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How many minutes in a quarter of high school basketball

How Long Is a High School Basketball Game?

One of the most entertaining sporting events at the high school level is a basketball game. From the proximity of the spectators in the bleachers to the court, the pace of the entire event from warm-ups and game play, to the enthusiasm of the crowd makes a high school game a must. This is particularly the case if you have a family member participating in the game.

How long is a high school basketball game? The National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS) states that all high school games will be at least 32 minutes, divided into four, eight-minute quarters. There is a 10-minute halftime intermission, a couple minutes between the first and second quarters and third and fourth quarters. The length of actual time in the gym for the game is extended further if there is overtime (4 minutes), or time outs (each team has three 60 second and two 30 second time outs).

A high school game can go by more quickly if either team is ahead by 30 points at any time during play, due to what is commonly known as the “mercy rule”. In this case the clock continues to run and only stops for a timeout or injured player. Should the trailing team cut the deficit to under 20, the clock will operate under normal rules.

Generally speaking, a high school game will run in the neighborhood of an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and 30 minutes. For those that want to enjoy the entire high school basketball experience, arrive around thirty minutes prior to schedule tip-off for pregame warmups. Also, many times the junior varsity game will be played prior to the varsity taking the floor, so arrive even early to catch some of that action.

How Long are Pro Basketball Games?

In comparison, the games at the high school level are significantly less time than NCAA, WNBA, NBA and FIBA. The FIBA is generally considered the world wide governing body in basketball. The top league in the world is acknowledged to be the NBA, which is played in four, 12-minute quarters for total game time of 48 minutes. While some international competition also has 48-minute games, many use 10-minute quarters for a 40-minute contest. Breaks between quarters vary between two and three minutes between the first and second quarters and between the third and fourth quarters. Halftime intermission is generally 15 minutes.

How Long is a Collge Basketball Game?

At the collegiate level, governed by the NCAA, the games are 40 minutes long, similar to many international games. The difference is there is only one break, at the end of the 20-minute half. The break time is similar to that of the professional game, around 15 minutes. Women’s professional leagues also play 40-minute games, as do the collegiate games with the same time intermission between halves.

What Adds to the Length of Any Basketball Game?

If you factor in the total time that the clock is stopped, and intermissions, a game will end up taking at least two hours. Many times the clock appears to be at a standstill late in games with multiple clock stoppages due to fouls, free throws, and timeouts. Therefore, 2 hours and 30 minutes is more likely the total time for a game. Add in significant extra time if a 5-minute playoff or more is needed.

The types of warmups you are likely to see include partner passes, free throws, layup lines, free for all shootarounds, mid-range jumpers, and the zig-zag warmup.

With partner passes, players will practice overhead, bounce, chest, and wrap-around passes generally from about ten feet away from a teammate. Take note of the players shooting free throws, generally two each with a couple teammates practicing boxing out and rebounding.

The zig-zag warmup drill is excellent for practicing defensive maneuverability, as well as ball handling. It’s also fun to watch the players execute this quick, athletic paced drill with one player handing the dribbling and one player maintaining defensive positioning.

Likely the oldest of the pregame drills and the first when stepping onto the court out of the locker room is the layup line. The team will separate into two lines, one around half court and the other on the baseline. The player at half court will drive and shoot the layup while a man underneath grabs the ball after the shot and passes to the next guy at half court.

Players will also take part in the mid-range jumper and a general shoot-around from anywhere on the court as the final warmup prior to starting the game.

All told, the entire high school varsity basketball experience from warmups until the final horn sounds is around two hours. It’s worth every minute for the avid basketball fan.


Basketball Quarters

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A quarter in basketball refers to the period of time in one section of a basketball game. An NBA game is split into four 12-minute periods that are referred to as quarters. The game clock shows how much time is left in every given quarter, starting at 12:00 and running all the way to zero. This happens four times until the end of regulation. There is sometimes an overtime period of five minutes if the two teams are tied at the end of regulation.

Table of Contents

  • How Long are Breaks between Quarters in Basketball?
  • How Many Quarters are there in a Basketball Game?
  • Duration of Quarters
  • How Long is a Quarter in the NBA?
  • How Long is a Quarter in High School Basketball?
  • International Basketball Level
  • FAQ

How Long are Breaks between Quarters in Basketball?

