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How to stuff someone in basketball

Basketball Slang & Terms to Sound Like a Pro

Whether it's professional, college, or one-on-one in your backyard, basketball is one of the most popular games in the world. Its popularity has even led to basketball slang found in everyday vocabulary. Check out a list of popular slang words you might hear around the court, and soon you’ll sound like a pro yourself!

friends playing basketball talking slang


Slang and Common Terms Used in Basketball

Players in a basketball game are intent on throwing the ball through the basket by all the legal means necessary. In the process, they might shout terms to their teammates about different strategies or techniques to try. And of course, they may also engage in a little trash talk with the other team! Here are some examples of basketball (or b-ball) slang and terminology you'll hear players and fans use.

Air Ball

If a player is throwing the ball and it flies the length of the court but still misses, it's an air ball. An air ball doesn’t even come close to making it inside the basket.


An alley-oop is a type of assist in which one player throws the ball toward the basket, and another player jumps up to dunk the ball. It’s a skillful way to bypass a tricky defense from the other team.

And One

When a player goes for a shot and is fouled, they earn a foul shot. But when they make the shot anyway, they still receive the free shot, known as and one.


Sometimes a player makes every shot in a row. Each shot in a hot streak is often called an automatic, meaning that the player’s success seems inevitable. You may hear excited fans shout “automatic!” when their favorite player sinks several shots.



B-Ball is another term for basketball. Even though there are other sports that begin with the same letter (such as baseball), b-ball always refers to basketball.


The term baller originally referred to basketball players. However, it’s often used to describe people who are very cool and wealthy, or even as an adjective for the same quality. (“That car is so baller!”)


A brick is related to an air ball in that the ball doesn’t make it into the basket. But a brick shot bounces haphazardly off the rim or the backboard, prompting calls of “Brick!” from fans of the opposing team.

Buzzer Beater

A buzzer beater can refer to both a shot made in the last second of a shot clock and in the last second of a game. However, you’ll usually hear this term when the shot in question is the winning shot of the game.

Double Dribble

The ball must keep moving in basketball. A basketball player who catches the ball mid-dribble and continues to dribble – or who dribbles with both hands at the same time – is double dribbling.


If you make a three-point shot from the foul line, you’ve made it from “downtown.” You’ll often hear this term when someone makes a very unlikely shot regardless of the distance.

Dropping Dimes

A player who makes a series of successful assists or sets up other players for key shots is dropping dimes. A “dime” is an assist. It comes from the phrase “dropping a dime,” referring to dropping 10 cents into a pay phone to help someone out.



Very talented players may master the fadeaway, where one makes a jump shot while falling backward through the air. The shot creates space for the shooter to make a more accurate shot while avoiding defenders. Michael Jordan had an especially impressive fadeaway shot.


Have you ever seen a player act like a minor touch is a terrible injury in hopes of earning a foul shot? This practice is known as a flop, and players who fall to the floor with exaggerated drama are known as floppers.

Granny Shot

If you shoot the basketball underhand versus overhand, you might hear calls of “granny shot!” across the court. However, for professional basketball players like Rick Barry, the so-called granny shot makes for a pretty good free-throw percentage.


A player who is excellent at jumping with the ball can make a name for himself with his hops (jumps). Ideally, a player with a lot of hops can make more baskets.

Making It Rain

Ever seen a player who can’t miss a shot from anywhere in the court? That player is making it rain – sinking shots from seemingly out of nowhere.


A man-to-man defensive strategy puts each player against another player of similar size and ability. This defense is more common when the entire team is equally talented.

Putting on a Clinic

Some basketball games are so good that they feel more like a basketball lesson. Players in these games are putting on a clinic, which is a learning session for basketball beginners.



A very talented basketball player may show off a bit when they’re winning a game. The loser of that game can consider themselves schooled (also known as taken to school).

Sixth Man

Because there are five members of a basketball team, the sixth man is the player who reliably replaces one of the starting players. You may also hear this term in the context of a basketball team’s fans who call themselves “Sixth Man.”


A splash is a dramatic three-point shot from far away. Klay Thompson and Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors have the nickname “Splash Brothers” due to their ability to sink three-pointers.


Nothing but net! That describes a swish shot that doesn’t touch the backboard or rim as it goes through the basket.

Three in the Key

If you’re preparing an offensive play to make a basket, most of it needs to happen outside the key. Three in the key refers to a rule violation when an offensive player spends more than three seconds inside the key, usually while preparing to receive a ball to make a basket.


