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How heavy is nba basketball

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh? Everything You Need To Know is an informative blog for readers. The products in the article contain affiliate marketing links. We may receive a small commission when you make purchases through our links. You do not need to pay any additional fees for us. See our full disclosures here

Beginners in basketball may believe that all basketballs are the same weight. Yet, the ball’s weight might vary based on a variety of conditions. So, how much does a basketball weigh

A basketball typically weighs between 1.3 and 1.5 pounds (21 to 22 ounces). The materials for the making of a basketball also affect its total weight.

Let’s dive right into the article with Scott Fujita!


What Is The Standard Weight And Size Of A Basketball?

NBA Basketball Weighs 1.4 pounds

Although basketballs come in a variety of sizes, the NBA basketball weight is typically the average. So, if we’re talking about the weight of professional NBA basketball, it’ll be approximately 1.4 pounds.

The diameter of the ring is 29.5 inches. The air pressure is another critical thing to consider, which requires a normal air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 pounds per square inch.

How Much Does An NBA Basketball Weigh?

The Metric System Employs The Gram As The Measurement Of Weight.

Every player desires to play in the NBA, the most competitive and successful basketball league globally. Although there are various other organizations with varied styles, the NBA is the most well-known. 

View more: How much are courtside seats at an NBA game

The proper weight for men’s basketball is 1.37 pounds, according to NBA regulations and specifications. The circumference, on the other hand, is 29.5 inches tall. As a result, you have a reasonable estimate of the weight of an NBA basketball.

Due to the physicality of females, the WNBA reduces the standard for weight and circumference. The WNBA basketball has a maximum weight of 1.13 pounds and a circumference of 28.5 inches.

How Much Does A Basketball Weigh In Grams?

Youth Basketballs Are Size 5

Do not worry if you do not know what pounds mean. The metric system employs the gram as the measurement of weight. Therefore, for your convenience, all the data is presented in gram form. 

A basketball of size 4 weighs roughly 397 grams for junior balls. When compared to other sizes, it is relatively light, as previously stated. 

The weight of the size 5 climbs dramatically, reaching 481 grams. Since this size is for youngsters aged ten and up, it is not difficult to comprehend. As a result, the weight and size of the players expand to fit their physique.

For their tournaments, several leagues and groups now collaborate with various manufacturing enterprises. Because it is the most competitive platform, the NBA is the gold standard for every basketball player. They utilize a 7-sized ball that is 623 grams in weight. 

The WNBA uses a slightly different metric. They utilize a 6-sized ball that weighs 510 grams and has a 2-3 inches narrower circumference. If there is more air inflation pressure in the ball, these readings will alter as well. 

The NCAA uses Wilson balls instead of Spalding balls. As a result, their men’s basketball weighs the same as the NBA but has a 30-inch diameter.

The weight of women’s basketball is roughly 566 grams, with a diameter of 29 inches. Basketball sizes are also measured differently by the International Basketball Federation. 

Although they all weigh 566 grams, the production process causes them to feel somewhat different in hand. Men’s basketball has a circumference of 30.5 inches, whereas women’s basketball is 29 inches.

How Much Does A Youth Basketball Weigh?

Mini Basketball

The pro league for up-and-coming stars is the youth leagues, also known as junior basketball leagues. They do not play regular basketball and use a more miniature college basketball instead. 

They also utilize mini basketballs, which are lighter than professional NBA basketballs. For conventional measures, youth basketballs are often designated as size 5. 

It is lighter than NBA basketballs, weighing roughly 1.25 pounds. The circumference of the ring is approximately 27.5 inches. This sort of ball is used by any young player under ten for their regular training and games. 

A 4-sized basketball may be used by anyone aged eight or younger. This ball is 25.5 inches in circumference, which is much less than that of conventional NBA balls. A size 4 is typically roughly 0.87 pounds. 

How Much Does A Mini Basketball Weigh?

An Inflated Basketball Weigh At Least 22 Pounds.

Basketball sizes vary according to the gender, age, and skill level of the participants. For junior players in a school-level game, the ball may be of GL. The mini basketball typically weighs around 0.625 pounds (10 lb) or 283 grams (g) and is designed for children aged 3 to 5.

How Much Does A Women’s Basketball Weigh? 

Women and men have various physical characteristics and features. As a result, the rules for basketball measuring varied. Women have their league, that’s the WNBA, where they may show off their prowess. 

Basketball league sizes are mostly divided into two categories. The first is more extensive, measuring 29 inches in diameter and weighing 1.25 pounds. This basketball is a regular 6-inch basketball. 

The other one is slightly smaller than 28 inches in diameter and weighs 1.125 pounds. According to the match requirements, condition, air pressure, inflation, and other criteria, the official match balls are chosen.

The standards for international forms follow the International Basketball Federation standards. While the Molten basketballs use some of the same materials as the Spalding basketballs, they are somewhat smaller and heavier.  

These basketballs are high-quality leather. So, you should be able to spin a ball around your finger.

How Does A Properly Inflated Ball Weigh?

A Perfect Basketball Does Not Come With Sufficient Inflation.

In most cases, a perfect basketball does not come with sufficient inflation. If you’re playing on outdoor basketball courts, it is unlikely that you’ll notice. 

The same cannot say the same for professional players who play regularly. You’ll wind up over inflating or under inflating your basketball if you don’t have a good understanding of properly inflated basketball weight. 

The weight of an average inflated basketball must be at least 22 pounds. The inflation error margin, on the other hand, is roughly 0.03 pounds. So, if you stay in this range, that’s great. 

How Is The Air Measured In A Ball?

Every Basketball Has Air Inside Of It.

The correct air pressure inside a basketball may make a massive difference in your game feel. However, to maintain appropriate pressure, you must understand how to gauge air pressure. 