In between quarters in basketball, the breaks are called intermissions. The intermissions after the first, third, and fourth quarters last 130 seconds. These breaks are short, as there is a longer break called halftime in the middle of the game. 

Halftime is 15 minutes long and occurs between the second and third quarters. Teams return to their locker rooms to talk about what happened in the first half and what they can do better in the second half. It is also a good time to rest up and gain back some energy for the second half. It is crucial to have a productive halftime in order to see serious progress on the court in the form of tactical and lineup adjustments.  

How Many Quarters are there in a Basketball Game?

Usually, in the NBA or in high school, games are split up into four quarters, hence the name “quarter.” However, the duration of quarters differs between high school and in the NBA. There are four 12-minute quarters in the NBA, while quarter-length can be different in many different leagues for high schools. In the NCAA, they do not play quarters: instead, they play two 20-minute halves.

Duration of Quarters

The duration of quarters in high school can differ, but they are normally eight minutes each. The duration of quarters for the NBA is 12 minutes. In international basketball, the length of quarters is 10 minutes.

How Long is a Quarter in the NBA?

An NBA basketball game consists of regulation and possibly overtime quarters.

In regulation, there are four quarters that last 12 minutes each. This means that there are 48 minutes in regulation.

  • Quarter 1: 12:00
  • Quarter 2: 12:00
  • Quarter 3: 12:00
  • Quarter 4: 12:00

If the score is equal at the end of regulation, extra quarters of game time are played to determine the winning team. In the NBA, overtime periods last five minutes. The team with the most points at the end of the overtime quarter is the winner.

How Long is a Quarter in High School Basketball?

While high school basketball rules often vary from state to state, the basic rules are generally the same. High school basketball quarters are eight minutes in length, with a 10-minute break at halftime. Because of this, a high school basketball game typically will last around an hour and a half. However, some states allow games to move along much quicker if a team is winning by a lot. Known as the mercy rule, if a team is leading by around 30 points, the clock will only stop for timeouts and injuries. 

International Basketball Level

The duration of a basketball quarter at the international level is 10 minutes. There is a two-minute gap between each quarter in the international leagues. These quarters are two minutes less than the duration of a quarter of basketball played in the NBA. Additionally, these quarters in total have the same amount of time as two 20-minute halves in college basketball.


Why are there breaks in between quarters?

There are breaks in between quarters in order to give the players a rest in order for them to be fresh and ready for the start of the next quarter. Halftime is longer than the other breaks between quarters in order to give players an even longer chance to rest for the half ahead of them and to gameplan what they can fix in their game. They can also talk about what they have been doing well and how they can continue to do this in the coming half. There are also media timeouts, which are used by television stations to pause for commercials.

How long are the quarters in Olympic basketball?

The Olympics use the same rules as international basketball by having 10-minute quarters. However, overtime periods in the Olympics are the same 5-minute length as NBA overtime.

Why are NBA quarters 12 minutes?

The NBA has always featured four 12-minute quarters, despite international and NCAA basketball featuring different period systems.  This is in part because the NBA sought to keep games that ended in regulation to a rough maximum of just over two hours, including halftime and intermissions. Additionally, the general consensus is that the NBA considers this to be the ideal quarter length to promote a sustainably high level of play and an enjoyable viewing experience.


Pages Related to Basketball Quarters

  • Basketball Roster Size
  • Basketball Penalty Situation
  • Basketball Rules List
  • Basketball Pivoting
  • Basketball Periods
  • Basketball Rules and Regulations


How long is a quarter in NBA basketball. Women's Basketball

Each team consists of 5 main players and 5-7 (in major tournaments) permanent substitutes who can only enter the game after the game has stopped and the referee whistles.

If the team in possession is entitled to a substitution at every stoppage of play, the team not in possession of the ball is only entitled to a substitution in the event of a bounce and time-out or when the team in possession makes a substitution.

Game time.

In all classes, basketball matches last 2 halves of 20 minutes of pure time.

Half time interval is 10 minutes. If at the end of the match the teams scored the same number of points, then extra time (5 minutes) is given to determine the winner.


Each team is entitled to 2 time-outs in each half and 1 time-out in extra time. Coaches usually use the timeout to give players tactical instructions and make substitutions.

Game start.

The game begins with the referee throwing the ball up in the center of the court between 2 players, each of whom tries to return the ball to his team. The rest of the team players are outside the center circle or in the front zone.

Movement rules.

