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How to get sponsored for basketball team
How to Get Team Sponsors: 5 Effective Tips
Managing and being part of a sports team goes beyond practices and game days. In order for a team to travel, get equipment, and obtain venues, funding is needed. Some of the ways to secure funding include collecting player registration fees, sports team fundraising, and selling team gear. But aside from these, having a sponsorship is a great source of income. We’ve gathered helpful tips for how to get team sponsors, as well as pointers for team fundraising.
Start a sports fundraiser
One effective way to get a sports sponsorship is by creating a one-pager/packet of detailed information to send to potential sponsors. Make sure to be specific in your explanation of what you’re looking for to get the attention of sponsors. Whether you’re seeking financial help to cover sport equipment costs or funds to pay for tournament fees, companies might be able to help in several different ways. Below are some examples of things to include in your packet:
Explain what’s in it for them.
Highlight the importance of the cause.
Add real-life examples to form a connection.
2. Write an outreach letter
Consider writing a letter to individuals and companies asking for financial support for your team. Just like the previous tip on creating a pack, you’ll want to be specific with your ask and needs in your letter. Explain to them the benefits of supporting your team. It may also be helpful to add a deadline for when you need to have raised the money to create a sense of urgency. An ideal deadline would be the start of the upcoming sports season. To help you get started, here’s a basic template that you can customize:
Dear [Name],
As the new season approaches on [date], [team name] is writing to ask for your consideration in giving either a sponsorship or a monetary donation. Our team heavily relies on the generous support of local sponsors like [you or company name]. The money we raise will go directly towards overall team costs such as travel fees, uniforms, and other equipment.
We believe a sponsorship could benefit [you or company name] by:
[Make a bullet-point list of ways to collaborate together]
We are also open to any ideas you may have for achieving a sponsorship that will work for both of us.
Thank you for your generosity and support.
[Team name]
If you’re not sure who to reach out to for a potential sponsorship, start with who you know first. Approach parents of teammates or your team members themselves who may be business owners. Even if they aren’t business owners, they could work for a local company that might be open to being a sponsor. The benefit of tapping into these existing connections is that they are already emotionally invested in your team which will make them more likely to support.
Beyond contacting your team members, connect with your community for local team sponsorships. Try to communicate your needs through local newspaper ads, online forums, and community groups. Some businesses in your community will cater to the same audience as your team. For example, a local restaurant where your team goes to eat after every home game. Chances are that these local business owners already know of your team so a relationship might already exist. This will make it easier to ask them about a sponsorship. Since your team and the local business are part of the same community, a sponsorship with them could be mutually beneficial.
Besides your local community, try expanding your reach to national corporations that offer sponsorship opportunities. There are many corporate sponsors throughout the US that may be able to offer financial help. Make a list of grocery store chains, banks, hotels, etc. that are in your area so you know who to contact. Going to their websites and attending networking events are great ways to connect with corporate sponsors. Be sure to share your sponsorship pack with them so they have all of the information they need. By associating with a national brand, your team has the potential to attract other businesses that might be interested in sponsoring. A big company benefits from a sponsorship because they’re able to promote their business and reach new audiences.
Online fundraising for your sports team
Even after trying all of these tips, securing a grassroots team sponsorship can still be a challenge. Or, maybe your team still needs additional funding for certain costs. Whatever the case might be, sports fundraising on GoFundMe can help you reach your goals. Crowdfunding on GoFundMe makes it easy to reach people outside of your network. There are also no long wait periods to receive your funds. Build a fundraising team, create a fundraiser, and start raising money today.
Obtaining a sponsorship can take time, so don’t be discouraged if your team isn’t sponsored right away. If you’re looking for immediate help, consider starting a GoFundMe. Whether you’re interested in football fundraising or any other sports team fundraising, crowdfunding is a simple and quick solution. Take a look at other sports fundraisers on GoFundMe for inspiration, then sign up to start fundraising for your own team.
Start a GoFundMe
How to Score a Sponsorship for Your Youth Sports Team
Youth athletics has become a billion-dollar industry. According to WinterGreen Research, a firm that tracks youth athletics, U.S. youth sports is a $15.3 billion market. And it’s only getting bigger. WinterGreen provided exclusive research to Time stating the youth athletics industry has grown by 55 percent since 2010.