Here, you’ll learn how to maintain a high air density within the basketball by psi, or pounds per square inch, which is the standard pressure unit for basketball. Inside a basketball, the pressure should be between 7.5 and 8.5 pounds per square inch. 

A pressure gauge is ideal for measuring air pressure, a standard instrument for determining the strength of a gas or fluid. 

It is capable of calculating the overall pressure trapped inside a confined space. Gently put the gauge into the ball’s needle aperture while determining the air pressure. The psi within the ball will show on the dial or screen.

Final Thoughts

You can measure basketball in several different ways in circumference, inflation pressure, and total weight. When selecting a basketball, keep in mind your gender, age, and league you will use it. 

Basketballs are sized and weighted differently in different leagues. As a result, understanding the proper size is critical to prevent getting disqualified from a game. 

Hopefully, now that you are familiar with basketball sizes and have discussed how much does a basketball weigh in pounds, grams, or ounces and how it influences player performance. So, you will have a better understanding of the game.

How Much Does a Basketball Weigh?

When Dr. James Naismith invented basketball in 1891, he used peach baskets as goals and soccer balls (weighing only 16 ounces) for the first two years. Since then, the weight of a basketball has changed when the first basketball made of laced leather was manufactured in 1894. Decades later, genuine leather was used and then composite leather in the 1990s up until now. Because we now have standard basketballs in production, how much does a basketball weigh?

Before we answer that question, let us examine why the weight of a basketball is critical.

How Important is the Weight of a Basketball

There are standards for basketball size and weight for a reason. Can you imagine all these big guys at the NBA still shooting basketballs the size and weight of soccer balls? A properly inflated ball and one of the correct size are essential for proper skill development and basketball players’ safety.

Does a ball that is not adequately inflated affect the training of a basketball player? Of course! A ball with too little air will be too flat and impossible to dribble. An overly inflated basketball may also be challenging to dribble as it tends to stay high and difficult to control when shooting. Moreover, improperly catching an overly inflated ball or reaching for it as a defender may cause jamming of the fingers. 

Thus, for the safety of the players and for their skill development, there is no other way but to use a properly inflated ball of the correct size and weight.

What’s the Standard Weight of a Basketball to Have? 

If we are talking about a standard NBA basketball, the standard weight is 22 ounces or around 1. 4 pounds. (The weight of basketball in kg is 0.623 kg.) It measures 29.5 inches in circumference and is inflated to about an air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 psi (pounds per square inch). 

However, depending on the level of basketball you are playing, the official sizes and weight of the ball may vary. Let’s take a look.

How Much Does a Basketball Weigh in Various Basketball Leagues?

NBA Basketball Weight

As mentioned, the NBA basketball weight is 22 ounces or 1.4 pounds, give or take. (That is 623.69 grams if we are using the metric system.) The official NBA basketball has a circumference of 29.5 inches and an air pressure of 7.5 to 8.5 psi. The official NBA basketball is commonly referred to as a size 7.

WNBA Basketball Weight

The WNBA and the NBA may have a similar 10-foot hoop and 50 feet x 94 feet of court, but there is a slight difference between the weight of the basketball they use. While the NBA uses a basketball with a 29. 5-inch circumference, the WNBA uses a size 6 basketball, which measures 27.75 inches and weighs 18 ounces. If inflated to around 8 psi, the ball may reach a maximum of 28.5 inches in circumference and up to 20 ounces in weight.

NCAA Basketball Weight

Official NCAA basketballs are manufactured by Wilson, and it is a little bigger than the Spalding basketball the NBA uses. (The NBA has dropped its partnership with Spalding after this season and will use Wilson basketballs starting in 2021-22.) 

The maximum circumference of a standard NCAA basketball is 30 inches and a weight of 22 ounces. The seams are no wider than 0.25 inches. On the other hand, a women’s NCAA basketball has a similar seam width but is only at around 20 ounces in weight and 29 inches in circumference.

FIBA Basketball Weight

The official balls used in FIBA basketball competition are manufactured by a company called Molten. Typically, the men use the GL7 series, and the women use the GL6. It is a little less heavy than Spalding and Wilson basketballs, weighing only 567 grams or 20 ounces. While it weighs less than an NBA basketball, it is also slightly more prominent at a circumference of 30.7 inches for men. Women’s basketball is around 29 inches in circumference.

How Much Does a Youth Basketball Typically Weigh?

Most of the junior or youth basketball leagues use a college ball. Otherwise, if a youth basketball is used, they weigh significantly less than NBA or college balls.

Typically, a youth basketball is referred to as a size 5 basketball. It is about 27.5 inches in circumference (70 cm) and weighs around 20 ounces (1.25 pounds). Most kids up to 10 years old use this type of basketball.

If need be, children eight years old and below use a smaller basketball. It is often referred to as a size 4 and weighs only 14 ounces with a circumference of 25.5 inches. After the size 4, the size 3 is what is referred to as a mini-basketball. It only weighs 10 ounces with a circumference of 22 inches.

Basketball Sizes and Weight

We have already outlined the basketball sizes and weight above, but for the data to be more comprehensive, let’s put it in one table below:

Basketball Size Circumference  Weight Remarks
Size 7 29.5 inches 22 ounces This is the official size and weight of an NBA and NCAA basketball. Recommended for basketball players 15 and above.
Size 6 28.5 inches 20 ounces This is the official size of a WNBA and  women’s NCAA basketball. It is recommended for boys and girls 12-14 years old.
Size 5 27.5 inches 17 ounces Recommended for boys and girls from 9-11 years old and is most often referred to as a youth basketball.
Size 4 25.5 inches 14 ounces For boys and girls eight years old and below, preferably as young as five years old.
Size 3 22 inches 10 ounces Often referred to as mini basketball, it is recommended for kids 4-8 years old.
Size 1 16 inches 8 ounces Often called the micro-mini basketball, the size 1 is best used by pre-school children 2-4 years old.
FIBA basketball Up to 30.7 inches 20-22 ounces A FIBA basketball, which uses the Molten brand, is officially a size 7 but may have a circumference of up to 30.7 inches. Women’s international basketball also uses a size 6, but with slight variations in circumference and weight.
Nerf ball 9-20 inches 1-5 ounces Ball made of foam, plastic, or rubber and is recommended for toddlers.

