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How to get in the right mindset for basketball
How to get in the right mindset for basketball
5 Ways to become more MENTALLY TOUGH
Basketball Tip
"Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes." Chinese Proverb
Mental toughness means backbone, daring, determination, fortitude, guts, mettle, moxie, nerve, perseverance, resolution, spirit, tenacity, toughness. It is is the ability to persevere in pursuit of a goal; no matter how long it takes.
Here are five ways to become more mentally tough on and off the court.
1. Do the hard things first. Pick your weakest spot and work on it first every practice. Choose the weight lifting exercise you like least and do it right away. Pick the subject you need the most work in and always start with it. If you wait, chances are you won’t want to work on your weakness or you will not give it your best effort. When we choose the hard things in life we develop mental toughness and life becomes easier.
When we always choose the easiest we get weaker.
2. Be specific. If you want to work on upper body strength, write down the specific number of push-ups you will do. Counting backwards can help motivate you to finish. When working on math, pick a time limit and the number of problems you want to get finished in that time limit. For shooting, decide how many shots you will make in a row from different spots on the court, if you miss more than two shots in a row, sprint dribble down and back with the off-hand. Write down your goals and put them somewhere you can see them everyday.
Be accountable. Whether you are working on your game, your attitude, or your grades have someone hold you accountable in areas you are likely to give up and not work on. Choose someone you can work together with or someone who is a mentor who can help teach you how to develop mental toughness. For example, in ball handling, compete against a good player for the highest score, then whoever loses does one push-up.
Make a goal to encourage each other and pick someone who will motivate you to keep going.
4. Deal with problems. When life is hard we want comfort not change, but those who have learned the secret of being mentally tough have learned comfort now can mean pain later, whereas a little pain now can yield a big reward in the future. We know we are not choosing the right way to handle our problems when we look for comfort in ignoring the problem, becoming bitter, using gossip, or simply by trying to escape. We need to learn to open up with a trusted parent or adult. We need to learn to talk to people not about them. We need to address problems with courage and kindness before becoming bitter and resentful. Every time we run away from our problems, more problems follow. The minute we decide to deal with problems we become more mentally tough and better able to handle problems in the future.
5. Guard your thoughts. The reason why it's called mental toughness is because what you think determines how you act.
If you want to become more mentally tough, you have to become tough about what you think. Certain thoughts should never be in your head. Replace weak thoughts like, “I can’t, I’m tired, I’m bored, “ with strong thoughts. An athlete training for basketball season didn't like to run. The first time around the track for a conditioning run left her feeling exhausted. Her mentor asked what she was thinking as she ran around the track. "I hate running. This is awful. I want to stop." She admitted. The next time around the track, her mentor asked her to change what she said in her head to, “I love to run, my body is strong, I feel great.” The second time around she ended with a huge smile. She said, “I had no idea how big a difference what I thought made on what I do and how I feel. Even though I didn't think it would work, it did. I felt great .”
For more tips on basketball and to find a basketball camp visit www.nbccamps.com. NBC Basketball Camps is the largest overnight basketball camp program in the world and is a division of USSC Sports Camp Network.
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Basketball Mindset Strategies to Help You Become a Winner
I’ve failed over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed. – Michael Jordan
Developing Your Basketball MindsetYou may very well have developed all the skills required to excel at the game of basketball. You may also have the physical strength, stamina, height, and athleticism to overwhelm your opponents, however, all of this is relatively insignificant if you have not taken the time to cultivate the essential basketball mindset that will allow you to take your game to yet another level. As a matter, a fact, the skills you develop on the basketball court and the mindset you project go hand-in-hand and work together in conjunction to develop your legend as a basketball player.
This IQ Matrix will specifically focus on the development of a resilient, disciplined and determined mindset that will set you apart from your Teammates and Opponents.
This article post is part of a Basketball Success Series of IQ Matrix Mind Maps. Topics within this series include:
• Part 1: Basketball Shooting Skills
• Part 2: Basketball Defensive Skills
• Part 3: Basketball Dribbling Skills
• Part 4: Basketball Passing Skills
• Part 5: Basketball Offensive Skills
• Part 6: Basketball Rebounding Skills
• Part 7: Basketball Movement Tactics
• Part 8: Basketball Post Play Skills
• Part 9: Basketball Mindset Strategies
The Attitude of a Basketball SuperstarThe 1st Branch of this IQ Matrix Mind Map breaks down the personal and team spirit you must cultivate in order to develop a Superstar attitude that will break down the obstacles standing in your way on the basketball court.
We will specifically discuss the fundamental traits and characteristics that you must instill into your personality and briefly throw caution to the wind in other areas that you must effectively manage and control.
Your Personal SpiritYour Personal Spirit will help you to excel as a basketball player whether practicing alone or within a team setting. It is highly recommended that you cultivate and develop each of the following qualities meticulously. Each one will help you to grow and develop emotionally, mentally and physically as a complete all-around player.
Believe in Self and AbilityYou must believe in yourself and your abilities at all times. You will never be perfect, because if you were then there would be nothing to improve upon, and no growth to gain. Never doubt yourself in any capacity for even an instant.
Model Great PlayersGreat players have learned hard lessons that have brought them to the pinnacles of their careers as professional basketball athletes.
