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How to get bigger hands for basketball
How to get bigger hands for basketball
How to Get Bigger Hands: Strength and Flexibility Exercises
Maybe you’re trying to palm a basketball or grip a football more securely. Perhaps you want to spread your fingers a little wider across a piano keyboard or guitar frets. Or maybe you’ve just always wished your hands were a little bigger.
But can you increase the size of your hands, or is that like hoping you can stretch enough to be a little taller?
The truth is, the actual size of your hands is limited by the size of your hand bones. No amount of stretching, squeezing, or strength training can make your bones any longer or wider.
That said, the hand is powered by about 30 muscles, and they can grow stronger and more flexible with a variety of exercises.
And increasing the strength and reach of your fingers and thumbs, even just a little, may help you no matter what sport or instrument you play.
To bolster your grip on a basketball, football, or a stubborn jar of salsa, you can do several simple exercises.
These exercises will not only increase the strength and thickness of certain hand muscles, but they may make your hands appear a bit bigger.
As with any exercise, a good warmup is helpful in preventing injury and discomfort. Before performing these strengthening exercises, soak your hands for a few minutes in warm water or wrap them in a heated towel.
These treatments can also help to relieve hand pain or stiffness caused by arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions.
The following exercises can be done two or three times per week, but be sure to wait 2 days in between exercises to allow your hand muscles to recover.
Squeezing a soft ball
- Hold a soft stress ball in your palm.
- Squeeze it as hard as you can (without causing any pain).
- Hold the ball tightly for 3 to 5 seconds, and then release.
- Repeat, working your way up to 10 to 12 repetitions with each hand.
For a variation, hold a stress ball between the fingers and thumb of one hand and hold for 30 to 60 seconds.
You may also improve your grip strength by regularly using other exercise implements that require squeezing.
Making a fist and releasing
- Make a fist, wrapping your thumb across the outside of your fingers.
- Hold this position for 1 minute, and then open your hand.
- Spread your fingers as wide as you can for 10 seconds.
- Repeat 3 to 5 times with each hand.
Working with clay
Form a ball with some modeling clay and then role it out. Manipulating clay will strengthen your hands, while creating sculptures with detailed features will also improve your fine motor skills.
Practicing wrist curls and reverse wrist curls
- Sit straight up with your feet flat on the floor.
- Hold a light dumbbell (2 to 5 pounds to start) in one hand.
- Rest that hand, palm up, on your leg so that it’s extending just off the edge of your knee.
- Flex your wrist up so that you bring the weight just above the knee.
- Slowly bend the wrist back down to the starting position.
- Do 10 repetitions, and then switch hands.
- Do 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions with each hand.
For reverse wrist curls, do the same thing only have your palms facing down.
Stretching your hand muscles can increase their flexibility and range of motion.
The following exercises can be done daily. Just be careful not to overextend your fingers so that you strain any of the muscles or tendons.
Thumb stretchHand span is measured across the back of the hand. It’s always a topic of conversation around the NFL draft, where having a longer hand span is seen as a plus for quarterbacks.
But the ability to grip and throw a football well has more to do with strength, flexibility, and technique.
To help widen your hand span — the maximum distance from your thumb to your little finger — follows these steps:
- Gently pull your thumb away from the other fingers with the thumb of your opposite hand.
You should feel a slight stretch. - Hold for 30 seconds, and then relax.
- Repeat with your other hand.
Flat stretch
- Rest one hand, palm down, on a table or other firm surface.
- Slowly straighten all your fingers so that your hand is as flat against the surface as possible.
- Hold for 30 seconds, and then switch hands.
- Repeat 3 to 4 times with each hand.
Finger liftThe finger lift takes a little more time, but it’s helpful in increasing range of motion.
- Start with your hand palm down and flat on a firm surface.
- Gently lift each finger, one at a time, off the table high enough so that you feel a stretch along the top of your finger.
- After you have stretched each finger, repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.
- Then repeat with your other hand.
Like feet, ears, eyes, and every other part of your body, the shape and size of your hands are unique to you.
But you can check out the average measurements for adults and children, if you’re curious to see how your mitts measure up.
Hand size is usually measured in three different ways:
- Length is measured from the tip of your longest finger down to the crease just below the palm.
- Breadth is measured across the widest part of the hand, where the fingers meet the palm.