According to Time, retail and media companies are investing in technology related to youth athletics, and cities are investing in facilities in hopes of the young athletes boosting the area’s local economy. And leagues are investing in teams more than ever before. Teams are now using evaluation apps during tryouts, like TeamGenius Athlete Evaluation Software, to provide real-time statistics and results. This makes the process easier for teams and players, as they can get their results immediately after tryouts. Check out our post for additional benefits of player evaluation software.
With money being invested and more eyes on youth athletics, companies are more likely to participate in team sponsorships to get a piece of the pie. Running a team is expensive for leagues and parents between fees, uniforms, equipment, transportation and travel fees, and sponsorships can help alleviate some of these costs.
Download our free sponsorship packet template and checklist >
How can your league cash in on this growing trend and secure sponsorships? Find out below.
Start with who you know
When trying to find sponsors for your team, don’t overlook the obvious – your team. Before hitting the pavement and trying to find a company to sponsor the team, start with the players’ families on the squad and those affiliated with the league. Do any parents on the team own a business they’re looking to promote? Or do any parents work for a company that’s looking to make an impact at the local level and would be willing to sponsor the team? Bring up sponsorships at an early-season meeting to see if there is any interest. You never know who has connections within their network, so it doesn’t hurt to ask.
“Before you start hitting the pavement and trying to find a company to sponsor your youth sports team, leverage who you know and start with the players’ families and those affiliated with the league.” [Click to Tweet!]
Go into the local community
Local businesses like to make an impact in their communities and might be the perfect targets for sponsorships. ThemeBoy.com suggests to ask local businesses in your area who are affiliated with the sport or athletics in general, or businesses the team and its families frequent often, or any family-friendly establishment in the area that might be looking to extend its marketing efforts and help a local squad. To protect the image of the league, try to target businesses that make a positive impact in the community.
Ask national companies
Don’t be afraid to try to find a national-level sponsor. While local companies are unique to your community, national companies might be just as interested in getting involved at the local level.
ThemeBoy.com states:
“Often, smaller, local teams think they cannot bring any benefits to the table but that is not the case. Larger businesses and corporations are always on the lookout for promotion opportunities so it’s a good idea to make a list of businesses that cater to the same audience.”
To get started, make a list of larger, national-level companies that are in your area. Go to their websites to find out who to contact and what criteria might be involved in securing a sponsorship.
Be digitally savvy
Going online can also help teams secure sponsorships and funding. Performing a search for youth sports sponsorships or grants can help provide a list of which companies are open to funding youth teams. Also think about how you can market your youth sports club with both on and offline channels. Your ability to position your club or team favorably in the community will impact your ability to land sponsorships.
BizFluent.com created this list to help you get started.
Create a package
Before securing a sponsorship you need to determine what you are looking for from companies. Are you looking for a financial contribution for overall costs? Are you asking for donations to an overnight tournament or travel fees? Or are you looking for something specific, like devices to run tryout apps and stats software on, or equipment and uniforms? Being prepared will help you determine if you can accept donated items from companies or if you are only looking for financial contributions. Companies might be able to help in various ways if you are specific about what you are looking for.
You can also think creatively when offering sponsorships. To entice companies you can look beyond physical sponsorship opportunities like uniforms and field signs, and also include digital sponsorship opportunities on the team website and email newsletters. Having more sponsorship opportunities available can give you more leverage when approaching companies. Click here for more information on building your sponsorship packet.
Be professional and personal
Put together a professional package to show companies exactly what you are looking for and who they are sponsoring. Creating a brief portfolio of the team, including a team photo, testimonials, team record and stats, and a list of where the requested money will go towards. This will give companies a better idea of if the sponsorship fits their needs.
How would you spend your youth sports sponsorship dollars?
Where and how to find a sponsor for an athlete or team
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Marina Belousova, BTL expert Lecturer-expert of applied socio-economic programs of the Training Center "Specialist" at MSTU. N.E. Bauman
The question of how to find a sponsor for an athlete or sports team has been asked since the end of the 19th century. It was then that the first Olympic Games were held with the involvement of sponsors. Since then, the urgency of the problem has only increased. In this article, we will consider the possibilities of sponsorship in sports and develop recommendations for athletes on finding sponsors.
