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How to draw a basketball player dunking easy
How to draw a basketball player dunking easy
USA Basketball - How To Dunk A Basketball
To many, it is the carrot that dangles 10 feet off the ground, begging to be grabbed.
Dunking a basketball carries mystique among average-sized men. It's an inspiration for intense workout programs. It's the dream that just won't die.
But how exactly do you dunk a basketball?
Height and athleticism are the main factors, and all other wild cards bow down to the influence of these two. A 5-foot-6 guy probably doesn't have much of a shot with a 10-foot rim unless he's Spud Webb. At the same time, an average-sized guy--say, 5-11--won't have a chance without at least a little athletic ability.
Dunking isn't for everybody, but many men at least have a chance at pulling it off. Even so, it depends on a lot of variables for those on the fringe. Many guys have excess weight that keep them grounded. Some days your legs just aren't up to it. Other days, you don't have the right shoes on, or a certain basketball is hard to grip, or a past injury is hampering you.
Little things like that can keep you from basketball glory when you're oh-so-close to throwing down.
If you're 5-5 and lacking great hops, nothing you read is going to pull a miracle. Sorry, Charlie. Don't sweat it, though--as many short shooters boast, "When dunks are worth three points, I'll start doing it."
Similarly, if you're the next Wilt Chamberlain and you can literally kiss the rim, you're too advanced for this course. Enjoy your Zeus-like ability.
If you're close but not quite over the hump, with decent height and decent hops, never forget: there is plenty of hope for you.
Let's get Dick Vitale screaming.
Building Your Strength
Being in great shape is the best way to start your quest toward a rim-rocking jam, and there are specific exercises you can keep in mind while improving your fitness.
LaRue Cook, a personal trainer and owner of LEC Fitness, recommends building your basic level of strength first. This can be done through common leg exercises like squats, lunges, hamstring curls and leg press.
Once that's established, Cook said that increasing your vertical is accomplished through boosting your power.
"Power can be defined as a combination of speed and strength," Cook said. "Dynamic exercises that combine speed and strength such as skips--low and high--and squat jumps and bounding are all ways to improve your leg power once a base of strength has been established."
The Jump
Generally, a player can get his highest when jumping off one foot and reaching up with one hand. For a right-hander, the most common way is approaching from the left and jumping off the left foot with the ball in the right hand. However, some people find jumping off two feet more comfortable, so experiment and find what's best for you.
Going up for a two-handed slam, while awesome, is a more advanced dunk and shouldn't be the goal just yet. To slip your hand over the rim and throw down a ball means to eliminate anything that might keep you from your vertical maximum. So your other hand should stay at your side to balance your body.
If you're not sure what your potential is, go up without a ball first. Get the hang of jumping this way, of (hopefully) touching the rim. Many of the newer rims are breakaway, and will snap down if you grab onto it. If you want to have a chance at dunking, you should be able to snap the rim down like this with some consistency.
Careful, though: If you grab the rim but can't get a grip, the momentum of your body could cause a violent spill. Be smart.
From there, work your way up. Jeff Haefner of Breakthrough Basketball suggests starting with smaller balls like a golf ball or tennis ball to practice timing and elevation. It's a little harder than just grabbing the rim, and a good step toward throwing down a big ball.
"You'll find it's much harder to dunk with a full-sized ball," Haefner said. "Your timing and vertical leap is the key."
Keep that in mind, and progress slowly. A mini basketball is a little more challenging than a tennis ball, but it's easy to palm and that helps.
See if you can get high enough to get your hand over the rim--almost up to your wrist--so you can stuff the mini ball. If you can't throw it down with a little authority, a bigger basketball won't be any easier.
From there, you can try a four-square ball or a volleyball. Both are a pretty good size but soft enough to be able to grip.
Remember that fatigue is a factor, and you probably have only so many jumps in a session before your legs wear out. Once you're not 100 percent, you don't stand a chance at dunking for the first time. Don't get frustrated if your 15th attempt of the day isn't as good as your third or fourth try. That's normal.