7 Random Facts about Basketballs:

1. Spalding was the first manufacturer of basketballs in 1894 based on the design of the existing baseball. It has been the official manufacturer of NBA basketball since 1983 and until the 2019-20 season.

2. The Japanese manufacturer has been the official manufacturer of the balls used in international basketball competitions (including the Olympics and World Championships) sanctioned by FIBA. It has been doing so since 1982 until now.

3. The official Spalding NBA basketball is made of the finest full grain leather and costs a shade under $170.

4. Spalding became the official ball manufacturer of the Euroleague in 2012.

5. Albert Goodwill Spalding, the Spalding founder, was a pitcher for the Boston Red Stockings with an overall winning percentage of .796. He is also the first pitcher to get 200 wins.

6. Molten basketballs were made the Tokyo 1964 Olympics’ official basketball, only six years after the company’s inception.

7. Wilson has been the official partner of NCAA basketball since the 1990s and will take over as the NBA’s official basketball in the 2021-22 season. It was also the first partner of the league from 1946 until it was replaced by Spalding in 1983.

Wrapping Things Up: How Much Does a Basketball Weigh

For non-basketball fans, talking about the weight of a basketball seems irrelevant. However, for the sake of skill development and consistency, standard measurements of a basketball have been developed through the years. 

In the game’s inception, Dr. Naismith has to make do with what’s already there– in this case, peach baskets and soccer balls. Soccer balls typically weigh around 16 inches and compared to the basketball sizes today, that’s about the weight of a size 5 basketball, one recommended for 9-11-year-old kids. It must have been pretty uncomfortable to shoot with!

As mentioned, there are already standard or official basketball sizes and basketball weights. A size 7 is the one used in the NBA and men’s NCAA. It is usually 22 ounces in weight, 29.5 inches in circumference, with air pressure between 7.5 to 8.5 psi. It is also the recommended ball for boys aged 15 and up. A size 6 basketball is the one used by the WNBA and NCAA. Tournaments for girls aged 12-14 years old use a size 6 basketball– 28.5 inches in circumference and 20 ounces in weight.

From there, youth basketball uses a different basketball weight and size. A size 5 basketball, 27.5 inches in circumference, and 17 ounces in weight are usually referred to as a youth basketball. A size 4 basketball is for kids 5-8 years old, and a size 3 basketball is often called the mini basketball. Even smaller than that, a size 1 basketball is called the micro-mini basketball; because, after all, it is only 16 inches in circumference and weighs only 8 ounces.

The Molten basketballs used in FIBA competitions, including the Olympics and World Championships, are also officially a size 7. That means they also weigh 22 ounces, but they may have a circumference of up to 30.7 inches rather than the typical 29.5.

Why is it important that we know all about the weight of basketball and its sizes? It is essential because it is not safe and is not conducive to basketball skills development. How so? An underinflated basketball is virtually impossible to dribble, while an overinflated basketball is hard to control and may injure fingers after a wrong catch. Because of these reasons, it is very critical to use basketballs and their recommended weight and sizes.

Those who are not familiar with basketball may get confused about the question, how much does a basketball weigh? After all, a ball is just a ball, right? Wrong! Official basketball weight and sizes exist for a reason, and as basketball players, it would be in our best interest to follow these propositions.

If you enjoyed this post, you’ll like our other basketball FAQ articles here.

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The 15 Fattest NBA Players Ever

Workout? I thought you said "Extra Free".

Now in the NBA off-season. Most of the guys are in the Summer League, on vacation or playing golf. But over the years, there have been a few guys who have spent their off-season at the buffet without straining.

These guys are fat. Let's not sweeten, because if we did, they would eat that too. Just one look at these guys when they were in high school can show that they had a chance to make it to the big leagues, but somehow they put on extra weight. So, to celebrate their snub, here are the 15, not 18 (even our numbers are inflated) biggest boys to ever hit the NBA wood court.

Shaquille O'Neal

Shaq wasn't always heavy. Wait, let me rephrase it: Shaq wasn't always fat. In his time in Orlando, he was lean, mean, and athletic. But it looks like the good life in Los Angeles has gotten to him. He was also not helped by moving to Ohio and Massachusetts. It is always cold there, so the human body tends to gain a few extra pounds to keep warm. But there were more than a few.

Sim Bhullar

Sim “Slim” Bhullar is anyone but… Literally a giant with a height of 2.26 m and a weight of 163.29kg, he is one of the biggest players ever to participate in official matches. We mean not only the tallest. The big Indian was accepted by the Sacramento Kings after the "draft", but was soon abandoned, and then signed a contract for a period of 10 days, according to which he played 3 minutes in three games. He is currently playing in Taiwan's professional league. I bet the locals have never seen anyone eat like him.

Brian Scalabrine

Yes, we know. How dare we put the "White Mamba" on this list. The thing is, we don't pick favorites here. We can't think of any other player in NBA history who was out of shape every season of his 12-year professional career like a 40-year-old Christian league player.

Jahidi White

Jahidi White 's professional career was just as successful as acting. In basketball he spent seven years fighting of his injuries. With a height of 2 m 5 cm and a weight of 136 kg, he could be a monster on the set, but he fully showed his monstrosity , playing the role of an alien in the film Showdown at Area 51 of the Sci Fi channel.

Charles Barkley

Old Chuck is retired, but most of his playing career he was in relatively good shape. Only towards the end of his tenure in the NBA league, Sir Charles reduced his fitness level and also slowed his metabolism.