Where and how to find a sponsor for an athlete or team
No matter how acute the issue of funding is, I want to say right away that it is in sports that sponsorship is best developed. Better than in other social non-productive sectors. There are all necessary prerequisites for this. A huge number of potential consumers of sponsorship products are involved in sports: the athletes themselves and fans, employees of enterprises producing sports equipment and inventory, sports uniforms, nutrition and even rehabilitation. Sports events and training of athletes take place on the basis of sports facilities, also served by people. It is impossible to list all the resources involved in one way or another in sports. One has only to pay attention to the fact that behind all this there are people, many people who are of interest to potential sponsors.
In the previous article, I emphasized that the ultimate goal of sponsorship is the profit of sponsors. Therefore, when preparing proposals, sponsors should count everyone who sees sponsored advertising. Take the previous year of an athlete or team, list all the competitions in which he or they took part, add up all the spectators, boldly add 10% - the attendants and you will get an audience in numbers that will interest the sponsor as a potential buyer.
In addition, sports team management must maintain regular records of the media that have covered the competition or the athlete's activities. Each media has its own circulation, broadcast coverage, which means the audience: reader, listener, viewer. This is also a potential consumer and the sponsor should also be told about it.
Having decided on the target audience, you should proceed to the next point in preparing proposals to the sponsor - this is promotional products. More precisely, all objects where sponsored advertising will be placed.
The most effective advertising, of course, are advertising structures on sports facilities. They are large and stationary. Therefore, it is quite easy to consider advertising. In addition, they constantly fall into the lenses of television cameras, which makes advertising even more effective. Advertising and production company "White Giraffe" specializes in the production of just such advertising. If you have your own sports facility, "White Giraffe" implements your entire advertising campaign on a turnkey basis: production of advertising structures, installation and maintenance in Moscow and other regions of Russia. Non-professional athletes and teams rarely have personnel in their arsenal who know the promotional product market. Therefore, contact the professionals: in the advertising and production company "White Giraffe" you are answered to customer requests around the clock.
Some sports teams have their own vehicles or other vehicles necessary for participation in competitions: cars, bicycles, boats, etc. You can also place sponsor advertising on them - indicate how many units you have in your arsenal.
Sponsor advertisements are placed on sports equipment and uniforms. It should be noted here that the size of advertising is regulated not only by sports federations, but also by the organizers of the competition. If you remember, there was a case when our athletes participating in the Vancouver Olympics had to seal the Bosco advertisement with adhesive tape, since its size significantly exceeded the limits allowed by the organizing committee of the competition.
Solving the problem of how to find a sponsor for an athlete or a team, in theory, we have already solved two problems: we determined the audience and placement of sponsorship advertising. The last question in this chain remains: where to find a sponsor. Paradoxically, but it is the simplest. Sponsors are always:
fans represented by individuals and organizations;
manufacturers of sports equipment, inventory, gear, food;
enterprises serving sports in whole or in part - hotels, transfers, restaurants, medical and rehabilitation centers, sports facilities.
The last two categories are quite easy to contact: write letters to them. But the first category of potential sponsors must be motivated. One of the effective ways is to involve them in your sports process.
Announce a city, district, regional tournament in your sport with the participation of fans. This may be a tournament among urban planning or industrial - non-industrial, commercial, etc. enterprises, individual entrepreneurs. Contact the chamber of commerce and industry or another association of industrialists and entrepreneurs in your region with a proposal. They themselves will be happy to help you identify the circle of participants in the tournament. Time this tournament for some event: New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day or another red day of the calendar, City Day, Athlete's Day, etc.
Every company always has employees who have been involved in sports in the past. The winners of the tournaments are especially willing to subsequently respond to sponsorship offers.
If there is no association of entrepreneurs in your locality, contact the local administration. Start with the trade department (management) - all entrepreneurs are known there.
Parents and spouses of athletes can and should be involved in organizing tournaments. They can perform many administrative issues on their own and even better than sports officials. Their active participation also "bribes" sponsors - it becomes clear that behind the athlete there is a team that will never quit and leave neither the athlete nor the funds invested in him to his will.
I declare with all responsibility: the interest in the amateur sports tournament will be huge. Thus, the Sports Support and Development Fund was created in my city. This is followed not by a one-time sponsorship, but by a regular one. Competitors annually transfer money to the fund.
And in conclusion on how to find a sponsor for an athlete or team, I want to draw your attention to the fact that you are looking for sponsors in accordance with the level of sports achievements. The winners of city competitions are among local entrepreneurs, regional ones - from among regional, regional enterprises, national ones - from national ones, and here foreign campaigns can already attract attention. There is a wise proverb in Russian: “A hat is not suitable for Senka”, which means that it does not fit in size. So, look for your level, based on real sports results.
