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How to treat knee pain from basketball
How to treat knee pain from basketball
Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper's Knee) | Memorial Hermann
When it comes to sports like basketball and volleyball, athletes spend a lot of time jumping as they attempt to get balls in - or over - nets. Knees take a lot of stress, particularly for athletes playing in competitive sports. In fact, activities that require running and jumping exert a force on the knees of up to nine to 11 times one’s body weight. All that jumping can cause a knee injury known as patellar tendonitis or jumper’s knee.
Patellar tendonitis is a chronic overuse injury to the patellar tendon. The injury, commonly found in people who play basketball or volleyball, causes inflammation as a result of chronic, repetitive jumping and excessive exertion of the knees.
Left untreated, jumper’s knee can result in prolonged pain during and after the activity and an inability to perform at a high level. The repetitive stress of continued play can lead to micro-tears or a complete rupture of the patellar tendon.
If this happens, surgery is required to repair the tendon.
Surgery for patellar tendonitis is a last resort. It is best to recognize and treat the condition early to minimize lost time due to the injury.
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Patellar Tendonitis Symptoms
- Patella (kneecap) laxity or an unstable patella, which includes pain, swelling and inflammation of the kneecap
- Hamstring tightness, indicated by poor flexibility in the back of the thigh
- Heel cord/achilles tendon tightness, which is identified by poor flexibility in the rear of the ankle
- Muscular asymmetry, or disparity between muscle size in legs, which can cause muscle shrinkage
- Ankle dorsi flexion weakness, which affects the muscles around the ankle
To prevent patellar tendonitis, athletes should have a thorough pre-, mid- and post-season strength and conditioning exercise program, as well as maintain lower extremity flexibility.
Weight lifting and cardiovascular workouts are good methods of avoiding jumper’s knee.
Patellar Tendonitis (Jumper's Knee) Treatment
Treatment for jumper’s knee involves resting, applying ice to the injury, compressing the injury and elevating the affected area. According to Cooper, the letters R-E-S-T explain how best to rest after a jumper’s knee injury.
'R' stands for rehabilitation, 'E' stands for exercises prescribed by a physician, 'S' stands for strength and endurance training and 'T' stands for time off from the activity that caused the injury. The athlete can still use many machines in the gym or ride a bicycle. You want to stay active to avoid muscle atrophy.
In addition, an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory, such as ibuprofen, is used as part of the treatment. Athletes can run a risk of re-injury if they do not participate in strength and conditioning exercises.
Individualized Treatment Approach
Each individual with patellar tendonitis must be approached differently. Treatment depends on the phase of the injury, whether it is acute or chronic.
There is no timeline in recovering from jumper’s knee - recovery may take a week for one person and a month for someone else.
Jumper’s knee is most often found in adults aged 30 or older, especially those “weekend athletes” who do not regularly do strength and conditioning exercises.
The condition is also frequently found in children ages 10-16 because their muscles are still growing and developing.
Find Personalized Care
The team of physicians, orthopedic surgeons, therapists, and trainers at Memorial Hermann | Rockets Sports Medicine Institute treat a variety of sports injuries, allowing the active patient to return to their desired activity level in a safe, effective, and timely manner.
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Basketball Knee Injury: Bullet Proof Your Knees
Basketball Knee Injury: Bullet Proof Your Knees
- Post author:The Basketball Doctors
- Post published:March 25, 2020
- Post category:Rehab
In basketball, lower body injuries are very common and affect the ability for athletes to play during the season. Studies have shown that up to 66% of basketball injuries occur in the lower body. Also, knee injuries are the second most common injury in all levels of play in basketball. Knee injuries can be nagging and result in increased time off; furthermore, knee injuries can be caused by multiple factors: trauma, overuse, and non-contact.
To maintain knee health and decrease the risk for knee injuries, one must address issues above and below the knee joint. In other words, we have to look at the hips and the ankles. For that reason, we should have good hip control with glute strength, and normal ankle mobility to decrease unnecessary stress on the knee. With that in mind, here are our top 3 exercises that address the 3 joints (ankle, knee, and hip) to bullet proof knees.