- Circumference is measured around the palm of your dominant hand and below the knuckles, not including the thumb.
Here are the average adult hand sizes for men and women, according to a comprehensive study by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA):
Gender | Length | Breadth | Circumference |
male | 7.6 in (19.3 cm) | 3.5 in (8.9 cm) | 8.6 in (21.8 cm) |
female | 6. 8 in (17.3 cm) | 3.1 in (7.9 cm) | 7.0 in (17.8 cm) |
Besides the more than two dozen muscles, a hand contains 26 bones.
The length and width of those bones are determined by genetics. A parent or grandparent with small or large hands can pass those traits down to you.
For women, bone growth usually stops by the mid-teens, and for men, it’s a few years later. Muscle size, however, can be increased much later.
Hand strengthening exercises can make the muscles larger or thicker, if not longer.
A broken hand or other trauma can also affect the shape and size of the hand.
While you can’t make your fingers any longer or your palm any larger, a few easy exercises can make your hands stronger and increase your fingers’ flexibility.
These exercises can give you a firmer grip and a slightly wider hand span. Just be sure to perform them carefully so as not to injure the hands that you rely on for so much, regardless of their size.
How to get bigger hands: 10 tips to gain big muscles
Hands are the body part that everyone wishes to be thin and muscular. As a result, it’s only natural to wonder, “How to get bigger hands?” Hands are made up of various muscles, each of which must be targeted in order to achieve the desired muscular and larger hands.
Everyone aspires to get more considerable muscle and a better physique in today’s environment. More muscle means more strength. Your body gets more robust and your muscles grow larger as you lift heavier weights. When you lift heavier objects, you can expand the growth of your muscles more; this naturally results in greater muscles.
Hands are the part of the body that is visible and garners attention so making them bigger and more beautiful is the wish of many people. You can gain the bigger hand of your desire by following some of the tips written in this article.
Table of Content
- Does working out make your hands bigger?
- Anatomical description of hands
- Tips to get bigger hands
- Hand grip exercise
- Hand exercise ball
- Push-up with your fingers
- Exercise your fingers with the help of elastic bands
- What is normal hand size
- What to do for a muscular and flexible hand
- Step to gain big muscles
How Does Working Out Give You Bigger Hands?
Many people try to build muscle by doing gym and heavy exercises until they get pumped and sore.
But this rarely works because you don’t lift heavy enough to trigger the growth of muscle.
Only heavy lifters who are already strong like laborers and the ones who use proper diet and invest their time in the gym gain muscles easily or the one who uses drugs or steroids can build muscle by doing mostly isolation exercises
Natural lifters just need compound exercises to build muscle. Like mostly Squat, Bench, Deadlift, OHPress, and Row. When one lifts heavy weight doing this, one can gain up to 43lb of muscle without using drugs or training more than three times a week with a proper diet and adequate protein. This even works for skinny hard gainers.
This is a definitive guide to building muscle naturally. You can also read the ways on how to get bigger hands in the principal article.
Hand Anatomical Description
I think you should have a piece of knowledge about the anatomical description of hands. It’s really important to know about the anatomy of the hands before jumping to section ‘how to get bigger hands’.
The anatomical descriptions of hands are given below:
- The hand has 27 bones.
- There are eight bones in the wrist.
- Five bones are present in the palm which link to the digit (finger and thumb).
- There are two main sets of muscles and tendons. Flexor muscles bend the fingers and thumb, and extensor straightens them out again.
10 Golden Ways on How to Get Bigger Hands
To gain bigger hands, you must do a specific activity. Keep in mind that in order to achieve the desired results, you must be aware of these unique workouts and practice them correctly.
Here are numerous fantastic exercise examples for larger hands that you should follow. This exercise will also assist you in obtaining answers to the question of “How to Get Bigger Hands”.
1. Use hand gripper: Handgrip exercise
Hand grippers are small devices that are primarily used for testing and increasing the strength of the hands. A hand gripper can be the best device for how to get bigger hands.
The special grip called crushing grips helps to move the finger, which also increases the strength of the finger muscles.
Handgrip exercise does not only build the hand muscles, but it does increase the strength of the forearm muscles. It also helps in strengthening your wrist and forearm muscles. Every day you should perform 2 to 3 sets each set containing 6 to 8 reps.
