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How to say i love basketball in spanish
How to say i love basketball in spanish
I%20love%20basketball in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation
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me encanta el baloncesto
I love basketball(
A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time).
1. (general)
a. me encanta el baloncesto
I love basketball, but now I prefer playing soccer.Me encanta el baloncesto, pero ahora prefiero jugar al fútbol.
b. me encanta el básquetbol
Regionalism used in Latin America: all the countries in South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
Does not include Spain.
(Latin America)
I love basketball. It's my favorite sport.Me encanta el básquetbol. Es mi deporte favorito.
Copyright © Curiosity Media Inc.
I love you | te quiero los quiero |
| el amor querer |
basketball | el básquetbol el baloncesto |
my love | mi amor |
I love you too | te quiero también |
I love you very much | te quiero mucho |
I love you so much | te quiero tanto |
I love it | me encanta |
Do you love me? | ¿Me quieres? |
I love my family | quiero a mi familia |
I love you more | te quiero más |
fall in love | enamorarse de |
in love | enamorado |
I want to make love to you | quiero hacerte el amor |
I love her | la quiero |
love yourself | quererte a ti mismo |
I love you, baby | te amo, cariño |
basketball court | la cancha de baloncesto |
let me love you | dejarme amarte déjame amarte |
I love them | los amo las amo |
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I LOVE BASKETBALL in Spanish Translation
But I love basketball.
Pero yo amo el basquetbol.
I love basketball. Really?
Me encanta el baloncesto-¿De verdad?
I love basketball.
I always have. Do you?
Me encanta el básquetbol, desde siempre.¿Y a ti?
Which is like being near the team. I love basketball.
Que es como estar cerca del equipo adoro el basket.
I love basketball, but I'm not about to go against Jackson Vahue.
Me encanta, pero no voy a enfrentarme a Jackson Vahue.
People also translate
i would love
i really love
woman i love
i will love
i still love
i love when
I'm fortunate enough to have all of my kids love basketball, so I enjoy going to watch(their) home games.
Tengo suerte que a todos mis hijos les encanta el basquetbol y me encanta ir a verlos jugar.
I love water basketball.
Me encanta los juegos de agua.
I love playing basketball, but, you know.
Me encanta jugar al básquet, pero, ya sabes.
And I happen to love basketball.
Y resulta que me encanta el básquetbol.
And I love women's basketball.
Adoro el básquet femenil.
i also love
i just love
i love working
i made love
But I learned nothing from that, except that I love football and college basketball.
Pero no aprendí nada de esto, excepto que amo el fútbol y el baloncesto de la universidad.
You love basketball.
Te encanta el baloncesto.
Come on, Leo. You love basketball.
Vamos, Leo, amas el baloncesto.
You must still really love basketball.
No obstante, debe realmente me gusta el baloncesto.
I have listened to hip-hop, I watch UPN and I love playing basketball!
¡Escucho Hip-Hop, miro la UPN, y me encanta el basquet!
And then there's the Thursday night Lithuanian basketball player, who I love.
Está la rusa de los martes, la basquetbolista lituana de los jueves, que me encanta.
If you love basketball and want to play when no is around,
then this game comes in handy.
Si te gusta el baloncesto y quieres jugar cuando nadie esté mirando,
entonces lo podrás hacer con este juego.
You was named after Monica from Love Basketball, played by Miss Sanaa Lathan,
who, by the way, is so un-uptight she hooked it up with Denzel.
Te llamas así por Monica de Love Basketball, protagonizada por la Srta.
Sanaa Lathan, quien, a propósito, es tan relajada que se acostó con Denzel.
You will always be more than a small-town basketball coach. Because you will be the man that I love.
Siempre serás más que un insignificante entrenador de básquetbol porque eres el hombre que amo.
Her music has been featured in a number of film soundtracks including How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Lost Delirious, Batman Robin,
Love Jones, Love Basketball, Talk to Me,
Tyler Perry 's Daddy 's Little Girls, The Best Man, Higher Learning, Down in the Delta, The Hurricane, Noah 's Arc: Jumping the Broom, and Soul Men.