Glute Strength
Glute Strength is an important factor for knee health since it controls motions at the hip. Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries are one of the most common injuries in basketball, especially for the female athlete. Studies have shown that up to 64% of ACL injuries are a result of a non-contact incident. A non-contact ACL injury occurs when the bones (the tibia and femur) twist opposite each other, or over extending. Therefore, having glute strength to help control the femur against twisting or over extending is crucial.
One of our top exercises for glute strength is the standing fire hydrant. The standing fire hydrant with a loop forces the stance leg to prevent femoral internal rotation and adduction, which is what we don’t want. Finally, this exercise is performed for static holds to help improve the mind-muscle connection.
Quadriceps Strength
Another common basketball injury is patellar tendinopathy, or better known as jumper’s knee. It is usually an overuse injury due to excessive jumping and lack of quadriceps strength. One of our favorite exercises that we use to help decrease the risk for patellar tendinopathy is the Spanish squat. The Spanish squat allows us to load the quadricep muscle while maintaining a vertical shin. As a result, we are able to activate the quadriceps muscle more without compressing the patellofemoral joint.
Ankle Mobility
One of the biggest culprits we see for knee injuries is decreased ankle mobility. Studies have shown that following ankle injuries, the ability to dorsiflex (bend) the ankle is decreased if not treated.
Consequently, the decreased dorsiflexion leads to changes in the loading of the Achilles’ tendon and increases the demand of the knee joint to compensate for the lack of motion at the ankle. Ankle range of motion is commonly limited by muscle or joint restrictions. In this video, we will go over how to perform self mobilization to help decrease joint restrictions at the ankle and help improve ankle dorsiflexion range of motion.
Bird, Stephen; Markwick, William. Musculoskeletal screening and functional testing: Considerations for basketball players. 2016
Powers, Christopher. Functional Biomechanics of the lower quarter. 2017
Rudavsky, Aliza et al. Physiotherapy management of patellar tendinopathy. 2014
Terada Masufmi, Pietrosime Brian and Gribble Phillip. Therapeutic Interventions for Increasing ankle dorsiflexion after ankle sprain: A systematic review. 2013
Tags: Basketball Injury, Basketball Injury Prevention, Knee
How to get rid of knee pain: causes and treatment
Reading time 10 min
Knee pain is a common complaint that can occur in people of any age.
The knee is a "hinge" joint that allows the leg to flex and extend. Of all the joints in the body, the knee is the most at risk for injury, wear and tear, and arthritis.
You will learn how to prevent and what to do with severe pain in the knees from this article.
Knee pain is a common complaint that can affect people of any age. The knee is a "hinge" type joint that allows the leg to flex and extend. Of all the joints in the body, the knee is the most at risk for injury, wear and tear, and arthritis.
You will learn how to prevent and what to do with severe pain in the knees from this article.
Causes of knee pain
1 Structure of the knee joint
Knee pain can be caused by 3 groups of causes: trauma, mechanical problems and arthritis.
knee injuries may involve ligaments, tendons or joint capsules (bursas), as well as the bones and cartilage structures that make up the joint itself.
The most common injuries are:
- Rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament - one of the connecting tibia and femur. Players in basketball, football or other sports with a sharp change in the trajectory of movement are susceptible to this injury.
- Fractures of the knee, including the patella, can occur in a collision with a car or in a fall. With osteoporosis, you can get a knee fracture simply by taking the wrong step.
- A torn meniscus occurs due to sudden twisting of the knee while leaning on it.
- Knee bursitis or tendinitis. Some injuries cause inflammation of the joint capsule (bursa) or tendons. Athletes, skiers, cyclists, and skydiving enthusiasts can develop inflammation of the patellar tendon.
Mechanical causes of pain in the knees when walking, such as:
- Arthroliths - fragments of articular cartilage, meniscus or other structures of the joint separated as a result of injury or disease, located in its cavity.
- Iliotibial tract friction syndrome - ligament friction against the femur.
- Patellar subluxation
- Pain in the hip or foot can change the way you walk, but increase the load on the knee joint.
Arthritis . There are over 100 different types of arthritis, but the knee is most commonly affected:
- Osteoarthritis, sometimes referred to as degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis, is the most common variant. This is a condition of wear and tear of the cartilage in the knee joint with age.
- Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that can affect almost any joint, including the knees. Although rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that cannot be completely cured, it has varying degrees of severity and periods of remission of varying duration.
- Gout. This type of arthritis occurs when uric acid crystals build up in a joint.
- Infectious (septic) arthritis - occurs due to the entry of bacteria into the joint cavity and is usually manifested by local redness and fever in the joint area, pain and effusion (fluid accumulation in the joint cavity).
Septic arthritis is often accompanied by fever and can quickly cause extensive cartilage damage inside the knee joint.
Myofascial pain syndromes (MBS)
Numerous group of so-called musculoskeletal pains, the source of which is the soft tissues around the joint. MBS are local or widespread. The main symptom of myofascial pain is a persistent aching tightness in the muscle and the presence of a point, under pressure on which the pain spreads to zones of different distances and can even cause convulsive contraction of the muscle.
Patellofemoral pain syndrome is a general term for pain between the kneecap (patella in Latin) and the underlying femur (femora). This is common in:
- athletes
- young people, especially those who have a slight deformity of the patella
- elderly with arthritis of the patella.
Pain can radiate to the knee joint from the lower back or hip joint, and may also be the result of pathological processes in the foot - for example, excessive pronation or inward twisting during walking or running.
This article is advisory in nature. Treatment is prescribed by a specialist after consultation.
Risk factors
A number of factors increase the risk of knee problems, including: stairs. Being overweight also increases the risk of osteoarthritis by accelerating the destruction of articular cartilage.
Lack of flexibility or muscle strength. Strong muscles help stabilize and protect the joints, while good flexibility helps with full range of motion in the knee joint.
Certain sports or exercise. Some sports put a lot of stress on the knees. Alpine skiing with hard ski boots and the possibility of falls, basketball jumps and turns, and repetitive knee jarring while sprinting or jogging increase the risk of knee injury.
Jobs that put a lot of stress on your knees, such as construction or farming, can also increase your risk of knee problems.
Previous injury is the most important risk factor for knee injury.
Often "new" injuries are complications of old injuries.
History of surgery is another potential risk factor for future injury. It is not uncommon for athletes who have undergone surgery that successfully restores knee function to experience some degree of lower limb functional impairment that predisposes them to new overuse injuries.
For the convenience of the initial diagnosis of joint pain in the knees, it is customary to divide into 3 large categories:
Acute pain , caused by injury or excessive load
Chronic pain , associated with excess loading
Knee pain without injury or overuse, possibly associated with systemic disease
Acute knee pain
Duration < 6 weeks
- Usually not progressive
- Pain increases in response to a specific injury, lasts for a predictable period, then subsides as it heals
Chronic knee pain
Duration >190 6 weeks
- Gradually progressing
- Duration, as a rule, unpredictable, periods of exacerbation and subsidence alternate
1 Characteristics of acute and chronic pain in the knee
Diagnosis of indeterminate knee pain
Timely diagnosis of the causes allows for the most effective treatment of knee pain.
Physical examination for knee pain includes:
- examination
- palpation (“feeling” in Latin)
- assessment of range of motion
- testing of strength and specific neurological examinations
- . Specific tests are selected based on the most likely diagnostic category, which in turn is based on history (history of the onset and progression of the disease), including the mechanism of injury and the chronic nature of the pain.
Pain. It is the most common sign of joint damage. For diagnosis, the localization of pain, its degree, nature, factors that increase or alleviate, as well as the time of occurrence - newly arisen or recurring, are important.
The time of maximum pain is important - before the first movements in the joint or after a period of physical activity, whether the pain appears in the morning, after waking up or during the day.
The location and severity of pain may vary depending on the cause.
Signs that sometimes accompany knee pain include:
- Swelling and stiffness of the joint on the affected side
- Redness and warmth to the touch
- Feeling of weakness or instability in the knee
- Unable to fully straighten 9003 noises04 knee
Joint instability - a sign of weakness of the ligaments or muscles that stabilize it and a consequence of damage to the structures inside the knee joint.