2. Exercise your palm by squeezing a softball: Hand exercise ball
Squeezing a softball helps to strengthen your palm muscle. You just need to hold a soft stress ball in your palm and squeeze it as hard as you can then you need to hold the ball tightly for 3 to 5 seconds and then release it. Repeat this process 10 to 12 times on each hand.
This ball squeezing exercise will also help you to increase the hand muscle and help to get a bigger hand and also help to get an answer to your question about how to get bigger hands.
3. Do a push-up with your fingers
Push-up can be an easy exercise, but push-up with the fingers will be one of the toughest exercises for many.
It can be dangerous, too, without perfect form. Fingertip push-up improves grip strength, can strengthen your finger and will increase the size of your forearm. You must avoid doing push-ups to your knuckles because its not good for strengthening your fingers and forearms.
To start fingertip push-up, lay on your stomach with your toes on the floor and your arm outstretched, with palm down. Next, try and lift your body weight on your fingertips and toes.
4. Exercise your fingers with the help of elastic bands
Your finger can be just trained up with an elastic band. You dont need any special equipment to strengthen your hands and fingers muscle. For this exercise, you can use your house elastic bands, which are used to tie hair. So you can see the secret of how to get bigger hands does not need any special equipment.
For this exercise, you need four elastic bands. First of all, place the fingers on the inside of the elastic bands, with your palm facing outwards.
Your right-hand index finger should be at one end of the elastic band and the left-hand index finger to be on the other end.
Now you need to position the rest of the elastic bands in the same manner for the rest of your fingers. Pull the band outward, while contracting your finger. You must repeat this 8 to 10 times and perform at least 2 to 3 sets.
5. Try sandbags and punching bags
Punching on a sandbag or punching bag not only strengthens your hand muscles but also does strengthen your arm and forearm muscles. You must be sure that your hands are at least properly bandages during punching on sandbags.
It is better to use properly padded gloves rather than using any bandages. However, do not attempt alone. Always do this under the supervision of a trainer. These can be the easiest exercises on how to get bigger hands.
6. Lift some dead-lifts
You may use two to three weight dumbbells in each hand instead of using a barbell, stumbling block, or kettle bell.
You will strengthen your hands and fingers by holding the plates together throughout the whole workout..
7. Get a hobby that involves training your hands
Different tasks, which can make your hands bigger, can be enjoyable, rewarding, or at least enduring. Who knows, maybe you might do some extra bucks one day. You can try wood or stone sculpted and sculpted, render mobilization, or restore old vehicles.
The hobby can be made of climbing, souvenirs, sculling, and other natural activities. Any of these activities will provide your palm with serious cyclical loads and help them to develop.
8. Gain calories
Okay, you want to have an extra calorie and you need to use enough protein to build muscle when performing these exercises, processes, and plyometric exercises above.
You will also have more bone density if you have a healthy diet. In this way, the middle and hyposthenia muscles can be applied to small quantities of muscle weight. There are also good places for bodybuilding that speak all about bulking diets, and I am sure you’re going to get muscle if you follow them.
9. Train your wrists as well
You might be wondering ‘How to get bigger hands’ by training your wrists, the fact is that bigger wrists are connected to having bigger hands, so you should work on training your wrists as well by performing exercises that will put more tension on your wrists.
Basically, exercises like; weight training can promote larger and stronger wrists. What you should always have at the back of your mind when training your wrists is to use adequate weights. Dont go overboard with the weights, use only small weights to train your wrists to avoid getting injured.
10. Intake proteins and carbohydrates more in diet
You know to build hand muscle or body muscle we must take a diet rich in proteins. Proteins are the nutrients present in the food that helps in building body and in excess it gets converted and remain under the skin.
Take foods that have low fat or are fat-free dairy and eat food like meat, fish, and beans rich in proteins daily.
Carbohydrates help to increase the muscle size of your hand and help to make it bigger. When you eat carbohydrates then in the excess amount it gets converted to glycine and gets stored in the muscle. To have a bigger hand take a diet rich in protein and carbohydrates.
What is an average hand size?
As you wonder how to get a bigger hand, you must be aware of the average palm size. You should first evaluate your first size and then go for various exercises mentioned above. This will help you to get your dream hand size.
