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How to draw basketball court lines

What to Buy to Make Your Own Basketball Court with Stencils [Layouts, & Dimensions] is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. As Amazon Associates, we earn from qualifying purchases. also participates in affiliate programs with ShareASale, Avantlink, Impact and other sites. is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies.

Have you dreamed of having your own basketball court in your backyard?  Well, with help from this article, your Basketball Court Ideas into a reality!

A basketball court stencil is necessary to build your dream court with the proper dimensions. You do not want to paint lines that are not accurate in size or scale.  It will make pick-up games much easier and practice for real games possible.

Without proper stenciling, it can be almost impossible to play the game correctly.  If the three-point line is too close the score will not be accurate. If the foul line is placed too far back, many free-throws will be missed.

Through sites such as Amazon, it is possible to buy do-it-yourself basketball court stencils that will quickly and accurately help outline a basketball court in minutes.

The basketball court stencil kits are usually pre-cut, so the only instructions are to unroll the stencil onto the area you wish to be the court, grab paint, and go!

It will work on any surface, concrete, asphalt, or wood. Not only will this help players who are interested in competitive play, but it also encourages young children to pick up a basketball and learn the fundamentals of the game.

While many of the pre-cut basketball court stencils are about 13 by 21 feet or one-half of a college court, it is possible to find larger and smaller stencils as well as reusable stencils if painting a driveway permanently is not a possibility.

Because of the popular nature of this sport, different stencils exist but remain “dimensionally” similar.  Obviously, a stenciled court will not be official NBA size, but more along the lines of college or high school.

With the help of a basketball court stencil, players will have the ability to gain a deeper understanding of the dimensions of the court, where they can and cannot dribble the ball, and the approximate amount of power needed to shoot a foul shot or three-pointer.


The Basics of a Basketball Court Layout

In order to accurately and effectively play the game of basketball, you must understand the basketball court layout.

The rectangular boundaries which indicate out-of-bounds, the center circle where jump balls take place, and the “paint” are all specific areas of the court which contain certain rules.

Understanding these areas along with the others can help a coach to draw up plays during the game, players to get the most out of their game, and it also keeps fans from getting injured.

So, not only does the layout help coaches but players as well.  The layout is quite straightforward, as different colored paint and lines help to divide the court into its playable areas.

In the middle of the court is a painted circle, about 12ft (3.6 meters) in diameter where games or halves are started.

Both the home and away baskets are identical, which a three-point arch, a restricted area also known as the “paint,” and the hoop in the middle about 4ft (1.5 meters) in front of the out-of-bounds line.

The “paint” is the painted rectangle under the hoop and the player who has control of the ball may only stay in this area for three seconds before a foul is called.

The foul line, which is at the end of the “paint,” is about 18ft (5.5 meters) away from the hoop, and is used when a player commits a penalty.  Within the three-point arch and the “paint,” a player may shoot a basket but is only worth 2 points.


The Importance of a Basketball Court Diagram

The game of basketball is equal parts mental and physical, which may come as a surprise to many of you. Learning the dimensions of the court, which areas may produce the greatest amount of baskets and how to strategize a play can mean the difference between winning and losing a game of basketball.

Printable Basketball Court Diagram With Terms

In order to accurately play and coach the game of basketball, it is important to understand a basketball court diagram.

Usually, a coach will have a clipboard and a dry-erase copy of the basketball court, which they can then use throughout the game to work out plays and strategy.

Most of the time, a diagram is used to create different offensive and defensive plays during the game to outwit the other team. As well as create plays, the diagrams can also be used to show substitutions, areas of concern or measurements to help players shoot the ball with greater accuracy.

Because of the competitive nature of the game, it is very important that players and coaches alike use the basketball court diagram to their advantage.

To expand on the mental side of the game, you should think of the diagram as a board game then determine possible outcomes of your team as well as the opposing team. During practices, the teams must create game-like situations using a diagram like the ones pictured here, and reenact possible outcomes to better defend their own net.


Dimensions of Basketball Courts

Dimensions of basketball courts depend on the skill level and age of the athletes playing the game.  Beginning at the elementary school level, courts are approximately 74 feet in length and increase in size up to 94 feet for professionals in the NBA.

