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How many calories does shooting basketball burn

Calories Burned Playing Basketball | Calculator & Formula – Captain Calculator

LAST UPDATE: September 24th, 2020

The average person burns 575-775 calories per hour in a game of basketball. If they are shooting baskets, they will burn 325-450 calories per hour.


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How many calories are burned while playing basketball?


Calories burned per minute = (MET x body weight in Kg x 3.5) ÷ 200

“MET” is a measurement of the energy cost of physical activity for a period of time. You can find an activity’s MET on the chart above.

A task with a MET of 1 is roughly equal to a person’s energy expenditure from sitting still at room temperature not actively digesting food.

A task with a MET of 2 uses twice as much energy as a task with a MET of 1. A task with a MET of 10 uses 10 times as much energy as a task with a MET of 1.

MET values “do not estimate the energy cost of physical activity in individuals in ways that account for differences in body mass, adiposity, age, sex, efficiency of movement, geographic and environmental conditions in which the activities are performed. Thus, individual differences in energy expenditure for the same activity can be large and the true energy cost for an individual may or may not be close to the stated mean MET level as presented in the Compendium.” (as quoted from the main page of the Compendium of Physical Activities).


A person weighs 180 pounds (81.65kg) and plays shoots baskets (a task that has a MET value of 4.5) for 1 hour (60 minutes).

Calories Burned from Basketball (per minute) = (4.5 x 81.65 x 3.5) ÷ 200 = 6.43
Calories Burned from Basketball (for 60 minutes) = 6.43 x 60 = 386

How can I burn more calories playing basketball?

The higher the rate of activity, the more calories burned.

To increase the rate that calories are burned playing basketball, increasing the intensity of play as well as the total time on the basketball court will all increase the rate that calories burn.

Sources and External Resources

  • Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD, Meckes N, Bassett Jr DR, Tudor-Locke C, Greer JL, Vezina J, Whitt-Glover MC, Leon AS. The Compendium of Physical Activities Tracking Guide. Healthy Lifestyles Research Center, College of Nursing & Health Innovation, Arizona State University. Retrieved May 11, 2015, from the World Wide Web.
  • Arizona State University Healthy Lifestyles Research Center – Compendium of Physical Activities – Sports – Provides MET values for sporting activities, including basketball.
  • Learn about “MET” and the compendium of physical activities from Arizona State University, University or South Carolina, and Wikipedia. There is a summary of general physical activities defined by intensity from the CDC and the Harvard School of Public Health.
  • Recommendations on physical activity for health from the Harvard School of Public Health and the WHO.

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How many calories do playing basketball burn?

How many calories does playing basketball burn?

Numerous studies show that a basketball player burns calories 19.3 times their body weight in a single day, especially if they have an active lifestyle. For players weighing 150-160 lbs, 2,895-3,088 calories are burned in a single day. On the other hand, players who weigh 60-170 lbs can burn 3,281 calories.

Ideally, the calories a basketball player burns while playing vary from different individuals and depend on the game’s intensity. Players with heavier weight use more energy, thus burning more calories than the lighter ones. This also depends on the intensity of the certain workout that the individual is executing. 

In this post, we’ll find out exactly how many calories playing basketball burns and determine the factors that affect this.

Factors affecting the number of calories burned while playing basketball

  • How long you play

Like in any sports or exercise, the calories you burn are directly proportional to how much time you spend doing those activities. You cannot play for about 5 minutes only and expect to burn thousands of calories already. The longer, the better. But be sure not to overwork your body.

The amount of calories you’ll burn is also dependent on the method of how you play the sport. You can play basketball either on a full-court, half-court or just simply shooting hoops. A full-court game of 5 vs 5 is the most intense method to burn calories.

  • Weight

As explained in the previous part of this post, the calories burned also vary depending on the player’s weight. The heavier the player, the more calories are demanded to be used and burned. 

Types of basketball to play for calorie burning

Below are the types of basketball to play for high-intensity calorie-burning:


Occupying the full-court

Playing a full-court game will help a player burn 442 up to a maximum of 700 calories per game. Just make sure your match is exciting enough for you to sweat and heat up.  