Su música aparece en un gran número de bandas sonoras, como How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Lost & Delirious, Batman & Robin,
Love Jones, Love & Basketball, Talk To Me,
Tyler Perry's Daddy's Little Girls, The Best Man, Higher Learning, Down in the Delta, The Hurricane, y Soul Men.
If this is what you do second best, I would love to see you play basketball.
Si ésta es tu segunda especialidad, quisiera verte jugar al baloncesto.
But right here, right now, I feel more love, I feel more acceptance in this hate group than I ever felt at church or basketball or anywhere,
Pero aquí, ahora, siento más amor, me siento más aceptado en este grupo de odio de lo que sentí en la iglesia o en básquetbol.
I loved basketball.
Me encantaba el baloncesto.
And I loved that basketball.
Y amé esa pelota.
I loved Pee Wee basketball.
Me encantaba el Pee Wee Basketball.
I'm in the middle of a basketball game, although I would love to stay and chat with you.
Aunque me encantaría quedarme a charlar, estoy jugando al basquetbol.
Warren has been featured in such movies as 2000's Love & Basketball.
Chris ha aparecido en películas tales como 2000's Love & Basketball y 2001's Hardball.
That is the best film I have seen since Love and Basketball.
Es la mejor película que he visto desde"Love Basketball.
Love & Basketball is a 2000 American romantic drama
film starring Sanaa Lathan and Omar Epps.
Love & Basketball es una película estadounidense de 2000 escrita
y dirigida por Gina Prince-Bythewood, y protagonizada por Omar Epps y Sanaa Lathan.
All's fair in love and basketball, baby.
Todo se vale en el amor y el baloncesto, cariño.
How to say I love you in Spanish and more
Spread love
Are you planning to get a girlfriend or boyfriend in Spain and want to know how to say "I love you" in Spanish?
Don't worry, this piece will help you navigate the raging high seas of romance in beautiful Spanish.
But wait, what's the best and most appropriate diction to say "I love you" in a romantic way to someone in Spanish?
After all, the word "love" is overused in the English language. When someone likes a show, they say, "I love this show," but if they like a book, they still say, "I like this book."
We use the word "love" for everything we care about, even if we mean something completely different.
However, in Spanish it is always the other way around. There are several options for expressing affection!
You can accurately convey your love, such as charm or even passion in Spanish, without using the same expressions.
Therefore, we will share the different ways and manners to say "I love you" and many other romantic expressions in Spanish.
Three words "I love you" "I love you" in Spanish. Literally, this means "I want you", although many believe that this is a poor translation.
Below are other ways to say or express your romantic affection for Bonita Spanish:
How to say "I like you" in Spanish is " I like you or me caes bien ".
How to write "You are my other half" in Spanish - "Eres mi media naranja"
"My heart" means - "my corazon" in Spanish
You can say "I love you with all my heart" by -Spanish like… Te amo con todo mi corazón
How to say other romantic words in Spanish
"I can't live without you" means "I can't live without you" in Spanish
How to write "I need you" - "Those you need"
"I miss you my love" means " Te echo de menos mi amor" in Spanish.
say "Will you marry me?" in Spanish - Te casarias conmigo?
"You have all my heart" can be translated into Spanish as - "Tienes todo mi corazón"
You can say in Spanish: "I want to be with you forever" - "Quiero estar contigo para siempre
How to write "I think of you" in Spanish - "Estoy pensando en ti"
"You are the love of my life" in Spanish - 90 mi023 el amor "Eres vida.
"I'm in love" can be said in Spanish as - " in love / in love"
"My heart belongs to you" means " Mi corazón es tuyo" in Spanish.
"My heart beats for you" in Spanish - " Mi corazón spoil late".
"I adore you" or "you charm me" can be said in Spanish as - "I am encantas".
"Beautiful" means - "hermosa" or "hermoso" in Spanish.
Calling someone "beautiful" - "cute" or "bonito".
How to say "My love" in Spanish - "my love".
Hot writing "My life" in Spanish is "90".
