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How to use ankle weights for basketball

Do Ankle Weights Help With Basketball?

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Generally, adding weights to an exercise strengthens the involved muscles by making movements more challenging. For example, basketball players sometimes strap ankle weights to their lower legs so they can perform typical basketball moves in a more physically intensive way. Assuming you use ankle weights safely, they can strengthen your lower-body muscles, specifically your hamstrings, quadriceps and glutes.


Exercising with ankle weights might cause joint problems. For example, the sharp turns and twisting moves involved in basketball are already challenging for the human body. Increasing the force of the movements by adding ankle weights can strain your ligaments and joints, causing pain or injuries. Also, if your body grows accustomed to ankle weights, playing without them later might throw off your game.


If you already have joint problems, you shouldn’t use ankle weights, according to Dr. Anthony Luke of the University of California, San Francisco, as quoted in a September 7, 2007 article in the “Los Angeles Times.” A sports medicine expert, Luke agrees that ankle weights can offer strength and cardiovascular benefits. However, these benefits are not worthwhile whenever there is a high risk of joint damage.

Problem Signs

If your joints ache or if the way you move begins to change, Luke recommends avoiding further use of ankle weights. He also suggests occasionally performing exercises without ankle weights. For maximum safety, don’t use ankle weights to improve your basketball skills without discussing your plans with a certified fitness instructor or your doctor, who can offer you specific advice about what physical symptoms to watch out for.

Expert Insight

Expert basketball coaches might be able to offer helpful tips if they have had experience with ankle-weight training. For example, basketball players aiming to increase their vertical jump should start with 2. 5-pound ankle weights for the first two weeks and increase to 5 pounds after the second week, according to the book “The Ultimate Guide in Becoming a Successful Assistant Coach and/or Team Parent,” by Melissa W. Akali and Edward E. Welch, Jr. Tips like this can help you maximize the benefits of ankle weights.


  • Los Angeles Times: Ankle Weights: Pros and Cons
  • The Ultimate Guide in Becoming a Successful Assistant Coach and/or Team Parent; Melissa W. Akali and Edward E. Welch, Jr.

Writer Bio

Stan Mack is a business writer specializing in finance, business ethics and human resources. His work has appeared in the online editions of the "Houston Chronicle" and "USA Today," among other outlets. Mack studied philosophy and economics at the University of Memphis.

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Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images


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Best Ankle Weights For Basketball

Becoming a successful basketball player is easier said than done. It demands elite solutions such as the best ankle weights for basketball.

It also demands hard work, determination, and willingness to try new things. This is why more and more young athletes are incorporating new equipment into their workout routines.

As a result, ankle weights for basketball have become increasingly popular.

Let’s take a look at what it means to use ankle weights for basketball training, the main benefits, and which product is best for your needs.  

Using Ankle Weights for Basketball

In our experience, ankle weights should be used for both on-court and off-court training.

On-Court Training

With on-court training, it’s important to invest in ankle weights that remain locked on the ankles and allow athletes to dart around without getting hurt. This is why we make sure to recommend the best ankle weights for the task.

It’s always smart to begin with basic drills to get a feel for the ankle weights. Otherwise, you may trip and fall due to the added resistance around your ankles. It happens to everyone and that’s where a simple adjustment goes a long way!

Go through several drills and you’ll notice a change.

You should rotate between sessions when it comes to wearing the ankle weights. This means one session should include ankle weights and the next shouldn’t. This allows you to remain in touch with both ways of playing while gaining the benefits of added resistance.


Off-Court Training

For off-court training, we always say it’s important to keep them on all the time. You should head to the gym with the ankle weights ready to go. This allows you to work out while having these around your ankles.

Look to work on your mobility in the gym and push the legs to work harder. This is when you’re going to notice a swift change in your ability to leap higher. Using ankle weights for jumping higher is always beneficial and it can lead to significant changes in leaping skill.

Benefits of Using Ankle Weights

There are several reasons for using ankle weights and it’s important to take them into consideration before making a change.

Here are some of the main advantages of including ankle weights into your basketball training.

