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How to shoot a basketball reddit
Anyone can become a great shooter. How I improved my FG% from 20% to 60% in-game : BasketballTips
Before I start I would like to let everyone know that this is NOT a comprehensive guide and nor am I a professional shooting coach/anything of the like. I can't guarantee you'll see the same results I did but I can guarantee one thing: You will improve your shooting if you read this entire thing and apply it to your next shooting session.
My story is an extreme case. Last summer the people I played with would back off me and let me take jumpers all day. I was that guy which the other team's captain would yell to his team, "Let him shoot!" and that really, really pissed me off.
Yesterday I played with the same people for the first time in a long time. I had an absolute scoring tear. Making mid-range jumpers and long 2s like it was nothing. Contested shots, uncontested. Swish. The dude guarding me just looked at me and shook his head, "How the hell?..." I was playing like Carmelo Anthony on those special shooting nights.
So how did this transformation occur? I'll tell you.
Shooting is all about form. You're a bad shooter? 99% chance you have at least one flaw in your form that's holding you back. One little adjustment might just be the only thing holding you back. But probably it's a combination of two or three.
Adjustments I made to actually start making shots consistently for the first time in my life --
Release. It should be off your fingers, and ultimately off of your index finger. The ball should not touch your palm when you shoot. Releasing off of your index finger not only helps your arc but also improves accuracy and provides backspin.
Arc. Arc. Arc. You're not shooting directly at the basket. You're shooting at an imaginary ring that makes its way into the basket. Studies have shown a 45% angle is optimal, but hell if you're going to measure that out. Also, don't have too much arc or you won't be able to control the distance of your shot.
Follow through. Hold. It's crucial for muscle memory. Your wrist should always be snapped down after every shot and held until it goes in. Remember, hand in the cookie jar.
Your elbow shouldn't stick out too much. A little bit is in fact very normal, don't let anyone lull you into thinking it has to be completely inward. However if it sticks out too much that's a detriment to a straight shot.
Stop thinking about your shot during the game. That's for practice, not in the game. Think you need to make an adjustment? No. Stop. You're thinking and thinking ruins everything. Focus. Concentration is everything. Once you've committed to the act of shooting block out everything else besides the ball and the basket.
Look at the rim before you shoot. Even if it's for a split second, knowing where the rim is will greatly improve your accuracy.
Always know where you are standing relative to the rim so if you get the ball you can just raise up and shoot.
Visualization is everything. You have to see the ball go from your wrist into the basket. Some people like to look at the back of the rim and it works for them. I personally like to look at the whole thing but that's just me.
Jump. Elevate. I can't stress this enough. So many players don't jump for their "jumpers" and end up missing or getting blocked.
Shoot on your way up Your shot should be one motion that comes together. Don't jump and shoot at the top of the apex, you're making it difficult on yourself. It's best to shoot at least one inch before the apex. That way you also give the defender less time to block your shot.
Be consistent. Every shot should be the same. You should land at the exact same place you started as well.
You have to be an ultra-confident shooter at ALL TIMES. No excuses. Missed your last ten shots? Who gives a shit, that next one is damn well going in and you know it. You've done too much practice, the shots have to fall one time or another. That next shot is going to in. Here's an example of Kobe Bryant nailing the go-ahead 3-pointer with 20 seconds left despite being 2/20 from the field and 0/7 from downtown.
Stop fearing failure. Too many basketball players try to think about the worst possible scenario, e.g. missing all their shots in a game or missing a game winning shot. Stop trying to play for others and play for yourself. In life you either succeed or you learn. There is no failure. Make the shot? Awesome. Miss it? Who cares. This is very, very important. The best shooters are very relaxed and just straight up focus on the basket. A "no-fucks given" mentality is key to disassociating yourself from your misses. Leave the emotions for Improv class.
Shoot before games. All the greats did it. Michael Jordan/Kobe Bryant/Ray Allen all shoot around 3 hours before the game. This is extremely important. For pick-up games I recommend 50 makes at least.