2. Running around the court

If you run while dribbling, passing, or attempting to shoot, you will most likely lose 171 calories per game. Whose game is so boring that each player just simply walks while the ball is up for steal anyway? (You can also just run around the court without playing)

3. Shooting in the basketball hoop

Just simply shooting helps you burn up to 130 calories per game. You can just stand on the three-point arc and shoot-retrieve-shoot-retrieve the ball repeatedly. 

4. Intense dribbling

It is said that a player can burn 15 calories for every 90 seconds of simply dribbling the ball. So if you’re on a single game, then you can probably burn an estimate of 124 calories all throughout (which equates to 12. 4 minutes of dribbling).

5. Making passes

The act of passing the ball during a match would result in a burn of 3 calories in a single game. This loss equates to 19 to 20 ball passes. You could also do this without playing a basketball game, just pick a partner, and pass the ball with each other simultaneously.


Basketball is not just a sport. It also serve as an exercise to improve your overall health through calorie-burning. Playing basketball helps you burn calories, which depends on a range of factors such as game intensity and the player’s body weight. 

This game is a part of an aerobic program in Physical Education class. The harder and longer you play basketball, the higher the amount of calories that will be burnt. So, play basketball if you want to get fit in a fun and entertaining way. 

How many calories can you burn in an hour doing different sports - - this table will be very useful for you.

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Designation Calories
Pilates 240
Ultimate Frisbee 480
Climbing 390
Climbing, vertical rock 660
Climbing, rappel 480
Badminton (strong pace) 414
Badminton (at a moderate pace) 216
Badminton, one on one, pair against pair, general training 270
Basketball 324
Basketball, throwing the ball into the basket 270
Basketball game 480
Basketball, wheelchair 390
Basketball, non-game, general practice 360
Basketball, referee organization 420
Trampoline 210
Bdminton competition 420
Running (16 km/h) 642
Running (8 km/h) 414
Run 186 m/min 402
Run 200 m/min 570
Run 325 m/min 2112
Run 400 m/min 5100
Skating 203 m/min 468
Skating 324 m/min 762
Skiing 131 m/min 720
Skiing 282 m/min 912
Cross country running 516
Billiards 150
Bx punching bag 360
Bodyflex 600
Boxing, in the ring, general 720
Boxing, sparring 540
Wrestling 960
Bowling 216
Broomball 420
Water polo 516
Water skis 306
Volleyball 216
Volleyball, non-competition, teams of 6-9 people, general 180
Volleyball, general 420
Beach volleyball 480
Volleyball, competition, gym 480
Handball 414
Handball, team 480
Handball, general 720
Gymnastics, general 240
Golf, electric car use 210
Golf, minigolf, golf cart driving 180
Golf, general 270
Golf, walking and club pulling (see note at end of handbook) 258
Golf, walking and club carrying (see note at back of handbook) 270
G-force racing, pushing or driving 360
Rowing (93. 4 m/min) 654
Rowing (4 km/h) 180
Canoeing (4 km/h) 156
Diving 306
Darts, wall or lawn 150
Hang gliding 210
Children's games (hopscotch, square, knockout, playground equipment, baseball for young children, tetherball, marbles, pebbles) 300
Judo, jujutsu, karate, kickboxing, taekwondo 600
Horse riding 216
Cycling 582
Cycling (15 km/h) 276
Cycling (20 km/h) 462
Cycling (9 km.h) 156
Cycling (14 km/h) 258
Juggling 240
Skydiving 210
Frisbee game, general 180
Roller skating 720
Skateboarding 300
Skateboarding, rollerblading 420
Curling 240
Kickball 420
Equestrian, riding horse, horse care 210
Equestrian general 240
Equestrian, trot 390
Equestrian step 150
Cricket 144
Cricket (beat, serve the ball) 300
Croquet 150
Athletics (hurdles) 600
Athletics (high jump, long jump, triple jump, javelin throw, pole vault) 360
Athletics (shooting, discus throw, hammer throw) 240
Lcross 480
Slow walking 161
Throwing 660
Motocross 240
Horseshoe throwing, throwing rings at the target 180
Table tennis (single) 270
Table tennis (doubles) 174
Table tennis, ping-pong 240
Hiking (3. 2 km/h) 126
Hiking (4 km/h) 204
Swimming (0.4 km/h) 180
Swimming (2.4 km/h) 396
Swimming 16 m/min 180
Swimming 47.2 m/min 618
Fast crawl 486
Polo 480
Squats 240
Jump Rope Fast 720
Jump rope, slow 480
Rope jumping, moderate, general 600
Paddleball, casual, general 360
Paddleball competition 600
Racketball, casual, general 420
Racquetball, competition 600
Rugby 600
Wrestling (match = 5 minutes) 360
Rollers 264
Squash 444
Speed ​​skating 660
Downhill skiing 234
Soccer, casual, general 420
Soccer, competition 600
Softball or baseball, fast or slow serve, general 300
Softball Serve 360
Softball refereeing 240
Race walking 354
Orienteering 540
Archery (not hunting) 210
Taichi 240
Tennis, general 420
Tennis singles 480
Tennis doubles 360
Coaching: football, soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, etc. 240
Ski training 660
Fencing 180
Fencing with swords 558
Checkers fencing 600
Figure skating 216
Football 384
Football or baseball, ball game 150
Football game 540
Football, attack 264
Football, touchball, flagball, general 480
Jai Alai 720
Walking (4 km/h) 156
Walking (6 km/h) 234
Walking uphill with a slight incline 385
Skiing 414
Yard walking (100 steps/min) 249
Walk around the room (90 steps/min) 194
Walking on a flat road at a speed of 4. 2 km/h 188
Walking on a level road at 6 km/h 267
Walking on a flat snowy road at a speed of 4 km/h 245
Walking on a flat snowy road at a speed of 6 km/h 291
Ice hockey 480
Field hockey 420
Hecki-sack 240
Shuffleboard, grass bowling 180