You may already know that like all other parts of the body including eyes, ears, feet, the size, and shape of your hands are also unique. In the case you are curious to know what size of the hand is normal; we present you the following data
A hand is made up of 26 bones and about two dozen muscles. The length, breadth, and circumference of your palm are all taken into account when determining its size. Genes are in charge of determining these factors.
While we’re on the subject of DNA, your ancestors’ palm sizes are likely to be passed down to you (hereditary traits).
If you are a female, your hand bone growth is likely to take place until the mid-teens. In the case of boys, this takes place a few years later. However, the muscle can continue growing for more years.
Finally, talking about the normal hand size, there are three common methods for determining fist-size:
- The length: it is measured from the tip of the longest finger down to the crease just below the palm.
- The breadth: it is measured across the widest part of the palm, where the fingers meet the palm.
- The circumference: it is measured around the palm of your controlling hand and just below the knuckles, excluding the thumb.
The size of a normal hand in males is 19.3 cm (7.6 inches.) in length, 8.9 cm (3.5 inches.) in breadth, and 21.8 cm (8.6 inches.) in circumference. In a female, the size of a normal hand marks 17.
3 cm (6.8 inches.) in length, 7.9 cm (3.1 inches) in breadth, and 17.8 cm (7.0 inches.) in circumference.
What determines the size of your hand?
Every person is different from the other and has different features. Do you wonder why your hand’s size differs from your other family members? Why does the hand’s size vary from person to person?
There are various factors that determine the size of your hand, and some of them are discussed below:
AgeThe essential factor which determines the size of your hand is age. An infant has a smaller size than that of 12 years old kid. The 20 years old’s hand size varies from a 60-year-old person’s hand size.
GenderAnother essential factor after age is gender. Your hand size differs from your sister’s or mother’s hand because gender plays its role here. Male’s hands are comparatively larger than females, which is the biological reason that makes the two opposite genders unique and different from the other.
The average size of an adult male hand is 7.6 inches.
The average size of an adult female hand is 6.8 inches.
HeightYour height determines the size of your hands and feet. If you are a taller person, you will see the difference between your hands and the person with average height.
What to do for a muscular and flexible hand?
When you ask how to get bigger hands, you simply want to make your hand look muscular. When you have a flexible muscular palm, it looks big. There you go. You simply make your hand muscular and you get a bigger hand. But is that so easy?
Its not that easy but it needs some regular exercise and you get a big muscular palm.
There are many exercises like making and releasing fists, squeezing a softball, curls along with reversed wrist curls, practicing with clay, etc.
These exercises will help you to make your metacarpal bone muscular. But still, you need a flexible palm beside a muscular hand. For this, you will have to perform some exercises that will increase the flexibility of your hand. Some of the exercises that can increase the flexibility of your fist are thumb stretch, finger lift, flat stretch, etc.
Some steps to gaining big muscles
The steps which you can follow to gain big muscles are given below. These tips are indirectly answered your question about how to get bigger hands.
- Firstly we have to add weight to that. Try to lift more weight than last time. Youll get stronger, which will help you to increase the size of your muscles.
- The more often, when you train any muscle, that will more trigger it to grow. The more you do an exercise, your technique gets improved quickly, and you can lift the heavyweight.
- every muscle needs to recover from your workouts to grow stronger and bigger. They can’t recover if you work hardly them every day. Even your mind also needs a break. In the same way, muscles also need a break
You can take one or two rest days a week which will help your muscles to recover by plenty of food, water, and sleep.
Everyone desires more significant muscle mass and a more attractive figure. Your body gets more robust and your muscles grow larger as you lift heavier weights.
Hands are the body part that everyone wishes to be thin and muscular. As a result, it’s only natural to wonder, “How to get bigger hands?”
Hands are made up of various muscles, each of which must be targeted in order to achieve the desired muscular and larger palm. You can get bigger hands by following the advice offered above.
Also Read: How to Get Taller
Do our hands keep on growing?
Our hands grow during our puberty period of life and it progresses until the growth plates mature.
The growth plate fuses at the end of puberty and the hand will stop growing.
Can we estimate our age by our hand?
In a journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, it was published that yes we can find out or estimate the age of a particular person by just looking at their hand.
Do big hands attractive to people?
In a study done by the University of Geneva, it was found that 80 women said that they found the men attractive by their bigger hands but it was not the same for their masculinity on the basis of their bigger hands.
Does having a big hand means you are tall?