Even though players want to get the ball down the court as quickly as possible, they can’t travel to do it. Traveling involves a player carrying a ball without dribbling for more than three steps. It’s similar to a double dribble, but a traveling player is in motion while holding the ball.

Zone Defense

Teams who choose not to practice man-to-man defense may choose a zone defense. Defensive players guard an area of the court, or “zone,” rather than individual players.


How Basketball Began

It was Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian physical education professor, who came up with the idea of nailing a peach basket on a balcony, and having the students in his class take turns throwing a ball into the "hoop."

The students were members of the YMCA's training school. Naismith wanted to come up with a healthy, fun sport where the students could burn off excess energy indoors and the game was easily playable in the confines of a small gym (which also functioned as an auditorium for plays and activities).

It was Naismith who named his new game "basket (for the peach basket) ball. ” The game was an immediate hit with the students, and quickly spread to other schools. There was an initial problem with the peach basket, though: if the scorer got the ball into the basket, the game stopped until someone could free the ball. The basket, nailed high off the floor, still had the bottom intact!


Knocking the Bottom Out

Naismith and his "basket ball" recruits, though, quickly figured out that knocking the bottom out of the basket, and allowing the ball to be returned, bouncing, to the players made the game a lot more interesting.

Afterwards, they soon realized that people watching the game from the balcony were unwitting targets in case the ball flew past the basket. Naismith came up with the idea of using a board behind the basket to protect spectators. That wooden contrivance, now known as the backboard in basketball, is still in use today.

More B-Ball Terms and Quotes

Now that you know the basic slang used in basketball, you’re sure to sound like a pro on the court – as long as you’ve got the skills to back it up! For more basketball resources and information, check out a list of inspirational quotes about basketball from some of the most famous players in history. You might also enjoy some awesome basketball facts about leagues, players and coaches.

Staff Writer

60+ Slang Words For Basketball (And How To Use Them)

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world. Kids dream of playing in the NBA one day. The game is so popular that it is only natural that slang words have emerged from it. 

Right below is a list of slang words used for basketball or used in the game. Enjoy reading!



  • (Noun) An airball is a somewhat embarrassing moment when playing basketball. It means when a player attempts a shot but misses the entire board and ring completely, only “hitting” the air. 
  • Example: Kevin Durant’s last-second shot would have won the game but it was an airball. He was probably tired from playing the entire game with overtime.



  • (Noun) Alley-oop is one of the most spectacular moves in basketball. A player throws the ball towards their teammate and that person catches and dunks it. 
  • Example: Lebron James caught and finished an alley-oop while jumping over another player.

Ankle Breaker


  • (Noun) When the offensive player dribbles and makes the defending player loses their balance or makes them fall on the court, that is an ankle breaker.
  • Example: Sue Bird could ankle break anyone on the court with her amazing agility. 



  • (Noun) When a basketball player continuously makes shots in a game, they become like a machine, and scoring becomes “automatic.” 
  • Example: My dad becomes automatic once he hits 3 consecutive shots. He gains a boost in skill and confidence that not even NBA players could stop him.



  • (Noun) A shortened way of saying Basketball. However, this slang may also be used for baseball.
  • Example: Tracy asked the girls to play some b-ball. She wanted to show off what she learned at basketball camp



  • (Noun) Baller originally meant basketball players. However, in recent times, baller has become slang for talented, wealthy, and cool people who like to play basketball. 
  • Example: Richard is a true baller. He lives for the game and hopes to make it into the pros. 

Bank Shot


  • (Noun) This means using the backboard to bounce off the ball into the hoop, thus scoring some points. 
  • Example: Timmy knows how to use the angles and make a bank shot, especially late in games.

Bank Is Open


  • (Noun) When someone successfully scores a bank shot, people would say this phrase. It is a witty reference to the signs that actual banks put up when they are open. 
  • Example: Shaine attempted a bank shot and the bank is open. They win the game because of her. 

Block City


  • (Noun) Block city is a slang phrase that refers to when players consistently block the opposing team in a game.
  • Example: The Lakers put up block city against the Clippers, allowing them to take the lead.



  • (Noun) Another name or slang for rebounds.
  • Example: Yao Ming could easily get the boards because of his immense height and long arms.



  • (Noun) A missed shot that hits the rim, clanking or making a loud metallic noise. Bricks are considered to be shameful at the professional level.  
  • Example: The Miami Heat lost because their star player kept on bricking his shots.  