Increased Calf Strength

Basketball is all about your calves and making sure they’re in good shape. Too many athletes cut into their potential by ignoring the calves.

You don’t want to be one of them!

The goal is to put on ankle weights as a way to add stress to your calves without injuring them. Whether it’s on-court or off-court, you’ll want to keep these ankle weights on for maximum returns.

The change is going to be noteworthy after a few months.

This is why more and more athletes are leaning towards including ankle weights in their workout routines. The calves start to strengthen and this ensures athletes get more out of their body while playing.

Remember, it’s not just about one quarter. You want to do well throughout the game and that’s when calf strength matters. Otherwise, the average athlete tends to fade away as the game goes on.

You always want to have your energy levels up and that’s what added resistance allows you to do.

Over time, the body is going to learn to deal with added resistance and that’s when your calves change for the better.

Improved Muscular Endurance

Imagine heading into the fourth quarter with the game on the line.

You will want to be on the court ready to go. This is a situation that happens all the time but only a few athletes muster enough energy to succeed. One of the reasons has to do with appropriate muscular endurance.

They have the ability to tap into their energy reserves and get more out of their body when it’s crunch time.

You want to be one of those athletes!

With ankle weights, you’re going to become stronger and better. This is due to the increase in muscular endurance from using ankle weights.

A Pinch of Fitness recommends rotating between different weights each training session.

Increased Speed

Being able to move around the court to get around players is essential. This is how you’re able to do well while playing.

However, too many players don’t have enough speed to do so.

This is what leaves them behind as others run circles around them. If you don’t want to be one of those players then it’s time to include ankle weights in your routine. This is how you’re going to get faster.

The body will begin to adjust to the added resistance and will push harder to keep up.

This is when you start to feel lighter on the court as soon as the ankle weights come off.

Improved Agility

Just like speed is important, you also want to think about your agility. There is a sudden change in how you’re going to move around the court when it comes to beating players to the inside or outside.

Ankle weights allow you to learn how to move your body while dealing with resistance.

You are going to notice a definite increase in how agile you are using ankle weights.

Best Ankle Weights for Basketball 

GYMENIST Ankle Weights


We highly recommend the GYMENIST Ankle Weights because they’re easy to manage, work well on the court, and offer consistent returns over the long-term. You’re going to fall in love with them immediately.

The average basketball player wants something that will slip into the background as they work out.

This is what you’re going to see with these ankle weights. The change will be tremendous as time goes on.

Take the opportunity to give these a shot and your game is going to leap to the next level.  

Final Thoughts

With the best ankle weights for basketball, you are going to notice a tremendous increase in your vertical and overall performance.

While this isn’t going to change everything overnight, it’s a step in the right direction. You’re going to notice an immediate change in flexibility, mobility, and verticality.

These are important when it comes to doing well on the basketball court.

Invest in the right ankle weights for basketball and you’ll become a much better basketball player.

what it is and how it works – Blog

ADIDAS wrist/ankle weights

Sooner or later, athletes are faced with a moment when training ceases to bring the desired results. Most likely, this is the very moment when you should change your approach to training, somehow diversify them in order to continue to improve. In this case, one of the ways to pump yourself up and move to a new level can be training with special weights in the form of leg weights.

This is a fairly simple version of a sports simulator. Leg weights look like cuffs made of environmentally friendly material that is pleasant to the touch. From the inside they are filled with a special fine loose compound for weighting and obtaining an overload. In comparison, lifting legs with weights was previously replaced by running on special surfaces (for example, on viscous ground) or barefoot without running shoes. When training with them, the athlete adds extra weight to himself, which is why he performs the same actions, applying more effort. As a result, blood circulation improves and muscles receive additional tone.

There are many options for cuffs depending on training, type of operation, weight and padding. The weight usually varies from 0.5 to 5 kg (eg Banzai 5). It can be both fixed and adjustable: for example, in lamellar weighting agents, it is possible to both reduce and increase the load using metal plates.

