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How to make basketball shoes sticky again
4 Quick Ways to Get Grip on Your Basketball Shoes
Grip is an incredibly important part of any basketball shoes. No matter what surface you play on, being able to stick to the floor allows you to run, move, and cut to the best of your ability.
Soles wear down quickly. They also collect quite a bit of dirt. Both of those setbacks cause you to slip and slide while on the court. That then greatly hinders your ability to stop and go, which then makes it much harder to drive to the lane or play defense.
Even shoes with only slightly worn down grip can cause you to be one second too early or one second too late. In basketball, that makes all the difference.
1. The Cleaning Method
Though grip wears down over time, there are quite a few ways to keep your shoes in good shape. The first, and perhaps most effective, is by cleaning them.
Many basketball shoes start to lose their traction as a result of the dirt and dust they pick up from the floor. That layer, even if barely noticeable, causes shoes to easily slide across the hardwood.
There are two different cleaning methods that will help eliminate that layer and reliably give you more grip no matter how much you play.
First, you can wet a washcloth and use it to wipe down the bottom of your shoe. Just make sure to get into the grooves. You don’t need to do a deep scrub, but you need to do enough to lift off the dirt particles.
If you want to go bigger, you can also clean your soles with a stiff bristle brush and soapy water. Scrubbing down your shoe in this manner gives a deeper clean. However, I find that it is quite comparable to using a rag. It comes down to personal preference and the amount of dirt on your shoes.
2. Utilizing Enhancers
If cleaning isn’t working, or if you want to take an extra measure on the top of cleaning, you can always turn to special grip enhancers.
Grip lotions are easily available sprays that coat your shoe to add more tackiness to the sole. A quick spritz will be more than enough to give you the extra grip you need.
There are also special sticky pads, also called sticky mats, that improve grip. These are primarily used in a gym setting, where they sit off to the side of the court. You then step on them before the game or during breaks to get a bit of extra adhesion.
Both of the above methods improve your shoe’s grip. Though they both work on their own, I often use them in combination with the washing method to get the best of both worlds.
Just remember to never use your basketball shoes outside. The traction is specifically made for hardwood. Using it on any other surface can quickly break down the rubber grooves and cause you to slip.
3. Fixing Grip in Game
Sometimes you’ll find your traction steadily breaking down in the middle of the game. If that occurs, you want to moisten your soles right away to ensure you don’t lose your edge.
That can be done through either quickly wiping them down with a damp rag (which some teams or gyms may have on the sideline) or by wetting your shoe with saliva.
Rinsing your hand in a drinking fountain and then wiping it across the bottom of your shoe can help your footwear stick. However, if there’s no time for that maneuver, licking your hand and wiping it on the bottom of your shoe works just as well.
I know the idea of licking your hand mid-game is not the most appealing idea, but it does work. I’ve done it more times than I care to admit, and it always leads to better traction.
4. A More Permanent Fix
No matter how much you use the above methods, there will be times where your shoe grip wears down past the point of no return. If that happens, you can have your soles fixed by a shoe repair service.
Getting your old sole replaced can make your pair feel brand new. It may not be as easy as cleaning the sole or buying spray, but it’s typically much cheaper than going out and buying a new pair.
Of course, if the tread is worn through and shoe repair isn’t an option, the only way to fix the grip is going to be purchasing new shoes.
Final Words
Many people give up on their basketball shoes too quickly. The traction doesn’t feel right, or they find themselves slipping on the court, and they try a new pair. However, there are many easy methods you can utilize to keep your grip strong.
Make sure to try different methods and figure out which one works best for you. Some shoes respond better to cleaning, while others do well with general moisture of sticky pads.
What’s your favorite method for improving your grip? Do you have your own tricks? Let us know in the comments below!
9 Ways to Restore Traction and Make Basketball Shoes Grippy
Today I’m going to show you how to make basketball shoes grippy again.
So if you have a match around the corner, or your shoes are just less grippy and you can’t afford to get a new pair of sneakers at the moment, you’ll love the tips shared in this guide.
To be clear:
None of the tips I’ve shared below is better than the other is.
So if you prefer to clean the outsoles, you find using a sandpaper easier, or you prefer to work with a sticky get, what really matters is ending up with a pair of sports shoes with better traction.
Below are 9 ways to make your basketball shoes grippy and ready for an upcoming training or championship match.
1. Clean the Soles of the Shoes
Dirt and dust stuck on the outsole can make your basketball shoes slide like a car on a wet road.
