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How much does height matter in basketball

Does Height Matter In Basketball? Find Out – Basketball Word!


I can remember at a young age asking myself how much taller am I going to be, at that point in time I was obsessed with the game of basketball and wasn’t very tall. It was pretty obvious as a kid on the court, that if your tall you have a distinct advantage over everyone else. But the question remains…

Does height really matter in Basketball? Tall basketball players in general have a height advantage over the smaller competition. With longer limbs, they are able to cover more ground natuarally and take advantage of their height to rebound and score easy baskets underneath the hoop. But most players who are tall lack in speed and cordination, this often is the tradeoff for being tall.

The average height for a male in North America is 5’9 and in the world 5’6. The average height in the N.B.A. is 6’6.  Basketball players are getting taller and not only do they have the height advantage they have the skillset of smaller players which is scary if your average joe. Let’s dive deeper and see if height still really matters in today’s game.

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Does Height Really Matter?

So you are probably asking yourself does height really matter in the game of basketball? Because you are average in height and a shorter player compared to the rest of the players you play with or against. The hard truth of it is,  in almost every professional sport being tall against the competitors is an advantage in itself. Notice I said professional sports.

If you’re in middle school or high school and you are questioning where you fall in as a basketball player compared to everyone else first know that no matter how tall you are, at any height ask yourself are you doing all that you can and what it takes to improve your basketball game, are you at your full potential that being tall would make you a better player, the answer in most cases will be no. You haven’t done all that you can. Being tall may sacrifice your speed and even playstyle, more on that later.

The truth of the matter is it really is up to genetics on how tall you will become, there are few things you can do to become taller. If you are interested in more about height and if its possible to grow taller check out this article I wrote on this topic by clicking here!

But I want to play pro? No height will definitely help if you want to play in the NBA, but there are a ton of players who are 6 feet and underplaying professional basketball and there have been an excellent crop of players that played in the NBA under 6 feet who became legends.

Height didn’t matter to players like Allen Iverson, John Stockton and Isaiah Thomas. If they somehow had a growth spurt and their height increased people would think they would be even better. Maybe not, maybe they wouldn’t be as quick and rely on other abilities instead like their reach instead of their speed and timing to steal the ball. Maybe they would be a completely different player and not be the legends they are. You ever think about it that way.

Tall Athletes

If you have two players who have the exact ant same skill set but one of the players is 3 inches taller than the other, you would take the taller player but why is that? It can be obvious but let’s take a deeper look at this.

If we take a tall player versus a small player in tennis to let’s say one is 6’4 and the other is 6 feet. The taller player has a lot of things going for them, an advantage in height will come with a longer reach which means less energy is needed to get to the ball, and its easier to reach compared to the 6-foot player the taller player usually has a longer reach. The player with the shorter reach hitting the same shot use more energy. But this can vary the shorter player could be quicker that’s the trade-off we will get into in a bit.

For a lot of for tall players being able to see over the net on a serve or smash/spike in tennis or volleyball is definitely an advantage.   They can put the ball onto the court wherever they want easily. They have more time to do so and usually with longer limbs have more power to do so either.

 The same holds true in basketball at a professional level, being smaller, you may be a defensive liability on the court. While contesting shots at the basket will be more difficult. You may be the perfect victim for a poster and you will be posted up on continuously. Unfortunately its the sad reality, a tall player will already have an advantage over his competition.

Does height limit performance in basketball?

Taller players do have their advantages to the game of basketball, they also have disadvantages. Most often than not taller have the reach advantage but will lack the quickness of smaller players. They may be able to block shots due to their huge arm span but their coordination may be lacking.

They are generally not the best ball handlers and have trouble guarding out at the three-point line. I think you can see where I am going with this, the players you see in the NBA now that are tall are genetic freaks who can pretty much do it all. Not every basketball player can do all things equally well. Just like you and me, we have weaknesses. But the question remains how will you use your basketball IQ to expose those weaknesses.

Why is every player so tall in the NBA?