Which weighting agent to choose, and most importantly, what weight is right for you - depends on the sport for which the simulator is purchased. To reduce the risk of injury, do not use weights over 2kg unless advised by a trainer. For those involved in fitness, aerobics or bodybuilding, the load is selected individually based on physical fitness and ability.

The main purpose of using weight cuffs is to add extra load and increase the effectiveness of your sports activities, whether it be fitness, body sculpting, cardio or strength training.

The main effect of exercises with weights is distributed in four directions:

  • strengthening of the heart muscle - good blood flow provides the muscles with an increase in tone, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, improving the work of the heart;
  • calorie burning - training on a specific area of ​​​​the body increases performance and helps to get rid of fat mass;
  • aesthetic improvement - the muscles of the limbs will look healthier and more beautiful due to good muscle tone;
  • strengthening of general physical condition and endurance.

In this way, you increase the weight and gradually experience a positive breakthrough in your strength, endurance, fat burning and muscle building. In particular, sports with weights on the legs are great for those who focus on the lower body, especially the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.

This simulator will help you get results in different areas of training:

  • fitness, crossfit - to increase strength and endurance, weight loss;
  • boxing and martial arts - for general physical fitness, increasing punching power;
  • running and walking, athletics - to increase speed and endurance, a clear and confident step;
  • basketball - to improve explosive power when jumping;
  • football - for greater sharpness and impact power;
  • gymnastics - for perfection of movements.

The benefit of using such a simulator is not only its effectiveness, but also its convenience. Even if you don’t do these sports, but walk a lot, or train at home with video workouts, you can also work on strengthening muscles and increasing calorie burning just as productively.

In order to achieve new results and not stop at achievements, it is necessary to use sports weights consistently and gradually. For example, perform exercises with an initial weight, then gradually increase the load. And you need to do this evenly - each time adding the same weight. A lot of athletes use cuffs universally, fixing them in those places that need reinforcement. For a change, it is worth fixing them not only on the ankles, but also as weights on the arms (for example, as Banzai 4 allows you to do this), on the muscles of the calves, shoulder joint, quadriceps.

To reduce the risk of injury, it is recommended to train with weights under the supervision of a trainer. Negative consequences from training can only occur if:

  • rules of use violated;
  • an unreasonably high mass is applied;
  • medical contraindications are not taken into account.

In any case, muscles, joints and tendons need rest, so the simulator should not be used for a long time, but with rest breaks.

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Why do we need leg weights? Benefits, terms of use - Gala Center

Why do you need leg weights? Benefits, terms of use

(irina.panteleeva) Irina Panteleeva

2020-07-02 2022-11-22 Why do you need leg weights? Benefits, terms of use — Gala Center Do you dream of slender toned legs and a booty like a nut? then today we are talking about leg weights.

Do you dream of slender toned legs and a booty like a nut? To fulfill a dream, it is not at all necessary to lift a barbell and live in a fitness center. It is enough to choose the right set of exercises and sports equipment.

In the first workouts, a person’s own weight is enough to see progress. But over time, previously difficult exercises become easy, and there is no result from the exercises. Fitness consultants advise using extra weight to increase exercise intensity. Someone works out with exercise equipment, barbells, dumbbells, and someone chooses mobile sports equipment that is convenient to use at home, at the stadium or in nature.

Today we are talking about leg weights. Textile accessories with metal plates or sand inside are fixed on the ankles with Velcro. Make exercises as effective as possible by increasing the load on various muscle groups. Squat, lunge, raise your legs, but still get an improved result. They also increase the complexity of cardio exercises. Try walking, running and jumping fast with cuffs. The effect will surprise you. The goal is to increase muscle endurance.

Sports aid helps:

  1. strengthen the deep muscles of the lower body
  2. increase the tone of the gluteal and thigh muscles, make the body fit
  3. increase calorie expenditure, make cardio more efficient
  4. turn ordinary city walks into fitness
  5. improve the quality of home workouts
  6. make legs enduring and strong
  7. increase the load while running.

