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How to be fit for basketball
How to be fit for basketball
How to Get in Basketball Shape in 2 Weeks
Basketball is a great cardio exercise.
Image Credit: AleksandarGeorgiev/E+/GettyImages
Playing basketball is a cardiovascular activity, so it counts toward your active minutes in a day. However, not everyone can hit the court right away. If you want to play basketball, two weeks may not be enough time to get into basketball shape, but with some work you can improve your fitness.
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How Intense Is Basketball?
Exercise experts measure calories burned and intensity of exercise using a unit of measurement called "metabolic equivalents" (METs). Simply put, a MET is the of energy you burn when you are not active. This can include when you are watching TV, reading or when you are lying down.
According to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, you burn 1 calorie an hour for every 2.2 pounds of your body's weight. This means that if you weigh 125 pounds, you naturally burn about 57 calories an hour when you are at rest.
The number of calories you burn increases as you increase your activity level. If you participate in a moderate-intensity exercise, such as shooting baskets or walking briskly, you can expect to burn 3 to 6 METs per hour. If you do a high-intensity activity, such as playing a basketball game, you can expect to burn 6 or more METs an hour.
Read more: The Relationship Between Heart Rate and Exercise Intensity
In other words, if you are shooting baskets with minimal running and jumping and you weigh about 125 pounds, you can expect to burn between 175 and 340 calories an hour. However, if you are playing a game of basketball with friends or as part of a competition, you will burn at least 340 calories with each hour of play.
The American Council on Exercise (ACE) provides a calorie calculator based on certain activities. According to their calculator, if you weigh 125 pounds and play a basketball game for one hour, you could burn 453 calories. However, if you are just shooting baskets, you will likely burn around 255 calories in an hour.
Getting Basketball-Ready
If you live a sedentary life, you are almost certainly not going to be able to get ready for an intense game of basketball in two weeks. You will need to build up your endurance and strength to help avoid injury.
The first step to playing a game of basketball is building up your general fitness and endurance levels through a solid exercise routine. Doing cardio like brisk walking, jogging or interval workouts will help you build your endurance. Resistance training, especially exercises like squats that target the lower body, as well as core work, can help you build the strength you need to play basketball.
Read more: How to Get Started Working Out at Home
There are many beginner exercise routines available. ACE recommends any beginner start by walking briskly for 15 minutes. As time goes on, you can gradually increase the amount of time you walk or your speed or intensity. Eventually, you will be able to run while talking.
At this point, you are probably fit enough to play a game of basketball. If you were already pretty fit, you may find you are able to play basketball sooner than someone who is starting as a beginner.
Do not try to rush your fitness. If you push too hard, too soon you run a risk of injuring yourself. If you have any questions, you should talk to a personal trainer. You should also talk to your doctor prior to starting any new exercise program.
Realistic Time Frame and Routines
While two weeks may not be enough time to take you from the couch to the court, you can make some serious strides in your fitness levels after just two weeks of training with more intense training.
A study published in the July 2018 issue of the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health followed 13 sedentary people who started doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts or moderate-intensity continuous cardio. Both groups saw improvements in heart rate variability at the end of two weeks but the HIIT training group saw more dramatic improvements in their cardiovascular fitness.
However, two weeks may not be enough to get you into competitive basketball shape. Even ACE recommends people give their bodies at least four to six weeks to adapt to a new exercise routine. If you are in good shape already, you may not need that long, but if you've never played a sport before or are new to basketball, give yourself at least that long to get yourself basketball-ready.
How to Get Back into Basketball Shape in Only 1 Week
Holidays are the perfect time to rest, to eat and drink, and to get out of shape. All of this is really just not a bad thing to do unless you are an athlete and you have a training plan and some competition waiting just around the corner. To translate your New Year's resolutions into practical, everyday habits, you are going to need something that will move you and not burn you by getting you back into basketball shape. You really need to pace yourself because if you are going balls-to-the-wall on January 1, that typically means you are going to burn out before February.
So, rather than hitting the gym too hard beast mode that is only going to destroy both your body and your will for workout/life, here's a program that'll help you get back into shape the easy and acceptable way.
Even if this plan is designed for basketball players to get them back into basketball shape, with the main focus on exercises that are boosting jump orientated muscles, it still contains drills that are going to activate all of your body in a moderate way so it can be used by everyone.
