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How to deal with trash talkers in basketball

How To Deal With Trash Talkers In Basketball? (4 Ways)

Are you finding it difficult to deal with trash talkers in basketball? Basketball is not just a physical sport. You need to put your head in the game as well. 

Trash talking is common in almost every sport, but it’s a whole new story in basketball. Basketball players will do everything in their power to make you lose your focus in the game.

Trash talk means insulting and intimidating your opponent so that you can take advantage of it. Players mostly use figurative language or puns to break the opponent’s spirit.

Being a highly physical and competitive game, trash-talking is unavoidable in basketball. The crowd’s constant cheers, proximity in the game, and the one-on-one battle for points make the player use all sorts of hidden weapons to break the opponent’s game.

Trash talking is the biggest weapon you can use in basketball. There are two kinds of players—one who uses trash-talking to distract the players and others who fall victim to the trash talking.

One of the qualities of an ideal basketball player is the ability to deal with trash-talking, and now we are going to discuss how to do it.

So how to deal with trash talkers in basketball? Is it wise to reverse trash talk or fight back? Which all techniques you can use to maintain your focus in the game and avoid the distraction?

Why Do Basketball Players Talk Trash?

No matter how unethical or unconventional trash-talking is, it is and has always been an integral part of basketball. Players on all levels use this tactic to intimidate their opponents.  

Most of the time, trash-talking stays and ends on the court, but there have been some instances where players have taken it to a whole new level.

Even the NBA players use trash-talking as a tool to get into the opponent’s head. Trash talking is the negative side of all the glory and excitement of the game. 

Legends like Reggie Miller, Larry Bird, Kobe Bryant, and Michael Jordan are the NBA’s best trash talkers.  

However, players trash talk for a reason. While some players do it for fun, others do it to mess with the opponent’s head. Here is the reason why basketball players trash talk.


Basketball players are very competitive, so they naturally trash talk with the opponents to motivate themselves. They not only give but receive reverse trash talk so that they can fuel their inner competitive spirit.

Fun And Entertainment

Some basketball players involve in light banter and trash talk for fun. They don’t take it too seriously and maintain the limits. It is a fun way to play against their opponents. 


Players also trash talk to show their confidence. They are not egotistical. It is just a simple tactic that indicates that they are quite confident about the game. When the opponent cover under them, it boosts their confidence.


Most of the legendry player’s trash talk in the game to intimidate the other players. It is a handy tool to break the other player’s confidence and use it for the team’s advantage.

To Mess With The Player

This is the main reason why basketball players trash talk during the game. Basketball is a physical as well as a mental game. You don’t just need skills but intelligence and the ability to focus as well. 

The basketball coach uses the phrase “get your head back in the game” when a player is not performing well. It shows that a player needs complete focus in the game in order to win. However, trash-talking is a weapon that directly hits the player where it hurts the most, i.e., “emotion.” 

It messes with a player’s emotion, thereby making them lose their focus in the game. It is a psychological weapon to win the game. Players mostly target the opponent who is weak and gives in easily. 


Another reason for trash talking in basketball is grudge amongst teams. Sometimes, there is a common grudge between two teams, making the player’s trash talk to each other. In most cases, they cross the hidden line and take it to a whole new level. One should never trash talk about family, caste, or race. This type of trash taking is nasty. 

Although trash talking is a part of the game, some people don’t know when to stop. They make nasty comments to provoke the opponent. Unfortunately, most of the opponents give in, which hampers their performance. 

Reverse trash talking is not a solution in this case. In fact, it can further prove their point. So, how to deal with trash talkers in basketball? Well, the answer is simple: You need a whole lot of patience and some other exercises.

How To Deal With Trash Talkers In Basketball?

Does all the trash-talking in basketball distract you from the game? Well, you are not alone. Trash talking is a common thing in sports.

No matter what kind of sports it is, negative comments and trash talking have been a part of it for a long time. 

Well, the main objective of trash talking is to make you lose the game. Nearly 7 out of every ten rookie basketball players play right into the trap of trash talking.

