing in yourself when you get under the squat rack. Stretch like you're 40, lift like you're 18 and your body will develop muscles that previously were dormant. It will help your game.

14. Let your coaches in

At Oklahoma State we had to come see a coach every day we were in Stillwater, period. I built a pretty good bond with Coach Eddie Sutton, with whom I still speak every couple of weeks. My relationship with Coach Sutton grew organically over time, and though I wish we were closer then, I put most of that on myself. When you talk to your coaches you will better understand them and they will better understand you. Build on that and you will have a relationship you can bank on when times are tough. Plus, you will have someone to talk to, work out with and watch tape with and it will not feel forced. Coaches really want you to perform as well as possible, if for no other reason than because it helps them make more and recruit more players.

15. Slow down

Watching Austin Rivers struggle at times during Duke's exhibition game in China made me think of the most obvious problem freshmen run into: They are playing harder than ever and yet way too fast. Playing too fast usually makes you foul more, turn the ball over more and fall out of rhythm as a shooter. And guess what, all of the above lead to you sitting on the bench more. Play harder, but not faster. Think quicker, don't play quicker. Over time you will find that your natural playing rhythm will be faster. That it is the most difficult part of the freshman transformation.

And usually once you do it, you are officially a sophomore.

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Preparing for College Basketball: Master the Basics

Hard2Guard Player Development Newsletter 4. 12 features an interview with Stanford University’s men’s basketball strength & conditioning coach Keith D’Amelio, who previously worked with the Toronto Raptors. D’Amelio is a featured speaker at the 2nd Annual Boston Hockey Summit and Basketball Symposium which takes place on Saturday, May 22nd and May 23rd at Northeastern University. Below is an excerpt of the interview.

BM: As a college strength coach, what are the greatest athletic deficiencies that you see in players as they matriculate from high school to college? Put another way, now that the season has concluded, what is the biggest thing that a high school senior could do from now until day one of college to prepare athletically for the next level?

D’Amelio: The biggest thing that I have noticed is that these kids simply do not have the fundamentals of movement down. Having spent the last 8 years in the NBA I knew that the overall talent level would not be the same but I did not realize that the athletes would have such poor movement abilities. Â Some of these kids simply do not know proper running mechanics. I am talking very simple things, like having never been taught the cross over or the proper foot position to make their lateral movement that much more effective.

The biggest thing a High School athlete can do as they prepare for the next level of play is in regards to getting the proper mechanics of movement down pat and also their ability to decelerate. That is one of the biggest things missing in most athletes’ training. Everyone focuses on the speed component and getting fast. The game of basketball requires very little top-end speed. What is does require is a tremendous ability to decelerate your body (under control) and to then produce force going in another direction. Another small thing that can make a huge difference in enhancing one’s basketball athleticism is in developing change of speeds. For the offensive player this is a huge advantage that he has over the defensive player, if he can develop the ability to change speeds (which I think can be taught and enhanced) he can do some special things on the court.

For the remainder of the interview, subscribe to the Hard2Guard Player Development Newsletters. For more information on the 2nd Annual Boston Hockey Summit and Basketball Symposium, visit its web site.

Below is a video that includes some core exercises, including the Bird Dog, which are mentioned in the extended interview.

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Need to study. In basketball, there are positions that are often played by small players. But that's not the point. We believe that every person can achieve everything he sincerely wants, if, of course, he is hardworking and patient enough. Yes, and at a young age, basketball is useful for general development to engage in all the children who are interested in it. After all, he greatly develops the child, both from the physiological side, and teaches children to work in a team and overcome difficulties.

We are ardent opponents of selection in sports. We believe that everything has its time, that each person reveals himself in different ways. Someone shows good results from the very beginning, but someone needs a little more time to adapt and understand what exactly he wants. Therefore, it makes no sense to select at an early age. Yes, and our program is designed to work on an equal footing with children of different ages, levels of training and skills.

It is possible and necessary. There are many examples of Great athletes who started their professional career quite late and at the same time became great athletes, world champions, Olympic Games. But again, that's not the point. The main thing is that each person should do what he likes. And we want to give kids a chance at this age to learn what basketball is and love it.

We cover all school age. Also in our club there are centers that specialize in working with children from 3 years old. There are cases when children at the age of 5-6 study in a group with the first - second class and feel very comfortable.

Yes, there are centers in our club where adults train. We believe that it is necessary to continue playing sports, and in particular basketball, all your life. We don't have phenomenal physical activity. A complete workout at a moderate intensity level. An interesting warm-up combined with stretching and coordination of movements. A full-fledged block for the study of technical elements and, of course, the game. We have quite a lot in the adult group of parents of children who study with us. Inspired by the success and desire of children to study, parents also light up and begin to study this exciting game with us.