Second thing why you should try this training program is because it contains drills that are best for fat burning. The exercises are constantly activating your legs and core muscles that just need a lot of energy to perform this kind of movement. The players that are currently using this program have good results in a way that their body fat % got lower after doing these drills for just 2 months.
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How to Get Back Into Shape?All you need to do is to go through 3 or more times though one particular muscle group in order to activate it to its full potential.
And, this is exactly what are we going to do, and along the way, we are going to include some low intensity/fat burning cardio (HR<110) just to keep the blood flowing.
There will be no powerlifting, there will be no high intensity running. Just three rounds of complete full body workout with the main focus on the exercises that activate multiple muscle groups and all of that in order not to load just one part of your body that is going to feel sore for the next 2 weeks.
Exercise: Dumbbell Front Squat To Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Weight: 5 kg - 7 kg - 10 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Incline Dumbbell Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Weight: 10 kg - 15 kg - 20 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Plank
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Lying Hamstring Curl
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Weight: 15 kg - 20 kg - 25 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Training Aids to Get Back Into Shape Quickly!
If you want to improve your workout routine by adding some really good equipment that is going to help you be in shape all the time even if you are not in the gym, go to Hoopsking and purchase some of our equipment:
Exercise: Lat Pulldown
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Weight: 30 kg - 40 kg - 50 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Ball Slam
Sets: 3
Reps: 20
Weight: 7 kg
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Walking Lunges
Sets: 4
Reps: 45
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Mountain Climber
Sets: 4
Reps: 45
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Incline treadmill walk
Sets: 1
Reps: 10 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Sprints
Sets: 10
Reps: 24 meters (court length)
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: V Up
Sets: 1
Reps: 20
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Incline treadmill walk
Sets: 1
Reps: 5 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Sprints
Sets: 10
Reps: 16 meters (3 pt line)
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: One hand rise push up
Sets: 1
Reps: 20
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Incline treadmill walk
Sets: 1
Reps: 5 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Sprints
Sets: 10
Reps: 12 meters (half court)
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Dead-Lift
Sets: 3
Reps: 10
Weight: 40
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Underhand Grip Pulldown
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Weight: 30 - 40 - 50 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Treadmill Run
Sets: 1
Reps: 20 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Dumbbell Front Squat To Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Weight: 5 kg - 7 kg - 10 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Squat Jumps
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Dumbbell Row
Sets: 2 (each hand)
Reps: 12
Weight: 10-15-20 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Leg Press
Sets: 2
Reps: 15
Weight: 40 - 50 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Bench Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Weight: 40 - 50 - 60 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Treadmill Run
Sets: 1
Reps: 20 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Sprints
Sets: 10
Reps: 24 meters (full court)
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Treadmill Run
Sets: 1
Reps: 10 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Plank
Sets: 5
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Exercise: Walking Lunges
Sets: 4
Reps: 45
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Chest Supported Row
Sets: 3
Reps: 15
Weight: 20 - 30 - 40 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Wall Ball
Sets: 3
Reps: 20
Weight: 5 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Barbell Hip Thrust
Sets: 2
Reps: 20
Weight: 20 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Seated Dumbbell Overhead Thrust
Sets: 2
Reps: 12
Weight: 10 kg
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Plank
Sets: 3
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Dumbbell Front Squat To Press
Sets: 3
Reps: 12
Weight: 5 kg - 7 kg - 10 kg
Rest: 45 seconds
Exercise: Chin Up
Sets: 8
Reps: 5
Rest: 60 seconds
Exercise: Sprints With Weights
Sets: 20
Reps: 12 (full court)
Rest: 90 seconds
Exercise: Plank
Sets: 5
Reps: 30 seconds
Rest: 90 seconds
Exercise: Jumps With Weights
Sets: 4
Reps: 20
Weight: 2x20 kg, 2x30 kg
Rest: 75 seconds
Exercise: Treadmill Run
Sets: 1
Reps: 20 minutes
Rest: 75 seconds
Day 7 - Rest
Final Word on Getting Back Into ShapeThis one week kickstarter plan is designed to boost up every peace of your body's energy burning systems and it is going to bust up your basketball shape in no-time.