Bucket/ Buckets


  • (Noun) Like boards, “buckets” is another way of saying making a shot or scoring.
  • Example: Stephen Curry could get buckets in his sleep. 
  • (Noun) Buckets could also imply that someone is a skilled scorer in the game of basketball.
  • Example: They call her buckets because it doesn’t matter who’s guarding her, she will score on them.

Bury A Jumper


  • (Noun) Burying a jumper is slang that refers to when someone successful makes a jump shot to score. 
  • Example: I am proud to say that I buried a jumper at the championship game to seal the game in our favor. 

Buzzer Beater


  • (Noun) A last-second shot that goes in the hoop and is counted. This slang phrase usually means that the clock has run out and the shot that was made was the game-winning shot. 
  • They would have lost the game if not for his three-point buzzer beater.



  • (Noun) An old slang word for players. 
  • Example: Grandpa was a cager back in his game. He was a legitimate 7-footer. 

Charity Stripe


  • (Noun) This is the free-throw line or the foul line. It’s called the charity stripe sometimes because players can attempt shots without anyone guarding them after being fouled.
  • Example: Howard must improve his charity stripe shooting so that they don’t bench him. 



  • (Noun) A derogatory or offensive slang that describes someone as a player that shoots a lot of shots but misses most of them.
  • Example: Ronnie is a chucker that needs to get subbed out. He attempts shots despite not being in rhythm. 

Circus Shot


  • (Noun) Any unorthodox shot, usually in a comedic or amazing fashion, that a basketball player attempts.
  • Example: An Instagrammer I know tries the sickest circus shots in the world.

Coast To Coast


  • (Noun) When a player dribbles the ball beginning from the other side of the court to the other end. This usually happens in a fast break. 
  • Example: Charles might be bulky but his speed allows him to take the ball coast to coast and just dunk it. 



  • (Noun) Used to substitute steals in a basketball game. 
  • Example: Daniel is a defensive genius. He got 11 cookies in a televised game.  

Crashing The Boards


  • (Verb) It is the act of getting the rebound, whether a defensive or offensive one. This also involves fighting other players for the best position to get the rebound. 
  • Example: Andre crashed the boards like no other. Other players in the park wanted him for their team.

Crash The Glass


  • (Verb) It is similar or related to “Crashing the Boards” but it is usually used for the offensive rebound. 
  • Example: Angela had a small frame but her ability to jump made her one of the best when it comes to crashing the glass.



  • (Noun) A shot late in the game widens the lead so much that the other team can’t come back and win. 
  • Example: Drake nails the dagger for his team. It looks like they will be the champions this season.



  • (Noun) A location or place in the court that is very far from the basket. Usually beyond the three-point line.
  • Example: Damian went viral when he hit a shot from downtown while blindfolded. 

Dropping Dimes


  • (Noun) A player is “dropping dimes” when he makes brilliant and numerous assists to his teammates. “Dimes” is the slang for assists.
  • Example: John was quick and smart. He could find his teammates and drop dimes whenever needed.

Emptying The Bench


  • (Verb) This means that the coach is subbing out most of their starting players and making the bench players play. This is done to rest some players and make the others gain experience. 
  • Example: Coach Sandr emptied the bench because they had a good lead already.



  • (Verb) An exaggerated response to contact to bait or call for a foul. Flopping is strongly frowned upon but is a useful tactic.
  • Example: The coaches hated when players flop because they see it as a dirty tactic that ruins the game.



  • (Verb) A slang word for dunking.
  • Example: Frankie flushed the ball so hard that the hoop was torn off.



  • (Noun) An acronym in sports that means “Greatest Of All Time.”
  • Example: Some say Michael Jordan is the GOAT. Others believe it to be Lebron James. 

Granny Style


  • (Noun) Shooting the ball in an underhanded manner in contrast to the much usual overhand style. Granny shots are often seen in a humorous light. 
  • Example: Barry always shoots his free throws granny style. It might be funny but he almost always makes them. 



  • (Verb) Comes from the film “Forrest Gump.” Gumping refers to running around the court and playing aggressively.  
  • Example: You need to build up stamina to continue gumping and pressuring the opponents. 



  • (Verb) The act of fouling another player. 
  • Example: They wanted to hack him frequently because he is a bad free-throw shooter. 