So far, the most valuable NBA players of 1993 are criticized by colleagues from the "Hall of Fame": in mainly Shaquille O'Neal. Chuck had a short break when he was on the Weight Watchers diet, but after he started eating food again that would fit in a whole truckload of .

Also, no one has forgotten the legendary story of how Sir Charles devoured pizza and hamburgers with such zeal as if there was no tomorrow, hoping to avoid the '76 camp fees in the process. Obviously it didn't work. Nice try Chuck.

Eddy Curry

Eddy was a not particularly agile player on the court, which was just his career. The Bulls had high hopes for what they called "Baby Shaq" ("Baby Shaq"), but the 4th rookie from the "draft" did not live up to of their expectations. O'Neill made it clear that he did not like when compared his to Edia, saying the following: " I didn't get that much attention when was better than the one compares me to . If he wants to sign the next contract, then he will have to go to the sports club in New York three times a day, and go there on a bicycle.

Ray Felton

Ray Felton, with a shaved head and a height of 1.8 m, does not easily hide his excess weight. His weight is total 90 kg but he is definitely not is the th most sports point guard in the NBA.

In 2012, a photo appeared on the internet showing Felton pounding during 's time at basketball camp, which spurred Ray into action. Since he has cut his diet and looks like a million dollars.

There is nothing more more motivating than getting angry and derisive reviews on the Internet.

Stanley Roberts

Some people thought Stan was the right person to be is one of the best centers in basketball. Even Sports Illustrated compared his to LSU player Shaquille O'Neal (later his was also compared to "Fat Man" Albert). Of course he is , like many of the guys on our list, lowered his potential due to being overweight.

It is known that he was out of shape and weighed up to 156 kg. In 9 years of playing in the NBA he received many injuries , which were the result of excess weight. Stanley not only missed games due to injury, but was also suspended for violating the league's drug rules. He smoked weed all his time in the NBA. This is probably the first time that gluttony hurt a career.

Michael Sweetney

Michael Sweetney spent in just four years in the NBA and was another league flop. He ranked 9 overall at Georgetown, where he averaged a solid 18.2 points per game. During the of his career, Sweetney weighed 125kg, but that was nonsense, because the is a and at 136kg, the looked great .

The last time we heard that he went to Uruguay, and the pictures show that his body weight is approaching 181 kg. This is in general maybe?

Glen Davis

"Big Baby" Davis is probably the biggest big famous person of the decade. He was big all his life. At the age of 9 he was so big that he played with older children. This circumstance helped him develop faster than his peers.

Legend has it that "The Kid" collided with 147 kg Shaquille O'Neal at the LSU camp, after which he fell and "pierced" the "Hall of Fame" to the ground, but Shaq in this is never recognized as .

Greg Ostertag

Greg Ostertag is the poster boy for big, awkward white basketball players. This is no small feat, considering that over the past decades there have been several hundred contenders for his place, who were not able to match with a 214 meter beast weighing 127 kg. His physical data helped him to gain a foothold on the defense side.

This guy is was one of the most big passive hitters in history . He never scored more than double figures in for the entire season of play. Somehow, the Jazz never had a losing season with him in 5 years, which helped Greg build a reputation as a cult player.

Bryant Reeves

Bryant Reeves looks like Greg Ostertag's uncle who lives in a trailer in the swamps and grumbles at family barbecues.

By the way, Reeves was nicknamed “Big Village” because he really grew up in a small town in Arkansas, but rather only he was given this nickname because he is and really looks like a giant hillbilly. But like all white guys in the NBA are over 2.10m tall, he was extremely awkward and not a team player. He managed to last a few good seasons, but after 6 years he completed professional activity .

Robert Traylor

Approaching a weight of more than than 136 kg. At some moment in his career, it became clear why he was nicknamed "Tractor". He is the first guy that comes to mind that has ever been kicked off a team for failing a team medical exam (this was on the Nets in 2005).

Taylor tragically passed away at the age of 34 years old in his apartment in Puerto Rico, where at the time he was playing professionally. The cause of death was a heart attack.

Craig Smith

Craig Smith, affectionately nicknamed "The Rhino" (better than the Behemoth, right? ), nothing special didn't expect from the 2006 draft, but was selected 900 player. We knew that he will become a strong player in all senses of the word.

As a result of he spent in the NBA in total six seasons, averaging 7.6 points and 17 minutes per game. He finished his career in Israel in 2015.

Jerome James

Jerome James remains at the head of one of the worst offers in NBA history. Classic New York Basketball Club Knicks gave this man, who is they nicknamed "Big Snacks" ("Big snacks"), for 5 years, it's ridiculous to imagine, 30 million dollars. This was after of his mediocre game in Seattle. Even before he played in Montenegro and France, and also spent one year with the Kings. The first of his club was the Harlem Globetrotters.

At the end of his career he was traded to the Bulls, but never entered the court during a game. The photo of the day from the media shows how big was center around 2009.

Sean May

You can't help but empathize with Sean May.

This man won the 2005 NCAA Championship with the Tar Heels and was the Most Outstanding Player of the Tournament. His was expecting a successful career. He also became the Most Valuable Player of the 2006 Summer League. However, a surgical operation in the second season due to a microcrack in the knee changed his further plans. Time away from the game resulted in weight gain and reduced physical activity . Subsequently he could not fully recover from the injury.

John Williams

What to do in Indiana? Few. Obviously, big Johnny eats out of boredom, so don't be surprised by how John Williams looks. He has always been a big guy, but when he moved to the NBA at 1986, then rose to the next level. He was the 12th pick in the 1986 draft , , but the pick fell short of expectations. It is possible that the decline in his career began after he won the Most Valuable Player title in the Boy's McDonalds All-American Game. His award seems to be a lifetime supply of McDonald's food.

