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How to skip basketball practice
How to skip basketball practice
What Coaches Should Do When a Player Misses Practice
Coaching a youth basketball team can be incredibly frustrating at times...
Especially when you arrive at practice and find out you’ve got fewer players than anticipated.
This can immediately change which drills you use, mess up which strategies you spend time on, which games you’re able to run, and a bunch of other important practice stuff.
To ensure players don’t miss practice, you need two things:
1. A ‘Missed Practice Policy’
2. Clear and Consistent Consequences
In this blog post, I’ll go into detail on the 7 ways to prevent players missing practice, the expectations you need to set with the team, and I’ll even share the exact consequences I use.
Let’s do this...
The 2 Main Difficulties With Players Missing Practice1. Makes it Very Hard to Plan PracticesEvery coach who is committed to the long-term improvement of their team arrives at practice with an overall plan to execute.
But if a coach doesn’t know how many players are going to be at practice, it becomes very difficult for them to create an effective practice plan ahead of time.
For example:
The coach might select a passing drill that requires a minimum of 8 players assuming they’ll have 9 players at practice, only to arrive and find out they’ve only got 7 players attending.
2. Players Can Miss Out on Important InformationThere’s a lot to learn throughout a basketball season.
Players have to learn the team’s offense and defense, the numerous set plays the team is going to run, how the team plans to attack a full-court press, etc.
With so much to get through and only limited practice time, coaches are forced to get through everything fairly quickly.
So when a player misses a practice, it’s easy to fall behind.
For example:
With the 5-out motion offense, I teach it in four progressions.
If a player was to miss out on progression 1 or 2, it’s difficult for them to catch up without holding the entire team back to review the progressions the player missed out on.
Good and Bad Reasons for Missing PracticeYouth players are going to miss practices and games throughout the season.
And as long as they have a legitimate reason for doing so, this usually isn’t a problem as long as it doesn’t become too regular.
Here are a few examples of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ reasons to miss practice.
Good Reasons:- Sickness
- Best Friend’s Birthday Party
- Family Emergency
- Religious Reasons
- School Related
Bad Reasons:- Injury
- Don’t Feel Like Going
- Invited a Friend Over After School
- Forgot
- Decided To Do Something Else
Quick Note on Injuries:
When players are injured but aren’t sick, I still expect them to attend practices.
By attending practice and paying attention, it will make sure they don’t fall behind when it comes to team strategies (plays, offense, defense, etc).
And depending on the injury, most of the time they can still help out during practice.
Acknowledge the Level of Basketball You’re CoachingBefore we continue further in the article, let’s touch on something important:
The policies you put in place and the consequences you use will depend on the level of basketball you’re currently coaching.
For example:
What’s a ‘good reason’ for missing practice and what’s a ‘bad reason’ for missing practice will be very different for an U10’s team compared to a high school team.
Missing practice to attend a best friend’s birthday party is a fine reason for a 10-year-old, but probably wouldn’t slide for a high school coach.
In this post, I’m speaking mostly to youth basketball coaches.
1. Make Players Want to Come to Practice
First, take some responsibility as the coach of the team.
It’s part of your role to design and run practices that make players want to attend.
To do this, you should:
a. Make sure your practices are fun and competitive
b. Develop relationships with the players on your team
c. Minimise ‘standing around’ time and long lectures
d. Use different drills to keep practice fresh.
e. Ensure you bring high energy to practice every time.
2. Have a Pre-Season Meeting
Before each season commences, I always recommend coaches set up a ‘pre-season meeting’.
Usually this ends up being a BBQ at someone’s house, but could be anything providing all parents and players are required to attend.
Among a lot of other things, this will give you an opportunity to share the rules and standards you have for attending practices.
Talk about:
a. Consequences for missing practice
b. Notify the coach as soon as possible.
c. Why it’s important for all players to attend practice
Benefits of attending practice regularly
e. Legitimate reasons for missing practice
f. Illegitimate reasons for missing practice
3. Get Players and Parents to Sign an Agreement
At the conclusion of the pre-season meeting, ask both players and parents to sign an agreement which will cover several things, including:
- To attend every team practice they possibly can
- To notify the coach immediately if they can’t attend
While this won’t be an ‘official’ document you can hold against players or their parents…
It will provide some extra accountability.
