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How to clean the sole of basketball shoes

How To Clean & Care For Your Basketball Shoes

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As a basketball player, you know how important your shoes are. Discover what you can do to help increase the longevity of your pair with these tips.

You know that feeling you get when you open up a box of new basketball shoes? You lift the lid and remove the paper barrier to reveal the fresh footwear lying inside. They are crisp and perfect with stuffing that evokes the way they’ll look on your feet. They even have a certain smell of newness. Don’t you wish they could stay that way?

Players wear their shoes to practice, to games and even around town, but how can you keep them looking and feeling the way they did on day one?

Consider the following tips to keep your basketball shoes clean and in shape longer.


After a game, you might be stuffing your shoes deep into your gym bag, in a hurry to head out for some fun with your teammates and friends.

But leaving them in your gym bag for an extended time can cause them to lose their shape, putting a lot of pressure on the seams. It can also lead to a buildup of odor, since they can’t air out properly.

Instead, you should store your shoes in an open room or closet with plenty of airflow after wearing them. This will allow them to dry out before your next use. Once they’ve had time to dry out, store your shoes in their original box, rather than on your bedroom floor where they are easily vulnerable to getting kicked around or tripped over.

To help keep your footwear even more fresh, try using a shoe deodorizer, which can come in solid form or an easy-to-use spray.

You may also consider having a couple pairs of basketball shoes and rotate them between games, giving each pair more time to dry and less time in active use.


The cardinal rule is to never wear your indoor shoes outside.

Doing so can cause your basketball shoes to lose both grip and color faster. If you avoid exposing them to the elements, they will likely last much longer.

By only wearing your shoes on the court, you can keep them cleaner as well. That means less wear and tear and less work for you to maintain them.


If you want to keep your shoes in tip-top shape, regular cleanings are essential.

You should, at the very least, clean them after every game. Why? It can reduce general odor, help prevent loss of traction by removing debris from your tread, and keep your basketball shoes from deteriorating by reducing grime that can wear down your tread.

First, as general warning, don’t put your shoes in a washer or dryer. You should also avoid completely immersing them in water. Use these steps as a guide to properly wash your basketball shoes:

  1. Remove excess dirt using a soft-bristled shoe brush or tooth brush to clean the sole on the outside of your shoe.
  2. Mix warm water with just a drop of laundry detergent (or, if leather, a specialty leather cleaner). Apply a small amount to a sponge or soft cloth to clean dirty areas of the shoe.
  3. Remove your insole and clean using a water/detergent mix.
  4. Rinse excess soap off of the shoe and insole using just water on a second sponge.
  5. Air dry your shoes at room temperature. You shouldn’t leave your shoes to dry in the sunlight or use direct heat (like a hair dryer).

Basketball shoes are one of the most important pieces of equipment you own, so it’s important to take care of them. If you keep your shoes clean and in good shape, it should help keep your footing firm and your appearance crisp and sharp.

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    Grip is an incredibly important part of any basketball shoes. No matter what surface you play on, being able to stick to the floor allows you to run, move, and cut to the best of your ability.

    Soles wear down quickly. They also collect quite a bit of dirt. Both of those setbacks cause you to slip and slide while on the court. That then greatly hinders your ability to stop and go, which then makes it much harder to drive to the lane or play defense.

    Even shoes with only slightly worn down grip can cause you to be one second too early or one second too late. In basketball, that makes all the difference.

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    1. The Cleaning Method

    Though grip wears down over time, there are quite a few ways to keep your shoes in good shape. The first, and perhaps most effective, is by cleaning them.

    Many basketball shoes start to lose their traction as a result of the dirt and dust they pick up from the floor. That layer, even if barely noticeable, causes shoes to easily slide across the hardwood.

    There are two different cleaning methods that will help eliminate that layer and reliably give you more grip no matter how much you play.

    First, you can wet a washcloth and use it to wipe down the bottom of your shoe. Just make sure to get into the grooves. You don’t need to do a deep scrub, but you need to do enough to lift off the dirt particles.

    If you want to go bigger, you can also clean your soles with a stiff bristle brush and soapy water. Scrubbing down your shoe in this manner gives a deeper clean. However, I find that it is quite comparable to using a rag. It comes down to personal preference and the amount of dirt on your shoes.

    2. Utilizing Enhancers

    If cleaning isn’t working, or if you want to take an extra measure on the top of cleaning, you can always turn to special grip enhancers.

    Grip lotions are easily available sprays that coat your shoe to add more tackiness to the sole. A quick spritz will be more than enough to give you the extra grip you need.

    There are also special sticky pads, also called sticky mats, that improve grip. These are primarily used in a gym setting, where they sit off to the side of the court. You then step on them before the game or during breaks to get a bit of extra adhesion.

    Both of the above methods improve your shoe’s grip. Though they both work on their own, I often use them in combination with the washing method to get the best of both worlds.

    Just remember to never use your basketball shoes outside. The traction is specifically made for hardwood. Using it on any other surface can quickly break down the rubber grooves and cause you to slip.

    3. Fixing Grip in Game

    Sometimes you’ll find your traction steadily breaking down in the middle of the game. If that occurs, you want to moisten your soles right away to ensure you don’t lose your edge.