Unfortunately, it takes it a long time to get over it and focus on the game. But you don’t have to deal with it alone. There are some tactics which will help you to deal with the situation.

When it comes to trash-talking, there are many things you can do to deal with it. Here are some techniques which will help you.

Reverse Trash Talk

This is one of the techniques which most NBA players use. If you have been lucky to get the front seats of an NBA game, you might have heard the players trash talk constantly. 

Players from both teams do it. So if you want to deal with trash talkers, you can start reverse trash talking. This technique is only for those who like to trash talk. 

If you are a naturally quiet person, it might backfire, consequently. So make sure you indulge in reverse trash talking only if you can come up with a strong comeback. However, make sure you don’t make any personal or racist comments.  

Stay Quiet

This is the best thing you can do. Reverse trash-talking can easily drain your energy. So instead, you can focus on the game and let the opponent keep yapping. If the player is doing it for fun, then it’s fine. 

But if the player is trying to provoke you, use the anger to fuel your game. Use it to show them that you are stronger than them. If you stay quiet and focus on your game, it will frustrate the opponent to no end. This way, you can reverse the effect without even uttering a single word.

Reverse Psychology

You can also use the technique of reverse psychology. Instead of acting emotionally, you can use their words to boost your confidence. The player who starts trash talking is ordinarily weak. They use their words to make them stronger. 

They mostly target the strongest player in the team. So if someone is trash talking to you, it shows how strong you are. You can use this reverse psychology to boost your confidence and focus on the game.

Let Your Actions Speak

Remember, if you lose your cool, the opponent will be victorious. Instead of focusing on their words, focus on your ability. Let your actions show them who is weak and who is strong. Let your game speak for yourself.

6 Mental Exercises For Basketball Players

Knowing how to deal with trash talkers in basketball will save you a lot of trouble. If you are unable to cope with your emotions and anger, follow mental exercises.

These exercises will help you to improve your focus in the game and control your anger. 

Focus On Your Breathing

The first thing you need to do is focus on your breathing. This exercise will help you to divert your attention from the opponent’s words. Take deep breaths when you feel the anger rising and use the rage in the game.

Relax Your Body

It would help if you relaxed while playing. Please don’t keep your body too rigid while paying as it will make you snap from the anger. Try to relax your muscles and calm your mind.


You can use the visualization power of your brain to snap back from the opponent’s words. Moreover, visualize yourself in a happy and peaceful situation.

Positive Self-Talk

When the negativity hits, you give yourself a positive pep talk. It will help you to take your mind off the negative comments.

Focus On Your Control

It would help if you focused on your control. If your concentration and focus are intense, no one can stop you. Prepare your goals and focus on controlling your thoughts.

Pre-Ritual Yoga

You can start your own pre-ritual yoga to improve your concentration and control your anger. Moreover, try to stay away from triggers as well.


Trash Talking is an integral part of basketball games. While you cannot control it, you can learn different techniques to deal with it. If you are sensitive to trash-talking, mental exercises can do wonder to your game. It will teach you how to deal with trash talkers in basketball and help you improve your focus in the game.

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Tips from NBA & WNBA Pros

Trash talk in basketball from opponents and hecklers is common. “Trash-talking is part of the game,” Golden State Warriors guard Stephen Curry said. “You have to give it. You have to be able to take it. It’s just that you don’t want to see it ever cross the line and become personal, because the game of basketball is never that serious in regards to disrespecting people. So you have to leave it on the floor.”

So today we’ll take a look at how to deal with trash talk in basketball. We’ll share why players use it as a strategy, ways to improve your concentration, and tips for dealing with trash talk ahead of time and in the moment. So let’s get after it!

What is trash talk in basketball?

Trash talk is when a hooper says negative comments to or about a player, before, during, or after a game

Why do basketball players talk trash?

Players use this tactic to intimidate their opponents.  They try to disrupt their flow, and benefit from it. Part of Phoenix Mercury point guard, WNBA Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist Diana Taurasi’s infamous on-court persona is about showing her confidence to get into opponents’ heads. The other part is about winning. It’s a cycle that feeds itself — the more Diana talks, the better she plays, and vice versa.