As the length and width increase in size, so do the different areas of the court such as the “paint” or rectangle under the basket, or the three-point arch. Each school, college, or professional team sport their own colors which can further confuse opposing teams as they are not used to certain patterns or colored lines. As a large audience began watching and the playing basketball, it quickly became apparent that children and teenagers could not compete on NBA-sized courts (94 feet in length) for reasons such as height and strength.

Because of the popularity of the game, many rules and regulations such as standards for the dimensions of basketball courts have been put into place.

Junior high school courts are about 74 feet in length, while high school courts are approximately 84 feet and college courts are full sized 94ft.

For the adult who enjoys pick-up games with their friends, a high school sized court will suffice, as the skill and ability levels are not honed to professional standards.

It is also important to understand the height of the basket, as this can become a factor in outscoring your opponent. Standard hoops starting at the elementary level are 10 feet high, often leading to low-scoring games until high school.


High School Basketball Court Dimensions

Extracurricular sports, especially basketball, have a great impact on young minds. Many people do not know that high school basketball court dimensions differ from those seen in the NBA or even in college. This is due to the fact that many students are still growing during their tenure, making a full-size court very difficult to play on.

Basketball is just as much an individual sport as a team sport, with a coach designing plays, mediating disputes, and providing advice to his team. The players training on their own and using their skill to play their position well their teammates.

Much like a business, everyone must do their own part, work together towards a common goal, and receive advice or criticism from their boss (the coach). It is very important to understand the boundaries of a profession as it is important to understand the boundaries of a basketball court. 84ft (25.60 meters) by 50ft (15.25 meters) are the standard high school basketball court dimensions, which is somewhat smaller than an NBA court, but the ratio of length to width is still the same.


College Basketball Court Dimensions

College basketball court dimensions are the same size as the NBA, which differs from high school, junior high, and elementary courts. Not only because of the size of the players but also to increase the difficulty of the sport.

All interior markings, the three-point arc, free throw line, and the center circle are all the same, but the length and width are changed depending on the playing level and country.

In the United States, the college basketball court is 28.65 meters by 15.24 meters or 94 feet by 50 feet.

I hope this article helped you to better understand the dimensions of a college basketball court and why different leagues such as the NBA or international teams have similarly scaled courts. I hope you’ve gained a deeper understanding of the basketball court diagram and basketball court stencil, as it is just as important as practicing free-throws or three-point shots.  With the correct amount of physical practice and mental planning, it is very likely you will succeed at learning and playing the sport well.

If you have any other questions about the game of basketball and making your own backyard or driveway basketball court, please feel free to leave a comment below.



What are the dimensions of a kid-sized basketball court?
Elementary school/Junior high school courts are about 74 feet in length, while high school courts are approximately 84 feet and college courts are full sized 94ft.

What are the dimensions of a high school basketball court?
The high school basketball court dimensions are 84ft (25.60 meters) by 50ft (15.25 meters).

What are dimensions of a College Basketball Court?
The dimensions of a college basketball court are 28.65 meters by 15.24 meters or 94 feet by 50 feet.  From the free-throw line to the hoop, it is about 15 feet, and another 4 feet from the hoop to the baseline (out-of-bounds).  From the basket to either side of the three-point arch is slightly less than 20 feet, at 19 feet 9 inches.  The “paint” area is 12 feet wide, and the radius of the center court circle is 6 feet.

What is “the paint” on a Basketball Court?
The “paint” is the painted rectangle under the hoop and the player who has control of the ball may only stay in this area for three seconds before a foul is called.  The foul line, which is at the end of the “paint,” is about 5.5 meters away from the hoop, and is used when a player commits a penalty.   Within the three-point arch and the “paint,” a player may shoot a basket but is only worth 2 points.

When was basketball invented?
The game was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, who would be the first basketball coach of the Kansas Jayhawks, one of the most successful programs in the game’s history.

Source: Paradise Restored Landscaping & Exterior Design

The Lines and Dimensions of a Basketball Court

Updated: 06-09-2022

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A basketball court has symmetry; one half of the court is a mirror image of the other. The entire basketball court (see Figure 1) is 94 feet by 50 feet. On each half-court, painted lines show the free throw lane and circle, as well as the three-point arc, whose distance from the basket varies based on the level of hoops being played.

Figure 1: The American court.

Indoor basketball courts are almost always made of hardwood. Outdoor courts are most commonly composed of asphalt.