  • (Noun) This slang word refers to the ability of a person to handle the ball and dribble all over the court. 
  • Example:  Skylar’s handle is probably the best in the WNBA. She controls and maneuvers quickly and efficiently. 

Heat Check


  • (Noun) “Heat Check” is what players do when they make seemingly impossible shots continuously. They try to attempt more shots to see if they can ride their “hot streak” 
  • Example: Kevin made 5 three-pointers in the first half. He wanted to heat check himself which lead to him make a total of 12 three-pointers.

Heating Up


  • (Verb) It means a player is getting warmed up or they are beginning to play better due to making good plays. 
  • Example: Thompson started to heat up by the middle of the second half. He finished the game with 45 points.



  • (Noun) This refers to the vertical leaping ability of a player. 
  • Example: Will has some insane hops. He has a max vertical of 50 inches. 

Ice Cold


  • (Adjective) The opposite of warming up. When a player is out of rhythm and is unable to play properly, he is ice cold.
  • Example: Last night, Candice got ice cold. She could barely score properly.

In And Out


  • (Noun) An in and out refers to a shot that temporarily goes in the hoop but goes out eventually, maybe due to hitting the rim or spinning out.
  • Example: The game-winning shot by Gordon became an in and out. It was sad because they lost.



  • (Noun) Any jump shot in basketball.
  • Example: I am still practicing my jumpers. I won’t stop until I could hit them consistently. 

Mad Ups


  • (Noun) When a person could leap or jump very high, they have mad ups.
  • Example: Gregory has mad ups. He can use this to dunk the ball with ease. 

Making It Rain


  • (Verb) When a player makes it rain, it means they can sink any shot they want and have done so many times.  
  • Example: Rachael can make it rain all day long. She effortlessly shoots and scores almost anywhere. 

Mouse In The House


  • (Noun) A situation in which a smaller player tries to guard a larger opponent. A mismatch of sorts. 
  • Example: There is a mouse in the house. The point guard gets destroyed in the paint by the large center. 

Nothing But Net


  • (Adjective) A slang phrase popularized by a MacDonald’s commercial featuring Michael Jordan and Larry Bird. Nothing but net means that a shot goes through the hoop without touch the metal. It creates a satisfying “swoosh.”
  • Example: WNBA and NBA players when playing against regular people could shoot and hit nothing but net all the time. 

On The Cookout


  • (Adjective) It means similarly to heating up. This phrase simply says that a person is playing exceptionally better than usual.  
  • Example: Looks like Beth is on the cookout. She already scored 15 points. 



  • (Adjective) Usually used to describe a jump shot. A pure jump shot means the mechanics, form, and motion of the jump shot are perfect. 
  • Example: I think Curry has the purest jump shot of all time. He smoothly pulls up and releases the ball. 

Putting Em On Skates


  • (Verb) Like ankle breaker, this slang phrase is used when someone dribbles past their defender and makes them fall or slide on the court.  
  • Example: My son has been putting em on skates whenever he has the ball. He could go pro.

Putting On A Clinic


  • (Verb) It is when a basketball game becomes intense and good, that beginners could learn by just watching the game. 
  • Example: The Thunder and Raptors put on a clinic today. The great game showed off the best offense and defense in the league. 



  • (Adjective) Another of saying nothing but net.  
  • Example: Tony scored 5 straight ringless. It was unbelievable because he was doing it from downtown.



  • (Noun) A slang term for a player’s leg that could jump very high.
  • Example: His rods got injured last time. Hopefully, he recovers enough to jump and play again.



  • (Verb) When a team completely defeats the  other team and shows them moves that are so amazing, they are considered “schooled.”
  • Example:  Our high school team got schooled by the rival team. They had a 5-star recruit playing for them. 

Shoot Some Hoops


  • (Expression) This slang simply means “to play some basketball” in a friendly manner. 
  • Example: Hey! The court is free now. Want to shoot some hoops?

Spine Tingler


  • (Noun) Popularized by Kenny Smith, the spine tingler is a dunk that fails spectacularly because the ball hits the rim, causing it to go out. It causes a loud metallic sound.
  • Example: Bobby got on the news because his spine tingler was so loud that it made all the dogs in the neighborhood bark.



  • (Noun) An amazing three-point shot from deep or downtown.
  • Example: The twins continued to make splashes as they lead their team to victory. 



  • (Verb) It means getting blocked.
  • Example: The Rockets were able to maintain the lead when their center stuffed the lay-up. 