According to this rule, the player who received the ball is only allowed to take 2 steps (more precisely, 2 contacts with the floor). Touching the floor while receiving the ball (also catching the ball on the spot) counts as 1st contact. Jumping from a place with the ball in hand is a violation of the movement rule. Especially often this rule is violated during runs, at the beginning and at the end of dribbling.


An athlete may only dribble once at a given time. As soon as the athlete touches the ball with both hands or takes it with one or the other hand, the dribbling ends. If the athlete again continues to dribble, then this is considered a violation of the rules (double-dribbling). The ball is passed to the opposing team who put it in play from behind the touchline.

Stop ball.

A stopping ball is such a game situation in which 1 or 2 players of each team touch the ball and the ball is taken out of the game. In this case, the game continues with a controversial face-off.

The ball is out of play.

If the ball or the ball carrier touches the boundary lines of the court or the floor, an object or person is off the court, the referee gives the order “offside”.

In the event that the offside is difficult to determine, i.e. if both touch judges have different opinions or if the referees are unable to determine which team caused the offside, the game continues with a controversial throw-in.


After the game has been stopped in case of offside or technical errors (movement violation, double dribbling, 3 sec violation, etc.) the ball is put into play by a throw-in from the touchline. In case of a successful throw into the basket, a throw-in occurs from behind the end line.


Throwing the ball into the basket is counted if the ball falls through the ring and the net from top to bottom. For each successful throw made during the game, the team receives 2 points, for each successful free throw - 1 point.

Foul rule.

One of the most important rules of basketball is the foul rule (translated from English - "mistake"). There are personal and technical fouls.

Personal fouls include any intentional touching of an opponent (holding, pushing, hitting, blocking with hands and feet, etc. ). In such cases, the ball is passed to the opponent for a throw-in. After the 11th foul in a half period, a foul on an opponent's missed shot is punishable by 2 free throws.

In addition, all personal comments are recorded on the athlete's personal card. If at the same time 2 players of the team receive a warning, then the opponent is entitled to 2 free throws. In most cases, the free throw is taken by the player against whom the rules were violated.

Players receive a mutual warning in case of simultaneous violation of the rules in relation to each other. In this case, a controversial throw-in occurs. Each player who has received 5 personal or technical remarks must leave the court. In case of gross and intentional violations of the rules, the athlete may be disqualified. But in both cases, the team has the right to change.

Beginning in 1976, offensive fouls on basket shots are penalized particularly severely. If the ball misses the basket due to a foul, the attacker is entitled to 2 free throws. If the ball misses the basket on the 1st or 2nd free throw, the attacker is entitled to 1 more free throw (3 in total).

If, despite the foul, the player shoots the ball into the basket, then this shot is counted and the player receives an additional 1 free throw.

A technical foul is called for unsportsmanlike conduct by a player and is punishable by 2 free throws by any player on the opposing team.

Time rules.

Some of the rules of time are extremely important. 30 seconds after the throw-in, the attack must be completed with a throw into the opponent's basket (30 second rule). The 3 second rule states that an attacker cannot be in the opponent's free throw area for more than 3 seconds. For the throw-in and for the implementation of the free throw, the player is given 5 seconds. If the time rules are violated, the ball is given to the opponent for a throw-in.

The 10 second rule implies that the attacking team must, after a throw-in administered in its own half of the pitch, not more than 10 seconds later, bring the ball to the opponent's half, after which the attacking team may not return the ball to their own half.

    This question is answered on in the FAQ section, I quote:

    That is, according to the rules of the National Basketball Association, a clear framework for each quarter is set - 12 minutes. The NBA includes teams from the USA and Canada, so it can be argued that a quarter is equal to 12 minutes in these countries.

    Outside of the US and Canada, basketball quarters are 12 minutes in countries such as the Philippines and China.

    In other countries, the quarters are shorter - 10 minutes each, so the total duration of the match is not 48, but 40 minutes. This is the so-called net time, since all downtime and those moments when the game was paused are deducted.

    Basketball is a popular sport game in which players must throw the ball with their hands into the opponent's net while avoiding the ball being taken by the opponent.

    A match consists of four quarters, each lasting 10 minutes. Between them there are breaks of 2 and 15 minutes.

    There are also twelve minute quarters of the match. Basketball, in which a quarter of a match lasts 12 minutes, is played in the National Basketball Association (USA, Canada).