4. Take Attendance at the Start of Every Practice
Also during the pre-season meeting, make sure to let everyone know you’re going to be taking attendance at the start of every practice.
And then, make sure you actually do it.
This will do a couple of things:
1. Parents and players will see you’re serious about practice attendance, and will do their best to make sure they’re there on time.
2. By doing this at the very start, you’ll see which players arrive late.
3. If there are any issues in the future, you’ll have a written record to refer back to.
5. Give Parents the Schedule as Far in Advance as Possible
If you share a practice time with them last minute, then you’re guaranteed to have families who have already scheduled something and won’t be able to attend.
Which is why it’s important to give them the schedule as early as possible.
By doing so, you give parents and player zero excuses for not attending or not letting you know that they won’t be at practice.
6. Add a 75% Attendance Policy to Play Finals
The local basketball association in my area implements a “75% Attendance” policy.
Meaning that anyone who doesn’t compete in at least 75% of regular season games, doesn’t qualify to compete in finals.
You could use a similar policy for your practices.
For example:
Any player who doesn’t attend at least 75% of practices throughout the year, doesn’t qualify to play in this season’s finals.
7. Benefit the Players Who Do Attend Practice
Another way to deter players from skipping practices is to benefit those who do attend.
For example:
Only put players who attended the previous practice in your team’s starting 5 during the next basketball game. If a player didn’t attend, they start on the bench.
Setting Expectations at the Start of the SeasonAt the very start of the basketball season, you need to do two key things:
1. Set expectations for practice attendance
2. Explain the consequences for not meeting those expectations
It’s unfair to the players if you unexpectedly spring consequences on them mid-season without ever explaining your rules surrounding practices.
And once you have, it’s now up to you to enforce the consequences if expectations aren’t met.
So, what are those expectations?
Here are mine:
Expectation #1 - You will attend all practices if possible
Expectation #2 - When you can’t attend a practice due to a legitimate reason, you will notify the coach as soon as possible.
If a player notifies me in advance (preferably several days) with a legitimate reason for their absence, there are no consequences.
The BFC 4-Step “Missed Practice” PolicyKeep in mind that this only applies when players miss practice without a legitimate reason.
This doesn’t apply when the coach is contact with a legitimate reason for the player’s absence.
Missed Practice #1 - Start the Next Game on the Bench
The first time a player misses practice without a legitimate excuse, they will start the next game on the bench.
This shows the parents and players that you’re serious about implementing your missed practice policy and also gives you a chance to warn the player about further consequences.
Missed Practice #2 - One Game Suspension
The second time it happens, give a one game suspension.
Let the parents know that all they need to do is send you a quick text message or email to let you know they won’t be at practice. Making sure to include why they won’t be there.
Missed Practice #3 - Two Game Suspension
If it happens a third time, it’s a two game suspension.
In my experience, once you’ve handed out a two game suspension to a player it’s unlikely they’ll stay with the team for the rest of the season.
Missed Practice #4 - Kicked Off the Team
Finally, remove them from the team.
You’re now 100% sure this player isn’t committed to the team, and it’s becoming too much of a hassle to keep them around after many opportunities.
And the final tip...
Make Sure You Use This Standard For ALL PlayersSome coaches will let absences slide for their best players, while only holding the ‘weaker’ players on the team to the highest standard.
If you do this, you’ll immediately lose the trust of all players and parents.
Coaches need to make sure they’re holding everyone to the same.
Once these rules have been set, you’ve got to stick with them.
Conclusion:For the players and parents reading this…
In 99% of cases, it’s not difficult to send a quick text or email to the team’s coach letting him / her know that you won’t be attending practice.
And it will make their lives a whole lot easier.
To all you coaches out there...
Whatever happens, make sure that you do your best to coach the team in front of you regardless of who does or does not show up to practice.
But if there are players who skip practice without informing you…
Make sure you hold them accountable.
5 ‘good’ reasons to miss practice
By Jon Buzby | Posted 9/15/2017
My sons are just two weeks into their flag football season and already have each missed one of the two scheduled practices.
Three of their friends have also missed one and a fourth has missed both of his once-a-week practices.
So what are the most common acceptable excuses for missing practice? Here’s a hint: “I don’t feel like going” isn’t on the list.