ArcheryCalorie consumption and Fitness information

Moderate Activity

Calculated energy consumption

for 70 kg person

5 minutes 24 Calories 1 hour 294 Calories
10 minutes 49 Calories 2 hours 588 Calories
15 minutes 74 Calories 3 hours 882 Calories
30 minutes 147 Calories 4 hours 1176 Calories

Please note that there are many factors that can contribute to your overall calorie loss. Total energy requirements may vary with gender, age, muscle mass, height, and other genetic and environmental factors.

Cleaning 220 3.0
Wii Fit 220 3.0
Seafaring 220 3.0
Surf 220 3.0
Car Wash 220 3.0
Fishing 220 3.0
Boating or Canoeing 220 3.0
Repair 220 3.0
Vacuuming 220 3. 0
Pilates 228 3.1
Walking (Moderate) - 5 km/h 243 3.3
Gymnastics (Easy, Ex. Exercises at Home) 257 3.5
Walking (Exercise) - 5.5 km/h 279 3.8
Riding 294 4.0
Table Tennis 294 4.0
Bowling 294 4.0
Dance (Slow) 294 4.0
Cycling (Slow) - <16 km/h 294 4.0
Bikram Yoga 294 4. 0
Volleyball 294 4.0
Yard work (in the garden) 294 4.0
Swim (Slow) 294 4.0
Leaf Rake 294 4.0
Aqua Bicycle 294 4.0
Golf (Walking) 294 4.0
Riding a Motorcycle 294 4.0
Shoveling (and Other Related Physical Activities) 368 5.0
Paint 368 5.0
Lawn Mowing 368 5. 0
Skating - 16 km/h 368 5.0
Spin the hoop (Hula hoop) 368 5.0
Cricket 368 5.0
Kayaking 368 5.0
Dance (Quadrille) 368 5.0
Baseball 368 5.0
Walking (Busy) - 6.5 km/h 368 5.0
Badminton 368 5.0
Hunting 368 5.0
Softball 368 5.0
Health Club Exercise Series 404 5. 5
Dance (Fast, with Aerobics) 441 6.0
Trainer (Slow) 441 6.0
Floorball 441 6.0
Gym 441 6.0
Netball 441 6.0
Strength Training (Moderate) 441 6.0
Snow Shovel 441 6.0
Circuit Training 441 6.0
Skiing (on the Water) 441 6.0
Cycling (Slow) - 18 km/h 441 6.0
Long walk 441 6.

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