In research done in the year 2014, it was seen that doctors could predict the height of the person by looking at the hand of the person. It was also known that the doctor could also estimate the BMI of the person just by looking at their hands.
How to strengthen fingers and joints
Hello, dear visitors of the website basketball-training.org.ua ! Today I want to tell you again about how to strengthen your fingers.
Why did I write again?
The fact is that once this site was under the Joomla content management system (I think that some site visitors remember that time: there was user registration, a terribly terrible commenting form, low traffic and frequent “glitches” of the site itself). At one fine moment, I realized that this could not continue, and the site moved to WordPress, to which I have no complaints yet.
How to strengthen fingers
So, when transferring the site, not all materials were copied: one part of them was of poor quality, the other part did not carry a special semantic load. Quite recently, while traveling through sports-related websites, I came across a familiar text! Wow, I thought, it means good advice if they are reprinted and posted! After lengthy negotiations with the administration of the resource, I still managed to convince them that I am the author of the text and get a back link to my site! Guys with " Sporttime "- thanks for the adequacy!
Well, now I want to offer you a revised set of exercises that will help strengthen the fingers - one of the most painful places for many basketball players!
Strengthen fingers - exercises
After digging a little in my old records, I found a couple of interesting exercises that will allow your fingers to become much stronger , which means reducing the risk of injury from an accidental collision with an opponent, a bounced ball or an unsuccessful contact with something else.
Let's start with the very exercises that have already been published. Oh yes, if you regularly perform at least some of the exercises below, then your fingers will become not only strong, but also more flexible and tenacious. And in the fight for a controversial ball (the one in which they try to snatch the ball from the opponent's hands), you will have much more chances.
The first exercise is , it is also the basic one. The starting position is a meter and a half from the wall. Tilt your whole body forward and fall against the wall. And in order to stop the fall, we put our hands forward and rest our fingers against the wall. A sort of "lying emphasis", only you have to lie down on the wall. Try not just to stick your fingers into the wall (and you can break them), but to cushion, spring them.
The second exercise for the fingers consists in squeezing a tennis ball, while squeezing only with your fingers. You can also squeeze any wrist simulator, the main thing is to squeeze with your fingers.
Horizontal bar will help not only to pump up the muscles of the hands, but also to strengthen the fingers. How? Just try to hang as long as possible, holding only your fingers. Grip from below and hold with your fingers. How long will you last?
Finger push-ups can also help in the process of strengthening the fingers. The load on the joints is quite high, so I recommend starting with a few repetitions, and then gradually increase the load. Is it difficult (painful) to do push-ups on your fingers? Try to take an emphasis while lying on your knees - the load will decrease, but the effect will still be good.
The coolest exercise , which involves the hands and fingers, back and shoulders, abs - in general, a number of different muscles. What you need: a gymnastic stick (a leg from a stool, a handle from a shovel, etc.), a rope (a meter and a half long, depending on height) and a weighting agent (dumbbell, sledgehammer head, pancake from a barbell, an old iron).
One end of the rope is tied around the middle of the stick, the second - to the weighting agent. We take the stick with both hands, the hands themselves are parallel to the floor. We begin to rotate the stick in such a way that the rope is wound and the load rises from the floor. When screwed to the end - just as slowly unwind back. Change the grip (upper and lower, wide and narrow) and the weight of the weighting agent (pro sports weights ) to get the most out of your workout.
And now a few words about new ways to strengthen the fingers.
Strengthening the fingers - a few more exercises
This group includes exercises used by Russian special forces. The origins of these exercises go to the masters of martial arts. Do not be afraid, I will not agitate you to pierce the boards with your fingers with screams that frighten your enemies. Immediately introduced the Chinese master, who, putting a block shot, pierces the ball with his finger.
The sun is warming something, and such thoughts come into my head!
- Exercise #1. Brick work. Try throwing the brick up and catching it with the fingers of one hand. Caught? Now toss it with a spin and catch it again. Happened? Now try to rotate your arm at the elbow, while continuing to hold the brick with your fingers (just don't break the glass of your neighbors).
- Exercise number 2. Lying support. The point is to take the prone position without using your thumb. We stand as long as possible (legs can be thrown to a certain hill to increase the load). Gradually reduce the number of fingers you rely on.
- Exercise #3. Hands in front of you. We are trying to spread the straightened fingers as much as possible. Then - press your fingers to each other as much as possible. This exercise will bring you closer to gaining the ability to take the ball in your hand.