The average height in the NBA is around 6 feet 6 inches tall, 9 inches taller than the average height of males in the United States. It has been like this for the last few decades players along with their height are more skilled than they have ever been thinking about this for a second the tallest player Taco Fall ‘s Arm span is long enough to reach up and grab the 10-foot room with two hands without jumping.

This goes to show that being tall will obviously help with a reach advantage on defense. Everyone’s reach is not the same for a given height some players have freakishly long arms and big hands which works for their advantage.

The days are over in the NBA where it paid to be tall and you would be successful with a limited amount of skill. The difference now is that players are in fact taller but better fundamentally.

The number of basketball players that are seven feet tall in the NBA league seems to be increasing every decade. The scary thing about it is that they are not your average player with average athletic ability. They are even more athletic than ever before and move just as well as some of the average height guards in the league do.

Players who make the N.B.A. who are below the height average of 6’6 make it for a reason, they have something in their game that no one else has that’s scouts saw. Usually, they are lightning quick, are an excellent scorer, and can steal while playing lockdown man to man defense.

Many players make it to the N.B.A. are genetically gifted and have perfect timing such was the case with CJ McCollum. A freshman in high school he was only 5 3 inches tall, he was tiny. So as a point guard he worked on his game to compensate for the lack of height. Little did he know that he would grow another foot over the next two years.  Being that small was a blessing, he might have never worked on his game the way he did if he was already a taller player.

Time and time again you see tall players use their height to get to where they are and it won’t take them far not even college basketball. There are a lot of tall guys playing D1 already. Just look at all the tall guys in your pick up game, how many are actually good at basketball and played somewhere?  If you take away their height not a lot unless your playing against really good competition.

Average Height

Being average height has its advantages its easier to buy shoes and clothes. You don’t have to worry about hitting your head on a door but in all seriousness, the important factor is you can’t control your genetics. What you an do his work on your game by working out, working hard, and don’t make excuses. Having a long wingspan would help playing college basketball would be awesome and entering the NBA Draft and making the league would be a dream come true for you and everyone else. What separates you from the competition if you think height would then you better start working harder cause you are misinformed.


Fun fact on being seven feet tall in the 90s

There was an interesting article I read in the mid-90s, I think it was Sports illustrator that suggested if you are 7 feet tall and over you had a 10% chance of making it to the NBA, those days of being tall and making it to the NBA are over now if you are 7 ft tall you need to be able to play and keep up with the pace of the game.

We saw recently Taco Fall and Bol Bol all be drafted into the N.B.A. only to play in the developmental league. There is a reason for that being tall doesn’t cut it teams are smart enough to send the big man these guys are guarding out to set a pick for their teammate and now you have a mismatch. But that doesn’t mean the genetically gifted players with long wingspans are still not showing up in the league, they are. Rumor has it there is supposed to be a legitimate seven-foot point guard in the draft next year. So we will see what happens.


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Does Height Matter In Basketball?

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Height is one of the most common attributes of a modern-day basketball player. For many, it's a given that height is indicative of basketball success, but is this true? There have been many examples of shorter players finding success at the professional level, and this article will answer if height matters in basketball.

Table of Contents

  • Taller Players
  • Shorter Players
  • Conclusion
  • Fun Fact

Taller Players

When most people think of a basketball player, they think of height, and players such as Yao Ming, Shaquille O’Neal, and Wilt Chamberlain come to mind. Those players had immense success and popularity in the NBA; together, they had 12 MVPs, 6 NBA Championships, and 36 All-Star Game appearances, and they all also stood over seven feet tall. In a game where the goal is to put a ball into a hoop that stands 10 feet off the ground, height would be an immediate advantage, and these players support that argument. Yet it is vital to remember that not all of their success was due to their immense size, and they were also incredibly skilled players. In fact, these 7-foot stars are more often than not the outliers in terms of typical performances.

There are many examples of tall players not doing well on a professional level, and countless times, we have seen careers cut short by the drawback of being so large. When the body has to support so much mass, the likelihood of injuries skyrockets and players suffer from shorter careers and less playing time due to the effort needed to move such enormous bodies. Gheorghe Mureșan missed two NBA seasons due to foot injuries and was forced to retire early, and Rik Smits, at seven feet and four inches, suffered nerve damage in his foot which ended his career prematurely. These players serve as cautionary tales of the drawbacks of being too tall.

