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How to tip off in basketball

What is a Tip-Off in Basketball - Why is it Important?

Every NBA, WNBA, NCAA, and High School Basketball Game begins with a tip-off. The tip-off occurs with a referee and two opposing players matching up in the center of the basketball court while the rest of the players line up outside the center circle. The game begins when the referee tosses the ball up in the air, and the jumpers tip the ball to one of their players to start on offense.


So how does the tip-off work during a basketball game? What are the rules, and how is this different from a jump ball situation? Here is the complete breakdown!


Other Names

  • Opening tip-off
  • Opening Tip
  • Tip-off


When Does the Tip-Off Occur in Basketball Games?

A basketball tip-off occurs at the start of the game. Whatever team won the tip-off will get the ball back to start the fourth quarter, while the group that didn’t win will get the ball to begin during the second and third quarters. During overtime play, another tip-off occurs to see who gets possession of the basketball.


How Does Tip-Off Work in Basketball?

The tip-off in basketball works with two opposing players meeting in the middle of the basketball court with the referee. The official tosses the ball up in the air, and the jumpers can’t touch the ball until it reaches the highest point. From there, players can only tip the ball once when it reaches the highest mark to their teammate, and they can’t grab onto it.


Meanwhile, the jumper’s teammates are lined up around the center- circle, waiting for the basketball to land near them after the tip. The teammates must remain outside the center circle and can’t move until the ball is tipped. Whoever gets the ball from the tip is now on offense.


What are the Basketball Tip-Off Rules?

  • The jumpers must only tip the ball once when it reaches the highest mark in the air from the referee’s toss
  • All players who are on the court must remain still until the basketball tip occurs
  • The jumper can’t grab onto the ball during the tip-off


What Basketball Players Take the Tip-Off for their Team?

The basketball team’s centers are the ones who tend to take the tip-off since they are the tallest members on the team. However, a coach can put whoever they want into the tip-off if a player on their team has a better jump range, even if they are not the tallest.


Why Do Teams Want to Win the Tip-Off?

Teams want to win the tip-off during a basketball game for a few reasons. First, you need to have the basketball in your possession to score, which means you need to be on offense. Winning that tip-off puts you on offense as you dribble up to the basketball hoop.


Second, 82 Games broke down data showing that the team that wins the tip-off wins the basketball game 52.5% of the time. While that is still close to 50-50, historically, the team who wins the tip-off has a better chance of winning the game.


Third, time of possession is a crucial stat that analysts and coaches use to determine how well a team is doing with ball control. The theory states that having the ball more often than your opponent gives you additional opportunities to shoot a basketball, giving you an edge in your scoring opportunity. Burn to Range Nation has a breakdown of their math to determine the advantages of having possession during a college basketball game, which is helpful to understand this better.


What Does the Alternating Possession Arrow Mean?

The alternating possession arrow signals what team has control of the ball and the direction they are going towards to shoot a basket. This arrow helps fans, players, and coaches know which way the flow of action is going in case there is any confusion. Soccer kickoffs use a similar indicator to show how the game’s action is going during a game.


How to Get Better at a Tip-Off in Basketball

Teams practice tip-off drills before games. The practice is a combination of having your tallest player take the tip-off with the rest of the players ready to react if the ball comes their way. By practicing your jump timing, tip strategy, and having the rest of the players prepared to receive the basketball, you can get better at these moments during the game.


In addition to winning the tip-off, the rest of the players need to know what they will do if they get the ball. Some players must understand that they should pass the ball to a teammate if they gain possession, while others with better ball control skills should lead the charge towards the hoop. Understanding your role ahead of time creates a successful tip-off during a game.


​Are there any Fouls or Penalties that Can Occur During a Tip-Off?

The rules of basketball (Rule 6- Section VII) states that there can be a jump ball violation during a game. The violation will either result in a new tip-off or giving the other team possession of the ball that did not commit the penalty.


Jump Ball violations occur for the following reasons during a game.


  • Jumper touching the ball before it reaches the highest mark
  • Jumper tips the ball more than once in the air
  • A jumper grabbing onto the ball during the tip-off
  • A jumper’s teammates move before the tip or enter the center circle
  • The referee makes a lousy toss-up in the air that favors one side over the other


How is a Tip-off Different from a Jump Ball During a Basketball Game?

A tip-off starts a basketball game while a jump ball resumes the game’s action. The concept is the same: two players jump for the ball and tip it to a teammate to continue the action. Jump balls can occur if the referees can’t agree on a call, players are wrestling for the ball, or during a rebound when both players have equal claim to the basketball. The jump ball is a way to give both sides an equal chance to get the ball back to resume.