Fitness attributes are sewn from high-strength wear-resistant textiles. The interior is filled with loose components or iron parts. The weight of the accessory varies from 500 grams to 5 kilograms. It is not recommended to buy sports weights for training weighing more than five kilograms. Strong pressure on the joints and ligaments is harmful to health. Models with adjustable weight are on sale. You can independently increase / decrease the load.

What are the benefits of leg weights?

  • Need to lose weight? It's time to increase your exercise intensity to burn more calories in one workout. Along with calories, fat also hides. Lose weight quickly and efficiently. The training time is at least 30 minutes.
  • Looking at the beautiful bodies of models in a sports magazine? Relief and elasticity are available to you. If you no longer want to look at flabby skin, increase muscle tone. Having bought weights, you will become the owner of priests like a walnut, elastic hips and slender legs.
  • Want to be hardy, strong and healthy? Train with sports equipment to develop the cardiovascular system, as well as strengthen the muscles of the heart.
  • You don't have to run faster to make cardio harder. Put on ankle weights and work at a normal pace. The fitness accessory is effective while walking and dancing.
  • Help diversify yoga, shaping, Pilates. Additional muscle groups are included in the work.
  • If for some reason you cannot do squats and lunges, use weights. With it, your legs will be slender, and the buttocks elastic. For example, the same effect as with lunges can be achieved by leg raises with fitness cuffs.
  • Recommended for anyone who focuses on the lower body in classes.

The weight of sports equipment increases gradually. Start with the simplest - 500 grams. The fitness accessory is not recommended for people who have joint problems and have had injuries in the past. Among the main contraindications: heart disease, varicose veins, overweight, urolithiasis.

What exercises can I do with leg weights?

⏩ Take your half-bent leg back
⏩ Raise your legs diagonally
⏩ Straighten your legs in a standing position
⏩ Bicycle and scissors (lower and upper abs, back, hips, buttocks work). These exercises speed up the metabolism and promote weight loss.
⏩ Run with your knees high. Trains the cardiovascular system, improves posture, strengthens the nervous system, immunity.
⏩ Take your legs to the side and back - working out the gluteal muscles
⏩ Take your legs to the side, standing on all fours - working out the thigh
⏩ Do reverse crunches
⏩ Perform circular movements of the legs in the prone position
⏩ Exercise "Star".

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How to choose the right leg weights

Sports attribute is available in two types:

  • Bulk - filled with loose mixtures. Sand, salt or metal shavings are used as a weighting agent. Minus the product - you can not change the weight.
  • Plate weights are made using iron parts. The plates are fixed in special compartments and can be removed, which allows you to adjust the weight.

How to choose the right weight for weights? Even if you are an experienced athlete who has been visiting the fitness center for years, do not force things. Your body may simply not be ready for a load of 5 kg. Start with sports accessories weighing 0.5-1 kg. A great option for beginners is SilaPro leg weights. Includes 2 cuffs weighing 0.25 kg each. The strap adjusts to any ankle size.

If you plan to run and walk, models with a minimum weight are suitable. Over time, the load can be increased to two kilos. Strength exercises on the ass and thighs are performed with an inventory of 1-2 kg. Further, the load can be increased to three kilos. Men start at 2kg and increase to 4kg. We recommend buying SilaPro leg weights with a total weight of two kilograms.

When choosing sports equipment, look at the material. High-quality cuffs are made of durable waterproof material - polyester or tarpaulin. Knitwear rips quickly. Carefully examine the quality of the clasp. As a rule, this is Velcro. It must be strong enough to hold the fitness accessory. Wide straps fix compartments with bulk filler well, preventing sand from spilling from the upper compartment to the lower one.

Also read: Home fitness with SilaPro! Effective sets of exercises

To sum up: do you need this sports accessory?

If you want to lose weight, but there is no way to use simulators, choose weights. It is convenient to practice with them at home and in the park. Even regular walking, which is an ineffective exercise, in tandem with sports cuffs helps to burn more calories. It is also an indispensable thing for girls who want to pump up their ass and hips. You can tighten the body and make it elastic even during home workouts.

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