It only remains for me to wish you victory. Victories in competitions and in resolving the issue of financing sports activities.
If you have your own opinion on how to find a sponsor for an athlete or team, if you have experience, share it with us, your colleagues in the comments or on the official blog pages on social networks. Discuss, improve and everyone will benefit.
How to find a sponsor for an amateur team? Part 4: 10 tips for creating a positive image of a football club - FootCom - Blogs Let's assume that he has chosen a football team and not a League or a Federation. The sponsor sees that there are many teams. What to pay attention to? Like the one that comes first? Maybe. But different teams can take the first place from time to time ... And here there is a great chance that support will be provided to the team with the most attractive image, the most memorable in a positive sense. Here are ten points that, according to the editors of footcom.
ru, will help improve the image of the team, and, accordingly, increase the chances of attracting a sponsor for your club:
1 Football club is
history, infrastructure, fans
Think globally. It all starts with your thoughts and desires, dear captains, managers, team leaders! Even Real Madrid and Bayern Munich once started small.
Just imagine what your club will be like in 5, 10 or 25 years. Where will he play, what will be his structure. And go to it. Think about how to form a community (and this is a "club" of interests), united by some idea. In our case, football. Around the community and the idea, form a group of fans - fans - fans, as well as a material base, infrastructure.
For example, if your student team is friendly and ambitious, then why not involve the players' girlfriends as fans, or just the female half of the university? Well, when your team wins a regional student tournament, it's a sin not to count on the support of a VIP fan - the rector of your university.
If your club is geographically based, around the place where the players live, then it makes sense to talk about cooperation with the local Administration in order to play at the local stadium, use the bus from the Administration, hold meetings with fans in the local recreation center. This is the first step towards a more serious stage of organizing the activities of a football club, with the formation of a legal entity, with official financial statements, and, of course, dreams of your own stadium! Become the very Local Team that fans love to support so much.
All your thoughts materialized in creating a team, participating in various competitions, in joyful moments of triumph, hurtful moments of defeat, comical incidents and intra-team disputes, in memorable club dates - this is the beginning of the story. Big History of your club.
2 Build your own
brand and tradition
Brand. Imagine that you need to leave the house and buy milk. And the brand in this case will have a winning position, both in choosing a store and the milk itself. You will turn in the direction of a store called, say, Little Red Riding Hood, and not in the direction of an unnamed stall. And choose 77 cows milk, not an unnamed package. This is the strength of the brand, the strength of trust in the product, in the activities of the company, the enterprise.
Now let's imagine a situation where you want to invite a Zvezda, a Legionnaire, or just a good player who has a choice to join you or an opponent. And he will choose, other things being equal, the team with which he has the best associations, whose brand he prefers.
Traditions are… “Every year my friends and I go to the bathhouse on December 31st,” you say. Yes, it is definitely a tradition. Why not make it a tradition to have an annual team photo, an action to help those in need, a charity match, and a team trip to the same bathhouse? Traditions are something that will be passed on in your team from year to year, from generation to generation.
3 Try to give the club
individuality, exclusivity
Making your club individual, different from others is not an easy task. You can come up with something unusual, you can stand upside down and shock the audience. It is important to understand why?
You are sitting, say, at the first meeting with a potential sponsor. And he asks how your team is different from others. For the better, of course. And you: “we are the only league team that has regular video reports from the games” (and I can also embroider, and on a sewing machine ... :). Excellent! This is your advantage, your exclusivity.
Different clubs attract attention in different ways. Someone holds matches against two hundred children from the club school:
Someone marks goals scored in an original way:
Or a photo taken by the wives of the players (FC Dundee), in support of their husbands, for the sake of saving the club:
National teams sometimes also surprise. Remember the Romanian national team at the World Cup?
A good way to express the individuality of a team is to understand the need to shine everywhere as a team, including non-football events.
You can talk about yourself in the educational institutions of the city, increasing awareness and at the same time attracting fans and, possibly, new players or those who want to practice at the club.
It is necessary to try to maintain contacts with various non-profit organizations (charitable, environmental) in order to form a positive image.
There are many ways to make your team feel special and unusual, but don't forget that you need to talk about all this.