The three tallest players in NBA history have not found much success at the professional level and seem to support the idea that while height is essential, there can be too much of a good thing. This is especially seen when looking at Gheorghe Mureșan (7’7”), Manute Bol (7’7”), and Tacko Fall (7’6”), the three tallest players in NBA history. Together, they only have a total of 692 games played and only averaged 4.86 PPG, which is a far cry from the dominance one would expect from people gifted with such height.

Shorter Players

While height may help, there are more than enough examples of shorter basketball players finding success in the NBA. Players such as Allen Iverson, Nate Robinson, and Isaiah Thomas were all six feet or shorter and still found success for many years at the professional level. Their diminished size may hurt them on the defensive end, where larger guards may overpower them. Still, their increased speed, quickness, and ballhandling allow these shorter players to perform astonishing moves.

Many shorter players tend to be quite deceiving regarding other benefits their height provides to aspects of their game besides offense. Their athleticism can sometimes be shocking; one of the best examples of this is Spud Webb, who stands at 5’6” and is the shortest slam dunk champion in NBA history. His showing at the 1986 NBA Slam Dunk Contest, where he completed a 360-degree, one-handed tomahawk slam dunk during his fantastic performance, stunned the judges and the competition. Other athletes such as Nate Robinson, who stood at only 5’9”, were known for his leaping ability, mainly due to his 43.5-inch vertical.

When looking at the shortest players in NBA History, there is an interesting trend. Muggsy Bogues (5’3”), Earl Boykins (5’5”), and Spud Webb (5’7”) are three of the four shortest players ever to play professionally; combined, they played 2,355 NBA games and averaged 8. 83 PPG between them. This is interesting because it is not only more PPG than the three tallest NBA players averaged but a significantly higher number of games played, supporting the theory that height may hinder a player more than help them in the long run.


Now that the case has been made both for and against height, what is the answer? Does height matter in basketball? Height can undoubtedly benefit the player in some aspects, but being too tall can cut a player’s career short compared to that of a smaller player. Considering that the average height of an NBA player is 6’7” and the average height of a man in the United States is 5’9”, it is clear that taller players are more likely to reach the professional level. However, having too much height can also lead to drawbacks. Therefore, height can benefit basketball players to a certain extent, but being the tallest player on the court will not translate to being the best.

Fun Fact

One of the most unlikely pairings happened in the NBA. During the Washington Bullets' 1987-88 season, they had the tallest and shortest player in the NBA on their roster as teammates. Manute Bol, who at seven foot seven inches tall, towered over his then-teammate, Muggsy Bogues, who was only five foot three inches tall.


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how tall should a basketball player be, why are basketball players tall

Danila Chezhin

Professional basketball players are all very tall people. This stereotype has probably existed since the birth of the orange ball game. But to what extent does this thesis reflect the real state of affairs? Do short people really have no chance to play basketball professionally? Let's test the myth for strength. What is the best height for basketball?

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How tall do you need to be to play basketball?

Growth is what coaches first of all pay attention to when recruiting young players for basketball clubs. As a result of proper physical development, it is easier for naturally tall children to gain a foothold in the basketball team. It should be understood that high growth, although it is very important for a basketball player, is by no means a dogma. The history of the game knows a lot of examples when undersized athletes achieved great success, actively using other strengths. Suffice it to recall the great 160-centimeter point guard Mugsy Bogz, who played 14 seasons in the NBA. Bogz is one of the leaders in the world's major basketball league in assists and steals. Bogz's example is far from the only one.

