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How heavy is a basketball in pounds

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh? Everything You Need To Know is an informative blog for readers. The products in the article contain affiliate marketing links. We may receive a small commission when you make purchases through our links. You do not need to pay any additional fees for us. See our full disclosures here

Beginners in basketball may believe that all basketballs are the same weight. Yet, the ball’s weight might vary based on a variety of conditions. So, how much does a basketball weigh

A basketball typically weighs between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds (21 to 22 ounces). The materials for the making of a basketball also affect its total weight.

Let’s dive right into the article with Scott Fujita!


What Is The Standard Weight And Size Of A Basketball?

NBA Basketball Weighs 1.4 pounds

Although basketballs come in a variety of sizes, the NBA basketball weight is typically the average. So, if we’re talking about the weight of professional NBA basketball, it’ll be approximately 1.4 pounds.

The diameter of the ring is 29.5 inches. The air pressure is another critical thing to consider, which requires a normal air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 pounds per square inch.

How Much Does An NBA Basketball Weigh?

The Metric System Employs The Gram As The Measurement Of Weight.

Every player desires to play in the NBA, the most competitive and successful basketball league globally. Although there are various other organizations with varied styles, the NBA is the most well-known. 

View more: How much are courtside seats at an NBA game

The proper weight for men’s basketball is 1.37 pounds, according to NBA regulations and specifications. The circumference, on the other hand, is 29.5 inches tall. As a result, you have a reasonable estimate of the weight of an NBA basketball.

Due to the physicality of females, the WNBA reduces the standard for weight and circumference. The WNBA basketball has a maximum weight of 1.13 pounds and a circumference of 28.5 inches.

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh In Grams?

Youth Basketballs Are Size 5

Do not worry if you do not know what pounds mean. The metric system employs the gram as the measurement of weight. Therefore, for your convenience, all the data is presented in gram form. 

A basketball of size 4 weighs roughly 397 grams for junior balls. When compared to other sizes, it is relatively light, as previously stated. 

The weight of the size 5 climbs dramatically, reaching 481 grams. Since this size is for youngsters aged ten and up, it is not difficult to comprehend. As a result, the weight and size of the players expand to fit their physique.

For their tournaments, several leagues and groups now collaborate with various manufacturing enterprises. Because it is the most competitive platform, the NBA is the gold standard for every basketball player. They utilize a 7-sized ball that is 623 grams in weight. 

The WNBA uses a slightly different metric. They utilize a 6-sized ball that weighs 510 grams and has a 2-3 inches narrower circumference. If there is more air inflation pressure in the ball, these readings will alter as well. 

The NCAA uses Wilson balls instead of Spalding balls. As a result, their men’s basketball weighs the same as the NBA but has a 30-inch diameter.

The weight of women’s basketball is roughly 566 grams, with a diameter of 29 inches. Basketball sizes are also measured differently by the International Basketball Federation. 

Although they all weigh 566 grams, the production process causes them to feel somewhat different in hand. Men’s basketball has a circumference of 30.5 inches, whereas women’s basketball is 29 inches.

How Much Does A Youth Basketball Weigh?

Mini Basketball

The pro league for up-and-coming stars is the youth leagues, also known as junior basketball leagues. They do not play regular basketball and use a more miniature college basketball instead. 

They also utilize mini basketballs, which are lighter than professional NBA basketballs. For conventional measures, youth basketballs are often designated as size 5. 

It is lighter than NBA basketballs, weighing roughly 1.25 pounds. The circumference of the ring is approximately 27.5 inches. This sort of ball is used by any young player under ten for their regular training and games. 

A 4-sized basketball may be used by anyone aged eight or younger. This ball is 25.5 inches in circumference, which is much less than that of conventional NBA balls. A size 4 is typically roughly 0.87 pounds. 

How Much Does A Mini Basketball Weigh?

An Inflated Basketball Weigh At Least 22 Pounds.

Basketball sizes vary according to the gender, age, and skill level of the participants. For junior players in a school-level game, the ball may be of GL. The mini basketball typically weighs around 0.625 pounds (10 lb) or 283 grams (g) and is designed for children aged 3 to 5.

How Much Does A Women’s Basketball Weigh? 