Stretch before and after games. Most people won't do it because they think they don't need to or because it's "not cool." Don't be like them, they're losers who are going to wake up the next day in bed feeling sore in every area of the body whereas you'll be up in the gym at 6AM getting buckets.
Get a shooting buddy. You need an outside perspective on your form and release. Take turns rebounding the ball for each other (~20 minute sessions each) and keep shooting.
Practice different in-game shooting situations. Off the dribble. Coming off screens. Pull up. Pivoting in both directions.
Create a shooting mantra. A three-word phrase listing everything you need to do.
Repeat it to yourself five times after every miss and before every shot. Examples include "Line up, raise, flick" or "Jump, arc, finger." It all depends on your weaknesses.
Practice shooting with one hand, just your shooting hand. Once you can make your shots with that hand then add your other hand back in to guide your shot and protect the ball.
Practice, practice, and practice some more. Not only will you build muscle memory but work ethic builds confidence, removes fear. Never stop improving your form, improving your release, getting better mentally. Keep getting feedback and apply as needed. Don't overthink it.
Shooting success is based off of 3 things: Form, practice, and mental toughness. Master that trifecta and you're on your way to torching your local court like you were playing at Madison Square Garden.
I'd like to leave you all with this message: Not everyone can become a great basketball player.
But anyone, with proper attention to form and a disciplined approach to practice, can become a great shooter.
Don't stop shooting my friends. Let it fly.
[Tip] stilloriginal's guide to shooting : BasketballTips
I have seen a lot of related questions on how to shoot on here. I wanted to make a guide because its a lot to type out each time and I feel like I could explain it better all in one post. This is not meant to "replace" other guides but rather add to them and fill in some of the gaps.
First of all, I am not a coach nor have I played basketball at any real competitive level. But I am really good at figuring things out and teaching myself new skills. In the last five years I have taught myself to program, play drums, and most recently how to make my jump shot automatic. This is something I believe I can help others with and thats why I am writing this. I feel that the information out there is good but lacking some of the "why".
Additionally, it tells you what to do but not what to be thinking as you are doing it. A lot of you tube videos show you the fundamentals and I am going to attempt to fill in some of the gaps I have discovered over the last year. I am not a top athlete but I couldnt find a good reason why I still couldnt shoot around 50% if I devoted myself to it. This took a solid year of daily practice, changing something each day to see the result. Over that time I discovered a thing or two that I had not seen explained anywhere online. These are the concepts of tension and timing.
But the first thing I want to discuss is that the motion of shooting a basketball is a chain. The best example I can give is the electric guitar. The pick, guitar, pickups, cable, pedals, amp, and even the room will all affect the sound. More importantly, each of these things is sequential- each part of the chain diretly effects what comes after it. The motion of shooting a basketball is also a chain. It can be broken down into a series of events, each part of the motion effecting everything that comes next.
This is crucial to understanding why a shot is a make or a miss.
The human brain is a funny, complicated thing. And whats interesting about the shot, is that your brain, against your will, tries to compensate for your mistakes. If anything in the chain goes wrong, your mind will compensate at a point further in the chain in an attempt to get the ball in the hoop. The result is that you might shoot like 25 or 30%....passable but not good. In order to get your % up to something respectable, your whole chain has to function properly. An example might be that if you are off balance, your brain will compensate with your elbow or wrist to line the shot back up. It has a lower chance of going in, but your brain will get it to hit iron. Its not like you are actively doing geometry to adjust your shot, it just happens, very quickly, because your brain is awesome. But in this case it is screwing you up by trying to fix your mistakes for you- while hiding your mistakes from you.
The next crucial point is that shooting a basketball is not a push or a pull, it is actually more like a whipping motion.