“She gets on people. Just some of her combination of words — like, how do you even think of that?” said her Phoenix Mercury teammate Shey Peddy. “Sometimes she might get a technical for it, and I know a few times I’m talking to the ref like, ‘She didn’t mean that. She’s just joking around.’ She can be, uh, pretty ruthless out there.”

Golden State Warriors forward Draymond Green is also notorious for trash talking and getting into the head of opposing players. “Everybody’s susceptible to that [trash talking]. I don’t care who you are.” said Draymond.

“The only time it’s really crossing the line, is bringing someone’s family into it or talking about race or gender or something. But when it’s just bad words or some cuss words, man, that’s emotions. You have to let it go and let it stay on the court.” said Golden State Warriors sharp shooting guard Klay Thompson.

How to deal with basketball insults and trash talk

Here’s a great story from The Champion’s Mind that sheds light into how to deal with trash talk in basketball. There once lived a great warrior. Though quite old, he was still able to defeat any challenger. His reputation extended far and wide throughout the land and many students gathered to study under him. One day an infamous young warrior arrived at the village. He was determined to be the first man to defeat the great master.

Along with his strength, the old master had an uncanny ability to spot and exploit any weakness in his opponent. He would wait for his opponent to make the first move, thus revealing a weakness, and then he would strike with merciless force and lightning speed. No one had ever lasted with him in a match beyond the first move. Much against the advice of his concerned students, the old master gladly accepted the young warrior’s challenge.

As the two squared off for battle, the your warrior began to hurl insults at the old master. He threw dirt in his face and spat at him. For hours he verbally assaulted him with every curse and insult known to mankind. But the old warrior merely stood there, motionless and calm. Finally, the young warrior exhausted himself. Knowing he was defeated, he left feeling shamed.

Somewhat disappointed that the old master did not fight the insolent youth, the students gathered and questioned him. “How could you endure such indignity? How did you drive him away?” “If someone comes to give you a gift and you do not receive it to whom does the gift belong?” the old master replied.

In short, don’t let others push your buttons. Refusing to let negativity from others get in the way of your preparation and performance is how you can “own your own buttons” and keep your emotions in check. You should be to ignore the noise both on and off the court – whether it’s articles news outlets write or things your opponents say.

Improve your concentration

One way to not let others influence you is to improve your concentration. “The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that the amount of concentration separates you. Everything starts to get in your head. If you can just look at one game at time, you’re able to really concentrate on what the task is at hand.” said Utah Jazz star point guard Donovan Mitchell.

Just focus your attention on what’s relevant to what you’re currently doing. Dr. Ronald Kimmons, Performance & Wellness Director for the Utah Jazz said, “Concentration is the ability to be present and be in the moment. You have to be able to slow your mind down when you’re trying to perform at a high level. Focus can be wide or narrow. You have to be able to distinguish between the two. But you use them both together. They’re like a dial in your mind that you’re constantly moving wide and narrow, wide and narrow.

  • Wide focus: Focus your attention toward many things. For example, when you grab a rebound you have to see where everyone is in an instant as you look to get the ball down the court in transition.
  • Narrow focus: Focus your attention on fewer or even one thing. For example, when you’re shooting, or just seeing the person you’re going to pass the ball to.

“The best thing to do when you find your focus is slipping is to take a deep calming breath, breathing in through your nose, allowing your lungs to fill up with air, and letting that breath out slowly, allowing yourself to come back to the moment.” Dr. Ronald explained.

Other ways to overcome basketball trash talk

  • Use positive self-talk: Self talk is saying words or phrases to yourself prior to or during playing basketball. Performing these techniques can improve focus and slow your brain down. This gives your brain the ability to devote more power to the specific task at hand.  
  • Tap into your confidence: Self-confidence is your belief in your ability to achieve and activity or task. Specifically it’s a strong belief in your skills, preparation, and abilities. For example, you can have high confidence in your ability to be a great basketball player.
  • Handle anxiety: Pressure is in the mind of the beholder – that means you! So don’t let trash talking apply more pressure. Try to see pressure as a privilege.
  • Practice mindfulness: Learn how to step back and observe your experience in an uncritical way, and get in the zone while performing – a state of being “completely focused, while slightly not caring.”