How to say "My King" in Spanish - " Mi Rei"
How to say "My sweetness" in Spanish - "Mi dulzura"
"My dear" means "My question" in Spanish
Departure: How to say I love you in French 9003 9003 Ads
My Angel Eyes means “Ojos de Angel” in Spanish
“True Love” means “Amor Verdadero”
Spread Love0003
%d0%bc%d0%bd%d0%b5%209%20%d0%bb%d0%b5%d1%82 - Russian to English
Interpretation Translation
one 209
General subject: U.
S. area phone code California - Central
Universal Russian-English Dictionary > 209
5. FRA roussettes, holbiches, chiens de mer, chats de mer
(warm and temperate seas of both hemispheres, shallow and moderate depths; 15 genera, about 100 species)
four 209
1. LAT Polyphaga pellucida Brullé
2. Rus Turtle F Sand
3. Eng -
4. Deu -
5 209
1. LAT Peroryctes papuensis Laurie
Military: VAQ-209
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > Naval Tactical Electronic Warfare Squadron 209, Star Warriors
7 The most common way to write IP addresses is in the form A.
B.C.D, where each letter represents 1 byte in decimal form (eg
Network technologies: Dot address
Comprehensive Russian-English Dictionary > The most commonly used way of writing IP addresses in the form A.B.C.D, where each letter represents 1 byte in decimal form (for example,
eight in winter, stream 504 will contain 209 kg/h of liquid hydrocarbon
General subject: during winter, stream 504 will exhibit 209Kg/hr liquid hydrocarbon
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > in winter, stream 504 will contain 209 kg/h of liquid hydrocarbon
9 standard X.209
Programming: basic encoding rules (in ASN.1 language)
English-Russian combinatory dictionary > standard X.209
ten B-209
coll VP subj : human more often
pfv past
WO s.o. does not outwardly react to
sth. , does not display his emotions towards
sth. said or done in his presence
X didn't bat (blink) an eye (an eyelid)
X didn't turn a hair X didn't raise an eyebrow (in limited contexts) X didn't (even) seem to hear X didn't show a flicker of interest.
“Show you the most beautiful thing - you won't even move your eyes. Because negative biocurrents will connect” (2a Aitmatov). "You could be shown the most ravishing creature you've ever set eyes on and you'll not even bat an eyelid. This will be because the bio-currents will cut out this feeling" (2a).
“Is your beard real?” Tanya asked. “You can pull,” Vostokov smiled. She tugged happily. Vostokov didn't even glance at it (7a).
"Is your beard real?" "You may pull it, if you like," Vostokov said, smiling. She gave it a good, stiff tug. Vostokov did not blink an eye (7a).
Hello (used in place of the correct form hello to show a German accent), Maria Nikolaevna!” - rounding her, Shtabel bowed respectfully ... She did not even move her ear, continuing the conversation with herself alone, guided by her (3a). Stabel bowed and spoke as he went around her. "How do you do, Maria Nikolaevna?..." She didn't turn a hair but continued her private conversation with herself (3a).
Ardabiev jumped up from the sand and suddenly shouted to the whole shore, triumphantly waving his arms: “Ar-da-bi-o-la!”... But the fisherman with a hopeless fishing rod and ear did not lead (1a). Ardabiev leapt up from the sand and suddenly shouted out to all the canalside, triumphantly waving his arms: "Ar-da-bio-la!"...But the fisherman with his despondent fishing-rod did not even seem to hear (1a ).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > B-209
eleven V-209
disapprov NP usu. subj or
obj usu. this 900 involving3 WO
pursuit of trivial and/or vain interests accompanied by excessive bustle (and sometimes intriguing): (one is wrapped up in
etc ) petty cares (concerns) (in limited contexts) petty scheming (machinations).
The whole department is engaged in mouse fuss: one gets a ticket to a sanatorium, the other gets an increase in salary, the third intrigues against the boss ... The work, of course, is worth it. The whole department is wrapped up in petty concerns: this one is trying to get a pass to a health resort, that one-a salary increase, a third is plotting against the boss.
... Naturally, work is at a standstill.