With a Ball
If you're on the verge of dunking, being able to palm a normal basketball will help immensely. If your hands aren't big enough, you can go up holding the ball over your hand like a waiter holding a plate of food. Take care of it--the rock often gets away from players mid-jump, making the attempt worthless.
Work at it, and focus.
You'll probably get painfully close dozens of times before you break through and finally get a clean one. You're first "dunk" might be a little ugly and won't be with force. It doesn't mean it doesn't count.
The slam dunk is a beautiful play that only a small portion of the population can do, which adds to the allure of it. If you're right on the dunk's doorstep, don't give up. Work hard at it and keep your confidence high. When it finally does go down, it will be worth it in the end.
That's a promise.
Slam Dunk Art - Etsy.de
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How to draw a basketball hoop and ball step by step Easy Drawing Tutorials
Basketball is an iconic American sport.
Its legendary players such as Michael Jordan and LeBron James are considered heroes. Today it is the only sport whose origin lies exclusively in America.
How did basketball start? It was a rainy day in 1891. James Naismith taught physical education at the YMCA in Massachusetts. Stuck inside, what was his class supposed to do? With a soccer ball and two hemisphere peach baskets, Naismith invented the game we now call basketball.
School football teams helped popularize the sport; when the weather was too cold to practice outside, they would go inside and play basketball.
Did you know? Early basketball baskets had a bottom, so each time a point was scored, the ball had to be retrieved from the basket. The bottom of the basket was later removed, but the balls were too big to fall through. Instead, a long pole was used to push the ball out of the top of the basket.
Actual baskets were used until 1906 when a metal rim and backplate was introduced. The rear shield also prevented fans with balcony seats from getting in the way of shots and allowed for rebound.
From its humble roots, basketball has spread throughout the world. Not only do professional teams exist in many countries, but public parks often have outdoor basketball courts.
Recreational basketballs can be seen outside houses and on the streets. This half-court version of the game is often referred to as "streetball". Other side effects of the game, including a beach version that allows you to carry a ball, have been invented.
Would you like to draw a basketball? Doing so is easier than ever with this easy, step-by-step drawing guide. All you need is a pencil, pen or marker and a sheet of paper. You can also color your finished drawing.
If you liked this tutorial, see also the following drawing guides: Baseball Bat, Baseball Cap, and Basketball Player.
Basketball Hoop Step by Step Instructions
1. Start by drawing a flattened oval. Then draw a smaller oval inside the first one. This forms the rim of the basketball hoop.
2. Extend two straight lines horizontally from one side of the rim. The top line should be longer than the other. Then extend lines down from the ends of those lines. Connect them at the bottom using a straight line. This connects the rim to the back panel.
3. Draw a curved line down one side of the rim. This starts the outline of the network.
4. Draw a curved line down from the other side of the rim. Connect the lines at the bottom using a wavy, irregular line. Then draw diagonal parallel lines across the net. Follow them in parallel lines on the opposite diagonal. The result will be a hatch or checkerboard pattern that indicates the lines of the network.
5. Draw perpendicular diagonal lines in the inner oval of the hoop, indicating the opposite side of the mesh.
6. Draw a circle covering the bottom of the net. This will become basketball.
7. Draw a curved line across the basketball. Perpendicular to this line, draw three additional curved lines. These are basketball stitches.
8. Draw a four-sided shape using four straight lines. The extension from the rim should be in the center of this shape. It's a basketball shield.
9. Draw a smaller four-sided shape inside the first one. Extend a pair of straight lines from the rim to the point where it attaches to the backrest, providing additional support for the rim.
Whoosh! It was nothing but a network. Check out our drawing guides for tips on how to put together your team.
The Complete Basketball Hoop Drawing Tutorial in One Image
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How to draw a basketball hoop step by step. Basketball picture
In the last lesson we looked at football and hockey.
