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How to get ready for basketball game

5 Steps to Get Ready for the First Day of Basketball Season

Basketball Tip

Get Ready for Basketball Season

First Day of Practice To Do List
1. Be hydrated. If you are thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Water helps you think clearly and make the best decision in the moment.

2. Be thankful. Research shows the higher your gratitude level the more problems you will solve. If you miss a shot, continue your positive self-talk. Do not self-punish, it leads to more mistakes. If you make a mistake, take responsibility and then move on by disciplining your mind to say to yourself one thing you love about life and basketball.

3. Eyes should be off your coach. If players walk into practice with the number one goal of impressing their coach, they will fail. They will make bad decisions, their focus will be on their coach rather than on the game. Plus, it is human nature to be turned off when you feel someone is trying to impress you. However, if you choose to walk into practice totally committed to serving the team and giving a 100% toward that goal, your coach will be impressed.

4. Write out the goals you want to achieve. These should be goals you can control such as "I want to remain positive and thankful the entire practice. I commit to not focusing on the coach and worrying about his/her opinion of me. I want to spotlight all of my teammates. I want to work hard each drill. I commit to not comparing. I commit to diving for every loose ball. I commit to taking the open shot with confidence. I commit to not forcing my shot. I commit to blocking out every time. I commit to great defense."

5. Pick one word or phrase to represent your goals. Say this word to yourself during the practice. It could be "Sacrifice, Commitment, Passion, 100%, Focus, Work Hard. "

Quick Tips

  • "Spinach" before practice helps your shot. ("Spinach" is a shooting drill taught at all NBC Camps)
  • Run your hands under hot water (not burning) but hot enough to get your hands really warm.
  • The more nervous you are the tighter your shot will be. Visualize yourself playing and shooting with freedom and accuracy.
  • Play hard. Some players attempt to cover up nerves by acting like they don't care. This will earn you a spot on the bench.
  • Be thick-skinned. Don't let criticism shake you, don't compare, discipline your mind to be mentally tough.

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NBC Basketball Camps are located in 18 cities and six countries. For boys and girls of all ages and abilities, these basketball camp programs are comprehensive training camps to build you as a person and player.

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10 Things a Player Should Do Before a Basketball Game

Part of being a player for a basketball team or any sport, is knowing how the game is played, what to do when, and having the proper equipment. Below are ten things as a basketball player is important you do before a game.

1.Know the when and where the game is being played.

Do not wait until the last minute to find out where the game is being played. Talk to your coach at practice to ask for directions and times. Usually a coach will hand out a game schedule ahead of time and confirm the games as they come up. Ultimately, it is still your responsibility as a player to know when and where the game is playing and how you are going to get there.

2. Get your uniform on.

I know this sounds like a real da step, but getting your uniform means making sure your uniform is clean. Put your uniform on at home, you will not have that much time to put it on at the court. If you have a warm up jersey that goes over top of your uniform, put that on at home too so you do not forget to take it.

3. Pack a bag for the game

Pack a small gym bag with your name marked on it, with game shoes, knee pads, support pads you may need like knee braces, small towel, and a water bottle.

4. Get to the court one half hour before your game time.

Most coaches want their players at the court one half hour before game time so they can go through the warm ups and get last minute instructions.

5. Report to the coach to let them know you are there.

When you arrive at the court, immediately report to the coach and let them know you are there. When coaches are making their line-ups, they need to know who is there. If you appear out of no where at game time, you may not get to play as much as you hoped because the coach did not put you in the line up.

6. Change shoes, use the bathroom, and take off all jewelry.
Before the team warm ups, make sure you take care of all the little details so you will not lose any game time. Change into your court shoes right away. Make sure you remove all jewelry and anything plastic or metal like hair clips. If you walk onto the playing court with any of that on, you will be told to get off the court by the ref.

7. Fill up your water bottle.
If you drink more than one water bottle during the game, have two. But make sure you fill your water bottle up before the game. Make sure your bottle is marked with your name on it.

8. Warm up on the court.
At practice the coach normally will teach your team a warm-up you will go through before each game. If not, just make sure you get out there and takes some shots, dribble, and pass.

9. Mentally warm up.
When you step onto the court for warm ups, you should already be in basketball mode. That means you put aside all your everyday stuff and concentrate on the game. Go over in your mind what you learned at practice about game strategies or new plays. Do not wait until the middle of the game to ask the coach how a certain play is run. Go over what you do not understand with the coach at practice or before warm-ups start. Remember that playing a game is 80 percent mental and 20 percent physical. You want to be prepared in both ways.