    Usually a quarter in basketball lasts 10 minutes of pure time (when the ball is out of play, the stopwatch stops), but there are leagues in which each quarter is 2 minutes longer and equals 12. First of all, this is in the USA and Canada, which are united in the National Basketball League (NBA (NBA)), then there are less well-known championships, but still quite strong - China and the Philippines. Overtime here lasts as in other leagues - 10 minutes (2x5). It turns out that the entire match takes 48 minutes, not 40.

    In the Russian and European basketball tradition, a quarter lasts ten minutes, but in the most popular and well-known basketball league in the world - the NBA - a quarter is two minutes longer and lasts twelve minutes.

    In addition, the same rules in the national championships of China and the Philippines.

    Perhaps this is a strategic move that gives American/Chinese/Philippines basketball players an advantage over their rivals in international competition - accustomed to 12 minutes, they get less tired in 10.

    Many people know the rules of hockey and football, but such a beautiful game as basketball is ignored, and yet in some countries it is almost a national sport.

    So here is the answer to your question. I'll give you a quote. You can read the rules of the basketball game here. Where I copied my answer.

    NBA is USA AND Canada.

    It is interesting that some countries have their own changed rules of the game of basketball. So, a quarter of the game lasts exactly twelve minutes in countries such as the USA and Canada, they are members of the National Basketball Association (NBA). But in Russia and all European countries, a quarter lasts only ten minutes.

    in the championship of the National Basketball Association, a quarter lasts 12 minutes. In the European championships, 10 minutes are played.

    A basketball quarter lasts 12 minutes in the NBA championship. This includes teams from countries such as the US and Canada. And also a quarter of the match is equal to 12 minutes in the Philippines and China. A full match here lasts 48 minutes. As for extra time, it is the same as everywhere else - it is five minutes. In all other countries, a quarter of a match lasts 10 minutes and, accordingly, the entire match lasts 40 minutes.

    Such subtleties are known only to those who follow this sport. In Russia and in European countries, a quarter lasts ten minutes. In the NBA of the National Basketball Association, this period is longer than two minutes and lasts a total of twelve minutes.

    Response in USA and Canada.

    In the NBA Championship (USA and two clubs from Canada (although the Vancouver Grizzlies have already moved to Memphis), as well as the championships in China and the Philippines The duration of a quarter of a basketball game is 12 minutes. Full match - 48 minutes. Additional time, as elsewhere, 5 minutes. I have not heard about other countries, so I assume that there are ten everywhere. But I can be wrong.

Basic basketball rules:

Basketball - a game played by two teams of five each - was born in the USA in 1891, and became popular all over the world. Purpose games is possession of the ball and shots opponent's basket, while the other the team is trying to stop it. Ball considered abandoned if it hits into the basket from above and remain in it, or passes through the network.

Basket consists of woven white cord bottomless mesh that is attached to ring with inner diameter 45 centimeters made from metal rod with a section of 20 millimeters.

Basket mesh in production so that the ball is free passed through it. Ring suspended at a height of 3. 05 meters from the floor and tightly attached to the shield 30 centimeters from its bottom edge.

Shields usually made of plexiglass or wood and have dimensions of 1.8 meters horizontally and 1.2 meters vertically. They are installed vertically at the ends of the playground, parallel to the front lines. bottom edge the shield is raised above the floor by 2.75 meters. Shields taken out 1.2 meters deep into the site from the middle of the front lines. Supportive structures are outside playing field.

Platform is a rectangle with hard surface 28 long and wide 15 meters. It is marked clearly visible lines 5 centimeters wide, which do not come out separately in the dimensions of the site.

B basketball play round ball , made of leather, rubber, nylon or other synthetic material covering the surface of the rubber cameras. Ball circumference 749–780 centimeters, and the weight is 567–650 grams, It is inflated air so that when hitting a hard surface from a height of 1. 8 meters could bounce up 1.2-1.4 meters. Ball ideally should be bright orange colors with black stripes. balls subdivided into: 1. indoors only; 2. universal.

Before late 1960s official competitions were held both outdoors, as well as in gyms. Since 1968 all official matches are held only in enclosed spaces. Major tournaments basketball games are usually held in the halls not less than 7 m high.

Each team consists of five players and seven substitutes players .

Athletes dressed in contrasting colors. On a T-shirt each player, on the chest and on the back, number drawn. At international competitions are allowed numbers from 4 up to 15. Two basketball players of one team cannot have the same number.

