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How to run a successful basketball tournament

How To... Organize a Basketball Tournament

The success of any tournament depends on the quality of planning that occurs before the event. The following information is provided to the host tournament committee to aid them with the different steps required to successfully organize a basketball tournament at any level. The following checklists and tips will act as a reference point to properly plan your event from start to finish!

6 Weeks Before…

  • Build a Tournament Committee to assist with the planning and operation of the event.  One person shouldn’t take all of the following tasks on themselves!  A committee should be comprised of; Tournament Committee Chair – oversees all aspects of the event; Treasurer – prepares budgets, collects fees – registration and admission; Publicity - advertises an event, media contact, secures sponsors, etc.; Scheduling - prepares and circulates the tournament schedule and results; Facility Manager – secures gym, sets up facility including gate; Hospitality – coordinates a canteen and hospitality room for coaches and referees; Equipment Manager - manages different equipment needs including balls, score clocks, scoresheets, etc; Technical – communicates with referees and scorekeepers
  • Reserve gymnasium space.   Get the permit booked in writing to avoid any miscommunications or problems.  See School Division contact list.
  • Prepare a budget that will address all possible revenues and expenses.  Prepare for some cost overruns.
  • Make a list of the equipment required to stage such an event (basketballs, scoresheets, banners, signage, etc).  You may need to add some items to your budget planning.
  • Contact an appropriate Referee Assignor to ensure their availability and knowledge of the event (date, time, location, age level, etc).
  • Design and print tournament flyer and registration form.
  • Promote the even to the teams you are targeting.  Ask the WMBA office for a list of coaches at that age level(s).  
  • Register the tournament with the Manitoba High Schools Athletic Association if your tournament is at the High School level.
  • If the tournament is NOT a school-based one, register it with Basketball Manitoba by completing our Online Tournament Sanction Form (coming soon).   All tournaments involving Basketball Manitoba teams require sanctioning prior to the event.  You must use MABO-certified referees at the event for the sanctioning to be approved.
  • Plan the tournament format.  Most tournaments run with 8 teams.  You can run your tournament with as many teams as you wish, but we suggest going with at least 4.  See our collection of Schedule Samples for assistance. 
  • Order awards for the tournament.  You will need to account for this in the tournament budget.  Ideas range from individual medals, trophies or certificates to team trophies and banners.  Contact an area trophy store to view some samples. Ensure that you get your order in on time to avoid last-minute rushes!
  • Develop a sponsorship request letter and circulate to area businesses and groups asking for support.  Different levels of support can include financial or products.  Focus on the items you need for the event to run and try to get them covered off by a sponsor such as awards or equipment.   This can also offset your tournament entry fee to make the event more attractive to join!
  • Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.

4 Weeks Before…

  • Process registrations collected from teams.  Use a basic spreadsheet program (Excel) to properly track and register teams.  Provide a written confirmation of being accepted into the event (email will do).
  • Design and print publicity posters and tickets for admission
  • Contact qualified first aid personnel to be in attendance at the event.  Ensure they have proper first aid equipment.
  • If you are inviting teams from out of town, compile a list of accommodation options in your area.  A good start can be the Manitoba Hotel Association.
  • Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.

3 Weeks Before…

  • Secure all the equipment required for the tournament and check their condition.
  • Draw up final tournament schedule.  Plan for possible last-minute cancellations. Create a waiting list of teams if you have an excess number of teams.
  • Send information package to participating teams (include tournament draw, dates, times locations, and specific details on the event such as changing room facilities, warm-up balls provided, etc).
  • Provide tournament schedule to the Referee Assignor you spoke with 2 weeks ago.
  • Follow-up with any secured sponsors to ensure support is still there.
  • Circulate posters and flyers to areas schools and merchants
  • Consider developing a tournament program.  Ask teams to submit rosters and produce copies for sell – can add to your revenue stream.  Use program as an option for sponsors to advertise in.
  • Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.

1 Week Before…

  • Secure all awards
  • Obtain a schedule of referee assignments
  • Complete the program and get it printed.
  • Obtain products from sponsors
  • Ensure the referees are aware of any tournament rule modifications to be used at the tournament.  It’s best to provide this in writing to the Referee's Assignor and have copies for the teams and on-site at the tournament.
  • Prepare and circulate a media release announcing the tournament and arrange for game results to be included in their reports.
    Prepare a first-aid kit to be on-site at the tournament. 
  • Make final equipment check (including clocks, scoresheets, tables, chairs, team benches, etc)
  • Print a number of large ‘master’ draws to be placed in the gym area.  Update them throughout the event to ensure teams are aware of the schedule.
  • If charging admission or running a canteen, ensure you are well stocked with food and drink and have change ready for sales.
  • Consider hosting a ‘hospitality room’ for coaches, referees and volunteers.  Stock it with food, drink.  Most hospitality rooms are held in a classroom near the gym.   It allows for those involved in the event to take a break from their duties. 
    Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.