These exercises are going to to get you started on the right foot without going overboard. If you haven't worked out at all over the holidays, this total body program will ease you into a full training mode and set you up for success in the new year, and beyond.
Aug 24, 2022 Coach Viktor
Game uniform and equipment selection rules | Basketball
The form for playing basketball is as follows.
1. Upper part of the uniform
The upper part of the basketball player uniform is the jersey. They must be of the same color category, both front and back. There is one single rule for all team members - T-shirts must be tucked into playing shorts. As an exception, it is allowed to wear overalls with a stretch base. It is worth noting that many players use a supportive jersey. The use of this type of T-shirt requires special written permission from a medical officer. And the color of such a T-shirt should be the same as that of the main T-shirt.
2. Lower part of the uniform
The lower part of the basketball player's uniform is shorts. They may not match the color of the shirts. But they must be the same color on both sides.
Underwear must be worn under each uniform. At the same time, it should be the same color as shorts and a T-shirt. In case during the game, the underwear will protrude from under the form.
4. Numbers
Player numbers are applied to all game uniforms. All numbers must be clear and visible from afar. At the same time, numbers on the back are applied at least twenty centimeters in height, and on the size of the number should be at least ten centimeters. The width of the number must be at least two centimeters.
The rules for each basketball team are numbers ranging from four to fifteen. For special competitions, the National Federation may accept other numbers. New numbers for players should not consist of more than two digits.
Also, players on the same team must not be under the same number.
5. Logos
If there are advertising logos on the form, a distance of at least five centimeters must be observed.
6. Quantity
According to the rules, each team must have several kits. At the same time, the host team wears light-colored T-shirts. The visiting team wears dark jerseys. By mutual agreement, teams can change the colors of jerseys and swap.
Other basketball equipment
1. All equipment must be strictly appropriate for the game, items that give the player an advantage over rivals are strictly prohibited. Equipment that can harm the life and health of other team members is also prohibited.
2. It is forbidden to use during the game the objects, the main function of which is to protect against injuries of the elbows, knees, hands.
3.It is forbidden to use objects that can scratch or cut another participant in the game.
Also, the players' fingernails must be neat and trimmed short.
4. Protective items for hands, forearms, knees are allowed if they are made of soft material. Knee pads can be worn if they fit snugly on the body and cover the desired part of the body well. During the game, to protect the nose, it is necessary to have a protective agent, from whatever material it may be.
5. A player may use goggles as eye protection if they do not harm other players. Players may wear bandages on their heads, the width of which will be no more than five centimeters.
Basketball uniform: how to choose a child?
Uniform is one of the most important pieces of equipment for any sport. And even more so for basketball. Its selection must be approached responsibly in order to buy really high-quality clothes.
The uniform should not only look beautiful, but also help the child win competitions.
Athletes will feel comfortable working out in good products. He won't feel uncomfortable.
And he can fully focus on the game.
We will tell you how to buy a basketball uniform. And we will tell you what aspects to pay attention to when choosing.
Basketball Uniform Features
The basketball uniform has several important features. It is made in the following style:
- Athlete's T-shirt is designed with a wide fit.
- Basketball pants have wide elastic bands in the structure. They are needed to securely fix clothes on the child.
Sports T-shirts are printed. Write in block letters the name of the player, as well as his number on the field and how the team is called.
In most cases, basketball shorts and jerseys do not need to be purchased separately. These items of equipment are included.
If suddenly a T-shirt or shorts are torn, then there is no need to worry. You can always purchase a replacement item of clothing in the store. Moreover, the same color and style. And if you can’t find the product in the store, then you can sew the thing to order.
To do this, contact a specialized sports store. Or atelier.
Basketball uniform can be any shade. The colors in it can be varied arbitrarily. From black to purple.
The following types of clothing are required for basketball practice:
- T-shirt or T-shirt.
- Shorts.
- Sports shoes designed specifically for basketball.
- Various accessories.
What are the requirements for a basketball uniform?
There are a number of requirements for basketball clothing.
It is important that basketball products are of good quality. The fabric of T-shirts and T-shirts should be durable, beautiful. The shape must be durable. She shouldn't be squishy. Otherwise, such basketball clothing will quickly deform.
Basketball shorts and T-shirts should have good stretch. And, at the same time, do not tear.