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    -Kislovodsky Medicon Medicon Medicon

    Farsadanyan Aram Pavlovich

    teacher of physical culture

    Education: higher, Stavropol State University, 2009year, qualification "Specialist in physical culture and sports", specialty "Physical culture and sports".
    Work experience in this educational institution: 12 years
    Highest qualification category: June 2017
    Advanced training:

    • FDPO Institute NDPO GBOU VPO "StGMU" cycle "Formation of professional and pedagogical competence of teachers", January 2014 (certificate 144 hours).

    • PMFI - faculty of VSMU, June 2018

    • FSBEI HE Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, October 2020 "Modern technologies for training a sports reserve in football" (144 hours)

    • FGBOU VO Art. GMU. Ministry of Health of Russia, March 2021 "Formation of professional and pedagogical competence of teachers"; May 2021 "Fundamentals of prevention of extremism and terrorism"

    Publications :

    1. "Pedagogical strategy for orienting towards the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a student" collection of materials of the scientific and practical conference of teachers of secondary medical schools of the medical profile of the IC "Spiritual and moral aspects of training and education in modern medical education" - Stavropol, 2012

    2. "Health technologies in secondary specialized educational institutions" collection of materials of the scientific-practical conference "Education, profession, career in medicine", 2012

    3. "Organization of independent work of students in college" collection of the II interregional conference "Professional education today: search, creativity, innovation in the training of specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education" - Pyatigorsk, 2014

    4. "Socio-pedagogical aspects of the health status of college students", collection "Science. Culture. Youth", 2015.

    5. "Psychological preparation of college students for competitions at various levels" collection - Budennovsk, May, 2017

    6. "The impact of physical culture and sports on the health and performance of students" collection "Innovative approaches to the organization of education in a medical college: challenges of the time and solutions", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of GBPOU SK "Kislovodsk Medical College" November 17, 2017.

    7. "Physical education as a means of forming the general competencies of medical college students" Materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference with international participation, the resort city of Kislovodsk, April 2018.

    8. "Formation of a healthy lifestyle of students of the Kislovodsk Medical College" from the collection "Actual issues of the formation of a healthy lifestyle among students of a medical college in the process of professional training" (GBPOU SK "Budyonnovsky Medical College"), 2017

    9. "The influence of the classes of the "Football" section on the formation of a healthy lifestyle for college students", June 2020 in the collection of the educational and research conference.

    10. “Passion for classes in the “Football” section after school hours by college students of all specialties”, April 2021 in the collection of the educational and research conference.

    11. “Health-saving technologies used in physical education classes” in the collection of materials “Modern educational technologies; experience, problems, prospects” (December, 2021).

    Methodological developments (manuals)

    Methodical manual "Rules of football" (2012-2013 academic year)
    Methodical development "Tactics and technique of playing football" (2013-2014 academic year).
    Methodological development "Factors influencing the achievement of success by a person (2013-2014 academic year)
    Methodological development for self-training “Tourism. Physical training" (2014-2015)
    Methodological development "General physical training" (2015-2016)
    Methodological development of the class hour "We are for a healthy lifestyle" (2015-2016)

    Methodological development of an open lesson “Basketball. A combination of ball handling techniques. Game Rules (2016-2017 academic year)

    Methodical development “Volleyball. Basic techniques” (2016-2017 academic year)

    Methodological development “Tourism. Terrenkur (2017-2018 academic year)

    Methodical development "Tourism with orientation elements" (2017-2018 academic year)

    Methodological development “Basketball. Attack technique" (2017-2018 academic year)

    Methodological development of the curatorial hour "Sport is my choice" (2017-2018 academic year)

    Methodical development Tourism. Terrencourt November, 2017.

    Methodical development Basketball. Attack technique December, 2017.

    Methodical development Gymnastics. Technique for performing a set of acrobatic exercises. A set of exercises on the beam January, 2018.

    Methodical development Tourism with orientation elements April, 2018.

    Methodological development Athletics. Long distance running. Breathing exercises October, 2018.

    Methodical development Basketball. Refereeing. Educational game November, 2018.

    Test tasks General physical training December, 2018.

    Methodical development Gymnastics. Vault. A set of exercises on uneven bars 2019.

    Methodological development Athletics. Development of speed-strength qualities. Throwing October, 2019

    Methodical development Basketball. Fundamentals of technique for catching and passing the ball November 2019

    Methodical development Volleyball. Fundamentals of Individual Ball Possession December 2019

    Methodical development Tourism. Training in the basics of tourism methodology March, 2020

    Methodical development of an open lesson Gymnastics. Consolidation of techniques January-February, 2020

    Test tasks Physical culture in the professional activity of a specialist April, 2020

    Test tasks for DO Online Test Pad Volleyball. Technique and tactics of the game. Rules May, 2020.