During the event...

  • Plan on being there at least 1 hour prior to the first game starting.
  • Meet with your Tournament Committee to ensure all their duties and responsibilities are on schedule.


  • Complete all payments of expenses such as referees, awards, gym rental and other administrative costs.
  • Send thank-you letters to those who were instrumental in helping with the event (teams, volunteers, sponsors, referees, etc).
  • Review your budget and make notes for your next event.
  • Make a list of what went well and what needs improvement for your next event.

Other Information
Tournament Information Package to teams
The following items can be included in your Team Package.

  • Introductory letter
  • Accommodation price lists and locations (for out of town teams)
  • Tournament schedule and sites 
  • Restaurant lists and locations (for out of town teams)
  • Specific rule modifications 
  • City map

It is important to communicate with the head referee assignor as to the exact schedule of games and any specific game modifications pertaining to the tournament.  It is also wise to tape down a copy of the rules to the score table for quick reference through the event.


  • 2 game balls (ensure you have the correct size ball for the level of play)
  • Scoresheets & pens
  • Access to the school’s Scoreclock
  • 1 score table with 2 chairs
  • 2 team benches


Tips to Organize a Successful Basketball Tournament in Your College

If you’re tall and athletic in college and you love sports, basketball will no doubt be appealing to you. It’s a popular sport with the idea being to shoot the ball through the basket.

It’s a fast, exciting game with plenty of scoring. It has grown in popularity, and today it is an Olympic sport. So popular is the sport that schools and colleges include basketball courts on their premises. They organize basketball tournaments, looking at the different ways to make these tournaments a great participant and spectator sport.

Have the right basketball equipment

There’s a lot to having all the right basketball arena equipment for your team, and the entire facility and a good scoring table is part of the deal. After all, it’s where most eyes are focused during the game. The basketball scorer’s table is always found right on the sideline of the basketball court. Having a high-tech scoreboard system is ideal for your college basketball needs. Mind you, these scoreboards can score other sports too – cricket, rugby and others.

They can be used together with other models to create even larger scoreboards displaying all kinds of information Basketball scoreboards, and video boards provide bright digital information in every size. They’re guaranteed to totally engage the crowd, keeping everyone informed with all stats of the game.

Choosing the right venue

The venue is always the most important thing to think of when planning a basketball tournament. Can your college cater to all the requirements of a tournament? How many courts does it have, and are all the courts in good condition? Are they geared up with the right equipment and facilities? When you visualize the crowds coming to the event, you want to know that you have all the facilities and amenities to carry the event off with great success.

Pinpoint a date

It’s no easy thing to prepping for a basketball tournament, and just selecting a date can see many changes. Choosing a date is important because you can’t have the date conflicting with other important dates.

You’ve also got to consider the time of year for the tournament. Certainly, if it’s outdoor courts, things such as seasonal changes come into play. You don’t want predictable floods preventing people from reaching their destination. It’s only when you have the date sorted that you can choose a venue and book it.

Get professional help 

Does your college basketball tournament seem just a bit too overwhelming to organize? Don’t worry, because there are sporting associations that you can call on or partner with for assistance. The U.S. Basketball Association, as an example, has resources to help with organizing these tournaments.

They’re used to planning tournaments and know exactly what is required. They provide plenty of support, starting right with the groundwork, such as marketing. They are professionals and know what is expected if you want to avoid any mishaps and pitfalls. If your college regularly plans tournaments, it might be a good idea to become a member of such an association.

The idea is to make money after all

It is quite likely that your college is holding a basketball tournament to make money for the college. You may be planning for cool tournament merchandise and t-shirts, but also consider renting tables to outside vendors. It doesn’t have to be basketball gear but anything else that will sell well. People like to come home from events with merchandise as it’s a way to show off that they were there.

Quality vendors have access to a larger customer base, and by having them at your tournament, they can help with turning your event into a profit. They can all help bring an air of excitement and interest to your event. The key to running a successful tournament is to prepare all these things well in advance.

Author ch07203nCategories Lifestyle

How to organize a streetball tournament in your city?

Streetball is the same basketball, only the game takes place in one ring and with fewer players. Each team is represented by four people (three people on the court, one person is a substitute). Streetball is not just a hobby, but a sport that is included in the Olympic program.


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Streetball is characterized by the atmosphere of the street. Just imagine: there are a lot of people around, the music is booming, you can hear the sound of the ball on the asphalt, someone is rapping and coming up with “sketches” of their new hip-hop song… This is the streetball atmosphere! You don't even need to search for a whole site, just one ring is enough.