4 Tell about the club, its life, activities
Use promotion : own website, mass media, organize various events and promotions.
Does your team have a website? Yes, yes, such a full-fledged one, not a VKontakte page. No, the VKontakte page is, perhaps, today an obligatory attribute of the activity of any association of players. But a team that wants to raise sponsors must have a website!
Think globally 2. Imagine that you are in the Russian Cup 1/256 and you have to play against CSKA. Journalists from the leading Russian sports media, not to mention the regional ones, are digging the ground to find out as much as possible about the opponent of the Russian champion. And they stumble upon a page in VK, where entry is by request only.
If only there was a site where basic information about the club, its composition, achievements and ... (tadam!) sponsors is available to anyone, everything would be easier. And more solid. The site costs money, which is not there, you say. Well, start with the budget option. Today it is possible to create sites on free hosting, with minimal effort. The work of the master is afraid.
Make friends with the media. Let them write about you. We held a tournament - write news about it, attach photos and videos. Believe me, there are never enough football tournaments. And if this tournament has an idea and a social component, teams of local TV channels, correspondents of newspapers and portals are simply obliged to come to you. The main thing is not to forget to notify them about it in advance :) And if you also give a journalist a T-shirt of your club with his favorite number on the back, you will surely get a devoted fan.
Designate a press officer in the club, that is, appoint or select a person responsible for media relations. Even if at first the press attache will be the head of the team, and the administrator, and the marketer, and responsible for finding sponsors at the same time, the main thing is that someone is personally responsible for interacting with the press.
Programs can be distributed before matches and press conferences can be held after matches. Yes, this is the top level, but the desire to become better is your chance to get the best company as sponsors.
5 Important
visualization (historical colors, emblem)
If your team is new, it would be great at the beginning of a long journey to decide on visual attributes - colors, emblem, and even a talisman :)
If the club already has traditions - adjust the visual images for modernity. But try not to break the tradition. If your club was called "Torpedo" for 50 years, and your area is all the blocks around the car factory, then you should not come up with an orange and blue emblem. Black and white is your choice. Black and white colors should be the main colors in your outfit, "Black and white, go!!!" - your fans are obliged to chant, scarves in black and white colors you should give to veterans of the club on the days of anniversaries.
Emblem, logo - this is the most important component of branding, which, as a basis, will hold together all types of your activities. It should fly on your club flag and banners, appear in printed materials, decorate your official website and pages on social networks, and, most importantly, your club emblem should be applied to the form. Yes, there, on the left side of the chest, in the region of the heart.
6 The players and staff of the club (team) must have uniform equipment
By the way, about the form. An important factor in your image is the equipment of the team. They are greeted by clothes, escorted by count. Showing your sponsor the reporting photos, where Vasya is in red leggings, and Petya is generally in socks, well, definitely not ice.
Today in Russia there are more than a dozen brands that dress and shoe everyone who wants to play football. Offers - the most different, for every taste, color and budget. Do you want to have a uniform of the same quality and style as Manchester United or Barcelona? No problem. Do you want individuality? Sublimation form, with the application of any images, in any color scheme - and also there are no problems.
The team leader only has to figure out how many players and team personnel, or all teams in your club, need equipment, and what kind. Every year the number of amateur teams is growing, having not only two sets of game uniforms, but also training, ceremonial suits, jackets and shoes. Note that dress uniforms must be used strictly when players are part of a team at any event, and not when a player goes to the store for bread or shows off to friends that he has a dress uniform.
Regulations for the conduct of football competitions usually read as follows: “Teams must have uniforms that are uniform in color and identical in pattern”. So why not follow the rules? In addition, a single form has the ability to discipline and tune in to the game. And this is a step towards creating a positive image of your team.
And yes guys! No games in shirt-fronts. Bibs are training capes. Playing in training equipment is bad manners.
7 Club organization and discipline
- required attribute
Not only form disciplines. Disciplines the organization of the case, the rules of conduct in the team, open and unspoken. If you're in charge of managing a team, take it seriously. Start with the club charter. As a last resort - from the "code". Code of conduct for players, coaches, parents. Written, or announced orally at a general meeting. And be the first to keep these commandments, and demand their observance from the members of your community.
To solve serious problems, order and discipline are indispensable. There is no order - wait for the moment when your FC "Avos" will float like a hatchet to the bottom of the standings, the main scorer will go to competitors, squabbles and showdowns will begin in the team. Who wants to lose all the time?