Learn from their mistakes, learn from their movements, copy their fundamental skills, and most importantly model their mindset. It is after all their mindset that has kept them at such a high level of achievement over an extended period of time. Without it they would be nothing. Yet with it, the World is their Oyster.
Persist with Determination and ResiliencePersistence, Determination, and Resilience are possibly the most important and fundamental qualities of a Superstar basketball athlete. You can work as hard as you want on improving your basketball game. However, if you do not persist with determination and resilience to outlast others vying for the same goals as you then you will struggle to amount to anything of any significance.
Guard Your Emotions, Mind, and ThoughtsWithout a question, there is no doubt that we are all very emotional beings. This is great when it is working for us, however, if our emotions begin to sabotage our progress towards our basketball goals and ambitions then they do become a major hurdle in our lives.
This is why it is absolutely critical that you guard your emotions at all times. Do not let circumstances on or off the basketball court impact your game plan, do not allow your personal feelings to get in the way, and most importantly DO NOT allow other players, spectators, umpires or coaches to push your emotional buttons. You are always in charge of your emotions and mind – don’t ever forget that!
Cultivate AlertnessPlaying the game of basketball at your peak level requires a certain amount of focus, awareness, alertness, and concentration. Sometimes it is very easy to allow our minds to drift onto other matters. However, if you seek to become an outstanding player than you MUST get out of the habit of allowing your thoughts to scatter. The key is to stay focused and be alert at all times to everything that is going on around you at every moment, on the basketball court and off it.
Cultivate Confidence NOT CockinessEvery great player has a certain amount of confidence about their game.
It is after all this confidence that helps them to take their games to even higher levels of achievement. On the other hand, some players mistaken Cockiness, Vanity or Arrogance as a sign of being confident. Mark my words, these are not signs of confidence. Instead, they are simply signs of a hidden low self-esteem, insecurity and emotional instability. Arrogance could also be a sign of fear that is brought about by feelings of inadequacy. In such instances, players show their arrogance in order to hide their self-sabotaging and limiting emotions from others.
Confidence, on the other hand, is simply a feeling of certainty that you have about yourself and your ability. It is displayed in the way you move, talk, walk and play the game of basketball. On top of this your confidence shines through in how you play the game, and not what you say on the basketball court.
Cultivate Poise Under PressureWhen things are going well, it is very easy to feel under control and confident in your personal abilities out there on the basketball court.
However, it is when things start to get somewhat out of control that cracks begin to open up and players become emotionally erratic on the basketball court. Their decision making starts to wain, their skills go out the door, and their mind begins to panic. Feeling incapable of dealing with circumstances, they simply crash emotionally and physically.
Conversely, it is the Great Players who remain poised under pressure circumstances. In fact, the more pressure, the more poise they display and the more effective they are on the basketball court.
Cultivate Ambition to Improve and ExcelUnless you are growing as a player on a daily basis then you are simply stagnating and falling behind those who are working constantly on improving their basketball skills and mindset. You must cultivate the quality of ambition to improve and excel as a basketball player at every moment on the court. Learn from your mistakes, take chances to step outside of your comfort zone, and grow as a basketball player on all levels.
Cultivate Solutions NOT ProblemsWhen things are not going well on the basketball court, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the problems and obstacles standing in your way. However, thinking about your problems won’t make them go away. Instead, you must work on cultivating solutions on the basketball court. Whenever you are facing a challenge, ask yourself better questions that will help you to find creative solutions that will likewise assist you and your team to gain the upper-hand at the end of the game.
This is of course all about trial and error. However, you will eventually learn from your mistakes and the answers will be revealed in time, as long as you focus on the solutions to the problems and not the problems themselves.
Cultivate PatienceYou must be patient with yourself, with your team, with the game, and with your understanding about the game of basketball. Learning new skills and basketball tactics takes time.
However, with a lot of patience and discipline, you will progressively take your understanding of the game and your skill level to yet another level.
Cultivate DisciplineDiscipline goes hand-in-hand with the quality of Patience. You need to be disciplined to stick to a basketball workout regime, to practice consistently and persistently, and to learn diligently from others.
Cultivate DecisivenessThere is no room for second-guessing your tactics or decisions on the basketball court. The moment you hesitate is the moment you will be “schooled” by your Opponent. This is why it is absolutely critical that you cultivate the quality of Decisiveness deep into your psyche. It is like Yoda said, “Do or Not Do. There is no Try”.
Be decisive and get the job done on the basketball court. It doesn’t matter if you make mistakes as long as you take time to learn from them and therefore change your tactics the next time around.
Cultivate CourageBasketball is a game of courage.
The more courage and heart you have on the basketball court than the more valuable you will be to your team. When courage is activated, then it simply does not matter how much skill (or lack of it) you have as a basketball player. Your courage alone will be the defining quality that will win the hearts of fans and the respect of your teammates.
Display courage on the basketball court by hustling for loose balls, by rebounding and knocking your body into bigger players, and by pushing your limits each and every time you step out onto the wooden surface.
Set Goals RegularlyGreat basketball players are goal oriented individuals. They take time regularly to set daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and long-term goals that will progressively help them take their game to another level of achievement.
Goals help to align your thoughts, body, and emotions in the direction of what you want most. Hence, it is important to set achievable goals for different aspects that you would like to improve on, learn and master about the game of basketball.