And here I will show you how to draw a basketball player step by step. Basket ball is no less intellectual ball game than kick ball or net ball. The meaning of the game is as simple as chewing gum: you need to throw the ball into the opponent's basket. True, compared with football, there are already some difficulties due to the height of the basket. It hangs at a height of 3.05 meters from the floor and genetically modified individuals of small stature cannot play this game. Well, that is, if you wish, for God's sake, but this will be of little use.
- Here, not one point is counted for hitting the basket, but two, or even three, depending on the distance. One point is awarded for a free throw.
- The ball for the game weighs about 600 grams, should be of a characteristic orange color, and also have about 20 thousand pimples;
- The total number of players on one team is 12, but only five can be on the floor at a time.
- Matches consist of four periods of 10 minutes each with short breaks between periods.
This is right. - And I was also asked to remember Shaquille O'Neal, experts will be pleased.
Well, perhaps this information will be enough, because you already know everything better than me. But I can show you:
How to draw a basketball player step by step Step one. Let's sketch the leading lines.
Step two. Let's outline the contours of the basketball player's body.
Step three. Let's draw a basket, a ball and elements of clothing.
Step four. Let's remove the leading lines, add hatching, shadows.
After that I also recommend to try.
How to draw a ball? In this lesson we will analyze three types of balls, football, basketball and volleyball.
In fact, the ball is a regular circle with shadows, on which some kind of relief is depicted. Of course, a soccer ball is very different from a basketball, a basketball has a different weight, a different material, but they are drawn in almost the same way.
In this lesson we will not deal with the chiaroscuro of the ball, but to draw the ball it must be used. It will give the ball a more realistic look.
You can take a look at the picture below to brush up on your knowledge of ball chiaroscuro, and if you don't know anything about ball chiaroscuro, we recommend reading here.
So let's start with the soccer ball.
How to draw a soccer ball
It is not very difficult to draw a soccer ball, therefore, believe in yourself and you will succeed! We will give several different examples of drawing a soccer ball, starting from the simplest ball, ending with the most complex ball with shadows.
1 stage
At the first stage, everything is simple. We draw a circle.
Stage 2
The hardest step is to draw the dark polygons on the ball. We draw polygons as shown in the figure below. Since our ball is at an angle, we draw polygons at an angle.
Since the ball is a ball, and the ball is round, we must represent the volume on these polygons. It is very clearly seen that one of the sides of the right polygon is rounded, and this gives a rounded shape.
Stage 3
In the third step, we need to connect the corners of the polygons of our soccer ball. To do this, draw lines between their corners. Please note that the lines should not be even, but slightly rounded, this will add volume to our ball.
Stage 4
At the final stage we apply chiaroscuro to our ball. How we did this, we will describe in the example with another ball.
Another option for drawing a soccer ball
Since polygons in a soccer ball are the hardest part, we want to dwell on it a bit. Let's analyze another version of drawing a soccer ball, but in a slightly different way.
1 stage
Draw a circle.
Stage 2
Draw one polygon in the center.
Like our previous ball, the polygon is at an angle.
Stage 3
The third step is significantly different from the third step in the previous example. If earlier we immediately drew other polygons by eye, then here we will have everything according to the rules.
Draw lines from each corner.
Stage 4
From the ends of the lines drawn in the previous step, we draw two more lines in different directions, and we already have a net of a soccer ball.
Stage 5
Connecting lines with lines :)
Stage 6
And now we draw lines, as it were, beyond the edges of our ball.
Stage 7
In the last step, we color some polygons and get a soccer ball.
If you know how to apply chiaroscuro, you can apply it, and we will move on to it very soon.
The third version of drawing a soccer ball
There is no point in describing this ball in particular, in this example it is just another version of drawing a grid.
Just look and choose the grid drawing option you like and use it.
1 stage
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
Stage 6
Stage 7
Another small and fun version of how to draw a soccer ball.
Learn to draw a soccer ball with shadow
Chiaroscuro time has come! We draw a soccer ball with chiaroscuro.
1 stage
As before, draw a circle.
Stage 2
At the second stage we draw a polygon already familiar to us.
Stage 3
Draw three more polygons.