    Test tasks for DO Online Test Pad Volleyball. A combination of ball handling techniques. Rules of the game May, 2020.

    Test tasks for DL ​​Online Test Pad General physical training May, 2020.

    Methodological development Athletics. Fixing techniques, October 2020.

    Methodical development Basketball. A combination of ball handling techniques. Rules of the game, November 2020.

    Methodical development Volleyball. Consolidation of techniques, December 2020.

    Methodical development Gymnastics. Technique for performing the basic elements of gymnastics, February 2021.

    Methodological development Athletics. Drill, March 2021.

    Test tasks Tourism. Physical training in tourism, April 2021.

    Test tasks Athletics. Fixing techniques, October 2021.

    Methodological development Athletics. Fundamentals of sprinting, standing long jump, November 2021.

    Methodical development Basketball. Fundamentals of Attack Technique Methodology, December 2021.

    Student conference

    "Tourism is one of the directions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a student" (April 2013).

    Roundtable dedicated to World Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome Day (December 1, 2016)

    Round table Healthy Youth - Strong Russia (December 6, 2017)

    "Athletes during the Great Patriotic War" in honor of the 73rd anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and in memory of the athletes who died during the war (May 10, 2018)

    Open events:

    Open lesson "Volleyball" (2013-2014 academic year).

    Open lesson "Athletics, middle distance running, running long jump" (September, 2014-2015 academic year).

    Open lesson “Athletics. Cross country running. Throwing at a target” (September, 2015-2016 academic year).

    Open lesson "General physical training" (April, 2016)

    Open lesson on the topic: “Basketball. A combination of ball handling techniques. Rules of the game” (December 20, 2016)

    Open lesson “Basketball. Attack technique” (12/13/2017)

    Open sports festival (27.10.2017)

    Open lesson « Gymnastics. Fixing techniques » 02/19/2020

    Sports annual events

    1. City championship in football (badminton, table tennis).

    2. Regional Olympics of students of institutions of secondary vocational education in athletics (shooting, volleyball (boys), kettlebell lifting).

    3. Sports holidays "Merry Starts", "Road to Health", "Come on guys", "Zarnitsa".

    4. Friendly match in mini-football.

    On the basis of the college and secondary school No. 17 leads the section "Football"

    Trained a team of young students at the city football championship for the “Leather Ball” prize in November 2012. In 2013, a team of football players trained by the teacher of FC Farsadanyan A.P. participated in the mini-football tournament in memory of the referee of the Republican category N. G. Bursanidi at the stadium of the branch of FSUE "Yug-Sport" in Kislovodsk. Every year he prepares teams of college students in volleyball, basketball, mini-football, table tennis for competitions among students of universities and colleges.

    Farsadanyan A.P. Since 2012, he has been teaching the Football section of the college. Section tasks:

    • instilling interest in systematic football;

    • strengthening the health of students by means of physical culture;

    • provision of general physical training;

    • mastering the basics of playing football;

    • instilling the skills to comply with sports ethics, discipline

    The result of the work of the section is the annual football competitions at the city level.

    On October 25-31, 2017, on the football ground of Alikonovka village, football competitions were held among young men in offset of the Spartakiad of students of secondary schools and universities of the resort city of Kislovodsk. Annually prepares teams of college students in volleyball, basketball, mini-football, table tennis for competitions among university students and secondary schools.

    October 27-28, 2018 on the football ground st. Tsander held football competitions among young men in the standings of the Spartakiad of students of secondary schools and universities in the resort city of Kislovodsk. The tournament was attended by: GBPOU SK "Kislovodsk Medical College", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kislovodsk State Multidisciplinary College, Kislovodsk Cooperative College, Kislovodsk Humanitarian and Technical Institute. As a result of sports battles, the first place was won by the team of GBPOU SK "Kislovodsk Medical College". The winning teams were awarded diplomas of the Office of Physical Culture and Sports of the administration of the resort city of Kislovodsk.

    May 26, 2019 on the football ground st. Tsander held football competitions among young students of secondary schools and universities of the resort city of Kislovodsk. The tournament was attended by: GBPOU SK "Kislovodsk Medical College", Federal State Budgetary Institution "Kislovodsk Medical College" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kislovodsk State Multidisciplinary College, Kislovodsk Cooperative College. As a result, the team of GBPOU SK "Kislovodsk Medical College" won the prize. The winning teams were awarded with diplomas.

    April 1-2, 2021 on the football ground of the Youth Sports School of the city of Kislovodsk, st. Promyshlennaya 3a, football competitions among young men took place in the offset of the Student Games of the secondary schools of the resort city of Kislovodsk, dedicated to the 76th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    Learn more