Your Team SpiritYour Team Spirit will help you excel as a basketball player in a team environment. It is highly recommended that you cultivate and develop each of the following qualities meticulously. Each one will help you to grow and develop a close unbreakable bond with your Teammates, Coach and Club.
Believe in Your Coach and TeammatesWhen we are “believed in” by others, an incredible force begins to move us to even higher levels of success. This is why it is absolutely critical that you openly support your Teammates and Coach at all times. A little belief in another person can go a very long way. And the funny thing is, that this “Belief” you project to others will usually boomerang back in your direction. And that can only be great for your team spirit and moral.
Cultivate FriendshipWe enjoy playing most with close friends and people we know well and respect from the bottom of our hearts.
If you are not friends with everyone on your team, then take the time this week to get to know them a little more. Ask them questions about their life, about their family, about their interests and hobbies. The more you get to know a person, the more things in common you will find, and this can only help to bring the both of you closer together.
Cultivate DedicationDedicate your time, effort and energy to your team by showing up to training sessions, by staying back after training to work on your game, by helping Teammates who are struggling with certain aspects of their game, and by taking the time to really create great team chemistry and unity throughout.
Cultivate CooperationWhen the entire team is working together for one goal, purpose and vision, a magical thing happens. It is known as “synergy”. When “synergy” occurs, everyone feels as though they are part of a large canvas that only comes into full view when the entire team is working and cooperating together to achieve these goals and visions that have been outlined.
Cooperation is after all the glue that will keep your team together no matter how many obstacles are standing in your way. And this cooperation must begin with you.
Cultivate EnthusiasmWhen you are enthusiastic and passionate about the game of basketball, about your team, coach, tactics, yourself and about the season, then at that very moment a wave of energy passes through the team that helps raise everyone’s game to yet another level of skill and achievement.
As much as basketball is a physical game, it is also very much a mental game. And this passionate and enthusiastic attitude you project will certainly provide your entire team with the fuel they need to keep going even when the outlook doesn’t look so rosy.
Cultivate LoyaltyFor a moment, bring to mind an image of a Dog, and put yourself into its paws. Aren’t they usually the most loyal creatures? No matter what you do to them, how much you scold them for ripping up your homework, they will always be loyal to you and will love you all the same.
It is exactly this kind of loyalty that you must bring forth and cultivate into your daily interactions with your basketball team. And yet again, it all starts with you.
Cultivate a Willingness to LearnWhen everything is said and done, if you simply do not have the passion or willingness to learn and better yourself as a basketball player and a team, then you might as well give up before you start. Life is all about learning, basketball is all about learning, and in many ways, basketball is all about LIFE. YES, that’s right, basketball is about life.
Did you know that how you play the game of basketball is exactly how you “currently” live out your life? If you react emotionally on the basketball court, then you most likely react emotionally in real life. If you hesitate and make poor decisions on the basketball court, then that is also a reflection of your life.
Conversely, if you are calm and collected on the basketball court, no matter what is going on around you, then this is a good indication of how you live your life when put under pressure.
This is why it is so very important to have a willingness to learn from your experiences on the court to help better yourself, not only as a player but also as a human being for the rest of your life.
Beware of the Following…Becoming a Great Player isn’t always about what you do. In fact, it is usually about what you DON’T Do! Here are some traps you should be wary of when playing the game of life… sorry I meant to say “the game of basketball” 🙂
Beware of Making ExcusesExcuses only breed more excuses, that breed even more excuses in an unending cycle that never seems to subside. When you step out onto the basketball court, throw your excuses out the door. No one cares that you are not shooting well today, that the Umpires are not giving you a break, or a myriad of other possible excuses you could make.
Excuses are for losers. No one likes to hear them, except for the person making them.
Breed this self-sabotaging habit out of your game immediately. If you don’t, then it will eat you alive and sabotage your growth as a basketball player.
Beware of Reacting EmotionallyAlways stay in control of your emotions no matter what happens on or off the basketball court. When you react emotionally you effectively lose your intellect. And when your intellect gets kicked out the door, then your decision making begins to fail, and you begin to fall down a spiral that spins your head and emotions in an uncontrollable manner right down to the bottom of the pit.
Beware of Blaming Teammates for LossesAt the end of the day, it’s the result that counts. What happened in between is a team effort, and therefore it is the Team as a whole that must take responsibility for the outcome. Do not point that index finger at your Teammates, because the moment you do is the moment 3 other fingers are pointing right back at you.
Babies do not learn to walk after one try, birds do not learn to fly after flapping their wings for the first time.
And your team will not play at their highest levels every time you step out there on the basketball court. It is all about trial and error, learning from mistakes and moving forward.
Beware of Fearing to Make MistakesBasketball is a game of mistakes. As a matter a fact, life is all about making mistakes. When we make mistakes we learn, we grow, and we improve our efforts the next time around. You must take this frame of mind into every basketball game, and as a consequence grow yourself physically, emotionally and mentally as a solid and intelligent basketball player.
Mindset for TrainingThe 2nd Branch of this IQ Matrix Mind Map delves into the mindset you must bring forth into your daily training regime on and off the basketball court. We specifically discuss what you must do during and after your training sessions in order to develop yourself into a solid, committed and disciplined basketball player.