Oliver Miller

"Big O" is better known as a fat man than a basketball player. Most of the guys on our list struggled with being overweight total a few years, but Miller went on to fight all his entire career ( he was not just as strong as Shaq, but persistent). It is noteworthy that he even spent the period of his NBA career in such "form".

Surprisingly only is that the extra weight did not interfere with him . He spent in the NBA a decent years, but his further professional career extended to an incredible 90,003 years in which he 90,004 played 90,003 more than 90,004 incredible 18 teams, not to mention 90,003 his 90,004 two matches for the Harlem Globetrotters.

When he played in the NBA, then his weight was 143 kg, but they say that his body weight reached 170 kg. This is 23 kg less than Shaq, who is 10 cm shorter than Miller.


20 major fat men in basketball - Lantern - Blogs

There must be many good people. The Lantern blog remembers the best athletes.

Keith Gallon

: 2010 - to the present

teams : “Main Red Kloz”, “Bakelersfield Jam”, “Atletico de San Gordine”, “Dalaver”



1 Maximum playable weight: 136 kilograms

Career : Before the 2010 draft, the following was known about Keith Gallon. First, he responds to the nickname "Tiny" ("Baby"). Secondly, he snacks on burgers and pizza during the day. Thirdly, he has a good shot from a distance. All of these circumstances prompted Milwaukee to spend the 47th pick on the fat man, only to later kick him out right in training camp. The Celtics came to a similar conclusion three weeks later.


John “Hot Plate” Williams

: 1986-2002

teams : “Washington”, “Clippers”, “Indiana”, “Granada”, “Granada”, “Granada”, “Grandad Valladolid, Alicante

Weight : 133 kilograms

Career : He weighed 106 kilograms at the University of Louisiana, he appeared at Washington with 120 and horrified everyone. Further more. There was not a second when it was possible to doubt the skills of Williams, but his struggle with weight and addiction to junk food ended in a complete victory for the opponent and capitulation.

Williams explained his appetite by the desire to eat stress: numerous relatives pinned all their life hopes on him and constantly demanded to support them. So the fat man had to continue his professional career outside the NBA.

History: Williams was given his last chance in Indiana. Since Larry Brown was convinced that Williams needed to get in shape and lose about 10 kilograms (otherwise he would immediately get injured), he was at the club for a long time on a non-guaranteed contract as the 13th player (listed as injured) and worked above oneself.

Deco PittMan

: 2010 - to the present

teams : Miami, Siu Fols Skyforts, Memphis, Austin Toros, ATLAND

Maximum game weight : 175 kilograms

Career: In the NBA, Pittman does not do well. The guy ended up in Miami, where no one particularly believed in him, traveled around the D-League, and now he was unsuccessfully trying to prove the validity of his claims in Atlanta.

History: Pittman is a legend, a prime example for those trying to lose weight. He came to the University of Texas with 175 kilograms and could not even participate in half of the exercises. Moreover, he was so annoyed with jokes back in school (especially about big feet) that he wore smaller sneakers and disfigured his legs.

But then local coaches took over. The Longhorns fitness coach not only worked daily with the fat man, but also personally controlled everything that he consumes: Pittman called him before each meal and told him everything in detail. In a year, he dropped 45 kilograms and became an inspiration even for such convinced fat men as Barkley.


: 2007 - to the present

teams : Cairns Tapans, Toronto, Aydaho, Minnesota, Siu Folsifier, SIU FOLS SKAIFSE " Partizan, UNICS, Barcelona, ​​Galatasaray

Maximum game weight: 135 kilograms

Career : Jawai has been looking for a place under the sun in the NBA for a long time, but never found it. So, five years later, I realized that its dimensions would look much more useful in Europe, and came to us on a long-term tour: Belgrade, Kazan, Barcelona, ​​Istanbul. Everywhere he was productive (although not always stable), everywhere he joined local successes, everywhere he remained the “Australian Shaq”. The current season started for the fat man, though not very well: after the match, he was hospitalized with dizziness and loss of sensation in his left hand and began a long treatment.

History: When he was a Toronto player, Javai managed to put on 10 kilos in a season, largely because he didn't play at all.

Kevin Dacoort

: 1986-1997

teams: San Antonio, Washington, Miluooki, Clippers

9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000

9000 9000

game weight : 147 kilograms

Career : Everyone will remember Kevin Duckworth from the Blazers at the beginning of 90's, where he suddenly broke into the starting center and looked great. But, in fact, overweight problems haunted him all his life: at school, Duckworth weighed 135 kilograms and hardly brought himself to a working condition of 125. After leaving Portland, this all returned and, as a result, first ruined his playing career, and then life. Duckworth passed away in 2008 at the age of 44.

's Story : Due to weight issues, Duckworth's last years have been scandalous. The center was blown up to 150 kilograms, and Washington suspended him for several games, trying to get rid of the hanging 2.75 million last season. The player and his agent have launched an entire petition, pointing out that Duckworth is recovering from an Achilles injury and is trying to get back into shape. The form stubbornly did not gain (the maximum was dropped to 143), so it was decided to continue the restoration until the summer. After that, the Bullets first drafted Duckworth for an expansion draft (no one took it), and then merged him into the Milwaukee.

Thomas Hamilton

: 1995-2000

Team : Boston, Houston

The maximum game weight : 172 kilograms


Thomas Hamilton was inimitable: a huge fat man who knows how to pass, shoot from a distance, push under the basket and at the same time do not consider himself a center. Everything was too easy, and therefore painfully difficult in the end: poor grades prevented him from going to university, playing at the high school level did not guarantee a draft (although his partner Rashard Griffith left 38th). From 9On the 5th through 2000, the center struggled with a weight that fluctuated between 140 and 180 kilograms, and himself, trying to gain a foothold in the league. At first, Isaiah Thomas spotted him (still in Toronto), but did not give him a chance. Then Hamilton played 11 matches for Boston, in one of which he even scored 13 points in 12 minutes, and finally played 22 meetings for the Rockets until his injuries finally broke him.