Therefore, if you are ready to do something interesting and memorable in your city, then this material is for you. I want to share my experience in organizing a mass event - a youth streetball tournament.

For three seasons the tournament (winter 2015, summer 2015, summer 2016) brought together about 450 participants. These were schoolchildren and students of the city of Kemerovo and the Kemerovo region.

So where do you start?


Preparation begins with drafting regulations. It should clearly and concisely define the goals, objectives, time, place, main description of the tournament. In the future, you can send it to various student and school associations in order to advertise the event and attract the maximum number of participants.


The topic is quite interesting for every event. In my case, the university provided financial support. But before the university will allocate funds, it is necessary to draw up an estimate of expenses.

What is needed for the estimate:

  1. Name;
  2. Dates and venue;
  3. Expenses for a judge, presenter, sound engineer;
  4. Expenses for prizes.

In my opinion, an event deserves a worthy assessment when it is possible to pay attention to each participant and present him with a memorable prize. But now I'm talking about an event with a small budget. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to prizes for first, second, third places, plus prizes for various mini-competitions (SlamDank - the player jumps over the ring and puts the ball in the basket, three-point shot, "Best Player" among women's and men's teams). Don't forget about sponsors!


Like-minded people are definitely needed! Five - seven people are enough for your cool tournament! When the "Dream team" is assembled, make a plan, share the functionality. NEVER think that you can do everything yourself! It is better to let a person make a little mistake or do it wrong. You can fix it, and next time it will be great! This is more effective than going out of your way and doing everything yourself. Trust people!


Set a deadline. This is very important in any event! Your work will be more productive when there are clear boundaries. If we talk about the timing, then you can start preparing two or three months in advance. What needs to be done during this time?

  1. Prepare a sponsorship offer, find sponsors, partners, info-partners. The biggest and most difficult stage is the preparation stage. You must remember to offer offset terms. If you ask for something, you should give something in return: placing a logo on the poster, placing their banner on the court on the day of the tournament, talking about them in the tournament group, and much more.
  2. Create a poster design. It is very cool if you have found a designer who understands and knows his business! Success depends on the atmosphere of the poster!
  3. Start advertising (creating a group, sending to VK, Instagram text with a poster).
  4. Start working with members (group invitation, private messages to target members).
  5. An important point is the organization of the show program. That is, you need to find the IDEAL presenter, sound engineer, photographer, videographer, judge, secretary. The mood, one might say, the outcome of the entire tournament depends on these people. Be sure not to forget about the equipment! Streetball without music will not work.
  6. Be sure to have a health worker present. In extreme cases, make a first aid kit. (this is a requirement of the law and just common sense)
  7. In summer, do not forget about the awning, under which there will be a registration desk and a secretary, a net for rings, warm-up balls.
  8. Think about the format of the tournament and discuss it with the main judge. First, form a table that will determine the order of meetings of the participating teams. Then carry out a draw, according to the results of which the teams are entered into the table according to the number received.

Then we start the tournament itself. We have knockout games: if a team loses one game, it leaves the standings.

WINTER & SUMMER. When is the best time to host a tournament?

I believe that any time has its pros and cons. Of course, in the summer there are more points to take note of.

  • Set up an awning for the secretaries and organizers to work comfortably.
  • Install the nets on the rings. Often on the grounds where streetball is played in the summer, there are no nets on the rings. This also needs to be taken care of.
  • Think in advance on what and how to deliver equipment, tables, chairs, and conduct power supply.

In summer, the advantage is that people are outdoors (many people are more comfortable doing outdoor sports when they are outdoors). But, the downside is that sometimes it is very hot, since the event usually starts from 9-16 hours and it is difficult to play and stay in the scorching sun for most of the day. In this case, try to find partners or sponsors who can provide participants with water.

In winter, the situation is simpler: the gym already has nets on the rings, an awning is not needed, tables, chairs and power supply are nearby.

These recommendations are based on my own experience in organizing. And to use them or leave it in the box read - everyone's choice! Good luck!

P.S. If you have any questions or would like to supplement this article, then we ask you not to be silent, but to use the comment form below)

More on the topic:

In basketball, the top clubs have also rebelled against the federation. But they managed to make their own league

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The Euroleague is something football players can only dream of.

The Superleague has just started, and has already lost half of the participants. Six English clubs have announced their withdrawal from the tournament, and now it is time to say that the ambitious project, which was expected to be launched on August 20, will remain a project.

Basketball looked at the situation in football with a sense of deja vu. At the beginning of the 2000s, wealthy European clubs also rebelled against the international federation and took away its right to host tournaments.