During TrainingBasketball training is an important component of a basketball player’s weekly regime. It helps to build fundamental skills and is utilized as a tool for correcting mistakes that were made throughout the game.
The following presents you with a set of actions, guidelines, and qualities you should bring to every training session:
Show CommitmentWhenever you would like to excel at something, you need to cultivate an unshakable commitment. When it comes to your basketball training sessions, you can show your commitment in the following 4 ways:
Be Punctual
Come to training on time, all the time. In fact, come to training earlier before your Coach and Teammates arrive. Now that shows true commitment on your part.
Be Last to Leave
Be the last to leave training every week. Spend this time to shoot a few extra baskets, to chat with your Coach, or to simply work on improving your level of skill, stamina or proficiency.
Be First to Participate in Drills & Activities
Be the first to take the chance and participate in drills and activities. When we participate we learn more than if we were to just watch from the sidelines. Do not be afraid of making mistakes. Just go out there and be the first to take a chance on yourself.
Ask Intelligent Questions
When you ask intelligent questions that throw in new ideas, or expand the Coach’s strategy, tactics and drills – at that moment you will be displaying to others that you are paying attention and that you care about the success of your team.
Participating in DrillsDrills are a fundamental aspect of basketball that teaches players key skills while role-playing aspects of the game that need practice and attention. Here are a few guidelines that will help you to get the most out of the drills and activities your Coach runs during your training sessions:
Break Out of Your Comfort Zone
“Training” is defined as: “the process of bringing a person to an agreed standard of proficiency by practice and instruction”.
Your training time is a time to practice your skills so that you can become a more effective and efficient player during your basketball games. If you hold back and don’t step out of your comfort zone when you are training and running drills, then you will likewise struggle to grow as a player and will play with less confidence throughout a basketball game.
It is your training time. Are you going to make the most use of it? Or are you just going to stand around and wish you could get better?
Train at Game Speed
Unless you physically and emotionally simulate a “game situation” throughout your training sessions, then you will simply struggle to bring the required physical and emotional intensity into your Games. You must, therefore, get into the habit of training at Game Speed, running all your drills at Game Speed, and partaking in every exercise at Game Speed.
Train with 100% Commitment & Determination
Commit to your training sessions as though you are preparing for the biggest game of the season.
This very commitment and determination you bring forth into these training sessions will do you great justice when it comes to Game Day.
Ask for HelpUnless you ask a question, how will anyone know that you need help? Your lack of curiosity may indeed be seen as a lack of commitment or interest in the game of basketball. This, in turn, will sabotage your ability to grow and improve as a basketball player on a weekly basis. After all, it is those who ask the right kinds of questions who end up knowing all the answers. Therefore don’t be shy, and ask for help from your Coach and Teammates to improve your Basketball IQ, skill level, and fundamentals.
After TrainingIf you are serious about improving yourself as a basketball player, then your training never ends. Here are some guidelines that will help you to gain the most out of your training regime outside of your team training schedule:
Practice Your Basketball SkillsIf you seek to improve your basketball game than you need to practice each and every day.
After your team training session or when school closes, step out onto the driveway and practice the fundamental skills and moves that will help turn you into an absolutely astounding basketball player. Even while watching TV, start multi-tasking by picking up a basketball and tapping it as quickly as you can from hand-to-hand. This particular exercise is so simple, yet it will help you improve your ball-handling skills dramatically over several weeks of consistent practice. This is just one example of many you could use.
Visualize Yourself Playing BasketballStudies have shown time and again that making use of simple visualization strategies can help you to improve your skills as a basketball player.
A study by Dr. Blaslotto at the University of Chicago was conducted where he split his participants into three groups and tested each group on how many free throws they could shoot with accuracy. He had the 1st Group practice shooting free throws every day for an hour.
He had the 2nd Group just visualize themselves shooting free throws for an hour every day. And the 3rd Group did nothing over this period of time.
After 30 days, he tested them again. The 1st Group who practiced shooting free-throws every day for an hour improved their free-throw shooting by 24%. The 3rd Group who didn’t practice at all showed no improvement. Finally, the 2nd Group who just visualized shooting free-throws for an hour each day improved by 23% without touching a basketball.
Isn’t that just Amazing?
You must therefore practice daily visualizing in your mind shooting, dribbling and passing the ball with all your senses – seeing the sights, smelling the air, feeling the ball on your fingertips, tasting your sweat sliding off your top lip onto your tongue, and hearing the sounds of the stadium rise as one while you are shooting a last-second shot to win the game.
It won’t hurt you to try, will it? However, the key is to be consistent, disciplined and focused for several weeks before you begin seeing some good improvement.
Flex Your Mental MuscleWork on methods and tactics that will help you to build mental toughness and resilience you can utilize throughout a basketball game. This can be achieved by projecting what you do on the basketball court into every activity you partake in during your normal day.
Stay Physically Fit and ActiveBasketball is a game that requires endurance, athleticism, agility, and strength. However, you will not develop these abilities to their full extent by just playing on the basketball court. You must instead develop these abilities through other that are discussed below:
Increase Your Physical CapacityFlexibility: Will help you to move more freely and with more agility on the basketball court. You can develop your flexibility by stretching, partaking in Yoga, Pilate’s and other related activities.