Love for his club, pride for the club
This point, although the eighth in a row, is perhaps the most important. Love. Pride. Faith.
You have already given so much to your team, and you do not demand anything in return, because you love. You are proud of your work, you believe in your colors and your guys (or maybe girls), even when the question “how did you play?” and there is nothing to answer.
In general, this whole story with the development of football from below, from the yards, from the roots is a love story. Here you rarely see commercialism, greed and the desire to “get rich” at the club, which are inherent in professional football. Amateur football - is it from the word "love"?
And when our football world is ruled by love, it will change for the better. For now, start with yourself. Love your football and it will love you back.
Caring for the future
Help youth teams, take patronage over children's sections in your district, district, city, organize children's tournaments.
Can you imagine how proud it would be to tell a potential sponsor about the social component of your activity? About how you made the decision that not only your men's team has the opportunity to play football, but also those young men who could quit football, but did not. Yes, they did not become professional players, but with the help of the youth tournament organized by your team, they lead a healthy lifestyle, organized their teams, regularly play football, and do not sit at computers. And perhaps the best of these guys will join the ranks of your team in the future.
Each project means additional efforts, time and financial costs. Start small: organize a friendly match, a one-day cup, then a seasonal tournament, and in the future, perhaps with your new sponsor, a full-fledged Amateur Football League for different ages.
Find a city boarding school where special children study, or children from dysfunctional families, give them a football holiday.
Why go far? Unfortunately, the most ordinary boys from semi-abandoned villages and villages, from working-class neighborhoods on the outskirts of large cities, and in most small ones, need holidays today. They usually have nowhere to play, except on the ground or asphalt, they have never seen forms, and they train all their player skills where it is beautiful, comfortable and warm. That is, in front of the computer, playing FIFA14.
In our society, it is generally accepted that the education of athletes is the task of the state. Indeed, budgets for youth sports are available practically only in state organizations. But, according to most experts, the state has enough worries even without these children.
Help children as far as possible, and it will not only add a hundred to your karma and your image, it will be an example for others.
Sports achievements (victories, cups, prizes) and success of the club
Titles. How much in this word ... Win, friends! Snatch your victories, strive to win every game. This is the only way you can get satisfaction from the process. It's nice to win, it's prestigious, The Winner Takes It All, as ABBA used to sing. Including the attention of potential sponsors.
Create a gallery of your awards, carefully store a collection of your cups, certificates, medals and prizes. Be proud of her.
It's hard to win. Initially, the chances of winning the tournament are inversely proportional to the number of teams participating in it. For many teams, an achievement can be, say, a Cup semi-final, third place in a tournament, or even a draw with the Champion. Do not forget to remember these achievements, fix them, and set goals for the future to improve the result.
An important point. The leaders of companies that can become your sponsors are usually quite ambitious. Their companies often occupy leading positions in the market. Indeed, even without sponsoring non-core projects, outsider companies have something to do, where to invest. And this means that the sponsor must understand that your team is combat-ready, sets serious tasks, and the organization of the process must be “leading”, advanced. The image of the club must meet the expectations of the sponsor.
let's say your club has most of the above positions. It's time to start the technical part. In the next part of our article series, we will determine who to contact first and put together a proposal for a sponsor.
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Footcom.ru staff
Previous parts:
How to find a sponsor for an amateur team. Part 3: Are there any tax incentives for sponsoring football teams, children's schools, clubs?
“There is a businessman who has a small furniture production shop and he is interested in our team!” You proudly tell your friend. “But I can’t answer his question about benefits for sponsors of football teams – I don’t know if they exist.” Tens of thousands of amateur teams all over Russia, tens of thousands of leaders of these teams, directors, managers - but the questions are the same. Let's try to clarify the situation and help sort out the issue of benefits for football.
How to find a sponsor for an amateur team. Part 2: the football team is looking for a sponsor Let's move on to the essentials :) An army of amateur clubs and teams would not mind increasing funding. And most of the leaders of such teams see the search for sponsors as the main model for attracting additional funding. So who are the potential sponsors? And why should someone give your team money?
09.12.12 How to find a sponsor for an amateur team. Part 1: about amateur football (futsal) The editors of the site footcom.ru constantly receive letters with requests to help find a sponsor for an amateur football, mini-football team.