History : Unofficially the heaviest player in NBA history.

John Bryant

: 2009 - to the present

teams : Eri Baykhouks, Bavaria, Bavaria

Maximum play weight: 130 kilograms 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Bryant relied on his data (mainly weight) for almost his entire career in Santa Clara. Surprisingly, it turned out that the stab wound forced him to train more and find more acceptable basketball conditions. But the ten kilograms lost did not convince the NBA clubs: after trying himself in the D-League, Bryant soon ended up in Germany.


: 2001-to the present

teams: Portland, New York, "Clippers", "Memphis"

Maximum game weight: 120 kilograms

Career: Appetite, including during matches, accompanied Randolph from childhood and never interfered with him. Blake Griffin is athletic and jumpy, Randolph is fat, clumsy and will not be able to jump over a newspaper, but in a fight under a shield in front of Behemoth, few can resist. Zach's problems were related to non-game moments: as soon as Marc Gasol helped him grow up, his funny appearance ceased to amuse everyone.

History: “Grace and power did not always accompany Zack. His football career came to an end after two practices when an aggressive striker rolled him into the grass. Childhood friend Andrew Morrell recalls how the whole team mocked Randolph because he, being the tallest on the court, could barely touch the bow. Once, while the opponent was throwing free throws, Randolph went to the ring on the other side of the court, jumped up, barely grabbed the rim and fell to the floor. Everyone watched with laughter how funny Randolph floundered in the wreckage. On another occasion, when the Invincibles were playing out a winning game, Sturm finally allowed Randolph to play point guard - he had repeatedly asked him to do this. “Can you imagine how slowly Zach came with the ball to the zone? Sturm says. “So when I ordered to focus on fast attacks, I didn’t use this expression in the literal sense.” This, however, did not stop Randolph from imitating Magic Johnson - blind passes and a Cheshire cat smile constantly appearing on his face.

Randolph, who had grown ten centimeters over the summer, eventually joined Pat Mullin's amateur team based in Indianapolis. “Guys need to be given a chance,” Mullin says. How will they get better if you don't give them a chance? I don't think everyone in Marion shared their sentiment." (Randolph's appetite also grew. Sturm sat next to him and looked at him with shocked eyes: the guy ate popcorn, candy, hot dogs, and then came out and dominated the site. “I didn’t know that wings could be bought at a discount before going out to eat with young Zach,” Mullin recalls).

Two lives of ZAK RANDLF

Sean May

: 2005 - to the present

teams : Charlotte, Charlott, Fenerbachche, Zagreb, "Zagrebny", "Burning Montegranaro, Paris Levallois

Maximum playing weight : 130 kilograms

Career : May's problems began after knee surgery: he missed the 2007/2008 season, and during the recovery he gained weight so much that he collided with a whole bunch of problems (tendonitis, fatigue, etc. ) and was eventually taken out of the team by Larry Brown, as he did not pull physically. The conditioning that helped him look great in his first two seasons in the league and as a student in North Carolina is a thing of the past. May was expelled from Sacramento, and since then began to travel around Europe.

Story : May's murderous story from the press conference. Asked about Sean's future at Charlotte, general manager Rod Higgins said, "A lot of players don't mature right away in this league. They need to be allowed to play and bake." After which one of the journalists remarked: “We shouldn’t talk about baking in the context of May,” and team owner Bob Johnson burst out laughing into the microphone.

Jerome James

years : 1998-2010

Teams : Harlem Globetrotters, Sacramento, Buducnost, Villeurbanne, Seattle, New York, Chicago, Casic de Humacao (Puerto Rico)

Maximum game weight : 140 kilograms

Career : Jerome James has remained misunderstood. He was late for training, explaining that his "Hummer" could not pass through the snow, and he was fined. He came drunk, but he came, but he was still fined. He argued that he himself was forced to clean the box after leaving Sacramento. He said that the only problem with the Knicks was that they didn’t let him on the court, otherwise he would have shown everyone.

James struggled for a long time - in Buducnost, Villeurbanne, Seattle - and shot in the 2005 playoffs. With his performance, he charmed Isaiah Thomas so much that he gave him a 5-year contract for 30 million. Then Jerome changed so much that at first they didn’t recognize him for a long time, they didn’t even think about letting him out on the floor, and when they found out, they decided that a new collective agreement was urgently needed, which would spell out a ban on such modifications. The funny thing is, if Thomas knew how to use the Internet and Googled the name of Jerome James, he would see that just because of the fat man’s nickname (“big snacks”), you need to stay away.

's Story: James' pre-match ritual is extremely simple: he eats a Philadelphia cheesesteak before every game. “I have always done this. I first ate it before a game in high school and set a record for rebounding and blocks. My partners always told me that I would vomit, but they were wrong. Nobody knows Jerome better than me. Since then, I have remained faithful to this practice, and it does not fail me.

Bryant Reeves


Teams: Vancouver

Max Playing Weight : 140kg -State, was seen by the white Shaq and certainly the key to a successful future for the Grizzlies. The first seasons turned out to be quite tolerable, but, having received a 6-year contract for more than 60 million, Reeves suddenly added 10 kilograms to his already considerable weight, so that his back collapsed under such a load.

Reeves eventually became a legend (not the white Shaq, but something like Brian Scalabrini all the way to Scalabrini), going down in history as one of the biggest busts and worst contracts in league history. Now he is back where he came from: Reeves has his own farm where he raises cattle, fishes and does housework.

History : Reeves was known to have the nickname "big country" (a guy from a tiny village went crazy when he first got on a plane). After he became completely immense, his teammate Brent Price did not call him anything other than "big continent".