Conclusion: What is a Tip-Off in Basketball?

In summary, a tip-off in basketball is the official start of a game. Two opposing players meet in the center of the court, waiting for the ball toss so they can tip it to their teammates. Whatever player who receives the ball during the tip-off is now on offense, and the basketball game begins.


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What is The Basketball Tip Off? Examples of Winning Tip Offs

The start of the game at the high school, NCAA, WNBA and NBA level begins the same way—with the tipoff. While it may seem like a simple way to start the game, there is a whole set of rules governing not just the players tipping the ball, but all the other basketball players on the court. Making sure the opening tipoff goes right is essential to starting off the basketball game.


The game starts with two players and one ref at the center of the basketball court in what is called the jump circle or center circle. These two players, one from each team, are known as the jumpers, and they are usually the tallest players on a team. The official tosses the ball up in the air, at which point, the ball is considered to be “live.” The jumpers may then jump to tip the ball to their teammates in order to gain the first possession.

According to the rules of basketball, the jumpers must wait until the ball has reached its highest point before touching it. Jumpers are not allowed to grab or hold the ball, as they may only tip or hit the ball to a teammate. Jumpers may touch the ball twice during the tipoff, and once another player has gained possession of the ball, they may touch it again with no dribble or shooting restrictions.

Other Players

The other players on the court are also bound by certain rules during the tipoff. All players must remain outside the jump circle and must remain still until the ball has been touched by one of the players. If a player moves into the jump circle or moves at all before the ball is tipped, it is a violation, and the ball is awarded to the opposing team.

In all jump ball situations, if the ball is hit out of bounds before possession is gained, it is a violation and is awarded to the team who did not hit it out of bounds. If the ball is tipped and two opposing players gain equal and simultaneous possession of the ball, a new tipoff is done involving the two players who gained possession of the ball, not the two original jumpers.


Possession Arrow

The alternating possession arrow is used in college basketball, and is set based on the results of the opening tip-off. Whichever team does not gain possession of the jump ball is awarded the possession arrow, which is used to determine who gets the ball in certain situations, such as:

  • A held ball, for example, where two players grab a rebound at the same time and hol
  • An out of bounds situation, where the official does not have certain knowledge of who hit the ball out of bounds
  • On double violations, such as a double lane violation, but not on double fouls
  • When the ball gets stuck between the rim and the backboard on a shot or pass attempt

After winning the opening tip off some players have a unique routine with some of their teammates. Lakers’ stars Russell Westbrook and Carmelo Anthony’s is shown below:

How to properly tip in hotels and restaurants.

June 15

The tradition of paying a small amount in excess of the agreed amount for services rendered has existed for a very long time and almost everywhere.

The etymology of the term.
The Russian word "tip" comes from the intuitive expression "tip", that is, to reward for a job well done, to financially express one's gratitude so that the servant can afford to drink a cup of tea with this money. The word tips, which is similar in meaning, in English means almost the same thing and is an abbreviation of the phrase “to insure promptness”, “guarantee promptness”.

Tipping in the culture of different countries.
To give or not to tip, if to give, how much and to whom - depends on the traditions, culture, mentality and laws of the host country. In some countries, service personnel do not receive a salary as such, and their income depends entirely on the generosity of the client. And there are countries where, on the contrary, giving money in excess of the amount is an insult, or can even be interpreted in local law as a bribe. In most civilized countries, tips are considered as a mandatory markup for the service and are included in the final bill as a separate line.

To whom and how to pay.
The general principle, if tips are acceptable and desirable in a country, is that they should be offered only to the rank and file of the service personnel, who are lower in social status than the guest received.
In a restaurant, this is a waiter, valet, cloakroom attendant or doorman. But not the manager, and not the head waiter.
In a hotel, this is a maid, a porter, a porter. It is logical to leave a small amount to an employee if he fulfilled a request that goes beyond his direct duties.
If the tip is written on the check, then, as a rule, nothing more is added. But if the traditions of the host country require the obligatory expression of gratitude in cash, then there may not be a line on the bill, as this is taken for granted.
Ignorance of customs leads to great scandals and unnecessary insults. Often the staff considers the absence of an amount in excess of the check as an unsatisfactory assessment of their work, and the manager may ask for an explanation of what exactly the client is dissatisfied with.
Etiquette prescribes not to hand over the amount from hand to hand, but to leave it in a conspicuous place in an envelope, or add it to the main amount of payment.
For example, in a hotel, an envelope is left for the maid on the bedside table or on the bedspread. For a waiter in a restaurant, the premium is added to the calculation.