Game starts from playing a dropped ball in the central circle. Two people, one from each teams stand in the center circle, each in a semicircle on his side sites. The referee tosses the ball between them so that above the point of flight it none of those who jumped could touch players who try to drop dropping ball in the direction of their partners. Arguing players do not have the right to catch the ball. When playing it the remaining eight athletes must located outside the central circle until the ball is thrown in Game. Once the team has mastered ball, players can pass it to a friend friend. Standing still, the player has no the right to take more than one step with the ball in hand. Transmission are the easiest way ball movement.

Other way ball movement is dribbling . It allows the player to move the ball on the court without the help of partners. Management is carried out in succession hitting the ball on the floor with the hand. Player not limited in the number of hits with the ball when dribbling, but if he catches it after dribbling, he cannot dribble again allowed. He must pass the ball partner or try to throw him into the opponent's basket. technical player can dribble with either hand without looking at him, but by observing the actions of others basketball players on the court.

Not in the game restrictions on what player and from what position can throw ball in the ring. Everyone in possession of the ball within the site has the right to perform throw, but naturally the closer it is located towards the basket, the more his chances of success. The ball can be directed directly at the ring or at the shield, after hit about which he bounces into the basket.

If unsuccessful when thrown, the ball bounces off the ring or shield, and either team can try master it. Attacking team players trying to finish off the rebounded ball in basket immediately or, having mastered it, make re-throw. In order to fulfill throw in the basket, the team is given 24 seconds. If this rule is violated the ball is passed to the other team.

If the player who was pushed, at that time he was performing throw and ball without hitting the basket, he is entitled to two free throws, which performs without interference due to line free throw . This line is 3.6 meters long parallel to the front line at a distance 6 meters from the front of the shield. For a successful free throw to the team a point is awarded.

The athlete must stay behind the free throw line until the ball touches the ring or shield. Up to this point, none of players are not allowed to enter the area free throw. If the last throw will not be successful, the participants of both teams can fight for the rebound from the ball ring.

At If desired, the team may refuse free throw rights and put the ball in play due to side lines together its intersection with the central line.






        Unsportsmanlike .

Technical foul - a foul not caused by contact with an opponent. It might be disrespectful to the judges opponent, delay of play, fouls procedural nature. Punishment: Any player of the non-offending team hits 2 free throws. After throwing throws produced in the same way as non-sporting foul.

Disqualifying foul - this is a foul, due to a blatant unsportsmanlike behaviour. disqualifying a foul may be received by a player, a substitute, coach or official commands. Punishment: Quantity free kicks and throw-ins after them assigned similarly to non-sporting foul.

Unsportsmanlike foul - a foul committed as a result of contact, in which the player did not try to play ball within the rules. Punishment: If a the foul was committed on a player in throw stage, then do the same as and in case of a personal foul. If foul committed on a player who is not in throwing stage, then the injured player performs 2 throws. After doing free throws the ball throws in the affected team from outside sites on the continuation of the central lines. The exception is fouls, committed before the start of the first period. In this case, after free throws jump ball is played (as in the case of the normal start of the game). If a player during one match commits 2 unsportsmanlike fouls, he must be disqualified.

Personal foul - foul due to personal contact. Punishment: If a the foul is committed on a player who is not in the throw stage, then: if the team did not score 5 team fouls or a foul is committed by a player, team which owned the ball, the injured team plays throw-in; in otherwise the injured player performs 2 free throws; If a the foul was committed on a player in throw stage, then: if the throw was successful, it counts, and the affected player performs 1 free kick; if the throw was unsuccessful, then the injured the player performs such a number free throws, how many points earned would the team be successful throw.

Mutual foul is a situation in which two opposing players commit fouls (due to contact) against each other at approximately the same time.

Other violations rules that are not considered fouls are just errors: running with the ball in hand (jogging), punching on the ball, two-handed dribbling, replay (double) dribbling, kicking the ball out of bounds, kicking . For errors or fouls that do not entail for themselves the appointment of free throws, the game is restarted with a throw-in due to the sideline at the point nearest to the site of the violation. The athlete must put the ball into play in 5 seconds. After a successful shot for a field goal or a successful last free throw the ball is thrown into the game by the participants of the opposite teams from behind the end line.