Crepitus – a characteristic crunch during movement in the joint, which is determined by ear or by palpation of the knee. Crepitus may be due to hardening of the cartilage on the inner surface of the joint or tendons around it.
Usually a doctor's examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis, but sometimes an additional examination is justified and includes:
- Blood tests, for example: rheumatoid factor, uric acid concentration, antinuclear antibodies, antibodies to intestinal bacteria, chlamydia.
- Imaging methods:
- Standard radiography is the primary imaging modality, but is less sensitive than computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MPT), or ultrasound (ultrasound).
Ultrasound is a convenient and widely available method for detecting joint effusion and soft tissue injuries around the knee.
MPT is the most sensitive method for detecting fractures that are not visualized on a conventional x-ray, as well as changes in the soft tissues and intra-articular structures of the knee.
CT is applicable in cases where MRI is contraindicated or not available to the patient.
Arthrocentesis (joint puncture) and examination of joint fluids and is the most accurate method for excluding infection and detecting crystalline arthritis. Arthrocentesis is also important for other causes of knee pain and is indicated for severe and unexplained arthritis.
Book an appointment with an orthopedic doctor
Appointment lasts 60 minutes, includes diagnostics, analysis of your MRI and preparation of a treatment plan, takes place both in person and online.
When should you see a doctor?
Do not postpone a visit to the doctor if:
Unable to bear the load on the knee or feeling that the knee is unstable
Swelling of the knee joint is noticeable, which does not go away on its own
able to fully extend or flex the knee
Obvious deformity of the leg or joint is visible
There is fever, redness, pain and swelling in the knee joint
Worried about severe knee pain associated with an injury that prevents walking
Treating knee pain
directly depends on its cause.
Drug treatment
0018 Paraty (NSAIDs). They are used to treat acute and chronic arthritis, inflammatory and degenerative - associated with the gradual destruction - diseases of the joints, soft tissue pathology around the knee. Taking NSAIDs reduces pain and swelling of the joint and helps to resolve arthritis.
However, NSAIDs must be taken strictly as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician, since uncontrolled use of drugs can lead to the formation of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.
Non-drug therapies
Physiotherapy is essential for the treatment and prevention of many conditions that affect the knee joint and its surrounding support structures.
Fig. 2 A set of exercises for the knee joint
Physiotherapy methods for knee pain include:
- cold therapy (ice packs)
- stretching
- muscle strengthening exercises.
Ice and elevation of the knee relieves pain and swelling. Ice can be applied to the knee for 15 to 20 minutes or every two to four hours, especially after physical activity. An ice bag, frozen vegetables, or a frozen towel will do. During the procedure, the swollen knee must be above the level of the heart.
Stretching exercises. Depending on the nature of the injury or the condition that is causing the pain, you can start stretching as early as the day after the onset of the attack. Stretching the muscles around the joint should be done gently and gradually, keeping constant pressure at the end of the stretch. It is best to avoid "bouncing" or quick "ballistic" stretches, as these can damage already injured tissues.
Stretch for 20-30 seconds, stretching each muscle 3 to 5 times per session, and sessions can be performed 1 to 4 times per day.
Exercise for knee pain
First of all, you should know that if the knee is swollen or painful, the following positions and activities should be avoided until the symptoms disappear:
- Squatting
- kneeling
- Twisting and turning
- Jogging
- Aerobics, dancing
- Dynamic sports
Preferred activities are:
- Smooth knee movements
- Strengthening the anterior and posterior thigh muscles (quadriceps and hamstring)
- Minimal jar and impact on the joint
- Minimal amount of flexion required.
The following physical activity options are acceptable alternatives during treatment and recovery:
- Brisk walking
- Water aerobics
- Slow swimming
- Cross-country skis or elliptical trainers
- Soft platform treadmill
Intra-articular injections or surgery may be used to treat knee pain when indicated.
Preventive measures
Although it is not always possible to prevent knee pain, the following recommendations can help prevent injury and joint deterioration:
Maintaining a healthy weight. Every extra kilo puts extra stress on the joints, increasing the risk of injury and osteoarthritis
"Be in shape" and exercise regularly. In order to prepare the muscles for sport, warm-ups and "warm-up" exercises should not be neglected, as well as regular maintenance of good physical shape
Gets strong while remaining flexible.