1. Sick or injured
This is the easiest one. If a player is sick or injured they should not participate in practice. One might argue that if it’s an injury, the player should still attend and participate in any non-physical segments of practice. But that often depends on the level of the team and the age of the child. A general rule of thumb to use is if the child is sick enough to miss school, they’re unhealthy enough to skip practice.
2. Weather issues
While the coach has the final decision whether or not to cancel practice because of poor weather conditions, if a parent isn’t comfortable driving in certain elements, then it’s an acceptable excuse to not bring the player. As the saying goes – better safe than sorry.
Going to a friend’s birthday party
I allow each son one opportunity to pick a friend’s birthday party over practice or even a game. If I didn’t, my middle son would have missed his first overnight camping trip and my youngest would miss his best friend’s party at a trampoline park. Kids get invited to a lot of birthday parties and so I do think a limit has to be placed on how many they can choose over the team. But let’s not forget, they are kids first, and then, kids who play football, second.
4. Family outing
Whether it’s grandma’s 80th birthday party or a planned college football game – our excuse last week – it’s OK to miss a practice or game for family functions. But like the friends’ birthday parties, it shouldn’t happen more than once, maybe twice, a season. Youth sports is a commitment, usually by the entire family.
5. Schoolwork
A good youth sports coach makes it clear to players early on that schoolwork – completing homework or studying for tests – is always a priority over attending practices or games.
That being said, as parents, we can’t complain if the same coach then doesn’t start our child because they skip practice for school-related reasons because, let’s face it when they do miss it’s usually because of procrastination, not an overload of work.
Even professional athletes miss practices or games once in a while, and so it’s to be expected that our kids will too. However, those times should be few and far between, and when it does happen, should be for a good reason.
Jon Buzby has been involved in and writing about youth sports for the past 30 years, originally as a coach and board member with his now-adult son and most recently "just as a dad" with his 8- and 10-year-old sons. Jon is an award-winning writer and his latest book, “Coaching Kids Made Easier,” is available on Amazon. Send comments or future blog topics you'd like to see to [email protected] and follow him @YouthSportsBuzz on Twitter.
TagsCoach Athlete Parent Flag Football Team
Training basketball games
Training basketball games
Throwing balls, we develop game thinking.
Divide into two teams, each in its own half of the court with two balls. On a signal, the players throw the balls to the opponent's half. A team scores a point if all balls end up in the opponent's half. We play up to 10 points.
DETAILS : Do not enter the opponent's half. Starting position: all players are on the foul line, and only after the signal can they run in their own half of the court. The teacher fixes the victory with a whistle. You can not hit the ball with your foot and fist.
CHIPS : Can be played with different balls: rubber, volleyball or basketball. You can increase the number of balls. You can divide the site with a net or benches.
Improving basketball skills
Two teams send their captains to the opposite end line or three-second zone. The goal of the players is to pass the ball to the captain using basketball game techniques. Having caught the ball, the captain gets the right to throw.
After the throw, a new captain is appointed. Up to 7 goals scored.
DETAILS : - You can play 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, 5v5 - The captain can take the throw in different ways (from the spot from under the ring, on the move, left hand, free kick, etc.) - The teacher makes adjustments to the conditions. For example, we play without a dribble, complete a certain number of passes, pass to the captain from a certain area, only from the floor, etc.
Learning to dribble without visual control
Players with the ball move around the court with a dribble. You can give a special task: leading only with the left or only with the right hand. Several players with the ball try to bewitch (bewitch) everyone else. If the player is taunted, then he gets up, takes the ball in his hands and lifts it up. They can help him out: a) Exchange balls with him; b) Crawl between his legs. Until everyone is pissed off.
DETAILS : - No "running" or "double dribble" - No running out of bounds - No batting if your ball has rolled
Improving Basketball Skills
3x3 game for one hoop according to streetball rules.
Up to 7 goals scored.
DETAILS : – Start of play by “check” – After picking up the ball, the opposing team must take the ball over the three-point line and only then attack – Outs, fouls and other violations are judged by the players themselves.
CHIPS : Recently, this game has become a separate sport, and its popularity is growing every day. In 2014 Moscow hosted the 3x3 Basketball World Championship.
Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.