Stage 4
Starting from the polygons that we already have, sketch the entire ball with polygons.
Stage 5
The fifth stage is the most interesting for us. This is where the light begins.
Shading the polygons that should be black. At the top of the polygon, the strokes should be darker than at the bottom, this will create an imitation of highlights and add volume to our soccer ball. We do not touch the white polygons, they will remain white.
After hatching the black squares, draw our own shadow on the ball in the lower left. In our example, the light falls on the ball from the upper right side. That is why the shadow is in the lower left of the ball. Own shadow is drawn in the form of a month, which smoothly flows from dark to light.
The last step is to draw the shadow of the ball on the ground. Such a shadow is drawn much simpler than the ball's own shadow. Just draw a narrow oval under the ball and that's it.
If you are struggling with shade, be sure to read our article on chiaroscuro and try taking a ball with a flashlight. By spinning the flashlight around the ball, directing the light at different angles, you will definitely understand the whole meaning of chiaroscuro and how to draw it in the case of the ball.
Another example with chiaroscuro
So, let's move on to the last example of drawing a soccer ball. It is also with chiaroscuro, but the way of drawing the ball itself is a bit unusual.
1 stage
First, draw auxiliary lines, draw a square and divide it into equal parts.
Stage 2
Draw a circle using construction lines.
Stage 3
Draw polygons. Previously, we have already drawn polygons in different ways, so we will not dwell on this topic.
Stage 4
The last step is to shade the black polygons. Stroke from top to bottom. Since the light falls on our ball from the top left, the black polygons are darker at the bottom than at the top.
We shade the right side of the ball darker, because less light falls on it than on the left, and the bottom part needs to be made completely dark, because almost no light falls on it at all.
Draw a shadow under the ball.
We are done with the soccer balls and now we are going to draw the basketballs.
How to draw a basketball
It's time to learn how to draw a basketball. It is drawn in the same way as a soccer ball, like a regular ball. Therefore, we will not analyze in detail how to draw it.
1 stage
Draw a circle and divide it with a rounded vertical line near the center.
Stage 2
And the second stage in drawing a basketball we can say is the last one :) We draw three lines on the ball, we will not describe them, because looking at the picture below you will immediately understand everything.
In fact, our basketball is ready, but we will still paint and apply chiaroscuro to it in the next step.
Stage 3
In our example, a fairly complex cartoonish chiaroscuro is used, so if this way of applying chiaroscuro seems too complicated for you, you can simply apply a shadow in the form of a month and that's it.
In our example, it's cartoonish chiaroscuro, so paint the ball orange. We paint over the space between the lines with a darker tone, but not to the edges, especially a lot of free space should be left in the upper left part. Since the light falls on our ball from the top right, we need to paint the highlights with a lighter color.
Another version of the step-by-step drawing of a basketball
Let's look at the step by step drawing of a basketball again, but with a slightly different kind of chiaroscuro.
1 stage
Draw a circle and divide it into four parts with rounded lines.
Stage 2
Above and below our basketball, draw two lines typical for basketballs.
Stage 3
Now let's move on to chiaroscuro. We paint over the entire ball with light hatching, but do not paint over the center of the ball, because light will fall on it, and the unpainted area will be a glare.
Now we press the pencil harder and paint over the entire surface of the ball, making the highlight spot lighter than the rest of the ball's surface. We make the left edge of the ball as dark as possible, since very little light hits it.
Our basketball drawing is ready :)
How to draw a volleyball: Wilson from the movie Cast Away
Yes, yes, if you watched the movie "Outcast", then you probably recognized this volleyball :) A volleyball is drawn the same way as a football and basketball, and any other ball, so let's draw a face on it.
1 stage
Stage 2
Draw these vertical lines on the sides.
Stage 3
In the third step, draw the horizontal and vertical lines. Do not forget that they are not drawn evenly, but as if on the surface of the ball.
The only thing left to do is paint the ball and it will be ready, but we have an unusual ball, so let's move on to the next step!