- Exercise #4. Interlock 2 identical fingers of different hands (thumb with thumb, index with index, etc.). Now, for a few seconds, try to break the resulting hitch. Repeat with each of your fingers.
Well, I think that these exercises will be quite enough for to strengthen the fingers . If you have examples of exercises to strengthen your fingers, share them in the comments. Subscribe to site updates (everything you need is in the right column of the site).
I, in turn, wish you successful training and look forward to visiting our site again.
Hand Strength and Flexibility Exercises
hand exercises
...There is a basketball game. Here one player quickly breaks under the enemy's shield, but the defender blocks his way. The player sharply, on the run, passes the ball to a partner. He meets a rapidly flying ball with his fingers extended forward, takes his hand back somewhat, softening the force of the blow.
Another moment - and the ball is in the opponent's basket...
...A stubborn struggle flared up on the volleyball court. Accurate pass, and the striker jumps to hit. But the enemy managed to put a double block. It seemed to the audience that the attack had already been repulsed. Suddenly, the attacker, sharply turning the brush, slightly hit the ball in the bypass of the block. The defender tries to get the ball, falls, but all in vain. Point lost...
...The goal seemed inevitable. Already some of the fans clutched their heads in despair. And then the annoyance was replaced by joy. The goalkeeper, stretching out like a string, in a jump manages to knock the ball over the front line with his hands. The attack was repelled...
We have seen such episodes a thousand times at competitions. They talk about how important it is for a volleyball player, football goalkeeper, handball player, and especially a basketball player to have well-developed hands.
We recommend special exercises that can strengthen the hands and fingers and make them more flexible.
1. Arms extended forward, hands clenched into fists. Unbend your fingers as slowly as possible and bend quickly. It is important that the arms are as straight as possible and do not bend at the wrist.
2. Arms extended forward with palms down. The brushes are clenched into fists and maximally retracted up and back. Alternately bend and unbend your fingers.
3. Maximally extend the index, middle and ring (2nd, 3rd, 4th) fingers in the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. Secure the main middle phalanges of these fingers with the second hand. Bend and unbend only the terminal phalanges (picture 1).
EXERCISES FOR DEVELOPING STRENGTH of the muscles of the hand
4. Lying down, rest against the floor with the ends of the straightened and spread fingers of both hands (picture 2). Lower and raise the body, bending and unbending the arms at the shoulder and elbow joints.
5. Starting position is the same as in exercise 4. Go to the emphasis on the whole palm (picture 3) and return to the starting position. For relief, you can additionally lean on one knee or perform the exercise, resting your palms on the wall or on the gymnastic bench.
At first, perform only inferior work (slowly descend on the entire palm), and when the muscles get stronger, proceed to the alternation of inferior and overcoming work (push-ups on the fingers).
6. Arms extended forward, palms inward, fingers extended. Maximally bend the brushes up and down in a vertical plane.
7. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands and put your hands through the rubber loop, as shown in the picture 4. Unbend your fingers in the metacarpophalangeal joints, overcoming the resistance of the rubber.
8. Exercise with a tennis ball and foam rubber. Grasp the ball or rubber with the whole brush. Squeeze and unclench the brushes (picture 5).
In order to prevent shortening of the muscles from strength work, exercises with rubber bands should be combined with exercises for muscle relaxation and for the development of speed, which are given
. Fingers are together. Maximally spread and reduce straightened fingers ..
2. Starting position is the same. Alternately make circular movements with your fingers, starting with the thumb. First, you can perform the exercise with the other hand.
3. Same starting position. Alternately bend and unbend each finger, starting with the little finger.
4. Same starting position. Perform circular movements with brushes. The fingers are relaxed.
5. Arms extended forward, palms facing each other. The hands are connected, the fingers are interlaced. Make circular movements with the connected brushes in the carpal joints.
1. The wrist joint is fixed in a straight or bent position. Maximally extend the fingers in the metacarpophalangeal joints with the help of the other hand.
2. Leaning with the fingers of both hands on a flat surface, unbend and bend the hands in the metacarpophalangeal joints.