DETAILS : - You cannot start moving towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in his original position under the ring
CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.
Improving basketball skills
5x5 game for two rings without dribbling. 15 minutes.
Learning deceitful movements, developing speed of reaction
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, in the middle (under the basket) stands the goalkeeper. The rest of the players at the center line in turn try to touch (touch) any post before they are touched by the goalkeeper (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper.
DETAILS : - You cannot start moving towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in his original position under the ring
CHIPS : This game can be played not only in the gym.
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
Two drivers, passing the ball, try to get closer to the player and salt him by touching the ball, without releasing the ball from his hands and without violating the rules of basketball. Greasy player: 1. Joins the drivers and the three of them continue to stain the rest. 2. Changes one of the drivers. 3. Two pairs are driven, competing to see who can spot the most. Until everyone is pissed off.
DETAILS : - You must not break the "run" rule - You must not throw the ball at a player, you need to pass the ball in your hands - you must not run out of the court
CHIPS : The stronger and more accurate your passes, the more difficult it is for the evaders.
Developing speed of reaction, improving basketball skills
Players are divided into two equal teams, receive serial numbers and stand on the sideline in a line on opposite sides of the center line, on which the teacher stands with the ball.
The teacher sends the ball to the court in any way and calls the number. The players whose number was called run out onto the court, try to take possession of the ball and score it into the ring. Play continues until either the ball is pocketed or a rule is broken. Then the players return the ball to the teacher and take their places along the sideline. 1. Can be played on one ring 2. You can call several numbers at once 3. You can give the task just to master the ball and give an accurate pass to the teacher. Up to 7 goals scored or 10 points scored (for a special task).
DETAILS : - No "jogging", "double dribble", fouls or out-of-bounds allowed. – You can’t enter the court if your number was not called – It is very important to master the ball by taking it in two hands
CHIPS : If you call not just numbers, but examples for subtraction or division, you can at the same time improve mathematics.
Learning tricks with dribbling
Two posts are placed at the intersection of the front and three-point lines, the goalkeeper stands in the middle (under the hoop).
The rest of the players at the center line, they take turns trying to touch (touch) any rack before the goalkeeper touches them (the goalkeeper can touch the player as soon as he starts moving from the center line). If the player managed to knock down the stance and dodge the goalkeeper, then he becomes the new goalkeeper. All players (including the goalkeeper) with balls and move around the court with a dribble.
DETAILS : – No starting to move towards the goalposts unless the goalkeeper is in starting position under the hoop – No “running” or “double dribble” allowed
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
In a chaotic manner, stands are placed on the court, each of them has a player. One ball for all players. One driver is selected ("dog"), who should try to intercept / take away the ball. Players pass the ball between themselves and cannot move away from the post. If the dog managed to take possession of the ball, then it changes places with the player who made the loss.
At the whistle, each player must change the rack, run to any other, including the dog can take the rack, then the player who did not have enough rack becomes the new dog. You can increase the number of balls and dogs.
DETAILS : – You can’t break the “running” rule – If the whistle blows while you have the ball, then you need to run to another post with the dribbling – If the player with the ball did not have enough of the post, he still becomes a dog – The ball can be intercepted both in the air and pulled out of the hands
Improving the throw from different positions
All players stand in a column on the penalty line, the first two have balls. Players take turns throwing the ball into the ring until they score (the first throw is always a free throw, the rest of the throws can be any). A player is out of the game if the player behind him scored before him. You can also play starting with a three-point shot. Until one player remains.
DETAILS : - You can not hit another ball, knock it out of the basket
CHIPS : To win this game, not only the accuracy of the throws is important, but also the ability to quickly pick up your ball.
We develop game thinking, speed, coordination.
Two equal teams stand freely on different halves of the court, and the captains stand behind the end lines next to the opponents. Players throw the ball at opponents, trying to knock them out, others, in turn, dodge. If a player is knocked out, he goes to his captain behind the end line. You can play two balls at once. Until one of the teams has not a single player left in the court.
DETAILS : - Do not enter opponent's territory - Knocking out from the floor and from the wall does not count
Improving the skills of catching and passing the ball
Students are divided into two equal teams. One team owns the ball, the players pass to each other, following the rules of basketball.