Last year Novy Mir rejected it (Pasternak's novel). Kotov was going to publish it in Goslitizdat, but he died, and the rest were not up to it - everyone is busy with mouse careerist fuss (1a). The previous year it (Pasternak's novel) had been turned down by Novy Mir. Kotov had been going to publish it in the State Publishing House for Literature, Goslitizjdat\ but had died, and all the rest of the people there had no time at all for it-they were too busy with their petty careerist scheming (1a).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > V-209
12 G-209
coll VP subj. )
s.o. has a very bad headache (
caused by drinking, fatigue, or overwork): X-a's head is cracking X has a splitting
throbbing, pounding) headache.
(Fyodor:) I don't go into money matters, mom. My head is cracking from one job (2a Rozov). (E:) I don't go into these money questions, mother. My head's splitting with the amount of work I have to get through (2a).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > Г-209
13 D-209
coll VP 1. to be failing miserably, be losing, be almost ruined
X is going under
X is going to end (wind) up on the rocks X is headed for disaster (ruin).
2. disapprov ( subj : human to degenerate, decline morally
X is going downhill (to wrack and ruin, to the dogs)
(in limited contexts) X is (slowly) turning into a bum.
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > D-209
fourteen K-209
UNDER A GLASS COLOR to live, to be, to keep someone UNDER A GLASS JAR, put someone
PrepP these forms only
usu. subj-compl with copula : human or
obj-compl with hold
etc obj : human) fixed
WO (to be, keep s.o. etc ) isolated from the difficulties and hardships of life, hard work etc : (be (turn s.o. into, live like)) a hothouse flower
(live as if (keep
s.o. , wrap
s.o. )) in cotton wool.
Large Russian-English phraseological dictionary > K-209
fifteen М-209
obs , now
humor (sent
Invar fixed
WO (a respectful negative reply) I cannot answer because I do not know the answer
that I wouldn't know (, sir)
I wouldn't (don't) know, sir (in limited contexts) that I daren't judge (, sir).
"...I combed him (the puppy)" - "Why the fleas?" — "I can't know" (Gogol 3). "I did combine him (the puppy) out, sir." "Why does he have fleas then?" "I wouldn't know, sir" (3c).
“What does this mean? I shouted furiously. “Has he gone mad?” “I can’t know, your honor,” answered the sergeant-major (2a). "What does this mean?" I shouted in a rage. "Has he lost his mind?" "That I daren't judge, Your Honor," answered the sergeant... (2a).
Formerly used in the military as the negative reply of a subordinate to an officer of higher rank.
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > М-209
16 H-209
coll ,
disapprov VP subj : human to deceive, delude
s.o. intentionally, often by promising
and then not keeping one's promise
X was leading Y on
X was leading Y up
down) the garden path
X was stringing Y along X was taking Y for a ride X was giving Y the runaround X was misleading Y.
(Ippolit:) Today, Nadia, at the last hour of the old year, I intend to put the question point-blank. Stop leading me by the nose! (Nadia:) Why are you unhappy? (Hippolite:) With his single position. And I suggest... (Nadya (interrupts):) Sit down! (Braginsky and Ryazanov 1). (I.:) Today, Nadya, in the last hour of the old year, I intend to put the question squarely. No more leading me on like this! (N.:) What's wrong? (I.:) My bachelor status. And I propose... (N. (interrupting):) Please, sit down (1a).
We know about intelligence from movies. Our daredevil serves at Hitler's side, dressed to the nines, shaved, perfumed, leads Himmler, Bormann, and Kaltenbrunner by the nose.
.. (1a). People only know about intelligence from what they've seen in the movies. Our daring agent is operating right under Hitler's nose, dressed immaculately, clean-shaven and perfumed, leading Himmler, Bormann and Kaltenbrunner up the garden path... (1a).
If he tells the truth... then they will ask: why did you evade earlier? What to believe? Why lead the court and the investigation by the nose? (Tendryakov 1). If he were to tell the truth...then they would ask: Why did you deny this earlier? What are we to believe? Why are you trying to mislead the court? (1a).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > N-209
17 P-209
obs ,
obs ,
substand VP subj :
human) to react to
sth. s.o. 's undesirable, underhanded
etc behavior or action) mildly, be lenient with
: X let Y get away with it X gave Y a break X made an allowance (allowances) for Y X went (took it) easy on Y X made a concession to Y X showed Y indulgence X let Y have Y's (own) way X let Y take liberties with...