Now There are two forces in European basketball - the Euroleague and FIBA. First - relatively successful commercial project. He enjoys the support of major sponsors and broadcasters. The best clubs on the continent play there. The second organizes national team tournaments and is trying in every possible way to shift the Euroleague in club basketball.

Euroleague game between CSKA and Real Madrid / Photo: Keystone Press Agency, globallookpress. com

B last century FIBA, or rather its European division, owned a monopoly the right to organize European competitions. were selected teams go there on a sporting basis, through victories in national championships. At In this case, the clubs themselves paid contributions to the Basketball Federation for participation. FIBA itself, of course, was happy with this state of affairs. Organization did not care much about marketing component and commercialization tournaments. But the giants are tired of it.

B 2000, the leading clubs rebelled and under the auspices of ULEB, they created their own Euroleague. Before this main club tournament of the Old world was called the European Cup champions. They have already introduced a clear prize system for clubs. FIBA tried to quell the uprising by organizing its Suproliga, enlisting the support some Russian, Turkish, Greek and Israeli clubs. So, for example, in did not participate in the first Euroleague draw CSKA, Panathinaikos, Maccabi, and "Efes", without which it is difficult to imagine current tournament.

But the dual power lasted only a year. Euroleague immediately began to be perceived as more prestigious tournament. First battle FIBA lost. Gradually Euroleague took control and second in power club tournament, which is now known like the European Cup. Over time, the Euroleague became more and more closed tournament. Initially involved 32 teams. Then the number of participants was reduced to 24, and then 18.

Luka Doncic (left) in Kazan Basket Hall / photo: Sergey Elagin, BUSINESS Online

Formerly straight tickets to the Euroleague received national championships – VTB United League, Adriatic League and the German championship. From the current season this practice has been abolished. Right to participation in the Euroleague is consistently received by 11 clubs holding licenses of permanent participants, two holders of a two-year wild-card, the winner of the European Cup (and, in some scenario, the second finalist), as well as three wild card holder, for one season. A similar system was wanted by the Football Superleague. stable 15 founding clubs will participate there (only 12 are known), and the remaining five will be invited.

After long break in 2016, FIBA ​​tried rectify the situation and regain control over club basketball. AT In 2015, the federation offered all clubs Euroleagues with A licenses to move to their new tournament - the FIBA ​​Champions League. But no one agreed. Then FIBA switched to teams from the Cup Europe. Organization took into account past mistakes and offered the teams larger prize money than the second by the strength of the competitor's tournament. So FIBA ​​managed to lure the Turkish Galatasaray and Darushafaku, more recently played in the Euroleague due to victories in the European Cup.


One of the levers of pressure from UEFA and FIFA could be the removal of Super League players from national team matches. FIBA tried to do this, but it didn't work out very well. When the organization tried to impose their Champions League, then warned the national federations about the possible disqualification of national teams from all tournaments, if the clubs from their countries will continue to perform in Euroleague tournaments. Most federations requirements were ignored. Has anyone been disqualified for EuroBasket 2017? No. To whom need a tournament without Spain, France, Greece, Russia? Maximum, what FIBA ​​did, it didn't invite serve matches referees who collaborated with the Euroleague.

But slightly annoy the competitor at FIBA ​​everything it came out. In 2017 year, the organization introduced “windows” for championship qualifiers peace. Matches national teams intersected with the already planned and the approved tournament calendar. The nominal reason was called opportunity for fans to watch for the games of national teams more often and throughout the season, not just one summer month. Although I saw it more exactly as an attempt to cause problems competitor. Euroleague offered a new calendar, but was refused.

Alexey Shved / photo: Sergey Elagin, BUSINESS Online

The Euroleague did not publicly ban players to participate in national team matches. But many strong players in the location their national teams never arrived. In the end, the fan lost. When was the last time you saw, for example, Aleksey Shved in qualifying matches? NBA teams of their players during the season do not let go, why should they in the Euroleague? After all, the reason is justified. Only in regular season team there play 30 matches. Let's add 24 more games to VTB United League or, for example, 36 - in championship of Spain. Club calendar very dense. In football, breaks for international matches are understandable. The teams are playing much less frequently.

But in a football conflict, everything is now much more difficult. Leaders in basketball leagues and clubs support exactly Euroleague. football super league supported only by its wealthy founders. At the same time, they strongly opposed the changes all leading national championships. Because of this, the Super League is not yet at all looks like the top of the clubhouse pyramid football. Many top clubs are perceived well-fed cats, which are not enough. But and hardly anyone wants to lose the great Teams that support billions. The leagues have yet to come up with a new system of checks and balances. Unlike the Euroleague, the founders of the Super League until they look like they can dictate their terms from a position of strength.

Maxim Ivanov

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