Because the accumulation of foreign particles prevents the optimal sole to floor contact, leading to shoes being slippery and hard to use during training or an actual game.
The solution is simple.
You have to remove all the dirt and debris stick on the outsole to restore the grip of the shoes ready for the next big game.
Use a hard bristle brush to remove debris on the bottom of the shoes. You can also use toothpicks if you don’t have the brush.
Dip a towel in a mixture of clean water and a liquid detergent and wipe the outsole of the shoes.
Then, use a toothbrush or a soft brush to scrub the remaining dirt off the outsole.
If you’ve cleaned only the outsole of the basketball shoes, you can use a towel to dry the pair. If you’ve deep cleaned the sneakers, air-dry them.
You could clean the shoes in a washing machine, but you’re more than likely to compromise the quality of the fabric.
So hand washing is the only way to go.
2. Use a Sticky Mat
Often placed at the corners of a court, sticky mats can easily pull out dirt from the soles of your basketball shoes.
SATECH Sticky/Tacky/Adhesive Mat 18" x 36" White...
And they’re very easy to use.
Simply get off the court, step on the mat, and that’s it. The process should help to restore the grip of your basketball shoes.
3. Clean the Court Thoroughly
Assuming your basketball shoes are clean from the inside out, but you still get the slippery effect as you run and practice or play, there’s a high chance the court needs thorough cleaning.
By cleaning the court, you’ll do away with dirt and dust that would have otherwise stick on your shoes and make them slippery.
And cleaning the court shouldn’t be difficult, as there’s no unique procedure to follow.
Just use the same mop and water that you use to clean your house.
4. Use a Sandpaper to Increase the Grip of Your Basketball Shoes
If you can’t afford expensive traction products, use a sandpaper. You’ll love this technique because it’s very easy to use.
Remove your shoes and rub the heavy grit sandpaper against your sole until they feel rough enough. This should increase the gripping of the shoes and give you more stability as you run in the court.
If your shoes smoothen after a while, just re-use the sandpaper to restore the grip.
A nail file is a good option to use in the place of a sandpaper. It works pretty much the same way and therefore the results should be the same.
5. Use of a Sticky Gel
Sticky gels are great for increasing the gripping power of basketball shoes.
Easy to apply and quite effective, the gel is easy to apply and takes effect almost immediately.
Take off your basketball shoes and apply the gel on the sole. Let the content stick on the sole unit and then wear the shoes for your next practice or match.
Although sticky gels are good at increasing the grip of your basketball shoes, its effect is only temporary.
Even then, a single application should give you a good grip for a full match.
6. Use of Sweat and Saliva
When desperate moments call for desperate measures, even your sweat and saliva can go a long way to give your basketball shoes some grip.
Now, I know what you’re thinking:
Spitting saliva and smearing sweat on the sole of the shoes is unhygienic and disgusting.
And you’re right.
But if your sneakers become slippery in the middle of a game and you can’t make your best moves, what options do you have?
Probably none!
So wipe your hand over your face, collect some sweat, and apply it on the sole of your sneakers. You can also spit some saliva on the sole to make the shoes wet.
And what’s the benefit?
Sweat and saliva will moisten the soles, reduce the thin layer of dust, and add some grip so you can keep playing your game.
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7. Use Hair Spray to Add Traction to Your Basketball Shoes
Hair spray is a quick and temporary solution to improve the grip of your basketball sneakers.
And it’s very easy to use.
Simply clean and spray the soles for about 20 seconds. Then, let the spray settle.
While it’s only a temporary solution, hair spray will go a long way to improve the stickiness of the sneakers.
After applying the hair spray, you won’t have to worry about shoes being slippery maybe until after the first quarter of the game.
That’s because hair spray helps to improve the stickiness of the sole, therefore giving you a little grip that can keep you from slipping.
8. Use Vaseline to Improve Your Shoes’ Traction
Vaseline enhances the grip of the shoes by keeping it moist for a long period.
To use this solution, first clean the sole of your basketball shoes thoroughly and dry them completely.
Then, smear Vaseline coating over the sole. Use a toothbrush to spread the oil well.
9. Replace the Sole for Better Grip in the Court
Sometimes your basketball shoes are less grippy because the sole unit gave up its function.
If you think about it, worn out soles don’t have the kind of grip that your body deserves.
Instead of replacing the whole pair, simply replace the sole and you’ll be good to go.
Final Thoughts
What do you do when your basketball shoes become less grippy? Do you put them aside for a new pair? Or do you have a little secret of your own to improve their grip and traction?