Neg X doesn't let Y have an easy time of it
X is tough on Y.
... Grandfather himself worked without straightening his back and demanded the same from others, he did not give anyone ... indulgence: neither sons, nor grandchildren, nor apprentices, nor son-in-law ... (1a). Grandfather himself worked without let-up and he demanded the same of the others. He made no allowances for anybody, neither his sons and grandsons, nor his workmen, nor his son-in-law.
.. (1a).
Sooner or later it happened to everyone (dogs). Some lost their senses or went blind from old age, others became too accustomed to their escorts and began to do them some concessions, still others - from a long service - suffered a terrible clouding of the mind, forcing them to growl and rush at their own master (1a). Sooner or later it happened to all of them (the dogs) Some lost their "nose" or went blind from old age, others got too familiar with the prisoners and began to make little concessions to them, others, from overlong service, were afflicted by a terrible clouding of the mind which made them growl and attack their own masters (1a).
And if I ... wanted these contributions not to be made under compulsion, then again, not in order to give indulgence to the unenlightened and rude mob ... (2a). And if..1 further desired that the peasants should not be made to pay up by force, it was again not because I sought in any way to show any indulgence to the ill-mannered and ignorant mob.
.. (2a).
Burmister:) What are my curses? That I don't give you indulgences, that's what anger you all are for... (1a Pisemsky). (Bailiff:) What are my abominations? Because I don't let you have your own way-that's why all of you are angry! (1a).
“What does it look like, that yesterday I gave away only eight pounds of millet, they ask again... But I won't let go of millet... No, I won't give indulgences for the master's goods. Well, is this thing seen - eight pounds? (Tolstoy 2). "And what sort of game is this? Only yesterday I let them have eight pounds of rice and now they're asking for more!..I'm not giving you any more rice....No, I'm not letting anybody take liberties with the master's things Well, who ever heard of such a thing-eight pounds?" (2b).
Buina has ten years... Two sons are in penal camps in the north. She works with might and main, hanging on the board of camp drummers. Her duty is not to give indulgence to anyone (Ivinskaya 1).
Bui nay a was serving a ten-year sentence....Her two sons were in camps for common criminals in the North. She worked for all she was worth and was always being commended as a "shock worker" on the camp's bulletin board. It was her job not to let anyone have an easy time of it (1a).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > P-209
eighteen R-209
FROM THE SECOND (THIRD) HAND information, information to find out, get, buy what
PrepP these forms only nonagreeing
modif or
adv fixed
WO (to get information, find sth. out, buy sth. etc ) through an intermediary or intermediaries, not directly (from the original source, owner etc ): secondhand
at second (third) hand through a third party.
I am passing on the story I received from the second, or rather, from the third hand... (Mandelstam 2)....I have the story at second, or, rather, at third hand... (2a).
Big Russian-English Phraseological Dictionary > Р-209
19 S-209
Invar sent
adv (parenth) fixed
WO it is possible, reasonable, acceptable to phrase sth. the way the speaker has phrased or is about to phrase it
one (you) might (could) say
(in limited contexts) what one (you) might call what could (might) be called (termed).
... The storyteller's veracity is necessary first of all to the storyteller himself, it is a form of his struggle with his own disintegration, one might say, the divine egoism of his own being (Iskander 3).
.. The storyteller's veracity is necessary first of all to the storyteller himself. It is a form of his struggle against his own disintegration, it is, one might say, the divine egoism of his own being (3a).
“Let everyone, all of St. Petersburg, see how the children of a noble father beg for alms, who served faithfully and truthfully all his life and, one might say, died in the service” (Dostoevsky 3). "Let everybody see, let the whole of St. Petersburg see these children begging for alms, although they had a respectable father who gave a lifetime of true and faithful service and even died, you might say, in harness" (3a).
Mikhail, one might say, was lucky. The shore is precipitous, with an old spreading bird-cherry over the reach, so that there is not the slightest shadow (1a Abramov). You could say that Mikhail was lucky. The bank was steep and there was a big old bird-cherry tree spreading over that stretch of river, so there was not the slightest shadow (1a).