Strength: Will assist you to stand your ground against your Opponents and help you to take hard hits with less chance of injury.
You can develop your strength by lifting weights, climbing stairs and partaking in physical manual work that requires muscle.
Endurance: Will help you to keep moving at a high energy level during the dying moments of the game when others are falling off their feet in exhaustion. You can develop endurance through physical activity such as swimming, cycling, jogging, and skipping. It is recommended that you partake in a variety of these activities throughout your day. Each one will develop your conditioning to a different level, thus making you a complete “endurance athlete”.
Athleticism: Will help you to jump higher, rebound more effectively and rise above your Opponents when going in for a layup or taking a shot. You can develop athleticism by stair climbing, skipping and stretching. Did you know that the more flexible you are, the more capacity you have to develop your athletic ability?
Speed: Will help you to react quickly on the defensive end of the floor, to pick off passes, and to run ahead of your Opponents on the Fast Break.
You can develop speed by strengthening your legs, correcting your running technique, and by practicing sprints on the athletics track. Also, practice quick sharp movements that help you to change direction rapidly.
Mindset for Game DayThe 3rd Branch of this IQ Matrix Mind Map presents you with several techniques and strategies you can utilize on Game Day in order to bring about clarity, focus and a killer instinct that will help you to excel on the basketball court. We specifically discuss several habits you must instill pre-game, during the game and post-game, that will help you to become a more effective and efficient player.
Your “Pre-Game” RoutineBefore you step out onto the basketball court it is critical that you get into the right frame of mind that will help you relax and mentally prepare for the upcoming game. Here are some guidelines that will set you on the right track:
Listen to Inspiring MusicMusic has a wonderful effect on our body’s cells and emotions.
When we listen to uplifting and inspiring music we naturally feel more energetic, focused and lively. For some players, this could be upbeat music, while for other players it could be more mellow music that relaxes the body and mind. However, no matter what kind of music is to your liking, it is worthwhile to take time to prepare your body and mind by listening to a little inspiration before the game.
Visualize Yourself Playing BasketballAs you are listening to your inspirational music, take time to visualize yourself hitting your shots and playing the entire game out in your minds-eye before physically stepping out onto the basketball court. We have already discussed how important and powerful the visualization process can be. And now is the perfect moment to utilize it to its full effect.
Stretch CorrectlyTake time to stretch your legs, chest, neck, back, arms, shoulders, and hands in order to loosen your body before stepping out onto the basketball court.
Warm Up at Game Speed ProgressivelyWe have already discussed how important it is to Train at Game Speed. Now, before the game, this is even more critical because the frame of mind you bring into your Warm-ups will reflect in the intensity you display in the opening moments of your game. However, make sure to stretch appropriately beforehand, this will ensure your muscles are ready for “high impact” movement.
Your “In Game” RoutineThe game of basketball is made up of many layers that are important to keep in mind as you step out onto the court. This is especially true if you seek to play to your highest potential at all times.
There are a lot of things we could effectively discuss here, however, that would probably be rather overwhelming and confusing for most players. I have therefore pieced together only the most important key components of the game of basketball that you MUST keep at the forefront of your mind from the moment you step out onto the basketball court, till the moment you hear the buzzer sound for the end of the game.
These are in fact key components of the game that all Basketball Coaches expect each and every one of their players to master. So it is in your interest to go out there and give it your very best effort.
Here they are in random order:
Communicate Vocally with EnthusiasmCommunication is of critical importance on the basketball court. You should be communicating both on the defensive as well as the offensive end of the floor. However, don’t communicate and shout just to create noise. Instead, ensure that you communicate with purpose by vocally supporting and empowering your Teammates and Coach with motivating words and inspiring emotional outbursts.
Also, communicate on the defensive and offensive end of the floor by giving your Teammates another pair of eyes at the back of their heads. And finally, when you are resting on the bench, stand up, cheer and support your Teammates with all your mite.
Box-Out and Rebound AggressivelyAs soon as a shot is released on the offensive or defensive end of the floor be sure to get into the Key area and Box-Out your Opponents aggressively.
Once you have Boxed-Out, move in with commitment and determination to pull down the rebound for your team.
Share the Ball with TeammatesNobody likes playing with a HOG who doesn’t share the ball with their Teammates. Basketball is all about the team game. You will become more effective and efficient on the basketball court when you learn to share the ball around with your Teammates. Your Teammates will not only appreciate you passing the ball to them, they will also gain confidence in their own ability, and this can only help to better your chances of winning the game.
Play Defense with IntensityMaster the fundamentals on how to play effective and solid defense. Your shooting will have a tendency to let you down at times, however, your defensive intensity should never fail you no matter how ineffective you are on the offensive end of the floor.
Hustle Aggressively for Loose BallsCoaches absolutely love players who fight and hustle aggressively for the basketball, doing whatever it takes to win the ball for their team.
This is a sign of a committed and determined player who is respected and admired by their Teammates and fans.
Avoid Turning the Ball OverBasketball is a game that is all about minimizing mistakes. By all means, it’s perfectly okay to make mistakes on the basketball court. However, we must learn from them immediately so that we minimize the long-term impact they could have on the game. That is of course how we grow as a player and improve our skills in the long-run.