Stage 4
Outline the contours of the faces.
Draw eyes, nose and mouth.
Stage 5
Our ball is ready.
It remains only to paint it with any colors and apply chiaroscuro in your favorite way.
We hope you figured out how to draw a football, basketball and volleyball step by step with a pencil. As you noticed, they are all drawn in almost the same way, so in the same way you can draw absolutely any ball with any drawings on it.
All you need for the lesson "how to draw a ball with a pencil step by step" is a compass for drawing a circle. If you don’t have a compass handy, a round object that can be circled to make an even circle will do. Of course, you still need a pencil.
How to draw a ball with a pencil step by step
Draw a soccer ball step by step, in fact, quite easy. Draw an even circle with a pencil.
The soccer ball consists of pentagons and hexagons. Draw a pentagon in the center of the already created circle.
See below picture.
The following illustration shows how to draw the soccer ball further. From the end point of the line, draw two lines in different directions. Try to keep them the same length too.
The same should be done for the rest of the lines coming from the pentagon.
There is very little left in drawing this lesson. We close the lines - we get hexagons. Study the following figure carefully. You should get one pentagon, and hexagons around it.
Basketball is a team sport, bright, dynamic, filled with tension and energy. The athlete in the game makes the most interesting movements in the pass, interception, blocking and, of course, during the throw. The camera that shoots the match manages to capture the basketball players in the most spectacular poses. After all, there is nothing more pleasant than a goal scored in the game. And therefore, most often it is interesting for artists to draw a basketball player, how he throws his hand directly into the basket or, as he is called in the professional field, slam dunk.
In basketball, there are three ways to shoot the ball into the basket: a throw from a distance, from under the basket and an overhand throw into the basket. Tall and jumpy players never miss an opportunity to get the ball into the basket from above.
Choose a picture
In the history of basketball, there have been quite a few bright figures who knew how to impress with their slam dunks. Suffice it to recall the legendary basketball player of the 90s NBA Michael Jordan, who played for the Chicago Bulls team. He also became a great idol for artists of all ages.
The most striking of the basketball players of our time, but now retired from the sport, is Kobe Bryant, who played his entire career for the Los Angeles Lakers of the NBA. Let's try to draw a basketball player how he scores a slam dunk using the example of Kobe Bryant.
In this photo, the Lakers player is very effective and quickly flying towards the basket to shoot the ball.
How to draw a basketball player
In order to draw a basketball player how he shoots, you need a pencil, an eraser, a piece of paper and a lot of positive energy.
Stage one: sketch out the main lines and shape of objects, breaking them down into simple shapes.
Stage two: you need to trace the contour of the body of the basketball player and the basket, smooth out the transitions, thereby highlighting the main figure of the main subjects of the picture.
The third stage: you need to draw all the small details on the basketball backboard and basket, the shape of the basketball player, his face, legs and arms.
Fourth step: remove all unnecessary additional lines, add shadows, drapery, thus bringing the player to life in the picture.
Making color
If you want to draw a basketball player step by step with a pencil, how he scores the ball from above, but then decorate it with color, then there are some good tips to help make your drawing bright and dynamic, like Kobe Bryant's basketball itself.
First tip: decide for yourself whether you will pay attention to all the color details or make the color more of the same type.
It all depends on your tastes, time and perseverance.
The second tip: in color contrast, highlight the player, his texture, so that he is brighter and richer in the space where he is.
Third tip: the outline of a basketball player who moves in the air can blur. This will create the illusion of movement on paper. Take advantage of this.
If you decide to draw a basketball player step by step and make it in color, then you can use not only colored pencils, but add colors there. By mixing the most unusual approaches, you will make your drawing very effective and original.
"What is a basketball for?" It would seem that the answer is obvious. But creative people are ready to find unusual uses for ordinary things. So a young artist from Shanghai named Yi Hong painted a portrait of the famous Chinese basketball player Yao Ming using a basketball. For this, in addition to the ball, the girl needed some paint and two hours of time ...
(Total 6 photos + 1 video)