Your feet are the handle of the whip, and the rest of your body is the whip, and your wrist is the tip that delivers the crack. The thing is about a whip, is that it has to be flexible to work. You cant whip something that is stiff or rigid. It has got to be flexible and bendable. This analogy is key to shooting a basketball.
The reason you practice form shooting is to make your release ingrained into your muscle memory, so that you dont even have to think about it. Its got to be smooth, like a whip. If you think about your release when you shoot, your arm will become rigid, and the whip doesnt work. Your release has to be programmed into your subconscious so that you can shoot without thinking. This allows the transfer of power from your jump. If you think about your release and your arm tenses up, you will be unable to get any power from your legs, because you cannot whip something that is tense. Your arms have to be like spaghetti. Just soft and flexible. If your arm is rigid, you will be incapable of getting any power from your legs.
Any amount of muscle flex in your arm will kill this transfer of power from your legs to the ball. This happens a lot when you are learning to shoot 3's. Your shot might be good from around the free throw line, but when you step back to three, your shot goes to hell. You end up chucking it. Your brain is getting in the way again. You think that you need added power to get it up there. You don't know where that power is going to come from, so your brain starts going to work. It engages your shoulder, your arm, anything to get the ball to travel up to the rim. And you chuck it, horribly. You have to "turn off" your brain at the 3 point line, and convince yourself that you have the power to send the ball that far using your normal motion. If you tense up by engaging your shoulder and arm muscles, you will actually get less power.
So where do you get the extra power on a 3? Now might be a good time to mention physics. Force equals mass times acceleration, right? The mass of the basketball is a constant.
So you must increase acceleration in order to increase force. Meaning - don't shoot the ball "harder" - shoot it faster! When your brain thinks "man, I am going to have to chuck this thing to get the distance, time to rev up the arm muscles" instead just keep your shot loose - and quick.
Once you have this down you can start working on your timing. This is where your power really comes from. If your timing is right, a small hop should be enough to shoot nba 3's. If your timing is wrong, your pesky brain will get involved further down the chain and probably try to get power from the shoulder or arm. This is when you miss left/right, or even miss everything. If you can get your timing down, and your arm loose, then you should have no problem getting your accuracy up. Each part of the chain has a job to do, and if it doesn't do its job correctly, the next guy in line has to cover, and then they're not doing their own job. Getting less power from your arms will equal more accuracy, because your arm and wrist will only have to focus on accuracy, not distance.
The first thing in your chain is your feet. Whether your feet are perfect, or totally screwed up like mine, there is something you can do to equalize almost any problem. That is to be on your toes, with your feet pointed at the goal. Step back, fadeaway, pullup, catch and shoot, it doesnt matter. If your release is automatic, you can focus on your footwork. Your entire shot comes from your feet, as it is all a single chain with your feet as the base. You actually want to think of your feet as the start of your shot. Just like you crack a whip from the handle, you shoot a basketball from your feet.
Next is your hips, which deliver the jump, followed by your arm, and finally your wrist. You want each part of the chain to be set up and "ready" for the previous part to complete their job. Think of it as a relay race...the next runner has to be in position to go as soon as the baton gets passed. This means the ball has to be in your set point when you leave the ground.
It means your set point has to have your elbow at a 90 degree angle. It means the ball has to be on your fingertips when you gathered it, and balanced properly on your hand when you brought it to your set point. Finally your wrist has to be the last thing to fire. If your wrist fires prematurely, it is not doing its job. Your arm fires the ball towards the goal, but your wrist fine tunes the accuracy of the shot. If your arm is not aligned, your shot will be too far off for your wrist to compensate. If your wrist fires at the same time as your arm, it can't "improve" the accuracy of the arm because it didn't come any later in the chain. It has to come last. If your arm is aligned, and loose, and your shoulder loose, and you have thus far transferred all of the energy through the whipping motion, your wrist should be the final crack that sends the ball to its intended target - effortlessly.
That last part is tough to describe and I'm not sure I have the words to convey accurately what you need to do.