Keeping all of this in mind, be sure to look after the ball, passing with precision and care to your Teammates and not dribbling unnecessarily when a quick pass is the better option to take.
Question Your Personal Weaknesses and StrengthsThroughout the game, it is important to continuously question your personal as well as your team’s weaknesses and strengths and then adapt your game tactics accordingly in order to maximize these strengths while minimizing the weaknesses.
There are in essence a myriad of questions you could effectively ask yourself. However, here are just a few to get you started:
How can I best utilize my personal strengths throughout this game?
How can I best hide my personal weaknesses throughout this game?
What are my Teammate’s strengths in terms of passing, shooting, dribbling, rebounding, handling pressure, etc?
What are my Teammate’s weaknesses in terms of passing, shooting, dribbling, rebounding, handling pressure, etc?
How can I play to my Teammate’s strengths throughout this game?
How can I nullify my Teammate’s weaknesses throughout this game?
What must I do to get my Teammates more involved in the game?
Question Opponent’s Weaknesses and StrengthsIn the same way, you questioned your personal and your team weaknesses and strengths, you must also ask similar questions about your Opponents. In this way, you will gain better insights about the way your Opponent’s play the game of basketball and can, as a result, adjust your game strategy and tactics to gain an advantage out on the basketball court.
Here are a few questions to get you started:
What are my Opponent’s strengths?
What are my Opponent’s weaknesses?
How can we as a Team best exploit the other team’s weaknesses?
How can we as a Team best nullify the other team’s strengths?
Adapt Your Game AccordinglyBy answering all the above questions, you should now have enough insight and understanding about yourself, your Team and your Opponent in order to adjust your game plan accordingly and improve your chances of winning. And if you don’t yet have the answers, then you simply have not yet asked the right kinds of questions.
Your “Post Game” RoutineWhen the game has finished, most players either bask in the glory of victory or simply wilt in the sorrow of defeat. Even though winning a game is great for team spirit and morale, it is in other ways a very dangerous place to live. When we win, we celebrate and usually become complacent.
However, when we lose, we contemplate, and this is what helps us to grow and develop ourselves as a quality basketball player.
Whether you won or lost, here are a few things you should reflect upon at the conclusion of each and every game you play:
Identify Learning ExperiencesEvery game, whether you won or lost, has within it the seeds of insight that will unlock hidden opportunities to help you grow and improve yourself as a basketball player.
Learn from Team Tactics and Strategy
Reflect on what worked well for you as a team, and what didn’t work so well when playing against certain defensive and offensive sets. Also determine during what periods of the game your team played at their highest intensity, and during what periods you struggled to get it together.
Learn from Personal Attitude Projected
Reflect on the personal attitude you projected throughout the game. Think about the thoughts that ran through your mind, the emotions that circulated through your heart, and the questions you persistently asked yourself.
Where they focused on solutions or problems? Really think about things, and reflect. The more insight you gain into your personal emotions, thoughts, and questions, the better and more effective player you will become when you step out onto the basketball court for your next game.
Learn from “In Game” Mistakes
Reflect for a moment on the missed shots, defensive lapses, bad passes, other turnovers, etc, you committed throughout the game. Why did these mistakes occur? And how can you ensure that they will not reoccur during your next game? Really think about it and reflect. Sometimes the most obvious answers are not the right answers you are looking for. And at other time it is the most obvious answers that will bring you the greatest insights.
Finally, reflect on the wonderful things you did throughout the game. Think about the clever shots you hit, the great passes you made to your Teammates, the super defensive stops you instigated, etc. It was all your doing. How did you do this? Can you do it all over again during your next outing on the basketball court? Really think about it and reflect.
Ask Questions to Improve Your GameFinally, here are 3 critical questions you should be asking yourself at the end of each game that will help with the reflection exercises we discussed above:
What could I have done differently?
What have I learned from my mistakes?
How have I grown as a player?
Concluding ThoughtsIn a lot of ways, basketball is a game of “mind over matter”. No matter how much strength, height, stamina, athleticism or natural ability you have, it will all be quite ineffective if you don’t have the mental toughness, intelligence and resilience to get through the obstacles and challenges that you will no doubt need to deal with both on and off the basketball court. After all, you are only as strong as the mental muscle you flex.
Time to Assimilate these ConceptsDid you gain value from this article? Is it important that you know and understand this topic? Would you like to optimize how you think about this topic? Would you like a method for applying these ideas to your life?
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Gain More Knowledge…Here are some additional links and resources that will help you learn more about this topic:
- The Coach’s Clipboard
- Basketball Playbook
- Coach Like a Pro
- Basketball Life Tips
Recommended Products- Better Basketball DVDs @ Better Basketball.com
“The task of coaches is to teach not to win, but to fight to the end” / Russian Basketball Federation
Yesterday Moscow-1 became the winner of the Russian Championship among juniors born in 2005.
There was little doubt that Sergei Romanovsky's team would win the championship title. Throughout the tournament, she confidently dealt with all rivals. Nevertheless, in the battle for gold, Moscow Region-1 created many problems for the future champions.
- Moscow-1 was the absolute favorite of the entire Final Round. Surely the girls themselves understood this. How difficult was it not to lose focus in such a situation?