The borders of the court have their own commonsense names:

  • Along the length of the court, the borders are the sidelines.
  • Along the ends, the borders are the endlines, or baselines.
  • Separating both halves of the court is a midcourt line.
  • In the very center of the midcourt line is the center circle (12 feet in diameter), where the center toss takes place to begin the game.

The free throw lane and free throw line

The free throw lane is the hub of the action in each half-court. This rectangle is 12 feet wide — 16 feet at the men's pro level. Its length, as measured from the basket to the free throw line, is 15 feet at all levels. An offensive player may not stand inside the lane for more than three seconds unless he or one of his teammates is shooting the ball. After a shot is taken, the count starts over again. A defensive player may remain inside the lane for as long as he desires.

A player fouled by another player sometimes receives free throws, also known as foul shots. She takes these shots (they aren't really "throws") from the free throw line at the end of the lane — 15 feet from the basket. The shots are "free" because a defender does not guard the shooter while she's shooting. When a player shoots a free throw, her feet may not cross the free throw line until the ball hits the rim, or else the shot is nullified.

The remaining players line up alongside the free throw lane (or behind the shooter) and cannot interfere with the shot. They line up in order, on either side of the lane, of defense-offense-defense-offense. (Up to four players may stand on one side of the lane.) If a player opts not to take a spot (say, for example, the second defensive spot), then a player from the opposing team is permitted to step into that spot. The fans behind the basket usually scream, jump up and down, and wave their hands to try to distract an opposing team's shooter during free throws.

The three-point arc

The three-point arc is the other important marked feature of the court. The arc extends around the basket in a near semicircle, and its distance from the basket differs according to the level of play. Even at one level, the distance can change as rules committees grapple with the best distance for the good of the sport. The NBA has changed the three-point distance on two different occasions since first adopting the trey, as the three-point shot is called, in the 1979-1980 season. The three-point distance was moved back to its original 23' 9" for the 1997-1998 season. The college distance is 19' 9", while the international distance is 20' 6".

Any shot made from beyond this arc — even a desperation half-court shot at the buzzer — is worth three points. A three-point shooter must have both feet behind the arc as he launches this shot, but either foot is allowed to land on the other side of the arc.

The backcourt and frontcourt

Thinking of the entire court as two half-courts, divide it into frontcourt and backcourt. The frontcourt is the half of the court where the offense's basket is located. The backcourt is the other half. Thus one team's backcourt is the other team's frontcourt.

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Basketball court markings: standards and norms

Author of the article

Khvatkov Dmitry

Consultant in the production of rubber coatings

Basketball field marking requirements are approved by the FIBA ​​standard. The site must be flat with a hard surface, free of bends, cracks and other obstacles. The accepted dimensions of the field are 28 m long and 16 m wide. By NBA standards, the field is slightly larger: 28. 7 m (94' ft) long and 15.3 m (50' ft) wide.

Areas not intended for international competitions may differ from accepted standards (for public use, in schools or universities, etc.) and usually vary from 20 to 28 m in length and from 12 to 16 m in width.

Basketball Court Marking Standards

Basketball court markings are conventionally divided into 5 components:

  • Boundary lines. They are located along the perimeter of the site and set its size. The lines that run along the field are called side lines, and those that are behind the baskets are called front lines.
  • Central line. Divides the court in half parallel to the front lines.
  • Central zone. It is a circle and is placed in the middle of the center line, and, accordingly, in the center of the entire field.
  • Three-point line. It is a semi-ellipse and is located around the shields on both sides of the field. It limits the close range.
  • Free throw line. It is located in front of the boards parallel to the front line and is limited on the sides by paint lines.

The standard line width is 5 cm. All outlines and lines must be of the same color (usually white) and be clearly visible from anywhere on the court.

Common lines

Common lines are used to limit the playing area of ​​the court. The side lines (along the field) according to FIBA ​​standards should be 28 m long, and the front lines - 16 m. For public areas, deviations from the accepted standards are allowed. Typically, basketball courts in schools or gyms are made from 20 m long and 12 m wide.

Central lines

The center line is parallel to the front and divides the field exactly in half. According to the standards - it should extend beyond the side lines by 15 cm on both sides.

In the middle of the center line there is a circle with a diameter of 3.6 m, which limits the central zone of the field. In this zone, the ball is played at the beginning of the game.