10. Listen to the coach for last minute instructions.
After warm ups the coach will talk to you about the game strategies and who is starting. This is an important time for you to listen and focus on what is being said. If you have a question on the coachs instructions, ask. But do not ask the coach questions that do not pertain to that game.

By taking these ten steps before each game, you can be assured you are coming prepared and will be ready to go in when the coach yells your name from the bench. Good luck and remember, learn the game, play the game, and have fun doing it!

How to get results in basketball

"Any experienced basketball player will tell you that there is a huge difference between learning and applying technique!"

Online basketball expert, national level player

Any experienced basketball player will tell you that there is a huge difference between learning and applying technique! It's only natural that beginners (or those who are returning to play after a long break) get caught up in the game on the court - all you hear is "rush. the rim...lead...use the whole court". All your strength is focused on not making mistakes, in order to know that you do not let your team down. What exactly are you doing? Positions? rebounds? Blocks? Intercepts? This is really important, but there are other great ways to add value to the team. Take a break from your own achievements - this will allow you to become a more valuable player. This article does not contain obvious advice on keeping fit, working on speed, dribbling, serving, etc. But here you will find 5 ways to become more efficient from the very next game. You are much closer to success than you think!

The main reason basketball players lose passes and miss comfortable rebounds is because their hands aren't ready. This seems obvious, but still deserves special attention. Your hands should always be ready to receive the pass, and your palms are directed towards the ball - the server will perceive them as a target.

Here are a few exercises you can do during your warm-up to prepare for the game:


The correct execution of passes gives confidence on the site. However, there are a few things to keep in mind here.

The basics of technique play a huge role for beginners. Practice a 2-handed chest pass and a bounce pass. After that, you can move on to other methods.

Don't pass just for the sake of passing. Determine who can take the pass, who can't, (identify strong offensive players, weak defenders) and go for it!

IMPORTANT: DO NOT KEEP THE BALL - make passes and passes will be made to you.

Low, wide stance: There are only 2 cases where you should deviate from this rule - this is rebounding and covering the ball. In any other situation, it is important that the stance is low: straight back, bent knees, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. In this position, you are firmly on your feet and ready to respond to passes. It is very important to be between the defender and the ring.

This is the main way to participate in offense without the ball! If you are a beginner basketball player, then you will most likely score infrequently. Perform screenings to:

  1. give partners the opportunity to open up
  2. open yourself

Shield the dribbler, shield your opponents without the ball (to help your teammates) and keep moving. The ball will find its way to you.

SITE 9 LOCATION0002 There are 8 main points on the court that attackers usually occupy to attack. Simple arithmetic suggests that at least 4 of them are free at this moment. Make sure you don't get too close to the rest of your team. Why?

  1. This allows you to strengthen the attack - so it will be more difficult for defenders to keep track of all opponents;
  2. You will be in a better position to shoot/pass/dribble to the basket when you receive the ball.

Do not forget that your hands should always be ready.

Try to consciously change positions (moving quickly between two points on the court) so that you get used to playing from different points. A conscious change of position will bring you the location of your team, but the enemy defender will clearly dislike you!

This is certainly not a complete list of tips, but rest assured that if you follow them, your next game will be better than the last!


Conducting an educational game | Game tactics training and training | Educational and training work

If the game in the process of training sessions is carried out in the same way as in the competition, full time, then this will bring little benefit. The fact is that some players make mistakes, especially tactical ones. If mistakes are not corrected in time, they will take root. Therefore, when the composition of the team is at least tentatively determined, it is recommended to adhere to the following guidelines when conducting a training game.

The game must be played in such a way that the players are under the supervision of the manager at all times. At first, you should not play the game full time, but play for 20-30 minutes in order to gradually prepare the body for the maximum load.

When the team is sufficiently well prepared, the game should be played using full time. Separate classes can be used specifically for developing endurance, for which the game time can be brought up to 50 or even 60 minutes.

In order to accustom students to playing at a fast pace and to ensure that they do not stop playing when they see mistakes at their own discretion without a referee's whistle, we can agree: the game continues until the whistle, despite any mistakes. The leader must determine for himself what errors can be left unattended. When practicing indoors, you can allow the game to continue after the ball bounces off walls, ceilings, racks and other objects, unless, of course, they are used specifically to beat the opponent.