- We had a wider player rotation. I basically used 10 people. They kicked me out of the locker room. They told me to mind my own business. Good rear. They can adjust themselves. I can say this: there were certain fears, of course, but there were no fears.
- In the semi-final Moscow-1 inflicted a major defeat on Moscow-2 - 94:61. How big is the difference between the two metropolitan teams?
- In fact, the situation is catastrophic. Not in terms of technique - in terms of tactics and understanding of the game.
I often use chess as an example. You can’t put two rooks, two bishops and two knights in one row. Basketball is a peculiar form of chess. The understanding of who, when and where to run is very different. During the 2009 Team Semifinal Roundyear of birth, I conducted classes for trainers. It is necessary to teach what a strong sniper, tall or explosive player should do. They know it, but not clearly. At the same time, I am ready to understand a child who is trying to explain something to me. And then we arrange work on what needs to be done in a particular situation.
In the match against Moscow-2 we threw 3-pointers terribly – we scored only 3 out of 26. And still we won with a +33 difference. The head coach of the national team, Alexander Kovalev, once said: “I can’t do in the national team what I have to teach the players.” This is the correct position. But many coaches want to win, not teach.
- In the Moscow region-1, your team won in the group 37 points. Was it hard after such a victory to set the girls up for the decisive match?
- I thought it would be very hard.
What will be a tough game. But we are rescued by the best physical form - it has affected. The players were ready to fight. In the final, half-moments decided a lot - he put his hand in time, put his back. The big ones didn't jump to no avail with Alina Bazhenova, they had to play face to face with her. It turned out 80 percent. This is a good indicator.
- Bazhenova caused a lot of problems at the beginning of the game. How did they even plan to stop a player who was noticeably taller than all the other participants in the match?
- I heard this opinion: for women's basketball, mass is more important than height. But she has a very good combination to fight for rebounds. It was necessary to double the pressure. The one who came out fresh began to defend aggressively with her. But you can’t cover absolutely everything – you have to sacrifice something. And Alexandra Panchenko caught courage, three-pointers flew. Therefore, we tried to defend against Bazhenova under the shields and from Panchenko on the arc.
It was necessary to force to transfer attacks to other players.
- The beginning of the final game was in favor of the opponents: they took the lead "+7". Did it come as a surprise? And what didn’t work for your team at first?
- A form of nervousness was present. But the tremor began to slowly go away, they scattered and began to play. In other matches, a couple of minutes was enough for us to “turn on”. It took about 8 in the final. We were ready for such a scenario. No hatred moods. But we always warn the players: the game lasts 40 minutes. The fact that you lead 4-5 points and quit playing is stupidity. And with comfortable leadership, too. You can never assume in advance that something has already been done and the goal has been achieved.
I am a supporter of Canadian ice hockey. Whether you're leading 7-1 or losing, you always have to play to the last. And our task is to teach not to win, but to fight to the end. If you didn't give up, you didn't lose.
The players of the Moscow region-1, when they are fresh, have a certain impulse, but then they “sit down”. There was a calculation for this.
- How did you manage to change the course of the game in the second quarter, which Moscow-1 won with a double margin - 24:12?
- We just calmed down. The starting "nervyachok" is gone. Plus, it was necessary to understand that we still discard our three. If you stand alone, and no one interferes, you attack. Psychologically, a three-point hit is very important. We didn't lose the rebound, given that the opponents had a taller and more efficient player in their roster. Very helpful and 6 points in a row, scored at the end of the first half.
- Immediately after the break, the gap reached "+10" for the first time. There was a feeling that now the game will go according to the usual scenario: Moscow-1 will achieve another major victory. But this did not happen. And in the third quarter, your team scored only 10 points.
What is the reason?
- How much did the opponents score?
- 11.
- That is just one more. And I'm happy with it. Time passed, the score was in our favor - "+7". In April, with the team of UOR No. 4 named after. AND I. Gomel 2009year of birth, we won only one quarter against Samara, but big - 22:6. In the rest they lost, but the margin was enough to win. Yes, we lost to Moscow Region-1 in the third period, but we forced our opponents to expend a lot of their strength, and they were not enough for the fourth quarter. We have more left. So the second quarter turned out to be very important.
- Nevertheless, in the debut of the last period, Moscow region-1 reduced the gap to "-3". But you still didn't take the timeout. Were you so confident in the team?
- There is a certain balance. At that moment there was our attack. If it hadn't been scored, I would have taken a minute break. But we hit - it became "+5".
Timeouts had to be protected. I saw how the opponents played - in the last couple, they scored a "lantern" ball. Yes, probably, this is a certain form of confidence in your team.
- This is the second title for you in the last month. The first victory was obtained by MBA in the Junior Junior League Championship. That team had 8 players at once who took part in this Final. But then the main favorite was Sparta & K, which you beat in the semi-finals. How important was it for the team to win that particular game?
- In that "Final Eight" we did not have the main center Yakovleva. In the semi-finals, each played in a place. Of course, there were mistakes, but not critical ones. And we made up for them in the rest. If something did not work out for someone, there was no need to dwell on it. There is no throw - switch, work in defense, enter the "paint". That victory secured us access to the final. We had to prepare further. There were only fears that the players would not turn up their noses.
But they are great. They knew that they couldn't stop. We won - we rejoice for a day. However, you need to be ready for the next match.