  • (Noun) Like “nothing but net” and “ringless,” this slang term is a shot that references the sound that the ball makes when hitting the net. 
  • Example: James Harden could hit swishes in the warm-ups but struggles in game time. 

Take It To The Rack


  • (Verb) A move in which a player drives to the rim and hits a shot or dunks it.  
  • Example: Henry took it to the rack with authority. He dunked on his defender and scored a highlight. 

The Rock


  • (Noun) The ball in the basketball.
  • Example: You must learn to pass the rock to free teammates. This sport is a team sport. 



  • (Noun) A three-pointer of any kind.
  • Example: Today’s game is all about treys. Dunking and midrange shots are almost out. 



  • (Noun) A wedgie happens when the ball gets stuck between the rim and the backboard.
  • Example: The game stopped for 5 minutes because of a wedgie. They had to use brooms to remove the ball.



  • (Verb) To move and dribble in a way that you lose your defender.  
  • Example: Her agility and craftiness allow her to wiggle her defenders off and make the correct plays. 



  • (Noun) A state of extreme focus in sports. Being in the zone means that a person is utilizing their full potential and playing to the best of their abilities.
  • Example: No one can stop Lebron James when he is one the zone. He can make plays, score threes, and dunk on everyone. 


 There are so many basketball slang words and phrases as the game is beloved by many. Much of these slang words and phrases are used creatively in the game. Through reading this listicle, you may have increased your knowledge regarding the game and helped you love the sport more. Have fun using these slang words while playing with your friends. 

Categories Slang Words For

Basketball 3x3: Rules of the game

Let's talk about all the rules of 3x3 basketball, which recently made its debut at the Olympics.

Let's talk about all the rules of 3x3 basketball, which recently debuted at the Olympics.


How many people are on the team? How many people are on the site?

In 3x3 basketball, a team of 4 people can enter a tournament. There are three players on the court and there is always one replacement. The number of substitutions is not limited, as a rule, changes occur in each game break.

How many people are on the team? How many people are on the site?

In 3x3 basketball, a team of 4 people can enter a tournament. There are three players on the court and there is always one replacement. The number of substitutions is not limited, as a rule, changes occur in each game break.

What kind of ball is played?

A size 6 ball was designed specifically for 3x3 basketball but weighs like a standard size 7 basketball. This was done so that the players scored more and the game looked more dynamic. Also, the official 3x3 basketball is distinguished by the presence of a larger number of transverse grooves for better fixation and control. Official 3x3 basketball competitions are usually held outdoors.

How long is the game? To what account?

A 3x3 basketball game lasts 10 minutes of pure time or ends after one of the teams scores 21 points.

How long does it take to attack?

Unlike classic 5x5 basketball, where the attack lasts 24 seconds, in 3x3 basketball, the team can only hold the ball for 12 seconds. This rule was invented in order to make the game look more dynamic.

What must be done before launching an attack?

After the attacking team hits the ball in the basket or makes a turnover, the defending team must take the ball out of the three-point zone before the attack can begin.

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That's right, active defensive actions in 3x3 basketball follow immediately after a goal is scored in attack. An important nuance is the ban on taking the ball out of the zone limited by a semicircle under the ring. A warning is issued for the first such violation. In the future, the team is punished with a technical foul.

Any personal fouls?

There are no personal remarks in 3x3 basketball. Up to and including 6 team warnings, only violations committed at the time of the throw are penalized with a free throw. Starting with the 7th team foul, the referee awards two free throws for any infraction. Starting with 10 team fouls, for any infraction the team is penalized with two free throws with no line-up and the ball goes to the opponent.

So you can score 4 points in one attack?

That's right, in 3x3 basketball you can score 4 points in one attack, if, if the defending team has 6 team fouls, the player of the attacking team makes a long-range shot with a foul and then scores both free throws.

When is additional time required?

If 10 minutes of playing time has elapsed and the score is tied, the referee will award 5 minutes of extra time. The first team to score 2 points in overtime (two times one or one long-range shot) wins.

How many points can one team score in one game?

A team can score a maximum of 23 points in one game. This will happen if overtime starts at 20:20. In the first attack, the team will score one point, and in the second, they will implement a long-range attempt.

Does the team have a coach?

A 3x3 basketball coach cannot be within the court. As a rule, he is on the podium. For any tips from the coach, the team may be charged with a technical foul. However, athletes manage to look at each other and also use gestures to get information from the coach (what combination to play, who to replace, etc.).