Keep in mind that the child will move a lot during play. Jump, run at high speed. If the fabric is not elastic, then the child will not be able to do all this. The form will fetter his body movements.
Therefore, we recommend that you test your sportswear for elasticity while still in the store. Stretch it a little. And test on the child. For example, you can ask your child to squat in shorts. Raise your hands in a T-shirt.
Basketball uniform fabric must be hypoallergenic.
The fact is that young children have very sensitive skin. If the fabric is not hypoallergenic, then it will provoke skin irritation in the child. As well as an allergic reaction. This will negatively affect the further game. Because the child will feel uncomfortable. And even feel pain.
Basketball clothing must be soft to the touch. This is necessary so that the child feels comfortable while wearing clothes.
And I had the opportunity to show all my strength in training.
What materials are used to make basketball clothes?
There are a number of materials that are used to make basketball apparel. Let's take a look at them.
False mesh 130 g/m2
False mesh is regularly used in basketball apparel. It has good elasticity. Gets rid of moisture quickly. Dries quickly.
Basketball uniform made from false net is very comfortable to wear. It's easy to wear. It has high wear resistance. Does not deform over a long period of time.
Microfiber is a knitted fabric. It also has good elasticity and wear resistance.
Microfibre products are very soft and hypoallergenic. They are nice to wear on the body.
In addition, the microfibre basketball uniform dries quickly. It also quickly removes moisture.
Ribana is a cotton fabric.
It contains jersey inserts.
The ribbed has good stretch. It is durable and also helps the child maintain body temperature during intense play and training.
Ribbana is used to create necks. In addition, it is used for the manufacture of cuffs and T-shirts.
About the structure of basketball clothing
Basketball products can be created either from one-sided fabric or from two-sided.
Basketball uniforms are mainly made on both sides. Each player receives an outfit, one side of which is represented, for example, in red. The second one is in blue.
You can buy any double-sided form. It may vary in color. It all depends on the preferences of the child, and what the child's trainer advises.
Most often, team uniforms are purchased centrally. That is, the head of the club orders clothes for all members of the team. Therefore, you may not need to buy the form yourself.
What clothes can I buy for basketball besides uniforms?
In addition to the basic uniform, the child can purchase additional clothes for basketball.
He will be able to wear it while traveling to competitions in the country. Or just while walking on the street.
These are the following clothes.
Bomber jacket
The bomber jacket is a small jacket. It has pockets on the sides.
The bomber jacket can be fastened with both zippers and buttons.
We recommend purchasing clothing made from polyester.
Bomber has a high density. It stretches well. Also, bomber jackets are more durable than conventional products.
Jackets of this type are very bright and beautiful. They have contrasting colors. And unusual prints on the back.
The bomber jacket is ideal for a basketball player.
The sweatshirt is a modern sweater with an unusual color scheme. The brighter it is, the better.
You can look at models with unusual designs and prints.
T-shirts are very useful for the child in summer.
They must be 60% cotton.
Warm-up basketball suit
These suits are made from a special jacket and shorts. They fit very comfortably. They don't wear out.
The basketball suit can be worn during and after the warm-up.
Basketball clothing sizes
Basketball clothing must be selected according to the size of the child. In order to find out the dimensions of the child, before going to the store, do the following:
- Measure the volume of the child's chest.
- Find out the length of the T-shirt for your child.
- Measure your child's hips.
- Measure your child's leg length.
After you know all these indicators, pay attention to the following table. It shows all sizes of basketball clothing for athletes.
You need to buy clothes based on the indicators in the table.
Purchasing advice
There are a number of recommendations to consider when purchasing.
They will help you purchase the right basketball clothing.
The shirt must fit the child perfectly in size
The sports shirt or T-shirt must perfectly fit the child in size.
Items that are too large will hang from it. It will be uncomfortable for him to move during games.
On the other hand, pieces that are too small will press on. This will also have a bad effect on the outcome of the game.
Opt for synthetics
We recommend buying T-shirts and T-shirts made from synthetics. Products made from non-natural fabrics are more elastic. Remove moisture quickly. And do not deform for a long period of time.
Shorts must be purchased one size larger than
This is necessary so that the basketball player can jump to the basket and his movements are not constrained. Shorts "size-to-size" can also be bought. But there is no guarantee that they will not hinder the movements of the child while jumping and throwing balls into the basket.