Women and men have various physical characteristics and features. As a result, the rules for basketball measuring varied. Women have their league, that’s the WNBA, where they may show off their prowess. 

Basketball league sizes are mostly divided into two categories. The first is more extensive, measuring 29 inches in diameter and weighing 1.25 pounds. This basketball is a regular 6-inch basketball. 

The other one is slightly smaller than 28 inches in diameter and weighs 1.125 pounds. According to the match requirements, condition, air pressure, inflation, and other criteria, the official match balls are chosen.

The standards for international forms follow the International Basketball Federation standards. While the Molten basketballs use some of the same materials as the Spalding basketballs, they are somewhat smaller and heavier.  

These basketballs are high-quality leather. So, you should be able to spin a ball around your finger.

How Does A Properly Inflated Ball Weigh?

A Perfect Basketball Does Not Come With Sufficient Inflation.

In most cases, a perfect basketball does not come with sufficient inflation. If you’re playing on outdoor basketball courts, it is unlikely that you’ll notice. 

The same cannot say the same for professional players who play regularly. You’ll wind up over inflating or under inflating your basketball if you don’t have a good understanding of properly inflated basketball weight. 

The weight of an average inflated basketball must be at least 22 pounds. The inflation error margin, on the other hand, is roughly 0.03 pounds. So, if you stay in this range, that’s great. 

How Is The Air Measured In A Ball?

Every Basketball Has Air Inside Of It.

The correct air pressure inside a basketball may make a massive difference in your game feel. However, to maintain appropriate pressure, you must understand how to gauge air pressure. 

Here, you’ll learn how to maintain a high air density within the basketball by psi, or pounds per square inch, which is the standard pressure unit for basketball. Inside a basketball, the pressure should be between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch. 

A pressure gauge is ideal for measuring air pressure, a standard instrument for determining the strength of a gas or fluid. 

It is capable of calculating the overall pressure trapped inside a confined space. Gently put the gauge into the ball’s needle aperture while determining the air pressure. The psi within the ball will show on the dial or screen.

Final Thoughts

You can measure basketball in several different ways in circumference, inflation pressure, and total weight. When selecting a basketball, keep in mind your gender, age, and league you will use it. 

Basketballs are sized and weighted differently in different leagues. As a result, understanding the proper size is critical to prevent getting disqualified from a game. 

Hopefully, now that you are familiar with basketball sizes and have discussed how much does a basketball weigh in pounds, grams, or ounces and how it influences player performance. So, you will have a better understanding of the game.

How Much Does a Basketball Weigh?

When Dr. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891, he used peach baskets as goals and soccer balls (weighing only 16 ounces) for the first two years. Since then, the weight of a basketball has changed when the first basketball made of laced leather was manufactured in 1894. Decades later, genuine leather was used and then composite leather in the 1990s up until now. Because we now have standard basketballs in production, how much does a basketball weigh?

Before we answer that question, let us examine why the weight of a basketball is critical.

How Important is the Weight of a Basketball

There are standards for basketball size and weight for a reason. Can you imagine all these big guys at the NBA still shooting basketballs the size and weight of soccer balls? A properly inflated ball and one of the correct size are essential for proper skill development and basketball players’ safety.

Does a ball that is not adequately inflated affect the training of a basketball player? Of course! A ball with too little air will be too flat and impossible to dribble. An overly inflated basketball may also be challenging to dribble as it tends to stay high and difficult to control when shooting. Moreover, improperly catching an overly inflated ball or reaching for it as a defender may cause jamming of the fingers. 

Thus, for the safety of the players and for their skill development, there is no other way but to use a properly inflated ball of the correct size and weight.

What’s the Standard Weight of a Basketball to Have? 

If we are talking about a standard NBA basketball, the standard weight is 22 ounces or around 1. 4 pounds. (The weight of basketball in kg is 0.623 kg.) It measures 29.5 inches in circumference and is inflated to about an air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 psi (pounds per square inch). 

However, depending on the level of basketball you are playing, the official sizes and weight of the ball may vary. Let’s take a look.

How Much Does a Basketball Weigh in Various Basketball Leagues?

NBA Basketball Weight

As mentioned, the NBA basketball weight is 22 ounces or 1.4 pounds, give or take. (That is 623.69 grams if we are using the metric system.) The official NBA basketball has a circumference of 29.5 inches and an air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 psi. The official NBA basketball is commonly referred to as a size 7.