When the command commits 5 fouls (after which any of them are punished with two penalties throws). Secretary registers minute breaks taken by each team, and notifies through the judges coach if he takes a second time-out in one half of the game. He shows the number of fouls committed by the player, using numbered pointers, In addition, notifies the judges in the field about substitutions.

The game lasts 4 halves, for 10 minutes. Breaks between 1-2, 3-4 2 minutes, between 2-3 15 minutes. In case of a draw an additional 5-minute period or so many such periods, how many will be needed to change tied score, game clock register only purely gaming time. When the referee in the field gives the signal, the timekeeper stops the clock and re-starts them at the moment when after the ball is in play, it will be touched any of the basketball players on the court. The clock stops when it strikes free throws.

24 second operator time makes sure that the team owns the ball before the throw no more than 24 seconds, and beeps if it's a rule violated.

Team owning ball, within 8 seconds must advance him to the opponent's half. Thereafter the ball cannot be returned to your backcourt zone. This will be a mistake.

Each The team has its own captain. If the captain leaves the area, he must notify the referees which of the players will carry out his duties,

Game tactics teams are usually supervised by a coach, who decides which of the basketball players will start the game, whom and when should replace. The number of substitutions in a match limited. Replacement only allowed when the ball "dead" (out of the game) and time stopped, and if this happened after violation of the rules, then only if if the replacement team is in possession ball. Because after a field goal the ball is not signaled and the time is not stops

Replacement in this case is not allowed.

Except replacement coach may ask minute break (time-out). He is allowed to take two minute break in each half games and one in each additional period. Timeout can be granted only when the ball is "dead" and game time is stopped, For a lucky a field goal is awarded to the team two points. The one who scores the most wins number of points. Team counts defeat if she refuses continue the game or if it includes there will be less than two players.

Abandoned ball

Per ball, thrown:

- co free throw, one count point;

- from two-point shooting zones, - two points;

- from three-point shooting zones - three points.

The emergence of basketball is associated with the name of the American college teacher James Naismith, who in 1891 offered his students a sports game that boils down to throwing as many balls as possible into the opponent's basket. The game quickly began to spread in schools and colleges in the United States, and already in 189In the year 8, the first attempt was made to create a professional league of basketball players. In 1932, the International Basketball Federation was created, at the same time the first international rules for the game of basketball were adopted. And since 1936, this sports team game has been included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games.

General rules of basketball

Basketball is played between two teams of five field players each; in total, each team has 12 people, and substitutions are unlimited. The goal of the athletes is to score as many balls as possible in the opponent's basket and prevent the opposing team from taking possession of the ball. Basketball is played with the hands, the ball can be passed, thrown, hit, rolled or dribbled in any direction. Intentionally using any part of the feet to hit or block the ball is a foul.

A match consists of four quarters of 10 minutes each. After the first and third quarters, breaks of two minutes are made, the duration of the break between the second and third quarters of the game is fifteen minutes, after which the teams change sides of the field. In the National Basketball Association, a quarter is 12 minutes long.

If the playing time ends with a draw, a five-minute overtime is assigned. Such additional time in case of a tie may be assigned as many times as necessary to determine the winner of the match.

Basketball court, equipment and ball

The basketball court is a flat rectangular surface with a minimum dimension of 26 meters in length and 14 meters in width. The standard dimensions of a basketball field are 28x15 meters. Along the perimeter, the court is limited by the side and front lines, the center line divides the field in half, connecting the midpoints of the side lines. In the center of the site there is a central circle with a radius of 1.8 meters.

At both ends of the court parallel to the front lines at a height of 2.9 meters there are boards with an area of ​​1.8x1.05 meters with baskets on them. These metal rings, covered with mesh without a bottom, are mounted on shields at a distance of 15 centimeters from the bottom edge. Thus, each ring is located at a height of 3.05 meters above the surface of the site.

Next to each basket on both sides of the field, a three-point line marking is applied - this is a semicircle with a radius of 6.75 meters, the edges of the arc of which are drawn to the intersection with the end lines. A free-throw line 3.6 meters long is also indicated parallel to each end line so that its far edge is located at a distance of 5.8 meters from the inside edge of the end line, and its middle is on an imaginary line connecting the midpoints of both end lines.