Since weak muscles are the main cause of knee injuries, strengthening the quads and hamstrings is helpful. Balance and stability training helps the muscles surrounding the knee joint work more efficiently. Because tight muscles can also contribute to injury, stretching is important
Adequate load dosing. If a person has osteoarthritis, chronic knee pain, or repetitive injuries, it may be worth changing the type of physical activity. Swimming, water aerobics, or other low-intensity sports a few days a week are good alternatives.
List of sources:
- O.S. The prevalence of pain syndromes and their impact on the quality of life in the world and in Russia according to the study of the global burden of disease for the period from 1990 to 2013. Russian Journal of Pain, No. 3-4, 2015. pp. 5-12.
- Vertkin A.L., Naumov A.V., Shamuilova M.M., Knorring G.
Yu. Comorbidity and pain in the lower back: topical issues. Reference book of the polyclinic doctor. 2016; 5: 30-35
- Antonov, I.P. Prevention of neurological manifestations of lumbar osteochondrosis: intermediate results, unresolved issues and some methodological aspects / Antonov, I.P., Barabanova E.V. - Moscow: DPC, 1998. - 320 p.
- Dalton S.O., Sørensen H.T., Johansen C. SSRIs and upper gastrointestinal bleeding: what is known and how should it influence prescribing? CNS Drugs. 2006;20(2):143–151. DOI: 10.2165/00023210–200620020–00005.
- Coupland C., Hill T., Morriss R., et al. Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in people aged 20–64 years: cohort study using a primary care database. BMC Med. 2018;16:36.
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Knee pain | Symptoms, complications, diagnosis and treatment
Knee pain is a common complaint that affects people of all ages.
Knee pain can be the result of an injury, such as a torn ligament or torn cartilage. Medical conditions - including arthritis, gout, and infections - can also cause knee pain.
Many types of minor knee pain respond well to self-care measures. Physical therapy and knee braces can also help relieve knee pain. In some cases, however, the knee may require surgery.
The location and severity of knee pain can vary depending on the cause of the problem. Signs and symptoms that sometimes accompany knee pain include:
- Edema
- Redness and warmth to the touch
- Weakness or instability
- Crunch
- Inability to fully extend the knee
Call your doctor if:
- Do not put weight on the knee
- Severe swelling of the knee
- Unable to fully extend or flex the knee
- Obvious deformity in leg or knee
- Feeling as if the knee is unstable or "falls out"
Knee pain can be caused by trauma, mechanical problems, various types of arthritis, and other problems.
A knee injury can affect any of the ligaments, tendons, or fluid-filled sacs (bursae) that surround the knee joint, as well as the bones, cartilage, and ligaments that make up the joint itself. Some of the more common knee injuries include:
Anterior cruciate ligament injury. Especially common in people who play basketball, football, or other sports that require sudden changes in direction of travel.
Fractures. The bones of the knee, including the patella, can be damaged during collisions or vehicle falls. People whose bones have been weakened by osteoporosis can sometimes break their knee just by staggering.
Torn meniscus. The meniscus is made of tough, rubbery cartilage and acts as a shock absorber between your lower leg and thigh bone. It can be torn if you suddenly twist your knee while carrying weight.
Knee bursitis. Some knee injuries cause inflammation in the bursae, small sacs of fluid that cushion the outside of your knee joint so that the tendons and ligaments glide smoothly over the joint.
Pallinal tendonitis. Tendinitis is the irritation and inflammation of one or more tendons, the thick, fibrous tissues that attach muscles to bones. Runners, skiers, cyclists, and those involved in competitive sports and jumping are prone to developing inflammation in the patellar tendon, which connects the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh to the shinbon.
A number of factors can increase the risk of knee problems, including:
- Overweight. Being overweight or obese increases pressure on the knee joints, even during normal activities such as walking or going up and down stairs. It also increases the risk of osteoarthritis by accelerating the breakdown of articular cartilage.
- Lack of muscle flexibility or strength. Lack of strength and flexibility are among the leading causes of knee injuries. Tight or weak muscles provide less support to your knee because they don't dampen enough stress on the joint.