WNBA Basketball Weight

The WNBA and the NBA may have a similar 10-foot hoop and 50 feet x 94 feet of court, but there is a slight difference between the weight of the basketball they use. While the NBA uses a basketball with a 29. 5-inch circumference, the WNBA uses a size 6 basketball, which measures 27.75 inches and weighs 18 ounces. If inflated to around 8 psi, the ball may reach a maximum of 28.5 inches in circumference and up to 20 ounces in weight.

NCAA Basketball Weight

Official NCAA basketballs are manufactured by Wilson, and it is a little bigger than the Spalding basketball the NBA uses. (The NBA has dropped its partnership with Spalding after this season and will use Wilson basketballs starting in 2021-22.) 

The maximum circumference of a standard NCAA basketball is 30 inches and a weight of 22 ounces. The seams are no wider than 0.25 inches. On the other hand, a women’s NCAA basketball has a similar seam width but is only at around 20 ounces in weight and 29 inches in circumference.

FIBA Basketball Weight

The official balls used in FIBA basketball competition are manufactured by a company called Molten. Typically, the men use the GL7 series, and the women use the GL6. It is a little less heavy than Spalding and Wilson basketballs, weighing only 567 grams or 20 ounces. While it weighs less than an NBA basketball, it is also slightly more prominent at a circumference of 30.7 inches for men. Women’s basketball is around 29 inches in circumference.

How Much Does a Youth Basketball Typically Weigh?

Most of the junior or youth basketball leagues use a college ball. Otherwise, if a youth basketball is used, they weigh significantly less than NBA or college balls.

Typically, a youth basketball is referred to as a size 5 basketball. It is about 27.5 inches in circumference (70 cm) and weighs around 20 ounces (1.25 pounds). Most kids up to 10 years old use this type of basketball.

If need be, children eight years old and below use a smaller basketball. It is often referred to as a size 4 and weighs only 14 ounces with a circumference of 25.5 inches. After the size 4, the size 3 is what is referred to as a mini-basketball. It only weighs 10 ounces with a circumference of 22 inches.

Basketball Sizes and Weight

We have already outlined the basketball sizes and weight above, but for the data to be more comprehensive, let’s put it in one table below:

Basketball Size Circumference  Weight Remarks
Size 7 29.5 inches 22 ounces This is the official size and weight of an NBA and NCAA basketball. Recommended for basketball players 15 and above.
Size 6 28.5 inches 20 ounces This is the official size of a WNBA and  women’s NCAA basketball. It is recommended for boys and girls 12-14 years old.
Size 5 27.5 inches 17 ounces Recommended for boys and girls from 9-11 years old and is most often referred to as a youth basketball.
Size 4 25.5 inches 14 ounces For boys and girls eight years old and below, preferably as young as five years old.
Size 3 22 inches 10 ounces Often referred to as mini basketball, it is recommended for kids 4-8 years old.
Size 1 16 inches 8 ounces Often called the micro-mini basketball, the size 1 is best used by pre-school children 2-4 years old.
FIBA basketball Up to 30.7 inches 20-22 ounces A FIBA basketball, which uses the Molten brand, is officially a size 7 but may have a circumference of up to 30.7 inches. Women’s international basketball also uses a size 6, but with slight variations in circumference and weight.
Nerf ball 9-20 inches 1-5 ounces Ball made of foam, plastic, or rubber and is recommended for toddlers.

7 Random Facts about Basketballs:

1. Spalding was the first manufacturer of basketballs in 1894 based on the design of the existing baseball. It has been the official manufacturer of NBA basketball since 1983 and until the 2019-20 season.

2. The Japanese manufacturer has been the official manufacturer of the balls used in international basketball competitions (including the Olympics and World Championships) sanctioned by FIBA. It has been doing so since 1982 until now.

3. The official Spalding NBA basketball is made of the finest full grain leather and costs a shade under $170.

4. Spalding became the official ball manufacturer of the Euroleague in 2012.

5. Albert Goodwill Spalding, the Spalding founder, was a pitcher for the Boston Red Stockings with an overall winning percentage of .796. He is also the first pitcher to get 200 wins.