But while I have described each part of the shot as a separate sequential task, the reality is that it has to be completed as though it is one single motion - a whipping motion. In order to crack a whip you have to bring your arm forward and then back right? Its two separate motions, but they have to be completed as though they are 1 single motion. This is how your shot has to be and I'm not sure how else to describe it, but this is where reps come in. Practice will make it natural, and automatic.
A few of the issues I have run into and corrected along this journey are 1. Jumping too high (creates tension) 2. flicking wrist early (reduces accuracy, puts the job of aiming on the arm) 3. set point too low (makes the elbow stick out to the side, not towards the basket) 4. going out to the 3 point line too early (the only good rep is a make) 5. bad foot position 6. getting to the set point all wrong off of "situations" like dribbling, spin moves, etc (incorrect set point position, or getting to the set point late, both create issues.
getting there late also usually means too low, or the ball not being properly balanced, or both).
Lastly, the biggest issue is not allowing yourself to miss. To truly get this to work, you have to turn your brain off in a way that allows you to miss. To airball it, a lot. If you want to shoot 3's consistently, you have to allow yourself to miss the basket completely. You have to turn off all of the compensation mechanisms to truly locate the source of your error. I'm not sure everyone will be able to get this right away, but its as simple as simply allowing yourself to be "OK" with missing when you are developing your form.
I hope I have helped someone with this post, as I feel most tutorials I have read are missing some of these points- tension, timing, specialization, and compensation. Good luck and please let me know if this post helps you!
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September 28
3 min.
Ball in the basket - victory is yours
This is a material about the basic rules of playing basketball. We also have a text about the risks of injury in sports.
Basketball is a team game with a ball. The goal of each team is to attack the opponent's ring and score the most points during the match.
We tell you how not to break the rules in a tough fight for the ball and become a winner.
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Each basketball team consists of 12 players who substitute for each other during the match.
At the same time, five people from each team are on the site.
According to the rules of basketball, the whole team must have the same uniform and even socks of the same color. Jerseys of team members must be numbered.
For safety, remove jewelry and any accessories that could injure other players.
The game consists of four periods of 10 minutes. Breaks between the first and second quarters, as well as between the third and fourth, are 2 minutes. The longest break is 15 minutes, it is taken in the middle of the game, after the second quarter. At this moment, the teams change rings.
If the score is tied by the end of the match, the referee adds 5 minutes of overtime. Overtime is appointed as many times as necessary until the winner is revealed.
During the game, the team coach may take a time-out. This break lasts for a minute.
Most often, a time-out is taken to adjust tactics.
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Basketball court measures 28 meters long and 15 meters wide.
Each site should have markings. It is applied along the perimeter and marks the zones:
- center circle
- free throw line
- three-point hit zone
- face-off lines
- restricted area
- semi-circle without fouls and collisions
An obligatory element of a basketball court is a hoop. It is suspended at a height of 3.05 m.
In basketball, the ball is played only with the hands, it can be dribbled, passed, thrown and hit. You can’t run without a lead or kick the ball with him.
With the ball in hand, you can take two steps, but only to stop, pass or throw into the ring.
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- 1 point - counts for the penalty throw
- 2 points - for a ball abandoned from the zone of biases
- 3 points - for a ball abandoned from the three -point hits
violations in the basketball, let's go for a seal.
A run is the movement of a player with the ball in his hands without dribbling. For this, the referee appoints a throw-in by the opposing team.
Three Second Rule - A player of the attacking team cannot stay in the highlighted area under the hoop for more than three seconds. For such a violation, the ball is transferred to the opponent.
Foul is a touch on the opponent that restricts his freedom of movement. In some cases, a free throw is awarded for a foul - this is decided by the referee. A throw from the penalty line is performed by a member of the opposing team, for a professional this is an almost guaranteed hit.
You can also get a foul without contact - technical. It is given for unsportsmanlike behavior, disrespect for the referee or other participants in the game.