- Then in the final you met with UOR No. 3, which was now playing almost in full force for the Moscow Region-1. What is it like to play three matches in a month with a strong opponent and beat him three times?
- Very difficult. Look how many times during the season we played in the Youth League Championship with Sparta - and lost all the time. But the last game turned out to be fatal for the opponents: we worked hard, but they didn't.
- Anastasia Shchekoldina was recognized MVP for both tournaments. Can she be called the undisputed leader of the team?
- Shchekoldina is definitely a pivotal player. But he loves to talk. In DUBL we will be fined for this. Players are not allowed to talk to the referees - not even as a captain. Understanding is the task of coaches, you play.
But systematically, she gave a very good game - both in defense and in attack. If it did not go ahead, it compensated for it with other actions. Such a switch captivates coaches. I’ll put someone in jail for a couple of mistakes, but after three or four I can leave her on the court. She instilled confidence and confidence in me. This is the player you can rely on. As her mother says, "I'll smear it on the wall." I sometimes remind Nastya about this. And so we live - with jokes and jokes. There are no catastrophic errors, and we will fix those that are. But, of course, she has work to do.
I always tell the players: "If you want to develop, develop." Shchekoldina is very stingy with awards - nice, but nothing more. A coach should also be a teacher - in addition to exercises and training, you need to help build your behavior in the basketball society. How to communicate with judges, what can and cannot be done. The same gossip. For me, sport is a fair fight. She made herself.
She has equals in her work, but Shchekoldina's level is quite high.
“After the winning free-kick, I barely raised my hands - I had no strength left” / Russian Basketball Federation
The best player of Winline Moscow Open-2022 talks about winning the tournament for the second time in a row and his favorite moment of the final.
Pisklov earned the title of MVP of the tournament largely due to his inspired performance in the playoffs, especially in the decisive match against Inanomo. In total, he brought the Russia-South team 8 points in the final, including the last 5. In an interview with the official website of the Russian Stock Exchange, the silver medalist of the Olympics compared the victories at last year's and this year's Moscow tournaments, and also shared his memories of visiting Chelyabinsk for the Winline Final of the Russian Championship 3x3.
- A 5-point finish spurt that robbed Inanomo of the last chance - how is it at all?
Nothing special.
It was just a fighting spirit. I wanted to prove that we are the best - after all, you need to prove it anew all the time. Therefore, there was a great motivation to tune in, rally with the team and make a result.
— You recently came to Chelyabinsk for the Final Winline Championship of Russia 3x3. With what feelings did you watch Gagarin's games from the outside?
- I came to my hometown with great pleasure, and then I got to one of the days of the group round of the Final. It was nice to see the guys, long time no see. After the games, he approached them, congratulated them on each victory. Everything was super awesome. To say that this Final was bombing is to say nothing. And I watched the playoffs already in the broadcast.
— Another club season in classic basketball is behind you — and a successful one: at the beginning of May you became the Superleague champion with Uralmash. At the same time, in 3x3 you do not need much time to adapt. In this discipline, teamwork comes first, and you come from 5x5 and play from the sheet without any problems.
— To be honest, it was more difficult to get involved in the work with the national team after a two-week break. And switching from 3x3 to 5x5 and back is no longer a problem for me - usually one day is enough. I quickly grasp: maybe in training I don’t feel very good, but I know that in games everyone will be equal. On the site, you just do your job - everything is immediately remembered and becomes easier.
Yes, 3v3 chemistry is the most important factor. It is very easy for me, I am on good terms with everyone, I try to communicate with everyone. It is important for me to feel in my partner the desire to fight, to win. In such cases, I will always help in any way I can and lend a hand. It is also important that each player knows what their role is and does what they do best.
— How do you like the current Winline Moscow Open? Is this victory very different from last year's in terms of emotions?
- Last year and this one cannot be compared.
Then we were preparing for the Olympics, and before Tokyo there were few tournaments that would help us really assess our level. I really wanted to win, and there was more responsibility a year ago. On the other hand, it is very important to win the current tournament - any victory at the international level is especially valuable.
— Is it a coincidence or a regularity that you won the Moscow tournament last year with the same squad as the Olympic silver?
— Indeed, at the Moscow Open-2021 we played with the future Olympic squad. We have a very well-played foursome, we feel each other very well, we communicate even off the court. This gives great results.
- Okay, back to the finale. Do you have a favorite moment in this match?
- Last free kick. And the realization of victory. There was a slight devastation, and the joy of the fact that everything was over and rest was ahead.
- You didn't even seem to be celebrating very much.
Is it because a decisive free-kick brings less emotion than a conditional two-pointer in overtime?
— The joy was great, but inside. The start of the tournament was not very good for the team, but we were able to get together for the final day. And there was simply no energy left for some big celebration! After he scored a free kick, he barely raised his hands. However, more here we are not even talking about physical forces, but about emotional ones. Such desolation. We did a good job at the training camp, brought results and deserved a rest.
- Another bright moment of the final - when you robbed Alexander Pechersky and, running away to the ring, seemed to slow down on purpose. Admit it: is it so that your rivals can better see your highlight?
— In fact, everything is much more serious. That moment was one of the turning points, so there was no time for jokes. It’s just that the opponents were already sitting on fouls, I could take advantage of this.