6. Molten basketballs were made the Tokyo 1964 Olympics’ official basketball, only six years after the company’s inception.

7. Wilson has been the official partner of NCAA basketball since the 1990s and will take over as the NBA’s official basketball in the 2021-22 season. It was also the first partner of the league from 1946 until it was replaced by Spalding in 1983.

Wrapping Things Up: How Much Does a Basketball Weigh

For non-basketball fans, talking about the weight of a basketball seems irrelevant. However, for the sake of skill development and consistency, standard measurements of a basketball have been developed through the years. 

In the game’s inception, Dr. Naismith has to make do with what’s already there– in this case, peach baskets and soccer balls. Soccer balls typically weigh around 16 inches and compared to the basketball sizes today, that’s about the weight of a size 5 basketball, one recommended for 9-11-year-old kids. It must have been pretty uncomfortable to shoot with!

As mentioned, there are already standard or official basketball sizes and basketball weights. A size 7 is the one used in the NBA and men’s NCAA. It is usually 22 ounces in weight, 29.5 inches in circumference, with air pressure between 7.5 to 8.5 psi. It is also the recommended ball for boys aged 15 and up. A size 6 basketball is the one used by the WNBA and NCAA. Tournaments for girls aged 12-14 years old use a size 6 basketball– 28.5 inches in circumference and 20 ounces in weight.

From there, youth basketball uses a different basketball weight and size. A size 5 basketball, 27.5 inches in circumference, and 17 ounces in weight are usually referred to as a youth basketball. A size 4 basketball is for kids 5-8 years old, and a size 3 basketball is often called the mini basketball. Even smaller than that, a size 1 basketball is called the micro-mini basketball; because, after all, it is only 16 inches in circumference and weighs only 8 ounces.

The Molten basketballs used in FIBA competitions, including the Olympics and World Championships, are also officially a size 7. That means they also weigh 22 ounces, but they may have a circumference of up to 30.7 inches rather than the typical 29.5.

Why is it important that we know all about the weight of basketball and its sizes? It is essential because it is not safe and is not conducive to basketball skills development. How so? An underinflated basketball is virtually impossible to dribble, while an overinflated basketball is hard to control and may injure fingers after a wrong catch. Because of these reasons, it is very critical to use basketballs and their recommended weight and sizes.

Those who are not familiar with basketball may get confused about the question, how much does a basketball weigh? After all, a ball is just a ball, right? Wrong! Official basketball weight and sizes exist for a reason, and as basketball players, it would be in our best interest to follow these propositions.

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll like our other basketball FAQ articles here.

Also, check out our basketball reviews here.

Ball inflation pressure

Ball inflation pressure

A properly inflated ball is the key to a good game and durability. If the ball is not sufficiently inflated, then this will entail a low rebound, poor handling, and an incorrect flight path. If the ball is pumped over, it can burst, change shape, cause pain during the game, and even cause injury.

First of all, when buying, carefully check the ball for mechanical damage, whether the ball is new and how it is packaged. Most often, the cause of the pressure drop in the ball is a damaged nipple. If you purchased the ball in a deflated state, then be sure to inflate it according to the instructions, checking the pressure, and leave the ball overnight. Check the pressure again the next day. If you bought the ball in an inflated state, then leave it for a day and see if it went down during this time. You can also use the "old Russian way" to determine the health of the nipple. To do this, moisten your finger and attach to the nipple. A properly functioning nipple will not form bubbles. We draw your attention to the fact that if you purchased the ball and used it, then the guarantee for such a ball remains only after the provision of an expert opinion.

Back to pressure. .. The pressure in a ball depends on what sport the ball is for, what size it is, and what level of play it is. Different manufacturers measure pressure in different units, psi (pounds per square inch), bar (pressure unit approximately equal to one atmosphere), kgf / cm² (one kilogram of force per square centimeter), kPa (kilopascal). Pay attention to this!

The pressure in the ball is strongly influenced by the ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. If we recall physics, then at high temperatures the substance expands, and at low temperatures, on the contrary, it decreases. So if, in winter, we pump up the ball on the street at -10 to the desired pressure, then after we bring the ball into a warm room, the pressure in it will increase slightly. This is true, for example, for soccer balls for games in winter. Therefore, it is better to inflate the ball directly where games or training are planned. If the operating pressure recommended by the manufacturer is not observed, the performance of the ball will be significantly worse and the ball will become unusable very quickly.