If you had no idea how to make your pair less slippery, the tips we’ve shared in this guide should be handy.
Remember, basketball shoes with good grip will give your leg the support you need for every game. Not to mention protect you from getting injuries.
From gripping the curt to enhancing swift movements as you dribble and dunk, shoes with solid grip and traction lets you get the most out of the four quarter of every game.
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What to do so that sneakers do not slip on the floor?
Home / Out of place / Consumer corner / What to do to prevent sneakers from slipping on the floor?
January 16, 2019
With an active lifestyle, it is necessary to prevent harm to health, which can happen, for example, with the wrong selection of sports shoes. Particular emphasis is placed on sneakers, since when training in the gym, a significant load is placed on the joints and feet. It is optimal to purchase shoes specially designed for this purpose from popular brands with their own line of shoes. Sometimes the product can slip heavily on the floor in enclosed spaces. The problem of slippery sneakers is of concern to a large number of sports fans, therefore certain recommendations must be taken into account.
The right choice of shoes
The best way to fix the problem is to buy a new product. In particular, this will be relevant for those who have purchased almost the first product they come across for classes, and have not given proper emphasis to the selection of shoes. Before you buy an Air Jordan, you need to consider a large number of factors so that the product does not slip, choose shoes in which the front is slightly wider than the heel. This ensures proper adhesion to the coating. In addition, you need to purchase a pair that is specialized for a particular type of sport.
When running shoes have recently begun to slip and have been correctly fitted, the cause of the problem must be determined. The sole of the shoe wears out over time, in particular when the loads are intense and actually everyday. To eliminate this difficulty, it is recommended to buy Nike Jordan shoes, which provide reliable grip on the surface.
Help in the workshop
The most expensive and reliable method of fixing the problem of slipping shoes on the floor is to bring sneakers to the workshop. The master attaches special anti-slip pads that improve grip with the coating. It should be clarified that the classes will be held in the hall on the parquet. This is due to the fact that the service is extremely popular in the winter period: people bring shoes to the workshop so that they do not slip on the ice.
A significant advantage of this technique will be the aesthetic appearance of the product after the workshop. Other techniques can somewhat spoil the aesthetic appearance of shoes. The master will put the overlay in such a way that it becomes virtually invisible on the product.
To prevent the product from slipping on the parquet, it is necessary to stick a regular plaster to the sole. The method is completely opposite to the first: inexpensive, not durable, and the patch itself will be noticeable on the sole. When shoes slide in the hall, they need to be properly washed, degreased and dried. A roll patch is glued on the sole in some areas. It needs to be cotton, not a smooth, slippery material. This method of solving the problem will be cheap. However, it must be taken into account that the manipulation is repeated almost every time before going to the gym: the patch may peel off over time. So that it does not attract attention, it can be painted with a black marker.
Shoe care
It happens that shoes slip on the parquet due to insufficient cleanliness in the room. The dust will settle on the soles of the sneakers, adding slip to it. It helps to temporarily wipe the product from dust. Others wipe the soles with their hands, which is against the rules of hygiene. The second method: from time to time to stand on a damp cloth. Wet sole does not slip on the floor in the gym.
Glue and sand
There is also a fairly economical and fairly effective method:
Requires adhesive to be applied to soleplate.
Shoes are pre-washed and the sole is degreased.
Glue is smeared all over the sole and sneakers are placed on the sand.
Leave the product for a day until completely dry.
The sand will adhere firmly to the sole, resulting in proper traction of the sneakers to the parquet. Unlike a patch, glue and sand stay on the product for quite a long time, which makes it possible to do the procedure less often. However, once a month (taking into account the frequency of training) the sole of the shoe is covered with glue and sand.
To keep your sneakers from slipping in the gym, sandpaper can be used in the following ways. First: the sole is rubbed with it. Do not be overly zealous so as not to spoil the product. Second: glue pieces of paper to the sole of sports shoes. The method is also quite economical.
Homemade tread
When the sole of the sneakers is smooth, and slipping on the floor in the gym is provoked by such, it is possible to make a pattern in everyday conditions. It will give the necessary grip to the surface in the gym. Please note: the method is carried out only for sneakers with thick soles, otherwise there is a risk of damage to the product. The pattern on the tread is made by means of a nail, other sharp metal objects.
This method is quite unusual, but it is considered common and effective in order to eliminate slippage on parquet. Some professional athletes actually moisten the soles with this drink before training, performances. It is necessary to wash the sole of the shoe with Coca-Cola, let it dry and start exercising. The procedure itself is carried out right before class.