3x3 games are held on a special high-quality surface, and this is stated in the competition regulations.

Now, thanks to the PlayStroy company, you have the opportunity to rent this official FIBA ​​3x3 "ENLIO" SES BATTLE surface for competitions and trainings in order to be as prepared as possible for the conditions of the games.





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#This in social networks:

Agents only think about how to line their pockets


Shaquille O'Neal has always swept all opponents out of his way. / Photo: Reuters

At the end of last season, O'Neal gave up basketball, but is still in great demand among the media. It is very difficult to get close to such a stellar body, but Vecherka journalists, with the help of their American colleagues, found a way.

The degree of recognition of an athlete directly depends not only on his talent, but also on his ability to always be in the spotlight, regardless of the time and place of action. Shaquille O'Neal just from this series. At 39For years, Shaq managed to light up in Hollywood, become a rapper and become a regular on various TV shows. In parallel with these entertainments, Shaquille became one of the best basketball players in the history of this sport. At the end of last season, O'Neal quit basketball, but is still hot in the media.

It is very difficult to get close to such a stellar body, but Vecherka journalists, with the help of their American colleagues, found a way. We emailed questions to Shaq.

Mr. O'Neill, you have retired as a player, but you continue to boil in the National Basketball Association (NBA) cauldron. The current season almost failed due to the lockout, what do you think about this and how big is the role of agents in this?

These guys often piss me off. The guys need to keep a close eye on the actions of their agents. Most often, they only think about how to fill their pockets with large bills faster, not caring too much about the consequences.

Your former Los Angeles Lakers teammate Derek Fischer has become chairman of the players union. Do you think he can do his job?

I don't doubt it. Derek has always been a smart guy, and not just on the set. In addition, he is an intelligent and self-possessed person, which are important qualities when you constantly have to be between two fires.

Are you one of the top 5 scoring players in the history of the NBA, but could you top this list?

Well, that's unlikely. Otherwise, it would be realistic to compete with the great Wilt Chamberlain for the fourth position.

Unlike some of your colleagues, you have always paid serious attention to education…

Money and fame are good, of course, but this is only part of a big life pie. To feel secure, you must have a good education. In my case, this is a degree from the University of Louisiana and an MBA from the University of Phoenix.

Kobe Bryant, with whom you won titles in the Lakers, once mentioned that Shaquille frankly hacks in training.

We have a peculiar relationship with this guy. As for the work in training, my numerous awards speak for themselves.

Where does the animosity towards Miami center Chris Bosh, who is one of the best players in his role, come from?

Some guys come into the league with little talent, so they don't get a lot of pressure in the first place. They sign a major contract and suddenly find themselves in the spotlight. Chris Bosch is just that. He believed that he was really good. Yes, what are you? We know better. He may show good statistics, but he is not an elite! For eight years he played in Toronto, and no one ever reckoned with him. So don't put yourself on the same level as LeBron and Wade. You can't buy me, and I'm not the only one.

What place among your many awards are the medals won in the uniform of the US team?

It is always a great honor and responsibility to represent your country. I remember how happy we were when we won in Atlanta in 1996. And two years earlier, in Toronto, they triumphantly walked over the heads of all rivals at the World Cup. By the way, in the final we beat your team.

Do you know any Russian basketball players?

Now Mozgov has appeared, who played a couple of good games for the New York Knicks last season, but after the trade to Denver, he immediately wilted. Perhaps this season he will take the chance to gain a foothold in the best league in the world. Not every basketball player gets this opportunity.

And the guy has excellent makings. He is the same height as me, almost seven and a half feet He would have more assertiveness and rigidity. White guys sometimes lack this.


Shaquille O'Neal's hands and feet are phenomenal. He has a size 23 foot in the American shoe system, which is roughly equivalent to a size 55 in the European system.


Shaquille O'Neal was born March 6, 1972 in Newark, New Jersey, USA.

Awards: 15-time NBA All-Star, 4-time NBA Champion, 3-time NBA Playoffs and All-Star Game MVP, NBA Rookie of the Year, Season MVP, named one of the 50 Greatest NBA Players, Olympic winner, world champion.

From the book0002 I was nervous because I wasn't being offered a new contract. Kobe Bryant too, because he faces jail. And we throw ourselves at each other. The coaches called us and said: "No quarrels, or you will be punished.

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