Glen Davis

: 2007 - to the present

teams : Boston, Orlando, Clippers

Maximum game weight : 13000 kilograms

Career : Being overweight is Davis' main problem, but it has always been a painful backdrop to the Big Baby image. The fat man cried, posed with the title, shoved the fans, made a scandal in the hotel, broke his fingers in a fight with friends, brought Shaq to white heat by not giving a pass and preferring to throw himself - and all this, as it were, has always been associated precisely with such a physique. In 2013, Davis tried to organize a "redesign" - went on a vegetarian diet, demanded that he no longer be called "Big Baby" - but nothing worked.

Now Davis has been kicked out of Orlando and is back with Doc Rivers at the Clippers.

But the main thing is that everything is in order with the appetite.

History : Overweight (or rather sensitivity to fullness) cost Davis 25 thousand dollars. It was back when he was a Celtics player. When Boston visited Detroit, a local fan greeted Big Baby's every move with shouts of "fatty" and "fat ass." Davis could not stand it, advised his comrade to go to hell ... and paid for the statement.

At least the lesson did him good.

Charles Barcley

: 1984-2000

teams : Philadelphia, "Fihusts", "Houston"

Maximum game weight : 135 kilograms 9000 9,000 91 : Problems with excess weight haunted Barkley from school: the love of pizza, hamburgers and soda was the main thing in the life of a super fat man. At school, Charles was called "the fat man who runs faster than the wind", in college he became the "Round Mound of Rebound", in the NBA - "the lazy fat ass." No one knows how much the unwillingness to get in optimal shape and refuse indulgences really affected his career: Sir Charles found a balance that allowed him not to deny himself too much and still be one of the best, and did not bother with more. It is unlikely that this prevented him from winning the ring, and certainly it did not prevent him from becoming one of the best players in his position.

History: "Next stop, Philadelphia." I want to thank the Sixers organization and my first professional coach, Billy Cunningham, who is already inducted into the Hall of Fame. I'd like to highlight some of the guys I've played with. I always tell people that the person who influenced me the most was Moses. He made me get in shape and taught me to work hard (Moses Malone, as always, has a stony expression on his face). I asked Moses in my first year in the league why I wasn't allowed to play, and I struggled to digest his words about "fat" and "lazy." He helped me get in shape and I've always been grateful to him for that."

“We are the Guardians of the Game”. Charles Barcley's speech when entering the Glory Hall

Sean Camp

: 1989-2003

teams : “Seattle”, “Cleveland”, “Portland”, “Orlando”

Max playing weight : 142 kilos

Career : One of the best power forwards in history got off to a great start, got off to a solid start in '96 and fell into a log of total inability to resist his own desires: at first, Kemp rebelled against George Carl and the administration SuperSonics, then began to eat a lot, drink a lot and consume a lot at the same time. Being overweight wasn't a defining factor on its own, but when the additional problems with alcohol and drugs piled up, it was all over. The Caves hired him a nutritionist and chef, the Blazers sent him to the hospital, the Magic gave him one last chance. Kemp was still trying to come back, tried out in a variety of clubs, but more and more turned into a meme: “fat Sean Kemp” conquered the Internet.

's story : Basically, Kemp's career was cut short by a lockout: in '97, the Cavs built the league's best defense around Shaun and the young boys, in '99, the forward, who was supposed to weigh 104 kilograms, came to training camp with weighing 140 kilograms.

“He was very open about it,” recalls Mike Fratello. - I asked him: "Shawn, how could this even happen?" He replied, "Coach, I didn't expect us to play."

Robert Traylor

Antalya (Turkey), Napoli (Italy), Vaqueros de Bayamon (Puerto Rico), Halcones (Mexico),

Maximum playing weight: 145 kilograms

Career: Tractor went down in history as the protagonist of one of the strangest trades: in exchange for him, Dallas got a skinny German kid named Dirk Nowitzki. In fact, back then, not only did everything look quite reasonable, but the actions of Milwaukee seemed more meaningful: Traylor was enchanting in Michigan and was supposed to be either the new Barkley, or the new Shaq.

Everything turned out sadly. Traylor couldn't beat being overweight, dropped out of the league and looked for ways to make money all over the world. In parallel, he supported about 20 of his relatives / friends in Detroit, got caught on tax evasion and underwent aortic surgery. A dramatic life ended at 34: as an active basketball player in Puerto Rico, Traylor suffered a fatal heart attack.


Michael Sweetney

Years: 2003 - present

Teams : New York, Chicago, Chancey, Erie Bayhawks (D-League), Cangrejeros de Santouris ( Puerto Rico), Metros de Santiago (Dominican Republic), Bigua (Uruguay), Vaqueros de Bayamon (Puerto Rico), Guakeriz de Margarita (Venezuela), Atlético Atenas (Uruguay)

Max play weight : 157 kilos

Career : In fact, Sweetney has always been sympathetic. The center did not really like basketball and began to play simply because his father always forced him: he motivated him, scolded him after defeats, attended training sessions. When he was 20 years old, his father died. By this point, Sweetney was already a Georgetown star and had caught the Knicks' attention in the draft. But the motivation evaporated with the departure of his father: the fat man kept gaining and gaining weight, failed the first seasons in the Knicks, did not succeed in Chicago, and went to seek his fortune in all the countries of Latin America.

History: Sweetney once tried to get back into the league, but he wasn't even allowed to play in the summer league for Washington because he arrived weighing 160 kilograms.

Eddie Curry

: 2001-2013

teams : Chicago, New York, Miami, Zhejyan, Dallas

Maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum maximum game weight: 158 kilograms

Career: In general, everything was not very good for Curry anyway: heart problems, not the greatest athleticism, clumsy hands - he was always scolded for mediocre defense and lack of any desire when rebounding. But it all came down to a single story: Isaiah Thomas saw a talent of unimaginable magnitude in Curry and wrote him a crazy contract, and then he came with an overload, constantly began to get injured and, finally, completely out of line with Mike D'Antoni's plans, flew out of the league .