Below are tables with average operating pressures for balls of various sizes and for various sports:

Pressure balls for classic volleyball

Beach Volleyball Pressure

Futsal pressure

Football pressure

Pressure in handballs

Pressure in basketballs

IMPORTANT! These tables are for reference only and may not meet the requirements of some manufacturers. As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates the working pressure of the ball at the nipple. Be sure to check this information.

We also recommend that you purchase and use a special silicone liquid for inflating sports balls with the ball and have a pressure gauge to check the pressure. Do not use liquids that destroy the material (latex, butyl) of the camera.

How to choose a basketball - Internet portal Sportmaster Media

2 minutes.

There are only two criteria to consider.


This is a material about the choice of a basketball. We also have a text about the best basketball players in history - read it to know who you should look up to.

Just starting to play basketball and don't know how to find the right ball? You are at the right place, now we will tell you everything. With the help of this guide, you will learn how to correctly select a game projectile based on just two basic criteria.

Pretty obvious, right? Basketballs come in different sizes, usually the game shell is selected according to the age and height of the basketball player. Base balls are divided into three categories:

Size 7

A full-size ball that is used in the National Basketball Association (NBA) tournament. The International Basketball Federation (FIBA) recommends such playing equipment for training and matches of athletes over 15 years old. The circumference of the ball is 749-780 millimeters, it weighs 567-650 grams.

Size 7 Basketballs

New Collection

3,499 RUB

Demix | Basketball ball Demix DB4000 Composite


1,199 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix DSB Streetball


Demix | Basketball ball Demix Skywalk


1 399 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Triple Double 7


2 399 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Fast Break


Final price

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Buzzer 7


2 999 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix DB3000 Microfiber


6 299 ₽

Molten | Basketball ball Molten FIBA ​​BG3800


15 199 ₽

Molten | Basketball Molten FIBA ​​BG5000


5 999 ₽

Molten | Molten BG3200 basketball ball


1,819 RUB

2,599 RUB

Demix | Basketball ball Demix BCL1000 Microfiber


2 399 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Fast Break


Size 6

This size is most commonly used by girls over 12 and boys 12-14. For example, such a ball is played in the championship of the Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA), they are also driven in women's tournaments among senior schoolgirls and university students. Circumference - 724-737 millimeters, weight - 510-567 grams.

Size 6 basketballs


New collection Demix | Basketball ball Demix DB4000 Composite


6 299 ₽

Molten | Basketball ball Molten FIBA ​​BG3800


11 699 ₽

Molten | Basketball Molten FIBA ​​BG4500


6 899 ₽

Molten | Molten FIBA ​​BG4000 basketball ball


5 999 ₽

Molten | Molten BG3200 basketball ball


Size 5

This ball is played by very young basketball players - boys and girls aged 9-11. This is a standard basketball for children with a circumference of 690-710 millimeters and a weight of 470-500 grams.

Size 5 basketballs

1399 ₽

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Triple Double 5


Final price

Demix | Basketball ball Demix Buzzer 5


Demix | Basketball ball Demix BR805


5 999 ₽

Molten | Molten BG3200 basketball ball


The choice of ball depends on the surface of a particular court. Outdoor basketball courts are usually rough enough to withstand harsh weather conditions, so it's a good idea to come to them with only the most durable game equipment. Soft balls on such surfaces are likely to deform.

Leather basketballs are used in professional leagues and are made from genuine leather. This is the most comfortable material for playing, the longer you use such a ball, the softer and more pleasant it feels.

Leather basketballs should only be used indoors.

Second type - synthetic leather . This is a high-tech material that imitates natural leather in all respects. In the manufacture of such products, very thin fiber and high-quality polyurethane are used - the game projectile will be resistant to deformation, it can be driven both indoors and outdoors.

There are also balls made of composite leather . Skin fibers and trimmings are combined by various methods, resulting in a soft and elastic ball. This is a sensitive material, so it is better not to take such game equipment outside the halls.

The simplest type is balls made of rubber . They are usually the most accessible and are intended for use by beginners.

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