Three-Point Line

Three-Point Lines are located around the backboards on both sides of the field and consist of two straight lines 2.9 long9 m and a semicircle. Straight lines run perpendicular to the front at a distance of 0.9 m from the side lines. Despite the fact that visually the distance from the ring to the side of the three-point line seems to be less than to its central part, the distance from the backboard to any point is 6.75 m.

Penalty lines

Penalty lines limit the nearest area at the backboard. They consist of a trapezoid and a free throw zone.

Despite the name, the "trapezium" is a rectangle (until 2009year it really was a trapezoid), which is located under the shield. Its dimensions are 5.8 meters long and 4.9 meters wide. The shield is located at a distance of 1.575 m from the end line in the middle of the site. In front of the backboard, at a distance of 1.25 m, there is a semicircle that limits the area for picking up the ball.

At a distance of 4.225 meters from the backboard, the trapeze zone ends and the free throw zone begins. It is a semicircle with a diameter of 3.6 m (like the central circle).

Paint zone lines

These lines are serifs on both sides of the trapezoid (parallel to the sidelines). They limit the areas for players who are fighting for the ball during a free throw.

Zones on the basketball field

The basketball court is divided into zones using markings. Each zone has its own specific rules.

Center circle

The center circle is used as a separate kick-off area at the start of the game. One representative from each team stand in a circle from their side and fight for the ball in a jump, after it is dropped by the referee. All players are exclusively on their side of the field, except for one who rebounds on the opponent's side.

Neutral zone

The peculiarity of this zone is that as soon as the player of the attacking team with the ball crosses the center line and is on the side of the opponent, he cannot pass the ball to the player of his team who is on the other side of the field (i. e. behind center line on your side).

Three-point zone

The three-point line limits the near zone of the shot. Hitting the basket from outside the basket brings the team three points. If the throw was made inside the zone, then it brings two points.

Three-second zone

This is the zone in close proximity to the ring. It is called three-second, since the player of the attacking team cannot be in it for more than three seconds. Most balls are thrown in this zone, so when attacking, it provides maximum protection.

Free throw area

In controversial situations, a free throw is provided from this area. The player of the attacking team must score the ball without stepping over the line of the trapezoid. At the same time, the players of both teams are not in the three-second zone. They take up positions along the paint lines on the sides of the trapezoid and may not step outside the lines until the free throw shooter has shot the ball.

How to mark a basketball field?

Basketball field markings, whether it is an international competition court or an open-air amateur field, are best applied using special equipment. This will ensure the long life of the coating, the lines will not clog and will promote fair play.

You can order the marking of a basketball court in Moscow and the Moscow region from Rezkom. We will measure the premises and develop a design project for the field so that it complies with generally accepted rules and is convenient for operation. For more details, you can contact our manager by phone 8-495-64-24-111.

how to open? How to equip it?

Each of us can create a professional basketball court. However, this will require huge financial investments, hiring specialists and a large room.

This article is written for owners of schools, sports complexes and other similar establishments. And also for parents who have a huge house or cottage. Those who want to build a basketball court in them.

We will look at all aspects of creating a field for this sport. We will tell you where to place the judges and how to draw the markings. And also about many other things.

The International Basketball Federation has created uniform requirements for all venues for this sport. If you create a field that complies with the regulations, you will be able to hold professional competitions on it. And even rent out your space. Moreover, both for games and for tournaments.

How large should a basketball court be?

The basketball field must be made in the shape of a rectangle. It must have a hard surface. The latter can be made from wood or other materials.

The basketball court must be free from unnecessary objects. Only 2 racks should be located on it. 2 shields. 2 baskets for balls. And also markup. Chairs, benches and other things on the site should not be.

Requirements for the dimensions of the basketball court

The Basketball Federation has uniform requirements for the dimensions of the court. According to them, the field must be 28 m long and 15 m wide.

The Basketball Federation also allows competitions to be held on smaller courts. With a length of 26 m. And a width of 14 m. Competitions for young athletes can be held on such sites.

Deviations from the established minimum dimensions (26 m long and 14 m wide) are not permitted.

If your court is less than 26 meters long and 14 meters wide, it will not be suitable for professional competition. The same applies to fields that are over 28 meters long and over 15 meters wide.

Height requirements for basketball courts

The room where the basketball court will be located must be high. The ceiling must be at least 7 meters above the floor. If it is low, then it is not worth creating a basketball court in such a room. Because it will be unsuitable for professional games.