    That can be done through either quickly wiping them down with a damp rag (which some teams or gyms may have on the sideline) or by wetting your shoe with saliva.

    Rinsing your hand in a drinking fountain and then wiping it across the bottom of your shoe can help your footwear stick. However, if there’s no time for that maneuver, licking your hand and wiping it on the bottom of your shoe works just as well.

    I know the idea of licking your hand mid-game is not the most appealing idea, but it does work. I’ve done it more times than I care to admit, and it always leads to better traction.

    4. A More Permanent Fix

    No matter how much you use the above methods, there will be times where your shoe grip wears down past the point of no return. If that happens, you can have your soles fixed by a shoe repair service.

    Getting your old sole replaced can make your pair feel brand new. It may not be as easy as cleaning the sole or buying spray, but it’s typically much cheaper than going out and buying a new pair.

    Of course, if the tread is worn through and shoe repair isn’t an option, the only way to fix the grip is going to be purchasing new shoes.

    Final Words

    Many people give up on their basketball shoes too quickly. The traction doesn’t feel right, or they find themselves slipping on the court, and they try a new pair. However, there are many easy methods you can utilize to keep your grip strong.

    Make sure to try different methods and figure out which one works best for you. Some shoes respond better to cleaning, while others do well with general moisture of sticky pads.

    What’s your favorite method for improving your grip? Do you have your own tricks? Let us know in the comments below!

    What to do if sneakers slip in the hall

    When leading an active lifestyle, you need to control your own health and, above all, do not harm it. Properly selected footwear helps to keep fit and not harm the body. Therefore, you need to buy comfortable, high-quality sneakers that are designed specifically for sports activities. Often, during training in the gym, the surface is slippery, which leads to injuries. In addition, some of the products have a sliding sole, which does not allow the foot to be firmly fixed on the floor surface.

    In some cases, the product slips heavily on the floor in an enclosed area. The problem of slippery soles of sneakers worries many people involved in sports, so it is necessary to take into account the recommendations of experts. To get rid of the problem, you should use several effective methods that have been tested by time.

    Choice of shoes for the gym

    To reduce the chance of slipping in the gym, you need to choose the right shoes. When choosing shoes, you should focus on the following nuances:

    • Shoes with a wide toe and a narrower heel should be preferred. Such a product will provide proper adhesion to the coating.
    • Buy shoes that are specifically designed for training. The developers of such models of sneakers specifically produce a silhouette with characteristic features for comfortable use.
    • Each shoe manufacturer has its own line for indoor and outdoor training.

    For each type of sport, different designers produce separate types of sports shoes. It is advisable to buy products that are designed for such purposes from trusted manufacturers who have proven themselves well.

    Go to the workshop

    The most reliable way to eliminate the slip of the sole is to take it to a shoe repair shop. But, this option is more expensive. The specialist attaches silicone pads to the sole to provide proper grip and prevent slipping.

    If the product is given for repair, you need to clarify to the master that it is planned to be worn in the gym.

    The main advantage of this method will be the preservation of a bright appearance. The specialist does everything carefully and reliably, because the appearance of the product remains the same. Various homemade methods can ruin the look of sneakers. Therefore, when it is important to maintain quality and presentability, it is advisable to go to the workshop.

    Apply glue with sand

    This method is considered the most budgetary and extremely effective. The meaning is as follows: Moment glue is purchased in the store and applied evenly to the sole. Before the procedure, it is required to clean the product from contamination and dry it. When the surface is smeared with glue, it is required to become sneakers on the sand. Wait for the final drying of the glue. The sand on the sole can last longer than the patch, so the technique will be more effective.


    When at home there is no glue, but there is emery, you can use it. The following is done:

    • The product is degreased properly.
    • Sandpaper is taken and the sole is rubbed properly.
    • To get more effect, several pieces of paper are glued to the bottom of the product with superglue.

    The sole is rubbed carefully so that holes do not appear.

    Homemade protector

    When sneakers have a flat, smooth sole, small screws help to add relief to it and eliminate slipping. They are screwed into several places. To prevent the pointed end from causing damage to the shoe before the procedure, it is necessary to bite off the pointed part with pliers.

    This technique is available only in a situation where the product has a dense, wide sole, thin screws are able to deform.

    Sweetened water

    This sweetened drink is considered one of the most common ways for people who play sports to eliminate slipping. The algorithm of actions is simple:

    • Before training, the platform of the shoe is poured with a drink.
    • Left for a quarter of an hour until completely dry.

    Then you can head to the hall without any hesitation. Slip will be completely eliminated.

    Other methods

    There are situations where the lower limbs slip due to dirty or wet surfaces. In such a situation, it is necessary to constantly wipe the bottom of the shoe so that it remains clean, monitor the coverage in the gym.

    In addition to the main ways to help prevent slipping, there are other proven ways:

    • It is possible to rub the bottom of the sneakers with wax, raw potatoes or fatty oil.
    • Chewing gum or 2-sided adhesive tape is glued to the sole.

    Similar options are also common, but they are one-time, because the tape or gum can come off.

    For indoor sports to be comfortable and safe, you need to choose the right running shoes. When sports shoes are comfortable, but slippery, this problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible, as this becomes a provoking factor in injuries. Following the above recommendations, it is possible to eliminate this complexity completely.

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