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How to jump higher in basketball without weights
How to Increase a Vertical Jump With Exercises Without Weights
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Both men and women can significantly increase their vertical leap by participating in plyometric training. Jumping higher is particularly of interest to athletes, who will see performance improvements on the basketball court or in volleyball matches. Plyometrics are exercises that involve a short moment of muscle lengthening, followed by an immediate explosive concentric contraction. No weighted implements are required; the exercises use your own body weight as resistance.
Training Frequency, Intensity and Volume
Plyometric exercises are meant to be performed as explosively as possible. Because of their high intensity, it’s important that you allow your muscles enough rest between workouts and that you begin with low-volume workouts and progressively increase the number of repetitions in each session as you develop. Do plyometric workouts twice weekly with two days of rest between. As you start out, do one set of 10 to 12 repetitions of each exercise for the first few weeks. At the third or fourth week, incorporate a second set of each exercise. Warm up with five to 10 minutes of jump rope before beginning plyometric training.
Jump Squats
Set your feet so they’re slightly wider than hip-width apart with toes pointed straight ahead. Place your hands on the back of your head with your elbows flared out. Lower into a full squat by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Once your thighs become parallel with the floor, explode up into a jump. Get as high as you can. Land softly, and immediately lower back into a squat to perform the next repetition.
Rim Jumps
Stand underneath a basketball rim with your feet set to hip-width apart. Bend your knees slightly, then explode up into a jump, reaching up toward the rim with your hands. It’s OK if you’re unable to reach the rim. Focus on jumping as high as you can. Land on the balls of your feet and immediately take off again.
Depth Jumps
You will need a box, bench or step to perform depth jumps. Depth jumps are extremely intense, so start out using a small step, then build up to a higher surface. Begin on top of the step, facing the edge. Step off the edge with one foot. Land on the ground with both feet and immediately explode up into a vertical jump. Step back up onto the step or box and set yourself before performing the next repetition.
Perform Better: Plyometric Training Part II: Jump Higher for Basketball Season
ExRx.net: Plyometrics Exercises
BrianMac.co: Plyometrics
Writer Bio
Kim Nunley has been screenwriting and working as an online health and fitness writer since 2005. She’s had multiple short screenplays produced and her feature scripts have placed at the Austin Film Festival. Prior to writing full-time, she worked as a strength coach, athletic coach and college instructor. She holds a master's degree in kinesiology from California State University, Fullerton.
Image Credit
Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images
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How to Increase Vertical Jump without Weights (Old Man Guide to Jumping Higher) – Old Man Game Tips
Are you looking for ways to increase vertical jump but don’t want to use weights? Here’s a method that suits your needs (and it’s super easy to do).
If you’ve read “how to play the old man game” on this blog, you know explosiveness and athleticism aren’t part of the core tenets.
But being able to jump higher is useful in basketball.
You can do more things if you increase your vertical jump.
You can grab rebounds better, you can contest shots better, and you can go for layups more effectively (and maybe… just maybe, you can go up for a dunk).
Now, there are many different ways to increase vertical jump. You can do power training, Olympic training, and plyometric training.
And these methods are effective. But these methods don’t fit the old man game principles.
So, I’m going to share with you a different technique you can use to jump higher for basketball.
And that technique is with stretching.
Why I Prefer To Increase Vertical Jump Without Weights
When I was younger, I loved working on my explosion (my ability to jump higher, not making explosives or farting deafeningly. Just wanted to clear that up).
It felt great to be able to attack the basket and lay the ball on someone and to be able to jump up and deny a shot (I grew up during the Vince Carter, Kobe Bryant, and the Tracy McGrady days).
Needless to say, I focused a lot on trying to increase my vertical.
I spent a bunch of time doing plyometric exercises and copying workouts that I saw in Dragon Ball Z.
After a few months, my vertical jump did increase a bit as a result (and I can thank anime for that). So, I continued to use these methods and play this style.
But as I got older, I noticed my body ached after playing basketball or doing plyometrics. My legs and lower back would be sore for days, too.
And the reason why was because I was jumping around too much.
And also because my body aged. But mainly because I was jumping around while doing plyometric exercises and also while I was playing basketball.
My body couldn’t take all that pounding and impact.
Luckily for me, I found a new method of working on my vertical –a method that wasn’t just easier on my body but also fixed it.
The Stretches That Increase Your Jumping
So, here are the stretches you can do to increase vertical jump:
Mackenzie Press-up
Calf Stretch
Hip Flexor Lunge Stretch
When doing these stretches, you should hold each for 20-30 seconds and do 2-3 sets. Also, and this is obvious, but remember to stretch both sides.
How Can Stretching Increase Vertical Jump?
According to experts, jumping is a three-extension movement.
So if you decrease resistance and increase your range of motion, you can extend longer when you jump. You may not get more lift or airtime by doing this, but you’ll definitely be able to reach higher.
These stretches can also increase your sprinting speed, which is a good exercise for increasing lower-body strength and cardio.