Basketball Court Lighting Requirements

The area where you plan to place the basketball court must have good lighting.

Each part of the field must be highlighted. And it's equally bright. So that the players of both teams can see the baskets, the posts and each other. Otherwise, they will collide during the competition.

The light on the basketball court should not be too bright either. Otherwise, he will blind the athletes. And also prevent the referees from watching the game.

What lines should be on the basketball court?

Each basketball court must be marked. It is important that each part of the site is marked with the same color paint. Preferably white.

Each marking line drawn on the field must have the same dimensions. Its width must be at least 5 centimeters.

That is, it should not be so that in one part of the field the marking lines are "thick". And in the other they had a small width.

The marking lines must be clearly visible to the players and referees. If you do not draw them brightly enough, then it will be impossible to play on such a basketball court. It will not be allowed to be used for competition.

What should the front and side lines be?

The edges of the basketball court area behind the baskets must be marked with 2 front lines.

The areas of the field, which are located along the length of the court, must also have marking lines. They are called lateral.

As we have already said, there should be no foreign objects on the site. We are talking about tables for judges. As well as benches for spare players.

If you plan to place the substitutes' bench, this must be done off the field. At a distance of at least two meters from its edges. The same applies to referee tables.

Where is the center line drawn and how is it drawn?

The central part of the basketball court must also have markings. It must be drawn in the middle of the field.

The center line starts from the side lines and runs to the center.

It may protrude slightly from the side of the field. But no more than 15 centimeters.

What should the free throw lines be?

In the area of ​​​​the zones with basketball baskets of both teams, a special area for free throws is drawn.

It must be located at a distance of 5.8 meters from the left side of the field. The penalty area line must be at least 3.6 meters long.

For a free throw, the basketball player will stand in the middle of this area.

Restricted areas

Each basketball field has special "restricted areas". They are highlighted with special "front" marking lines. And also outlined by lines for free kicks.

Additional lines are drawn from the front marking lines in the restricted area. They go in different directions.

Front lines must be placed three meters from the penalty area.

The front lines are part of the special restricted areas. They can be painted in different colors. However, the marking lines must match the hue of the circle that is drawn in the central part of the field.

More about free throw areas

Free throw areas are also classified as restricted areas. on the basketball court they are deliberately increased. Semicircles of marking are placed next to them, the radius of which is 1.8 meters.

After that, a dotted line is drawn in the circles. They outline the inside of the penalty area.

In the picture below you can see the penalty areas. Players shoot for the basket in these areas.

How should the center circle be marked?

A circle must be marked in the center of the basketball field. Its radius must be at least 1.8 meters.

The color of the circle must be the same as the bounded areas.

3-Point Shooting Area

Basketball players can shoot 3-point balls from almost anywhere on the court. Except the one next to the basketball hoop.

2-Point Shooting Area

When athletes shoot balls into the opponent's basket from next to it, the team is awarded two points. The area next to the opponents' ring is also classified as restricted.

The area around the teams' basketball hoops has 2 marking lines. They are placed parallel to each other.

The 2-point zone is next to the player's team's basket. In the area that is opposite the zone with the ring of the second team.

The 2-point zone is located 6 meters from the center line of the field.

Also, the area for a two-point shot is limited by a special circle. Its radius is 6.25 meters. When a player enters this zone, his goals are classified as two-point goals.

On successful throws from outside this area, the team receives 3 points.

In the picture you can see the areas of the field where shots are classified as three points.

If a player throws the ball from the central and side zones, he brings the team 3 points.

What should be the bench areas?

Players from both teams are allowed on the basketball field. However, not on the site itself, but outside it.

You need to place a shop for players in a special area. It should be highlighted with a special white line. And be outside the field of play.

The length of the markings for the players' bench must be two meters. And the width is 5 meters.

Outline the team bench so that all players can see where people are sitting. And did not encounter them during intensive movements across the field.

Where should substitute players sit?

Athletes preparing to change players must sit between the team benches. Replacement basketball players must sit on special chairs.

Seats should be small. And do not stick out during the games. Otherwise, it will interfere with the teams on the field.

Substitute placement rules have been developed by the International Basketball Federation. They must be observed without fail when building a basketball court. Otherwise, you will not be allowed to compete on it.

What should be the place for judges?

Your task is to make sure that the judges have the most comfortable seats.

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