Basketball is played with a ball, the size of which depends on which teams are competing. For men's teams, the standard is the circumference of the ball from 74.9 to 78 centimeters and weight from 567 to 650 grams. For women's teams, a ball of smaller diameter and weight is used (circumference from 72.4 to 73.7 centimeters and weight 510-567 grams).

Basketball start

Instead of a toss-up, which is present in other sports to determine the half of the field and the right of the first strike, in basketball the choice of the basket is made by the host team of the match, it is placed in the first place in the game schedule. The game begins with the so-called jump ball in the center of the court, as a result of which the ball is tossed by the referee between two players of the opposing teams and beaten off by one of them. In this case, the ball is in play and is called live. Team control of the ball is limited to 24 seconds. This is the time in which the team must carry out an attack that ends with a throw into the basket or a loss of the ball.

The ball goes out of play and becomes dead after it has been thrown into the ring when the referee's whistle or signal for the end of the playing period is blown. In this case, the ball does not become dead and an accurate throw into the basket from the court is counted if the whistle or signal for the end of the playing period sounds while the ball is in flight.

Basketball scoring

A different number of points can be awarded to a team for each goal scored. A goal scored from a free throw is worth one point. Two points are counted for a ball thrown during the game from the two-point zone, three points from the three-point zone. A ball accidentally thrown into one's own basket counts as a point for the opposing team. Intentionally throwing a ball into one's own basket is considered a violation and is not counted.

Basketball offenses

Among the most common violations in basketball, one can single out those specific to this game. They are usually associated with situations in which a player is in possession of the ball or is shooting. As a rule, such actions result in the passing of the ball to the opponent for a throw-in from the place closest to the place where the infringement was committed.

The most common offenses in basketball are the out, when the ball goes out of bounds, and the run, when the player takes more than one step while the ball is not out of hand. Dribbling offenses include carrying the ball and double dribbling.

There are violations indicated by time. These include the 24-second rule already mentioned above, during which the team must shoot the ring. There is also a three-second rule for a player to be in the zone under the opponent's hoop while his team is in possession of a live ball in the offensive zone. The throw-in must take no more than five seconds, exceeding this time is also considered a violation. As well as the situation in which a heavily guarded player does not start a dribble within five seconds, does not give a pass or does not make a shot at the ring.

Violations of the rules of basketball, caused by contact with an opponent or unsportsmanlike conduct are called fouls, which are charged to athletes during the game. A personal foul is issued due to contact with a player of the opposing team. To avoid a foul, a player must not block an opponent, hold or push him, trip or obstruct him, or use any rough tactics. If a foul is committed against a player who was in the process of throwing, then depending on the distance and the result of this throw, from one to three free throws are assigned. So, if a foul is committed against a player who at that time threw the ball, the player is entitled to one free throw. If the ball is not thrown, and the throw took place in a two-point zone, then two free throws are given. If the unsuccessful shot was made from the three-point zone, then the right to three free throws is given.

In a situation where two players commit an offense against each other, a double foul is charged. In this case, no free throws are awarded and the game is restarted with a throw-in from the end line (after a successful throw), a throw-in from behind the boundary line or a dropped ball.

A player may be charged with a technical foul for disrespecting referees, opponents or spectators. In this case, the opponents are given the right to one free kick followed by possession of the ball in the center of the court. Two technical fouls are punishable by disqualification and expulsion. Also, a player is sent off for five personal and / or technical fouls (in the NBA this number is six).

Also in the rules of the game of basketball there is the concept of an unsportsmanlike foul. Usually, such an offense is the act of a player who did not legally attempt to directly play the ball. This may be a delay or hit by an opponent, rough contact on the field, etc. If such a foul is committed against a player who is not in the process of shooting, two free kicks are awarded. In all other cases, the same rules apply for a regular foul, with the only difference being that the player who repeatedly committed an unsportsmanlike foul shall be disqualified.

Among other things, there is a disqualifying foul, which is expressed in any egregious unsportsmanlike conduct of a player on the court or a substitute, a coach or his assistant, as well as any person accompanying the team. In this case, the penalized person is removed from the field or the bench for the duration of the entire match, and free throws are awarded to the team according to the rules for determining an unsportsmanlike foul.

Some difference between the basic rules of basketball and the rules of the National Basketball Association is due to the special popularity of basketball in the country that gave us this sports team game.





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So, you are playing basketball on the court, but you do not know the rules of this game well enough. What are the rules for anyway? At least in order to play it was more interesting. After all, it is much more interesting to play the game for real than just to compete who and how many balls will throw into the ring.