Deal with trash talk in basketball

Trash talk is a part of the game. But now you’re ready to deal with it. Up next, explore basketball leadership tips to elevate your game even further.

Discover Basketball - Decathlon Blog

Basketball owes its appearance to the “duck on the stone”. That was the name of the medieval game, which suggested the idea of ​​the ball and basket game to its creator. A smaller stone was placed on a large stone, and the players knocked it down with their pebbles. How did the game transform into modern basketball, and what does it look like now?

James Naismith , a college teacher from the USA, tried to make physical education classes varied and not boring. At that time, while walking 1891 year, the students were constantly doing gymnastics in the classroom and were not united by some kind of gambling sport. Then Naismith came up with the idea of ​​tying two baskets to different sides of the gym. He divided the students into two teams and invited them to compete in who would throw the most balls into the opponent's basket. It is hard to imagine, but at first the players practically did not move, they passed the ball to each other while standing still and threw it into the basket with both hands, from the chest or from below. After a successful throw, one of the players had to climb up the stairs and get the ball out of the basket, because then it did not have a hole at the bottom! Nevertheless, the game began to gain popularity, in which her father and inspirer played a role, spreading his experience beyond the college to other educational institutions. The game gained popularity in the US, then in Canada. Basketball solved the main problem - involving a large number of students in the game, becoming a collective game. Basketball appeared in Russia a little later, at the beginning of 1919.00s. The Mayak Society organized the first teams and helped in mastering the rules.

In 1932, when the first conference of national basketball associations was held, International Basketball Association (fr. FIBA) was founded. Already in 1936, basketball was included in the program of the Summer Olympic Games in Berlin. This was followed by the first world championships for men and women. And if at first the association planned to regulate amateur basketball, then later professionals also received admission to international competitions. The most famous basketball league - National Basketball Association (NBA) based in the USA. The best athletes in the world aspire to play there. The league's star athletes are also recognizable and famous as movie actors or famous musicians. Traditionally, the American team is a favorite in international tournaments, but over time, other countries have also improved their level of play and began to show outstanding results.

The final rules of basketball were established in 2004 and have not changed since then. Two teams are located on the site 28x15 meters. The ring with the basket is located at a height of 3.05 meters.

There are 10-12 people in a team, 5 of which are on the field. The number of substitutions is not limited. The object of the game is to get the ball into the opponent's basket and not to hit your own basket. The ball is only allowed to be thrown with hands. It is forbidden to just run with the ball, you need to lead it, that is, constantly knock on the floor.

For hitting the basket, the team receives a certain number of points:

- one point for a free throw;

- two points for a close or medium distance shot;

– three points for a shot from outside the three-point line. It is located at a distance of 6.75 meters (7.24 in the NBA).

The team with the most points wins. The average performance of matches is about 150-200 points. The game lasts 4 quarters of 10 (12) minutes each. If the winner is not identified, then overtime is assigned - 5 minutes of extra time, and so on until the winner is revealed.

During the match, teams take offensive and defensive actions. When the team hit the opponent's basket with the ball, it is passed to the opposing team, which begin their attack.

Important elements in basketball are:

  • throw when the player throws the ball into the basket;
  • rebounding when, after an unsuccessful throw, the players try to take possession of the ball after the rebound;
  • interception ;
  • a block shot when a player buries the flight path of the ball before or during the throw;
  • transfer ;
  • dribbling ;
  • command positions .

In basketball, fouls are counted and if a player scores 5 personal or technical fouls, he will be forced to leave the court.

The game is played with a special ball - this is the only inventory in the game. Its diameter and weight is determined by the rules, basketballs are one of the largest and heaviest for all ball games.