Players' errors can be corrected directly on the court during the game, at half-time and after the game.

Correction of errors during the game is more suitable for inexperienced teams in whose game there are gross errors, in most cases often repeated and characteristic not only of the one who made the mistake at the moment, but also of other players. In such a case, you should stop the game and explain what the mistake is, how the ball should have been passed correctly, in what direction, by what technique, where to run out, etc.

Correction of mistakes at half-time and after the game It is good to practice with more experienced teams who have fewer mistakes and where slowing down the game has a negative effect. When working with trained teams, the leader should be released from refereeing so that all his attention is concentrated on the players. He must enter all the mistakes he has noticed in a notebook, so that later, together with the players, they can be sorted out.

In order to force players to use certain techniques, avoid mistakes and instill in them the necessary tactical skills, it is recommended to play a game with special tasks and some deviations from the rules.

Examples: a) if the player abuses the dribbling, does not use the pass with a rebound from the court, does not know how to catch with one hand, then the player is given a condition obliging him not to drive more than 3 m, to pass only with a rebound, to catch with only one hand;
b) if a player throws with only one trick or from a certain place on the court, then for such a player some other throw trick is established, from which points are counted, another zone is determined from which a throw is allowed;
c) If a player is running with the ball, he is not allowed to take more than one step with the ball in his hands.

Such tasks can be given not only to individual players, but to the whole team.

The game with the indicated complications is played for 10-15 minutes, and the rest of the time it is played according to the usual rules.

It is more difficult to instill correct tactical skills in trainees, but certain conditions can be applied here too. In order, for example, to teach players to choose the direction of passes, you can introduce the following condition: the player, having made a swing to the right to pass, must pass to the left, and if there is no partner, then forward or backward. Players in this case, before the transfer, will choose a partner who is in a more favorable position, and not pass to the first one that catches their eye.

In order for the team to be able to use the individual characteristics of individual players during the competition, such as shooting from certain places on the court, going after the screen, rebounding the ball from the backboard, etc. , and also for the ability to isolate the most dangerous actions of the players of the opposite team, sometimes the game should be played in such a way that the players of both teams perform special tasks in attack and defense. At the same time, one team should not know what task was given to the other team, otherwise its meaning is lost.

Players of some teams suffer from excessive fussiness, carelessness in passing, inability to choose a partner who is in more favorable conditions, and other shortcomings. To eliminate these shortcomings, it is useful to play the game with the following changes: it is forbidden to dribble and attack the opponent in possession of the ball. The team that makes these errors has the ball taken away and passed to the other team for a throw-in from behind the touchline. If the ball is knocked out of hands near the basket, then the player v who was knocked out is entitled to a free throw.

The practice of gradual attacking, in which one team attacks and the other defends, can be done on one half of the court. Teams can change roles after a certain time or every time the ball is lost by the attacking team. On the second half of the site at this time, two other teams can be engaged or individual players perform personal tasks. When occupied by three teams at the same time, especially for learning the attack against the zone defense, the following method is applied. In the initial position, one team is located on each half of the site, which begin their actions from defense. The third team, which is the attacking team, is in the middle of the court. At the signal of the leader, the team starts the attack in a predetermined direction until it loses the ball or throws it into the basket. From this point on, the team that was defending goes on offense to the opposite side, and the attacking team takes its place. On the opposite side, the game is also played until the ball is lost, after which the new team goes on the attack on the other side of the site. Thus, there is an alternation of teams between the game of attack and defense, after which a certain break follows while the other two teams play.

If a section combines several teams, then it is more useful to conduct classes simultaneously with only two adjacent teams, for example, 1st with 2nd or 3rd with 4th. However, if these two teams constantly meet each other, then the players will study each other so much that they will not be interested in playing. Therefore, it is necessary to change the partners of the teams: the 1st team plays with the 3rd team or the 4th team with the 2nd team, etc.

In order to keep interest in the training game the following method can be applied. A stronger team gives the weaker team a certain number of points ahead, or getting the ball into the basket of the players of the weaker team is valued at 3 or even 4 points.

It is recommended to periodically invite teams of other teams to classes, that is, to hold training meetings with them, which greatly enlivens the work and helps in preparing teams for competitions.

In order to stimulate work on technique and take into account practical achievements, it is recommended to introduce standards for playing technique.

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