3. Leaning on the palms, unbend and bend the wrist joints.
4. The arm (for example, the right one) is bent at the elbow joint. The hand is at shoulder level and turned with the thumb inward. The palm is turned up. Holding the ends of the fingers with the left hand, try to straighten the right hand as much as possible (picture 6). Then release your fingers. The hand bends sharply (picture 7). Repeat the same with the left hand.
1. Arms extended forward, up or to the sides, fingers apart. Bend and unbend your fingers as quickly as possible. Bending - fingers reduce, unbending - spread.
2. The starting position is the same, only the hands are on a flat surface.
Tap with brushes on the surface of the support, gradually accelerating the rhythm.
3. Same starting position. Tap alternately with the fingers of both hands.
4. Hands together, fingers interlaced. Bend the right hand at the wrist joint while simultaneously extending the left hand, and vice versa. Gradually speed up the movement.
5. Palms together, fingers crossed with middle phalanges. The fingers of the left hand are straightened, and the fingers of the right hand are bent (picture 8). Straighten the fingers of the right hand while bending the fingers of the left. Gradually increase the speed of movements.
6. The arm is bent at the elbow joint. The hand is relaxed and turned with the thumb inward. The palm is turned up. Sharply bend the hand without straining
To develop speed, you can take some exercises from other groups, but perform them at a higher pace.
1. Hands down.
Shake with relaxed brushes.
2. Arms bent at the elbows, hands relaxed. Shake relaxed hands with rotational movements in the elbow joints.
3. Hands up. Having completely relaxed the muscles of the arms, successively bend them in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints.
4. Hands down. The muscles of the hands are relaxed. Swinging movements of the arms up and down - first forward, and then through the sides.
1. Throw a tennis ball at a target and at a distance (mainly with the movement of the hand).
2. Juggle several tennis balls, mostly with the hands.
3. Throw a medicine ball with one hand, competing in accuracy or distance. The exercise can be complicated by changing the starting position - throwing while sitting, lying down, kneeling.
4. Juggle small stuffed balls, tossing them with the movement of the hands.
5. Raise and lower small medicine balls by holding them on top with your fingers.
6. Throwing and catching medicine balls in various ways, similar to receiving and passing the ball in the game.
1. Grasp the basketball with the fingers of both hands wide apart from below, from the side or from above (picture 9). Push (“squeeze”) the ball, sharply reducing the flexors of the fingers (picture 10).
2. Do the same with one hand from below, from the side and from above (pictures 11 and 12).
3. Catching, dribbling and passing heavy basketballs. To make a basketball heavier, several defective (worn out) rubber chambers are used, which are threaded one into the other.
4. Double-sided play with a weighted ball.
5. In a semi-squat, alternately with the fingers of the right and left hands, push the ball from top to bottom (“dribbling in place”),
6. The same with two balls. Pushing the fingers of the right and left hands at the same time.
7. Alternately push the ball from top to bottom with the fingers of one hand (first with the index, then with the middle, etc.
). You need to try not to hit the ball, but push it down, accompanying the moving ball with your fingers for some time.
8. Send the ball to the backboard. When the ball bounces off the shield, take it on the fingers of both hands and again send it to the shield with the movement of the fingers. The exercise is similar to receiving and passing in volleyball.
9. Do the same while jumping.
10. While jumping, try to throw the ball into the basket with the ends of your fingers.
11. Throw the ball at the backboard, while jumping with both hands, catch it after the rebound and throw it into the basket.
12. Perform the same exercise with one hand.
13. The same exercise, but made more difficult by partner's opposition.
14. Two people grasp one ball (each with both hands) at waist level, overhead or below. At the signal of the coach, they try to snatch the ball from each other.
15. The coach throws the ball between two trainees, each of them tries to catch it in a jump.
All of these general and specific exercises are recommended for daily self-study. When doing exercises, it is best to follow this sequence:
1. Exercises for individual joints.
2. Exercises for developing the strength of the muscles of the hand, combined with exercises for stretching and relaxing the muscles.
3. Exercises for the development of speed. Perform them, gradually increasing the pace.
It is impossible to strictly divide exercises into groups, because each of them affects not one muscle group, but several at once and, moreover, in different ways, that is, it develops different qualities. Each exercise is performed on average 10 to 20 times. In one lesson, include 2-3 exercises from each group. After four sessions, the exercises need to be changed.
The coach and players need to systematically monitor the development of the hand and fingers.
Hand and finger strength can be monitored using the Dynamometer.