The goal of the game is to complete 10 passes in a row without making a mistake. The other team defends, interferes with passing the ball: the players try to intercept the ball or force the opponent to make a mistake. If the defenders managed to get hold of the ball, then they become attackers and try to make 10 passes in a row. Until the team gets 10 assists in a row.
DETAILS : - Cannot break the rules of running, out, foul - You can change the conditions of the game, for example: on the floor of the court, without dribbling, all passes from the floor, etc.
Developing speed and agility, improving ball dribbling
Two (three, four) equal teams stand in columns, the first player has the ball. On a signal, the player passes the ball back to the second (in various ways: over the head / between the legs / roll on the floor between the legs / from the side / with alternating top and bottom), then the second player passes the ball to the third, and so the ball reaches the last one, who with dribbling (or just with the ball in his hands) runs around the post, returns to his team and becomes the first to pass the ball back again, etc.
Everyone must return to their seats.
DETAILS : – Start of the relay strictly on signal - Each player must pass the ball, players must not be allowed to pass – Teams must be in a certain zone, cannot move forward and reduce the distance to the post
Improving all basketball skills
Game 5x5 for two rings according to all the rules of basketball.
Skip to My Lou Dribbling Training Program - All About Basketball
Good dribbling is one of the ingredients of quality basketball. In the NBA, dribbling is given a lot of attention, and this affects, among other things, the entertainment of the game. But dribbling has risen to completely new heights thanks to street players. Like Skip to My Lou, a street basketball legend. In his game, he did not focus on powerful dunks or accurate throws, although he knows how to do all this. No, he bet on dribbling, which soon took the world by storm with And1's mixtape.
So, here's the Skip to My Lou Dribbling Training Program:
1) Tennis ball training - 5 min. Move the tennis ball in circles, just like you would with a basketball. In addition, do these workouts with weights on your hands and gloves.
2) Dribbling while running backwards - 1 min.
3) Mill between the legs - 1 min. Dribbling between legs. Perform a classic windmill with your hands. Windmill with the ball, then run it under your foot, catch the ball from behind, windmilling with your other hand. For those who do not know what a windmill is, rotation of the body in a bent state, with outstretched arms.
4) Dribbling between the legs - 1 min. Dribbling first under one foot, then under the other. One minute per leg.
5) Dribbling behind the back - 1 min.
6) Defensive dribbling - 2 attempts 50 times with each hand. Imagine that you are under pressure from an opponent. Try to make fake movements by covering the ball with your body. Dribbling should be as sharp and fast as possible.
7) Eight - 1 min. Dribbling between legs while walking.
8) 1 minute rest.
9) Using a weighting agent (500 grams or 1 kilogram), then crossover - 1 min. for each hand - dribble twice then crossover and repeat, then hang 1.2 pounds on the hand and repeat.
10) Between the legs and behind the back - 1 min. Swipe the ball under your foot and then immediately back behind your back. After that, change the leg.
11) Normal dribbling with each hand for 2 minutes.
12) 1 min. rest
13) Windmill around the legs (without dribbling) - 1 min. Windmill around the legs without dribbling, then change legs and direction.
14) Spinning the ball around the waist - 2 attempts 50 times in each direction.
15) Rotation of the ball around the ankles - 2 attempts 50 times in each direction.
16) Rotation of the ball around each leg - 2 attempts 50 times in each direction.
17) 1 min rest.
18) Dribbling around crossed legs - 1 min.
Sit cross-legged on the floor and dribble around you.
17) Finger Dribbling - 1 min. Get on your knees and try to dribble as smoothly and quickly as possible. First do this with both hands, then with the little fingers, then with the ring fingers, then with the middle fingers, then with the index fingers, then with the thumbs, then with the back of the hands, and finally with the fists.
18) Sit on a chair and dribble under one foot, then the other, then two, then like Hot Sauce in volume 3, with spins (3 min.).
19) Dribbling prone - 1 min. Lie down on the floor and drive the ball behind your head.
20) Reverse crossover dribbling - 1 min. Move and pass the ball under your foot from one side to the other, then switch legs.
21) Lifting the ball - do the workout 15 times with each hand. On your knees, place the basketball in front of you on the floor, then with your hand hit the ball with your palm so that it bounces off the floor, grab it with your hand and start free dribbling.