The average height of an NBA player since the league's inception has hovered around 190 centimeters. The average figure is large, but it cannot take into account the peculiarities of basketball tactics and the peculiarities of a particular historical era of sports. According to the rules of the game, a team of five people enters the basketball court at the same time. Each of the five solves its own problems and, accordingly, each has its own growth requirements. For example, the center player, whose main goal is to fight under the ring for picking up the ball, is the tallest - around 210 cm. And for basketball players who play the ball on the perimeter, on the contrary, high growth can become an obstacle. Handling the ball in dribbling requires flexibility and dexterity in body control. Point guards in basketball are called "little guards". Height at 180-190 cm is normal for them. So it’s impossible to answer the question “what height is needed for basketball” with accuracy - the data for each position will differ markedly.

Why are most basketball players still tall?

Although, as we found out above, height is an important, but far from a determining component of anthropometry for playing basketball, the average height of players still stands out from the average for people in general. This indicator is achieved largely due to the fact that there are a lot of abnormally tall people in basketball. If you look at the top tallest players in history, there will be basketball players over 230 centimeters tall. For example, the well-known center of African origin Manute Bol - 231 cm. Or the Chinese basketball player Yao Ming, who played in the NBA for the Houston Rockets - 229cm.

In modern basketball, where the emphasis is increasingly on perimeter work and three-point shots, the importance for teams of players 220 centimeters tall and above is steadily declining. However, almost every club still has at least one such player. Due to their presence, a high average height of basketball players is formed.

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Does basketball make children grow taller?

Like any sport, basketball, with the right approach, in childhood improves the overall physical and emotional state. As for increasing the intensity of growth, basketball can play a role here too. It is clear, however, that game training by itself will not bring the desired effect. Other factors are also important, such as proper nutrition, recovery procedures, and so on.

What is the best age to play basketball?

Age limits for admission of children to basketball clubs are usually the following:

  • minimum threshold - 4 years
  • maximum - 12-13 years old

But here, as in the case of growth, there are no rules that cannot be broken. At first, the coaches of sports schools lay down the basic skills of the game and carry out general physical training. If you wish, you can learn basic things even at the age of 15-16. And physical strength can be acquired in other disciplines. It is not uncommon for people to come to basketball at a young age from other sports. For example, in American university sports, where baseball players, volleyball players, and football players often become basketball players.

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Why growth in basketball is not the main thing! - maaario's blog

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Growth in basketball is certainly one of the key indicators. Due to the lack of centimeters, many basketball players are complex, and some once and for all say goodbye to the thought of a professional future.

However, is growth as important as it seems at first glance?

And today we will single out six players who, instead of constantly dreaming about gigantic dimensions, went to the gym every day to train. And in the end fell in love with the entire basketball world.

So, let's begin.

And first in line is Calvin Murphy. His height is 175 cm. Nevertheless, he played in the NBA more than 1000 games in which he scored more than 10,000 points. Kelvina has always noted persistence and a complete lack of fear of getting a block shot or a blow. He always believed that all his work is converted into useful actions for the team. There were even several fights during matches involving Murphy and big guys over 2 meters tall. And as a result, he became the shortest player included in the NBA Hall of Fame.

Move on. Avery Johnson. This guy proudly holds the title of the lowest NBA champion. His height is 178 centimeters. Johnson wandered around the teams for quite a long time, until Gregg Popovich showed attention to him, who revealed his potential to the maximum. Popovich appreciated in him a very rare quality in the NBA - it's easy to play. He never pulled the game on himself. But in the end, it was his shot that won the Spurs title in 1999.

The third player whose ambitions were much higher than his height is 178 cm Michael Adams. He became the shortest player to average over 20 points in a season and hand out over 10 assists. Adams had his hottest season at 90-91 years. In it, he scored at least 22 points and 13 assists in nine games in a row, and in one game he recorded a triple-double with 45 points, 11 rebounds and 12 assists.

Fourth player. Muggsy Box. He is the shortest player in NBA history. His height is 160 cm. Despite the fact that low players are considered to be weak assistants in defense, Muggsy made the entire league respect himself with his work in this component. Nobody liked to play against him. Boxing could cause problems for any opponent who underestimated him. This is the most striking example of the fact that if you want to reach heights, you must take some steps for this.

Move on. Next in line is Nate Robinson, the lowest and only three-time dunk contest winner.

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