Knowing the rules of the game of basketball will also help you watch this sport on TV with great interest, because knowing the rules, you will understand everything that happens on the basketball court, and also understand why the player acted this way and not otherwise .

It is clear that, like any other Olympic sport, basketball contains many rules, but not all of them will be useful to you in practice, so here we will give a short list of the main ones that you can easily apply on the court.

Team composition

Team composition is necessarily regulated by the rules, in basketball there are two teams, each must have 12 people. At the same time, only 5 people from both teams can find on the playing field.

Purpose of the game

Throw as many balls as possible into the ring. But not everything is so simple, because for throwing the ball from different distances, a different number of points is awarded. So, for a throw from a foul line - 1 point, from close range - 2 points, but if you can hit from a distance of 6 meters and 75 centimeters, then your team will count as many as 3 points.

What is forbidden to do while playing basketball?

Basketball is played only with the hands, therefore it is not allowed to deliberately hit the ball with the feet or kicks, however accidentally touching the ball with the foot or foot will not be considered a violation of the rules. In addition, the ball must be driven across the field, hitting the floor, it is forbidden to run with the ball in your hands without hitting it.

Game time

How long is one basketball game? As a rule, 10 minutes, there should be four such periods. After two of them, that is, half of the game, the teams must change sides of the playing field. By the way, in the NBA, the duration of the period is slightly more than 12.5 minutes.

Who will win?

The winner in basketball is the team that was able to score the most points. If suddenly the teams go toe to toe and have an equal score by the end of the game, then the referee can appoint a five-minute overtime, during which the winner must be determined. If this does not happen, then another one is appointed, and another .... So until it is clear who won.

Quarter in basketball - how long does it last, what is it, how many quarters in basketball

Danila Chezhin

The time of a basketball game is divided into segments - quarters. This format in many ways makes basketball so popular all over the world. In this article, we will talk about how many quarters there are in basketball, what quarters are, and how the "quarter" division affects the game as a whole.

What is a basketball quarter?

Almost all sports divide the total game time into segments. Such a meeting arrangement makes games more interesting and dramatic, allows athletes to relax, and coaches to influence the course of the match. A quarter is part of a basketball match, like a period in hockey, a set in tennis, or a half in football. All these are segments that are formed in accordance with the rules of a particular sports discipline.

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How long is a quarter in basketball

The duration of the basketball quarter in the world's leading organizations varies. In European basketball, according to the rules set by FIBA, the basketball federation, a quarter lasts 10 minutes. The NBA, the major basketball league in North America, has a time limit of 12 minutes.

It is important to understand that basketball uses time. That is, when the game process on the court stops due to a violation or substitutions, the time counter also turns off. Therefore, one quarter can go more than half an hour if there are enough stops. The stopwatch starts as soon as the ball is in play - from out of bounds, after a missed free throw or after a kick-off throw.

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How many quarters are there in basketball

The word quarter itself means one fourth of the whole. It is clear that there are four quarters in basketball. These are segments equal to each other, within which the same rules apply. For example, in European basketball there is a limit of 5 team fouls per quarter. In any of the segments, the team has the right to break the rules 5 times, even in the first, even in the second, even in the fourth.

The exception is matches that ended with an equal score. But since there are traditionally no draws in basketball, the meeting continues in an additional round - overtime. If the overtime ended with an equal score, another one is assigned. And so on - until the end. Overtime duration is 5 minutes. Both in European and American competitions.

It is also worth noting here that the "quarter" format did not appear in basketball immediately, and even now it is not used everywhere. Back in the late 1990s in Europe, the club and national teams played two halves of twenty minutes. This division is still used in overseas student basketball - NCAA.

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Breaks between quarters

There are pauses between game segments in basketball. Moreover, the break between the first and second quarters, as well as between the third and fourth is minimal - 2 minutes. The pause between the second and third quarters is called the big break. Its duration is 15 minutes. The start of the big break is the official end of the first half of the game. The end of the long break is the start of the second half.

A break between quarters in basketball is not the only stoppage in a game. There are others - in the course of the quarters. They are called timeouts. Each team has the right to stop the game several times during the meeting. Mostly timeouts are used by coaches to make adjustments to tactics and make changes to lineups. In the NBA, each team has a limit of 7 timeouts per game. In Europe - 5.

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