Other methods
In addition, there are other ways to prevent shoes from slipping on the floor:
The sole is wiped with wax, castor oil, raw potatoes, pine rosin.
Some just offer to spit on the sole: the method is unhygienic and unaesthetic, but it will help for a certain period of time.
It is permissible to stick chewing gum, which must be chewed in advance. The method also does not have a long-term effect.
Finding the right sports shoes is often an impossible task. The right choice of running shoes will be the key to comfort and safety. To purchase Jordan Kyiv sneakers in the right sizes in the krossovki.kiev.ua online store, you need to ask the seller for advice. He will give recommendations regarding the choice of the optimal product, the size of sneakers and help place an order.
He said how he cut it off:
How to stretch sneakers in length or width
If the shoes are tight, it is not only uncomfortable, but it can harm the feet. This is especially true of sports shoes or sneakers. Stretching sneakers, making them more comfortable to wear is quite possible. The main thing is to know what material they are made of and apply the appropriate methods.
Which sneakers can be stretched
Do not rush to start the procedure of stretching a pair immediately after purchase. Often, after long loads and shopping, the legs get tired and swell. Perhaps in the morning your sneakers will no longer reap. If they still seem small, try stretching them out. But first find out what they are made of. Otherwise, there is a risk of irreparably spoiling them.
The easiest way to give the desired shape to sneakers made of suede, leather, nubuck. Be careful with fabric shoes: they can easily be deformed if not used correctly. The most difficult thing is to stretch the leatherette product. This material is hard to tolerate exposure to boiling water, steam, ice. And it is not easy to stretch it in the usual “wet” way. Perhaps it is better to sell or donate such sneakers. But if this option is not suitable, you can try stretching with the help of products containing alcohol.
Remember that:
Sports shoes are easier to stretch in width.
Fabric can be lengthened by a maximum of half a size. You can stretch sneakers to size if they are made of leather, suede or nubuck.
The skin becomes fragile after the procedure. Before stretching, especially with the use of heat, it is better to treat the product with shoe polish.
Sneakers made of artificial materials are easy to deform with an inept approach.
Stitching seams do not stretch.
Do not pour boiling water on rubber soles.
If the heel is very high, try not to break it.
First, it is better to try to break in an uncomfortable pair, but not longer than three days.
The best time to buy new shoes is in the evening, when the feet are a little swollen.
Do not take sneakers without trying on, as each manufacturer has its own dimensional grid.
The smartest solution
If, after buying a sneaker, you realize that they are too tight, it is best to return or exchange them at the store. According to Russian laws, any buyer can return a new product under warranty within two weeks. To do this, you need to present your passport, cash receipt and warranty card. The main thing is that the shoes should be in the same form as when you bought them. It should not have signs of use: creases, scuffs. Make sure all liners, insoles and laces are in place.
If the pair is old, or you could not return it under warranty, the surest solution would be to take it to a professional workshop. The shoemaker knows how to stretch sneakers or sneakers.
Each shoe has its own suitable product. Special pads on screws that can stretch any material help to increase the length. Masters use different creams, aerosols, powders that can cope with an uncomfortable couple. The shoemaker will take into account all your wishes and features of the foot, pull the sneakers in the area of the bone.
If this method does not suit you for some reason, you can try to increase the sneakers or sneakers at home.
How to stretch shoes
There are several methods. Just remember that no sneakers or sneakers can stretch more than one size.
Steam and paper
This is a fairly simple and cheap method to pull leather, rubber, fabric sneakers and sneakers at home. It takes a few minutes to hold the product over the steam. The main thing is to do it carefully so as not to burn yourself. Then stuff your sneakers with dry, crumpled newspaper. To prevent the upper part of the shoe from deforming, do not dry it with a hair dryer, in the sun, near the radiator. Wait for the newspaper to dry. To speed up the process, paper can be changed. The same method helps to enlarge sports shoes if they have sat down after washing.
To stretch the sneakers, dampen a cloth with vinegar and then put it into the sock and into the back of the shoe. Cotton pads can be used instead of cloth. Put on shoes with impregnation and wear for about two hours. The method allows you to lengthen the product by a couple of millimeters.
This is one of the most effective methods, the closest to what the masters do. To manage on your own, buy spacers at a shoe store. They are equipped with a screw mechanism, fit any size, pull leather materials well. In addition to the spacers, plastic pads are sold that take into account the characteristics of the foot.