How much to pay.
Service staff in hotels and waiters in restaurants are equally bad at those who pay little, believing that they do not appreciate their work, and those who pay too much, believing they are not very smart. No one will refuse an increased tip, but this generosity will not add respect to the visitor of the institution.
In restaurants, it is customary for waiters to add 5-15% of the order value, in hotels for maids - $ 1-2 per day, for porters - the same amount on the day of arrival and on the day of departure.
If it is forbidden for the staff to accept tips, the tourist will be offered to pick up the change. In this case, you should not insist, but simply accept what is due.
Tipping in some countries
Before the trip, it is recommended to find out the size of the tip at the place of stay and include this amount in the tour budget.

1. Austria. The premium is included in the bill. You can round the amount up and say that no change is needed.
2. UK. Waiters only. The rest of the staff will refuse tips.
3. Germany. Usually the tip is 5%.
1. Egypt. Tipping is welcome always, everywhere and to everyone. Usually no more than $2.
2. Turkey. Similar to Egypt. Up to 10% in the restaurant.
In some countries, tipping is not accepted or even prohibited:
1. Japan. Is an insult.
2. Sweden and Finland. Not nice.
3. Singapore. Prohibited by law.
4. China. Prohibited by law.

How and when to leave a tip in a restaurant? — Afisha-Restaurants

  • You can thank the waiter for the excellent service and pleasant time not only in words, but also in deeds, just by leaving a generous tip. When is it appropriate to leave for tea and how to make it beautiful?

  • How did the tip rule come about?

  • The tradition of thanking staff for good work originated in Britain in the late 16th and early 17th centuries and from there spread throughout the world. Although there are at least two theories of its origin: one is associated with the slang to tip, “to share, do handouts” (in English, tips - “tip”), and the other, indeed, with tea: supposedly, after stormy tea parties, it was customary to encourage servants.

  • Tipping - an obligation or a voluntary gesture?

  • Of course, the gesture is voluntary and is possible only under the condition of really high-quality service. Often, the guest's unwillingness to leave a tip will be regarded by the establishment staff as dissatisfaction. But if in most countries tips will be included in the bill with a probability of 100%, then in Russia everything is different. By the way, on January 1, 2021, the amendments made by Rospotrebnadzor to the existing rules for the provision of catering services, which have been in force since August 19, came into force. 97 years. According to the new rules, it is now forbidden to include a tip in the bill. Previously, it was not uncommon for guests to find an additional service charge on the receipt, but now they decide on their own how much to tip. The optimal amount is considered to be 10-15% of the total amount in the check.

  • But too little tip can be humiliating; workers admit that a handful of coins can offend.

  • What services are worth tipping for?

  • When you are completely satisfied with the service, you are satisfied with the recommendations of the waiter on the choice of dishes and drinks, unobtrusive service during dinner and quick response to your requests. If you noticed that the staff was attentive and polite. Leaving a tip, you can thank the staff and note what exactly you liked this time: service, food, drinks or atmosphere.

  • It's no secret that in some restaurants, bars and cafes tips are the main income of waiters.

  • What is the best way to leave a tip?

  • According to the rules of restaurant etiquette, it is better to leave a tip in a restaurant after paying the bill. It is considered indecent to demonstrate one's generosity, so it is better to leave a tip without further ado. At the same time, there is no need to be embarrassed - it is better to sincerely thank the employee of the institution. You should not run after the waiter with a bill in your hand; ask for an account and invest in a special book - an accountant, which can be in the form of a box, a bucket. It is also tactless to discuss the size of the promotion aloud at the table, let alone argue on this topic.

  • In the absence of the required amount, you can ask the staff to exchange a large bill. Another option is to leave money on the account and say with gratitude: “You can do it without change.”

  • What to do if there is no cash?

  • While it used to be customary to leave a tip in cash, today most restaurants have the option to thank the waiter with cashless tip systems. To do this, the guest needs to scan the QR code placed on the check using the phone's camera, or ask the waiter to show the QR code in his mobile application. You can immediately follow the link, select the required amount (it can be indicated as a percentage), then select a convenient payment method and transfer the tip instantly.

  • VTB Bank (PJSC) has launched a free service "VTB.Tips" for collecting non-cash tips using a QR code, which does not require additional devices, contracts and commissions. The service was created specifically for restaurants, cafes, delivery services, beauty salons, hotels and other service companies.

  • With VTB.Tip you can collect tips individually or in groups, withdraw money to a VTB card without interest, order free printed products with a QR code: table awnings, paybook inserts and stickers.

    Learn more