Additionally, by doing these three stretches, not only will you loosen up your muscles, priming them to jump higher, but you’ll also fix your posture. This will prevent injuries (and, more importantly, it’ll feel nice).
Exercises You Can Do To Jump Higher
In addition to these stretches, you should also do some light bodyweight exercises. These will maximize your jumping potential (Old Man Game way) and condition your legs for basketball.
The movements are:
Broad Jump
Box Jumps – Learn how to do here
Squats – Learn how to do here
Calf Raises -Learn how to do here
You should do these after the stretches. As for sets and reps, try to go for 3 sets of 8-10 reps, once or twice a week.
Do these exercises with max effort, but start off slow at the beginning.
Final Thoughts
These stretches and exercises aren’t anything extremely strenuous.
But if you do them correctly, consistently, and mindfully, you can leap higher. And you’ll be doing it the old man way.
AdvertisementsSo, start doing them (along with the exercises I suggested).
How to increase the jump? 5 tips
Every basketball player dreamed of jumping higher.
Every basketball player dreamed of jumping higher.
We asked our coach Sergey Nagorny to give 5 tips to help improve your jump.
We asked our coach Sergey Nagorny to give 5 tips to help improve your jump.
"The more power you have and the more you can apply power to the ground, the higher you can potentially jump. To increase your strength, you can choose any exercise: pulls, squats, lunges. Do what you like best and gradually increase the weight of the weights. "
Sergey Nagorny
Physical trainer training
Strength increase
Speed increase
"In addition to strength, the jump depends on speed, so this component also needs to be worked on. The easiest way is to sprint for short distances from 10 to 40-60 meters, and also work with sleds. "
Sergey Nagorny
Physical trainer training
"This advice applies to both the workout itself and resting between sets, as well as recovery between sessions. People often start turning speed and jump workouts into endurance work. If you don't recover enough between sets and between workouts, then you you will never develop your jump to the maximum."
Sergey Nagorny
Physical trainer training
Proper rest
"Same skill as throw, snatch, etc. You have to be able to move efficiently. Jump more often - move more efficiently, but don't forget about recovery."
Sergey Nagorny
Physical trainer training
Jumping is a skill
Sleep more and eat right
"We are all looking for ways to recover better and use different modern gadgets to do this, but it all starts with simple things. Good sleep and proper nutrition are must-have items for a better recovery that everyone has at hand."
Sergey Nagorny
Physical trainer training
Coach: Sergey Nagorny
Professional athlete, works with athletes from Russia and the CIS. Performing dunker, creator and host of the Action video channel about athleticism in team sports.
Do you want to increase your jump and improve your athleticism? Look for "Basketball Athleticism" and "White Men Can Jump" workouts in our schedule and sign up.
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How to learn to jump high. Help
Publication date: 07/07/2016 10:00
The ability of an athlete to jump high gives him an advantage over his opponent in many team sports - and in basketball, to be the first to throw the ball into the ring; and in volleyball, in order to take off over the net to “pay off” the ball; and even in football, where you can score a goal with your head.
Jumping ability depends on strength, elasticity, and speed of muscle contraction. What will help develop all these qualities?
The simplest exercise in the jump training program is to jump up as high as possible, trying to reach some object / bar. Start with 10 jumps, gradually adding one per day, working up to 50 at a time. Do 3-4 sets throughout the day. In each new jump attempt, the athlete must try to show the best result. Therefore, adjust the number of jumps. You don't have to do them to the limit.
For more effective training use jumping equipment. We offer leg shock absorber "PER4M JUMP TRAINER" and jump shock absorber (belt) "SKLZ HOPZ 2.0"
The athlete puts on the belt and ankle cuffs. Latex cables connect them together. Performing a vertical jump with a simulator, the athlete makes an additional effort to overcome the resistance of the cables. How good is this trainer? Under load, the muscles work more efficiently, and this increases power and endurance. The kit comes with four interchangeable cables, so you can adjust the level of resistance depending on the level of fitness and tasks. From a semi-squat position, make vertical jumps as high as possible. To make it harder, jump on one leg.
The jumping ability of is also increased by exercises for the length and height of the repulsion. Therefore, we recommend jumping on a hill, for which you can use plyometric boxes of different heights. Start at a comfortable height and gradually increase. You can also place boxes in the form of an obstacle and try to overcome them as quickly as possible in a jump.
Jump training should be varied. It is useful to run on toes - either raising your knees high, then throwing your heels back as high as possible. When performing these exercises, you can use 9 as weights.0017 weight vest , as well as medicine ball .
To increase jumping endurance - we recommend including rope exercises.
Jumping training must include calf stretches, so be sure to include them in your program:
Lean forward without lifting your heels off the floor. You can hold on to a support. The deeper you bend, the more the calf muscles are stretched.
Another exercise: stand on your toes on the edge of the board, bench, curb and slowly move - then going down, then going up. The feet and calf muscles work.
If you have a gymnastic wall, then you can perform this exercise.