You will also need professional products for the surface treatment of sneakers. It can be a special liquid, stretching foam or spray. This method works well for all types of leather and suede, but is unlikely to be useful for stretching the fabric.
Liquids containing alcohol may be used instead of professional products. For example, cologne. Or just water. Apply the product inside and out. Using the screw, set the block to the desired value, place it back to back. Keep the spacers inside until the sneakers are completely dry. If you repeat this procedure several times, you will completely relieve yourself of discomfort.
Before using an aerosol or spray, check how the shoe material will react to them. To do this, apply the product to an inconspicuous area. If after a couple of hours the treated area has changed color, it is better to look for another drug.
Water and ice
There are several ways to stretch sneakers or sneakers with water and cold. You can wear wet sneakers over your socks and then lace them up tight. Until the shoes dry, you need to actively move: run, jump, walk. If at any point your feet get hot, just pour cold water on the soles.
You can expand fabric sneakers with ice. To do this, use the physics course familiar from school:
Take two thick plastic bags, place inside each sneaker and carefully unfold.
Fill bags with water and tie them up conscientiously.
Place the sneakers in the freezer for 24 hours.
If the steam presses into the toe, put something under the heels so that the bulk of the water "flows" down.
After a day, take the sneakers out of the freezer.
Let the ice melt a little.
Remove the cellophane.
Remove excess moisture with a tissue, dry the sneakers.
The method has one nuance: if the fabric is too thin, it may tear under the influence of ice.
When he presses the back
Sneakers can press not only in the heel area, but also on the side edging. It can be stretched in the same way as the heel. There are several proven methods to make the material softer.
Moisten a soft cloth with water, apply to the back of the back from the inside. Then lightly tap with a hammer. The heel of the shoe must be on a firm surface.
If the back of the shoe is made of hard leather or rubber, you can simply massage it with your fingers. The heel of the sneaker is especially easy to soften in this way: it is usually made of hard cardboard. In order not to spend a lot of time and effort on kneading, first hold the product over the steam. After a few minutes, the skin or matter will become more pliable.
Hair dryer
The method is suitable for softening pressing leather elements of sports shoes. To do this, you need an ordinary hair dryer. Hot air stretches the skin, making it more supple. After heat treatment, simply pull the sneaker with your fingers or put it on your foot. Be careful when heating the seam: there is a risk that the glue will melt from excessively hot air.
How to stretch shoes wide
It is much easier to increase sneakers or sneakers in width than in length. Suede is the easiest to stretch. Sneakers made of this material are enough to put on voluminous socks. After a couple of days, the legs will become much more comfortable. You can also pull the product at home with the help of professional tools that are produced by shoe brands and sold in special stores.
But you can use the available tools that are always at hand.
Alcohol and laundry soap
This method expands leather sneakers well. The following steps must be followed in sequence:
Pour alcohol or vodka into shoes (cologne will do).
Rub the interior surface with soaked laundry soap.
Let the resulting compound dry.
This method has some nuances. In particular, if the interior of the sneakers is made of low-quality matter, then a bad smell will appear in them. Getting rid of it in the future will be problematic. If this is your case, forget about soap, use only alcohol (vodka, cologne).
To do this, thoroughly moisten the inside of the product, put it on your feet and pour alcohol on the outside of the sneakers. You need to wear shoes for about two hours. So you will not only stretch the tight pair, but make it softer. The method is suitable even for sneakers made of synthetic materials. But if the sneakers are made of genuine leather, they must be rubbed with special protective agents or castor oil before being treated with alcohol.
Flammable liquid can be used as an alternative to soap and alcohol. The principle of processing is the same: grease the inner surface of the shoe with kerosene, wear for about an hour. As with laundry soap, there is a risk that the sneakers will have a stubborn smell.
Window Cleaner
The method is based on the principle that glass and mirror cleaners contain alcohol. Proceed according to the following instruction:
Spray the sneakers liberally inside and out.
Put on thick socks.
Wear for about two hours.
The effectiveness of the method is confirmed by many lovers of sports shoes. It can be used for natural materials and leatherette products. Another plus of this approach is that the smell of washing liquid quickly disappears.
Boiling water
This approach is only suitable for leather shoes that can withstand 300-degree boiling water. The procedure requires some courage, since boiling water must be poured into the product and left for 8 minutes. Then drain and allow the skin to dry at room temperature. Never use this method to expand products made of synthetic materials. Otherwise, it will lead to deformation.
The so-called "military" method is suitable for stretching leather and fabric products.