Curry even became an NBA champion, but he will be remembered as a textbook example illustrating the axioms of "a contract year", "Isiah Thomas is the worst general manager of all time" and "a fat contract stimulates an incredible appetite." Curry may not be the most charismatic of fat men, but he alone has spawned more jokes than all the members of this list combined.

Story: In between practice sessions, Eddie Curry was sitting on a giant blue gym ball and the ball...exploded.

33 misfortunes. The most ridiculous injuries in the history of the NBA


: 2000 - to the present

teams : “Iraklis”, “Kant”, “Aris”, “Olympiacaby”, “Olympiacaby”, “Olympiacabi”, “Olympiacaby” , Panathinaikos

Max Playing Weight : 160kg

History: When Sopho started playing for Olympiacos, caught the attention of the Clippers and gained young star status, his weight was suddenly noticed. The Greek club tried to put the fat man in a Swiss clinic to help him control his appetites and set a limit of 150 kilograms for him. Then Skhortsianitis refused, took a break without a salary and preferred to change the team - today he already weighs 160, and the coaches resigned themselves to the fact that it is useless to demand more than 20 minutes from him.

Career : Somewhere before 2011, when Sopho was enchanting for the national team and clubs, he was seriously looked at in the NBA: Skhortsianitis looked quite mobile, and there was no need to talk about the ability to use weight. But then weight problems began to cause injuries and affect his stamina, so the Clippers stopped believing and traded him for Willie Green.

Shaquille O'Neal


Teams : Orlando, Lakers, Miami, Phoenix, Cleveland, Boston

Maximum playing weight : 163 kilograms (rumored to be 192 kilograms)

Career : Great quote from 2004 - one of the Eastern Conference centers said this: “Shaq has a Superman tattoo. On his car is the Superman logo, the same ones on his leather jackets. I think he eats off on purpose to be as strong as Superman and to make everyone bounce off him. But we have another name for him: Fat Albert.

Back in 1996, Shaq was great: at the Atlanta Olympics, he himself broke the gaps. But then age began to take its toll: every year the center became more and more, and thanks to Kobe, his problems with being overweight became more and more discussed. O'Neal never denied their presence, but positioned it as another of his virtues: they say that he specially comes to the training camp untrained in order to get in shape during the season and enter the playoffs in optimal condition. Since the results only confirmed this theory, it served only as a background - an occasion for speculation, nothing more.

Funniest thing: Shaq has always stressed that being overweight is more comfortable for him and less likely to get hurt. Formally, you can’t find fault with this either: in Miami, where Pat Riley whipped every extra pound out of a fat man, O’Neal practically ended his career, and then in Phoenix and Cleveland he bloated again and found reserves to dust a little more.

History: “Even when Pat Riley wasn't a coach, Miami was his team. He was there, probably constantly drawing diagrams in his office: the windows of his office overlooked the landing.

Cameras were placed everywhere: on the floor, in the locker room, probably even in the bathrooms. He wanted to know everything.

I don't want to call Miami a prison, but everyone tiptoed around there. Everyone was deathly afraid of Pat. I came there with the hope of helping them win. I wasn't afraid of anyone, not even the great Pat Riley.

Everything looked very cool, except for one thing: I didn't have time for anything other than exercising because Pat was constantly pushing us with his fat control program. He was very serious about this. He needed all defensemen to have body fat under 6 percent, forwards under 7-8 percent, and centers under 10 percent.

It just didn't make sense to me. I took care of my body for all 12 years in the league, and we won three titles - I have never seen anyone in Miami boast something like that. They may have been in better shape than us, but I never met any of them when we were given the rings.

Look at Alonzo Mourning. He's just a machine. In fact. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out he's a robot. The guy has always been in great shape. He looked 10 times better than me, only on the court I always drove him around the floor, which suggests that the level of fat is just crap that no one needs. What matters is what's in your heart, what matters is what's in your head. Are you strong enough? Do you want to win enough? It doesn't need 10 percent fat.

There is no doubt that when I tried to lose fat, I became more prone to injury.”

“I am returning to the locker room with toilet paper, smeared with shit ...” 20 Herks from the Autobiography of Shakil O'NILL

Oliver Miller

Photo 9,0005,0005 : 1992-2010

Teams: Phoenix, Detroit, Toronto, Dallas, Heraklio, Sacramento, Southern California (ABA), Gary Steelheads (International Basketball League) , Dodge City Legend (US Basketball League), Dakota Wizards (KBA), Indios de Mayaguez (Puerto Rico), Fujian (China), Minnesota, Texas Tycoons (ABA), Arkansas RimRokers (ABA), Arkansas Rivercats (ABA), Lawton-Fort Sill Cavalry (Basketball Premier League)

Maximum weight during career : 170 kilograms

Career : Oliver Miller is remembered by everyone for the legendary final series of '93. The rookie was already distinguished by his size, but in principle he was sometimes useful - both in defense and in assists. Lack of growth (206 centimeters) he had to help overcome his star partner - Charles Barkley. Well, he helped.

In the Pistons, Miller began to have obvious problems with being overweight, which gradually got worse and worse. At some point, it even led to a scandal: when Miller played for Sacramento, and the Kings came to Phoenix, a local gorilla put on a T-shirt with his name on it, stuffed it with popcorn and pretended that he could not budge - even the center threatened the club with legal action after that, but the case was hushed up. Miller's stress continued to pick up, however, as his career continued to slide downhill: all sorts of clubs in leagues you didn't know existed, being expelled from the Harlem Globetrotters for "lack of understanding of what it means to be a globetrotter", and, finally, a one-year detention after he began to threaten someone with a weapon at a barbecue picnic.

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