Athletes do not have any elements of protection, only their uniform, T-shirt and shorts. The main thing is that the clothes do not restrict movement.

What to look for when choosing shoes for basketball, we examined in detail in the article: read.

One of the most popular games in the world, basketball attracts with its speed , dynamics and intensity of the fight . The game is contact, constantly keeps in suspense. Required to be equally proficient as technical skills for making throws and other elements of the game, and thinking tactically , anticipating the opponent's movements. And although in basketball there are different roles for players, each of them is universal and can play in any position. Basketball develops reaction and quick decision making . Constant rhythm changes, jumps and accelerations make basketball an energy-intensive sport, but in the process it is not so noticeable due to the strong concentration on the game. Basketball players are physically developed and have good jumping ability. And, of course, like any team game, basketball has team spirit - to win, you need to work together and work together.

All you need to start playing basketball is a ball and a shooting ring. And you can attach it right in your room! And don't let the constant jumping and throwing scare you, because as Bill Russell, multiple NBA champion, said: “As you know, in any culture, people jump for joy at the moment of the highest happiness. Jumping is an internationally recognized expression of joy, and basketball is a sport that is built on jumping. ..”.

Author: Roman Huseynov

Rules of the game of basketball - Internet portal Sportmaster Media

3 min.

Ball in the basket - victory is yours


This is a material about the basic rules of playing basketball. We also have a text about the risks of injury in sports.

Basketball is a team game with a ball. The goal of each team is to attack the opponent's ring and score the most points during the match. We tell you how not to break the rules in a tough fight for the ball and become a winner.


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Each basketball team consists of 12 players who substitute for each other during the match. At the same time, five people from each team are on the site.

According to the rules of basketball, the whole team must have the same uniform and even socks of the same color. Jerseys of team members must be numbered.

For safety, remove jewelry and any accessories that could injure other players.

The game consists of four periods of 10 minutes. Breaks between the first and second quarters, as well as between the third and fourth, are 2 minutes. The longest break is 15 minutes, it is taken in the middle of the game, after the second quarter. At this moment, the teams change rings.

If the score is tied by the end of the match, the referee adds 5 minutes of overtime. Overtime is appointed as many times as necessary until the winner is revealed.

A team coach may take a time-out during a game. This break lasts for a minute. Most often, a time-out is taken to adjust tactics.

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Basketball court measures 28 meters long and 15 meters wide. Each site should have markings. It is applied around the perimeter and zones are designated:

  • center circle
  • free throw line
  • three-point hitting area
  • face-off lines
  • restricted area
  • semi-circle without fouls and collisions
Mandatory element 1 of the basketball court It is hung at a height of 3. 05 m.

In basketball, the ball is played only with the hands, it can be hit on the floor, passed, thrown and hit. You can’t run without a lead or kick the ball with him.

With the ball in hand, you can take two steps, but only to stop, pass or shoot into the ring.

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  • 1 point - counts behind the penalty throw
  • 2 points - for a ball abandoned from the zone of double -handed hits
  • 3 points - for a ball abandoned from the three -point hits

of the bascaries in the basketball, let's take a lot basic.

A run is the movement of a player with the ball in his hands without dribbling. For this, the referee appoints a throw-in by the opposing team.

Three Second Rule - A player of the attacking team cannot stay in the highlighted area under the hoop for more than three seconds. For such a violation, the ball is transferred to the opponent.

Foul is a touch on the opponent that restricts his freedom of movement. In some cases, a free throw is awarded for a foul - this is decided by the referee. A throw from the penalty line is performed by a member of the opposing team, for a professional this is an almost guaranteed hit.

You can also get a foul without contact - technical. It is given for unsportsmanlike behavior, disrespect for the referee or other participants in the game. Two technical fouls are followed by disqualification.

Basketball matches are served by teams of referees. Usually 2-3 referees on the site and a secretary judge. Their task is to monitor compliance with the rules, keep track of time and impose a fine in case of violations.

Entering data into the protocol, resolving controversial game moments and keeping the score of the game - these duties are also performed by the referees.

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